Andrew Gaul bbcccd6e98
Make storage class a string (#1663)
This allows non-standard storage classes like Google Cloud Storage
Nearline.  Fixes #1613.
2021-05-21 23:34:31 +09:00

432 lines
22 KiB

* s3fs - FUSE-based file system backed by Amazon S3
* Copyright(C) 2007 Randy Rizun <rrizun@gmail.com>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef S3FS_CURL_H_
#define S3FS_CURL_H_
#include <curl/curl.h>
#include "curl_handlerpool.h"
#include "bodydata.h"
#include "psemaphore.h"
#include "metaheader.h"
#include "fdcache_page.h"
// Avoid dependency on libcurl version
// [NOTE]
// The following symbols (enum) depend on the version of libcurl.
// CURLOPT_TCP_KEEPALIVE 7.25.0 and later
// CURLOPT_SSL_ENABLE_ALPN 7.36.0 and later
// s3fs uses these, if you build s3fs with the old libcurl,
// substitute the following symbols to avoid errors.
// If the version of libcurl linked at runtime is old,
// curl_easy_setopt results in an error(CURLE_UNKNOWN_OPTION) and
// a message is output.
#define S3FS_CURLOPT_TCP_KEEPALIVE static_cast<CURLoption>(213)
#define S3FS_CURLOPT_SSL_ENABLE_ALPN static_cast<CURLoption>(226)
#define S3FS_CURLOPT_KEEP_SENDING_ON_ERROR static_cast<CURLoption>(245)
// Structure / Typedefs
typedef std::pair<double, double> progress_t;
typedef std::map<CURL*, time_t> curltime_t;
typedef std::map<CURL*, progress_t> curlprogress_t;
// class S3fsCurl
class S3fsCurl;
// Prototype function for lazy setup options for curl handle
typedef bool (*s3fscurl_lazy_setup)(S3fsCurl* s3fscurl);
typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> iamcredmap_t;
typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> sseckeymap_t;
typedef std::list<sseckeymap_t> sseckeylist_t;
// Class for lapping curl
class S3fsCurl
friend class S3fsMultiCurl;
enum REQTYPE {
// class variables
static pthread_mutex_t curl_warnings_lock;
static bool curl_warnings_once; // emit older curl warnings only once
static pthread_mutex_t curl_handles_lock;
static struct callback_locks_t {
pthread_mutex_t dns;
pthread_mutex_t ssl_session;
} callback_locks;
static bool is_initglobal_done;
static CurlHandlerPool* sCurlPool;
static int sCurlPoolSize;
static CURLSH* hCurlShare;
static bool is_cert_check;
static bool is_dns_cache;
static bool is_ssl_session_cache;
static long connect_timeout;
static time_t readwrite_timeout;
static int retries;
static bool is_public_bucket;
static acl_t default_acl;
static std::string storage_class;
static sseckeylist_t sseckeys;
static std::string ssekmsid;
static sse_type_t ssetype;
static bool is_content_md5;
static bool is_verbose;
static bool is_dump_body;
static std::string AWSAccessKeyId;
static std::string AWSSecretAccessKey;
static std::string AWSAccessToken;
static time_t AWSAccessTokenExpire;
static bool is_ecs;
static bool is_use_session_token;
static bool is_ibm_iam_auth;
static std::string IAM_cred_url;
static int IAM_api_version;
static std::string IAMv2_token_url;
static int IAMv2_token_ttl;
static std::string IAMv2_token_ttl_hdr;
static std::string IAMv2_token_hdr;
static std::string IAMv2_api_token;
static size_t IAM_field_count;
static std::string IAM_token_field;
static std::string IAM_expiry_field;
static std::string IAM_role;
static long ssl_verify_hostname;
static curltime_t curl_times;
static curlprogress_t curl_progress;
static std::string curl_ca_bundle;
static mimes_t mimeTypes;
static std::string userAgent;
static int max_parallel_cnt;
static int max_multireq;
static off_t multipart_size;
static off_t multipart_copy_size;
static signature_type_t signature_type;
static bool is_ua; // User-Agent
static bool listobjectsv2;
static bool requester_pays;
// variables
CURL* hCurl;
REQTYPE type; // type of request
std::string path; // target object path
std::string base_path; // base path (for multi curl head request)
std::string saved_path; // saved path = cache key (for multi curl head request)
std::string url; // target object path(url)
struct curl_slist* requestHeaders;
headers_t responseHeaders; // header data by HeaderCallback
BodyData bodydata; // body data by WriteMemoryCallback
BodyData headdata; // header data by WriteMemoryCallback
volatile long LastResponseCode;
const unsigned char* postdata; // use by post method and read callback function.
int postdata_remaining; // use by post method and read callback function.
