/* * s3fs - FUSE-based file system backed by Amazon S3 * * Copyright 2007-2013 Takeshi Nakatani * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "common.h" #include "s3fs_util.h" #include "s3fs.h" using namespace std; //------------------------------------------------------------------- // Global valiables //------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string mount_prefix = ""; //------------------------------------------------------------------- // Utility //------------------------------------------------------------------- string get_realpath(const char *path) { string realpath = mount_prefix; realpath += path; return realpath; } //------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class S3ObjList //------------------------------------------------------------------- // New class S3ObjList is base on old s3_object struct. // This class is for S3 compatible clients. // // If name is terminated by "/", it is forced dir type. // If name is terminated by "_$folder$", it is forced dir type. // If is_dir is true and name is not terminated by "/", the name is added "/". // bool S3ObjList::insert(const char* name, const char* etag, bool is_dir) { if(!name || '\0' == name[0]){ return false; } s3obj_t::iterator iter; string newname; string orgname = name; // Normalization string::size_type pos = orgname.find("_$folder$"); if(string::npos != pos){ newname = orgname.substr(0, pos); is_dir = true; }else{ newname = orgname; } if(is_dir){ if('/' != newname[newname.length() - 1]){ newname += "/"; } }else{ if('/' == newname[newname.length() - 1]){ is_dir = true; } } // Check derived name object. if(is_dir){ string chkname = newname.substr(0, newname.length() - 1); if(objects.end() != (iter = objects.find(chkname))){ // found "dir" object --> remove it. objects.erase(iter); } }else{ string chkname = newname + "/"; if(objects.end() != (iter = objects.find(chkname))){ // found "dir/" object --> not add new object. // and add normalization return insert_nomalized(orgname.c_str(), chkname.c_str(), true); } } // Add object if(objects.end() != (iter = objects.find(newname))){ // Found same object --> update information. (*iter).second.normalname.erase(); (*iter).second.orgname = orgname; (*iter).second.is_dir = is_dir; if(etag){ (*iter).second.etag = string(etag); // over write } }else{ // add new object s3obj_entry newobject; newobject.orgname = orgname; newobject.is_dir = is_dir; if(etag){ newobject.etag = etag; } objects[newname] = newobject; } // add normalization return insert_nomalized(orgname.c_str(), newname.c_str(), is_dir); } bool S3ObjList::insert_nomalized(const char* name, const char* normalized, bool is_dir) { if(!name || '\0' == name[0] || !normalized || '\0' == normalized[0]){ return false; } if(0 == strcmp(name, normalized)){ return true; } s3obj_t::iterator iter; if(objects.end() != (iter = objects.find(name))){ // found name --> over write (*iter).second.orgname.erase(); (*iter).second.etag.erase(); (*iter).second.normalname = normalized; (*iter).second.is_dir = is_dir; }else{ // not found --> add new object s3obj_entry newobject; newobject.normalname = normalized; newobject.is_dir = is_dir; objects[name] = newobject; } return true; } const s3obj_entry* S3ObjList::GetS3Obj(const char* name) const { s3obj_t::const_iterator iter; if(!name || '\0' == name[0]){ return NULL; } if(objects.end() == (iter = objects.find(name))){ return NULL; } return &((*iter).second); } string S3ObjList::GetOrgName(const char* name) const { const s3obj_entry* ps3obj; if(!name || '\0' == name[0]){ return string(""); } if(NULL == (ps3obj = GetS3Obj(name))){ return string(""); } return ps3obj->orgname; } string S3ObjList::GetNormalizedName(const char* name) const { const s3obj_entry* ps3obj; if(!name || '\0' == name[0]){ return string(""); } if(NULL == (ps3obj = GetS3Obj(name))){ return string(""); } if(0 == (ps3obj->normalname).length()){ return string(name); } return ps3obj->normalname; } string S3ObjList::GetETag(const char* name) const { const s3obj_entry* ps3obj; if(!name || '\0' == name[0]){ return string(""); } if(NULL == (ps3obj = GetS3Obj(name))){ return string(""); } return ps3obj->etag; } bool S3ObjList::IsDir(const char* name) const { const s3obj_entry* ps3obj; if(NULL == (ps3obj = GetS3Obj(name))){ return false; } return ps3obj->is_dir; } bool S3ObjList::GetNameList(s3obj_list_t& list, bool OnlyNormalized, bool CutSlash) const { s3obj_t::const_iterator iter; for(iter = objects.begin(); objects.end() != iter; iter++){ if(OnlyNormalized && 0 != (*iter).second.normalname.length()){ continue; } string name = (*iter).first; if(CutSlash && 1 < name.length() && '/' == name[name.length() - 1]){ // only "/" string is skio this. name = name.substr(0, name.length() - 1); } list.push_back(name); } return true; } typedef std::map s3obj_h_t; bool S3ObjList::MakeHierarchizedList(s3obj_list_t& list, bool haveSlash) { s3obj_h_t h_map; s3obj_h_t::iterator hiter; s3obj_list_t::const_iterator liter; for(liter = list.begin(); list.end() != liter; liter++){ string strtmp = (*liter); if(1 < strtmp.length() && '/' == strtmp[strtmp.length() - 1]){ strtmp = strtmp.substr(0, strtmp.length() - 1); } h_map[strtmp] = true; // check hierarchized directory for(string::size_type pos = strtmp.find_last_of("/"); string::npos != pos; pos = strtmp.find_last_of("/")){ strtmp = strtmp.substr(0, pos); if(0 == strtmp.length() || "/" == strtmp){ break; } if(h_map.end() == h_map.find(strtmp)){ // not found h_map[strtmp] = false; } } } // check map and add lost hierarchized directory. for(hiter = h_map.begin(); hiter != h_map.end(); ++hiter){ if(false == (*hiter).second){ // add hierarchized directory. string strtmp = (*hiter).first; if(haveSlash){ strtmp += "/"; } list.push_back(strtmp); } } return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------- // Utility functions for moving objects //------------------------------------------------------------------- MVNODE *create_mvnode(const char *old_path, const char *new_path, bool is_dir, bool normdir) { MVNODE *p; char *p_old_path; char *p_new_path; p = (MVNODE *) malloc(sizeof(MVNODE)); if (p == NULL) { printf("create_mvnode: could not allocation memory for p\n"); S3FS_FUSE_EXIT(); return NULL; } if(NULL == (p_old_path = strdup(old_path))){ free(p); printf("create_mvnode: could not allocation memory for p_old_path\n"); S3FS_FUSE_EXIT(); return NULL; } if(NULL == (p_new_path = strdup(new_path))){ free(p); free(p_old_path); printf("create_mvnode: could not allocation memory for p_new_path\n"); S3FS_FUSE_EXIT(); return NULL; } p->old_path = p_old_path; p->new_path = p_new_path; p->is_dir = is_dir; p->is_normdir = normdir; p->prev = NULL; p->next = NULL; return p; } // // Add sorted MVNODE data(Ascending order) // MVNODE *add_mvnode(MVNODE** head, MVNODE** tail, const char *old_path, const char *new_path, bool is_dir, bool normdir) { if(!head || !tail){ return NULL; } MVNODE* cur; MVNODE* mvnew; for(cur = *head; cur; cur = cur->next){ if(cur->is_dir == is_dir){ int nResult = strcmp(cur->old_path, old_path); if(0 == nResult){ // Found same old_path. return cur; }else if(0 > nResult){ // next check. // ex: cur("abc"), mvnew("abcd") // ex: cur("abc"), mvnew("abd") continue; }else{ // Add into before cur-pos. // ex: cur("abc"), mvnew("ab") // ex: cur("abc"), mvnew("abb") if(NULL == (mvnew = create_mvnode(old_path, new_path, is_dir, normdir))){ return NULL; } if(cur->prev){ (cur->prev)->next = mvnew; }else{ *head = mvnew; } mvnew->prev = cur->prev; mvnew->next = cur; cur->prev = mvnew; return mvnew; } } } // Add into tail. if(NULL == (mvnew = create_mvnode(old_path, new_path, is_dir, normdir))){ return NULL; } mvnew->prev = (*tail); if(*tail){ (*tail)->next = mvnew; } (*tail) = mvnew; if(!(*head)){ (*head) = mvnew; } return mvnew; } void free_mvnodes(MVNODE *head) { MVNODE *my_head; MVNODE *next; for(my_head = head, next = NULL; my_head; my_head = next){ next = my_head->next; free(my_head->old_path); free(my_head->new_path); free(my_head); } return; } //------------------------------------------------------------------- // Utility for UID/GID //------------------------------------------------------------------- // get user name from uid string get_username(uid_t uid) { struct passwd* ppw; if(NULL == (ppw = getpwuid(uid)) || NULL == ppw->pw_name){ FGPRINT(" could not get username(errno=%d).\n", (int)errno); SYSLOGDBG("could not get username(errno=%d).\n", (int)errno); return string(""); } return string(ppw->pw_name); } // check uid in group(gid) int is_uid_inculde_group(uid_t uid, gid_t gid) { static size_t maxlen = 0; // set onece int result; char* pbuf; struct group ginfo; struct group* pginfo = NULL; // make buffer if(0 == maxlen){ if(0 > (maxlen = (size_t)sysconf(_SC_GETGR_R_SIZE_MAX))){ FGPRINT(" could not get max name length.\n"); SYSLOGDBG("could not get max name length.\n"); maxlen = 0; return -ERANGE; } } if(NULL == (pbuf = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * maxlen))){ FGPRINT(" failed to allocate memory.\n"); SYSLOGERR("failed to allocate memory.