#!/bin/bash -e COMMON=integration-test-common.sh source $COMMON # Configuration TEST_TEXT="HELLO WORLD" TEST_TEXT_FILE=test-s3fs.txt TEST_DIR=testdir ALT_TEST_TEXT_FILE=test-s3fs-ALT.txt TEST_TEXT_FILE_LENGTH=15 BIG_FILE=big-file-s3fs.txt BIG_FILE_LENGTH=$((25 * 1024 * 1024)) function mk_test_file { if [ $# == 0 ]; then TEXT=$TEST_TEXT else TEXT=$1 fi echo $TEXT > $TEST_TEXT_FILE if [ ! -e $TEST_TEXT_FILE ] then echo "Could not create file ${TEST_TEXT_FILE}, it does not exist" exit 1 fi } function rm_test_file { if [ $# == 0 ]; then FILE=$TEST_TEXT_FILE else FILE=$1 fi rm -f $FILE if [ -e $FILE ] then echo "Could not cleanup file ${TEST_TEXT_FILE}" exit 1 fi } function mk_test_dir { mkdir ${TEST_DIR} if [ ! -d ${TEST_DIR} ]; then echo "Directory ${TEST_DIR} was not created" exit 1 fi } function rm_test_dir { rmdir ${TEST_DIR} if [ -e $TEST_DIR ]; then echo "Could not remove the test directory, it still exists: ${TEST_DIR}" exit 1 fi } CUR_DIR=`pwd` TEST_BUCKET_MOUNT_POINT_1=$1 if [ "$TEST_BUCKET_MOUNT_POINT_1" == "" ]; then echo "Mountpoint missing" exit 1 fi cd $TEST_BUCKET_MOUNT_POINT_1 if [ -e $TEST_TEXT_FILE ] then rm -f $TEST_TEXT_FILE fi # Write a small test file for x in `seq 1 $TEST_TEXT_FILE_LENGTH` do echo "echo ${TEST_TEXT} to ${TEST_TEXT_FILE}" echo $TEST_TEXT >> $TEST_TEXT_FILE done # Verify contents of file echo "Verifying length of test file" FILE_LENGTH=`wc -l $TEST_TEXT_FILE | awk '{print $1}'` if [ "$FILE_LENGTH" -ne "$TEST_TEXT_FILE_LENGTH" ] then echo "error: expected $TEST_TEXT_FILE_LENGTH , got $FILE_LENGTH" exit 1 fi rm_test_file ########################################################## # Rename test (individual file) ########################################################## echo "Testing mv file function ..." # if the rename file exists, delete it if [ -e $ALT_TEST_TEXT_FILE ] then rm $ALT_TEST_TEXT_FILE fi if [ -e $ALT_TEST_TEXT_FILE ] then echo "Could not delete file ${ALT_TEST_TEXT_FILE}, it still exists" exit 1 fi # create the test file again mk_test_file #rename the test file mv $TEST_TEXT_FILE $ALT_TEST_TEXT_FILE if [ ! -e $ALT_TEST_TEXT_FILE ] then echo "Could not move file" exit 1 fi # Check the contents of the alt file ALT_TEXT_LENGTH=`echo $TEST_TEXT | wc -c | awk '{print $1}'` ALT_FILE_LENGTH=`wc -c $ALT_TEST_TEXT_FILE | awk '{print $1}'` if [ "$ALT_FILE_LENGTH" -ne "$ALT_TEXT_LENGTH" ] then echo "moved file length is not as expected expected: $ALT_TEXT_LENGTH got: $ALT_FILE_LENGTH" exit 1 fi # clean up rm_test_file $ALT_TEST_TEXT_FILE ########################################################## # Rename test (individual directory) ########################################################## echo "Testing mv directory function ..." if [ -e $TEST_DIR ]; then echo "Unexpected, this file/directory exists: ${TEST_DIR}" exit 1 fi mk_test_dir mv ${TEST_DIR} ${TEST_DIR}_rename if [ ! -d "${TEST_DIR}_rename" ]; then echo "Directory ${TEST_DIR} was not renamed" exit 1 fi rmdir ${TEST_DIR}_rename if [ -e "${TEST_DIR}_rename" ]; then echo "Could not remove the test directory, it still exists: ${TEST_DIR}_rename" exit 1 fi ################################################################### # test redirects > and >> ################################################################### echo "Testing redirects ..." mk_test_file ABCDEF CONTENT=`cat $TEST_TEXT_FILE` if [ ${CONTENT} != "ABCDEF" ]; then echo "CONTENT read is unexpected, got ${CONTENT}, expected ABCDEF" exit 1 fi echo XYZ > $TEST_TEXT_FILE CONTENT=`cat $TEST_TEXT_FILE` if [ ${CONTENT} != "XYZ" ]; then echo "CONTENT read is unexpected, got ${CONTENT}, expected XYZ" exit 1 fi echo 123456 >> $TEST_TEXT_FILE LINE1=`sed -n '1,1p' $TEST_TEXT_FILE` LINE2=`sed -n '2,2p' $TEST_TEXT_FILE` if [ ${LINE1} != "XYZ" ]; then echo "LINE1 was not as expected, got ${LINE1}, expected XYZ" exit 1 fi if [ ${LINE2} != "123456" ]; then echo "LINE2 was not as expected, got ${LINE2}, expected 123456" exit 1 fi # clean up rm_test_file ##################################################################### # Simple directory test mkdir/rmdir ##################################################################### echo "Testing creation/removal of a directory" if [ -e $TEST_DIR ]; then echo "Unexpected, this file/directory exists: ${TEST_DIR}" exit 1 fi mk_test_dir rm_test_dir ########################################################## # File permissions test (individual file) ########################################################## echo "Testing chmod file function ..." # create the test file again mk_test_file ORIGINAL_PERMISSIONS=$(stat --format=%a $TEST_TEXT_FILE) chmod 777 $TEST_TEXT_FILE; # if they're the same, we have a problem. if [ $(stat --format=%a $TEST_TEXT_FILE) == $ORIGINAL_PERMISSIONS ] then echo "Could not modify $TEST_TEXT_FILE permissions" exit 1 fi # clean up rm_test_file ########################################################## # File permissions test (individual file) ########################################################## echo "Testing chown file function ..." # create the test file again mk_test_file ORIGINAL_PERMISSIONS=$(stat --format=%u:%g $TEST_TEXT_FILE) chown 1000:1000 $TEST_TEXT_FILE; # if they're the same, we have a problem. if [ $(stat --format=%a $TEST_TEXT_FILE) == $ORIGINAL_PERMISSIONS ] then echo "Could not modify $TEST_TEXT_FILE ownership" exit 1 fi # clean up rm_test_file ########################################################## # Testing list ########################################################## echo "Testing list" mk_test_file mk_test_dir file_cnt=$(ls -1 | wc -l) if [ $file_cnt != 2 ]; then echo "Expected 2 file but got $file_cnt" exit 1 fi rm_test_file rm_test_dir ########################################################## # Testing rename before close ########################################################## echo "Testing rename before close ..." $CUR_DIR/rename_before_close $TEST_TEXT_FILE if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "rename before close failed" exit 1 fi # clean up rm_test_file ########################################################## # Testing multi-part upload ########################################################## echo "Testing multi-part upload ..." dd if=/dev/urandom of="/tmp/${BIG_FILE}" bs=$BIG_FILE_LENGTH count=1 dd if="/tmp/${BIG_FILE}" of="${BIG_FILE}" bs=$BIG_FILE_LENGTH count=1 # Verify contents of file echo "Comparing test file" if ! cmp "/tmp/${BIG_FILE}" "${BIG_FILE}" then exit 1 fi rm -f "/tmp/${BIG_FILE}" rm -f "${BIG_FILE}" ##################################################################### # Tests are finished ##################################################################### # Unmount the bucket cd $CUR_DIR echo "All tests complete."