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* s3fs - FUSE-based file system backed by Amazon S3
* Copyright 2007-2013 Takeshi Nakatani <ggtakec.com>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <libgen.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <grp.h>
#include <syslog.h>
Changes codes for performance(part 3) * Summay This revision includes big change about temporary file and local cache file. By this big change, s3fs works with good performance when s3fs opens/ closes/syncs/reads object. I made a big change about the handling about temporary file and local cache file to do this implementation. * Detail 1) About temporary file(local file) s3fs uses a temporary file on local file system when s3fs does download/ upload/open/seek object on S3. After this revision, s3fs calls ftruncate() function when s3fs makes the temporary file. In this way s3fs can set a file size of precisely length without downloading. (Notice - ftruncate function is for XSI-compliant systems, so that possibly you have a problem on non-XSI-compliant systems.) By this change, s3fs can download a part of a object by requesting with "Range" http header. It seems like downloading by each block unit. The default block(part) size is 50MB, it is caused the result which is default parallel requests count(5) by default multipart upload size(10MB). If you need to change this block size, you can change by new option "fd_page_size". This option can take from 1MB(1024 * 1024) to any bytes. So that, you have to take care about that fdcache.cpp(and fdcache.h) were changed a lot. 2) About local cache Local cache files which are in directory specified by "use_cache" option do not have always all of object data. This cause is that s3fs uses ftruncate function and reads(writes) each block unit of a temporary file. s3fs manages each block unit's status which are "downloaded area" or "not". For this status, s3fs makes new temporary file in cache directory which is specified by "use_cache" option. This status files is in a directory which is named "<use_cache sirectory>/.<bucket_name>/". When s3fs opens this status file, s3fs locks this file for exclusive control by calling flock function. You need to take care about this, the status files can not be laid on network drive(like NFS). This revision changes about file open mode, s3fs always opens a local cache file and each status file with writable mode. Last, this revision adds new option "del_cache", this option means that s3fs deletes all local cache file when s3fs starts and exits. 3) Uploading When s3fs writes data to file descriptor through FUSE request, old s3fs revision downloads all of the object. But new revision does not download all, it downloads only small percial area(some block units) including writing data area. And when s3fs closes or flushes the file descriptor, s3fs downloads other area which is not downloaded from server. After that, s3fs uploads all of data. Already r456 revision has parallel upload function, then this revision with r456 and r457 are very big change for performance. 4) Downloading By changing a temporary file and a local cache file, when s3fs downloads a object, it downloads only the required range(some block units). And s3fs downloads units by parallel GET request, it is same as a case of uploading. (Maximum parallel request count and each download size are specified same parameters for uploading.) In the new revision, when s3fs opens file, s3fs returns file descriptor soon. Because s3fs only opens(makes) the file descriptor with no downloading data. And when s3fs reads a data, s3fs downloads only some block unit including specified area. This result is good for performance. 5) Changes option name The option "parallel_upload" which added at r456 is changed to new option name as "parallel_count". This reason is this option value is not only used by uploading object, but a uploading object also uses this option. (For a while, you can use old option name "parallel_upload" for compatibility.) git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@458 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-07-23 16:01:48 +00:00
#include <pthread.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <map>
#include <list>
#include "common.h"
#include "s3fs_util.h"
#include "s3fs.h"
using namespace std;
// Global valiables
std::string mount_prefix = "";
// Utility
string get_realpath(const char *path) {
string realpath = mount_prefix;
realpath += path;
return realpath;
// Class S3ObjList
// New class S3ObjList is base on old s3_object struct.
// This class is for S3 compatible clients.
// If name is terminated by "/", it is forced dir type.
// If name is terminated by "_$folder$", it is forced dir type.
// If is_dir is true and name is not terminated by "/", the name is added "/".
bool S3ObjList::insert(const char* name, const char* etag, bool is_dir)
if(!name || '\0' == name[0]){
return false;
s3obj_t::iterator iter;
string newname;
string orgname = name;
// Normalization
string::size_type pos = orgname.find("_$folder$");
if(string::npos != pos){
newname = orgname.substr(0, pos);
is_dir = true;
newname = orgname;
if('/' != newname[newname.length() - 1]){
newname += "/";
if('/' == newname[newname.length() - 1]){
is_dir = true;
// Check derived name object.
string chkname = newname.substr(0, newname.length() - 1);
if(objects.end() != (iter = objects.find(chkname))){
// found "dir" object --> remove it.
string chkname = newname + "/";
if(objects.end() != (iter = objects.find(chkname))){
// found "dir/" object --> not add new object.
// and add normalization
return insert_nomalized(orgname.c_str(), chkname.c_str(), true);
// Add object
if(objects.end() != (iter = objects.find(newname))){
// Found same object --> update information.
(*iter).second.orgname = orgname;
(*iter).second.is_dir = is_dir;
(*iter).second.etag = string(etag); // over write
// add new object
s3obj_entry newobject;
newobject.orgname = orgname;
newobject.is_dir = is_dir;
newobject.etag = etag;
objects[newname] = newobject;
// add normalization
return insert_nomalized(orgname.c_str(), newname.c_str(), is_dir);
bool S3ObjList::insert_nomalized(const char* name, const char* normalized, bool is_dir)
if(!name || '\0' == name[0] || !normalized || '\0' == normalized[0]){
return false;
if(0 == strcmp(name, normalized)){
return true;
s3obj_t::iterator iter;
if(objects.end() != (iter = objects.find(name))){
// found name --> over write
(*iter).second.normalname = normalized;
(*iter).second.is_dir = is_dir;
// not found --> add new object
s3obj_entry newobject;
newobject.normalname = normalized;
newobject.is_dir = is_dir;
objects[name] = newobject;
return true;
const s3obj_entry* S3ObjList::GetS3Obj(const char* name) const
s3obj_t::const_iterator iter;
if(!name || '\0' == name[0]){
return NULL;
if(objects.end() == (iter = objects.find(name))){
return NULL;
return &((*iter).second);
string S3ObjList::GetOrgName(const char* name) const
const s3obj_entry* ps3obj;
if(!name || '\0' == name[0]){
return string("");
if(NULL == (ps3obj = GetS3Obj(name))){
return string("");
return ps3obj->orgname;
string S3ObjList::GetNormalizedName(const char* name) const
const s3obj_entry* ps3obj;
if(!name || '\0' == name[0]){
return string("");
if(NULL == (ps3obj = GetS3Obj(name))){
return string("");
if(0 == (ps3obj->normalname).length()){
return string(name);
return ps3obj->normalname;
string S3ObjList::GetETag(const char* name) const
const s3obj_entry* ps3obj;
if(!name || '\0' == name[0]){
return string("");
if(NULL == (ps3obj = GetS3Obj(name))){
return string("");
return ps3obj->etag;
bool S3ObjList::IsDir(const char* name) const
const s3obj_entry* ps3obj;
if(NULL == (ps3obj = GetS3Obj(name))){
return false;
return ps3obj->is_dir;
bool S3ObjList::GetNameList(s3obj_list_t& list, bool OnlyNormalized, bool CutSlash) const
s3obj_t::const_iterator iter;
for(iter = objects.begin(); objects.end() != iter; iter++){
if(OnlyNormalized && 0 != (*iter).second.normalname.length()){
string name = (*iter).first;
if(CutSlash && 1 < name.length() && '/' == name[name.length() - 1]){
// only "/" string is skio this.