filepart partdata; // use by multipart upload/get object callback
bool is_use_ahbe; // additional header by extension
int retry_count; // retry count for multipart
FILE* b_infile; // backup for retrying
const unsigned char* b_postdata; // backup for retrying
int b_postdata_remaining; // backup for retrying
off_t b_partdata_startpos; // backup for retrying
off_t b_partdata_size; // backup for retrying
int b_ssekey_pos; // backup for retrying
std::string b_ssevalue; // backup for retrying
sse_type_t b_ssetype; // backup for retrying
std::string b_from; // backup for retrying(for copy request)
headers_t b_meta; // backup for retrying(for copy request)
std::string op; // the HTTP verb of the request ("PUT", "GET", etc.)
std::string query_string; // request query string
Semaphore *sem;
pthread_mutex_t *completed_tids_lock;
std::vector<pthread_t> *completed_tids;
s3fscurl_lazy_setup fpLazySetup; // curl options for lazy setting function
CURLcode curlCode; // handle curl return
static const long S3FSCURL_RESPONSECODE_NOTSET = -1;
static const int S3FSCURL_PERFORM_RESULT_NOTSET = 1;
// constructor/destructor
explicit S3fsCurl(bool ahbe = false);
// class methods
static bool InitGlobalCurl();
static bool DestroyGlobalCurl();
static bool InitShareCurl();
static bool DestroyShareCurl();
static void LockCurlShare(CURL* handle, curl_lock_data nLockData, curl_lock_access laccess, void* useptr);
static void UnlockCurlShare(CURL* handle, curl_lock_data nLockData, void* useptr);
static bool InitCryptMutex();
static bool DestroyCryptMutex();
static int CurlProgress(void *clientp, double dltotal, double dlnow, double ultotal, double ulnow);
static bool LocateBundle();
static size_t HeaderCallback(void *data, size_t blockSize, size_t numBlocks, void *userPtr);
static size_t WriteMemoryCallback(void *ptr, size_t blockSize, size_t numBlocks, void *data);
static size_t ReadCallback(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *userp);
static size_t UploadReadCallback(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *userp);
static size_t DownloadWriteCallback(void* ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void* userp);
static bool UploadMultipartPostCallback(S3fsCurl* s3fscurl);
static bool CopyMultipartPostCallback(S3fsCurl* s3fscurl);
static bool MixMultipartPostCallback(S3fsCurl* s3fscurl);
static S3fsCurl* UploadMultipartPostRetryCallback(S3fsCurl* s3fscurl);
static S3fsCurl* CopyMultipartPostRetryCallback(S3fsCurl* s3fscurl);
static S3fsCurl* MixMultipartPostRetryCallback(S3fsCurl* s3fscurl);
static S3fsCurl* ParallelGetObjectRetryCallback(S3fsCurl* s3fscurl);
// lazy functions for set curl options
static bool UploadMultipartPostSetCurlOpts(S3fsCurl* s3fscurl);
static bool CopyMultipartPostSetCurlOpts(S3fsCurl* s3fscurl);
static bool PreGetObjectRequestSetCurlOpts(S3fsCurl* s3fscurl);
static bool PreHeadRequestSetCurlOpts(S3fsCurl* s3fscurl);
static bool ParseIAMCredentialResponse(const char* response, iamcredmap_t& keyval);
static bool SetIAMCredentials(const char* response);
static bool SetIAMv2APIToken(const char* response);
static bool ParseIAMRoleFromMetaDataResponse(const char* response, std::string& rolename);
static bool SetIAMRoleFromMetaData(const char* response);
static bool LoadEnvSseCKeys();
static bool LoadEnvSseKmsid();
static bool PushbackSseKeys(const std::string& onekey);
static bool AddUserAgent(CURL* hCurl);
static int CurlDebugFunc(CURL* hcurl, curl_infotype type, char* data, size_t size, void* userptr);
static int CurlDebugBodyInFunc(CURL* hcurl, curl_infotype type, char* data, size_t size, void* userptr);
static int CurlDebugBodyOutFunc(CURL* hcurl, curl_infotype type, char* data, size_t size, void* userptr);
static int RawCurlDebugFunc(CURL* hcurl, curl_infotype type, char* data, size_t size, void* userptr, curl_infotype datatype);
// methods
bool ResetHandle(bool lock_already_held = false);
bool RemakeHandle();
bool ClearInternalData();
void insertV4Headers();
void insertV2Headers();
void insertIBMIAMHeaders();
void insertAuthHeaders();
std::string CalcSignatureV2(const std::string& method, const std::string& strMD5, const std::string& content_type, const std::string& date, const std::string& resource);
