/* * s3fs - FUSE-based file system backed by Amazon S3 * * Copyright(C) 2007 Randy Rizun * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "common.h" #include "s3fs.h" #include "s3fs_cred.h" #include "curl.h" #include "string_util.h" #include "metaheader.h" //------------------------------------------------------------------- // Symbols //------------------------------------------------------------------- #define DEFAULT_AWS_PROFILE_NAME "default" //------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class Variables //------------------------------------------------------------------- const char* S3fsCred::ALLBUCKET_FIELDS_TYPE = ""; const char* S3fsCred::KEYVAL_FIELDS_TYPE = "\t"; const char* S3fsCred::AWS_ACCESSKEYID = "AWSAccessKeyId"; const char* S3fsCred::AWS_SECRETKEY = "AWSSecretKey"; const int S3fsCred::IAM_EXPIRE_MERGIN = 20 * 60; // update timing const char* S3fsCred::ECS_IAM_ENV_VAR = "AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_RELATIVE_URI"; const char* S3fsCred::IAMCRED_ACCESSKEYID = "AccessKeyId"; const char* S3fsCred::IAMCRED_SECRETACCESSKEY = "SecretAccessKey"; const char* S3fsCred::IAMCRED_ROLEARN = "RoleArn"; const char* S3fsCred::IAMv2_token_url = ""; int S3fsCred::IAMv2_token_ttl = 21600; const char* S3fsCred::IAMv2_token_ttl_hdr = "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token-ttl-seconds"; const char* S3fsCred::IAMv2_token_hdr = "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token"; std::string S3fsCred::bucket_name; //------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class Methods //------------------------------------------------------------------- bool S3fsCred::SetBucket(const char* bucket) { if(!bucket || strlen(bucket) == 0){ return false; } S3fsCred::bucket_name = bucket; return true; } const std::string& S3fsCred::GetBucket() { return S3fsCred::bucket_name; } bool S3fsCred::ParseIAMRoleFromMetaDataResponse(const char* response, std::string& rolename) { if(!response){ return false; } // [NOTE] // expected following strings. // // myrolename // std::istringstream ssrole(response); std::string oneline; if (getline(ssrole, oneline, '\n')){ rolename = oneline; return !rolename.empty(); } return false; } //------------------------------------------------------------------- // Methods : Constructor / Destructor //------------------------------------------------------------------- S3fsCred::S3fsCred() : is_lock_init(false), passwd_file(""), aws_profile(DEFAULT_AWS_PROFILE_NAME), load_iamrole(false), AWSAccessKeyId(""), AWSSecretAccessKey(""), AWSAccessToken(""), AWSAccessTokenExpire(0), is_ecs(false), is_use_session_token(false), is_ibm_iam_auth(false), IAM_cred_url(""), IAM_api_version(2), IAMv2_api_token(""), IAM_field_count(4), IAM_token_field("Token"), IAM_expiry_field("Expiration"), IAM_role("") { pthread_mutexattr_t attr; pthread_mutexattr_init(&attr); #if S3FS_PTHREAD_ERRORCHECK pthread_mutexattr_settype(&attr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK); #endif int result; if(0 != (result = pthread_mutex_init(&token_lock, &attr))){ S3FS_PRN_CRIT("failed to init token_lock: %d", result); abort(); } is_lock_init = true; } S3fsCred::~S3fsCred() { if(is_lock_init){ int result; if(0 != (result = pthread_mutex_destroy(&token_lock))){ S3FS_PRN_CRIT("failed to destroy token_lock: %d", result); abort(); } is_lock_init = false; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------- // Methods : Access member variables //------------------------------------------------------------------- bool S3fsCred::SetS3fsPasswdFile(const char* file) { if(!file || strlen(file) == 0){ return false; } passwd_file = file; return true; } bool S3fsCred::IsSetPasswdFile() { return !passwd_file.empty(); } bool S3fsCred::SetAwsProfileName(const char* name) { if(!name || strlen(name) == 0){ return false; } aws_profile = name; return true; } bool S3fsCred::SetIAMRoleMetadataType(bool flag) { bool old = load_iamrole; load_iamrole = flag; return old; } bool S3fsCred::SetAccessKey(const char* AccessKeyId, const char* SecretAccessKey, AutoLock::Type type) { AutoLock auto_lock(&token_lock, type); if((!is_ibm_iam_auth && (!AccessKeyId || '\0' == AccessKeyId[0])) || !SecretAccessKey || '\0' == SecretAccessKey[0]){ return false; } AWSAccessKeyId = AccessKeyId; AWSSecretAccessKey = SecretAccessKey; return true; } bool S3fsCred::SetAccessKeyWithSessionToken(const char* AccessKeyId, const char* SecretAccessKey, const char * SessionToken, AutoLock::Type type) { AutoLock auto_lock(&token_lock, type); bool access_key_is_empty = !AccessKeyId || '\0' == AccessKeyId[0]; bool secret_access_key_is_empty = !SecretAccessKey || '\0' == SecretAccessKey[0]; bool session_token_is_empty = !SessionToken || '\0' == SessionToken[0]; if((!is_ibm_iam_auth && access_key_is_empty) || secret_access_key_is_empty || session_token_is_empty){ return false; } AWSAccessKeyId = AccessKeyId; AWSSecretAccessKey = SecretAccessKey; AWSAccessToken = SessionToken; is_use_session_token= true; return true; } bool S3fsCred::IsSetAccessKeys(AutoLock::Type type) { AutoLock auto_lock(&token_lock, type); return IsSetIAMRole(AutoLock::ALREADY_LOCKED) || ((!AWSAccessKeyId.empty() || is_ibm_iam_auth) && !AWSSecretAccessKey.empty()); } bool S3fsCred::SetIsECS(bool flag) { bool old = is_ecs; is_ecs = flag; return old; } bool S3fsCred::SetIsUseSessionToken(bool flag) { bool old = is_use_session_token; is_use_session_token = flag; return old; } bool S3fsCred::SetIsIBMIAMAuth(bool flag) { bool old = is_ibm_iam_auth; is_ibm_iam_auth = flag; return old; } bool S3fsCred::SetIAMRole(const char* role, AutoLock::Type type) { AutoLock auto_lock(&token_lock, type); IAM_role = role ? role : ""; return true; } std::string S3fsCred::GetIAMRole(AutoLock::Type type) { AutoLock auto_lock(&token_lock, type); return IAM_role; } bool S3fsCred::IsSetIAMRole(AutoLock::Type type) { AutoLock auto_lock(&token_lock, type); return !IAM_role.empty(); } size_t S3fsCred::SetIAMFieldCount(size_t field_count) { size_t old = IAM_field_count; IAM_field_count = field_count; return old; } std::string S3fsCred::SetIAMCredentialsURL(const char* url) { std::string old = IAM_cred_url; IAM_cred_url = url ? url : ""; return old; } std::string S3fsCred::SetIAMTokenField(const char* token_field) { std::string old = IAM_token_field; IAM_token_field = token_field ? token_field : ""; return old; } std::string S3fsCred::SetIAMExpiryField(const char* expiry_field) { std::string old = IAM_expiry_field; IAM_expiry_field = expiry_field ? expiry_field : ""; return old; } bool S3fsCred::GetIAMCredentialsURL(std::string& url, bool check_iam_role, AutoLock::Type type) { // check if(check_iam_role && !is_ecs && !IsIBMIAMAuth()){ if(!IsSetIAMRole(type)) { S3FS_PRN_ERR("IAM role name is empty."); return false; } S3FS_PRN_INFO3("[IAM role=%s]", GetIAMRole(type).c_str()); } if(is_ecs){ const char *env = std::getenv(S3fsCred::ECS_IAM_ENV_VAR); if(env == NULL){ S3FS_PRN_ERR("%s is not set.", S3fsCred::ECS_IAM_ENV_VAR); return false; } url = IAM_cred_url + env; }else if(IsIBMIAMAuth()){ url = IAM_cred_url; }else{ // [NOTE] // To avoid deadlocking, do not manipulate the S3fsCred object // in the S3fsCurl::GetIAMv2ApiToken method (when retrying). // AutoLock auto_lock(&token_lock, type); // Lock for IAM_api_version, IAMv2_api_token if(GetIMDSVersion(AutoLock::ALREADY_LOCKED) > 1){ S3fsCurl s3fscurl; std::string token; int result = s3fscurl.GetIAMv2ApiToken(S3fsCred::IAMv2_token_url, S3fsCred::IAMv2_token_ttl, S3fsCred::IAMv2_token_ttl_hdr, token); if(-ENOENT == result){ // If we get a 404 back when requesting the token service, // then it's highly likely we're running in an environment // that doesn't support the AWS IMDSv2 API, so we'll skip // the token retrieval in the future. SetIMDSVersion(1, AutoLock::ALREADY_LOCKED); }else if(result != 0){ // If we get an unexpected error when retrieving the API // token, log it but continue. Requirement for including // an API token with the metadata request may or may not // be required, so we should not abort here. S3FS_PRN_ERR("AWS IMDSv2 token retrieval failed: %d", result); }else{ // Set token if(!SetIAMv2APIToken(token, AutoLock::ALREADY_LOCKED)){ S3FS_PRN_ERR("Error storing IMDSv2 API token(%s).", token.c_str()); } } } if(check_iam_role){ url = IAM_cred_url + GetIAMRole(AutoLock::ALREADY_LOCKED); }else{ url = IAM_cred_url; } } return true; } int S3fsCred::SetIMDSVersion(int version, AutoLock::Type type) { AutoLock auto_lock(&token_lock, type); int old = IAM_api_version; IAM_api_version = version; return old; } int S3fsCred::GetIMDSVersion(AutoLock::Type type) { AutoLock auto_lock(&token_lock, type); return IAM_api_version; } bool S3fsCred::SetIAMv2APIToken(const std::string& token, AutoLock::Type type) { S3FS_PRN_INFO3("Setting AWS IMDSv2 API token to %s", token.c_str()); AutoLock auto_lock(&token_lock, type); if(token.empty()){ return false; } IAMv2_api_token = token; return true; } std::string S3fsCred::GetIAMv2APIToken(AutoLock::Type type) { AutoLock auto_lock(&token_lock, type); return IAMv2_api_token; } // [NOTE] // Currently, token_lock is always locked before calling this method, // and this method calls the S3fsCurl::GetIAMCredentials method. // Currently, when the request fails and retries in the process of // S3fsCurl::GetIAMCredentials, does not use the S3fsCred object in // retry logic. // Be careful not to deadlock whenever you change this logic. // bool S3fsCred::LoadIAMCredentials(AutoLock::Type type) { // url(check iam role) std::string url; AutoLock auto_lock(&token_lock, type); if(!GetIAMCredentialsURL(url, true, AutoLock::ALREADY_LOCKED)){ return false; } const char* iam_v2_token = NULL; std::string str_iam_v2_token; if(GetIMDSVersion(AutoLock::ALREADY_LOCKED) > 1){ str_iam_v2_token = GetIAMv2APIToken(AutoLock::ALREADY_LOCKED); iam_v2_token = str_iam_v2_token.c_str(); } const char* ibm_secret_access_key = NULL; std::string str_ibm_secret_access_key; if(IsIBMIAMAuth()){ str_ibm_secret_access_key = AWSSecretAccessKey; ibm_secret_access_key = str_ibm_secret_access_key.c_str(); } S3fsCurl s3fscurl; std::string response; if(!s3fscurl.GetIAMCredentials(url.c_str(), iam_v2_token, ibm_secret_access_key, response)){ return false; } if(!SetIAMCredentials(response.c_str(), AutoLock::ALREADY_LOCKED)){ S3FS_PRN_ERR("Something error occurred, could not set IAM role name."); return false; } return true; } // // load IAM role name from // bool S3fsCred::LoadIAMRoleFromMetaData() { AutoLock auto_lock(&token_lock); if(load_iamrole){ // url(not check iam role) std::string url; if(!GetIAMCredentialsURL(url, false, AutoLock::ALREADY_LOCKED)){ return false; } const char* iam_v2_token = NULL; std::string str_iam_v2_token; if(GetIMDSVersion(AutoLock::ALREADY_LOCKED) > 1){ str_iam_v2_token = GetIAMv2APIToken(AutoLock::ALREADY_LOCKED); iam_v2_token = str_iam_v2_token.c_str(); } S3fsCurl s3fscurl; std::string token; if(!s3fscurl.GetIAMRoleFromMetaData(url.c_str(), iam_v2_token, token)){ return false; } if(!SetIAMRoleFromMetaData(token.c_str(), AutoLock::ALREADY_LOCKED)){ S3FS_PRN_ERR("Something error occurred, could not set IAM role name."); return false; } S3FS_PRN_INFO("loaded IAM role name = %s", GetIAMRole(AutoLock::ALREADY_LOCKED).c_str()); } return true; } bool S3fsCred::SetIAMCredentials(const char* response, AutoLock::Type type) { S3FS_PRN_INFO3("IAM credential response = \"%s\"", response); iamcredmap_t keyval; if(!ParseIAMCredentialResponse(response, keyval)){ return false; } if(IAM_field_count != keyval.size()){ return false; } AutoLock auto_lock(&token_lock, type); AWSAccessToken = keyval[IAM_token_field]; if(is_ibm_iam_auth){ off_t tmp_expire = 0; if(!s3fs_strtoofft(&tmp_expire, keyval[IAM_expiry_field].c_str(), /*base=*/ 10)){ return false; } AWSAccessTokenExpire = static_cast(tmp_expire); }else{ AWSAccessKeyId = keyval[std::string(S3fsCred::IAMCRED_ACCESSKEYID)]; AWSSecretAccessKey = keyval[std::string(S3fsCred::IAMCRED_SECRETACCESSKEY)]; AWSAccessTokenExpire = cvtIAMExpireStringToTime(keyval[IAM_expiry_field].c_str()); } return true; } bool S3fsCred::SetIAMRoleFromMetaData(const char* response, AutoLock::Type type) { S3FS_PRN_INFO3("IAM role name response = \"%s\"", response ? response : "(null)"); std::string rolename; if(!S3fsCred::ParseIAMRoleFromMetaDataResponse(response, rolename)){ return false; } SetIAMRole(rolename.c_str(), type); return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------- // Methods : for Credentials //------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Check passwd file readable // bool S3fsCred::IsReadableS3fsPasswdFile() { if(passwd_file.empty()){ return false; } std::ifstream PF(passwd_file.c_str()); if(!PF.good()){ return false; } PF.close(); return true; } // // S3fsCred::CheckS3fsPasswdFilePerms // // expect that global passwd_file variable contains // a non-empty value and is readable by the current user // // Check for too permissive access to the file // help save users from themselves via a security hole // // only two options: return or error out // bool S3fsCred::CheckS3fsPasswdFilePerms() { struct stat info; // let's get the file info if(stat(passwd_file.c_str(), &info) != 0){ S3FS_PRN_EXIT("unexpected error from stat(%s).", passwd_file.c_str()); return false; } // Check readable if(!IsReadableS3fsPasswdFile()){ S3FS_PRN_EXIT("S3fs passwd file \"%s\" is not readable.", passwd_file.c_str()); return false; } // return error if any file has others permissions if( (info.st_mode & S_IROTH) || (info.st_mode & S_IWOTH) || (info.st_mode & S_IXOTH)) { S3FS_PRN_EXIT("credentials file %s should not have others permissions.", passwd_file.c_str()); return false; } // Any local file should not have any group permissions // /etc/passwd-s3fs can have group permissions if(passwd_file != "/etc/passwd-s3fs"){ if( (info.st_mode & S_IRGRP) || (info.st_mode & S_IWGRP) || (info.st_mode & S_IXGRP)) { S3FS_PRN_EXIT("credentials file %s should not have group permissions.", passwd_file.c_str()); return false; } }else{ // "/etc/passwd-s3fs" does not allow group write. if((info.st_mode & S_IWGRP)){ S3FS_PRN_EXIT("credentials file %s should not have group writable permissions.", passwd_file.c_str()); return false; } } if((info.st_mode & S_IXUSR) || (info.st_mode & S_IXGRP)){ S3FS_PRN_EXIT("credentials file %s should not have executable permissions.", passwd_file.c_str()); return false; } return true; } // // Read and Parse passwd file // // The line of the password file is one of the following formats: // (1) "accesskey:secretkey" : AWS format for default(all) access key/secret key // (2) "bucket:accesskey:secretkey" : AWS format for bucket's access key/secret key // (3) "key=value" : Content-dependent KeyValue contents // // This function sets result into bucketkvmap_t, it bucket name and key&value mapping. // If bucket name is empty(1 or 3 format), bucket name for mapping is set "\t" or "". // // Return: true - Succeed parsing // false - Should shutdown immediately // bool S3fsCred::ParseS3fsPasswdFile(bucketkvmap_t& resmap) { std::string line; size_t first_pos; readline_t linelist; readline_t::iterator iter; // open passwd file std::ifstream PF(passwd_file.c_str()); if(!PF.good()){ S3FS_PRN_EXIT("could not open passwd file : %s", passwd_file.c_str()); return false; } // read each line while(getline(PF, line)){ line = trim(line); if(line.empty()){ continue; } if('#' == line[0]){ continue; } if(std::string::npos != line.find_first_of(" \t")){ S3FS_PRN_EXIT("invalid line in passwd file, found whitespace character."); return false; } if('[' == line[0]){ S3FS_PRN_EXIT("invalid line in passwd file, found a bracket \"[\" character."); return false; } linelist.push_back(line); } // read '=' type kvmap_t kv; for(iter = linelist.begin(); iter != linelist.end(); ++iter){ first_pos = iter->find_first_of('='); if(first_pos == std::string::npos){ continue; } // formatted by "key=val" std::string key = trim(iter->substr(0, first_pos)); std::string val = trim(iter->substr(first_pos + 1, std::string::npos)); if(key.empty()){ continue; } if(kv.end() != kv.find(key)){ S3FS_PRN_WARN("same key name(%s) found in passwd file, skip this.", key.c_str()); continue; } kv[key] = val; } // set special key name resmap[S3fsCred::KEYVAL_FIELDS_TYPE] = kv; // read ':' type for(iter = linelist.begin(); iter != linelist.end(); ++iter){ first_pos = iter->find_first_of(':'); size_t last_pos = iter->find_last_of(':'); if(first_pos == std::string::npos){ continue; } std::string bucketname; std::string accesskey; std::string secret; if(first_pos != last_pos){ // formatted by "bucket:accesskey:secretkey" bucketname= trim(iter->substr(0, first_pos)); accesskey = trim(iter->substr(first_pos + 1, last_pos - first_pos - 1)); secret = trim(iter->substr(last_pos + 1, std::string::npos)); }else{ // formatted by "accesskey:secretkey" bucketname= S3fsCred::ALLBUCKET_FIELDS_TYPE; accesskey = trim(iter->substr(0, first_pos)); secret = trim(iter->substr(first_pos + 1, std::string::npos)); } if(resmap.end() != resmap.find(bucketname)){ S3FS_PRN_EXIT("there are multiple entries for the same bucket(%s) in the passwd file.", (bucketname.empty() ? "default" : bucketname.c_str())); return false; } kv.clear(); kv[S3fsCred::AWS_ACCESSKEYID] = accesskey; kv[S3fsCred::AWS_SECRETKEY] = secret; resmap[bucketname] = kv; } return true; } // // ReadS3fsPasswdFile // // Support for per bucket credentials // // Format for the credentials file: // [bucket:]AccessKeyId:SecretAccessKey // // Lines beginning with # are considered comments // and ignored, as are empty lines // // Uncommented lines without the ":" character are flagged as // an error, so are lines with spaces or tabs // // only one default key pair is allowed, but not required // bool S3fsCred::ReadS3fsPasswdFile(AutoLock::Type type) { bucketkvmap_t bucketmap; kvmap_t keyval; // if you got here, the password file // exists and is readable by the // current user, check for permissions if(!CheckS3fsPasswdFilePerms()){ return false; } // // parse passwd file // if(!ParseS3fsPasswdFile(bucketmap)){ return false; } // // check key=value type format. // bucketkvmap_t::iterator it = bucketmap.find(S3fsCred::KEYVAL_FIELDS_TYPE); if(bucketmap.end() != it){ // aws format std::string access_key_id; std::string secret_access_key; int result = CheckS3fsCredentialAwsFormat(it->second, access_key_id, secret_access_key); if(-1 == result){ return false; }else if(1 == result){ // found ascess(secret) keys if(!SetAccessKey(access_key_id.c_str(), secret_access_key.c_str(), type)){ S3FS_PRN_EXIT("failed to set access key/secret key."); return false; } return true; } } std::string bucket_key = S3fsCred::ALLBUCKET_FIELDS_TYPE; if(!S3fsCred::bucket_name.empty() && bucketmap.end() != bucketmap.find(S3fsCred::bucket_name)){ bucket_key = S3fsCred::bucket_name; } it = bucketmap.find(bucket_key); if(bucketmap.end() == it){ S3FS_PRN_EXIT("Not found access key/secret key in passwd file."); return false; } keyval = it->second; kvmap_t::iterator aws_accesskeyid_it = keyval.find(S3fsCred::AWS_ACCESSKEYID); kvmap_t::iterator aws_secretkey_it = keyval.find(S3fsCred::AWS_SECRETKEY); if(keyval.end() == aws_accesskeyid_it || keyval.end() == aws_secretkey_it){ S3FS_PRN_EXIT("Not found access key/secret key in passwd file."); return false; } if(!SetAccessKey(aws_accesskeyid_it->second.c_str(), aws_secretkey_it->second.c_str(), type)){ S3FS_PRN_EXIT("failed to set internal data for access key/secret key from passwd file."); return false; } return true; } // // Return: 1 - OK(could read and set accesskey etc.) // 0 - NG(could not read) // -1 - Should shutdown immediately // int S3fsCred::CheckS3fsCredentialAwsFormat(const kvmap_t& kvmap, std::string& access_key_id, std::string& secret_access_key) { std::string str1(S3fsCred::AWS_ACCESSKEYID); std::string str2(S3fsCred::AWS_SECRETKEY); if(kvmap.empty()){ return 0; } kvmap_t::const_iterator str1_it = kvmap.find(str1); kvmap_t::const_iterator str2_it = kvmap.find(str2); if(kvmap.end() == str1_it && kvmap.end() == str2_it){ return 0; } if(kvmap.end() == str1_it || kvmap.end() == str2_it){ S3FS_PRN_EXIT("AWSAccesskey or AWSSecretkey is not specified."); return -1; } access_key_id = str1_it->second; secret_access_key = str2_it->second; return 1; } // // Read Aws Credential File // bool S3fsCred::ReadAwsCredentialFile(const std::string &filename, AutoLock::Type type) { // open passwd file std::ifstream PF(filename.c_str()); if(!PF.good()){ return false; } std::string profile; std::string accesskey; std::string secret; std::string session_token; // read each line std::string line; while(getline(PF, line)){ line = trim(line); if(line.empty()){ continue; } if('#' == line[0]){ continue; } if(line.size() > 2 && line[0] == '[' && line[line.size() - 1] == ']') { if(profile == aws_profile){ break; } profile = line.substr(1, line.size() - 2); accesskey.clear(); secret.clear(); session_token.clear(); } size_t pos = line.find_first_of('='); if(pos == std::string::npos){ continue; } std::string key = trim(line.substr(0, pos)); std::string value = trim(line.substr(pos + 1, std::string::npos)); if(key == "aws_access_key_id"){ accesskey = value; }else if(key == "aws_secret_access_key"){ secret = value; }else if(key == "aws_session_token"){ session_token = value; } } if(profile != aws_profile){ return false; } if(session_token.empty()){ if(is_use_session_token){ S3FS_PRN_EXIT("AWS session token was expected but wasn't provided in aws/credentials file for profile: %s.", aws_profile.c_str()); return false; } if(!SetAccessKey(accesskey.c_str(), secret.c_str(), type)){ S3FS_PRN_EXIT("failed to set internal data for access key/secret key from aws credential file."); return false; } }else{ if(!SetAccessKeyWithSessionToken(accesskey.c_str(), secret.c_str(), session_token.c_str(), type)){ S3FS_PRN_EXIT("session token is invalid."); return false; } } return true; } // // InitialS3fsCredentials // // called only when were are not mounting a // public bucket // // Here is the order precedence for getting the // keys: // // 1 - from the command line (security risk) // 2 - from a password file specified on the command line // 3 - from environment variables // 3a - from the AWS_CREDENTIAL_FILE environment variable // 3b - from ${HOME}/.aws/credentials // 4 - from the users ~/.passwd-s3fs // 5 - from /etc/passwd-s3fs // bool S3fsCred::InitialS3fsCredentials() { // should be redundant if(S3fsCurl::IsPublicBucket()){ return true; } // access key loading is deferred if(load_iamrole || is_ecs){ return true; } // 1 - keys specified on the command line if(IsSetAccessKeys(AutoLock::NONE)){ return true; } // 2 - was specified on the command line if(IsSetPasswdFile()){ if(!ReadS3fsPasswdFile(AutoLock::NONE)){ return false; } return true; } // 3 - environment variables char* AWSACCESSKEYID = getenv("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID") ? getenv("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID") : getenv("AWSACCESSKEYID"); char* AWSSECRETACCESSKEY = getenv("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY") ? getenv("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY") : getenv("AWSSECRETACCESSKEY"); char* AWSSESSIONTOKEN = getenv("AWS_SESSION_TOKEN") ? getenv("AWS_SESSION_TOKEN") : getenv("AWSSESSIONTOKEN"); if(AWSACCESSKEYID != NULL || AWSSECRETACCESSKEY != NULL){ if( (AWSACCESSKEYID == NULL && AWSSECRETACCESSKEY != NULL) || (AWSACCESSKEYID != NULL && AWSSECRETACCESSKEY == NULL) ){ S3FS_PRN_EXIT("both environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY must be set together."); return false; } S3FS_PRN_INFO2("access key from env variables"); if(AWSSESSIONTOKEN != NULL){ S3FS_PRN_INFO2("session token is available"); if(!SetAccessKeyWithSessionToken(AWSACCESSKEYID, AWSSECRETACCESSKEY, AWSSESSIONTOKEN, AutoLock::NONE)){ S3FS_PRN_EXIT("session token is invalid."); return false; } }else{ S3FS_PRN_INFO2("session token is not available"); if(is_use_session_token){ S3FS_PRN_EXIT("environment variable AWS_SESSION_TOKEN is expected to be set."); return false; } } if(!SetAccessKey(AWSACCESSKEYID, AWSSECRETACCESSKEY, AutoLock::NONE)){ S3FS_PRN_EXIT("if one access key is specified, both keys need to be specified."); return false; } return true; } // 3a - from the AWS_CREDENTIAL_FILE environment variable char* AWS_CREDENTIAL_FILE = getenv("AWS_CREDENTIAL_FILE"); if(AWS_CREDENTIAL_FILE != NULL){ passwd_file = AWS_CREDENTIAL_FILE; if(IsSetPasswdFile()){ if(!IsReadableS3fsPasswdFile()){ S3FS_PRN_EXIT("AWS_CREDENTIAL_FILE: \"%s\" is not readable.", passwd_file.c_str()); return false; } if(!ReadS3fsPasswdFile(AutoLock::NONE)){ return false; } return true; } } // 3b - check ${HOME}/.aws/credentials std::string aws_credentials = std::string(getpwuid(getuid())->pw_dir) + "/.aws/credentials"; if(ReadAwsCredentialFile(aws_credentials, AutoLock::NONE)){ return true; }else if(aws_profile != DEFAULT_AWS_PROFILE_NAME){ S3FS_PRN_EXIT("Could not find profile: %s in file: %s", aws_profile.c_str(), aws_credentials.c_str()); return false; } // 4 - from the default location in the users home directory char* HOME = getenv("HOME"); if(HOME != NULL){ passwd_file = HOME; passwd_file += "/.passwd-s3fs"; if(IsReadableS3fsPasswdFile()){ if(!ReadS3fsPasswdFile(AutoLock::NONE)){ return false; } // It is possible that the user's file was there but // contained no key pairs i.e. commented out // in that case, go look in the final location if(IsSetAccessKeys(AutoLock::NONE)){ return true; } } } // 5 - from the system default location passwd_file = "/etc/passwd-s3fs"; if(IsReadableS3fsPasswdFile()){ if(!ReadS3fsPasswdFile(AutoLock::NONE)){ return false; } return true; } S3FS_PRN_EXIT("could not determine how to establish security credentials."); return false; } //------------------------------------------------------------------- // Methods : for IAM //------------------------------------------------------------------- bool S3fsCred::ParseIAMCredentialResponse(const char* response, iamcredmap_t& keyval) { if(!response){ return false; } std::istringstream sscred(response); std::string oneline; keyval.clear(); while(getline(sscred, oneline, ',')){ std::string::size_type pos; std::string key; std::string val; if(std::string::npos != (pos = oneline.find(S3fsCred::IAMCRED_ACCESSKEYID))){ key = S3fsCred::IAMCRED_ACCESSKEYID; }else if(std::string::npos != (pos = oneline.find(S3fsCred::IAMCRED_SECRETACCESSKEY))){ key = S3fsCred::IAMCRED_SECRETACCESSKEY; }else if(std::string::npos != (pos = oneline.find(IAM_token_field))){ key = IAM_token_field; }else if(std::string::npos != (pos = oneline.find(IAM_expiry_field))){ key = IAM_expiry_field; }else if(std::string::npos != (pos = oneline.find(S3fsCred::IAMCRED_ROLEARN))){ key = S3fsCred::IAMCRED_ROLEARN; }else{ continue; } if(std::string::npos == (pos = oneline.find(':', pos + key.length()))){ continue; } if(is_ibm_iam_auth && key == IAM_expiry_field){ // parse integer value if(std::string::npos == (pos = oneline.find_first_of("0123456789", pos))){ continue; } oneline.erase(0, pos); if(std::string::npos == (pos = oneline.find_last_of("0123456789"))){ continue; } val = oneline.substr(0, pos+1); }else{ // parse std::string value (starts and ends with quotes) if(std::string::npos == (pos = oneline.find('\"', pos))){ continue; } oneline.erase(0, pos+1); if(std::string::npos == (pos = oneline.find('\"'))){ continue; } val = oneline.substr(0, pos); } keyval[key] = val; } return true; } bool S3fsCred::CheckIAMCredentialUpdate(std::string* access_key_id, std::string* secret_access_key, std::string* access_token) { AutoLock auto_lock(&token_lock); if(IsSetIAMRole(AutoLock::ALREADY_LOCKED) || is_ecs || is_ibm_iam_auth){ if(AWSAccessTokenExpire < (time(NULL) + S3fsCred::IAM_EXPIRE_MERGIN)){ S3FS_PRN_INFO("IAM Access Token refreshing..."); // update if(!LoadIAMCredentials(AutoLock::ALREADY_LOCKED)){ S3FS_PRN_ERR("IAM Access Token refresh failed"); return false; } S3FS_PRN_INFO("IAM Access Token refreshed"); } } // set if(access_key_id){ *access_key_id = AWSAccessKeyId; } if(secret_access_key){ *secret_access_key = AWSSecretAccessKey; } if(access_token){ if(IsIBMIAMAuth() || IsSetIAMRole(AutoLock::ALREADY_LOCKED) || is_ecs || is_use_session_token){ *access_token = AWSAccessToken; }else{ access_token->erase(); } } return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------- // Methods: Option detection //------------------------------------------------------------------- // return value: 1 = Not processed as it is not a option for this class // 0 = The option was detected and processed appropriately // -1 = Processing cannot be continued because a fatal error was detected // int S3fsCred::DetectParam(const char* arg) { if(!arg){ S3FS_PRN_EXIT("parameter arg is empty(null)"); return -1; } if(is_prefix(arg, "passwd_file=")){ SetS3fsPasswdFile(strchr(arg, '=') + sizeof(char)); return 0; } if(0 == strcmp(arg, "ibm_iam_auth")){ SetIsIBMIAMAuth(true); SetIAMCredentialsURL("https://iam.cloud.ibm.com/identity/token"); SetIAMTokenField("\"access_token\""); SetIAMExpiryField("\"expiration\""); SetIAMFieldCount(2); SetIMDSVersion(1, AutoLock::NONE); return 