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// Copyright (C) 2015 The Syncthing Authors.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at
package nat
import (
2024-02-10 20:02:42 +00:00
stdsync "sync"
// Service runs a loop for discovery of IGDs (Internet Gateway Devices) and
// setup/renewal of a port mapping.
type Service struct {
id protocol.DeviceID
cfg config.Wrapper
processScheduled chan struct{}
mappings []*Mapping
enabled bool
mut sync.RWMutex
func NewService(id protocol.DeviceID, cfg config.Wrapper) *Service {
s := &Service{
id: id,
cfg: cfg,
processScheduled: make(chan struct{}, 1),
mut: sync.NewRWMutex(),
cfgCopy := cfg.RawCopy()
s.CommitConfiguration(cfgCopy, cfgCopy)
return s
func (s *Service) CommitConfiguration(_, to config.Configuration) bool {
if !s.enabled && to.Options.NATEnabled {
l.Debugln("Starting NAT service")
s.enabled = true
} else if s.enabled && !to.Options.NATEnabled {
l.Debugln("Stopping NAT service")
s.enabled = false
return true
2020-11-17 12:19:04 +00:00
func (s *Service) Serve(ctx context.Context) error {
defer s.cfg.Unsubscribe(s)
announce := stdsync.Once{}
timer := time.NewTimer(0)
for {
select {
case <-timer.C:
case <-s.processScheduled:
if !timer.Stop() {
select {
case <-timer.C:
case <-ctx.Done():
for _, mapping := range s.mappings {
2020-11-17 12:19:04 +00:00
return ctx.Err()
enabled := s.enabled
if !enabled {
found, renewIn := s.process(ctx)
if found != -1 {
announce.Do(func() {
suffix := "s"
if found == 1 {
suffix = ""
l.Infoln("Detected", found, "NAT service"+suffix)
func (s *Service) process(ctx context.Context) (int, time.Duration) {
// toRenew are mappings which are due for renewal
// toUpdate are the remaining mappings, which will only be updated if one of
// the old IGDs has gone away, or a new IGD has appeared, but only if we
// actually need to perform a renewal.
var toRenew, toUpdate []*Mapping
renewIn := time.Duration(s.cfg.Options().NATRenewalM) * time.Minute
if renewIn == 0 {
// We always want to do renewal so lets just pick a nice sane number.
renewIn = 30 * time.Minute
for _, mapping := range s.mappings {
expires := mapping.expires
if expires.Before(time.Now()) {
toRenew = append(toRenew, mapping)
} else {
toUpdate = append(toUpdate, mapping)
mappingRenewIn := time.Until(expires)
if mappingRenewIn < renewIn {
renewIn = mappingRenewIn
// Don't do anything, unless we really need to renew
if len(toRenew) == 0 {
return -1, renewIn
nats := discoverAll(ctx, time.Duration(s.cfg.Options().NATRenewalM)*time.Minute, time.Duration(s.cfg.Options().NATTimeoutS)*time.Second)
for _, mapping := range toRenew {
s.updateMapping(ctx, mapping, nats, true)
for _, mapping := range toUpdate {
s.updateMapping(ctx, mapping, nats, false)
return len(nats), renewIn
func (s *Service) scheduleProcess() {
select {
case s.processScheduled <- struct{}{}: // 1-buffered
func (s *Service) NewMapping(protocol Protocol, ipVersion IPVersion, ip net.IP, port int) *Mapping {
mapping := &Mapping{
protocol: protocol,
address: Address{
IP: ip,
Port: port,
extAddresses: make(map[string][]Address),
mut: sync.NewRWMutex(),
ipVersion: ipVersion,
s.mappings = append(s.mappings, mapping)
return mapping
// RemoveMapping does not actually remove the mapping from the IGD, it just
// internally removes it which stops renewing the mapping. Also, it clears any
// existing mapped addresses from the mapping, which as a result should cause
// discovery to reannounce the new addresses.
func (s *Service) RemoveMapping(mapping *Mapping) {
defer s.mut.Unlock()
for i, existing := range s.mappings {
if existing == mapping {
last := len(s.mappings) - 1
s.mappings[i] = s.mappings[last]
s.mappings[last] = nil
s.mappings = s.mappings[:last]
// updateMapping compares the addresses of the existing mapping versus the natds
// discovered, and removes any addresses of natds that do not exist, or tries to
// acquire mappings for natds which the mapping was unaware of before.
// Optionally takes renew flag which indicates whether or not we should renew
// mappings with existing natds
func (s *Service) updateMapping(ctx context.Context, mapping *Mapping, nats map[string]Device, renew bool) {
renewalTime := time.Duration(s.cfg.Options().NATRenewalM) * time.Minute
mapping.expires = time.Now().Add(renewalTime)
change := s.verifyExistingLocked(ctx, mapping, nats, renew)
add := s.acquireNewLocked(ctx, mapping, nats)
if change || add {
func (s *Service) verifyExistingLocked(ctx context.Context, mapping *Mapping, nats map[string]Device, renew bool) (change bool) {
leaseTime := time.Duration(s.cfg.Options().NATLeaseM) * time.Minute
for id, extAddrs := range mapping.extAddresses {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return false
if nat, ok := nats[id]; !ok || len(extAddrs) == 0 {
// Delete addresses for NATDevice's that do not exist anymore
change = true
} else if renew {
// Only perform renewals on the nat's that have the right local IP
// address. For IPv6 the IP addresses are discovered by the service itself,
// so this check is skipped.
