# S3FS: Samlpe ahbe_conf parameter file. # # This file is configuration file for additional header by extension(ahbe). # s3fs loads this file at starting. # # Format: # line = [file suffix or regex] HTTP-header [HTTP-header-values] # file suffix = file(object) suffix, if this field is empty, # it means "reg:(.*)".(=all object). # regex = regular expression to match the file(object) path. # this type starts with "reg:" prefix. # HTTP-header = additional HTTP header name # HTTP-header-values = additional HTTP header value # # # # Verification is done in the order in which they are described in the file. # That order is very important. # # Example: # " Content-Encoding gzip" --> all object # ".gz Content-Encoding gzip" --> only ".gz" extension file # "reg:^/DIR/(.*).t2$ Content-Encoding text2" --> "/DIR/*.t2" extension file # # Notice: # If you need to set all object, you can specify without "suffix" or regex # type "reg:(.*)". Then all of object(file) is added additional header. # If you have this configuration file for Content-Encoding, you should # know about RFC 2616. # # "The default (identity) encoding; the use of no transformation # whatsoever. This content-coding is used only in the Accept- # Encoding header, and SHOULD NOT be used in the Content-Encoding # header." # # file suffix type .gz Content-Encoding gzip .Z Content-Encoding compress .bz2 Content-Encoding bzip2 .svgz Content-Encoding gzip .svg.gz Content-Encoding gzip .tgz Content-Encoding gzip .tar.gz Content-Encoding gzip .taz Content-Encoding gzip .tz Content-Encoding gzip .tbz2 Content-Encoding gzip gz.js Content-Encoding gzip # regex type(test) reg:^/MYDIR/(.*)[.]t2$ Content-Encoding text2