name = name.substr(0, name.length() - 1);
return true;
typedef std::map<std::string, bool> s3obj_h_t;
bool S3ObjList::MakeHierarchizedList(s3obj_list_t& list, bool haveSlash)
s3obj_h_t h_map;
s3obj_h_t::iterator hiter;
s3obj_list_t::const_iterator liter;
for(liter = list.begin(); list.end() != liter; liter++){
string strtmp = (*liter);
if(1 < strtmp.length() && '/' == strtmp[strtmp.length() - 1]){
strtmp = strtmp.substr(0, strtmp.length() - 1);
h_map[strtmp] = true;
// check hierarchized directory
for(string::size_type pos = strtmp.find_last_of("/"); string::npos != pos; pos = strtmp.find_last_of("/")){
strtmp = strtmp.substr(0, pos);
if(0 == strtmp.length() || "/" == strtmp){
if(h_map.end() == h_map.find(strtmp)){
// not found
h_map[strtmp] = false;
// check map and add lost hierarchized directory.
for(hiter = h_map.begin(); hiter != h_map.end(); ++hiter){
if(false == (*hiter).second){
// add hierarchized directory.
string strtmp = (*hiter).first;
strtmp += "/";
return true;
// Utility functions for moving objects
MVNODE *create_mvnode(const char *old_path, const char *new_path, bool is_dir, bool normdir)
char *p_old_path;
char *p_new_path;
p = (MVNODE *) malloc(sizeof(MVNODE));
if (p == NULL) {
printf("create_mvnode: could not allocation memory for p\n");
return NULL;
if(NULL == (p_old_path = strdup(old_path))){
printf("create_mvnode: could not allocation memory for p_old_path\n");
return NULL;
if(NULL == (p_new_path = strdup(new_path))){
printf("create_mvnode: could not allocation memory for p_new_path\n");
return NULL;
p->old_path = p_old_path;
p->new_path = p_new_path;
p->is_dir = is_dir;
p->is_normdir = normdir;
p->prev = NULL;
p->next = NULL;
return p;
// Add sorted MVNODE data(Ascending order)
MVNODE *add_mvnode(MVNODE** head, MVNODE** tail, const char *old_path, const char *new_path, bool is_dir, bool normdir)
if(!head || !tail){
return NULL;
MVNODE* cur;
MVNODE* mvnew;
for(cur = *head; cur; cur = cur->next){
if(cur->is_dir == is_dir){
int nResult = strcmp(cur->old_path, old_path);
if(0 == nResult){
// Found same old_path.
return cur;
}else if(0 > nResult){
// next check.
// ex: cur("abc"), mvnew("abcd")
// ex: cur("abc"), mvnew("abd")
// Add into before cur-pos.
// ex: cur("abc"), mvnew("ab")
// ex: cur("abc"), mvnew("abb")
if(NULL == (mvnew = create_mvnode(old_path, new_path, is_dir, normdir))){
return NULL;
(cur->prev)->next = mvnew;
*head = mvnew;
mvnew->prev = cur->prev;
mvnew->next = cur;
cur->prev = mvnew;
return mvnew;
// Add into tail.
if(NULL == (mvnew = create_mvnode(old_path, new_path, is_dir, normdir))){
return NULL;
mvnew->prev = (*tail);
(*tail)->next = mvnew;
(*tail) = mvnew;
(*head) = mvnew;
return mvnew;
void free_mvnodes(MVNODE *head)
MVNODE *my_head;
MVNODE *next;
for(my_head = head, next = NULL; my_head; my_head = next){
next = my_head->next;
Changes codes for performance(part 3) * Summay This revision includes big change about temporary file and local cache file. By this big change, s3fs works with good performance when s3fs opens/ closes/syncs/reads object. I made a big change about the handling about temporary file and local cache file to do this implementation. * Detail 1) About temporary file(local file) s3fs uses a temporary file on local file system when s3fs does download/ upload/open/seek object on S3. After this revision, s3fs calls ftruncate() function when s3fs makes the temporary file. In this way s3fs can set a file size of precisely length without downloading. (Notice - ftruncate function is for XSI-compliant systems, so that possibly you have a problem on non-XSI-compliant systems.) By this change, s3fs can download a part of a object by requesting with "Range" http header. It seems like downloading by each block unit. The default block(part) size is 50MB, it is caused the result which is default parallel requests count(5) by default multipart upload size(10MB). If you need to change this block size, you can change by new option "fd_page_size". This option can take from 1MB(1024 * 1024) to any bytes. So that, you have to take care about that fdcache.cpp(and fdcache.h) were changed a lot. 2) About local cache Local cache files which are in directory specified by "use_cache" option do not have always all of object data. This cause is that s3fs uses ftruncate function and reads(writes) each block unit of a temporary file. s3fs manages each block unit's status which are "downloaded area" or "not". For this status, s3fs makes new temporary file in cache directory which is specified by "use_cache" option. This status files is in a directory which is named "<use_cache sirectory>/.<bucket_name>/". When s3fs opens this status file, s3fs locks this file for exclusive control by calling flock function. You need to take care about this, the status files can not be laid on network drive(like NFS). This revision changes about file open mode, s3fs always opens a local cache file and each status file with writable mode. Last, this revision adds new option "del_cache", this option means that s3fs deletes all local cache file when s3fs starts and exits. 3) Uploading When s3fs writes data to file descriptor through FUSE request, old s3fs revision downloads all of the object. But new revision does not download all, it downloads only small percial area(some block units) including writing data area. And when s3fs closes or flushes the file descriptor, s3fs downloads other area which is not downloaded from server. After that, s3fs uploads all of data. Already r456 revision has parallel upload function, then this revision with r456 and r457 are very big change for performance. 4) Downloading By changing a temporary file and a local cache file, when s3fs downloads a object, it downloads only the required range(some block units). And s3fs downloads units by parallel GET request, it is same as a case of uploading. (Maximum parallel request count and each download size are specified same parameters for uploading.) In the new revision, when s3fs opens file, s3fs returns file descriptor soon. Because s3fs only opens(makes) the file descriptor with no downloading data. And when s3fs reads a data, s3fs downloads only some block unit including specified area. This result is good for performance. 5) Changes option name The option "parallel_upload" which added at r456 is changed to new option name as "parallel_count". This reason is this option value is not only used by uploading object, but a uploading object also uses this option. (For a while, you can use old option name "parallel_upload" for compatibility.) git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@458 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-07-23 16:01:48 +00:00
// Class AutoLock
AutoLock::AutoLock(pthread_mutex_t* pmutex) : auto_mutex(pmutex), is_locked(false)
bool AutoLock::Lock(void)
return false;
// already locked
return true;
is_locked = true;
}catch(exception& e){
is_locked = false;
return false;
return true;
bool AutoLock::Unlock(void)
return false;
// already unlocked
return true;
is_locked = false;
}catch(exception& e){
return false;
return true;
// Utility for UID/GID
// get user name from uid
string get_username(uid_t uid)
struct passwd* ppw;
if(NULL == (ppw = getpwuid(uid)) || NULL == ppw->pw_name){
DPRNNN("could not get username(errno=%d).", (int)errno);
return string("");
return string(ppw->pw_name);
// check uid in group(gid)
int is_uid_inculde_group(uid_t uid, gid_t gid)
static size_t maxlen = 0; // set onece
int result;
char* pbuf;
struct group ginfo;
struct group* pginfo = NULL;
// make buffer
if(0 == maxlen){
if(0 > (maxlen = (size_t)sysconf(_SC_GETGR_R_SIZE_MAX))){
DPRNNN("could not get max name length.");
maxlen = 0;
return -ERANGE;
if(NULL == (pbuf = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * maxlen))){
DPRNCRIT("failed to allocate memory.");
return -ENOMEM;
// get group infomation
if(0 != (result = getgrgid_r(gid, &ginfo, pbuf, maxlen, &pginfo))){
DPRNNN("could not get group infomation.");
return -result;
// check group
if(NULL == pginfo){
// there is not gid in group.