std::string CalcSignature(const std::string& method, const std::string& canonical_uri, const std::string& query_string, const std::string& strdate, const std::string& payload_hash, const std::string& date8601);
int GetIAMv2ApiToken();
int GetIAMCredentials();
int UploadMultipartPostSetup(const char* tpath, int part_num, const std::string& upload_id);
int CopyMultipartPostSetup(const char* from, const char* to, int part_num, const std::string& upload_id, headers_t& meta);
bool UploadMultipartPostComplete();
bool CopyMultipartPostComplete();
bool MixMultipartPostComplete();
int MapPutErrorResponse(int result);
// class methods
static bool InitS3fsCurl();
static bool InitMimeType(const std::string& strFile);
static bool DestroyS3fsCurl();
static int ParallelMultipartUploadRequest(const char* tpath, headers_t& meta, int fd);
static int ParallelMixMultipartUploadRequest(const char* tpath, headers_t& meta, int fd, const fdpage_list_t& mixuppages);
static int ParallelGetObjectRequest(const char* tpath, int fd, off_t start, off_t size);
static bool CheckIAMCredentialUpdate();
// class methods(variables)
static std::string LookupMimeType(const std::string& name);
static bool SetCheckCertificate(bool isCertCheck);
static bool SetDnsCache(bool isCache);
static bool SetSslSessionCache(bool isCache);
static long SetConnectTimeout(long timeout);
static time_t SetReadwriteTimeout(time_t timeout);
static time_t GetReadwriteTimeout() { return S3fsCurl::readwrite_timeout; }
static int SetRetries(int count);
static bool SetPublicBucket(bool flag);
static bool IsPublicBucket() { return S3fsCurl::is_public_bucket; }
static acl_t SetDefaultAcl(acl_t acl);
static acl_t GetDefaultAcl();
static std::string SetStorageClass(const std::string& storage_class);
static std::string GetStorageClass() { return S3fsCurl::storage_class; }
static bool LoadEnvSse() { return (S3fsCurl::LoadEnvSseCKeys() && S3fsCurl::LoadEnvSseKmsid()); }
static sse_type_t SetSseType(sse_type_t type);
static sse_type_t GetSseType() { return S3fsCurl::ssetype; }
static bool IsSseDisable() { return (sse_type_t::SSE_DISABLE == S3fsCurl::ssetype); }
static bool IsSseS3Type() { return (sse_type_t::SSE_S3 == S3fsCurl::ssetype); }
static bool IsSseCType() { return (sse_type_t::SSE_C == S3fsCurl::ssetype); }
static bool IsSseKmsType() { return (sse_type_t::SSE_KMS == S3fsCurl::ssetype); }
static bool FinalCheckSse();
static bool SetSseCKeys(const char* filepath);
static bool SetSseKmsid(const char* kmsid);
static bool IsSetSseKmsId() { return !S3fsCurl::ssekmsid.empty(); }
static const char* GetSseKmsId() { return S3fsCurl::ssekmsid.c_str(); }
static bool GetSseKey(std::string& md5, std::string& ssekey);
static bool GetSseKeyMd5(int pos, std::string& md5);
static int GetSseKeyCount();
static bool SetContentMd5(bool flag);
static bool SetVerbose(bool flag);
static bool GetVerbose() { return S3fsCurl::is_verbose; }
static bool SetDumpBody(bool flag);
static bool IsDumpBody() { return S3fsCurl::is_dump_body; }
static bool SetAccessKey(const char* AccessKeyId, const char* SecretAccessKey);
static bool SetAccessKeyWithSessionToken(const char* AccessKeyId, const char* SecretAccessKey, const char * SessionToken);
static bool IsSetAccessKeyID()
return (0 < S3fsCurl::AWSAccessKeyId.size());
static bool IsSetAccessKeys()
return (0 < S3fsCurl::IAM_role.size() || ((0 < S3fsCurl::AWSAccessKeyId.size() || S3fsCurl::is_ibm_iam_auth) && 0 < S3fsCurl::AWSSecretAccessKey.size()));
static long SetSslVerifyHostname(long value);
static long GetSslVerifyHostname() { return S3fsCurl::ssl_verify_hostname; }
static void ResetOffset(S3fsCurl* pCurl);
// maximum parallel GET and PUT requests
static int SetMaxParallelCount(int value);
static int GetMaxParallelCount() { return S3fsCurl::max_parallel_cnt; }
// maximum parallel HEAD requests
static int SetMaxMultiRequest(int max);
static int GetMaxMultiRequest() { return S3fsCurl::max_multireq; }
static bool SetIsECS(bool flag);
static bool SetIsIBMIAMAuth(bool flag);
static size_t SetIAMFieldCount(size_t field_count);
static std::string SetIAMCredentialsURL(const char* url);
static std::string SetIAMTokenField(const char* token_field);
static std::string SetIAMExpiryField(const char* expiry_field);
static std::string SetIAMRole(const char* role);
static const char* GetIAMRole() { return S3fsCurl::IAM_role.c_str(); }
static bool SetMultipartSize(off_t size);
