/* * s3fs - FUSE-based file system backed by Amazon S3 * * Copyright 2007-2008 Randy Rizun * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef S3FS_CURL_H_ #define S3FS_CURL_H_ //---------------------------------------------- // class BodyData //---------------------------------------------- // memory class for curl write memory callback // class BodyData { private: char* text; size_t lastpos; size_t bufsize; private: bool IsSafeSize(size_t addbytes) const { return ((lastpos + addbytes + 1) > bufsize ? false : true); } bool Resize(size_t addbytes); public: BodyData() : text(NULL), lastpos(0), bufsize(0) {} ~BodyData() { Clear(); } void Clear(void); bool Append(void* ptr, size_t bytes); bool Append(void* ptr, size_t blockSize, size_t numBlocks) { return Append(ptr, (blockSize * numBlocks)); } const char* str() const; size_t size() const { return lastpos; } }; //---------------------------------------------- // Utility structs & typedefs //---------------------------------------------- typedef std::vector etaglist_t; // Each part information for Multipart upload struct filepart { bool uploaded; // does finish uploading std::string etag; // expected etag value int fd; // base file(temporary full file) discriptor off_t startpos; // seek fd point for uploading ssize_t size; // uploading size etaglist_t* etaglist; // use only parallel upload int etagpos; // use only parallel upload filepart() : uploaded(false), fd(-1), startpos(0), size(-1), etaglist(NULL), etagpos(-1) {} ~filepart() { clear(); } void clear(void) { uploaded = false; etag = ""; fd = -1; startpos = 0; size = -1; etaglist = NULL; etagpos = - 1; } void add_etag_list(etaglist_t* list) { if(list){ list->push_back(std::string("")); etaglist = list; etagpos = list->size() - 1; }else{ etaglist = NULL; etagpos = - 1; } } }; // for progress struct case_insensitive_compare_func { bool operator()(const std::string& a, const std::string& b) const { return strcasecmp(a.c_str(), b.c_str()) < 0; } }; typedef std::map mimes_t; typedef std::pair progress_t; typedef std::map curltime_t; typedef std::map curlprogress_t; class S3fsMultiCurl; //---------------------------------------------- // class S3fsCurl //---------------------------------------------- typedef std::map iamcredmap_t; typedef std::map sseckeymap_t; typedef std::list sseckeylist_t; // share #define SHARE_MUTEX_DNS 0 #define SHARE_MUTEX_SSL_SESSION 1 #define SHARE_MUTEX_MAX 2 // Class for lapping curl // class S3fsCurl { friend class S3fsMultiCurl; private: enum REQTYPE { REQTYPE_UNSET = -1, REQTYPE_DELETE = 0, REQTYPE_HEAD, REQTYPE_PUTHEAD, REQTYPE_PUT, REQTYPE_GET, REQTYPE_CHKBUCKET, REQTYPE_LISTBUCKET, REQTYPE_PREMULTIPOST, REQTYPE_COMPLETEMULTIPOST, REQTYPE_UPLOADMULTIPOST, REQTYPE_COPYMULTIPOST, REQTYPE_MULTILIST, REQTYPE_IAMCRED, REQTYPE_ABORTMULTIUPLOAD }; // class variables static pthread_mutex_t curl_handles_lock; static pthread_mutex_t curl_share_lock[SHARE_MUTEX_MAX]; static bool is_initglobal_done; static CURLSH* hCurlShare; static bool is_dns_cache; static bool is_ssl_session_cache; static long connect_timeout; static time_t readwrite_timeout; static int retries; static bool is_public_bucket; static std::string default_acl; // TODO: to enum static bool is_use_rrs; static sseckeylist_t sseckeys; static bool is_use_sse; static bool is_content_md5; static bool is_verbose; static std::string AWSAccessKeyId; static std::string AWSSecretAccessKey; static std::string AWSAccessToken; static time_t AWSAccessTokenExpire; static std::string IAM_role; static long ssl_verify_hostname; static curltime_t curl_times; static curlprogress_t curl_progress; static std::string curl_ca_bundle; static mimes_t mimeTypes; static int max_parallel_cnt; static off_t