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* s3fs - FUSE-based file system backed by Amazon S3
* Copyright(C) 2007 Randy Rizun <rrizun@gmail.com>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef S3FS_CRED_H_
#define S3FS_CRED_H_
#include "autolock.h"
// Typedefs
typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> iamcredmap_t;
// class S3fsCred
// This is a class for operating and managing Credentials(accesskey,
// secret key, tokens, etc.) used by S3fs.
// Operations related to Credentials are aggregated in this class.
// cppcheck-suppress ctuOneDefinitionRuleViolation ; for stub in test_curl_util.cpp
class S3fsCred
static const char* ALLBUCKET_FIELDS_TYPE; // special key for mapping(This name is absolutely not used as a bucket name)
static const char* KEYVAL_FIELDS_TYPE; // special key for mapping(This name is absolutely not used as a bucket name)
static const char* AWS_ACCESSKEYID;
static const char* AWS_SECRETKEY;
static const int IAM_EXPIRE_MERGIN;
static const char* ECS_IAM_ENV_VAR;
static const char* IAMCRED_ACCESSKEYID;
static const char* IAMCRED_ROLEARN;
static std::string bucket_name;
pthread_mutex_t token_lock;
bool is_lock_init;
std::string passwd_file;
std::string aws_profile;
bool load_iamrole;
std::string AWSAccessKeyId; // Protect exclusively
std::string AWSSecretAccessKey; // Protect exclusively
std::string AWSAccessToken; // Protect exclusively
time_t AWSAccessTokenExpire; // Protect exclusively
bool is_ecs;
bool is_use_session_token;
bool is_ibm_iam_auth;
std::string IAM_cred_url;
int IAM_api_version; // Protect exclusively
std::string IAMv2_api_token; // Protect exclusively
size_t IAM_field_count;
std::string IAM_token_field;
std::string IAM_expiry_field;
std::string IAM_role; // Protect exclusively
static const char* IAMv2_token_url;
static int IAMv2_token_ttl;
static const char* IAMv2_token_ttl_hdr;
static const char* IAMv2_token_hdr;
static bool ParseIAMRoleFromMetaDataResponse(const char* response, std::string& rolename);
bool SetS3fsPasswdFile(const char* file);
bool IsSetPasswdFile();
bool SetAwsProfileName(const char* profile_name);
bool SetIAMRoleMetadataType(bool flag);
bool SetAccessKey(const char* AccessKeyId, const char* SecretAccessKey, AutoLock::Type type);
bool SetAccessKeyWithSessionToken(const char* AccessKeyId, const char* SecretAccessKey, const char * SessionToken, AutoLock::Type type);
bool IsSetAccessKeys(AutoLock::Type type);
bool SetIsECS(bool flag);
bool SetIsUseSessionToken(bool flag);
bool SetIsIBMIAMAuth(bool flag);
int SetIMDSVersion(int version, AutoLock::Type type);
int GetIMDSVersion(AutoLock::Type type);
bool SetIAMv2APIToken(const std::string& token, AutoLock::Type type);
std::string GetIAMv2APIToken(AutoLock::Type type);
bool SetIAMRole(const char* role, AutoLock::Type type);
std::string GetIAMRole(AutoLock::Type type);
bool IsSetIAMRole(AutoLock::Type type);
size_t SetIAMFieldCount(size_t field_count);
std::string SetIAMCredentialsURL(const char* url);
std::string SetIAMTokenField(const char* token_field);
std::string SetIAMExpiryField(const char* expiry_field);
bool IsReadableS3fsPasswdFile();
bool CheckS3fsPasswdFilePerms();
bool ParseS3fsPasswdFile(bucketkvmap_t& resmap);
bool ReadS3fsPasswdFile(AutoLock::Type type);
int CheckS3fsCredentialAwsFormat(const kvmap_t& kvmap, std::string& access_key_id, std::string& secret_access_key);
bool ReadAwsCredentialFile(const std::string &filename, AutoLock::Type type);
bool InitialS3fsCredentials();
bool ParseIAMCredentialResponse(const char* response, iamcredmap_t& keyval);
bool GetIAMCredentialsURL(std::string& url, bool check_iam_role, AutoLock::Type type);
bool LoadIAMCredentials(AutoLock::Type type);
bool SetIAMCredentials(const char* response, AutoLock::Type type);
bool SetIAMRoleFromMetaData(const char* response, AutoLock::Type type);
bool CheckForbiddenBucketParams();
static bool SetBucket(const char* bucket);
static const std::string& GetBucket();
bool IsIBMIAMAuth() const { return is_ibm_iam_auth; }
bool LoadIAMRoleFromMetaData();
bool CheckIAMCredentialUpdate(std::string* access_key_id = NULL, std::string* secret_access_key = NULL, std::string* access_token = NULL);
int DetectParam(const char* arg);
bool CheckAllParams();
#endif // S3FS_CRED_H_
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