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* s3fs - FUSE-based file system backed by Amazon S3
* Copyright 2007-2008 Randy Rizun <rrizun@gmail.com>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <libxml/xpath.h>
#include <libxml/xpathInternals.h>
#include <libxml/tree.h>
#include <curl/curl.h>
#include <openssl/crypto.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <grp.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include "common.h"
#include "s3fs.h"
#include "curl.h"
#include "cache.h"
#include "string_util.h"
#include "s3fs_util.h"
using namespace std;
// Typedef
struct file_part {
char path[17];
std::string etag;
bool uploaded;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
file_part() : uploaded(false) {}
typedef std::map<int, int> s3fs_descriptors_t;
typedef std::map<std::string, int> s3fs_pathtofd_t;
// Global valiables
bool debug = 0;
bool foreground = 0;
int retries = 2;
long connect_timeout = 10;
time_t readwrite_timeout = 30;
std::string AWSAccessKeyId;
std::string AWSSecretAccessKey;
std::string program_name;
std::string ssl_verify_hostname = "1";
std::string service_path = "/";
std::string host = "http://s3.amazonaws.com";
std::string bucket = "";
std::string public_bucket;
// Static valiables
static mode_t root_mode = 0;
static std::string mountpoint;
static std::string passwd_file = "";
static bool service_validated = false;
static bool utility_mode = false;
static bool nomultipart = false;
static bool noxmlns = false;
static bool nocopyapi = false;
static bool norenameapi = false;
static bool nonempty = false;
// if .size()==0 then local file cache is disabled
static std::string use_cache;
static std::string use_rrs;
// TODO(apetresc): make this an enum
// private, public-read, public-read-write, authenticated-read
static std::string default_acl("private");
// file discripter
static pthread_mutex_t *mutex_buf = NULL;
static pthread_mutex_t s3fs_descriptors_lock;
static s3fs_descriptors_t s3fs_descriptors; // fd -> flags
static s3fs_pathtofd_t s3fs_pathtofd; // path -> fd
// Static functions : prototype
static int get_object_attribute(const char *path, struct stat *pstbuf, headers_t* pmeta = NULL, bool overcheck = true);
static int check_object_access(const char *path, int mask, struct stat* pstbuf);
static int check_object_owner(const char *path, struct stat* pstbuf);
static int check_parent_object_access(const char *path, int mask);
static int list_bucket(const char *path, struct s3_object **head, const char* delimiter);
static bool is_truncated(const char *xml);
static int append_objects_from_xml_ex(const char* path, xmlDocPtr doc, xmlXPathContextPtr ctx,
const char* ex_contents, const char* ex_key, const char* ex_etag, int isCPrefix, struct s3_object **head);
static int append_objects_from_xml(const char* path, const char *xml, struct s3_object **head);
static bool GetXmlNsUrl(xmlDocPtr doc, string& nsurl);
static xmlChar* get_base_exp(const char* xml, const char* exp);
static xmlChar* get_prefix(const char *xml);
static xmlChar* get_next_marker(const char *xml);
static char *get_object_name(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node, const char* path);
static int put_headers(const char *path, headers_t meta);
static int put_multipart_headers(const char *path, headers_t meta);
static int complete_multipart_upload(const char *path, std::string upload_id, std::vector <file_part> parts);
static std::string initiate_multipart_upload(const char *path, off_t size, headers_t meta);
static std::string upload_part(const char *path, const char *source, int part_number, string upload_id);
static std::string copy_part(const char *from, const char *to, int part_number, std::string upload_id, headers_t meta);
static int list_multipart_uploads(void);
// fuse interface functions
static int s3fs_getattr(const char *path, struct stat *stbuf);
static int s3fs_readlink(const char *path, char *buf, size_t size);
static int s3fs_mknod(const char* path, mode_t mode, dev_t rdev);
static int s3fs_mkdir(const char *path, mode_t mode);
static int s3fs_unlink(const char *path);
static int s3fs_rmdir(const char *path);
static int s3fs_symlink(const char *from, const char *to);
static int s3fs_rename(const char *from, const char *to);
static int s3fs_link(const char *from, const char *to);
static int s3fs_chmod(const char *path, mode_t mode);
static int s3fs_chown(const char *path, uid_t uid, gid_t gid);
static int s3fs_truncate(const char *path, off_t size);
static int s3fs_open(const char *path, struct fuse_file_info *fi);
static int s3fs_read(const char *path, char *buf, size_t size, off_t offset, struct fuse_file_info *fi);
static int s3fs_write(const char *path, const char *buf, size_t size, off_t offset, struct fuse_file_info *fi);
static int s3fs_statfs(const char *path, struct statvfs *stbuf);
static int s3fs_flush(const char *path, struct fuse_file_info *fi);
static int s3fs_release(const char *path, struct fuse_file_info *fi);
static int s3fs_opendir(const char *path, struct fuse_file_info *fi);
static int s3fs_readdir(const char *path, void *buf, fuse_fill_dir_t filler, off_t offset, struct fuse_file_info *fi);
static int s3fs_access(const char *path, int mask);
static int s3fs_utimens(const char *path, const struct timespec ts[2]);
static int remote_mountpath_exists(const char *path);
static void* s3fs_init(struct fuse_conn_info *conn);
static void s3fs_destroy(void*);
// Functions
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
// Get object attributes with stat cache.
// This function is base for s3fs_getattr().
static int get_object_attribute(const char *path, struct stat *pstbuf, headers_t* pmeta, bool overcheck)
int result = -1;
struct stat tmpstbuf;
struct stat* pstat = pstbuf ? pstbuf : &tmpstbuf;
headers_t tmpHead;
headers_t* pheader = pmeta ? pmeta : &tmpHead;
string strpath;
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
//FGPRINT(" get_object_attribute[path=%s]\n", path);
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
memset(pstat, 0, sizeof(struct stat));
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
if(strcmp(path, "/") == 0) {
pstat->st_nlink = 1; // see fuse faq
pstat->st_mode = root_mode | S_IFDIR;
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
return 0;
strpath = path;
if(StatCache::getStatCacheData()->GetStat(strpath, pstat, pheader, overcheck)){
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
return 0;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// At first, check "object/".
if(overcheck && 0 < strpath.length() && '/' != strpath[strpath.length() - 1]){
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
strpath += "/";
string s3_realpath = get_realpath(strpath.c_str());
result = curl_get_headers(s3_realpath.c_str(), (*pheader));
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
if(0 != result){
strpath = path;
string s3_realpath = get_realpath(strpath.c_str());
if(0 != (result = curl_get_headers(s3_realpath.c_str(), (*pheader)))){
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
return result;
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
// add into stat cache
if(!StatCache::getStatCacheData()->AddStat(strpath, (*pheader))){
FGPRINT(" get_object_attribute: failed adding stat cache [path=%s]\n", strpath.c_str());
return -ENOENT;
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
if(!StatCache::getStatCacheData()->GetStat(strpath, pstat, pheader, overcheck)){
FGPRINT(" get_object_attribute: failed getting added stat cache [path=%s]\n", strpath.c_str());
return -ENOENT;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
return 0;
// Check the object uid and gid for write/read/execute.
// The param "mask" is as same as access() function.
// If there is not a target file, this function returns -ENOENT.
// If the target file can be accessed, the result always is 0.
// path: the target object path
// mask: bit field(F_OK, R_OK, W_OK, X_OK) like access().
// stat: NULL or the pointer of struct stat.
static int check_object_access(const char *path, int mask, struct stat* pstbuf)
int result;
struct stat st;
struct stat* pst = (pstbuf ? pstbuf : &st);
struct fuse_context* pcxt;
//FGPRINT(" check_object_access[path=%s]\n", path);
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
if(NULL == (pcxt = fuse_get_context())){
return -EIO;
if(0 != (result = get_object_attribute(path, pst))){
// If there is not tha target file(object), reusult is -ENOENT.
return result;
if(0 == pcxt->uid){
// root is allowed all accessing.
return 0;
if(F_OK == mask){
// if there is a file, always return allowed.
return 0;
// compare file mode and uid/gid + mask.
mode_t mode = pst->st_mode;
mode_t base_mask = 0;
if(pcxt->uid == pst->st_uid){
base_mask = S_IRWXU;
}else if(pcxt->gid == pst->st_gid){
base_mask = S_IRWXG;
if(1 == is_uid_inculde_group(pcxt->uid, pst->st_gid)){
base_mask = S_IRWXG;
base_mask = S_IRWXO;
mode &= base_mask;
if(X_OK == (mask & X_OK)){
if(0 == (mode & (S_IXUSR | S_IXGRP | S_IXOTH))){
return -EPERM;
if(W_OK == (mask & W_OK)){
if(0 == (mode & (S_IWUSR | S_IWGRP | S_IWOTH))){
return -EACCES;
if(R_OK == (mask & R_OK)){
if(0 == (mode & (S_IRUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH))){
return -EACCES;
if(0 == mode){
return -EACCES;
return 0;
static int check_object_owner(const char *path, struct stat* pstbuf)
int result;
struct stat st;
struct stat* pst = (pstbuf ? pstbuf : &st);
struct fuse_context* pcxt;
//FGPRINT(" check_object_owner[path=%s]\n", path);
if(NULL == (pcxt = fuse_get_context())){
return -EIO;
if(0 != (result = get_object_attribute(path, pst))){
// If there is not tha target file(object), reusult is -ENOENT.
return result;
// check owner
if(0 == pcxt->uid){
// root is allowed all accessing.
return 0;
if(pcxt->uid == pst->st_uid){
return 0;
return -EPERM;
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
// Check accessing the parent directories of the object by uid and gid.
static int check_parent_object_access(const char *path, int mask)
string parent;
int result;
//FGPRINT(" check_parent_object_access[path=%s]\n", path);
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
if(X_OK == (mask & X_OK)){
for(parent = mydirname(path); 0 < parent.size(); parent = mydirname(parent.c_str())){
if(parent == "."){
parent = "/";
if(0 != (result = check_object_access(parent.c_str(), X_OK, NULL))){
return result;
if(parent == "/" || parent == "."){
mask = (mask & ~X_OK);
if(0 != mask){
parent = mydirname(path);
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
if(parent == "."){
parent = "/";
if(0 != (result = check_object_access(parent.c_str(), mask, NULL))){
return result;
return 0;
// Get fd in mapping data by path
static int get_opened_fd(const char* path)
int fd = -1;
pthread_mutex_lock( &s3fs_descriptors_lock );
if(s3fs_pathtofd.find(string(path)) != s3fs_pathtofd.end()){
fd = s3fs_pathtofd[string(path)];
FGPRINT(" get_opened_fd: found fd [path=%s] [fd=%d]\n", path, fd);
pthread_mutex_unlock( &s3fs_descriptors_lock );
return fd;
static int get_local_fd(const char* path) {
int fd = -1;
int result;
struct stat st;
CURL *curl = NULL;
string url;
string resource;
string local_md5;
string baseName = mybasename(path);
string resolved_path(use_cache + "/" + bucket);
string cache_path(resolved_path + path);
headers_t responseHeaders;
FGPRINT(" get_local_fd[path=%s]\n", path);
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
string s3_realpath = get_realpath(path);
resource = urlEncode(service_path + bucket + s3_realpath);
url = host + resource;
if(0 != (result = get_object_attribute(path, NULL, &responseHeaders))){
return result;
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
if(use_cache.size() > 0) {
fd = open(cache_path.c_str(), O_RDWR); // ### TODO should really somehow obey flags here
if(fd != -1) {
if((fstat(fd, &st)) == -1) {
// if the local and remote mtime/size
// do not match we have an invalid cache entry
if(str(st.st_size) != responseHeaders["Content-Length"] ||
(str(st.st_mtime) != responseHeaders["x-amz-meta-mtime"])) {
if(close(fd) == -1){
fd = -1;
// need to download?
if(fd == -1) {
mode_t mode = get_mode(responseHeaders["x-amz-meta-mode"].c_str());
if(use_cache.size() > 0) {
// only download files, not folders
if (S_ISREG(mode)) {
mkdirp(resolved_path + mydirname(path), 0777);
fd = open(cache_path.c_str(), O_CREAT|O_RDWR|O_TRUNC, mode);
} else {
// its a folder; do *not* create anything in local cache...
// TODO: do this in a better way)
fd = fileno(tmpfile());
} else {
fd = fileno(tmpfile());
if(fd == -1)
FILE *f = fdopen(fd, "w+");
if(f == 0){
FGPRINT(" downloading[path=%s][fd=%d]\n", path, fd);
auto_curl_slist headers;
string date = get_date();
string my_url = prepare_url(url.c_str());
headers.append("Date: " + date);
headers.append("Content-Type: ");
if(public_bucket.substr(0,1) != "1") {
headers.append("Authorization: AWS " + AWSAccessKeyId + ":" +
calc_signature("GET", "", date, headers.get(), resource));
curl = create_curl_handle();
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_FILE, f);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, headers.get());
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, my_url.c_str());
result = my_curl_easy_perform(curl, NULL, NULL, f);
if(result != 0) {
return -result;
// only one of these is needed...
if(fd == -1)
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
if(S_ISREG(mode) && !S_ISLNK(mode)) {
// make the file's mtime match that of the file on s3
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
// if fd is tmpfile, but we force tor set mtime.
struct timeval tv[2];
tv[0].tv_sec = get_mtime(responseHeaders["x-amz-meta-mtime"].c_str());
tv[0].tv_usec= 0L;
tv[1].tv_sec = tv[0].tv_sec;
tv[1].tv_usec= 0L;
if(-1 == futimes(fd, tv)){
return fd;
* create or update s3 meta
* @return fuse return code
static int put_headers(const char *path, headers_t meta) {
int result;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
string s3_realpath;
string url;
string resource;
struct stat buf;
BodyData body;
CURL *curl = NULL;
FGPRINT(" put_headers[path=%s]\n", path);
// files larger than 5GB must be modified via the multipart interface
// *** If there is not target object(a case of move command),
// get_object_attribute() returns error with initilizing buf.
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
get_object_attribute(path, &buf);
if(buf.st_size >= FIVE_GB){
return(put_multipart_headers(path, meta));
s3_realpath = get_realpath(path);
resource = urlEncode(service_path + bucket + s3_realpath);
url = host + resource;
auto_curl_slist headers;
string date = get_date();
headers.append("Date: " + date);
meta["x-amz-acl"] = default_acl;
string ContentType = meta["Content-Type"];
for (headers_t::iterator iter = meta.begin(); iter != meta.end(); ++iter) {
string key = (*iter).first;
string value = (*iter).second;
if(key == "Content-Type"){
headers.append(key + ":" + value);
}else if(key.substr(0,9) == "x-amz-acl"){
headers.append(key + ":" + value);
}else if(key.substr(0,10) == "x-amz-meta"){
headers.append(key + ":" + value);
}else if(key == "x-amz-copy-source"){
headers.append(key + ":" + value);
if(use_rrs.substr(0,1) == "1")
if(public_bucket.substr(0,1) != "1")
headers.append("Authorization: AWS " + AWSAccessKeyId + ":" +
calc_signature("PUT", ContentType, date, headers.get(), resource));
curl = create_curl_handle();
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, (void *)&body);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, WriteMemoryCallback);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_UPLOAD, true); // HTTP PUT
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_INFILESIZE, 0); // Content-Length
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, headers.get());
FGPRINT(" copying [path=%s]\n", path);
SYSLOGDBG("copy path=%s", path);
string my_url = prepare_url(url.c_str());
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, my_url.c_str());
result = my_curl_easy_perform(curl, &body);
if(result != 0)
return result;
// Update mtime in local file cache.