multipart_size; // variables CURL* hCurl; REQTYPE type; // type of request std::string path; // target object path std::string base_path; // base path (for multi curl head request) std::string saved_path; // saved path = cache key (for multi curl head request) std::string url; // target object path(url) struct curl_slist* requestHeaders; headers_t responseHeaders; // header data by HeaderCallback BodyData* bodydata; // body data by WriteMemoryCallback BodyData* headdata; // header data by WriteMemoryCallback long LastResponseCode; const unsigned char* postdata; // use by post method and read callback function. int postdata_remaining; // use by post method and read callback function. filepart partdata; // use by multipart upload/get object callback bool is_use_ahbe; // additional header by extension int retry_count; // retry count for multipart FILE* b_infile; // backup for retrying const unsigned char* b_postdata; // backup for retrying int b_postdata_remaining; // backup for retrying off_t b_partdata_startpos; // backup for retrying ssize_t b_partdata_size; // backup for retrying bool b_ssekey_pos; // backup for retrying std::string b_ssekey_md5; // backup for retrying public: // constructor/destructor S3fsCurl(bool ahbe = false); ~S3fsCurl(); private: // class methods static bool InitGlobalCurl(void); static bool DestroyGlobalCurl(void); static bool InitShareCurl(void); static bool DestroyShareCurl(void); static void LockCurlShare(CURL* handle, curl_lock_data nLockData, curl_lock_access laccess, void* useptr); static void UnlockCurlShare(CURL* handle, curl_lock_data nLockData, void* useptr); static bool InitCryptMutex(void); static bool DestroyCryptMutex(void); static int CurlProgress(void *clientp, double dltotal, double dlnow, double ultotal, double ulnow); static bool InitMimeType(const char* MimeFile = NULL); static bool LocateBundle(void); static size_t HeaderCallback(void *data, size_t blockSize, size_t numBlocks, void *userPtr); static size_t WriteMemoryCallback(void *ptr, size_t blockSize, size_t numBlocks, void *data); static size_t ReadCallback(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *userp); static size_t UploadReadCallback(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *userp); static size_t DownloadWriteCallback(void* ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void* userp); static bool UploadMultipartPostCallback(S3fsCurl* s3fscurl); static S3fsCurl* UploadMultipartPostRetryCallback(S3fsCurl* s3fscurl); static S3fsCurl* ParallelGetObjectRetryCallback(S3fsCurl* s3fscurl); static bool ParseIAMCredentialResponse(const char* response, iamcredmap_t& keyval); static bool SetIAMCredentials(const char* response); static bool PushbackSseKeys(std::string& onekey); // methods bool ResetHandle(void); bool RemakeHandle(void); bool ClearInternalData(void); #ifdef SIGV3 std::string CalcSignature(std::string method, std::string strMD5, std::string content_type, std::string date, std::string resource); #else std::string CalcSignaturev2(std::string method, std::string strMD5, std::string content_type, std::string date, std::string resource); std::string CalcSignature(std::string method, std::string canonical_uri, std::string date2, std::string cononical_headers, std::string payload_hash, std::string signed_headers, std::string date3); std::string CalcSignatureReal(std::string method, std::string canonical_uri, std::string query_string, std::string date2, std::string cononical_headers, std::string payload_hash, std::string signed_headers, std::string date3); #endif bool GetUploadId(std::string& upload_id); int GetIAMCredentials(void); int PreMultipartPostRequest(const char* tpath, headers_t& meta, std::string& upload_id, bool is_copy); int