/* * s3fs - FUSE-based file system backed by Amazon S3 * * Copyright(C) 2007 Takeshi Nakatani * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include "common.h" #include "s3fs.h" #include "s3objlist.h" using namespace std; //------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class S3ObjList //------------------------------------------------------------------- // New class S3ObjList is base on old s3_object struct. // This class is for S3 compatible clients. // // If name is terminated by "/", it is forced dir type. // If name is terminated by "_$folder$", it is forced dir type. // If is_dir is true and name is not terminated by "/", the name is added "/". // bool S3ObjList::insert(const char* name, const char* etag, bool is_dir) { if(!name || '\0' == name[0]){ return false; } s3obj_t::iterator iter; string newname; string orgname = name; // Normalization string::size_type pos = orgname.find("_$folder$"); if(string::npos != pos){ newname = orgname.substr(0, pos); is_dir = true; }else{ newname = orgname; } if(is_dir){ if('/' != newname[newname.length() - 1]){ newname += "/"; } }else{ if('/' == newname[newname.length() - 1]){ is_dir = true; } } // Check derived name object. if(is_dir){ string chkname = newname.substr(0, newname.length() - 1); if(objects.end() != (iter = objects.find(chkname))){ // found "dir" object --> remove it. objects.erase(iter); } }else{ string chkname = newname + "/"; if(objects.end() != (iter = objects.find(chkname))){ // found "dir/" object --> not add new object. // and add normalization return insert_normalized(orgname.c_str(), chkname.c_str(), true); } } // Add object if(objects.end() != (iter = objects.find(newname))){ // Found same object --> update information. (*iter).second.normalname.erase(); (*iter).second.orgname = orgname; (*iter).second.is_dir = is_dir; if(etag){ (*iter).second.etag = string(etag); // over write } }else{ // add new object s3obj_entry newobject; newobject.orgname = orgname; newobject.is_dir = is_dir; if(etag){ newobject.etag = etag; } objects[newname] = newobject; } // add normalization return insert_normalized(orgname.c_str(), newname.c_str(), is_dir); } bool S3ObjList::insert_normalized(const char* name, const char* normalized, bool is_dir) { if(!name || '\0' == name[0] || !normalized || '\0' == normalized[0]){ return false; } if(0 == strcmp(name, normalized)){ return true; } s3obj_t::iterator iter; if(objects.end() != (iter = objects.find(name))){ // found name --> over write iter->second.orgname.erase(); iter->second.etag.erase(); iter->second.normalname = normalized; iter->second.is_dir = is_dir; }else{ // not found --> add new object s3obj_entry newobject; newobject.normalname = normalized; newobject.is_dir = is_dir; objects[name] = newobject; } return true; } const s3obj_entry* S3ObjList::GetS3Obj(const char* name) const { s3obj_t::const_iterator iter; if(!name || '\0' == name[0]){ return NULL; } if(objects.end() == (iter = objects.find(name))){ return NULL; } return &((*iter).second); } string S3ObjList::GetOrgName(const char* name) const { const s3obj_entry* ps3obj; if(!name || '\0' == name[0]){ return string(""); } if(NULL == (ps3obj = GetS3Obj(name))){ return string(""); } return ps3obj->orgname; } string S3ObjList::GetNormalizedName(const char* name) const { const s3obj_entry* ps3obj; if(!name || '\0' == name[0]){ return string(""); } if(NULL == (ps3obj = GetS3Obj(name))){ return string(""); } if(0 == (ps3obj->normalname).length()){ return string(name); } return ps3obj->normalname; } string S3ObjList::GetETag(const char* name) const { const s3obj_entry* ps3obj; if(!name || '\0' == name[0]){ return string(""); } if(NULL == (ps3obj = GetS3Obj(name))){ return string(""); } return ps3obj->etag; } bool S3ObjList::IsDir(const char* name) const { const s3obj_entry* ps3obj; if(NULL == (ps3obj = GetS3Obj(name))){ return false; } return ps3obj->is_dir; } bool S3ObjList::GetLastName(std::string& lastname) const { bool result = false; lastname = ""; for(s3obj_t::const_iterator iter = objects.begin(); iter != objects.end(); ++iter){ if((*iter).second.orgname.length()){ if(0 > strcmp(lastname.c_str(), (*iter).second.orgname.c_str())){ lastname = (*iter).second.orgname; result = true; } }else{ if(0 > strcmp(lastname.c_str(), (*iter).second.normalname.c_str())){ lastname = (*iter).second.normalname; result = true; } } } return result; } bool S3ObjList::GetNameList(s3obj_list_t& list, bool OnlyNormalized, bool CutSlash) const { s3obj_t::const_iterator iter; for(iter = objects.begin(); objects.end() != iter; ++iter){ if(OnlyNormalized && 0 != (*iter).second.normalname.length()){ continue; } string name = (*iter).first; if(CutSlash && 1 < name.length() && '/' == name[name.length() - 1]){ // only "/" string is skipped this. name = name.substr(0, name.length() - 1); } list.push_back(name); } return true; } typedef std::map s3obj_h_t; bool S3ObjList::MakeHierarchizedList(s3obj_list_t& list, bool haveSlash) { s3obj_h_t h_map; s3obj_h_t::iterator hiter; s3obj_list_t::const_iterator liter; for(liter = list.begin(); list.end() != liter; ++liter){ string strtmp = (*liter); if(1 < strtmp.length() && '/' == strtmp[strtmp.length() - 1]){ strtmp = strtmp.substr(0, strtmp.length() - 1); } h_map[strtmp] = true; // check hierarchized directory for(string::size_type pos = strtmp.find_last_of('/'); string::npos != pos; pos = strtmp.find_last_of('/')){ strtmp = strtmp.substr(0, pos); if(0 == strtmp.length() || "/" == strtmp){ break; } if(h_map.end() == h_map.find(strtmp)){ // not found h_map[strtmp] = false; } } } // check map and add lost hierarchized directory. for(hiter = h_map.begin(); hiter != h_map.end(); ++hiter){ if(false == (*hiter).second){ // add hierarchized directory. string strtmp = (*hiter).first; if(haveSlash){ strtmp += "/"; } list.push_back(strtmp); } } return true; } /* * Local variables: * tab-width: 4 * c-basic-offset: 4 * End: * vim600: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 fdm=marker * vim<600: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 */