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
if(meta.count("x-amz-meta-mtime") > 0){
int fd;
if(0 <= (fd = get_opened_fd(path))){
// The file already is opened, so update fd before close(flush);
struct timeval tv[2];
memset(tv, 0, sizeof(struct timeval) * 2);
tv[0].tv_sec = get_mtime(meta["x-amz-meta-mtime"].c_str());
tv[1].tv_sec = tv[0].tv_sec;
if(-1 == futimes(fd, tv)){
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
}else if(use_cache.size() > 0){
// Use local cache file.
struct stat st;
struct utimbuf n_mtime;
string cache_path(use_cache + "/" + bucket + path);
if((stat(cache_path.c_str(), &st)) == 0) {
n_mtime.modtime = get_mtime(meta["x-amz-meta-mtime"].c_str());
n_mtime.actime = n_mtime.modtime;
if((utime(cache_path.c_str(), &n_mtime)) == -1) {
return 0;
static int put_multipart_headers(const char *path, headers_t meta) {
int result;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
string s3_realpath;
string url;
string resource;
string upload_id;
struct stat buf;
BodyData body;
vector <file_part> parts;
FGPRINT(" put_multipart_headers[path=%s]\n", path);
s3_realpath = get_realpath(path);
resource = urlEncode(service_path + bucket + s3_realpath);
url = host + resource;
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
// already checked by check_object_access(), so only get attr.
if(0 != (result = get_object_attribute(path, &buf))){
return result;
upload_id = initiate_multipart_upload(path, buf.st_size, meta);
if(upload_id.size() == 0){
off_t chunk = 0;
off_t bytes_written = 0;
off_t bytes_remaining = buf.st_size;
while(bytes_remaining > 0) {
file_part part;
if(bytes_remaining > MAX_COPY_SOURCE_SIZE)
chunk = bytes_remaining - 1;
stringstream ss;
ss << "bytes=" << bytes_written << "-" << (bytes_written + chunk);
meta["x-amz-copy-source-range"] = ss.str();
part.etag = copy_part(path, path, parts.size() + 1, upload_id, meta);
bytes_written += (chunk + 1);
bytes_remaining = buf.st_size - bytes_written;
result = complete_multipart_upload(path, upload_id, parts);
if(result != 0) {
return -EIO;
// Update mtime in local file cache.
if(meta.count("x-amz-meta-mtime") > 0 && use_cache.size() > 0) {
struct stat st;
struct utimbuf n_mtime;
string cache_path(use_cache + "/" + bucket + path);
if((stat(cache_path.c_str(), &st)) == 0) {
n_mtime.modtime = get_mtime(meta["x-amz-meta-mtime"].c_str());
n_mtime.actime = n_mtime.modtime;
if((utime(cache_path.c_str(), &n_mtime)) == -1) {
return 0;
static int put_local_fd_small_file(const char* path, headers_t meta, int fd) {
string resource;
string url;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
string s3_realpath;
struct stat st;
CURL *curl = NULL;
FGPRINT(" put_local_fd_small_file[path=%s][fd=%d]\n", path, fd);
if(fstat(fd, &st) == -1)
s3_realpath = get_realpath(path);
resource = urlEncode(service_path + bucket + s3_realpath);
url = host + resource;
int result;
BodyData body;
auto_curl_slist headers;
string date = get_date();
curl = create_curl_handle();
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, (void *)&body);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, WriteMemoryCallback);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_UPLOAD, true); // HTTP PUT
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_INFILESIZE_LARGE, static_cast<curl_off_t>(st.st_size)); // Content-Length
FILE* f = fdopen(fd, "rb");
if(f == 0){
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_INFILE, f);
string ContentType = meta["Content-Type"];
headers.append("Date: " + date);
meta["x-amz-acl"] = default_acl;
for (headers_t::iterator iter = meta.begin(); iter != meta.end(); ++iter) {
string key = (*iter).first;
string value = (*iter).second;
if (key == "Content-Type")
headers.append(key + ":" + value);
if (key.substr(0,9) == "x-amz-acl")
headers.append(key + ":" + value);
if (key.substr(0,10) == "x-amz-meta")
headers.append(key + ":" + value);
if(use_rrs.substr(0,1) == "1")
if(public_bucket.substr(0,1) != "1")
headers.append("Authorization: AWS " + AWSAccessKeyId + ":" +
calc_signature("PUT", ContentType, date, headers.get(), resource));
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, headers.get());
FGPRINT(" uploading[path=%s][fd=%d][size=%zd]\n", path, fd, st.st_size);
string my_url = prepare_url(url.c_str());
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, my_url.c_str());
result = my_curl_easy_perform(curl, &body, NULL, f);
if(result != 0)
return result;
return 0;
static int put_local_fd_big_file(const char* path, headers_t meta, int fd) {
struct stat st;
off_t lSize;
int partfd = -1;
FILE* pSourceFile;
FILE* pPartFile;
char *buffer;
unsigned long lBufferSize = 0;
size_t bytesRead;
size_t bytesWritten;
string uploadId;
vector <file_part> parts;
FGPRINT(" put_local_fd_big_file[path=%s][fd=%d]\n", path, fd);
if(fstat(fd, &st) == -1)
uploadId = initiate_multipart_upload(path, st.st_size, meta);
if(uploadId.size() == 0) {
SYSLOGERR("Could not determine UploadId");
// Open the source file
pSourceFile = fdopen(fd, "rb");
if(pSourceFile == NULL) {
SYSLOGERR("%d###result=%d", __LINE__, errno);
// Source sucessfully opened, obtain file size:
lSize = st.st_size;
lBufferSize = 0;
// cycle through open fd, pulling off 10MB chunks at a time
while(lSize > 0) {
file_part part;
size_t totalSize;
if(lSize >= MULTIPART_SIZE){
lBufferSize = lSize;
lSize = lSize - lBufferSize;
if((buffer = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * lBufferSize)) == NULL) {
SYSLOGCRIT("Could not allocate memory for buffer\n");
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
return -ENOMEM;
// copy the file portion into the buffer:
for(totalSize = 0; totalSize < lBufferSize; totalSize += bytesRead){
bytesRead = fread(&buffer[totalSize], 1, (lBufferSize - totalSize), pSourceFile);
if(bytesRead != (lBufferSize - totalSize)){
int nError;
if(0 != (nError = ferror(pSourceFile))){
SYSLOGERR("%d ### read file error(%d): bytesRead:%zu does not match (lBufferSize - totalSize): %lu\n",
__LINE__, nError, bytesRead, (lBufferSize - totalSize));
SYSLOGERR("%d ### read end of file: bytesRead:%zu does not match (lBufferSize - totalSize): %lu\n",
__LINE__, bytesRead, (lBufferSize - totalSize));
// create uniq temporary file
strncpy(part.path, "/tmp/s3fs.XXXXXX", sizeof part.path);
if((partfd = mkstemp(part.path)) == -1) {
// open a temporary file for upload
if((pPartFile = fdopen(partfd, "wb")) == NULL) {
SYSLOGERR("%d ### Could not open temporary file: errno %i\n", __LINE__, errno);
// copy buffer to temporary file
for(totalSize = 0; totalSize < lBufferSize; totalSize += bytesWritten){
bytesWritten = fwrite(&buffer[totalSize], 1, (size_t)(lBufferSize - totalSize), pPartFile);
if(bytesWritten != (lBufferSize - totalSize)){
int nError;
if(0 != (nError = ferror(pPartFile))){
SYSLOGERR("%d ### write file error(%d): bytesWritten:%zu does not match (lBufferSize - totalSize): %lu\n",
__LINE__, nError, bytesWritten, (lBufferSize - totalSize));
part.etag = upload_part(path, part.path, parts.size() + 1, uploadId);
// delete temporary part file
if(remove(part.path) != 0){
} // while(lSize > 0)
return complete_multipart_upload(path, uploadId, parts);
* create or update s3 object
* @return fuse return code
static int put_local_fd(const char* path, headers_t meta, int fd) {
int result;
struct stat st;
FGPRINT(" put_local_fd[path=%s][fd=%d]\n", path, fd);
if(fstat(fd, &st) == -1)
* Make decision to do multi upload (or not) based upon file size
* According to the AWS spec:
* - 1 to 10,000 parts are allowed
* - minimum size of parts is 5MB (expect for the last part)
* For our application, we will define part size to be 10MB (10 * 2^20 Bytes)
* maximum file size will be ~64 GB - 2 ** 36
* Initially uploads will be done serially
* If file is > 20MB, then multipart will kick in
if(st.st_size > 68719476735LL ) { // 64GB - 1
// close f ?
return -ENOTSUP;
if(st.st_size >= 20971520 && !nomultipart) { // 20MB
// Additional time is needed for large files
if(readwrite_timeout < 120)
readwrite_timeout = 120;
result = put_local_fd_big_file(path, meta, fd);
} else {
result = put_local_fd_small_file(path, meta, fd);
return result;
* initiate_multipart_upload
* Example :
* POST /example-object?uploads HTTP/1.1
* Host: example-bucket.s3.amazonaws.com
* Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2010 20:34:56 GMT
* Authorization: AWS VGhpcyBtZXNzYWdlIHNpZ25lZCBieSBlbHZpbmc=
static string initiate_multipart_upload(const char *path, off_t size, headers_t meta) {
CURL *curl = NULL;
int result;
string auth;
string acl;
string url;
string my_url;
string date;
string raw_date;
string resource;
string upload_id = "";
string ContentType;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
string s3_realpath;
BodyData body;
struct curl_slist *slist=NULL;
FGPRINT(" initiate_multipart_upload [path=%s][size=%lu]\n", path, size);
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
s3_realpath = get_realpath(path);
resource = urlEncode(service_path + bucket + s3_realpath);
url = host + resource;
my_url = prepare_url(url.c_str());
curl = create_curl_handle();
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, (void *)&body);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, WriteMemoryCallback);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE, 0);
date.assign("Date: ");
raw_date = get_date();
slist = curl_slist_append(slist, date.c_str());
slist = curl_slist_append(slist, "Accept:");
slist = curl_slist_append(slist, "Content-Length:");
ContentType.assign("Content-Type: ");
string ctype_data;
slist = curl_slist_append(slist, ContentType.c_str());
// x-amz headers: (a) alphabetical order and (b) no spaces after colon
slist = curl_slist_append(slist, acl.c_str());
for(headers_t::iterator iter = meta.begin(); iter != meta.end(); ++iter) {
string key = (*iter).first;
string value = (*iter).second;
if(key.substr(0,10) == "x-amz-meta") {
string entry;
slist = curl_slist_append(slist, entry.c_str());
if(use_rrs.substr(0,1) == "1")
slist = curl_slist_append(slist, "x-amz-storage-class:REDUCED_REDUNDANCY");
if(public_bucket.substr(0,1) != "1") {
auth.assign("Authorization: AWS ");
auth.append(calc_signature("POST", ctype_data, raw_date, slist, resource));
slist = curl_slist_append(slist, auth.c_str());
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, slist);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, my_url.c_str());
result = my_curl_easy_perform(curl, &body);
if(result != 0) {
return upload_id;
// XML returns UploadId
// Parse XML body for UploadId
xmlDocPtr doc = xmlReadMemory(body.str(), body.size(), "", NULL, 0);
if(doc != NULL && doc->children != NULL) {
for(xmlNodePtr cur_node = doc->children->children;
cur_node != NULL;
cur_node = cur_node->next) {
// string cur_node_name(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(cur_node->name));
// printf("cur_node_name: %s\n", cur_node_name.c_str());
if(cur_node->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
string elementName = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(cur_node->name);
// printf("elementName: %s\n", elementName.c_str());
if(cur_node->children != NULL) {
if(cur_node->children->type == XML_TEXT_NODE) {
if(elementName == "UploadId") {
upload_id = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(cur_node->children->content);
} // for (xmlNodePtr cur_node = doc->children->children;
} // if (doc != NULL && doc->children != NULL)
return upload_id;
static int complete_multipart_upload(const char *path, string upload_id,
vector <file_part> parts) {
CURL *curl = NULL;
char *pData;
int result;
int i, j;
string auth;
string date;
string raw_date;
string url;
string my_url;
string resource;
string postContent;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
string s3_realpath;
BodyData body;
struct WriteThis pooh;
struct curl_slist *slist = NULL;
FGPRINT(" complete_multipart_upload [path=%s]\n", path);
// initialization of variables
curl = NULL;
for(i = 0, j = parts.size(); i < j; i++) {
postContent.append(" <Part>\n");
postContent.append(" <PartNumber>");
postContent.append(" <ETag>");
postContent.append(parts[i].etag.insert(0, "\"").append("\""));
postContent.append(" </Part>\n");
if((pData = (char *)malloc(postContent.size() + 1)) == NULL)
pooh.readptr = pData;
pooh.sizeleft = postContent.size();
strcpy(pData, postContent.c_str());
s3_realpath = get_realpath(path);
resource = urlEncode(service_path + bucket + s3_realpath);
url = host + resource;
my_url = prepare_url(url.c_str());
curl = create_curl_handle();
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, (void *)&body);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, WriteMemoryCallback);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE, (curl_off_t)pooh.sizeleft);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_READFUNCTION, read_callback);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_READDATA, &pooh);
date.assign("Date: ");
raw_date = get_date();
slist = NULL;
slist = curl_slist_append(slist, date.c_str());
slist = curl_slist_append(slist, "Accept:");
slist = curl_slist_append(slist, "Content-Type:");
if(public_bucket.substr(0,1) != "1") {
auth.assign("Authorization: AWS ");
auth.append(calc_signature("POST", "", raw_date, slist, resource));
slist = curl_slist_append(slist, auth.c_str());
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, slist);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, my_url.c_str());
result = my_curl_easy_perform(curl, &body);
return result;
static string upload_part(const char *path, const char *source, int part_number, string upload_id) {
int fd;
CURL *curl = NULL;
FILE *part_file;
int result;
string url;
string my_url;
string auth;
string resource;
string date;
string raw_date;
string ETag;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
string s3_realpath;
struct stat st;
BodyData body;
BodyData header;
struct curl_slist *slist = NULL;
// Now upload the file as the nth part
FGPRINT(" multipart upload [path=%s][part=%d]\n", path, part_number);
// PUT /ObjectName?partNumber=PartNumber&uploadId=UploadId HTTP/1.1
// Host: BucketName.s3.amazonaws.com
// Date: date
// Content-Length: Size
// Authorization: Signature
// PUT /my-movie.m2ts?partNumber=1&uploadId=VCVsb2FkIElEIGZvciBlbZZpbmcncyBteS1tb3ZpZS5tMnRzIHVwbG9hZR HTTP/1.1
// Host: example-bucket.s3.amazonaws.com
// Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2010 20:34:56 GMT
// Content-Length: 10485760
// Content-MD5: pUNXr/BjKK5G2UKvaRRrOA==
// Authorization: AWS VGhpcyBtZXNzYWdlIHNpZ25lZGGieSRlbHZpbmc=
part_file = fopen(source, "rb");
if(part_file == NULL) {
SYSLOGERR("%d###result=%d", __LINE__, errno); \
return "";
if(fstat(fileno(part_file), &st) == -1) {
SYSLOGERR("%d###result=%d", __LINE__, errno); \
return "";
s3_realpath = get_realpath(path);
resource = urlEncode(service_path + bucket + s3_realpath);
url = host + resource;
my_url = prepare_url(url.c_str());
curl = create_curl_handle();
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, (void *)&body);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, WriteMemoryCallback);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HEADERDATA, (void *)&header);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, WriteMemoryCallback);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_UPLOAD, true); // HTTP PUT
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_INFILESIZE_LARGE, static_cast<curl_off_t>(st.st_size)); // Content-Length
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_INFILE, part_file);
date.assign("Date: ");
raw_date = get_date();
slist = NULL;
slist = curl_slist_append(slist, date.c_str());
slist = curl_slist_append(slist, "Accept:");
if(public_bucket.substr(0,1) != "1") {
auth.assign("Authorization: AWS ");
auth.append(calc_signature("PUT", "", raw_date, slist, resource));
slist = curl_slist_append(slist, auth.c_str());
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, slist);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, my_url.c_str());
result = my_curl_easy_perform(curl, &body, &header, part_file);
if(result != 0) {
return "";
// calculate local md5sum, if it matches the header
// ETag value, the upload was successful.