CompleteMultipartPostRequest(const char* tpath, std::string& upload_id, etaglist_t& parts); int UploadMultipartPostSetup(const char* tpath, int part_num, std::string& upload_id); int UploadMultipartPostRequest(const char* tpath, int part_num, std::string& upload_id); int CopyMultipartPostRequest(const char* from, const char* to, int part_num, std::string& upload_id, headers_t& meta); public: // class methods static bool InitS3fsCurl(const char* MimeFile = NULL); static bool DestroyS3fsCurl(void); static int ParallelMultipartUploadRequest(const char* tpath, headers_t& meta, int fd); static int ParallelGetObjectRequest(const char* tpath, int fd, off_t start, ssize_t size); static bool CheckIAMCredentialUpdate(void); // class methods(valiables) static std::string LookupMimeType(std::string name); static bool SetDnsCache(bool isCache); static bool SetSslSessionCache(bool isCache); static long SetConnectTimeout(long timeout); static time_t SetReadwriteTimeout(time_t timeout); static time_t GetReadwriteTimeout(void) { return S3fsCurl::readwrite_timeout; } static int SetRetries(int count); static bool SetPublicBucket(bool flag); static bool IsPublicBucket(void) { return S3fsCurl::is_public_bucket; } static std::string SetDefaultAcl(const char* acl); static bool SetUseRrs(bool flag); static bool GetUseRrs(void) { return S3fsCurl::is_use_rrs; } static bool SetSseKeys(const char* filepath); static bool LoadEnvSseKeys(void); static bool GetSseKey(std::string& md5, std::string& ssekey); static bool GetSseKeyMd5(int pos, std::string& md5); static int GetSseKeyCount(void); static bool IsSseCustomMode(void); static bool SetUseSse(bool flag); static bool GetUseSse(void) { return S3fsCurl::is_use_sse; } static bool SetContentMd5(bool flag); static bool SetVerbose(bool flag); static bool GetVerbose(void) { return S3fsCurl::is_verbose; } static bool SetAccessKey(const char* AccessKeyId, const char* SecretAccessKey); static bool IsSetAccessKeyId(void){ return (0 < S3fsCurl::IAM_role.size() || (0 < S3fsCurl::AWSAccessKeyId.size() && 0 < S3fsCurl::AWSSecretAccessKey.size())); } static long SetSslVerifyHostname(long value); static long GetSslVerifyHostname(void) { return S3fsCurl::ssl_verify_hostname; } static int SetMaxParallelCount(int value); static int GetMaxParallelCount(void) { return S3fsCurl::max_parallel_cnt; } static std::string SetIAMRole(const char* role); static const char* GetIAMRole(void) { return S3fsCurl::IAM_role.c_str(); } static bool SetMultipartSize(off_t size); static off_t GetMultipartSize(void) { return S3fsCurl::multipart_size; } // methods bool CreateCurlHandle(bool force = false); bool DestroyCurlHandle(void); bool AddSseKeyRequestHead(std::string& md5, bool is_copy); bool GetResponseCode(long& responseCode); int RequestPerform(void); int DeleteRequest(const char* tpath); bool PreHeadRequest(const char* tpath, const char* bpath = NULL, const char* savedpath = NULL, int ssekey_pos = -1); bool PreHeadRequest(std::string& tpath, std::string& bpath, std::string& savedpath, int ssekey_pos = -1) { return PreHeadRequest(tpath.c_str(), bpath.c_str(), savedpath.c_str(), ssekey_pos); } int HeadRequest(const char* tpath, headers_t& meta); int PutHeadRequest(const char* tpath, headers_t& meta, bool is_copy); int PutRequest(const char* tpath, headers_t& meta, int fd); int PreGetObjectRequest(const char* tpath, int fd, off_t start, ssize_t size, std::string& ssekeymd5); int GetObjectRequest(const char* tpath, int fd, off_t start = -1, ssize_t size = -1); int CheckBucket(void); int ListBucketRequest(const char* tpath, const char* query); int MultipartListRequest(std::string& body); int AbortMultipartUpload(const char* tpath, std::string& upload_id); int MultipartHeadRequest(const