\n"); return -ENOMEM; } // get group infomation if(0 != (result = getgrgid_r(gid, &ginfo, pbuf, maxlen, &pginfo))){ FGPRINT(" could not get group infomation.\n"); SYSLOGDBG("could not get group infomation.\n"); free(pbuf); return -result; } // check group if(NULL == pginfo){ // there is not gid in group. free(pbuf); return -EINVAL; } string username = get_username(uid); char** ppgr_mem; for(ppgr_mem = pginfo->gr_mem; ppgr_mem && *ppgr_mem; ppgr_mem++){ if(username == *ppgr_mem){ // Found username in group. free(pbuf); return 1; } } free(pbuf); return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------- // Utility for file and directory //------------------------------------------------------------------- // safe variant of dirname // dirname clobbers path so let it operate on a tmp copy string mydirname(string path) { return string(dirname(&path[0])); } // safe variant of basename // basename clobbers path so let it operate on a tmp copy string mybasename(string path) { return string(basename(&path[0])); } // mkdir --parents int mkdirp(const string& path, mode_t mode) { string base; string component; stringstream ss(path); while (getline(ss, component, '/')) { base += "/" + component; mkdir(base.c_str(), mode); } return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------- // Utility functions for convert //------------------------------------------------------------------- time_t get_mtime(const char *s) { return (time_t) strtoul(s, (char **) NULL, 10); } time_t get_mtime(headers_t& meta, bool overcheck) { headers_t::const_iterator iter; if(meta.end() == (iter = meta.find("x-amz-meta-mtime"))){ if(overcheck){ return get_lastmodified(meta); } return 0; } return get_mtime((*iter).second.c_str()); } off_t get_size(const char *s) { return (off_t) strtoul(s, (char **) NULL, 10); } off_t get_size(headers_t& meta) { headers_t::const_iterator iter; if(meta.end() == (iter = meta.find("Content-Length"))){ return 0; } return get_size((*iter).second.c_str()); } mode_t get_mode(const char *s) { return (mode_t) strtoul(s, (char **) NULL, 10); } mode_t get_mode(headers_t& meta, const char* path, bool checkdir, bool forcedir) { mode_t mode = 0; bool isS3sync = false; headers_t::const_iterator iter; if(meta.end() != (iter = meta.find("x-amz-meta-mode"))){ mode = get_mode((*iter).second.c_str()); }else{ if(meta.end() != (iter = meta.find("x-amz-meta-permissions"))){ // for s3sync mode = get_mode((*iter).second.c_str()); isS3sync = true; } } if(!isS3sync){ if(checkdir){ if(forcedir){ mode |= S_IFDIR; }else{ if(meta.end() != (iter = meta.find("Content-Type"))){ string strConType = (*iter).second; if(strConType == "application/x-directory"){ mode |= S_IFDIR; }else if(path && 0 < strlen(path) && '/' == path[strlen(path) - 1]){ if(strConType == "binary/octet-stream" || strConType == "application/octet-stream"){ mode |= S_IFDIR; }else{ mode |= S_IFREG; } }else{ mode |= S_IFREG; } }else{ mode |= S_IFREG; } } } }else{ if(!checkdir){ // cut dir/reg flag. mode &= ~S_IFDIR; mode &= ~S_IFREG; } } return mode; } uid_t get_uid(const char *s) { return (uid_t) strtoul(s, (char **) NULL, 10); } uid_t get_uid(headers_t& meta) { headers_t::const_iterator iter; if(meta.end() == (iter = meta.find("x-amz-meta-uid"))){ if(meta.end() == (iter = meta.find("x-amz-meta-owner"))){ // for s3sync return 0; } } return get_uid((*iter).second.c_str()); } gid_t get_gid(const char *s) { return (gid_t) strtoul(s, (char **) NULL, 10); } gid_t get_gid(headers_t& meta) { headers_t::const_iterator iter; if(meta.end() == (iter = meta.find("x-amz-meta-gid"))){ if(meta.end() == (iter = meta.find("x-amz-meta-group"))){ // for s3sync return 0; } } return get_gid((*iter).second.c_str()); } blkcnt_t get_blocks(off_t size) { return size / 512 + 1; } time_t get_lastmodified(const char* s) { struct tm tm; if(!s){ return 0L; } strptime(s, "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z", &tm); return mktime(&tm); // GMT } time_t get_lastmodified(headers_t& meta) { headers_t::const_iterator iter; if(meta.end() == (iter = meta.find("Last-Modified"))){ return 0; } return get_lastmodified((*iter).second.c_str()); } //------------------------------------------------------------------- // Help //------------------------------------------------------------------- void show_usage (void) { printf("Usage: %s BUCKET:[PATH] MOUNTPOINT [OPTION]...\n", program_name.c_str()); } void show_help (void) { show_usage(); printf( "\n" "Mount an Amazon S3 bucket as a file system.\n" "\n" " General forms for s3fs and FUSE/mount options:\n" " -o opt[,opt...]\n" " -o opt [-o opt] ...