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// Copyright 2014 The lldb Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// The storage space management.
package lldb
import (
const (
maxBuf = maxRq + 20
// Options are passed to the NewAllocator to amend some configuration. The
// compatibility promise is the same as of struct types in the Go standard
// library - introducing changes can be made only by adding new exported
// fields, which is backward compatible as long as client code uses field names
// to assign values of imported struct types literals.
// NOTE: No options are currently defined.
type Options struct{}
// AllocStats record statistics about a Filer. It can be optionally filled by
// Allocator.Verify, if successful.
type AllocStats struct {
Handles int64 // total valid handles in use
Compression int64 // number of compressed blocks
TotalAtoms int64 // total number of atoms == AllocAtoms + FreeAtoms
AllocBytes int64 // bytes allocated (after decompression, if/where used)
AllocAtoms int64 // atoms allocated/used, including relocation atoms
Relocations int64 // number of relocated used blocks
FreeAtoms int64 // atoms unused
AllocMap map[int64]int64 // allocated block size in atoms -> count of such blocks
FreeMap map[int64]int64 // free block size in atoms -> count of such blocks
Allocator implements "raw" storage space management (allocation and
deallocation) for a low level of a DB engine. The storage is an abstraction
provided by a Filer.
The terms MUST or MUST NOT, if/where used in the documentation of Allocator,
written in all caps as seen here, are a requirement for any possible
alternative implementations aiming for compatibility with this one.
Filer file
A Filer file, or simply 'file', is a linear, contiguous sequence of blocks.
Blocks may be either free (currently unused) or allocated (currently used).
Some blocks may eventually become virtual in a sense as they may not be
realized in the storage (sparse files).
Free Lists Table
File starts with a FLT. This table records heads of 14 doubly linked free
lists. The zero based index (I) vs minimal size of free blocks in that list,
except the last one which registers free blocks of size 4112+ atoms:
MinSize == 2^I
For example 0 -> 1, 1 -> 2, ... 12 -> 4096.
Each entry in the FLT is 8 bytes in netwtork order, MSB MUST be zero, ie. the
slot value is effectively only 7 bytes. The value is the handle of the head of
the respective doubly linked free list. The FLT size is 14*8 == 112(0x70)
bytes. If the free blocks list for any particular size is empty, the respective
FLT slot is zero. Sizes of free blocks in one list MUST NOT overlap with sizes
of free lists in other list. For example, even though a free block of size 2
technically is of minimal size >= 1, it MUST NOT be put to the list for slot 0
(minimal size 1), but in slot 1( minimal size 2).
slot 0: sizes [1, 2)
slot 1: sizes [2, 4)
slot 2: sizes [4, 8)
slot 11: sizes [2048, 4096)
slot 12: sizes [4096, 4112)
slot 13: sizes [4112, inf)
The last FLT slot collects all free blocks bigger than its minimal size. That
still respects the 'no overlap' invariant.
File blocks
A block is a linear, contiguous sequence of atoms. The first and last atoms of
a block provide information about, for example, whether the block is free or
used, what is the size of the block, etc. Details are discussed elsewhere. The
first block of a file starts immediately after FLT, ie. at file offset
Block atoms
An atom is a fixed size piece of a block (and thus of a file too); it is 16
bytes long. A consequence is that for a valid file:
filesize == 0 (mod 16)
The first atom of the first block is considered to be atom #1.
Block handles
A handle is an integer referring to a block. The reference is the number of the
atom the block starts with. Put in other way:
handle == offset/16 - 6
offset == 16 * (handle + 6)
`offset` is the offset of the first byte of the block, measured in bytes
- as in fseek(3). Handle has type `int64`, but only the lower 7 bytes may be
nonzero while referring to a block, both in code as well as when persisted in
the the file's internal bookkeeping structures - see 'Block types' bellow. So a
handle is effectively only `uint56`. This also means that the maximum usable
size of a file is 2^56 atoms. That is 2^60 bytes == 1 exabyte (10^18 bytes).
Nil handles
A handle with numeric value of '0' refers to no block.
Zero padding
A padding is used to round-up a block size to be a whole number of atoms. Any
padding, if present, MUST be all zero bytes. Note that the size of padding is
in [0, 15].
Content wiping
When a block is deallocated, its data content is not wiped as the added
overhead may be substantial while not necessarily needed. Client code should
however overwrite the content of any block having sensitive data with eg. zeros
(good compression) - before deallocating the block.
Block tags
Every block is tagged in its first byte (a head tag) and last byte (tail tag).
Block types are:
1. Short content used block (head tags 0x00-0xFB)
2. Long content used block (head tag 0xFC)
3. Relocated used block (head tag 0xFD)
4. Short, single atom, free block (head tag 0xFE)
5. Long free block (head tag 0xFF)
Note: Relocated used block, 3. above (head tag 0xFD) MUST NOT refer to blocks
other then 1. or 2. above (head tags 0x00-0xFC).
Content blocks
Used blocks (head tags 0x00-0xFC) tail tag distinguish used/unused block and if
content is compressed or not.
Content compression
The tail flag of an used block is one of
CC == 0 // Content is not compressed.
CC == 1 // Content is in zappy compression format.
If compression of written content is enabled, there are two cases: If
compressed size < original size then the compressed content should be written
if it will save at least one atom of the block. If compressed size >= original
size then the compressed content should not be used.
It's recommended to use compression. For example the BTrees implementation
assumes compression is used. Using compression may cause a slowdown in some
cases while it may as well cause a speedup.