return -EINVAL;
string username = get_username(uid);
char** ppgr_mem;
for(ppgr_mem = pginfo->gr_mem; ppgr_mem && *ppgr_mem; ppgr_mem++){
if(username == *ppgr_mem){
// Found username in group.
return 1;
return 0;
// Utility for file and directory
// safe variant of dirname
// dirname clobbers path so let it operate on a tmp copy
string mydirname(string path)
return string(dirname(&path[0]));
// safe variant of basename
// basename clobbers path so let it operate on a tmp copy
string mybasename(string path)
return string(basename(&path[0]));
// mkdir --parents
int mkdirp(const string& path, mode_t mode)
string base;
string component;
stringstream ss(path);
while (getline(ss, component, '/')) {
base += "/" + component;
mkdir(base.c_str(), mode);
return 0;
Changes codes for performance(part 3) * Summay This revision includes big change about temporary file and local cache file. By this big change, s3fs works with good performance when s3fs opens/ closes/syncs/reads object. I made a big change about the handling about temporary file and local cache file to do this implementation. * Detail 1) About temporary file(local file) s3fs uses a temporary file on local file system when s3fs does download/ upload/open/seek object on S3. After this revision, s3fs calls ftruncate() function when s3fs makes the temporary file. In this way s3fs can set a file size of precisely length without downloading. (Notice - ftruncate function is for XSI-compliant systems, so that possibly you have a problem on non-XSI-compliant systems.) By this change, s3fs can download a part of a object by requesting with "Range" http header. It seems like downloading by each block unit. The default block(part) size is 50MB, it is caused the result which is default parallel requests count(5) by default multipart upload size(10MB). If you need to change this block size, you can change by new option "fd_page_size". This option can take from 1MB(1024 * 1024) to any bytes. So that, you have to take care about that fdcache.cpp(and fdcache.h) were changed a lot. 2) About local cache Local cache files which are in directory specified by "use_cache" option do not have always all of object data. This cause is that s3fs uses ftruncate function and reads(writes) each block unit of a temporary file. s3fs manages each block unit's status which are "downloaded area" or "not". For this status, s3fs makes new temporary file in cache directory which is specified by "use_cache" option. This status files is in a directory which is named "<use_cache sirectory>/.<bucket_name>/". When s3fs opens this status file, s3fs locks this file for exclusive control by calling flock function. You need to take care about this, the status files can not be laid on network drive(like NFS). This revision changes about file open mode, s3fs always opens a local cache file and each status file with writable mode. Last, this revision adds new option "del_cache", this option means that s3fs deletes all local cache file when s3fs starts and exits. 3) Uploading When s3fs writes data to file descriptor through FUSE request, old s3fs revision downloads all of the object. But new revision does not download all, it downloads only small percial area(some block units) including writing data area. And when s3fs closes or flushes the file descriptor, s3fs downloads other area which is not downloaded from server. After that, s3fs uploads all of data. Already r456 revision has parallel upload function, then this revision with r456 and r457 are very big change for performance. 4) Downloading By changing a temporary file and a local cache file, when s3fs downloads a object, it downloads only the required range(some block units). And s3fs downloads units by parallel GET request, it is same as a case of uploading. (Maximum parallel request count and each download size are specified same parameters for uploading.) In the new revision, when s3fs opens file, s3fs returns file descriptor soon. Because s3fs only opens(makes) the file descriptor with no downloading data. And when s3fs reads a data, s3fs downloads only some block unit including specified area. This result is good for performance. 5) Changes option name The option "parallel_upload" which added at r456 is changed to new option name as "parallel_count". This reason is this option value is not only used by uploading object, but a uploading object also uses this option. (For a while, you can use old option name "parallel_upload" for compatibility.) git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@458 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-07-23 16:01:48 +00:00
bool delete_files_in_dir(const char* dir, bool is_remove_own)
DIR* dp;
struct dirent* dent;
if(NULL == (dp = opendir(dir))){
DPRNINFO("could not open dir(%s) - errno(%d)", dir, errno);
Changes codes for performance(part 3) * Summay This revision includes big change about temporary file and local cache file. By this big change, s3fs works with good performance when s3fs opens/ closes/syncs/reads object. I made a big change about the handling about temporary file and local cache file to do this implementation. * Detail 1) About temporary file(local file) s3fs uses a temporary file on local file system when s3fs does download/ upload/open/seek object on S3. After this revision, s3fs calls ftruncate() function when s3fs makes the temporary file. In this way s3fs can set a file size of precisely length without downloading. (Notice - ftruncate function is for XSI-compliant systems, so that possibly you have a problem on non-XSI-compliant systems.) By this change, s3fs can download a part of a object by requesting with "Range" http header. It seems like downloading by each block unit. The default block(part) size is 50MB, it is caused the result which is default parallel requests count(5) by default multipart upload size(10MB). If you need to change this block size, you can change by new option "fd_page_size". This option can take from 1MB(1024 * 1024) to any bytes. So that, you have to take care about that fdcache.cpp(and fdcache.h) were changed a lot. 2) About local cache Local cache files which are in directory specified by "use_cache" option do not have always all of object data. This cause is that s3fs uses ftruncate function and reads(writes) each block unit of a temporary file. s3fs manages each block unit's status which are "downloaded area" or "not". For this status, s3fs makes new temporary file in cache directory which is specified by "use_cache" option. This status files is in a directory which is named "<use_cache sirectory>/.<bucket_name>/". When s3fs opens this status file, s3fs locks this file for exclusive control by calling flock function. You need to take care about this, the status files can not be laid on network drive(like NFS). This revision changes about file open mode, s3fs always opens a local cache file and each status file with writable mode. Last, this revision adds new option "del_cache", this option means that s3fs deletes all local cache file when s3fs starts and exits. 