/* * s3fs - FUSE-based file system backed by Amazon S3 * * Copyright 2007-2008 Randy Rizun * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef FD_CACHE_H_ #define FD_CACHE_H_ //------------------------------------------------ // CacheFileStat //------------------------------------------------ class CacheFileStat { private: std::string path; int fd; private: static bool MakeCacheFileStatPath(const char* path, std::string& sfile_path, bool is_create_dir = true); public: static bool DeleteCacheFileStat(const char* path); static bool CheckCacheFileStatTopDir(void); explicit CacheFileStat(const char* tpath = NULL); ~CacheFileStat(); bool Open(void); bool Release(void); bool SetPath(const char* tpath, bool is_open = true); int GetFd(void) const { return fd; } }; //------------------------------------------------ // fdpage & PageList //------------------------------------------------ // page block information struct fdpage { off_t offset; size_t bytes; bool init; fdpage(off_t start = 0, size_t size = 0, bool is_init = false) : offset(start), bytes(size), init(is_init) {} off_t next(void) const { return (offset + bytes); } off_t end(void) const { return (0 < bytes ? offset + bytes - 1 : 0); } }; typedef std::list fdpage_list_t; // // Management of loading area/modifying // class PageList { private: fdpage_list_t pages; private: void Clear(void); public: static void FreeList(fdpage_list_t& list); explicit PageList(off_t size = 0, bool is_init = false); ~PageList(); off_t Size(void) const; int Resize(off_t size, bool is_init); int Init(off_t size, bool is_init); bool IsInit(off_t start, off_t size); bool SetInit(off_t start, off_t size, bool is_init = true); bool FindUninitPage(off_t start, off_t& resstart, size_t& ressize); int GetUninitPages(fdpage_list_t& uninit_list, off_t start = 0, off_t size = -1); bool Serialize(CacheFileStat& file, bool is_output); void Dump(void); }; //------------------------------------------------ // class FdEntity //------------------------------------------------ class FdEntity { private: pthread_mutex_t fdent_lock; bool is_lock_init; PageList pagelist; int refcnt; // reference count std::string path; // object path std::string cachepath; // local cache file path int fd; // file descriptor(tmp file or cache file) FILE* file; // file pointer(tmp file or cache file) bool is_modify; // if file is changed, this flag is true private: void Clear(void); int Dup(void); bool SetAllStatus(bool is_enable); public: explicit FdEntity(const char* tpath = NULL, const char* cpath = NULL); ~FdEntity(); void Close(void); bool IsOpen(void) const { return (-1 != fd); } int Open(off_t size = -1, time_t time = -1); const char* GetPath(void) const { return path.c_str(); } void SetPath(const std::string &newpath) { path = newpath; } int GetFd(void) const { return fd; } int SetMtime(time_t time); bool GetSize(off_t& size); bool GetMtime(time_t& time); bool GetStats(struct stat& st); bool SetAllEnable(void) { return SetAllStatus(true); } bool SetAllDisable(void) { return SetAllStatus(false); } bool LoadFull(off_t* size = NULL, bool force_load = false); int Load(off_t start, off_t size); int RowFlush(const char* tpath, headers_t& meta, bool force_sync = false); int Flush(headers_t& meta, bool force_sync = false) { return RowFlush(NULL, meta, force_sync); } ssize_t Read(char* bytes, off_t start, size_t size, bool force_load = false); ssize_t Write(const char* bytes, off_t start, size_t size); }; typedef std::map fdent_map_t; // key=path, value=FdEntity* //------------------------------------------------ // class FdManager //------------------------------------------------ class FdManager { private: static FdManager singleton; static pthread_mutex_t fd_manager_lock; static bool is_lock_init; static std::string cache_dir; static size_t page_size; fdent_map_t fent; public: FdManager(); ~FdManager(); // Reference singleton static FdManager* get(void) { return &singleton; } static bool DeleteCacheDirectory(void); static int DeleteCacheFile(const char* path); static bool SetCacheDir(const char* dir); static bool IsCacheDir(void) { return (0 < FdManager::cache_dir.size()); } static const char* GetCacheDir(void) { return FdManager::cache_dir.c_str(); } static size_t SetPageSize(size_t size); static size_t GetPageSize(void) { return FdManager::page_size; } static bool MakeCachePath(const char* path, std::string& cache_path, bool is_create_dir = true); static bool CheckCacheTopDir(void); static bool MakeRandomTempPath(const char* path, std::string& tmppath); FdEntity* GetFdEntity(const char* path, int existfd = -1); FdEntity* Open(const char* path, off_t size = -1, time_t time = -1, bool force_tmpfile = false, bool is_create = true); FdEntity* ExistOpen(const char* path, int existfd = -1); void Rename(const std::string &from, const std::string &to); bool Close(FdEntity* ent); }; #endif // FD_CACHE_H_ /* * Local variables: * tab-width: 4 * c-basic-offset: 4 * End: * vim600: noet sw=4 ts=4 fdm=marker * vim<600: noet sw=4 ts=4 */