/* * s3fs - FUSE-based file system backed by Amazon S3 * * Copyright(C) 2007 Takeshi Nakatani * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include "s3fs_logger.h" #include "fdcache_stat.h" #include "fdcache.h" #include "s3fs_util.h" #include "s3fs_cred.h" #include "string_util.h" //------------------------------------------------ // CacheFileStat class methods //------------------------------------------------ std::string CacheFileStat::GetCacheFileStatTopDir() { std::string top_path; if(!FdManager::IsCacheDir() || S3fsCred::GetBucket().empty()){ return top_path; } // stat top dir( "//..stat" ) top_path += FdManager::GetCacheDir(); top_path += "/."; top_path += S3fsCred::GetBucket(); top_path += ".stat"; return top_path; } bool CacheFileStat::MakeCacheFileStatPath(const char* path, std::string& sfile_path, bool is_create_dir) { std::string top_path = CacheFileStat::GetCacheFileStatTopDir(); if(top_path.empty()){ S3FS_PRN_ERR("The path to cache top dir is empty."); return false; } if(is_create_dir){ int result; if(0 != (result = mkdirp(top_path + mydirname(path), 0777))){ S3FS_PRN_ERR("failed to create dir(%s) by errno(%d).", path, result); return false; } } if(!path || '\0' == path[0]){ sfile_path = top_path; }else{ sfile_path = top_path + SAFESTRPTR(path); } return true; } bool CacheFileStat::CheckCacheFileStatTopDir() { std::string top_path = CacheFileStat::GetCacheFileStatTopDir(); if(top_path.empty()){ S3FS_PRN_INFO("The path to cache top dir is empty, thus not need to check permission."); return true; } return check_exist_dir_permission(top_path.c_str()); } bool CacheFileStat::DeleteCacheFileStat(const char* path) { if(!path || '\0' == path[0]){ return false; } // stat path std::string sfile_path; if(!CacheFileStat::MakeCacheFileStatPath(path, sfile_path, false)){ S3FS_PRN_ERR("failed to create cache stat file path(%s)", path); return false; } if(0 != unlink(sfile_path.c_str())){ if(ENOENT == errno){ S3FS_PRN_DBG("failed to delete file(%s): errno=%d", path, errno); }else{ S3FS_PRN_ERR("failed to delete file(%s): errno=%d", path, errno); } return false; } return true; } // [NOTE] // If remove stat file directory, it should do before removing // file cache directory. // bool CacheFileStat::DeleteCacheFileStatDirectory() { std::string top_path = CacheFileStat::GetCacheFileStatTopDir(); if(top_path.empty()){ S3FS_PRN_INFO("The path to cache top dir is empty, thus not need to remove it."); return true; } return delete_files_in_dir(top_path.c_str(), true); } bool CacheFileStat::RenameCacheFileStat(const char* oldpath, const char* newpath) { if(!oldpath || '\0' == oldpath[0] || !newpath || '\0' == newpath[0]){ return false; } // stat path std::string old_filestat; std::string new_filestat; if(!CacheFileStat::MakeCacheFileStatPath(oldpath, old_filestat, false) || !CacheFileStat::MakeCacheFileStatPath(newpath, new_filestat, false)){ return false; } // check new stat path struct stat st; if(0 == stat(new_filestat.c_str(), &st)){ // new stat path is existed, then unlink it. if(-1 == unlink(new_filestat.c_str())){ S3FS_PRN_ERR("failed to unlink new cache file stat path(%s) by errno(%d).", new_filestat.c_str(), errno); return false; } } // check old stat path if(0 != stat(old_filestat.c_str(), &st)){ // old stat path is not existed, then nothing to do any more. return true; } // link and unlink if(-1 == link(old_filestat.c_str(), new_filestat.c_str())){ S3FS_PRN_ERR("failed to link old cache file stat path(%s) to new cache file stat path(%s) by errno(%d).", old_filestat.c_str(), new_filestat.c_str(), errno); return false; } if(-1 == unlink(old_filestat.c_str())){ S3FS_PRN_ERR("failed to unlink old cache file stat path(%s) by errno(%d).", old_filestat.c_str(), errno); return false; } return true; } //------------------------------------------------ // CacheFileStat methods //------------------------------------------------ CacheFileStat::CacheFileStat(const char* tpath) : fd(-1) { if(tpath && '\0' != tpath[0]){ SetPath(tpath, true); } } CacheFileStat::~CacheFileStat() { Release(); } bool CacheFileStat::SetPath(const char* tpath, bool is_open) { if(!tpath || '\0' == tpath[0]){ return false; } if(!Release()){ // could not close old stat file. return false; } path = tpath; if(!is_open){ return true; } return Open(); } bool CacheFileStat::RawOpen(bool readonly) { if(path.empty()){ return false; } if(-1 != fd){ // already opened return true; } // stat path std::string sfile_path; if(!CacheFileStat::MakeCacheFileStatPath(path.c_str(), sfile_path, true)){ S3FS_PRN_ERR("failed to create cache stat file path(%s)", path.c_str()); return false; } // open if(readonly){ if(-1 == (fd = open(sfile_path.c_str(), O_RDONLY))){ S3FS_PRN_ERR("failed to read only open cache stat file path(%s) - errno(%d)", path.c_str(), errno); return false; } }else{ if(-1 == (fd = open(sfile_path.c_str(), O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 0600))){ S3FS_PRN_ERR("failed to open cache stat file path(%s) - errno(%d)", path.c_str(), errno); return false; } } // lock if(-1 == flock(fd, LOCK_EX)){ S3FS_PRN_ERR("failed to lock cache stat file(%s) - errno(%d)", path.c_str(), errno); close(fd); fd = -1; return false; } // seek top if(0 != lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET)){ S3FS_PRN_ERR("failed to lseek cache stat file(%s) - errno(%d)", path.c_str(), errno); flock(fd, LOCK_UN); close(fd); fd = -1; return false; } S3FS_PRN_DBG("file locked(%s - %s)", path.c_str(), sfile_path.c_str()); return true; } bool CacheFileStat::Open() { return RawOpen(false); } bool CacheFileStat::ReadOnlyOpen() { return RawOpen(true); } bool CacheFileStat::Release() { if(-1 == fd){ // already release return true; } // unlock if(-1 == flock(fd, LOCK_UN)){ S3FS_PRN_ERR("failed to unlock cache stat file(%s) - errno(%d)", path.c_str(), errno); return false; } S3FS_PRN_DBG("file unlocked(%s)", path.c_str()); if(-1 == close(fd)){ S3FS_PRN_ERR("failed to close cache stat file(%s) - errno(%d)", path.c_str(), errno); return false; } fd = -1; return true; } /* * Local variables: * tab-width: 4 * c-basic-offset: 4 * End: * vim600: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 fdm=marker * vim<600: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 */