3) Uploading When s3fs writes data to file descriptor through FUSE request, old s3fs revision downloads all of the object. But new revision does not download all, it downloads only small percial area(some block units) including writing data area. And when s3fs closes or flushes the file descriptor, s3fs downloads other area which is not downloaded from server. After that, s3fs uploads all of data. Already r456 revision has parallel upload function, then this revision with r456 and r457 are very big change for performance. 4) Downloading By changing a temporary file and a local cache file, when s3fs downloads a object, it downloads only the required range(some block units). And s3fs downloads units by parallel GET request, it is same as a case of uploading. (Maximum parallel request count and each download size are specified same parameters for uploading.) In the new revision, when s3fs opens file, s3fs returns file descriptor soon. Because s3fs only opens(makes) the file descriptor with no downloading data. And when s3fs reads a data, s3fs downloads only some block unit including specified area. This result is good for performance. 5) Changes option name The option "parallel_upload" which added at r456 is changed to new option name as "parallel_count". This reason is this option value is not only used by uploading object, but a uploading object also uses this option. (For a while, you can use old option name "parallel_upload" for compatibility.) git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@458 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-07-23 16:01:48 +00:00
return false;
for(dent = readdir(dp); dent; dent = readdir(dp)){
if(0 == strcmp(dent->d_name, "..") || 0 == strcmp(dent->d_name, ".")){
string fullpath = dir;
fullpath += "/";
fullpath += dent->d_name;
struct stat st;
if(0 != lstat(fullpath.c_str(), &st)){
DPRN("could not get stats of file(%s) - errno(%d)", fullpath.c_str(), errno);
Changes codes for performance(part 3) * Summay This revision includes big change about temporary file and local cache file. By this big change, s3fs works with good performance when s3fs opens/ closes/syncs/reads object. I made a big change about the handling about temporary file and local cache file to do this implementation. * Detail 1) About temporary file(local file) s3fs uses a temporary file on local file system when s3fs does download/ upload/open/seek object on S3. After this revision, s3fs calls ftruncate() function when s3fs makes the temporary file. In this way s3fs can set a file size of precisely length without downloading. (Notice - ftruncate function is for XSI-compliant systems, so that possibly you have a problem on non-XSI-compliant systems.) By this change, s3fs can download a part of a object by requesting with "Range" http header. It seems like downloading by each block unit. The default block(part) size is 50MB, it is caused the result which is default parallel requests count(5) by default multipart upload size(10MB). If you need to change this block size, you can change by new option "fd_page_size". This option can take from 1MB(1024 * 1024) to any bytes. So that, you have to take care about that fdcache.cpp(and fdcache.h) were changed a lot. 2) About local cache Local cache files which are in directory specified by "use_cache" option do not have always all of object data. This cause is that s3fs uses ftruncate function and reads(writes) each block unit of a temporary file. s3fs manages each block unit's status which are "downloaded area" or "not". For this status, s3fs makes new temporary file in cache directory which is specified by "use_cache" option. This status files is in a directory which is named "<use_cache sirectory>/.<bucket_name>/". When s3fs opens this status file, s3fs locks this file for exclusive control by calling flock function. You need to take care about this, the status files can not be laid on network drive(like NFS). This revision changes about file open mode, s3fs always opens a local cache file and each status file with writable mode. Last, this revision adds new option "del_cache", this option means that s3fs deletes all local cache file when s3fs starts and exits. 3) Uploading When s3fs writes data to file descriptor through FUSE request, old s3fs revision downloads all of the object. But new revision does not download all, it downloads only small percial area(some block units) including writing data area. And when s3fs closes or flushes the file descriptor, s3fs downloads other area which is not downloaded from server. After that, s3fs uploads all of data. Already r456 revision has parallel upload function, then this revision with r456 and r457 are very big change for performance. 4) Downloading By changing a temporary file and a local cache file, when s3fs downloads a object, it downloads only the required range(some block units). And s3fs downloads units by parallel GET request, it is same as a case of uploading. (Maximum parallel request count and each download size are specified same parameters for uploading.) In the new revision, when s3fs opens file, s3fs returns file descriptor soon. Because s3fs only opens(makes) the file descriptor with no downloading data. And when s3fs reads a data, s3fs downloads only some block unit including specified area. This result is good for performance. 5) Changes option name The option "parallel_upload" which added at r456 is changed to new option name as "parallel_count". This reason is this option value is not only used by uploading object, but a uploading object also uses this option. (For a while, you can use old option name "parallel_upload" for compatibility.) git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@458 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-07-23 16:01:48 +00:00
return false;
// dir -> Reentrant
if(!delete_files_in_dir(fullpath.c_str(), true)){
DPRNINFO("could not remove sub dir(%s) - errno(%d)", fullpath.c_str(), errno);
Changes codes for performance(part 3) * Summay This revision includes big change about temporary file and local cache file. By this big change, s3fs works with good performance when s3fs opens/ closes/syncs/reads object. I made a big change about the handling about temporary file and local cache file to do this implementation. * Detail 1) About temporary file(local file) s3fs uses a temporary file on local file system when s3fs does download/ upload/open/seek object on S3. After this revision, s3fs calls ftruncate() function when s3fs makes the temporary file. In this way s3fs can set a file size of precisely length without downloading. (Notice - ftruncate function is for XSI-compliant systems, so that possibly you have a problem on non-XSI-compliant systems.) By this change, s3fs can download a part of a object by requesting with "Range" http header. It seems like downloading by each block unit. The default block(part) size is 50MB, it is caused the result which is default parallel requests count(5) by default multipart upload size(10MB). If you need to change this block size, you can change by new option "fd_page_size". This option can take from 1MB(1024 * 1024) to any bytes. So that, you have to take care about that fdcache.cpp(and fdcache.h) were changed a lot. 2) About local cache Local cache files which are in directory specified by "use_cache" option do not have always all of object data. This cause is that s3fs uses ftruncate function and reads(writes) each block unit of a temporary file. s3fs manages each block unit's status which are "downloaded area" or "not". For this status, s3fs makes new temporary file in cache directory which is specified by "use_cache" option. This status files is in a directory which is named "<use_cache sirectory>/.