/* * s3fs - FUSE-based file system backed by Amazon S3 * * Copyright(C) 2007 Randy Rizun * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef S3FS_FDCACHE_ENTITY_H_ #define S3FS_FDCACHE_ENTITY_H_ #include "autolock.h" #include "fdcache_page.h" #include "fdcache_fdinfo.h" #include "fdcache_untreated.h" #include "metaheader.h" //------------------------------------------------ // class FdEntity //------------------------------------------------ class FdEntity { private: // [NOTE] // Distinguish between meta pending and new file creation pending, // because the processing(request) at these updates is different. // Therefore, the pending state is expressed by this enum type. // enum pending_status_t { NO_UPDATE_PENDING = 0, UPDATE_META_PENDING, // pending meta header CREATE_FILE_PENDING // pending file creation and meta header }; static bool mixmultipart; // whether multipart uploading can use copy api. static bool streamupload; // whether stream uploading. pthread_mutex_t fdent_lock; bool is_lock_init; std::string path; // object path int physical_fd; // physical file(cache or temporary file) descriptor UntreatedParts untreated_list; // list of untreated parts that have been written and not yet uploaded(for streamupload) fdinfo_map_t pseudo_fd_map; // pseudo file descriptor information map FILE* pfile; // file pointer(tmp file or cache file) ino_t inode; // inode number for cache file headers_t orgmeta; // original headers at opening off_t size_orgmeta; // original file size in original headers mutable pthread_mutex_t fdent_data_lock;// protects the following members PageList pagelist; std::string cachepath; // local cache file path // (if this is empty, does not load/save pagelist.) std::string mirrorpath; // mirror file path to local cache file path pending_status_t pending_status;// status for new file creation and meta update struct timespec holding_mtime; // if mtime is updated while the file is open, it is set time_t value private: static int FillFile(int fd, unsigned char byte, off_t size, off_t start); static ino_t GetInode(int fd); void Clear(); ino_t GetInode(); int OpenMirrorFile(); int NoCacheLoadAndPost(PseudoFdInfo* pseudo_obj, off_t start = 0, off_t size = 0); // size=0 means loading to end PseudoFdInfo* CheckPseudoFdFlags(int fd, bool writable, bool lock_already_held = false); bool IsUploading(bool lock_already_held = false); bool SetAllStatus(bool is_loaded); // [NOTE] not locking bool SetAllStatusUnloaded() { return SetAllStatus(false); } int NoCachePreMultipartPost(PseudoFdInfo* pseudo_obj); int NoCacheMultipartPost(PseudoFdInfo* pseudo_obj, int tgfd, off_t start, off_t size); int NoCacheCompleteMultipartPost(PseudoFdInfo* pseudo_obj); int RowFlushNoMultipart(PseudoFdInfo* pseudo_obj, const char* tpath); int RowFlushMultipart(PseudoFdInfo* pseudo_obj, const char* tpath); int RowFlushMixMultipart(PseudoFdInfo* pseudo_obj, const char* tpath); int RowFlushStreamMultipart(PseudoFdInfo* pseudo_obj, const char* tpath); ssize_t WriteNoMultipart(PseudoFdInfo* pseudo_obj, const char* bytes, off_t start, size_t size); ssize_t WriteMultipart(PseudoFdInfo* pseudo_obj, const char* bytes, off_t start, size_t size); ssize_t WriteMixMultipart(PseudoFdInfo* pseudo_obj, const char* bytes, off_t start, size_t size); ssize_t WriteStreamUpload(PseudoFdInfo* pseudo_obj, const char* bytes, off_t start, size_t size); bool AddUntreated(off_t start, off_t size); public: static bool GetNoMixMultipart() { return mixmultipart; } static bool SetNoMixMultipart(); static bool GetStreamUpload() { return streamupload; } static bool SetStreamUpload(bool isstream); explicit FdEntity(const char* tpath = NULL, const char* cpath = NULL); ~FdEntity(); void Close(int fd); bool IsOpen() const { return (-1 != physical_fd); } bool FindPseudoFd(int fd, bool lock_already_held = false); int Open(const headers_t* pmeta, off_t size, const struct timespec& ts_mctime, int flags, AutoLock::Type type); bool LoadAll(int fd, headers_t* pmeta = NULL, off_t* size = NULL, bool force_load = false); int Dup(int fd, bool lock_already_held = false); int OpenPseudoFd(int flags = O_RDONLY, bool lock_already_held = false); int GetOpenCount(bool lock_already_held = false); const char* GetPath() const { return path.c_str(); } bool RenamePath(const std::string& newpath, std::string& fentmapkey); int GetPhysicalFd() const { return physical_fd; } bool IsModified() const; bool MergeOrgMeta(headers_t& updatemeta); int UploadPending(int fd, AutoLock::Type type); bool GetStats(struct stat& st, bool lock_already_held = false); int SetCtime(struct timespec time, bool lock_already_held = false); int SetAtime(struct timespec time, bool lock_already_held = false); int SetMCtime(struct timespec mtime, struct timespec ctime, bool lock_already_held = false); bool UpdateCtime(); bool UpdateAtime(); bool UpdateMtime(bool clear_holding_mtime = false); bool UpdateMCtime(); bool SetHoldingMtime(struct timespec mtime, bool lock_already_held = false); bool ClearHoldingMtime(bool lock_already_held = false); bool GetSize(off_t& size); bool GetXattr(std::string& xattr); bool SetXattr(const std::string& xattr); bool SetMode(mode_t mode); bool SetUId(uid_t uid); bool SetGId(gid_t gid); bool SetContentType(const char* path); int Load(off_t start, off_t size, AutoLock::Type type, bool is_modified_flag = false); // size=0 means loading to end off_t BytesModified(); int RowFlush(int fd, const char* tpath, AutoLock::Type type, bool force_sync = false); int Flush(int fd, AutoLock::Type type, bool force_sync = false) { return RowFlush(fd, NULL, type, force_sync); } ssize_t Read(int fd, char* bytes, off_t start, size_t size, bool force_load = false); ssize_t Write(int fd, const char* bytes, off_t start, size_t size); bool ReserveDiskSpace(off_t size); bool PunchHole(off_t start = 0, size_t size = 0); void MarkDirtyNewFile(); bool GetLastUpdateUntreatedPart(off_t& start, off_t& size); bool ReplaceLastUpdateUntreatedPart(off_t front_start, off_t front_size, off_t behind_start, off_t behind_size); }; typedef std::map fdent_map_t; // key=path, value=FdEntity* #endif // S3FS_FDCACHE_ENTITY_H_ /* * Local variables: * tab-width: 4 * c-basic-offset: 4 * End: * vim600: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 fdm=marker * vim<600: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 */