if((fd = open(source, O_RDONLY)) == -1) {
SYSLOGERR("%d###result=%d", __LINE__, -fd);
return "";
string md5 = md5sum(fd);
if(!md5.empty() && strstr(header.str(), md5.c_str())) {
} else {
return "";
return ETag;
static string copy_part(const char *from, const char *to, int part_number, string upload_id, headers_t meta) {
CURL *curl = NULL;
int result;
string url;
string my_url;
string auth;
string resource;
string raw_date;
string ETag;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
string s3_realpath;
BodyData body;
BodyData header;
// Now copy the file as the nth part
FGPRINT("copy_part [from=%s] [to=%s]\n", from, to);
s3_realpath = get_realpath(to);
resource = urlEncode(service_path + bucket + s3_realpath);
url = host + resource;
my_url = prepare_url(url.c_str());
auto_curl_slist headers;
string date = get_date();
headers.append("Date: " + date);
string ContentType = meta["Content-Type"];
meta["x-amz-acl"] = default_acl;
for(headers_t::iterator iter = meta.begin(); iter != meta.end(); ++iter) {
string key = (*iter).first;
string value = (*iter).second;
if (key == "Content-Type")
headers.append(key + ":" + value);
if (key == "x-amz-copy-source")
headers.append(key + ":" + value);
if (key == "x-amz-copy-source-range")
headers.append(key + ":" + value);
if(use_rrs.substr(0,1) == "1")
if(public_bucket.substr(0,1) != "1")
headers.append("Authorization: AWS " + AWSAccessKeyId + ":" +
calc_signature("PUT", ContentType, date, headers.get(), resource));
curl = create_curl_handle();
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, (void *)&body);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HEADERDATA, (void *)&header);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, WriteMemoryCallback);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, WriteMemoryCallback);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_UPLOAD, true); // HTTP PUT
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_INFILESIZE, 0); // Content-Length
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, headers.get());
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, my_url.c_str());
result = my_curl_easy_perform(curl, &body, &header);
if(result != 0) {
return "";
char* body_data = (char*)body.str();
char* start_etag= strstr(body_data, "ETag");
char* end_etag = strstr(body_data, "/ETag>");
start_etag += 11;
ETag.assign(start_etag, (size_t)(end_etag - start_etag - 7));
return ETag;
// List Multipart Uploads for bucket
static int list_multipart_uploads(void) {
CURL *curl = NULL;
string resource;
string url;
BodyData body;
int result;
string date;
string raw_date;
string auth;
string my_url;
struct curl_slist *slist=NULL;
printf("List Multipart Uploads\n");
resource = urlEncode(service_path + bucket + "/");
url = host + resource;
my_url = prepare_url(url.c_str());
curl = create_curl_handle();
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, (void *)&body);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, WriteMemoryCallback);
date.assign("Date: ");
raw_date = get_date();
slist = curl_slist_append(slist, date.c_str());
slist = curl_slist_append(slist, "Accept:");
if (public_bucket.substr(0,1) != "1") {
auth.assign("Authorization: AWS ");
auth.append(calc_signature("GET", "", raw_date, slist, resource));
slist = curl_slist_append(slist, auth.c_str());
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, slist);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, my_url.c_str());
result = my_curl_easy_perform(curl, &body);
if(result != 0) {
return result;
if(body.size() > 0){
printf("body.text:\n%s\n", body.str());
return 0;
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
static int s3fs_getattr(const char *path, struct stat *stbuf)
int result;
FGPRINT("s3fs_getattr[path=%s]\n", path);
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
// check parent directory attribute.
if(0 != (result = check_parent_object_access(path, X_OK))){
return result;
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
return check_object_access(path, F_OK, stbuf);
static int s3fs_readlink(const char *path, char *buf, size_t size) {
int fd = -1;
if (size > 0) {
--size; // reserve nil terminator
FGPRINT("s3fs_readlink[path=%s]\n", path);
fd = get_local_fd(path);
if(fd < 0) {
SYSLOGERR("line %d: get_local_fd: %d", __LINE__, -fd);
return -EIO;
struct stat st;
if(fstat(fd, &st) == -1) {
SYSLOGERR("line %d: fstat: %d", __LINE__, -errno);
if(fd > 0)
return -errno;
if(st.st_size < (off_t)size)
size = st.st_size;
if(pread(fd, buf, size, 0) == -1) {
SYSLOGERR("line %d: pread: %d", __LINE__, -errno);
if(fd > 0)
return -errno;
buf[size] = 0;
if(fd > 0)
return 0;
// common function for creation of a plain object
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
static int create_file_object(const char *path, mode_t mode, uid_t uid, gid_t gid) {
int result;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
string s3_realpath;
CURL *curl = NULL;
FGPRINT(" create_file_object[path=%s][mode=%d]\n", path, mode);
s3_realpath = get_realpath(path);
string resource = urlEncode(service_path + bucket + s3_realpath);
string url = host + resource;
string date = get_date();
string my_url = prepare_url(url.c_str());
auto_curl_slist headers;
headers.append("Date: " + date);
string contentType(lookupMimeType(path));
headers.append("Content-Type: " + contentType);
// x-amz headers: (a) alphabetical order and (b) no spaces after colon
headers.append("x-amz-acl:" + default_acl);
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
headers.append("x-amz-meta-gid:" + str(gid));
headers.append("x-amz-meta-mode:" + str(mode));
headers.append("x-amz-meta-mtime:" + str(time(NULL)));
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
headers.append("x-amz-meta-uid:" + str(uid));
if(public_bucket.substr(0,1) != "1")
headers.append("Authorization: AWS " + AWSAccessKeyId + ":" +
calc_signature("PUT", contentType, date, headers.get(), resource));
curl = create_curl_handle();
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_UPLOAD, true); // HTTP PUT
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_INFILESIZE, 0); // Content-Length: 0
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, headers.get());
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, my_url.c_str());
result = my_curl_easy_perform(curl);
if(result != 0)
return result;
return 0;
static int s3fs_mknod(const char *path, mode_t mode, dev_t rdev)
FGPRINT("s3fs_mknod[path=%s][mode=%d]\n", path, mode);
// Could not make block or character special files on S3,
// always return a error.
return -EPERM;
static int s3fs_create(const char *path, mode_t mode, struct fuse_file_info *fi) {
int result;
headers_t meta;
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
struct fuse_context* pcxt;
FGPRINT("s3fs_create[path=%s][mode=%d][flags=%d]\n", path, mode, fi->flags);
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
if(NULL == (pcxt = fuse_get_context())){
return -EIO;
// check parent directory attribute.
if(0 != (result = check_parent_object_access(path, X_OK))){
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
return result;
result = check_object_access(path, W_OK, NULL);
if(-ENOENT == result){
if(0 != (result = check_parent_object_access(path, W_OK))){
return result;
}else if(0 != result){
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
return result;
result = create_file_object(path, mode, pcxt->uid, pcxt->gid);
if(result != 0)
return result;
// object created, open it
if((fi->fh = get_local_fd(path)) <= 0)
return -EIO;
// remember flags and headers...
pthread_mutex_lock( &s3fs_descriptors_lock );
s3fs_descriptors[fi->fh] = fi->flags;
s3fs_pathtofd[string(path)] = fi->fh;
pthread_mutex_unlock( &s3fs_descriptors_lock );
return 0;
static int create_directory_object(const char *path, mode_t mode, time_t time, uid_t uid, gid_t gid)
CURL *curl = NULL;
int result;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
string s3_realpath;
string url;
string resource;
string date = get_date();
auto_curl_slist headers;
FGPRINT(" create_directory_object[path=%s][mode=%d][time=%lu][uid=%d][gid=%d]\n", path, mode, time, uid, gid);
s3_realpath = get_realpath(path);
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
if('/' != s3_realpath[s3_realpath.length() - 1]){
s3_realpath += "/";
resource = urlEncode(service_path + bucket + s3_realpath);
url = host + resource;
curl = create_curl_handle();
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_UPLOAD, true); // HTTP PUT
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_INFILESIZE, 0); // Content-Length: 0
headers.append("Date: " + date);
headers.append("Content-Type: application/x-directory");
// x-amz headers: (a) alphabetical order and (b) no spaces after colon
headers.append("x-amz-acl:" + default_acl);
headers.append("x-amz-meta-gid:" + str(gid));
headers.append("x-amz-meta-mode:" + str(mode));
headers.append("x-amz-meta-mtime:" + str(time));
headers.append("x-amz-meta-uid:" + str(uid));
if (use_rrs.substr(0,1) == "1") {
if (public_bucket.substr(0,1) != "1") {
headers.append("Authorization: AWS " + AWSAccessKeyId + ":" +
calc_signature("PUT", "application/x-directory", date, headers.get(), resource));
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, headers.get());
string my_url = prepare_url(url.c_str());
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, my_url.c_str());
result = my_curl_easy_perform(curl);
if(result != 0)
return result;
return 0;
static int s3fs_mkdir(const char *path, mode_t mode)
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
int result;
struct fuse_context* pcxt;
FGPRINT("s3fs_mkdir[path=%s][mode=%d]\n", path, mode);
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
if(NULL == (pcxt = fuse_get_context())){
return -EIO;
// check parent directory attribute.
if(0 != (result = check_parent_object_access(path, W_OK | X_OK))){
return result;
if(-ENOENT != (result = check_object_access(path, F_OK, NULL))){
if(0 == result){
result = -EEXIST;
return result;
return create_directory_object(path, mode, time(NULL), pcxt->uid, pcxt->gid);
static int s3fs_unlink(const char *path) {
int result;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
string s3_realpath;
FGPRINT("s3fs_unlink[path=%s]\n", path);
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
if(0 != (result = check_parent_object_access(path, W_OK | X_OK))){
return result;
s3_realpath = get_realpath(path);
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
result = curl_delete(s3_realpath.c_str());
return result;
static int directory_empty(const char *path) {
int result;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
struct s3_object *head = NULL;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
if((result = list_bucket(path, &head, "/")) != 0){
FGPRINT(" directory_empty - list_bucket returns error.\n");
return result;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
return -ENOTEMPTY;
return 0;
static int s3fs_rmdir(const char *path) {
int result;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
string s3_realpath;
FGPRINT("s3fs_rmdir [path=%s]\n", path);
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
if(0 != (result = check_parent_object_access(path, W_OK | X_OK))){
return result;
// directory must be empty
if(directory_empty(path) != 0)
return -ENOTEMPTY;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
s3_realpath = get_realpath(path);
if('/' != s3_realpath[s3_realpath.length() - 1]){
s3_realpath += "/";
result = curl_delete(s3_realpath.c_str());
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
if(0 != result){
return result;
// double check for old version(before 1.63)
// The old version makes "dir" object, newer version makes "dir/".
// A case, there is only "dir", the first removing object is "dir/".
// Then "dir/" is not exists, but curl_delete returns 0.
// So need to check "dir" and should be removed it.
struct stat stbuf;
if(0 != get_object_attribute(path, &stbuf, NULL, false)){
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// This case is 0 return.
return 0;
// Found "dir" object.
result = curl_delete(path);
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
return result;
static int s3fs_symlink(const char *from, const char *to) {
int result;
int fd = -1;
struct fuse_context* pcxt;
FGPRINT("s3fs_symlink[from=%s][to=%s]\n", from, to);
if(NULL == (pcxt = fuse_get_context())){
return -EIO;
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
if(0 != (result = check_parent_object_access(to, W_OK | X_OK))){
return result;
if(-ENOENT != (result = check_object_access(to, F_OK, NULL))){
if(0 == result){
result = -EEXIST;
return result;
headers_t headers;
headers["Content-Type"] = string("application/octet-stream"); // Static
headers["x-amz-meta-mode"] = str(S_IFLNK | S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO);
headers["x-amz-meta-mtime"] = str(time(NULL));
headers["x-amz-meta-uid"] = str(pcxt->uid);
headers["x-amz-meta-gid"] = str(pcxt->gid);
fd = fileno(tmpfile());
if(fd == -1) {
SYSLOGERR("line %d: error: fileno(tmpfile()): %d", __LINE__, -errno);
return -errno;
if(pwrite(fd, from, strlen(from), 0) == -1) {
SYSLOGERR("line %d: error: pwrite: %d", __LINE__, -errno);
if(fd > 0)
return -errno;
result = put_local_fd(to, headers, fd);
if(result != 0) {
if(fd > 0)
return result;
if(fd > 0)
return 0;
static int rename_object(const char *from, const char *to) {
int result;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
string s3_realpath;
headers_t meta;
FGPRINT("rename_object [from=%s] [to=%s]\n", from , to);
SYSLOGDBG("rename_object [from=%s] [to=%s]", from, to);
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
if(0 != (result = check_parent_object_access(to, W_OK | X_OK))){
// not permmit writing "to" object parent dir.
return result;
if(0 != (result = check_parent_object_access(from, W_OK | X_OK))){
// not permmit removing "from" object parent dir.
return result;
if(0 != (result = get_object_attribute(from, NULL, &meta))){
return result;
s3_realpath = get_realpath(from);
meta["x-amz-copy-source"] = urlEncode("/" + bucket + s3_realpath);
meta["Content-Type"] = lookupMimeType(to);
meta["x-amz-metadata-directive"] = "REPLACE";
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
if(0 != (result = put_headers(to, meta))){
return result;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
result = s3fs_unlink(from);
return result;
static int rename_object_nocopy(const char *from, const char *to) {
int result;
headers_t meta;
int fd;
int isclose = 1;
FGPRINT("rename_object_nocopy [from=%s] [to=%s]\n", from , to);
SYSLOGDBG("rename_object_nocopy [from=%s] [to=%s]", from, to);
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
if(0 != (result = check_parent_object_access(to, W_OK | X_OK))){
// not permmit writing "to" object parent dir.