<bucket_name>/". When s3fs opens this status file, s3fs locks this file for exclusive control by calling flock function. You need to take care about this, the status files can not be laid on network drive(like NFS). This revision changes about file open mode, s3fs always opens a local cache file and each status file with writable mode. Last, this revision adds new option "del_cache", this option means that s3fs deletes all local cache file when s3fs starts and exits. 3) Uploading When s3fs writes data to file descriptor through FUSE request, old s3fs revision downloads all of the object. But new revision does not download all, it downloads only small percial area(some block units) including writing data area. And when s3fs closes or flushes the file descriptor, s3fs downloads other area which is not downloaded from server. After that, s3fs uploads all of data. Already r456 revision has parallel upload function, then this revision with r456 and r457 are very big change for performance. 4) Downloading By changing a temporary file and a local cache file, when s3fs downloads a object, it downloads only the required range(some block units). And s3fs downloads units by parallel GET request, it is same as a case of uploading. (Maximum parallel request count and each download size are specified same parameters for uploading.) In the new revision, when s3fs opens file, s3fs returns file descriptor soon. Because s3fs only opens(makes) the file descriptor with no downloading data. And when s3fs reads a data, s3fs downloads only some block unit including specified area. This result is good for performance. 5) Changes option name The option "parallel_upload" which added at r456 is changed to new option name as "parallel_count". This reason is this option value is not only used by uploading object, but a uploading object also uses this option. (For a while, you can use old option name "parallel_upload" for compatibility.) git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@458 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-07-23 16:01:48 +00:00
return false;
if(0 != unlink(fullpath.c_str())){
DPRN("could not remove file(%s) - errno(%d)", fullpath.c_str(), errno);
Changes codes for performance(part 3) * Summay This revision includes big change about temporary file and local cache file. By this big change, s3fs works with good performance when s3fs opens/ closes/syncs/reads object. I made a big change about the handling about temporary file and local cache file to do this implementation. * Detail 1) About temporary file(local file) s3fs uses a temporary file on local file system when s3fs does download/ upload/open/seek object on S3. After this revision, s3fs calls ftruncate() function when s3fs makes the temporary file. In this way s3fs can set a file size of precisely length without downloading. (Notice - ftruncate function is for XSI-compliant systems, so that possibly you have a problem on non-XSI-compliant systems.) By this change, s3fs can download a part of a object by requesting with "Range" http header. It seems like downloading by each block unit. The default block(part) size is 50MB, it is caused the result which is default parallel requests count(5) by default multipart upload size(10MB). If you need to change this block size, you can change by new option "fd_page_size". This option can take from 1MB(1024 * 1024) to any bytes. So that, you have to take care about that fdcache.cpp(and fdcache.h) were changed a lot. 2) About local cache Local cache files which are in directory specified by "use_cache" option do not have always all of object data. This cause is that s3fs uses ftruncate function and reads(writes) each block unit of a temporary file. s3fs manages each block unit's status which are "downloaded area" or "not". For this status, s3fs makes new temporary file in cache directory which is specified by "use_cache" option. This status files is in a directory which is named "<use_cache sirectory>/.<bucket_name>/". When s3fs opens this status file, s3fs locks this file for exclusive control by calling flock function. You need to take care about this, the status files can not be laid on network drive(like NFS). This revision changes about file open mode, s3fs always opens a local cache file and each status file with writable mode. Last, this revision adds new option "del_cache", this option means that s3fs deletes all local cache file when s3fs starts and exits. 3) Uploading When s3fs writes data to file descriptor through FUSE request, old s3fs revision downloads all of the object. But new revision does not download all, it downloads only small percial area(some block units) including writing data area. And when s3fs closes or flushes the file descriptor, s3fs downloads other area which is not downloaded from server. After that, s3fs uploads all of data. Already r456 revision has parallel upload function, then this revision with r456 and r457 are very big change for performance. 4) Downloading By changing a temporary file and a local cache file, when s3fs downloads a object, it downloads only the required range(some block units). And s3fs downloads units by parallel GET request, it is same as a case of uploading. (Maximum parallel request count and each download size are specified same parameters for uploading.) In the new revision, when s3fs opens file, s3fs returns file descriptor soon. Because s3fs only opens(makes) the file descriptor with no downloading data. And when s3fs reads a data, s3fs downloads only some block unit including specified area. This result is good for performance. 5) Changes option name The option "parallel_upload" which added at r456 is changed to new option name as "parallel_count". This reason is this option value is not only used by uploading object, but a uploading object also uses this option. (For a while, you can use old option name "parallel_upload" for compatibility.) git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@458 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-07-23 16:01:48 +00:00
return false;
if(is_remove_own && 0 != rmdir(dir)){
DPRN("could not remove dir(%s) - errno(%d)", dir, errno);
