1) Set metadata "Content-Encoding" automatically(Issue 292)
For this issue, s3fs is added new option "ahbe_conf".
New option means the configuration file path, and this file specifies
additional HTTP header by file(object) extension.
Thus you can specify any HTTP header for each object by extension.
* ahbe_conf file format:
line = [file suffix] HTTP-header [HTTP-header-values]
file suffix = file(object) suffix, if this field is empty,
it means "*"(all object).
HTTP-header = additional HTTP header name
HTTP-header-values = additional HTTP header value
* Example:
.gz Content-Encoding gzip
.Z Content-Encoding compress
A sample configuration file is uploaded in "test" directory.
If ahbe_conf parameter is specified, s3fs loads it's configuration
and compares extension(suffix) of object(file) when uploading
(PUT/POST) it. If the extension is same, s3fs adds/sends specified
HTTP header and value.
A case of sample configuration file, if a object(it's extension is
".gz") which already has Content-Encoding HTTP header is renamed
to ".txt" extension, s3fs does not set Content-Encoding. Because
".txt" is not match any line in configuration file.
So, s3fs matches the extension by each PUT/POST action.
* Please take care about "Content-Encoding".
This new option allows setting ANY HTTP header by object extension.
For example, you can specify "Content-Encoding" for ".gz"/etc
extension in configuration. But this means that S3 always returns
"Content-Encoding: gzip" when a client requests with other
"Accept-Encoding:" header. It SHOULD NOT be good.
Please see RFC 2616.
2) Changes about allow_other/uid/gid option for mount point
I reviewed about mount point permission and allow_other/uid/gid
options, and found bugs about these.
s3fs is fixed bugs and changed to the following specifications.
* s3fs only allows uid(gid) options as 0(root), when the effective
user is zero(root).
* A mount point(directory) must have a permission to allow
accessing by effective user/group.
* If allow_other option is specified, the mount point permission
is set 0777(all users allow all access).
In another case, the mount point is set 0700(only allows
effective user).
* When uid/gid option is specified, the mount point owner/group
is set uid/gid option value.
If uid/gid is not set, it is set effective user/group id.
This changes maybe fixes some issue(321, 338).
3) Changes a logic about (Issue 229)
The chmod command returns -EIO when changing the mount point.
It is correct, s3fs can not changed owner/group/mtime for the
mount point, but s3fs sends a request for changing the bucket.
This revision does not send the request, and returns EIO as
soon as possible.
git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@465 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274