return result;
if(0 != (result = check_parent_object_access(from, W_OK | X_OK))){
// not permmit removing "from" object parent dir.
return result;
// Downloading
if(0 > (fd = get_opened_fd(from))){
if(0 > (fd = get_local_fd(from))){
FGPRINT(" rename_object_nocopy line %d: get_local_fd result: %d\n", __LINE__, fd);
SYSLOGERR("rename_object_nocopy line %d: get_local_fd result: %d", __LINE__, fd);
return -EIO;
isclose = 0;
// Get attributes
if(0 != (result = get_object_attribute(from, NULL, &meta))){
return result;
// Set header
meta["Content-Type"] = lookupMimeType(to);
// Re-uploading
result = put_local_fd(to, meta, fd);
if(0 != result){
FGPRINT(" rename_object_nocopy line %d: put_local_fd result: %d\n", __LINE__, result);
return result;
// Remove file
result = s3fs_unlink(from);
// Stats
return result;
static int rename_large_object(const char *from, const char *to) {
int result;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
string s3_realpath;
struct stat buf;
headers_t meta;
string upload_id;
vector <file_part> parts;
FGPRINT("rename_large_object [from=%s] [to=%s]\n", from , to);
SYSLOGDBG("rename_large_object [from=%s] [to=%s]", from, to);
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
if(0 != (result = check_parent_object_access(to, W_OK | X_OK))){
// not permmit writing "to" object parent dir.
return result;
if(0 != (result = check_parent_object_access(from, W_OK | X_OK))){
// not permmit removing "from" object parent dir.
return result;
if(0 != (result = get_object_attribute(from, &buf, &meta, false))){
return result;
s3_realpath = get_realpath(from);
meta["Content-Type"] = lookupMimeType(to);
meta["x-amz-copy-source"] = urlEncode("/" + bucket + s3_realpath);
upload_id = initiate_multipart_upload(to, buf.st_size, meta);
if(upload_id.size() == 0)
off_t chunk = 0;
off_t bytes_written = 0;
off_t bytes_remaining = buf.st_size;
while(bytes_remaining > 0) {
file_part part;
if(bytes_remaining > MAX_COPY_SOURCE_SIZE)
chunk = bytes_remaining - 1;
stringstream ss;
ss << "bytes=" << bytes_written << "-" << (bytes_written + chunk);
meta["x-amz-copy-source-range"] = ss.str();
part.etag = copy_part(from, to, parts.size() + 1, upload_id, meta);
bytes_written += (chunk + 1);
bytes_remaining = buf.st_size - bytes_written;
result = complete_multipart_upload(to, upload_id, parts);
if(result != 0)
return -EIO;
return s3fs_unlink(from);
static int clone_directory_object(const char *from, const char *to)
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
int result = -1;
mode_t mode;
time_t time;
uid_t uid;
gid_t gid;
headers_t meta;
FGPRINT("clone_directory_object [from=%s] [to=%s]\n", from, to);
SYSLOGDBG("clone_directory_object [from=%s] [to=%s]", from, to);
// get target's attributes
if(0 != (result = get_object_attribute(from, NULL, &meta))){
return result;
mode = get_mode(meta["x-amz-meta-mode"].c_str());
time = get_mtime(meta["x-amz-meta-mtime"].c_str());
uid = get_uid(meta["x-amz-meta-uid"].c_str());
gid = get_gid(meta["x-amz-meta-gid"].c_str());
result = create_directory_object(to, mode, time, uid, gid);
return result;
static int rename_directory(const char *from, const char *to) {
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
struct s3_object* lb_head = NULL;
struct s3_object* lb_headref = NULL;
string strfrom = from ? from : ""; // from is without "/".
string strto = to ? to : ""; // to is without "/" too.
string basepath = strfrom + "/";
MVNODE* mn_head = NULL;
MVNODE* mn_tail = NULL;
MVNODE* mn_cur;
struct stat stbuf;
int result;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
bool is_dir;
bool is_nobase = false;
FGPRINT("rename_directory[from=%s][to=%s]\n", from, to);
SYSLOGDBG("rename_directory [from=%s] [to=%s]", from, to);
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// Initiate and Add base directory into MVNODE struct.
is_dir = true;
if(0 == get_object_attribute(basepath.c_str(), &stbuf, NULL, false)){
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// "from" diredtory is new version type("dir/").
strfrom = basepath;
// "from" diredtory is old version type("dir").
if(0 != get_object_attribute(strfrom.c_str(), &stbuf, NULL, false)){
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// "from" diredtory is not new and old version type.
// This case is that object is made by s3cmd tool(etc).
is_nobase = true;
// "to" directory object is always "dir/".
strto += "/";
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
if(NULL == (add_mvnode(&mn_head, &mn_tail, strfrom.c_str(), strto.c_str(), is_dir))){
return -ENOMEM;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// get a list of all the objects
// No delimiter is specified, the result(head) is all object keys.
// (CommonPrefixes is empty, but all object is listed in Key.)
if(0 != (result = list_bucket(basepath.c_str(), &lb_head, NULL))){
FGPRINT(" rename_directory list_bucket returns error.\n");
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
return result;
for(lb_headref = lb_head; lb_headref; lb_headref = lb_headref->next){
// make "from" and "to" object name.
string from_name = basepath + lb_headref->name;
string to_name = strto + lb_headref->name;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// Check subdirectory.
StatCache::getStatCacheData()->HasStat(from_name, lb_headref->etag); // Check ETag
if(0 != get_object_attribute(from_name.c_str(), &stbuf, NULL)){
FGPRINT(" rename_directory - failed to get %s object attribute.\n", from_name.c_str());
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
is_dir = S_ISDIR(stbuf.st_mode) ? true : false;
// push this one onto the stack
if(NULL == add_mvnode(&mn_head, &mn_tail, from_name.c_str(), to_name.c_str(), is_dir)){
return -ENOMEM;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// rename
// rename directory objects.
for(mn_cur = mn_head; mn_cur; mn_cur = mn_cur->next){
if(0 != (result = clone_directory_object(mn_cur->old_path, mn_cur->new_path))){
FGPRINT(" rename_directory - failed(%d) to rename %s directory object to %s.\n", result, mn_cur->old_path, mn_cur->new_path);
SYSLOGERR("clone_directory_object returned an error(%d)", result);
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
return -EIO;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// iterate over the list - copy the files with rename_object
// does a safe copy - copies first and then deletes old
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
for(mn_cur = mn_head; mn_cur; mn_cur = mn_cur->next){
if(!nocopyapi && !norenameapi){
result = rename_object(mn_cur->old_path, mn_cur->new_path);
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
result = rename_object_nocopy(mn_cur->old_path, mn_cur->new_path);
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
if(0 != result){
FGPRINT(" rename_directory - failed(%d) to rename %s object to %s.\n", result, mn_cur->old_path, mn_cur->new_path);
SYSLOGERR("rename_object returned an error(%d)", result);
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
return -EIO;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// Iterate over old the directories, bottoms up and remove
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
for(mn_cur = mn_tail; mn_cur; mn_cur = mn_cur->prev){
if(0 != (result = s3fs_rmdir(mn_cur->old_path))){
FGPRINT(" rename_directory - failed(%d) to remove %s directory object.\n", result, mn_cur->old_path);
SYSLOGERR("s3fs_rmdir returned an error(%d)", result);
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
return -EIO;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
return 0;
static int s3fs_rename(const char *from, const char *to) {
struct stat buf;
int result;
FGPRINT("s3fs_rename [from=%s] [to=%s]\n", from, to);
SYSLOGDBG("s3fs_rename [from=%s] [to=%s]", from, to);
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
if(0 != (result = check_parent_object_access(to, W_OK | X_OK))){
// not permmit writing "to" object parent dir.
return result;
if(0 != (result = check_parent_object_access(from, W_OK | X_OK))){
// not permmit removing "from" object parent dir.
return result;
if(0 != (result = get_object_attribute(from, &buf, NULL))){
return result;
// files larger than 5GB must be modified via the multipart interface
result = rename_directory(from, to);
}else if(!nomultipart && buf.st_size >= FIVE_GB){
result = rename_large_object(from, to);
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
if(!nocopyapi && !norenameapi){
result = rename_object(from, to);
result = rename_object_nocopy(from, to);
return result;
static int s3fs_link(const char *from, const char *to)
FGPRINT("s3fs_link[from=%s][to=%s]\n", from, to);
return -EPERM;
static int s3fs_chmod(const char *path, mode_t mode) {
int result;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
string s3_realpath;
string strpath;
headers_t meta;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
struct stat stbuf;
int nIsNewDirType = 1;
FGPRINT("s3fs_chmod [path=%s] [mode=%d]\n", path, mode);
if(0 != (result = check_parent_object_access(path, X_OK))){
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
return result;
if(0 != (result = check_object_owner(path, &stbuf))){
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
return result;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
result = -1;
if(0 < strlen(path) && '/' != path[strlen(path) - 1]){
strpath = path;
strpath += "/";
result = get_object_attribute(strpath.c_str(), NULL, &meta, false);
if(0 != result){
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// Need to chack old type directory("dir").
strpath = path;
result = get_object_attribute(strpath.c_str(), NULL, &meta, false);
if(0 < strpath.length() && '/' == strpath[strpath.length() - 1]){
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
nIsNewDirType = 0;
strpath = path;
result = get_object_attribute(strpath.c_str(), NULL, &meta);
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
if(0 != result){
return result;
s3_realpath = get_realpath(strpath.c_str());
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
if(S_ISDIR(stbuf.st_mode) && 0 == nIsNewDirType){
// directory object of old version
// Need to remove old dir("dir") and make new dir("dir/")
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// At first, remove directory old object
if(0 != (result = curl_delete(s3_realpath.c_str()))){
return result;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// Make new directory object("dir/")
if(0 != (result = create_directory_object(path, mode, stbuf.st_mtime, stbuf.st_uid, stbuf.st_gid))){
return result;
// normal object or directory object of newer version
meta["x-amz-meta-mode"] = str(mode);
meta["x-amz-copy-source"] = urlEncode("/" + bucket + s3_realpath);
meta["x-amz-metadata-directive"] = "REPLACE";
if(put_headers(strpath.c_str(), meta) != 0){
return -EIO;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
return 0;
static int s3fs_chmod_nocopy(const char *path, mode_t mode) {
int result;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
string s3_realpath;
string strpath;
headers_t meta;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
struct stat stbuf;
int nIsNewDirType = 1;
FGPRINT("s3fs_chmod_nocopy [path=%s] [mode=%d]\n", path, mode);
if(0 != (result = check_parent_object_access(path, X_OK))){
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
return result;
if(0 != (result = check_object_owner(path, &stbuf))){
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
return result;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// Get attributes
result = -1;
if(0 < strlen(path) && '/' != path[strlen(path) - 1]){
strpath = path;
strpath += "/";
result = get_object_attribute(strpath.c_str(), NULL, &meta, false);
if(0 != result){
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// Need to chack old type directory("dir").
strpath = path;
result = get_object_attribute(strpath.c_str(), NULL, &meta, false);
if(0 < strpath.length() && '/' == strpath[strpath.length() - 1]){
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
nIsNewDirType = 0;
strpath = path;
result = get_object_attribute(strpath.c_str(), NULL, &meta);
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
if(0 != result){
return result;
s3_realpath = get_realpath(strpath.c_str());
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
if(0 == nIsNewDirType){
// directory object of old version
// Need to remove old dir("dir") and make new dir("dir/")
// At first, remove directory old object
if(0 != (result = curl_delete(s3_realpath.c_str()))){
return result;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// Make new directory object("dir/")
if(0 != (result = create_directory_object(strpath.c_str(), mode, stbuf.st_mtime, stbuf.st_uid, stbuf.st_gid))){
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
return result;
// directory object of new version
// Over put directory object.
if(0 != (result = create_directory_object(strpath.c_str(), mode, stbuf.st_mtime, stbuf.st_uid, stbuf.st_gid))){
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
return result;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// normal object or directory object of newer version
int fd;
int isclose = 1;
// Downloading
if(0 > (fd = get_opened_fd(strpath.c_str()))){
if(0 > (fd = get_local_fd(strpath.c_str()))){
FGPRINT(" s3fs_chmod_nocopy line %d: get_local_fd result: %d\n", __LINE__, fd);
SYSLOGERR("s3fs_chmod_nocopy line %d: get_local_fd result: %d", __LINE__, fd);
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
return -EIO;
isclose = 0;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// Change file mode
meta["x-amz-meta-mode"] = str(mode);
// Change local file mode
if(-1 == fchmod(fd, mode)){
FGPRINT(" s3fs_chmod_nocopy line %d: fchmod(fd=%d) error(%d)\n", __LINE__, fd, errno);
SYSLOGERR("s3fs_chmod_nocopy line %d: fchmod(fd=%d) error(%d)", __LINE__, fd, errno);
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
return -errno;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// Re-uploading
if(0 != (result = put_local_fd(strpath.c_str(), meta, fd))){
FGPRINT(" s3fs_chmod_nocopy line %d: put_local_fd result: %d\n", __LINE__, result);
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
return result;
static int s3fs_chown(const char *path, uid_t uid, gid_t gid) {
int result;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
string s3_realpath;
string strpath;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
headers_t meta;
struct stat stbuf;
int nIsNewDirType = 1;
FGPRINT("s3fs_chown [path=%s] [uid=%d] [gid=%d]\n", path, uid, gid);
if(0 != (result = check_parent_object_access(path, X_OK))){
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
return result;
if(0 != (result = check_object_owner(path, &stbuf))){
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
return result;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
result = -1;
if(0 < strlen(path) && '/' != path[strlen(path) - 1]){
strpath = path;
strpath += "/";
result = get_object_attribute(strpath.c_str(), NULL, &meta, false);
if(0 != result){
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// Need to chack old type directory("dir").