\n" "\n" "s3fs Options:\n" "\n" " Most s3fs options are given in the form where \"opt\" is:\n" "\n" " =\n" "\n" " default_acl (default=\"private\")\n" " - the default canned acl to apply to all written s3 objects\n" " see http://aws.amazon.com/documentation/s3/ for the \n" " full list of canned acls\n" "\n" " retries (default=\"2\")\n" " - number of times to retry a failed s3 transaction\n" "\n" " use_cache (default=\"\" which means disabled)\n" " - local folder to use for local file cache\n" "\n" " use_rrs (default=\"\" which means diabled)\n" " - use Amazon's Reduced Redundancy Storage when set to 1\n" "\n" " public_bucket (default=\"\" which means disabled)\n" " - anonymously mount a public bucket when set to 1\n" "\n" " passwd_file (default=\"\")\n" " - specify which s3fs password file to use\n" "\n" " connect_timeout (default=\"10\" seconds)\n" " - time to wait for connection before giving up\n" "\n" " readwrite_timeout (default=\"30\" seconds)\n" " - time to wait between read/write activity before giving up\n" "\n" " max_stat_cache_size (default=\"10000\" entries (about 4MB))\n" " - maximum number of entries in the stat cache\n" "\n" " stat_cache_expire (default is no expire)\n" " - specify expire time(seconds) for entries in the stat cache.\n" "\n" " enable_noobj_cache (default is disable)\n" " - enable cache entries for the object which does not exist.\n" " s3fs always has to check whether file(or sub directory) exists \n" " under object(path) when s3fs does some command, since s3fs has \n" " recognized a directory which does not exist and has files or \n" " sub directories under itself. It increases ListBucket request \n" " and makes performance bad.\n" " You can specify this option for performance, s3fs memorizes \n" " in stat cache that the object(file or directory) does not exist.\n" "\n" " nodnscache - disable dns cache\n" " - s3fs is always using dns cache, this option make dns cache disable.\n" "\n" " url (default=\"http://s3.amazonaws.com\")\n" " - sets the url to use to access amazon s3\n" "\n" " nomultipart - disable multipart uploads\n" "\n" " enable_content_md5 (default is disable)\n" " - verifying uploaded object without multipart by content-md5 header.\n" "\n" " noxmlns - disable registing xml name space.\n" " disable registing xml name space for response of \n" " ListBucketResult and ListVersionsResult etc. Default name \n" " space is looked up from \"http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01\".\n" " This option should not be specified now, because s3fs looks up\n" " xmlns automatically after v1.66.\n" "\n" " nocopyapi - for other incomplete compatibility object storage.\n" " For a distributed object storage which is compatibility S3\n" " API without PUT(copy api).\n" " If you set this option, s3fs do not use PUT with \n" " \"x-amz-copy-source\"(copy api). Because traffic is increased\n" " 2-3 times by this option, we do not recommend this.\n" "\n" " norenameapi - for other incomplete compatibility object storage.\n" " For a distributed object storage which is compatibility S3\n" " API without PUT(copy api).\n" " This option is a subset of nocopyapi option. The nocopyapi\n" " option does not use copy-api for all command(ex. chmod, chown,\n" " touch, mv, etc), but this option does not use copy-api for\n" " only rename command(ex. mv). If this option is specified with\n" " nocopapi, the s3fs ignores it.\n" "\n" "FUSE/mount Options:\n" "\n" " Most of the generic mount options described in 'man mount' are\n" " supported (ro, rw, suid, nosuid, dev, nodev, exec, noexec, atime,\n" " noatime, sync async, dirsync). Filesystems are mounted with\n" " '-onodev,nosuid' by default, which can only be overridden by a\n" " privileged user.\n" " \n" " There are many FUSE specific mount options that can be specified.\n" " e.g. allow_other See the FUSE's README for the full set.\n" "\n" "Miscellaneous Options:\n" "\n" " -h, --help Output this help.\n" " --version Output version info.\n" " -d --debug Turn on DEBUG messages to syslog. Specifying -d\n" " twice turns on FUSE debug messages to STDOUT.\n" " -f FUSE foreground option - do not run as daemon.\n" " -s FUSE singlethread option\n" " disable multi-threaded operation\n" "\n" "\n" "Report bugs to \n" "s3fs home page: \n" ); return; } void show_version(void) { printf( "Amazon Simple Storage Service File System %s\n" "Copyright (C) 2010 Randy Rizun \n" "License GPL2: GNU GPL version 2 \n" "This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.\n" "There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.\n", VERSION ); return; }