/* * s3fs - FUSE-based file system backed by Amazon S3 * * Copyright(C) 2007 Randy Rizun * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include "common.h" #include "s3fs_logger.h" //------------------------------------------------------------------- // S3fsLog class : variables //------------------------------------------------------------------- const int S3fsLog::NEST_MAX; const char* const S3fsLog::nest_spaces[S3fsLog::NEST_MAX] = {"", " ", " ", " "}; const char S3fsLog::LOGFILEENV[] = "S3FS_LOGFILE"; const char S3fsLog::MSGTIMESTAMP[] = "S3FS_MSGTIMESTAMP"; S3fsLog* S3fsLog::pSingleton = NULL; S3fsLog::s3fs_log_level S3fsLog::debug_level = S3fsLog::LEVEL_CRIT; FILE* S3fsLog::logfp = NULL; std::string* S3fsLog::plogfile = NULL; bool S3fsLog::time_stamp = true; //------------------------------------------------------------------- // S3fsLog class : class methods //------------------------------------------------------------------- bool S3fsLog::IsS3fsLogLevel(s3fs_log_level level) { return (level == (S3fsLog::debug_level & level)); } std::string S3fsLog::GetCurrentTime() { std::ostringstream current_time; if(time_stamp){ struct timeval now; struct timespec tsnow; struct tm res; char tmp[32]; if(-1 == clock_gettime(S3FS_CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tsnow)){ now.tv_sec = tsnow.tv_sec; now.tv_usec = (tsnow.tv_nsec / 1000); }else{ gettimeofday(&now, NULL); } strftime(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", gmtime_r(&now.tv_sec, &res)); current_time << tmp << "." << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(3) << (now.tv_usec / 1000) << "Z "; } return current_time.str(); } bool S3fsLog::SetLogfile(const char* pfile) { if(!S3fsLog::pSingleton){ S3FS_PRN_CRIT("S3fsLog::pSingleton is NULL."); return false; } return S3fsLog::pSingleton->LowSetLogfile(pfile); } bool S3fsLog::ReopenLogfile() { if(!S3fsLog::pSingleton){ S3FS_PRN_CRIT("S3fsLog::pSingleton is NULL."); return false; } if(!S3fsLog::logfp){ S3FS_PRN_INFO("Currently the log file is output to stdout/stderr."); return true; } if(!S3fsLog::plogfile){ S3FS_PRN_ERR("There is a problem with the path to the log file being NULL."); return false; } std::string tmp = *(S3fsLog::plogfile); return S3fsLog::pSingleton->LowSetLogfile(tmp.c_str()); } S3fsLog::s3fs_log_level S3fsLog::SetLogLevel(s3fs_log_level level) { if(!S3fsLog::pSingleton){ S3FS_PRN_CRIT("S3fsLog::pSingleton is NULL."); return S3fsLog::debug_level; // Although it is an error, it returns the current value. } return S3fsLog::pSingleton->LowSetLogLevel(level); } S3fsLog::s3fs_log_level S3fsLog::BumpupLogLevel() { if(!S3fsLog::pSingleton){ S3FS_PRN_CRIT("S3fsLog::pSingleton is NULL."); return S3fsLog::debug_level; // Although it is an error, it returns the current value. } return S3fsLog::pSingleton->LowBumpupLogLevel(); } bool S3fsLog::SetTimeStamp(bool value) { bool old = S3fsLog::time_stamp; S3fsLog::time_stamp = value; return old; } //------------------------------------------------------------------- // S3fsLog class : methods //------------------------------------------------------------------- S3fsLog::S3fsLog() { if(!S3fsLog::pSingleton){ S3fsLog::pSingleton = this; // init syslog(default CRIT) openlog("s3fs", LOG_PID | LOG_ODELAY | LOG_NOWAIT, LOG_USER); LowLoadEnv(); }else{ S3FS_PRN_ERR("Already set singleton object for S3fsLog."); } } S3fsLog::~S3fsLog() { if(S3fsLog::pSingleton == this){ FILE* oldfp = S3fsLog::logfp; S3fsLog::logfp = NULL; if(oldfp && 0 != fclose(oldfp)){ S3FS_PRN_ERR("Could not close old log file(%s), but continue...", (S3fsLog::plogfile ? S3fsLog::plogfile->c_str() : "null")); } if(S3fsLog::plogfile){ delete S3fsLog::plogfile; S3fsLog::plogfile = NULL; } S3fsLog::pSingleton = NULL; S3fsLog::debug_level = S3fsLog::LEVEL_CRIT; closelog(); }else{ S3FS_PRN_ERR("This object is not singleton S3fsLog object."); } } bool S3fsLog::LowLoadEnv() { if(S3fsLog::pSingleton != this){ S3FS_PRN_ERR("This object is not as same as S3fsLog::pSingleton."); return false; } char* pEnvVal; if(NULL != (pEnvVal = getenv(S3fsLog::LOGFILEENV))){ if(!SetLogfile(pEnvVal)){ return false; } } if(NULL != (pEnvVal = getenv(S3fsLog::MSGTIMESTAMP))){ if(0 == strcasecmp(pEnvVal, "true") || 0 == strcasecmp(pEnvVal, "yes") || 0 == strcasecmp(pEnvVal, "1")){ S3fsLog::time_stamp = true; }else if(0 == strcasecmp(pEnvVal, "false") || 0 == strcasecmp(pEnvVal, "no") || 0 == strcasecmp(pEnvVal, "0")){ S3fsLog::time_stamp = false; }else{ S3FS_PRN_WARN("Unknown %s environment value(%s) is specified, skip to set time stamp mode.", S3fsLog::MSGTIMESTAMP, pEnvVal); } } return true; } bool S3fsLog::LowSetLogfile(const char* pfile) { if(S3fsLog::pSingleton != this){ S3FS_PRN_ERR("This object is not as same as S3fsLog::pSingleton."); return false; } if(!pfile){ // close log file if it is opened if(S3fsLog::logfp && 0 != fclose(S3fsLog::logfp)){ S3FS_PRN_ERR("Could not close log file(%s).", (S3fsLog::plogfile ? S3fsLog::plogfile->c_str() : "null")); return false; } S3fsLog::logfp = NULL; if(S3fsLog::plogfile){ delete S3fsLog::plogfile; S3fsLog::plogfile = NULL; } }else{ // open new log file // // [NOTE] // It will reopen even if it is the same file. // FILE* newfp; if(NULL == (newfp = fopen(pfile, "a+"))){ S3FS_PRN_ERR("Could not open log file(%s).", pfile); return false; } // switch new log file and close old log file if it is opened FILE* oldfp = S3fsLog::logfp; S3fsLog::logfp = newfp; if(oldfp && 0 != fclose(oldfp)){ S3FS_PRN_ERR("Could not close old log file(%s).", (S3fsLog::plogfile ? S3fsLog::plogfile->c_str() : "null")); S3fsLog::logfp = oldfp; fclose(newfp); return false; } delete S3fsLog::plogfile; S3fsLog::plogfile = new std::string(pfile); } return true; } S3fsLog::s3fs_log_level S3fsLog::LowSetLogLevel(s3fs_log_level level) { if(S3fsLog::pSingleton != this){ S3FS_PRN_ERR("This object is not as same as S3fsLog::pSingleton."); return S3fsLog::debug_level; // Although it is an error, it returns the current value. } if(level == S3fsLog::debug_level){ return S3fsLog::debug_level; } s3fs_log_level old = S3fsLog::debug_level; S3fsLog::debug_level = level; setlogmask(LOG_UPTO(GetSyslogLevel(S3fsLog::debug_level))); S3FS_PRN_CRIT("change debug level from %sto %s", GetLevelString(old), GetLevelString(S3fsLog::debug_level)); return old; } S3fsLog::s3fs_log_level S3fsLog::LowBumpupLogLevel() { if(S3fsLog::pSingleton != this){ S3FS_PRN_ERR("This object is not as same as S3fsLog::pSingleton."); return S3fsLog::debug_level; // Although it is an error, it returns the current value. } s3fs_log_level old = S3fsLog::debug_level; S3fsLog::debug_level = ( LEVEL_CRIT == S3fsLog::debug_level ? LEVEL_ERR : LEVEL_ERR == S3fsLog::debug_level ? LEVEL_WARN : LEVEL_WARN == S3fsLog::debug_level ? LEVEL_INFO : LEVEL_INFO == S3fsLog::debug_level ? LEVEL_DBG : LEVEL_CRIT ); setlogmask(LOG_UPTO(GetSyslogLevel(S3fsLog::debug_level))); S3FS_PRN_CRIT("change debug level from %sto %s", GetLevelString(old), GetLevelString(S3fsLog::debug_level)); return old; } void s3fs_low_logprn(S3fsLog::s3fs_log_level level, const char* file, const char *func, int line, const char *fmt, ...) { if(S3fsLog::IsS3fsLogLevel(level)){ va_list va; va_start(va, fmt); size_t len = vsnprintf(NULL, 0, fmt, va) + 1; va_end(va); char *message = new char[len]; va_start(va, fmt); vsnprintf(message, len, fmt, va); va_end(va); if(foreground || S3fsLog::IsSetLogFile()){ S3fsLog::SeekEnd(); fprintf(S3fsLog::GetOutputLogFile(), "%s%s%s:%s(%d): %s\n", S3fsLog::GetCurrentTime().c_str(), S3fsLog::GetLevelString(level), file, func, line, message); S3fsLog::Flush(); }else{ // TODO: why does this differ from s3fs_low_logprn2? syslog(S3fsLog::GetSyslogLevel(level), "%s%s:%s(%d): %s", instance_name.c_str(), file, func, line, message); } delete[] message; } } void s3fs_low_logprn2(S3fsLog::s3fs_log_level level, int nest, const char* file, const char *func, int line, const char *fmt, ...) { if(S3fsLog::IsS3fsLogLevel(level)){ va_list va; va_start(va, fmt); size_t len = vsnprintf(NULL, 0, fmt, va) + 1; va_end(va); char *message = new char[len]; va_start(va, fmt); vsnprintf(message, len, fmt, va); va_end(va); if(foreground || S3fsLog::IsSetLogFile()){ S3fsLog::SeekEnd(); fprintf(S3fsLog::GetOutputLogFile(), "%s%s%s%s:%s(%d): %s\n", S3fsLog::GetCurrentTime().c_str(), S3fsLog::GetLevelString(level), S3fsLog::GetS3fsLogNest(nest), file, func, line, message); S3fsLog::Flush(); }else{ syslog(S3fsLog::GetSyslogLevel(level), "%s%s%s", instance_name.c_str(), S3fsLog::GetS3fsLogNest(nest), message); } delete[] message; } } /* * Local variables: * tab-width: 4 * c-basic-offset: 4 * End: * vim600: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 fdm=marker * vim<600: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 */