strpath = path;
result = get_object_attribute(strpath.c_str(), NULL, &meta, false);
if(0 < strpath.length() && '/' == strpath[strpath.length() - 1]){
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
nIsNewDirType = 0;
strpath = path;
result = get_object_attribute(strpath.c_str(), NULL, &meta);
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
if(0 != result){
return result;
s3_realpath = get_realpath(strpath.c_str());
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
struct passwd* pwdata= getpwuid(uid);
struct group* grdata = getgrgid(gid);
uid = pwdata->pw_uid;
gid = grdata->gr_gid;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
if(S_ISDIR(stbuf.st_mode) && 0 == nIsNewDirType){
// directory object of old version
// Need to remove old dir("dir") and make new dir("dir/")
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// At first, remove directory old object
if(0 != (result = curl_delete(s3_realpath.c_str()))){
return result;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// Make new directory object("dir/")
if(0 != (result = create_directory_object(strpath.c_str(), stbuf.st_mode, stbuf.st_mtime, uid, gid))){
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
return result;
meta["x-amz-meta-uid"] = str(uid);
meta["x-amz-meta-gid"] = str(gid);
meta["x-amz-copy-source"] = urlEncode("/" + bucket + s3_realpath);
meta["x-amz-metadata-directive"] = "REPLACE";
if(put_headers(strpath.c_str(), meta) != 0){
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
return -EIO;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
return 0;
static int s3fs_chown_nocopy(const char *path, uid_t uid, gid_t gid) {
int result;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
string s3_realpath;
string strpath;
headers_t meta;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
struct stat stbuf;
int nIsNewDirType = 1;
FGPRINT("s3fs_chown_nocopy [path=%s] [uid=%d] [gid=%d]\n", path, uid, gid);
if(0 != (result = check_parent_object_access(path, X_OK))){
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
return result;
if(0 != (result = check_object_owner(path, &stbuf))){
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
return result;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// Get attributes
result = -1;
if(0 < strlen(path) && '/' != path[strlen(path) - 1]){
strpath = path;
strpath += "/";
result = get_object_attribute(strpath.c_str(), NULL, &meta, false);
if(0 != result){
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// Need to chack old type directory("dir").
strpath = path;
result = get_object_attribute(strpath.c_str(), NULL, &meta, false);
if(0 < strpath.length() && '/' == strpath[strpath.length() - 1]){
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
nIsNewDirType = 0;
strpath = path;
result = get_object_attribute(strpath.c_str(), NULL, &meta);
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
if(0 != result){
return result;
s3_realpath = get_realpath(strpath.c_str());
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
struct passwd* pwdata= getpwuid(uid);
struct group* grdata = getgrgid(gid);
uid = pwdata->pw_uid;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
gid = grdata->gr_gid;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
if(0 == nIsNewDirType){
// directory object of old version
// Need to remove old dir("dir") and make new dir("dir/")
// At first, remove directory old object
if(0 != (result = curl_delete(s3_realpath.c_str()))){
return result;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// Make new directory object("dir/")
if(0 != (result = create_directory_object(strpath.c_str(), stbuf.st_mode, stbuf.st_mtime, uid, gid))){
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
return result;
// directory object of new version
// Over put directory object.
if(0 != (result = create_directory_object(strpath.c_str(), stbuf.st_mode, stbuf.st_mtime, uid, gid))){
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
return result;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// normal object or directory object of newer version
int fd;
int isclose = 1;
// Downloading
if(0 > (fd = get_opened_fd(strpath.c_str()))){
if(0 > (fd = get_local_fd(strpath.c_str()))){
FGPRINT(" s3fs_chown_nocopy line %d: get_local_fd result: %d\n", __LINE__, fd);
SYSLOGERR("s3fs_chown_nocopy line %d: get_local_fd result: %d", __LINE__, fd);
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
return -EIO;
isclose = 0;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// Change owner
meta["x-amz-meta-uid"] = str(uid);
meta["x-amz-meta-gid"] = str(gid);
// Change local file owner
if(-1 == fchown(fd, uid, gid)){
FGPRINT(" s3fs_chown_nocopy line %d: fchown(fd=%d, uid=%d, gid=%d) is error(%d)\n", __LINE__, fd, (int)uid, (int)gid, errno);
SYSLOGERR("s3fs_chown_nocopy line %d: fchown(fd=%d, uid=%d, gid=%d) is error(%d)", __LINE__, fd, (int)uid, (int)gid, errno);
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
return -errno;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// Re-uploading
if(0 != (result = put_local_fd(strpath.c_str(), meta, fd))){
FGPRINT(" s3fs_chown_nocopy line %d: put_local_fd result: %d\n", __LINE__, result);
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
return result;
static int s3fs_truncate(const char *path, off_t size) {
int fd = -1;
int result;
headers_t meta;
int isclose = 1;
FGPRINT("s3fs_truncate[path=%s][size=%zd]\n", path, size);
if(0 != (result = check_parent_object_access(path, X_OK))){
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
return result;
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
if(0 != (result = check_object_access(path, W_OK, NULL))){
return result;
// Get file information
if(0 == (result = get_object_attribute(path, NULL, &meta))){
// Exists -> Get file
if(0 > (fd = get_opened_fd(path))){
if(0 > (fd = get_local_fd(path))){
FGPRINT(" s3fs_truncate line %d: get_local_fd result: %d\n", __LINE__, fd);
SYSLOGERR("s3fs_truncate line %d: get_local_fd result: %d", __LINE__, fd);
return -EIO;
isclose = 0;
// Not found -> Make tmpfile
if(-1 == (fd = fileno(tmpfile()))){
SYSLOGERR("error: line %d: %d", __LINE__, -errno);
return -errno;
// Truncate
if(0 != ftruncate(fd, size) || 0 != fsync(fd)){
FGPRINT(" s3fs_truncate line %d: ftruncate or fsync returned err(%d)\n", __LINE__, errno);
SYSLOGERR("s3fs_truncate line %d: ftruncate or fsync returned err(%d)", __LINE__, errno);
return -errno;
// Re-uploading
if(0 != (result = put_local_fd(path, meta, fd))){
FGPRINT(" s3fs_truncate line %d: put_local_fd result: %d\n", __LINE__, result);
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
return result;
static int s3fs_open(const char *path, struct fuse_file_info *fi) {
int result;
headers_t meta;
FGPRINT("s3fs_open[path=%s][flags=%d]\n", path, fi->flags);
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
int mask = (O_RDONLY != (fi->flags & O_ACCMODE) ? W_OK : R_OK);
if(0 != (result = check_parent_object_access(path, X_OK))){
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
return result;
result = check_object_access(path, mask, NULL);
if(-ENOENT == result){
if(0 != (result = check_parent_object_access(path, W_OK))){
return result;
}else if(0 != result){
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
return result;
// Go do the truncation if called for
if((unsigned int)fi->flags & O_TRUNC) {
result = s3fs_truncate(path, 0);
if(result != 0)
return result;
if((fi->fh = get_local_fd(path)) <= 0)
return -EIO;
// remember flags and headers...
pthread_mutex_lock( &s3fs_descriptors_lock );
s3fs_descriptors[fi->fh] = fi->flags;
s3fs_pathtofd[string(path)] = fi->fh;
pthread_mutex_unlock( &s3fs_descriptors_lock );
return 0;
static int s3fs_read(
const char *path, char *buf, size_t size, off_t offset, struct fuse_file_info *fi) {
int res;
FGPRINT("s3fs_read[path=%s]\n", path);
res = pread(fi->fh, buf, size, offset);
if(res == -1)
return res;
static int s3fs_write(
const char *path, const char *buf, size_t size, off_t offset, struct fuse_file_info *fi) {
int res = pwrite(fi->fh, buf, size, offset);
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
// Commented - This message is output too much
//FGPRINT("s3fs_write[path=%s]\n", path);
if(res == -1)
return res;
static int s3fs_statfs(const char *path, struct statvfs *stbuf) {
// 256T
stbuf->f_bsize = 0X1000000;
stbuf->f_blocks = 0X1000000;
stbuf->f_bfree = 0x1000000;
stbuf->f_bavail = 0x1000000;
stbuf->f_namemax = NAME_MAX;
return 0;
static int get_flags(int fd) {
int flags;
pthread_mutex_lock( &s3fs_descriptors_lock );
flags = s3fs_descriptors[fd];
pthread_mutex_unlock( &s3fs_descriptors_lock );
return flags;
static int s3fs_flush(const char *path, struct fuse_file_info *fi) {
int flags;
int result;
int fd = fi->fh;
FGPRINT("s3fs_flush[path=%s][fd=%d]\n", path, fd);
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
int mask = (O_RDONLY != (fi->flags & O_ACCMODE) ? W_OK : R_OK);
if(0 != (result = check_parent_object_access(path, X_OK))){
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
return result;
result = check_object_access(path, mask, NULL);
if(-ENOENT == result){
if(0 != (result = check_parent_object_access(path, W_OK))){
return result;
}else if(0 != result){
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
return result;
// NOTE- fi->flags is not available here
flags = get_flags(fd);
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
if(O_RDONLY != (flags & O_ACCMODE)) {
headers_t meta;
if(0 != (result = get_object_attribute(path, NULL, &meta))){
return result;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// if the cached file matches the remote file skip uploading
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
struct stat st;
if((fstat(fd, &st)) == -1)
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
if(str(st.st_size) == meta["Content-Length"] &&
(str(st.st_mtime) == meta["x-amz-meta-mtime"])) {
return result;
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
// If both mtime are not same, force to change mtime based on fd.
if(str(st.st_mtime) != meta["x-amz-meta-mtime"]){
meta["x-amz-meta-mtime"] = str(st.st_mtime);
return put_local_fd(path, meta, fd);
return 0;
static int s3fs_release(const char *path, struct fuse_file_info *fi)
FGPRINT("s3fs_release[path=%s][fd=%ld]\n", path, fi->fh);
// clear file discriptor mapping.
s3fs_pathtofd_t::iterator it;
pthread_mutex_lock( &s3fs_descriptors_lock );
if(s3fs_pathtofd.end() != (it = s3fs_pathtofd.find(string(path)))){
if(fi->fh == (uint)s3fs_pathtofd[string(path)]){
FGPRINT("s3fs_release line %d: file discriptor is not same(%d : %d)\n", __LINE__, (int)fi->fh, s3fs_pathtofd[string(path)]);
pthread_mutex_unlock( &s3fs_descriptors_lock );
if(close(fi->fh) == -1){
if((fi->flags & O_RDWR) || (fi->flags & O_WRONLY)){
return 0;
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
static int s3fs_opendir(const char *path, struct fuse_file_info *fi)
int result;
int mask = (O_RDONLY != (fi->flags & O_ACCMODE) ? W_OK : R_OK) | X_OK;
FGPRINT("s3fs_opendir [path=%s][flags=%d]\n", path, fi->flags);
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
if(0 == (result = check_object_access(path, mask, NULL))){
result = check_parent_object_access(path, mask);
return result;
static int s3fs_readdir(
const char *path, void *buf, fuse_fill_dir_t filler, off_t offset, struct fuse_file_info *fi) {
CURLM *mh;
CURLMsg *msg;
CURLMcode curlm_code;
int n_reqs;
int remaining_messages;
struct s3_object *head = NULL;
struct s3_object *headref = NULL;
auto_head curl_map;
FGPRINT("s3fs_readdir[path=%s]\n", path);
int result;
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
if(0 != (result = check_object_access(path, X_OK, NULL))){
return result;
// get a list of all the objects
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
if((result = list_bucket(path, &head, "/")) != 0){
FGPRINT(" s3fs_readdir list_bucket returns error.\n");
return result;
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
// force to add "." and ".." name.
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
filler(buf, ".", 0, 0);
filler(buf, "..", 0, 0);
return 0;
// populate fuse buffer
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
for(headref = head; headref; headref = headref->next){
int nLen = strlen(headref->name);
if(2 <= nLen && '/' == headref->name[nLen - 1]){
// cut for last '/' charactor
char* ptmp = strdup(headref->name);
ptmp[nLen - 1] = '\0';
filler(buf, ptmp, 0, 0);
filler(buf, headref->name, 0, 0);
headref = head;
// populate the multi interface with an initial set of requests
n_reqs = 0;
mh = curl_multi_init();
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
int still_running = 0;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// Add curl handle to multi session.
while(n_reqs < MAX_REQUESTS && head != NULL) {
string fullpath = path;
if(strcmp(path, "/") != 0){
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
fullpath += "/" + string(head->name);
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
fullpath += string(head->name);
if(StatCache::getStatCacheData()->HasStat(fullpath, head->etag)) {
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
head = head->next;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// file not cached, prepare a call to get_headers
head_data request_data;
request_data.path = fullpath;
CURL *curl_handle = create_head_handle(&request_data);
curl_map.get()[curl_handle] = request_data;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// add this handle to the multi handle
curlm_code = curl_multi_add_handle(mh, curl_handle);
if(curlm_code != CURLM_OK) {
SYSLOGERR("readdir: curl_multi_add_handle code: %d msg: %s",
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
curlm_code, curl_multi_strerror(curlm_code));
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
return -EIO;
// go to the next object.
head = head->next;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// Start making requests and check running.