Changes codes for performance(part 3) * Summay This revision includes big change about temporary file and local cache file. By this big change, s3fs works with good performance when s3fs opens/ closes/syncs/reads object. I made a big change about the handling about temporary file and local cache file to do this implementation. * Detail 1) About temporary file(local file) s3fs uses a temporary file on local file system when s3fs does download/ upload/open/seek object on S3. After this revision, s3fs calls ftruncate() function when s3fs makes the temporary file. In this way s3fs can set a file size of precisely length without downloading. (Notice - ftruncate function is for XSI-compliant systems, so that possibly you have a problem on non-XSI-compliant systems.) By this change, s3fs can download a part of a object by requesting with "Range" http header. It seems like downloading by each block unit. The default block(part) size is 50MB, it is caused the result which is default parallel requests count(5) by default multipart upload size(10MB). If you need to change this block size, you can change by new option "fd_page_size". This option can take from 1MB(1024 * 1024) to any bytes. So that, you have to take care about that fdcache.cpp(and fdcache.h) were changed a lot. 2) About local cache Local cache files which are in directory specified by "use_cache" option do not have always all of object data. This cause is that s3fs uses ftruncate function and reads(writes) each block unit of a temporary file. s3fs manages each block unit's status which are "downloaded area" or "not". For this status, s3fs makes new temporary file in cache directory which is specified by "use_cache" option. This status files is in a directory which is named "<use_cache sirectory>/.<bucket_name>/". When s3fs opens this status file, s3fs locks this file for exclusive control by calling flock function. You need to take care about this, the status files can not be laid on network drive(like NFS). This revision changes about file open mode, s3fs always opens a local cache file and each status file with writable mode. Last, this revision adds new option "del_cache", this option means that s3fs deletes all local cache file when s3fs starts and exits. 3) Uploading When s3fs writes data to file descriptor through FUSE request, old s3fs revision downloads all of the object. But new revision does not download all, it downloads only small percial area(some block units) including writing data area. And when s3fs closes or flushes the file descriptor, s3fs downloads other area which is not downloaded from server. After that, s3fs uploads all of data. Already r456 revision has parallel upload function, then this revision with r456 and r457 are very big change for performance. 4) Downloading By changing a temporary file and a local cache file, when s3fs downloads a object, it downloads only the required range(some block units). And s3fs downloads units by parallel GET request, it is same as a case of uploading. (Maximum parallel request count and each download size are specified same parameters for uploading.) In the new revision, when s3fs opens file, s3fs returns file descriptor soon. Because s3fs only opens(makes) the file descriptor with no downloading data. And when s3fs reads a data, s3fs downloads only some block unit including specified area. This result is good for performance. 5) Changes option name The option "parallel_upload" which added at r456 is changed to new option name as "parallel_count". This reason is this option value is not only used by uploading object, but a uploading object also uses this option. (For a while, you can use old option name "parallel_upload" for compatibility.) git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@458 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-07-23 16:01:48 +00:00
return false;
return true;
// Utility functions for convert
time_t get_mtime(const char *s)
return (time_t) strtoul(s, (char **) NULL, 10);
time_t get_mtime(headers_t& meta, bool overcheck)
headers_t::const_iterator iter;
if(meta.end() == (iter = meta.find("x-amz-meta-mtime"))){
return get_lastmodified(meta);
return 0;
return get_mtime((*iter).second.c_str());
off_t get_size(const char *s)
return (off_t) strtoul(s, (char **) NULL, 10);
off_t get_size(headers_t& meta)
headers_t::const_iterator iter;
if(meta.end() == (iter = meta.find("Content-Length"))){
return 0;
return get_size((*iter).second.c_str());
mode_t get_mode(const char *s)
return (mode_t) strtoul(s, (char **) NULL, 10);
mode_t get_mode(headers_t& meta, const char* path, bool checkdir, bool forcedir)
mode_t mode = 0;
bool isS3sync = false;
headers_t::const_iterator iter;
if(meta.end() != (iter = meta.find("x-amz-meta-mode"))){
mode = get_mode((*iter).second.c_str());
if(meta.end() != (iter = meta.find("x-amz-meta-permissions"))){ // for s3sync
mode = get_mode((*iter).second.c_str());
isS3sync = true;
// Checking the bitmask, if the last 3 bits are all zero then process as a regular
// file type (S_IFDIR or S_IFREG), otherwise return mode unmodified so that S_IFIFO,
// S_IFSOCK, S_IFCHR, S_IFLNK and S_IFBLK devices can be processed properly by fuse.
if(!(mode & S_IFMT)){
mode |= S_IFDIR;
if(meta.end() != (iter = meta.find("Content-Type"))){
string strConType = (*iter).second;
if(strConType == "application/x-directory"){
mode |= S_IFDIR;
}else if(path && 0 < strlen(path) && '/' == path[strlen(path) - 1]){
if(strConType == "binary/octet-stream" || strConType == "application/octet-stream"){
mode |= S_IFDIR;
mode |= S_IFREG;
mode |= S_IFREG;
mode |= S_IFREG;
// cut dir/reg flag.
mode &= ~S_IFDIR;
mode &= ~S_IFREG;
return mode;
uid_t get_uid(const char *s)
return (uid_t) strtoul(s, (char **) NULL, 10);
uid_t get_uid(headers_t& meta)
headers_t::const_iterator iter;
if(meta.end() == (iter = meta.find("x-amz-meta-uid"))){
if(meta.end() == (iter = meta.find("x-amz-meta-owner"))){ // for s3sync
return 0;
return get_uid((*iter).second.c_str());
gid_t get_gid(const char *s)
return (gid_t) strtoul(s, (char **) NULL, 10);
gid_t get_gid(headers_t& meta)
headers_t::const_iterator iter;
if(meta.end() == (iter = meta.find("x-amz-meta-gid"))){
if(meta.end() == (iter = meta.find("x-amz-meta-group"))){ // for s3sync
return 0;
return get_gid((*iter).second.c_str());
blkcnt_t get_blocks(off_t size)
return size / 512 + 1;
time_t get_lastmodified(const char* s)
struct tm tm;
return 0L;
memset(&tm, 0, sizeof(struct tm));
strptime(s, "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z", &tm);
return mktime(&tm); // GMT
time_t get_lastmodified(headers_t& meta)
headers_t::const_iterator iter;
if(meta.end() == (iter = meta.find("Last-Modified"))){
return 0;
return get_lastmodified((*iter).second.c_str());
// Returns it whether it is an object with need checking in detail.
// If this function returns true, the object is possible to be directory
// and is needed checking detail(searching sub object).
bool is_need_check_obj_detail(headers_t& meta)
headers_t::const_iterator iter;
// directory object is Content-Length as 0.
if(0 != get_size(meta)){
return false;
// if the object has x-amz-meta information, checking is no more.
if(meta.end() != meta.find("x-amz-meta-mode") ||
meta.end() != meta.find("x-amz-meta-mtime") ||
meta.end() != meta.find("x-amz-meta-uid") ||
meta.end() != meta.find("x-amz-meta-gid") ||
meta.end() != meta.find("x-amz-meta-owner") ||
meta.end() != meta.find("x-amz-meta-group") ||
meta.end() != meta.find("x-amz-meta-permissions") )
return false;
// if there is not Content-Type, or Content-Type is "x-directory",
// checking is no more.
