/* * s3fs - FUSE-based file system backed by Amazon S3 * * Copyright(C) 2007 Randy Rizun * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include "common.h" #include "s3fs.h" #include "curl_util.h" #include "string_util.h" #include "s3fs_auth.h" //------------------------------------------------------------------- // Utility Functions //------------------------------------------------------------------- // // curl_slist_sort_insert // This function is like curl_slist_append function, but this adds data by a-sorting. // Because AWS signature needs sorted header. // struct curl_slist* curl_slist_sort_insert(struct curl_slist* list, const char* data) { if(!data){ return list; } std::string strkey = data; std::string strval; std::string::size_type pos = strkey.find(':', 0); if(std::string::npos != pos){ strval = strkey.substr(pos + 1); strkey.erase(pos); } return curl_slist_sort_insert(list, strkey.c_str(), strval.c_str()); } struct curl_slist* curl_slist_sort_insert(struct curl_slist* list, const char* key, const char* value) { if(!key){ return list; } // key & value are trimmed and lower (only key) std::string strkey = trim(std::string(key)); std::string strval = value ? trim(std::string(value)) : ""; std::string strnew = key + std::string(": ") + strval; char* data; if(NULL == (data = strdup(strnew.c_str()))){ return list; } struct curl_slist **p = &list; for(;*p; p = &(*p)->next){ std::string strcur = (*p)->data; size_t pos; if(std::string::npos != (pos = strcur.find(':', 0))){ strcur.erase(pos); } int result = strcasecmp(strkey.c_str(), strcur.c_str()); if(0 == result){ free((*p)->data); (*p)->data = data; return list; }else if(result < 0){ break; } } struct curl_slist* new_item; if(NULL == (new_item = static_cast(malloc(sizeof(*new_item))))){ free(data); return list; } struct curl_slist* before = *p; *p = new_item; new_item->data = data; new_item->next = before; return list; } struct curl_slist* curl_slist_remove(struct curl_slist* list, const char* key) { if(!key){ return list; } std::string strkey = trim(std::string(key)); struct curl_slist **p = &list; for(;*p; p = &(*p)->next){ std::string strcur = (*p)->data; size_t pos; if(std::string::npos != (pos = strcur.find(':', 0))){ strcur.erase(pos); } int result = strcasecmp(strkey.c_str(), strcur.c_str()); if(0 == result){ free((*p)->data); struct curl_slist *tmp = *p; *p = (*p)->next; free(tmp); } } return list; } std::string get_sorted_header_keys(const struct curl_slist* list) { std::string sorted_headers; if(!list){ return sorted_headers; } for( ; list; list = list->next){ std::string strkey = list->data; size_t pos; if(std::string::npos != (pos = strkey.find(':', 0))){ if (trim(strkey.substr(pos + 1)).empty()) { // skip empty-value headers (as they are discarded by libcurl) continue; } strkey.erase(pos); } if(!sorted_headers.empty()){ sorted_headers += ";"; } sorted_headers += lower(strkey); } return sorted_headers; } std::string get_header_value(const struct curl_slist* list, const std::string &key) { if(!list){ return ""; } for( ; list; list = list->next){ std::string strkey = list->data; size_t pos; if(std::string::npos != (pos = strkey.find(':', 0))){ if(0 == strcasecmp(trim(strkey.substr(0, pos)).c_str(), key.c_str())){ return trim(strkey.substr(pos+1)); } } } return ""; } std::string get_canonical_headers(const struct curl_slist* list) { std::string canonical_headers; if(!list){ canonical_headers = "\n"; return canonical_headers; } for( ; list; list = list->next){ std::string strhead = list->data; size_t pos; if(std::string::npos != (pos = strhead.find(':', 0))){ std::string strkey = trim(lower(strhead.substr(0, pos))); std::string strval = trim(strhead.substr(pos + 1)); if (strval.empty()) { // skip empty-value headers (as they are discarded by libcurl) continue; } strhead = strkey; strhead += ":"; strhead += strval; }else{ strhead = trim(lower(strhead)); } canonical_headers += strhead; canonical_headers += "\n"; } return canonical_headers; } std::string get_canonical_headers(const struct curl_slist* list, bool only_amz) { std::string canonical_headers; if(!list){ canonical_headers = "\n"; return canonical_headers; } for( ; list; list = list->next){ std::string strhead = list->data; size_t pos; if(std::string::npos != (pos = strhead.find(':', 