still_running = 0;
do {
curlm_code = curl_multi_perform(mh, &still_running);
} while(curlm_code == CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM);
if(curlm_code != CURLM_OK) {
SYSLOGERR("readdir: curl_multi_perform code: %d msg: %s",
curlm_code, curl_multi_strerror(curlm_code));
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// Set timer when still running
if(still_running) {
fd_set r_fd;
fd_set w_fd;
fd_set e_fd;
long milliseconds;
curlm_code = curl_multi_timeout(mh, &milliseconds);
if(curlm_code != CURLM_OK) {
SYSLOGERR("readdir: curl_multi_perform code: %d msg: %s",
curlm_code, curl_multi_strerror(curlm_code));
if(milliseconds < 0)
milliseconds = 50;
if(milliseconds > 0) {
struct timeval timeout;
timeout.tv_sec = 1000 * milliseconds / 1000000;
timeout.tv_usec = 1000 * milliseconds % 1000000;
int max_fd;
curlm_code = curl_multi_fdset(mh, &r_fd, &w_fd, &e_fd, &max_fd);
if(curlm_code != CURLM_OK) {
SYSLOGERR("readdir: curl_multi_fdset code: %d msg: %s",
curlm_code, curl_multi_strerror(curlm_code));
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
return -EIO;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
if(select(max_fd + 1, &r_fd, &w_fd, &e_fd, &timeout) == -1){
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// Read the result
while((msg = curl_multi_info_read(mh, &remaining_messages))) {
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
if(msg->msg != CURLMSG_DONE) {
SYSLOGERR("readdir: curl_multi_add_handle code: %d msg: %s",
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
curlm_code, curl_multi_strerror(curlm_code));
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
return -EIO;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
CURLcode code = msg->data.result;
if(code != 0) {
SYSLOGERR("s3fs_readdir: remaining_msgs: %i code: %d msg: %s",
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
remaining_messages, code, curl_easy_strerror(code));
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
return -EIO;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
CURL *curl_handle = msg->easy_handle;
head_data response= curl_map.get()[curl_handle];
long responseCode = -1;
if(CURLE_OK != curl_easy_getinfo(curl_handle, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &responseCode) || 400 <= responseCode){
curl_multi_remove_handle(mh, curl_handle);
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// add into stat cache
if(!StatCache::getStatCacheData()->AddStat(response.path, (*response.responseHeaders))){
FGPRINT("s3fs_readdir: failed adding stat cache [path=%s]\n", response.path.c_str());
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// cleanup
curl_multi_remove_handle(mh, curl_handle);
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
}while(still_running || head);
return 0;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
static int list_bucket(const char *path, struct s3_object **head, const char* delimiter) {
CURL *curl;
int result;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
string s3_realpath;
BodyData body;
bool truncated = true;
string next_marker = "";
FGPRINT("list_bucket [path=%s]\n", path);
s3_realpath = get_realpath(path);
string resource = urlEncode(service_path + bucket); // this is what gets signed
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
string query;
if(delimiter && 0 < strlen(delimiter)){
query += "delimiter=";
query += delimiter;
query += "&";
query += "prefix=";
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
if(0 == s3_realpath.length() || '/' != s3_realpath[s3_realpath.length() - 1]){
// last word must be "/"
query += urlEncode(s3_realpath.substr(1) + "/");
query += urlEncode(s3_realpath.substr(1));
query += "&max-keys=1000";
while(truncated) {
string url = host + resource + "?" + query;
if(next_marker != ""){
url += "&marker=" + urlEncode(next_marker);
next_marker = "";
string my_url = prepare_url(url.c_str());
auto_curl_slist headers;
string date = get_date();
headers.append("Date: " + date);
headers.append("ContentType: ");
if(public_bucket.substr(0,1) != "1") {
headers.append("Authorization: AWS " + AWSAccessKeyId + ":" +
calc_signature("GET", "", date, headers.get(), resource + "/"));
curl = create_curl_handle();
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, my_url.c_str());
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, (void *) &body);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, WriteMemoryCallback);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, headers.get());
result = my_curl_easy_perform(curl, &body);
if(result != 0) {
FGPRINT(" list_bucket my_curl_easy_perform returns with error.\n");
return result;
if((append_objects_from_xml(path, body.str(), head)) != 0) {
FGPRINT(" list_bucket append_objects_from_xml returns with error.\n");
return -1;
truncated = is_truncated(body.str());
xmlChar* tmpch = get_next_marker(body.str());
next_marker = (char*)tmpch;
return 0;
const char* c_strErrorObjectName = "FILE or SUBDIR in DIR";
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
static int append_objects_from_xml_ex(const char* path, xmlDocPtr doc, xmlXPathContextPtr ctx,
const char* ex_contents, const char* ex_key, const char* ex_etag, int isCPrefix, struct s3_object **head)
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
xmlXPathObjectPtr contents_xp;
xmlNodeSetPtr content_nodes;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
contents_xp = xmlXPathEvalExpression((xmlChar*)ex_contents, ctx);
content_nodes = contents_xp->nodesetval;
int i;
for(i = 0; i < content_nodes->nodeNr; i++) {
ctx->node = content_nodes->nodeTab[i];
// object name
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
xmlXPathObjectPtr key = xmlXPathEvalExpression((xmlChar*)ex_key, ctx);
xmlNodeSetPtr key_nodes = key->nodesetval;
char *name = get_object_name(doc, key_nodes->nodeTab[0]->xmlChildrenNode, path);
FGPRINT(" append_objects_from_xml_ex name is something wrong. but continue.\n");
}else if((const char*)name != c_strErrorObjectName){
string stretag = "";
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
string objname = name;
objname += "/";
if(!isCPrefix && ex_etag){
// Get ETag
xmlXPathObjectPtr ETag = xmlXPathEvalExpression((xmlChar*)ex_etag, ctx);
xmlNodeSetPtr etag_nodes = ETag->nodesetval;
xmlChar* petag = xmlNodeListGetString(doc, etag_nodes->nodeTab[0]->xmlChildrenNode, 1);
stretag = (char*)petag;
if(0 != insert_object(objname.c_str(), (0 < stretag.length() ? stretag.c_str() : NULL), head)){
FGPRINT(" append_objects_from_xml_ex insert_object returns with error.\n");
return -1;
//FGPRINT("append_objects_from_xml_ex name is file or subdir in dir. but continue.\n");
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
return 0;
static bool GetXmlNsUrl(xmlDocPtr doc, string& nsurl)
bool result = false;
return result;
xmlNodePtr pRootNode = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc);
xmlNsPtr* nslist = xmlGetNsList(doc, pRootNode);
if(nslist && nslist[0]){
nsurl = (const char*)(nslist[0]->href);
result = true;
return result;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
static int append_objects_from_xml(const char* path, const char *xml, struct s3_object **head) {
xmlDocPtr doc;
xmlXPathContextPtr ctx;
string xmlnsurl;
string ex_contents = "//";
string ex_key = "";
string ex_cprefix = "//";
string ex_prefix = "";
string ex_etag = "";
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// If there is not <Prefix>, use path instead of it.
xmlChar* pprefix = get_prefix(xml);
string prefix = (pprefix ? (char*)pprefix : path ? path : "");
doc = xmlReadMemory(xml, strlen(xml), "", NULL, 0);
if(doc == NULL){
FGPRINT(" append_objects_from_xml xmlReadMemory returns with error.\n");
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
return -1;
ctx = xmlXPathNewContext(doc);
if(!noxmlns && GetXmlNsUrl(doc, xmlnsurl)){
xmlXPathRegisterNs(ctx, (xmlChar*)"s3", (xmlChar*)xmlnsurl.c_str());
ex_contents+= "s3:";
ex_key += "s3:";
ex_cprefix += "s3:";
ex_prefix += "s3:";
ex_etag += "s3:";
ex_contents+= "Contents";
ex_key += "Key";
ex_cprefix += "CommonPrefixes";
ex_prefix += "Prefix";
ex_etag += "ETag";
if(-1 == append_objects_from_xml_ex(prefix.c_str(), doc, ctx, ex_contents.c_str(), ex_key.c_str(), ex_etag.c_str(), 0, head) ||
-1 == append_objects_from_xml_ex(prefix.c_str(), doc, ctx, ex_cprefix.c_str(), ex_prefix.c_str(), NULL, 1, head) )
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
FGPRINT(" append_objects_from_xml append_objects_from_xml_ex returns with error.\n");
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
return -1;
return 0;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
static xmlChar* get_base_exp(const char* xml, const char* exp) {
xmlDocPtr doc;
xmlXPathContextPtr ctx;
xmlXPathObjectPtr marker_xp;
xmlNodeSetPtr nodes;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
xmlChar* result;
string xmlnsurl;
string exp_string = "//";
doc = xmlReadMemory(xml, strlen(xml), "", NULL, 0);
ctx = xmlXPathNewContext(doc);
if(!noxmlns && GetXmlNsUrl(doc, xmlnsurl)){
xmlXPathRegisterNs(ctx, (xmlChar*)"s3", (xmlChar*)xmlnsurl.c_str());
exp_string += "s3:";
exp_string += exp;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
marker_xp = xmlXPathEvalExpression((xmlChar *)exp_string.c_str(), ctx);
nodes = marker_xp->nodesetval;
if(nodes->nodeNr < 1)
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
return NULL;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
result = xmlNodeListGetString(doc, nodes->nodeTab[0]->xmlChildrenNode, 1);
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
return result;
static xmlChar* get_prefix(const char *xml) {
return get_base_exp(xml, "Prefix");
static xmlChar* get_next_marker(const char *xml) {
return get_base_exp(xml, "NextMarker");
static bool is_truncated(const char *xml) {
if(strstr(xml, "<IsTruncated>true</IsTruncated>"))
return true;
return false;
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
// return: the pointer to object name on allocated memory.
// the pointer to "c_strErrorObjectName".(not allocated)
// NULL(a case of something error occured)
static char *get_object_name(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node, const char* path)
// Get full path
xmlChar* fullpath= xmlNodeListGetString(doc, node, 1);
FGPRINT(" get_object_name could not get object full path name..\n");
return NULL;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// basepath(path) is as same as fullpath.
if(0 == strcmp((char*)fullpath, path)){
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
return (char*)c_strErrorObjectName;
// Make dir path and filename
string strfullpath= (char*)fullpath;
string strdirpath = mydirname((char*)fullpath);
string strmybpath = mybasename((char*)fullpath);
const char* dirpath = strdirpath.c_str();
const char* mybname = strmybpath.c_str();
const char* basepath= (!path || '\0' == path[0] || '/' != path[0] ? path : &path[1]);
if(!mybname || '\0' == mybname[0]){
return NULL;
// check subdir & file in subdir
if(dirpath && 0 < strlen(dirpath)){
// case of "/"
if(0 == strcmp(mybname, "/") && 0 == strcmp(dirpath, "/")){
return (char*)c_strErrorObjectName;
// case of "."
if(0 == strcmp(mybname, ".") && 0 == strcmp(dirpath, ".")){
return (char*)c_strErrorObjectName;
// case of ".."
if(0 == strcmp(mybname, "..") && 0 == strcmp(dirpath, ".")){
return (char*)c_strErrorObjectName;
// case of "name"
if(0 == strcmp(dirpath, ".")){
// OK
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
return strdup(mybname);
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
if(basepath && 0 == strcmp(dirpath, basepath)){
// OK
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
return strdup(mybname);
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
}else if(basepath && 0 < strlen(basepath) && '/' == basepath[strlen(basepath) - 1] && 0 == strncmp(dirpath, basepath, strlen(basepath) - 1)){
string withdirname = "";
if(strlen(dirpath) > strlen(basepath)){
withdirname = &dirpath[strlen(basepath)];
if(0 < withdirname.length() && '/' != withdirname[withdirname.length() - 1]){
withdirname += "/";
withdirname += mybname;
return strdup(withdirname.c_str());
// case of something wrong
return (char*)c_strErrorObjectName;
static int remote_mountpath_exists(const char *path) {
struct stat stbuf;
FGPRINT("remote_mountpath_exists [path=%s]\n", path);
// getattr will prefix the path with the remote mountpoint
if(0 != get_object_attribute("", &stbuf, NULL)){
return -1;
return -1;
return 0;
* OpenSSL locking function.
* @param mode lock mode
* @param n lock number
* @param file source file name
* @param line source file line number
* @return none
static void locking_function(int mode, int n, const char *file, int line) {
if(mode & CRYPTO_LOCK)
// OpenSSL uniq thread id function.
static unsigned long id_function(void) {
return((unsigned long) pthread_self());
static void* s3fs_init(struct fuse_conn_info *conn)
SYSLOGINFO("init $Rev$");
// openssl
mutex_buf = static_cast<pthread_mutex_t*>(malloc(CRYPTO_num_locks() * sizeof(pthread_mutex_t)));
for (int i = 0; i < CRYPTO_num_locks(); i++){
pthread_mutex_init(&mutex_buf[i], NULL);
pthread_mutex_init(&s3fs_descriptors_lock, NULL);
// Investigate system capabilities
if((unsigned int)conn->capable & FUSE_CAP_ATOMIC_O_TRUNC){
conn->want |= FUSE_CAP_ATOMIC_O_TRUNC;
return 0;
static void s3fs_destroy(void*)
// openssl
for(int i = 0; i < CRYPTO_num_locks(); i++){
mutex_buf = NULL;
static int s3fs_access(const char *path, int mask)
FGPRINT("s3fs_access[path=%s][mask=%s%s%s%s]\n", path,
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
((mask & R_OK) == R_OK) ? "R_OK " : "",
((mask & W_OK) == W_OK) ? "W_OK " : "",
((mask & X_OK) == X_OK) ? "X_OK " : "",
(mask == F_OK) ? "F_OK" : "");
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
return check_object_access(path, mask, NULL);
static int s3fs_utimens(const char *path, const struct timespec ts[2]) {
int result;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
string s3_realpath;
string strpath;
headers_t meta;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
struct stat stbuf;
int nIsNewDirType = 1;
FGPRINT("s3fs_utimens[path=%s][mtime=%zd]\n", path, ts[1].tv_sec);
if(0 != (result = check_parent_object_access(path, X_OK))){
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
return result;
if(0 != (result = check_object_owner(path, &stbuf))){
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
return result;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
result = -1;
if(0 < strlen(path) && '/' != path[strlen(path) - 1]){
strpath = path;
strpath += "/";
result = get_object_attribute(strpath.c_str(), NULL, &meta, false);
if(0 != result){
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// Need to chack old type directory("dir").
strpath = path;
result = get_object_attribute(strpath.c_str(), NULL, &meta, false);
if(0 < strpath.length() && '/' == strpath[strpath.length() - 1]){
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
nIsNewDirType = 0;
strpath = path;
result = get_object_attribute(strpath.c_str(), NULL, &meta);
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
if(0 != result){
return result;
s3_realpath = get_realpath(strpath.c_str());
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
if(S_ISDIR(stbuf.st_mode) && 0 == nIsNewDirType){
// directory object of old version
// Need to remove old dir("dir") and make new dir("dir/")
// At first, remove directory old object
if(0 != (result = curl_delete(s3_realpath.c_str()))){
return result;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// Make new directory object("dir/")
if(0 != (result = create_directory_object(strpath.c_str(), stbuf.st_mode, ts[1].tv_sec, stbuf.st_uid, stbuf.st_gid))){
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
return result;
meta["x-amz-meta-mtime"] = str(ts[1].tv_sec);
meta["x-amz-copy-source"] = urlEncode("/" + bucket + s3_realpath);
meta["x-amz-metadata-directive"] = "REPLACE";
if(put_headers(strpath.c_str(), meta) != 0){
return -EIO;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
return 0;
static int s3fs_utimens_nocopy(const char *path, const struct timespec ts[2]) {
int result;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
string s3_realpath;
string strpath;
headers_t meta;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
struct stat stbuf;
int nIsNewDirType = 1;
FGPRINT("s3fs_utimens_nocopy [path=%s][mtime=%s]\n", path, str(ts[1].tv_sec).c_str());
if(0 != (result = check_parent_object_access(path, X_OK))){
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
return result;
if(0 != (result = check_object_owner(path, &stbuf))){
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
return result;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// Get attributes
result = -1;
if(0 < strlen(path) && '/' != path[strlen(path) - 1]){
strpath = path;
strpath += "/";
result = get_object_attribute(strpath.c_str(), NULL, &meta, false);
if(0 != result){
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// Need to chack old type directory("dir").
strpath = path;
result = get_object_attribute(strpath.c_str(), NULL, &meta, false);
if(0 < strpath.length() && '/' == strpath[strpath.length() - 1]){
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
nIsNewDirType = 0;
strpath = path;
result = get_object_attribute(strpath.c_str(), NULL, &meta);
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
if(0 != result){
return result;
s3_realpath = get_realpath(strpath.c_str());
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
if(0 == nIsNewDirType){
// directory object of old version
// Need to remove old dir("dir") and make new dir("dir/")
// At first, remove directory old object
if(0 != (result = curl_delete(s3_realpath.c_str()))){
return result;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// Make new directory object("dir/")
if(0 != (result = create_directory_object(strpath.c_str(), stbuf.st_mode, ts[1].tv_sec, stbuf.st_uid, stbuf.st_gid))){
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
return result;
// directory object of new version
// Over put directory object.