char* tpath, off_t size, headers_t& meta, bool is_copy); int MultipartUploadRequest(const char* tpath, headers_t& meta, int fd, bool is_copy); int MultipartRenameRequest(const char* from, const char* to, headers_t& meta, off_t size); // methods(valiables) CURL* GetCurlHandle(void) const { return hCurl; } std::string GetPath(void) const { return path; } std::string GetBasePath(void) const { return base_path; } std::string GetSpacialSavedPath(void) const { return saved_path; } std::string GetUrl(void) const { return url; } headers_t* GetResponseHeaders(void) { return &responseHeaders; } BodyData* GetBodyData(void) const { return bodydata; } BodyData* GetHeadData(void) const { return headdata; } long GetLastResponseCode(void) const { return LastResponseCode; } bool SetUseAhbe(bool ahbe); bool EnableUseAhbe(void) { return SetUseAhbe(true); } bool DisableUseAhbe(void) { return SetUseAhbe(false); } bool IsUseAhbe(void) const { return is_use_ahbe; } int GetMultipartRetryCount(void) const { return retry_count; } void SetMultipartRetryCount(int retrycnt) { retry_count = retrycnt; } bool IsOverMultipartRetryCount(void) const { return (retry_count >= S3fsCurl::retries); } int GetLastPreHeadSeecKeyPos(void) const { return b_ssekey_pos; } }; //---------------------------------------------- // class S3fsMultiCurl //---------------------------------------------- // Class for lapping multi curl // typedef std::map s3fscurlmap_t; typedef bool (*S3fsMultiSuccessCallback)(S3fsCurl* s3fscurl); // callback for succeed multi request typedef S3fsCurl* (*S3fsMultiRetryCallback)(S3fsCurl* s3fscurl); // callback for failure and retrying class S3fsMultiCurl { private: static int max_multireq; CURLM* hMulti; s3fscurlmap_t cMap_all; // all of curl requests s3fscurlmap_t cMap_req; // curl requests are sent S3fsMultiSuccessCallback SuccessCallback; S3fsMultiRetryCallback RetryCallback; private: bool ClearEx(bool is_all); int MultiPerform(void); int MultiRead(void); public: S3fsMultiCurl(); ~S3fsMultiCurl(); static int SetMaxMultiRequest(int max); static int GetMaxMultiRequest(void) { return S3fsMultiCurl::max_multireq; } S3fsMultiSuccessCallback SetSuccessCallback(S3fsMultiSuccessCallback function); S3fsMultiRetryCallback SetRetryCallback(S3fsMultiRetryCallback function); bool Clear(void) { return ClearEx(true); } bool SetS3fsCurlObject(S3fsCurl* s3fscurl); int Request(void); }; //---------------------------------------------- // class AdditionalHeader //---------------------------------------------- typedef std::list charcnt_list_t; typedef std::map headerpair_t; typedef std::map addheader_t; class AdditionalHeader { private: static AdditionalHeader singleton; bool is_enable; charcnt_list_t charcntlist; addheader_t addheader; public: // Reference singleton static AdditionalHeader* get(void) { return &singleton; } AdditionalHeader(); ~AdditionalHeader(); bool Load(const char* file); void Unload(void); bool AddHeader(headers_t& meta, const char* path) const; struct curl_slist* AddHeader(struct curl_slist* list, const char* path) const; bool Dump(void) const; }; //---------------------------------------------- // Utility Functions //---------------------------------------------- std::string GetContentMD5(int fd); unsigned char* md5hexsum(int fd, off_t start, ssize_t size); std::string md5sum(int fd, off_t start, ssize_t size); struct curl_slist* curl_slist_sort_insert(struct curl_slist* list, const char* data); bool MakeUrlResource(const char* realpath, std::string& resourcepath, std::string& url); std::string prepare_url(const char* url); #endif // S3FS_CURL_H_ /* * Local variables: * tab-width: 4 * c-basic-offset: 4 * End: * vim600: noet sw=4 ts=4 fdm=marker * vim<600: noet sw=4 ts=4 */