if(meta.end() == (iter = meta.find("Content-Type"))){
return false;
if("application/x-directory" == (*iter).second){
return false;
return true;
// Help
void show_usage (void)
printf("Usage: %s BUCKET:[PATH] MOUNTPOINT [OPTION]...\n",
void show_help (void)
"Mount an Amazon S3 bucket as a file system.\n"
" General forms for s3fs and FUSE/mount options:\n"
" -o opt[,opt...]\n"
" -o opt [-o opt] ...\n"
"s3fs Options:\n"
" Most s3fs options are given in the form where \"opt\" is:\n"
" <option_name>=<option_value>\n"
" default_acl (default=\"private\")\n"
" - the default canned acl to apply to all written s3 objects\n"
" see http://aws.amazon.com/documentation/s3/ for the \n"
" full list of canned acls\n"
" retries (default=\"2\")\n"
" - number of times to retry a failed s3 transaction\n"
" use_cache (default=\"\" which means disabled)\n"
" - local folder to use for local file cache\n"
Changes codes for performance(part 3) * Summay This revision includes big change about temporary file and local cache file. By this big change, s3fs works with good performance when s3fs opens/ closes/syncs/reads object. I made a big change about the handling about temporary file and local cache file to do this implementation. * Detail 1) About temporary file(local file) s3fs uses a temporary file on local file system when s3fs does download/ upload/open/seek object on S3. After this revision, s3fs calls ftruncate() function when s3fs makes the temporary file. In this way s3fs can set a file size of precisely length without downloading. (Notice - ftruncate function is for XSI-compliant systems, so that possibly you have a problem on non-XSI-compliant systems.) By this change, s3fs can download a part of a object by requesting with "Range" http header. It seems like downloading by each block unit. The default block(part) size is 50MB, it is caused the result which is default parallel requests count(5) by default multipart upload size(10MB). If you need to change this block size, you can change by new option "fd_page_size". This option can take from 1MB(1024 * 1024) to any bytes. So that, you have to take care about that fdcache.cpp(and fdcache.h) were changed a lot. 2) About local cache Local cache files which are in directory specified by "use_cache" option do not have always all of object data. This cause is that s3fs uses ftruncate function and reads(writes) each block unit of a temporary file. s3fs manages each block unit's status which are "downloaded area" or "not". For this status, s3fs makes new temporary file in cache directory which is specified by "use_cache" option. This status files is in a directory which is named "<use_cache sirectory>/.<bucket_name>/". When s3fs opens this status file, s3fs locks this file for exclusive control by calling flock function. You need to take care about this, the status files can not be laid on network drive(like NFS). This revision changes about file open mode, s3fs always opens a local cache file and each status file with writable mode. Last, this revision adds new option "del_cache", this option means that s3fs deletes all local cache file when s3fs starts and exits. 3) Uploading When s3fs writes data to file descriptor through FUSE request, old s3fs revision downloads all of the object. But new revision does not download all, it downloads only small percial area(some block units) including writing data area. And when s3fs closes or flushes the file descriptor, s3fs downloads other area which is not downloaded from server. After that, s3fs uploads all of data. Already r456 revision has parallel upload function, then this revision with r456 and r457 are very big change for performance. 4) Downloading By changing a temporary file and a local cache file, when s3fs downloads a object, it downloads only the required range(some block units). And s3fs downloads units by parallel GET request, it is same as a case of uploading. (Maximum parallel request count and each download size are specified same parameters for uploading.) In the new revision, when s3fs opens file, s3fs returns file descriptor soon. Because s3fs only opens(makes) the file descriptor with no downloading data. And when s3fs reads a data, s3fs downloads only some block unit including specified area. This result is good for performance. 5) Changes option name The option "parallel_upload" which added at r456 is changed to new option name as "parallel_count". This reason is this option value is not only used by uploading object, but a uploading object also uses this option. (For a while, you can use old option name "parallel_upload" for compatibility.) git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@458 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-07-23 16:01:48 +00:00
" del_cache (delete local file cache)\n"
" - delete local file cache when s3fs starts and exits.\n"
" use_rrs (default is disable)\n"
" - this option makes Amazon's Reduced Redundancy Storage enable.\n"
" use_sse (default is disable)\n"
" - this option makes Amazon's Server Site Encryption enable.\n"
" public_bucket (default=\"\" which means disabled)\n"
" - anonymously mount a public bucket when set to 1\n"
" passwd_file (default=\"\")\n"
" - specify which s3fs password file to use\n"
" connect_timeout (default=\"10\" seconds)\n"
" - time to wait for connection before giving up\n"
" readwrite_timeout (default=\"30\" seconds)\n"
" - time to wait between read/write activity before giving up\n"
" max_stat_cache_size (default=\"10000\" entries (about 4MB))\n"
" - maximum number of entries in the stat cache\n"
" stat_cache_expire (default is no expire)\n"
" - specify expire time(seconds) for entries in the stat cache.\n"
" enable_noobj_cache (default is disable)\n"
" - enable cache entries for the object which does not exist.\n"
" s3fs always has to check whether file(or sub directory) exists \n"
" under object(path) when s3fs does some command, since s3fs has \n"
" recognized a directory which does not exist and has files or \n"
" sub directories under itself. It increases ListBucket request \n"
" and makes performance bad.\n"
" You can specify this option for performance, s3fs memorizes \n"
" in stat cache that the object(file or directory) does not exist.\n"
" nodnscache (disable dns cache)\n"
" - s3fs is always using dns cache, this option make dns cache disable.\n"
" multireq_max (default=\"500\")\n"
" - maximum number of parallel request for listing objects.\n"
Changes codes for performance(part 3) * Summay This revision includes big change about temporary file and local cache file. By this big change, s3fs works with good performance when s3fs opens/ closes/syncs/reads object. I made a big change about the handling about temporary file and local cache file to do this implementation. * Detail 1) About temporary file(local file) s3fs uses a temporary file on local file system when s3fs does download/ upload/open/seek object on S3. After this revision, s3fs calls ftruncate() function when s3fs makes the temporary file. In this way s3fs can set a file size of precisely length without downloading. (Notice - ftruncate function is for XSI-compliant systems, so that possibly you have a problem on non-XSI-compliant systems.) By this change, s3fs can download a part of a object by requesting with "Range" http header. It seems like downloading by each block unit. The default block(part) size is 50MB, it is caused the result which is default parallel requests count(5) by default multipart upload size(10MB). If you need to change this block size, you can change by new option "fd_page_size". This option can take from 1MB(1024 * 1024) to any bytes. So that, you have to take care about that fdcache.cpp(and fdcache.h) were changed a lot. 2) About local cache Local cache files which are in directory specified by "use_cache" option do not have always all of object data. This cause is that s3fs uses ftruncate function and reads(writes) each block unit of a temporary file. s3fs manages each block unit's status which are "downloaded area" or "not". For this status, s3fs makes new temporary file in cache directory which is specified by "use_cache" option. This status files is in a directory which is named "<use_cache sirectory>/.<bucket_name>/". When s3fs opens this status file, s3fs locks this file for exclusive control by calling flock function. You need to take care about this, the status files can not be laid on network drive(like NFS). This revision changes about file open mode, s3fs always opens a local cache file and each status file with writable mode. Last, this revision adds new option "del_cache", this option means that s3fs deletes all local cache file when s3fs starts and exits. 