if(0 != (result = create_directory_object(strpath.c_str(), stbuf.st_mode, ts[1].tv_sec, stbuf.st_uid, stbuf.st_gid))){
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
return result;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// normal object or directory object of newer version
int fd;
int isclose = 1;
struct timeval tv[2];
// Downloading
if(0 > (fd = get_opened_fd(strpath.c_str()))){
if(0 > (fd = get_local_fd(strpath.c_str()))){
FGPRINT(" s3fs_utimens_nocopy line %d: get_local_fd result: %d\n", __LINE__, fd);
SYSLOGERR("s3fs_utimens_nocopy line %d: get_local_fd result: %d", __LINE__, fd);
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
return -EIO;
isclose = 0;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// Change date
meta["x-amz-meta-mtime"] = str(ts[1].tv_sec);
// Change local file date
TIMESPEC_TO_TIMEVAL(&tv[0], &ts[0]);
TIMESPEC_TO_TIMEVAL(&tv[1], &ts[1]);
if(-1 == futimes(fd, tv)){
FGPRINT(" s3fs_utimens_nocopy line %d: futimes(fd=%d, ...) is error(%d)\n", __LINE__, fd, errno);
SYSLOGERR("s3fs_utimens_nocopy line %d: futimes(fd=%d, ...) is error(%d)", __LINE__, fd, errno);
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
return -errno;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// Re-uploading
if(0 != (result = put_local_fd(strpath.c_str(), meta, fd))){
FGPRINT(" s3fs_utimens_nocopy line %d: put_local_fd result: %d\n", __LINE__, result);
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
return result;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
static int s3fs_check_service(void) {
CURL *curl = NULL;
int result = CURLE_OK;
CURLcode responseCode;
BodyData body;
string resource = urlEncode(service_path + bucket);
string url = host + resource;
auto_curl_slist headers;
string date = get_date();
headers.append("Date: " + date);
if (public_bucket.substr(0,1) != "1") {
headers.append("Authorization: AWS " + AWSAccessKeyId + ":" +
calc_signature("GET", "", date, headers.get(), resource));
} else {
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
curl = create_curl_handle();
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, true);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, (void *)&body);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, WriteMemoryCallback);
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, url.c_str());
curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, headers.get());
result = my_curl_easy_perform(curl, &body);
// connect either successful or too many timeouts
curl_easy_getinfo(curl, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &responseCode);
if(responseCode == 403) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid credentials\n", program_name.c_str());
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
if(responseCode == 404) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: bucket not found\n", program_name.c_str());
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// unable to connect
if(responseCode == CURLE_OPERATION_TIMEDOUT) {
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
if(responseCode != 200 && responseCode != 301) {
SYSLOGDBG("responseCode: %i\n", (int)responseCode);
fprintf(stderr, "%s: unable to connect\n", program_name.c_str());
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// make sure remote mountpath exists and is a directory
if(mount_prefix.size() > 0) {
if(remote_mountpath_exists(mount_prefix.c_str()) != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: remote mountpath %s not found.\n",
program_name.c_str(), mount_prefix.c_str());
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// success
service_validated = true;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// Return: 1 - OK(could read and set accesskey etc.)
// 0 - NG(could not read)
// -1 - Should shoutdown immidiatly
static int check_for_aws_format (void) {
size_t first_pos = string::npos;
string line;
bool got_access_key_id_line = 0;
bool got_secret_key_line = 0;
string str1 ("AWSAccessKeyId=");
string str2 ("AWSSecretKey=");
size_t found;
ifstream PF(passwd_file.c_str());
if (PF.good()) {
while (getline(PF, line)) {
if(line.size() == 0)
first_pos = line.find_first_of(" \t");
if (first_pos != string::npos) {
printf ("%s: invalid line in passwd file, found whitespace character\n",
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
return -1;
first_pos = line.find_first_of("[");
if (first_pos != string::npos && first_pos == 0) {
printf ("%s: invalid line in passwd file, found a bracket \"[\" character\n",
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
return -1;
found = line.find(str1);
if (found != string::npos) {
first_pos = line.find_first_of("=");
AWSAccessKeyId = line.substr(first_pos + 1, string::npos);
got_access_key_id_line = 1;
found = line.find(str2);
if (found != string::npos) {
first_pos = line.find_first_of("=");
AWSSecretAccessKey = line.substr(first_pos + 1, string::npos);
got_secret_key_line = 1;
if(got_access_key_id_line && got_secret_key_line)
return 1;
return 0;
// check_passwd_file_perms
// expect that global passwd_file variable contains
// a non-empty value and is readable by the current user
// Check for too permissive access to the file
// help save users from themselves via a security hole
// only two options: return or error out
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
static int check_passwd_file_perms (void) {
struct stat info;
// let's get the file info
if (stat(passwd_file.c_str(), &info) != 0) {
fprintf (stderr, "%s: unexpected error from stat(%s, ) \n",
program_name.c_str(), passwd_file.c_str());
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// return error if any file has others permissions
if ((info.st_mode & S_IROTH) ||
(info.st_mode & S_IWOTH) ||
(info.st_mode & S_IXOTH)) {
fprintf (stderr, "%s: credentials file %s should not have others permissions\n",
program_name.c_str(), passwd_file.c_str());
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// Any local file should not have any group permissions
// /etc/passwd-s3fs can have group permissions
if (passwd_file != "/etc/passwd-s3fs") {
if ((info.st_mode & S_IRGRP) ||
(info.st_mode & S_IWGRP) ||
(info.st_mode & S_IXGRP)) {
fprintf (stderr, "%s: credentials file %s should not have group permissions\n",
program_name.c_str(), passwd_file.c_str());
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// read_passwd_file
// Support for per bucket credentials
// Format for the credentials file:
// [bucket:]AccessKeyId:SecretAccessKey
// Lines beginning with # are considered comments
// and ignored, as are empty lines
// Uncommented lines without the ":" character are flagged as
// an error, so are lines with spaces or tabs
// only one default key pair is allowed, but not required
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
static int read_passwd_file (void) {
string line;
string field1, field2, field3;
size_t first_pos = string::npos;
size_t last_pos = string::npos;
bool default_found = 0;
bool aws_format;
// if you got here, the password file
// exists and is readable by the
// current user, check for permissions
aws_format = check_for_aws_format();
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
if(1 == aws_format){
}else if(-1 == aws_format){
ifstream PF(passwd_file.c_str());
if (PF.good()) {
while (getline(PF, line)) {
if (line[0]=='#') {
if (line.size() == 0) {
first_pos = line.find_first_of(" \t");
if (first_pos != string::npos) {
printf ("%s: invalid line in passwd file, found whitespace character\n",
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
first_pos = line.find_first_of("[");
if (first_pos != string::npos && first_pos == 0) {
printf ("%s: invalid line in passwd file, found a bracket \"[\" character\n",
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
first_pos = line.find_first_of(":");
if (first_pos == string::npos) {
printf ("%s: invalid line in passwd file, no \":\" separator found\n",
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
last_pos = line.find_last_of(":");
if (first_pos != last_pos) {
// bucket specified
field1 = line.substr(0,first_pos);
field2 = line.substr(first_pos + 1, last_pos - first_pos - 1);
field3 = line.substr(last_pos + 1, string::npos);
} else {
// no bucket specified - original style - found default key
if (default_found == 1) {
printf ("%s: more than one default key pair found in passwd file\n",
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
default_found = 1;
field2 = line.substr(0,first_pos);
field3 = line.substr(first_pos + 1, string::npos);
AWSAccessKeyId = field2;
AWSSecretAccessKey = field3;
// does the bucket we are mounting match this passwd file entry?
// if so, use that key pair, otherwise use the default key, if found,
// will be used
if (field1.size() != 0 && field1 == bucket) {
AWSAccessKeyId = field2;
AWSSecretAccessKey = field3;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// get_access_keys
// called only when were are not mounting a
// public bucket
// Here is the order precedence for getting the
// keys:
// 1 - from the command line (security risk)
// 2 - from a password file specified on the command line
// 3 - from environment variables
// 4 - from the users ~/.passwd-s3fs
// 5 - from /etc/passwd-s3fs
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
static int get_access_keys (void) {
// should be redundant
if (public_bucket.substr(0,1) == "1") {
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// 1 - keys specified on the command line
if (AWSAccessKeyId.size() > 0 && AWSSecretAccessKey.size() > 0) {
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// 2 - was specified on the command line
if (passwd_file.size() > 0) {
ifstream PF(passwd_file.c_str());
if (PF.good()) {
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
return read_passwd_file();
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: specified passwd_file is not readable\n",
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// 3 - environment variables
fprintf(stderr, "%s: if environment variable AWSACCESSKEYID is set then AWSSECRETACCESSKEY must be set too\n",
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// 3a - from the AWS_CREDENTIAL_FILE environment variable
if (passwd_file.size() > 0) {
ifstream PF(passwd_file.c_str());
if (PF.good()) {
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
return read_passwd_file();
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: AWS_CREDENTIAL_FILE: \"%s\" is not readable\n",
program_name.c_str(), passwd_file.c_str());
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// 4 - from the default location in the users home directory
char * HOME;
HOME = getenv ("HOME");
if (HOME != NULL) {
ifstream PF(passwd_file.c_str());
if (PF.good()) {
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
if(EXIT_SUCCESS != read_passwd_file()){
// It is possible that the user's file was there but
// contained no key pairs i.e. commented out
// in that case, go look in the final location
if (AWSAccessKeyId.size() > 0 && AWSSecretAccessKey.size() > 0) {
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// 5 - from the system default location
ifstream PF(passwd_file.c_str());
if (PF.good()) {
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
return read_passwd_file();
fprintf(stderr, "%s: could not determine how to establish security credentials\n",
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
// This is repeatedly called by the fuse option parser
// if the key is equal to FUSE_OPT_KEY_OPT, it's an option passed in prefixed by
// '-' or '--' e.g.: -f -d -ousecache=/tmp
// if the key is equal to FUSE_OPT_KEY_NONOPT, it's either the bucket name
// or the mountpoint. The bucket name will always come before the mountpoint
static int my_fuse_opt_proc(void *data, const char *arg, int key, struct fuse_args *outargs)
if(key == FUSE_OPT_KEY_NONOPT) {
// the first NONOPT option is the bucket name
if(bucket.size() == 0) {
// extract remote mount path
char *bucket_name = (char*)arg;
if(strstr(arg, ":")){
bucket = strtok(bucket_name, ":");
char* pmount_prefix = strtok(NULL, ":");
mount_prefix = pmount_prefix;
// remove trailing slash
if(mount_prefix.at(mount_prefix.size() - 1) == '/'){
mount_prefix = mount_prefix.substr(0, mount_prefix.size() - 1);
bucket = arg;
return 0;
// save the mountpoint and do some basic error checking
mountpoint = arg;
struct stat stbuf;
if(stat(arg, &stbuf) == -1) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: unable to access MOUNTPOINT %s: %s\n",
program_name.c_str(), mountpoint.c_str(), strerror(errno));
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
return -1;
root_mode = stbuf.st_mode; // save mode for later usage
if(!(S_ISDIR(stbuf.st_mode ))) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: MOUNTPOINT: %s is not a directory\n",
program_name.c_str(), mountpoint.c_str());
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
return -1;
struct dirent *ent;
DIR *dp = opendir(mountpoint.c_str());
if(dp == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed to open MOUNTPOINT: %s: %s\n",
program_name.c_str(), mountpoint.c_str(), strerror(errno));
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
return -1;
while((ent = readdir(dp)) != NULL) {
if(strcmp(ent->d_name, ".") != 0 && strcmp(ent->d_name, "..") != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: MOUNTPOINT directory %s is not empty.\n"
"%s: if you are sure this is safe, can use the 'nonempty' mount option.\n",
program_name.c_str(), mountpoint.c_str(), program_name.c_str());
return -1;
if (key == FUSE_OPT_KEY_OPT) {
if (strstr(arg, "default_acl=") != 0) {
default_acl = strchr(arg, '=') + 1;
return 0;
if (strstr(arg, "retries=") != 0) {
retries = atoi(strchr(arg, '=') + 1);
return 0;
if (strstr(arg, "use_cache=") != 0) {
use_cache = strchr(arg, '=') + 1;
return 0;
if(strstr(arg, "nonempty") != 0) {
nonempty = true;
// need to continue for fuse.
