ggtakec@gmail.com bf11a0444f Fixed a bug
1 ) Fixed a bug
    Since r458, s3fs uses stat files of cache files. But s3fs forgot removing these
    stat files when s3fs removed cache files.
    Fixed this bug.

git-svn-id: http://s3fs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@459 df820570-a93a-0410-bd06-b72b767a4274
2013-07-29 08:20:19 +00:00

157 lines
4.9 KiB

#ifndef FD_CACHE_H_
#define FD_CACHE_H_
// CacheFileStat
class CacheFileStat
std::string path;
int fd;
static bool MakeCacheFileStatPath(const char* path, std::string& sfile_path, bool is_create_dir = true);
static bool DeleteCacheFileStat(const char* path);
CacheFileStat(const char* tpath = NULL);
bool Open(void);
bool Release(void);
bool SetPath(const char* tpath, bool is_open = true);
int GetFd(void) const { return fd; }
// fdpage & PageList
// page block information
struct fdpage
off_t offset;
size_t bytes;
bool init;
fdpage(off_t start = 0, size_t size = 0, bool is_init = false)
: offset(start), bytes(size), init(is_init) {}
off_t next(void) const { return (offset + bytes); }
off_t end(void) const { return (0 < bytes ? offset + bytes - 1 : 0); }
typedef std::list<struct fdpage*> fdpage_list_t;
// Management of loading area/modifying
class PageList
fdpage_list_t pages;
void Clear(void);
static void FreeList(fdpage_list_t& list);
PageList(size_t size = 0, bool is_init = false);
size_t Size(void) const;
int Resize(size_t size, bool is_init);
int Init(size_t size, bool is_init);
bool IsInit(off_t start, size_t size);
bool SetInit(off_t start, size_t size, bool is_init = true);
bool FindUninitPage(off_t start, off_t& resstart, size_t& ressize);
int GetUninitPages(fdpage_list_t& uninit_list, off_t start = 0);
bool Serialize(CacheFileStat& file, bool is_output);
void Dump(void);
// class FdEntity
class FdEntity
pthread_mutex_t fdent_lock;
bool is_lock_init;
PageList pagelist;
int refcnt; // reference count
std::string path; // object path
std::string cachepath; // local cache file path
int fd; // file discriptor(tmp file or cache file)
FILE* file; // file pointer(tmp file or cache file)
bool is_modify; // if file is changed, this flag is true
void Clear(void);
int Dup(void);
bool SetAllStatus(bool is_enable);
FdEntity(const char* tpath = NULL, const char* cpath = NULL);
void Close(void);
bool IsOpen(void) const { return (-1 != fd); }
int Open(ssize_t size = -1, time_t time = -1);
const char* GetPath(void) const { return path.c_str(); }
int GetFd(void) const { return fd; }
int SetMtime(time_t time);
bool GetSize(size_t& size);
bool GetMtime(time_t& time);
bool GetStats(struct stat& st);
bool SetAllEnable(void) { return SetAllStatus(true); }
bool SetAllDisable(void) { return SetAllStatus(false); }
bool LoadFull(size_t* size = NULL, bool force_load = false);
int Load(off_t start, ssize_t size);
int RowFlush(const char* tpath, headers_t& meta, bool ow_sse_flg, bool force_sync = false);
int Flush(headers_t& meta, bool ow_sse_flg, bool force_sync = false) { return RowFlush(NULL, meta, ow_sse_flg, force_sync); }
ssize_t Read(char* bytes, off_t start, size_t size, bool force_load = false);
ssize_t Write(const char* bytes, off_t start, size_t size);
typedef std::map<std::string, class FdEntity*> fdent_map_t; // key=path, value=FdEntity*
// class FdManager
class FdManager
static FdManager singleton;
static pthread_mutex_t fd_manager_lock;
static bool is_lock_init;
static std::string cache_dir;
static size_t page_size;
fdent_map_t fent;
// Reference singleton
static FdManager* get(void) { return &singleton; }
static bool DeleteCacheDirectory(void);
static int DeleteCacheFile(const char* path);
static bool SetCacheDir(const char* dir);
static bool IsCacheDir(void) { return (0 < FdManager::cache_dir.size()); }
static const char* GetCacheDir(void) { return FdManager::cache_dir.c_str(); }
static size_t SetPageSize(size_t size);
static size_t GetPageSize(void) { return FdManager::page_size; }
static bool MakeCachePath(const char* path, std::string& cache_path, bool is_create_dir = true);
FdEntity* GetFdEntity(const char* path);
FdEntity* Open(const char* path, ssize_t size = -1, time_t time = -1, bool force_tmpfile = false, bool is_create = true);
FdEntity* ExistOpen(const char* path) { return Open(path, -1, -1, false, false); }
bool Close(FdEntity* ent);
#endif // FD_CACHE_H_