0))){ std::string strkey = trim(lower(strhead.substr(0, pos))); std::string strval = trim(strhead.substr(pos + 1)); if (strval.empty()) { // skip empty-value headers (as they are discarded by libcurl) continue; } strhead = strkey; strhead += ":"; strhead += strval; }else{ strhead = trim(lower(strhead)); } if(only_amz && strhead.substr(0, 5) != "x-amz"){ continue; } canonical_headers += strhead; canonical_headers += "\n"; } return canonical_headers; } // function for using global values bool MakeUrlResource(const char* realpath, std::string& resourcepath, std::string& url) { if(!realpath){ return false; } resourcepath = urlEncode(service_path + bucket + realpath); url = s3host + resourcepath; return true; } std::string prepare_url(const char* url) { S3FS_PRN_INFO3("URL is %s", url); std::string uri; std::string hostname; std::string path; std::string url_str = std::string(url); std::string token = std::string("/") + bucket; size_t bucket_pos; size_t bucket_length = token.size(); size_t uri_length = 0; if(!strncasecmp(url_str.c_str(), "https://", 8)){ uri_length = 8; } else if(!strncasecmp(url_str.c_str(), "http://", 7)) { uri_length = 7; } uri = url_str.substr(0, uri_length); bucket_pos = url_str.find(token, uri_length); if(!pathrequeststyle){ hostname = bucket + "." + url_str.substr(uri_length, bucket_pos - uri_length); path = url_str.substr((bucket_pos + bucket_length)); }else{ hostname = url_str.substr(uri_length, bucket_pos - uri_length); std::string part = url_str.substr((bucket_pos + bucket_length)); if('/' != part[0]){ part = "/" + part; } path = "/" + bucket + part; } url_str = uri + hostname + path; S3FS_PRN_INFO3("URL changed is %s", url_str.c_str()); return url_str; } // [TODO] // This function uses temporary file, but should not use it. // For not using it, we implement function in each auth file(openssl, nss. gnutls). // bool make_md5_from_binary(const char* pstr, size_t length, std::string& md5) { if(!pstr || '\0' == pstr[0]){ S3FS_PRN_ERR("Parameter is wrong."); return false; } FILE* fp; if(NULL == (fp = tmpfile())){ S3FS_PRN_ERR("Could not make tmpfile."); return false; } if(length != fwrite(pstr, sizeof(char), length, fp)){ S3FS_PRN_ERR("Failed to write tmpfile."); fclose(fp); return false; } int fd; if(0 != fflush(fp) || 0 != fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_SET) || -1 == (fd = fileno(fp))){ S3FS_PRN_ERR("Failed to make MD5."); fclose(fp); return false; } // base64 md5 md5 = s3fs_get_content_md5(fd); if(md5.empty()){ S3FS_PRN_ERR("Failed to make MD5."); fclose(fp); return false; } fclose(fp); return true; } std::string url_to_host(const std::string &url) { S3FS_PRN_INFO3("url is %s", url.c_str()); static const char HTTP[] = "http://"; static const char HTTPS[] = "https://"; std::string hostname; if (is_prefix(url.c_str(), HTTP)) { hostname = url.substr(sizeof(HTTP) - 1); } else if (is_prefix(url.c_str(), HTTPS)) { hostname = url.substr(sizeof(HTTPS) - 1); } else { S3FS_PRN_EXIT("url does not begin with http:// or https://"); abort(); } size_t idx; if ((idx = hostname.find('/')) != std::string::npos) { return hostname.substr(0, idx); } else { return hostname; } } std::string get_bucket_host() { if(!pathrequeststyle){ return bucket + "." + url_to_host(s3host); } return url_to_host(s3host); } const char* getCurlDebugHead(curl_infotype type) { const char* unknown = ""; const char* dataIn = "BODY <"; const char* dataOut = "BODY >"; const char* headIn = "<"; const char* headOut = ">"; switch(type){ case CURLINFO_DATA_IN: return dataIn; case CURLINFO_DATA_OUT: return dataOut; case CURLINFO_HEADER_IN: return headIn; case CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT: return headOut; default: break; } return unknown; } // // compare ETag ignoring quotes and case // bool etag_equals(std::string s1, std::string s2) { if(s1.length() > 1 && s1[0] == '\"' && *s1.rbegin() == '\"'){ s1.erase(s1.size() - 1); s1.erase(0, 1); } if(s2.length() > 1 && s2[0] == '\"' && *s2.rbegin() == '\"'){ s2.erase(s2.size() - 1); s2.erase(0, 1); } return 0 == strcasecmp(s1.c_str(), s2.c_str()); } /* * Local variables: * tab-width: 4 * c-basic-offset: 4 * End: * vim600: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 fdm=marker * vim<600: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 */