localIP := nat.GetLocalIPv4Address()
if !mapping.validGateway(localIP) && nat.SupportsIPVersion(IPv4Only) {
l.Debugf("Skipping %s for %s because of IP mismatch. %s != %s", id, mapping, mapping.address.IP, localIP)
if !nat.SupportsIPVersion(mapping.ipVersion) {
l.Debugf("Skipping renew on gateway %s because it doesn't match the listener address family", nat.ID())
l.Debugf("Renewing %s -> %v open port on %s", mapping, extAddrs, id)
// extAddrs either contains one IPv4 address, or possibly several
// IPv6 addresses all using the same port. Therefore the first
// entry always has the external port.
responseAddrs, err := s.tryNATDevice(ctx, nat, mapping.address, extAddrs[0].Port, leaseTime)
if err != nil {
l.Debugf("Failed to renew %s -> %v open port on %s", mapping, extAddrs, id)
change = true
l.Debugf("Renewed %s -> %v open port on %s", mapping, extAddrs, id)
// We shouldn't rely on the order in which the addresses are returned.
// Therefore, we test for set equality and report change if there is any difference.
if !addrSetsEqual(responseAddrs, extAddrs) {
mapping.setAddressLocked(id, responseAddrs)
change = true
return change
func (s *Service) acquireNewLocked(ctx context.Context, mapping *Mapping, nats map[string]Device) (change bool) {
leaseTime := time.Duration(s.cfg.Options().NATLeaseM) * time.Minute
addrMap := mapping.extAddresses
for id, nat := range nats {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return false
if _, ok := addrMap[id]; ok {
// Only perform mappings on the nat's that have the right local IP
// address
localIP := nat.GetLocalIPv4Address()
if !mapping.validGateway(localIP) && nat.SupportsIPVersion(IPv4Only) {
l.Debugf("Skipping %s for %s because of IP mismatch. %s != %s", id, mapping, mapping.address.IP, localIP)
l.Debugf("Trying to open port %s on %s", mapping, id)
if !nat.SupportsIPVersion(mapping.ipVersion) {
l.Debugf("Skipping firewall traversal on gateway %s because it doesn't match the listener address family", nat.ID())
addrs, err := s.tryNATDevice(ctx, nat, mapping.address, 0, leaseTime)
if err != nil {
l.Debugf("Failed to acquire %s open port on %s", mapping, id)
l.Debugf("Opened port %s -> %v on %s", mapping, addrs, id)
mapping.setAddressLocked(id, addrs)
change = true
return change
// tryNATDevice tries to acquire a port mapping for the given internal address to
// the given external port. If external port is 0, picks a pseudo-random port.
func (s *Service) tryNATDevice(ctx context.Context, natd Device, intAddr Address, extPort int, leaseTime time.Duration) ([]Address, error) {
var err error
var port int
// For IPv6, we just try to create the pinhole. If it fails, nothing can be done (probably no IGDv2 support).
// If it already exists, the relevant UPnP standard requires that the gateway recognizes this and updates the lease time.
// Since we usually have a global unicast IPv6 address so no conflicting mappings, we just request the port we're running on
if natd.SupportsIPVersion(IPv6Only) {
ipaddrs, err := natd.AddPinhole(ctx, TCP, intAddr, leaseTime)
var addrs []Address
for _, ipaddr := range ipaddrs {
addrs = append(addrs, Address{
if err != nil {
l.Debugln("Error extending lease on", natd.ID(), err)
return addrs, err
// Generate a predictable random which is based on device ID + local port + hash of the device ID
// number so that the ports we'd try to acquire for the mapping would always be the same for the
// same device trying to get the same internal port.
predictableRand := rand.New(rand.NewSource(int64( + int64(intAddr.Port) + hash(natd.ID())))
if extPort != 0 {
// First try renewing our existing mapping, if we have one.
name := fmt.Sprintf("syncthing-%d", extPort)
port, err = natd.AddPortMapping(ctx, TCP, intAddr.Port, extPort, name, leaseTime)
if err == nil {
extPort = port
goto findIP
l.Debugln("Error extending lease on", natd.ID(), err)
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return []Address{}, ctx.Err()
// Then try up to ten random ports.
extPort = 1024 + predictableRand.Intn(65535-1024)
name := fmt.Sprintf("syncthing-%d", extPort)
port, err = natd.AddPortMapping(ctx, TCP, intAddr.Port, extPort, name, leaseTime)
if err == nil {
extPort = port
goto findIP
l.Debugf("Error getting new lease on %s: %s", natd.ID(), err)
return nil, err
ip, err := natd.GetExternalIPv4Address(ctx)
if err != nil {
l.Debugf("Error getting external ip on %s: %s", natd.ID(), err)
ip = nil
return []Address{
IP: ip,
Port: extPort,
}, nil
func (s *Service) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("nat.Service@%p", s)
func hash(input string) int64 {
h := fnv.New64a()
2019-02-02 11:16:27 +00:00
return int64(h.Sum64())
func addrSetsEqual(a []Address, b []Address) bool {
if len(a) != len(b) {
return false
2024-02-10 20:02:42 +00:00
for _, v := range a {
if !slices.ContainsFunc(b, v.Equal) {
return false
return true