#!/bin/sh # # This is unsupport sample deleting cache files script. # So s3fs's local cache files(stats and objects) grow up, # you need to delete these. # This script deletes these files with total size limit # by sorted atime of files. # You can modify this script for your system. # # [Usage] script [-silent] # func_usage() { echo "" echo "Usage: $1 [-silent]" echo " $1 -h" echo "Sample: $1 mybucket /tmp/s3fs/cache 1073741824" echo "" echo " bucket name = bucket name which specified s3fs option" echo " cache path = cache directory path which specified by" echo " use_cache s3fs option." echo " limit size = limit for total cache files size." echo " specify by BYTE" echo " -silent = silent mode" echo "" } PRGNAME=`basename $0` if [ "X$1" = "X-h" -o "X$1" = "X-H" ]; then func_usage $PRGNAME exit 0 fi if [ "X$1" = "X" -o "X$2" = "X" -o "X$3" = "X" ]; then func_usage $PRGNAME exit -1 fi BUCKET=$1 CDIR=$2 LIMIT=$3 SILENT=0 if [ "X$4" = "X-silent" ]; then SILENT=1 fi FILES_CDIR=$CDIR/$BUCKET STATS_CDIR=$CDIR/\.$BUCKET\.stat # # Check total size # if [ $LIMIT -ge `du -sb $FILES_CDIR | awk '{print $1}'` ]; then if [ $SILENT -ne 1 ]; then echo "$FILES_CDIR is below allowed $LIMIT" fi exit 0 fi # # Make file list by sorted access time # ALL_STATS_ATIMELIST=`find $STATS_CDIR -type f -exec echo -n {} \; -exec echo -n " " \; -exec stat -c %X {} \; | awk '{print $2":"$1}' | sort` # # Remove loop # TMP_ATIME=0 TMP_STATS="" TMP_CFILE="" for part in $ALL_STATS_ATIMELIST; do TMP_ATIME=`echo $part | sed 's/\:/ /' | awk '{print $1}'` TMP_STATS=`echo $part | sed 's/\:/ /' | awk '{print $2}'` TMP_CFILE=`echo $TMP_STATS | sed s/\.$BUCKET\.stat/$BUCKET/` if [ `stat -c %X $TMP_STATS` -eq $TMP_ATIME ]; then rm -f $TMP_STATS $TMP_CFILE > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then if [ $SILENT -ne 1 ]; then echo "ERROR: Could not remove files($TMP_STATS,$TMP_CFILE)" fi exit -1 else if [ $SILENT -ne 1 ]; then echo "remove file: $TMP_CFILE $TMP_STATS" fi fi fi if [ $LIMIT -ge `du -sb $FILES_CDIR | awk '{print $1}'` ]; then if [ $SILENT -ne 1 ]; then echo "finish removing files" fi break fi done if [ $SILENT -ne 1 ]; then TOTAL_SIZE=`du -sb $FILES_CDIR | awk '{print $1}'` echo "Finish: $FILES_CDIR total size is $TOTAL_SIZE" fi exit 0 # # End #