static off_t GetMultipartSize() { return S3fsCurl::multipart_size; }
static bool SetMultipartCopySize(off_t size);
static off_t GetMultipartCopySize() { return S3fsCurl::multipart_copy_size; }
static signature_type_t SetSignatureType(signature_type_t signature_type) { signature_type_t bresult = S3fsCurl::signature_type; S3fsCurl::signature_type = signature_type; return bresult; }
static signature_type_t GetSignatureType() { return S3fsCurl::signature_type; }
static bool SetUserAgentFlag(bool isset) { bool bresult = S3fsCurl::is_ua; S3fsCurl::is_ua = isset; return bresult; }
static bool IsUserAgentFlag() { return S3fsCurl::is_ua; }
static void InitUserAgent();
static bool SetListObjectsV2(bool isset) { bool bresult = S3fsCurl::listobjectsv2; S3fsCurl::listobjectsv2 = isset; return bresult; }
static bool IsListObjectsV2() { return S3fsCurl::listobjectsv2; }
static bool SetRequesterPays(bool flag) { bool old_flag = S3fsCurl::requester_pays; S3fsCurl::requester_pays = flag; return old_flag; }
static bool IsRequesterPays() { return S3fsCurl::requester_pays; }
static bool SetIMDSVersion(int version);
// methods
bool CreateCurlHandle(bool only_pool = false, bool remake = false);
bool DestroyCurlHandle(bool restore_pool = true, bool clear_internal_data = true);
bool LoadIAMRoleFromMetaData();
bool AddSseRequestHead(sse_type_t ssetype, const std::string& ssevalue, bool is_only_c, bool is_copy);
bool GetResponseCode(long& responseCode, bool from_curl_handle = true);
int RequestPerform(bool dontAddAuthHeaders=false);
int DeleteRequest(const char* tpath);
bool PreHeadRequest(const char* tpath, const char* bpath = NULL, const char* savedpath = NULL, int ssekey_pos = -1);
bool PreHeadRequest(const std::string& tpath, const std::string& bpath, const std::string& savedpath, int ssekey_pos = -1) {
return PreHeadRequest(tpath.c_str(), bpath.c_str(), savedpath.c_str(), ssekey_pos);
int HeadRequest(const char* tpath, headers_t& meta);
int PutHeadRequest(const char* tpath, headers_t& meta, bool is_copy);
int PutRequest(const char* tpath, headers_t& meta, int fd);
int PreGetObjectRequest(const char* tpath, int fd, off_t start, off_t size, sse_type_t ssetype, const std::string& ssevalue);
int GetObjectRequest(const char* tpath, int fd, off_t start = -1, off_t size = -1);
int CheckBucket();
int ListBucketRequest(const char* tpath, const char* query);
int PreMultipartPostRequest(const char* tpath, headers_t& meta, std::string& upload_id, bool is_copy);
int CompleteMultipartPostRequest(const char* tpath, const std::string& upload_id, etaglist_t& parts);
int UploadMultipartPostRequest(const char* tpath, int part_num, const std::string& upload_id);
int MultipartListRequest(std::string& body);
int AbortMultipartUpload(const char* tpath, const std::string& upload_id);
int MultipartHeadRequest(const char* tpath, off_t size, headers_t& meta, bool is_copy);
int MultipartUploadRequest(const char* tpath, headers_t& meta, int fd, bool is_copy);
int MultipartUploadRequest(const std::string& upload_id, const char* tpath, int fd, off_t offset, off_t size, etaglist_t& list);
int MultipartRenameRequest(const char* from, const char* to, headers_t& meta, off_t size);
// methods(variables)
CURL* GetCurlHandle() const { return hCurl; }
std::string GetPath() const { return path; }
std::string GetBasePath() const { return base_path; }
std::string GetSpacialSavedPath() const { return saved_path; }
std::string GetUrl() const { return url; }
std::string GetOp() const { return op; }
headers_t* GetResponseHeaders() { return &responseHeaders; }
BodyData* GetBodyData() { return &bodydata; }
BodyData* GetHeadData() { return &headdata; }
CURLcode GetCurlCode() const { return curlCode; }
long GetLastResponseCode() const { return LastResponseCode; }
bool SetUseAhbe(bool ahbe);
bool EnableUseAhbe() { return SetUseAhbe(true); }
bool DisableUseAhbe() { return SetUseAhbe(false); }
bool IsUseAhbe() const { return is_use_ahbe; }
int GetMultipartRetryCount() const { return retry_count; }
void SetMultipartRetryCount(int retrycnt) { retry_count = retrycnt; }
bool IsOverMultipartRetryCount() const { return (retry_count >= S3fsCurl::retries); }
int GetLastPreHeadSeecKeyPos() const { return b_ssekey_pos; }
#endif // S3FS_CURL_H_
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