0; } if(0 == strcmp(arg, "use_session_token")){ SetIsUseSessionToken(true); return 0; } if(is_prefix(arg, "ibm_iam_endpoint=")){ std::string endpoint_url; const char* iam_endpoint = strchr(arg, '=') + sizeof(char); // Check url for http / https protocol std::string if(!is_prefix(iam_endpoint, "https://") && !is_prefix(iam_endpoint, "http://")){ S3FS_PRN_EXIT("option ibm_iam_endpoint has invalid format, missing http / https protocol"); return -1; } endpoint_url = std::string(iam_endpoint) + "/identity/token"; SetIAMCredentialsURL(endpoint_url.c_str()); return 0; } if(0 == strcmp(arg, "imdsv1only")){ SetIMDSVersion(1, AutoLock::NONE); return 0; } if(0 == strcmp(arg, "ecs")){ if(IsIBMIAMAuth()){ S3FS_PRN_EXIT("option ecs cannot be used in conjunction with ibm"); return -1; } SetIsECS(true); SetIMDSVersion(1, AutoLock::NONE); SetIAMCredentialsURL(""); SetIAMFieldCount(5); return 0; } if(is_prefix(arg, "iam_role")){ if(is_ecs || IsIBMIAMAuth()){ S3FS_PRN_EXIT("option iam_role cannot be used in conjunction with ecs or ibm"); return -1; } if(0 == strcmp(arg, "iam_role") || 0 == strcmp(arg, "iam_role=auto")){ // loading IAM role name in s3fs_init(), because we need to wait initializing curl. // SetIAMRoleMetadataType(true); return 0; }else if(is_prefix(arg, "iam_role=")){ const char* role = strchr(arg, '=') + sizeof(char); SetIAMRole(role, AutoLock::NONE); SetIAMRoleMetadataType(false); return 0; } } if(is_prefix(arg, "profile=")){ SetAwsProfileName(strchr(arg, '=') + sizeof(char)); return 0; } return 1; } //------------------------------------------------------------------- // Methods : check parameters //------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Checking forbidden parameters for bucket // bool S3fsCred::CheckForbiddenBucketParams() { // The first plain argument is the bucket if(bucket_name.empty()){ S3FS_PRN_EXIT("missing BUCKET argument."); return false; } // bucket names cannot contain upper case characters in virtual-hosted style if(!pathrequeststyle && (lower(bucket_name) != bucket_name)){ S3FS_PRN_EXIT("BUCKET %s, name not compatible with virtual-hosted style.", bucket_name.c_str()); return false; } // check bucket name for illegal characters size_t found = bucket_name.find_first_of("/:\\;!@#$%^&*?|+="); if(found != std::string::npos){ S3FS_PRN_EXIT("BUCKET %s -- bucket name contains an illegal character.", bucket_name.c_str()); return false; } if(!pathrequeststyle && is_prefix(s3host.c_str(), "https://") && bucket_name.find_first_of('.') != std::string::npos) { S3FS_PRN_EXIT("BUCKET %s -- cannot mount bucket with . while using HTTPS without use_path_request_style", bucket_name.c_str()); return false; } return true; } // // Check the combination of parameters // bool S3fsCred::CheckAllParams() { // // Checking forbidden parameters for bucket // if(!CheckForbiddenBucketParams()){ return false; } // error checking of command line arguments for compatibility if(S3fsCurl::IsPublicBucket() && IsSetAccessKeys(AutoLock::NONE)){ S3FS_PRN_EXIT("specifying both public_bucket and the access keys options is invalid."); return false; } if(IsSetPasswdFile() && IsSetAccessKeys(AutoLock::NONE)){ S3FS_PRN_EXIT("specifying both passwd_file and the access keys options is invalid."); return false; } if(!S3fsCurl::IsPublicBucket() && !load_iamrole && !is_ecs){ if(!InitialS3fsCredentials()){ return false; } if(!IsSetAccessKeys(AutoLock::NONE)){ S3FS_PRN_EXIT("could not establish security credentials, check documentation."); return false; } // More error checking on the access key pair can be done // like checking for appropriate lengths and characters } // check IBM IAM requirements if(IsIBMIAMAuth()){ // check that default ACL is either public-read or private acl_t defaultACL = S3fsCurl::GetDefaultAcl(); if(defaultACL != acl_t::PRIVATE && defaultACL != acl_t::PUBLIC_READ){ S3FS_PRN_EXIT("can only use 'public-read' or 'private' ACL while using ibm_iam_auth"); return false; } } return true; } /* * Local variables: * tab-width: 4 * c-basic-offset: 4 * End: * vim600: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 fdm=marker * vim<600: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 */