3) Uploading When s3fs writes data to file descriptor through FUSE request, old s3fs revision downloads all of the object. But new revision does not download all, it downloads only small percial area(some block units) including writing data area. And when s3fs closes or flushes the file descriptor, s3fs downloads other area which is not downloaded from server. After that, s3fs uploads all of data. Already r456 revision has parallel upload function, then this revision with r456 and r457 are very big change for performance. 4) Downloading By changing a temporary file and a local cache file, when s3fs downloads a object, it downloads only the required range(some block units). And s3fs downloads units by parallel GET request, it is same as a case of uploading. (Maximum parallel request count and each download size are specified same parameters for uploading.) In the new revision, when s3fs opens file, s3fs returns file descriptor soon. Because s3fs only opens(makes) the file descriptor with no downloading data. And when s3fs reads a data, s3fs downloads only some block unit including specified area. This result is good for performance. 5) Changes option name The option "parallel_upload" which added at r456 is changed to new option name as "parallel_count". This reason is this option value is not only used by uploading object, but a uploading object also uses this option. (For a while, you can use old option name "parallel_upload" for compatibility.) git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@458 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-07-23 16:01:48 +00:00
" parallel_count (default=\"5\")\n"
" - number of parallel request for uploading big objects.\n"
" s3fs uploads large object(over 20MB) by multipart post request, \n"
" and sends parallel requests.\n"
" This option limits parallel request count which s3fs requests \n"
" at once. It is necessary to set this value depending on a CPU \n"
" and a network band.\n"
Changes codes for performance(part 3) * Summay This revision includes big change about temporary file and local cache file. By this big change, s3fs works with good performance when s3fs opens/ closes/syncs/reads object. I made a big change about the handling about temporary file and local cache file to do this implementation. * Detail 1) About temporary file(local file) s3fs uses a temporary file on local file system when s3fs does download/ upload/open/seek object on S3. After this revision, s3fs calls ftruncate() function when s3fs makes the temporary file. In this way s3fs can set a file size of precisely length without downloading. (Notice - ftruncate function is for XSI-compliant systems, so that possibly you have a problem on non-XSI-compliant systems.) By this change, s3fs can download a part of a object by requesting with "Range" http header. It seems like downloading by each block unit. The default block(part) size is 50MB, it is caused the result which is default parallel requests count(5) by default multipart upload size(10MB). If you need to change this block size, you can change by new option "fd_page_size". This option can take from 1MB(1024 * 1024) to any bytes. So that, you have to take care about that fdcache.cpp(and fdcache.h) were changed a lot. 2) About local cache Local cache files which are in directory specified by "use_cache" option do not have always all of object data. This cause is that s3fs uses ftruncate function and reads(writes) each block unit of a temporary file. s3fs manages each block unit's status which are "downloaded area" or "not". For this status, s3fs makes new temporary file in cache directory which is specified by "use_cache" option. This status files is in a directory which is named "<use_cache sirectory>/.<bucket_name>/". When s3fs opens this status file, s3fs locks this file for exclusive control by calling flock function. You need to take care about this, the status files can not be laid on network drive(like NFS). This revision changes about file open mode, s3fs always opens a local cache file and each status file with writable mode. Last, this revision adds new option "del_cache", this option means that s3fs deletes all local cache file when s3fs starts and exits. 3) Uploading When s3fs writes data to file descriptor through FUSE request, old s3fs revision downloads all of the object. But new revision does not download all, it downloads only small percial area(some block units) including writing data area. And when s3fs closes or flushes the file descriptor, s3fs downloads other area which is not downloaded from server. After that, s3fs uploads all of data. Already r456 revision has parallel upload function, then this revision with r456 and r457 are very big change for performance. 4) Downloading By changing a temporary file and a local cache file, when s3fs downloads a object, it downloads only the required range(some block units). And s3fs downloads units by parallel GET request, it is same as a case of uploading. (Maximum parallel request count and each download size are specified same parameters for uploading.) In the new revision, when s3fs opens file, s3fs returns file descriptor soon. Because s3fs only opens(makes) the file descriptor with no downloading data. And when s3fs reads a data, s3fs downloads only some block unit including specified area. This result is good for performance. 5) Changes option name The option "parallel_upload" which added at r456 is changed to new option name as "parallel_count". This reason is this option value is not only used by uploading object, but a uploading object also uses this option. (For a while, you can use old option name "parallel_upload" for compatibility.) git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@458 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-07-23 16:01:48 +00:00
" fd_page_size (default=\"52428800\"(50MB))\n"
" - number of internal management page size for each file discriptor.\n"
" For delayed reading and writing by s3fs, s3fs manages pages which \n"
" is separated from object. Each pages has a status that data is \n"
" already loaded(or not loaded yet).\n"
" This option should not be changed when you don't have a trouble \n"
" with performance.\n"
" url (default=\"http://s3.amazonaws.com\")\n"
" - sets the url to use to access amazon s3\n"
" nomultipart (disable multipart uploads)\n"
" enable_content_md5 (default is disable)\n"
" - verifying uploaded object without multipart by content-md5 header.\n"
" noxmlns (disable registing xml name space)\n"
" disable registing xml name space for response of \n"
" ListBucketResult and ListVersionsResult etc. Default name \n"
" space is looked up from \"http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01\".\n"
" This option should not be specified now, because s3fs looks up\n"
" xmlns automatically after v1.66.\n"
" nocopyapi (for other incomplete compatibility object storage)\n"
" For a distributed object storage which is compatibility S3\n"
" API without PUT(copy api).\n"
" If you set this option, s3fs do not use PUT with \n"
" \"x-amz-copy-source\"(copy api). Because traffic is increased\n"
" 2-3 times by this option, we do not recommend this.\n"
" norenameapi (for other incomplete compatibility object storage)\n"
" For a distributed object storage which is compatibility S3\n"
" API without PUT(copy api).\n"
" This option is a subset of nocopyapi option. The nocopyapi\n"
" option does not use copy-api for all command(ex. chmod, chown,\n"
" touch, mv, etc), but this option does not use copy-api for\n"
" only rename command(ex. mv). If this option is specified with\n"
" nocopapi, the s3fs ignores it.\n"
"FUSE/mount Options:\n"
" Most of the generic mount options described in 'man mount' are\n"
" supported (ro, rw, suid, nosuid, dev, nodev, exec, noexec, atime,\n"
" noatime, sync async, dirsync). Filesystems are mounted with\n"
" '-onodev,nosuid' by default, which can only be overridden by a\n"
" privileged user.\n"
" \n"
" There are many FUSE specific mount options that can be specified.\n"
" e.g. allow_other See the FUSE's README for the full set.\n"
"Miscellaneous Options:\n"
" -h, --help Output this help.\n"
" --version Output version info.\n"
" -d --debug Turn on DEBUG messages to syslog. Specifying -d\n"
" twice turns on FUSE debug messages to STDOUT.\n"
" -f FUSE foreground option - do not run as daemon.\n"
" -s FUSE singlethread option\n"
" disable multi-threaded operation\n"
"Report bugs to <s3fs-devel@googlegroups.com>\n"
"s3fs home page: <http://code.google.com/p/s3fs/>\n"
void show_version(void)
"Amazon Simple Storage Service File System %s\n"
"Copyright (C) 2010 Randy Rizun <rrizun@gmail.com>\n"
"License GPL2: GNU GPL version 2 <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>\n"
"This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.\n"
"There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.\n", VERSION );