return 1;
if(strstr(arg, "nomultipart") != 0) {
nomultipart = true;
return 0;
if (strstr(arg, "use_rrs=") != 0) {
use_rrs = strchr(arg, '=') + 1;
if (strcmp(use_rrs.c_str(), "1") == 0 ||
strcmp(use_rrs.c_str(), "") == 0 ) {
return 0;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: poorly formed argument to option: use_rrs\n",
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
return -1;
if (strstr(arg, "ssl_verify_hostname=") != 0) {
ssl_verify_hostname = strchr(arg, '=') + 1;
if (strcmp(ssl_verify_hostname.c_str(), "1") == 0 ||
strcmp(ssl_verify_hostname.c_str(), "0") == 0 ) {
return 0;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: poorly formed argument to option: ssl_verify_hostname\n",
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
return -1;
if (strstr(arg, "passwd_file=") != 0) {
passwd_file = strchr(arg, '=') + 1;
return 0;
if (strstr(arg, "public_bucket=") != 0) {
public_bucket = strchr(arg, '=') + 1;
if (strcmp(public_bucket.c_str(), "1") == 0 ||
strcmp(public_bucket.c_str(), "") == 0 ) {
return 0;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: poorly formed argument to option: public_bucket\n",
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
return -1;
if (strstr(arg, "host=") != 0) {
host = strchr(arg, '=') + 1;
return 0;
if (strstr(arg, "servicepath=") != 0) {
service_path = strchr(arg, '=') + 1;
return 0;
if (strstr(arg, "connect_timeout=") != 0) {
connect_timeout = strtol(strchr(arg, '=') + 1, 0, 10);
return 0;
if (strstr(arg, "readwrite_timeout=") != 0) {
readwrite_timeout = strtoul(strchr(arg, '=') + 1, 0, 10);
return 0;
if (strstr(arg, "max_stat_cache_size=") != 0) {
unsigned long cache_size = strtoul(strchr(arg, '=') + 1, 0, 10);
return 0;
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
if (strstr(arg, "stat_cache_expire=") != 0) {
time_t expr_time = strtoul(strchr(arg, '=') + 1, 0, 10);
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
return 0;
if(strstr(arg, "noxmlns") != 0) {
noxmlns = true;
return 0;
if(strstr(arg, "nocopyapi") != 0) {
nocopyapi = true;
return 0;
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
if(strstr(arg, "norenameapi") != 0) {
norenameapi = true;
return 0;
if (strstr(arg, "url=") != 0) {
host = strchr(arg, '=') + 1;
// strip the trailing '/', if any, off the end of the host
// string
size_t found, length;
found = host.find_last_of('/');
length = host.length();
while ( found == (length - 1) && length > 0 ) {
found = host.find_last_of('/');
length = host.length();
return 0;
// debug option
// The first -d (or --debug) enables s3fs debug
// the second -d option is passed to fuse to turn on its
// debug output
if ( (strcmp(arg, "-d") == 0) || (strcmp(arg, "--debug") == 0) ) {
if (!debug) {
debug = 1;
return 0;
} else {
// fuse doesn't understand "--debug", but it
// understands -d, but we can't pass -d back
// to fuse, in this case just ignore the
// second --debug if is was provided. If we
// do not ignore this, fuse emits an error
if(strcmp(arg, "--debug") == 0) {
return 0;
if (strstr(arg, "accessKeyId=") != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: option accessKeyId is no longer supported\n",
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
return -1;
if (strstr(arg, "secretAccessKey=") != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: option secretAccessKey is no longer supported\n",
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
return -1;
return 1;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int ch;
int fuse_res;
int option_index = 0;
struct fuse_operations s3fs_oper;
static const struct option long_opts[] = {
{"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'},
{"version", no_argument, 0, 0},
{"debug", no_argument, NULL, 'd'},
{0, 0, 0, 0}};
// get progam name - emulate basename
size_t found = string::npos;
found = program_name.find_last_of("/");
if(found != string::npos) {
program_name.replace(0, found+1, "");
while ((ch = getopt_long(argc, argv, "dho:fsu", long_opts, &option_index)) != -1) {
switch (ch) {
case 0:
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
if(strcmp(long_opts[option_index].name, "version") == 0){
case 'h':
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
case 'o':
case 'd':
case 'f':
foreground = 1;
case 's':
case 'u':
utility_mode = 1;
// clear this structure
memset(&s3fs_oper, 0, sizeof(s3fs_oper));
// This is the fuse-style parser for the arguments
// after which the bucket name and mountpoint names
// should have been set
struct fuse_args custom_args = FUSE_ARGS_INIT(argc, argv);
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
if(0 != fuse_opt_parse(&custom_args, NULL, NULL, my_fuse_opt_proc)){
// The first plain argument is the bucket
if (bucket.size() == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: missing BUCKET argument\n", program_name.c_str());
// bucket names cannot contain upper case characters
if (lower(bucket) != bucket) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: BUCKET %s, upper case characters are not supported\n",
program_name.c_str(), bucket.c_str());
// check bucket name for illegal characters
found = bucket.find_first_of("/:\\;!@#$%^&*?|+=");
if(found != string::npos) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: BUCKET %s -- bucket name contains an illegal character\n",
program_name.c_str(), bucket.c_str());
// The second plain argument is the mountpoint
// if the option was given, we all ready checked for a
// readable, non-empty directory, this checks determines
// if the mountpoint option was ever supplied
if (utility_mode == 0) {
if (mountpoint.size() == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: missing MOUNTPOINT argument\n", program_name.c_str());
// error checking of command line arguments for compatability
if ((AWSSecretAccessKey.size() > 0 && AWSAccessKeyId.size() == 0) ||
(AWSSecretAccessKey.size() == 0 && AWSAccessKeyId.size() > 0)) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: if one access key is specified, both keys need to be specified\n",
if (public_bucket.substr(0,1) == "1" &&
(AWSSecretAccessKey.size() > 0 || AWSAccessKeyId.size() > 0)) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: specifying both public_bucket and the access keys options is invalid\n",
if (passwd_file.size() > 0 &&
(AWSSecretAccessKey.size() > 0 || AWSAccessKeyId.size() > 0)) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: specifying both passwd_file and the access keys options is invalid\n",
if (public_bucket.substr(0,1) != "1") {
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
if(EXIT_SUCCESS != get_access_keys()){
if(AWSSecretAccessKey.size() == 0 || AWSAccessKeyId.size() == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: could not establish security credentials, check documentation\n",
// More error checking on the access key pair can be done
// like checking for appropriate lengths and characters
// There's room for more command line error checking
// Check to see if the bucket name contains periods and https (SSL) is
// being used. This is a known limitation:
// http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/
// The Developers Guide suggests that either use HTTP of for us to write
// our own certificate verification logic.
// For now, this will be unsupported unless we get a request for it to
// be supported. In that case, we have a couple of options:
// - implement a command line option that bypasses the verify host
// but doesn't bypass verifying the certificate
// - write our own host verification (this might be complex)
// See issue #128strncasecmp
if (ssl_verify_hostname.substr(0,1) == "1") {
found = bucket.find_first_of(".");
if(found != string::npos) {
found = host.find("https:");
if(found != string::npos) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Using https and a bucket name with periods is unsupported.\n",
// Does the bucket exist?
// if the network is up, check for valid credentials and if the bucket
// exists. skip check if mounting a public bucket
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00
if(public_bucket.substr(0,1) != "1"){
int result;
if(EXIT_SUCCESS != (result = s3fs_check_service())){
if (utility_mode) {
printf("Utility Mode\n");
int result;
result = list_multipart_uploads();
s3fs_oper.getattr = s3fs_getattr;
s3fs_oper.readlink = s3fs_readlink;
s3fs_oper.mknod = s3fs_mknod;
s3fs_oper.mkdir = s3fs_mkdir;
s3fs_oper.unlink = s3fs_unlink;
s3fs_oper.rmdir = s3fs_rmdir;
s3fs_oper.symlink = s3fs_symlink;
s3fs_oper.rename = s3fs_rename;
s3fs_oper.link = s3fs_link;
s3fs_oper.chmod = s3fs_chmod;
s3fs_oper.chown = s3fs_chown;
s3fs_oper.utimens = s3fs_utimens;
s3fs_oper.chmod = s3fs_chmod_nocopy;
s3fs_oper.chown = s3fs_chown_nocopy;
s3fs_oper.utimens = s3fs_utimens_nocopy;
s3fs_oper.truncate = s3fs_truncate;
s3fs_oper.open = s3fs_open;
s3fs_oper.read = s3fs_read;
s3fs_oper.write = s3fs_write;
s3fs_oper.statfs = s3fs_statfs;
s3fs_oper.flush = s3fs_flush;
s3fs_oper.release = s3fs_release;
Summary of Changes(1.62 -> 1.63) 1) Lifetime for the stats cache Added the new option "stat_cache_expire". This option which is specified by seconds means the lifetime for each stats cache entry. If this option is not specified, the stats cache is kept in s3fs process until the stats cache grown to maximum size. (default) If this option is specified, the stats cache entry is out from the memory when the entry expires time. 2) Enable file permission s3fs before 1.62 did not consider the file access permission. s3fs after this version can consider it. For access permission, the s3fs_getattr() function was divided into sub function which can check the file access permission. It is like access() function. And the function calling the s3fs_getattr() calls this new sub function instead of s3fs_getattr(). Last the s3fs_opendir() function which is called by FUSE was added for checking directory access permission when listing the files in directory. 3) UID/GUID When a file or a directory was created, the s3fs could not set the UID/GID as the user who executed a command. (Almost the UID/GID are root, because the s3fs run by root.) After this version, the s3fs set correct UID/GID as the user who executes the commond. 4) About the mtime If the object does not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" meta, the s3fs uses the "Last-Modified" header instead of it. But the s3fs had a bug in this code, and this version fixed this bug. When user modified the file, the s3fs did not update the mtime of the file. This version fixed this bug. In the get_local_fd() function, the local file's mtime was changed only when s3fs run with "use_cache" option. This version always updates the mtime whether the local cache file is used or not. And s3fs_flush ( ) function set the mtime of local cache file from S3 object mtime, but it was wrong . This version is that the s3fs_flush ( ) changes the mtime of S3 object from the local cache file or the tmpfile . The s3fs cuts some requests, because the s3fs can always check mtime whether the s3fs uses or does not use the local cache file. 5) A case of no "x-amz-meta-mode" If the object did not have "x-amz-meta-mtime" mete, the s3fs recognized the file as not regular file. After this version, the s3fs recognizes the file as regular file. 6) "." and ".." directory The s3fs_readdir() did not return "X" and "XX" directory name. After this version, the s3fs is changed that it returns "X" and "XX". Example, the result of "ls" lists "X" and "XX" directory. 7) Fixed a bug The insert_object() had a bug, and it is fixed. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@390 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-02-24 08:58:54 +00:00
s3fs_oper.opendir = s3fs_opendir;
s3fs_oper.readdir = s3fs_readdir;
s3fs_oper.init = s3fs_init;
s3fs_oper.destroy = s3fs_destroy;
s3fs_oper.access = s3fs_access;
s3fs_oper.create = s3fs_create;
// now passing things off to fuse, fuse will finish evaluating the command line args
fuse_res = fuse_main(custom_args.argc, custom_args.argv, &s3fs_oper, NULL);
Summary of Changes(1.63 -> 1.64) * This new version was made for fixing big issue about directory object. Please be careful and review new s3fs. ========================== List of Changes ========================== 1) Fixed bugs Fixed some memory leak and un-freed curl handle. Fixed codes with a bug which is not found yet. Fixed a bug that the s3fs could not update object's mtime when the s3fs had a opened file descriptor. Please let us know a bug, when you find new bug of a memory leak. 2) Changed codes Changed codes of s3fs_readdir() and list_bucket() etc. Changed codes so that the get_realpath() function returned std::string. Changed codes about exit() function. Because the exit() function is called from many fuse callback function directly, these function called fuse_exit() function and retuned with error. Changed codes so that the case of the characters for the "x-amz-meta" response header is ignored. 3) Added a option Added the norenameapi option for the storage compatible with S3 without copy API. This option is subset of nocopyapi option. Please read man page or call with --help option. 4) Object for directory This is very big and important change. The object of directory is changed "dir/" instead of "dir" for being compatible with other S3 client applications. And this version understands the object of directory which is made by old version. If the new s3fs changes the attributes or owner/group or mtime of the directory object, the s3fs automatically changes the object from old object name("dir") to new("dir/"). If you need to change old object name("dir") to new("dir/") manually, you can use shell script(mergedir.sh) in test directory. * About the directory object name AWS S3 allows the object name as both "dir" and "dir/". The s3fs before this version understood only "dir" as directory object name, but old version did not understand the "dir/" object name. The new version understands both of "dir" and "dir/" object name. The s3fs user needs to be care for the special situation that I mentioned later. The new version deletes old "dir" object and makes new "dir/" object, when the user operates the directory object for changing the permission or owner/group or mtime. This operation does on background and automatically. If you need to merge manually, you can use shell script which is mergedir.sh in test directory. This script runs chmod/chown/touch commands after finding a directory. Other S3 client application makes a directory object("dir/") without meta information which is needed to understand by the s3fs, this script can add meta information for a directory object. If this script function is insufficient for you, you can read and modify the codes by yourself. Please use the shell script carefully because of changing the object. If you find a bug in this script, please let me know. * Details ** The directory object made by old version The directory object made by old version is not understood by other S3 client application. New s3fs version was updated for keeping compatibility with other clients. You can use the mergedir.sh in test directory for merging from old directory object("dir") to new("dir/"). The directory object name is changed from "dir" to "dir/" after the mergedir.sh is run, this changed "dir/" object is understood by other S3 clients. This script runs chmod/chown/chgrp/touch/etc commands against the old directory object("dir"), then new s3fs merges that directory automatically. If you need to change directory object from old to new manually, you can do it by running these commands which change the directory attributes(mode/owner/group/mtime). ** The directory object made by new version The directory object name made by new version is "dir/". Because the name includes "/", other S3 client applications understand it as the directory. I tested new directory by s3cmd/tntDrive/DragonDisk/Gladinet as other S3 clients, the result was good compatibility. You need to know that the compatibility has small problem by the difference in specifications between clients. And you need to be careful about that the old s3fs can not understand the directory object which made by new s3fs. You should change all s3fs which accesses same bucket. ** The directory object made by other S3 client application Because the object is determined as a directory by the s3fs, the s3fs makes and uses special meta information which is "x-amz-meta-***" and "Content-Type" as HTTP header. The s3fs sets and uses HTTP headers for the directory object, those headers are listed below. Content-Type: application/x-directory x-amz-meta-mode: <mode> x-amz-meta-uid: <UID> x-amz-meta-gid <GID> x-amz-meta-mtime: <unix time of modified file> Other S3 client application builds the directory object without attributes which is needed by the s3fs. When the "ls" command is run on the s3fs-fuse file system which has directories/files made by other S3 clients, this result is shown below. d--------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 11:21 dir ---------- 1 root root 1024 Mar 14 02:15 file Because the objects don't have meta information("x-amz-meta-mode"), it means mode=0000. In this case, the directory object is shown only "d", because the s3fs determines the object as a directory when the object is the name with "/" or has "Content-type: application/x-directory" header. (The s3fs sets "Content-Type: application/x-directory" to the directory object, but other S3 clients set "binary/octet-stream".) In that result, nobody without root is allowed to operate the object. The owner and group are "root"(UID=0) because the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-uid/gid". If the object doesn't have "x-amz-meta-mtime", the s3fs uses "Last-Modified" HTTP header. Therefore the object's mtime is "Last-Modified" value.(This logic is same as old version) It has been already explained, if you need to change the object attributes, you can do it by manually operation or mergedir.sh. * Example of the compatibility with s3cmd etc ** Case A) Only "dir/file" object One of case, there is only "dir/file" object without "dir/" object, that object is made by s3cmd or etc. In this case, the response of REST API(list bucket) with "delimiter=/" parameter has "CommonPrefixes", and the "dir/" is listed in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix", but the "dir/" object is not real object. The s3fs needs to determine this object as directory, however there is no real directory object("dir" or "dir/"). But both new s3fs and old one does NOT understand this "dir/" in "CommonPrefixes", because the s3fs fails to get meta information from "dir" or "dir/". On this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? dir This "dir" is not operated by anyone and any process, because the s3fs does not understand this object permission. And "dir/file" object can not be shown and operated too. Some other S3 clients(tntDrive/Gladinet/etc) can not understand this object as same as the s3fs. If you need to operate "dir/file" object, you need to make the "dir/" object as a directory. To make the "dir/" directory object, you need to do below. Because there is already the "dir" object which is not real object, you can not make "dir/" directory. (s3cmd does not make "dir/" object because the object name has "/".). You should make another name directory(ex: "dir2/"), and move the "dir/file" objects to in new directory. Last, you can rename the directory name from "dir2/" to "dir/". ** Case B) Both "dir" and "dir/file" object This case is that there are "dir" and "dir/file" objects which were made by s3cmd/etc. s3cmd and s3fs understand the "dir" object as normal(file) object because this object does not have meta information and a name with "/". But the result of REST API(list bucket) has "dir/" name in "CommonPrefixes/Prefix". The s3fs checks "dir/" and "dir" as a directory, but the "dir" object is not directory object. (Because the new s3fs need to compatible old version, the s3fs checks a directory object in order of "dir/", "dir") In this case, the result of "ls" command is shown below. ---------- 1 root root 0 Feb 27 02:48 dir As a result, the "dir/file" can not be shown and operated because the "dir" object is a file. If you determine the "dir" as a directory, you need to add mete information to the "dir" object by s3cmd. ** Case C) Both "dir" and "dir/" object Last case is that there are "dir" and "dir/" objects which were made by other S3 clients. (example: At first you upload a object "dir/" as a directory by new 3sfs, and you upload a object "dir" by s3cmd.) New s3fs determines "dir/" as a directory, because the s3fs searches in oder of "dir/", "dir". As a result, the "dir" object can not be shown and operated. ** Compatibility between S3 clients Both new and old s3fs do not understand both "dir" and "dir/" at the same time, tntDrive and Galdinet are same as the s3fs. If there are "dir/" and "dir" objects, the s3fs gives priority to "dir/". But s3cmd and DragonDisk understand both objects. git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@392 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-03-23 14:04:07 +00:00