Short content block
Short content block carries content of length between N == 0(0x00) and N ==
251(0xFB) bytes.
|<-first atom start ... last atom end->|
+---++-- ... --+-- ... --++------+
| 0 || 1... | 0x*...0x*E || 0x*F |
+---++-- ... --+-- ... --++------+
| N || content | padding || CC |
+---++-- ... --+-- ... --++------+
A == (N+1)/16 + 1 // The number of atoms in the block [1, 16]
padding == 15 - (N+1)%16 // Length of the zero padding
Long content block
Long content block carries content of length between N == 252(0xFC) and N ==
65787(0x100FB) bytes.
|<-first atom start ... last atom end->|
+------++------+-- ... --+-- ... --++------+
| 0 || 1..2 | 3... | 0x*...0x*E || 0x*F |
+------++------+-- ... --+-- ... --++------+
| 0xFC || M | content | padding || CC |
+------++------+-- ... --+-- ... --++------+
A == (N+3)/16 + 1 // The number of atoms in the block [16, 4112]
M == N % 0x10000 // Stored as 2 bytes in network byte order
padding == 15 - (N+3)%16 // Length of the zero padding
Relocated used block
Relocated block allows to permanently assign a handle to some content and
resize the content anytime afterwards without having to update all the possible
existing references; the handle can be constant while the content size may be
dynamic. When relocating a block, any space left by the original block content,
above this single atom block, MUST be reclaimed.
Relocations MUST point only to a used short or long block == blocks with tags
| 0 || 1..7 | 8...14 || 15 |
| 0xFD || H | padding || 0 |
H is the handle of the relocated block in network byte order.
Free blocks
Free blocks are the result of space deallocation. Free blocks are organized in
one or more doubly linked lists, abstracted by the FLT interface. Free blocks
MUST be "registered" by putting them in such list. Allocator MUST reuse a big
enough free block, if such exists, before growing the file size. When a free
block is created by deallocation or reallocation it MUST be joined with any
adjacently existing free blocks before "registering". If the resulting free
block is now a last block of a file, the free block MUST be discarded and the
file size MUST be truncated accordingly instead. Put differently, there MUST
NOT ever be a free block at the file end.
A single free atom
Is an unused block of size 1 atom.
| 0 || 1..7 | 8...14 || 15 |
| 0xFE || P | N || 0xFE |
P and N, stored in network byte order, are the previous and next free block
handles in the doubly linked list to which this free block belongs.
A long unused block
Is an unused block of size > 1 atom.
+------++------+-------+---------+- ... -+----------++------+
| 0 || 1..7 | 8..14 | 15...21 | | Z-7..Z-1 || Z |
+------++------+-------+---------+- ... -+----------++------+
| 0xFF || S | P | N | Leak | S || 0xFF |
+------++------+-------+---------+- ... -+----------++------+
Z == 16 * S - 1
S is the size of this unused block in atoms. P and N are the previous and next
free block handles in the doubly linked list to which this free block belongs.
Leak contains any data the block had before deallocating this block. See also
the subtitle 'Content wiping' above. S, P and N are stored in network byte
order. Large free blocks may trigger a consideration of file hole punching of
the Leak field - for some value of 'large'.
Note: Allocator methods vs CRUD[1]:
Alloc [C]reate
Get [R]ead
Realloc [U]pdate
Free [D]elete
Note: No Allocator method returns io.EOF.
type Allocator struct {
f Filer
flt flt
Compress bool // enables content compression
cache cache
m map[int64]*node
lru lst
expHit int64
expMiss int64
cacheSz int
hit uint16
miss uint16
mu sync.Mutex
// NewAllocator returns a new Allocator. To open an existing file, pass its
// Filer. To create a "new" file, pass a Filer which file is of zero size.
func NewAllocator(f Filer, opts *Options) (a *Allocator, err error) {
if opts == nil { // Enforce *Options is always passed
return nil, errors.New("NewAllocator: nil opts passed")
a = &Allocator{
f: f,
cacheSz: 10,
switch x := f.(type) {
case *RollbackFiler:
x.afterRollback = func() error {
return a.flt.load(a.f, 0)
case *ACIDFiler0:
x.RollbackFiler.afterRollback = func() error {
return a.flt.load(a.f, 0)
sz, err := f.Size()
if err != nil {
if sz == 0 {
var b [fltSz]byte
if err = a.f.BeginUpdate(); err != nil {
if _, err = f.WriteAt(b[:], 0); err != nil {
return a, a.f.EndUpdate()
return a, a.flt.load(f, 0)
// CacheStats reports cache statistics.
//TODO return a struct perhaps.
func (a *Allocator) CacheStats() (buffersUsed, buffersTotal int, bytesUsed, bytesTotal, hits, misses int64) {
buffersUsed = len(a.m)
buffersTotal = buffersUsed + len(a.cache)
bytesUsed = a.lru.size()
bytesTotal = bytesUsed + a.cache.size()
hits = a.expHit
misses = a.expMiss
func (a *Allocator) cinit() {
for h, n := range a.m {
delete(a.m, h)
if a.m == nil {
a.m = map[int64]*node{}
func (a *Allocator) cadd(b []byte, h int64) {
if len(a.m) < a.cacheSz {
n := a.cache.get(len(b))
n.h = h
copy(n.b, b)
a.m[h] = a.lru.pushFront(n)
// cache full
delete(a.m, a.cache.put(a.lru.removeBack()).h)
n := a.cache.get(len(b))
n.h = h
copy(n.b, b)
a.m[h] = a.lru.pushFront(n)
func (a *Allocator) cfree(h int64) {
n, ok := a.m[h]
if !ok { // must have been evicted
delete(a.m, h)
// Alloc allocates storage space for b and returns the handle of the new block
// with content set to b or an error, if any. The returned handle is valid only
// while the block is used - until the block is deallocated. No two valid
// handles share the same value within the same Filer, but any value of a
// handle not referring to any used block may become valid any time as a result
// of Alloc.
// Invoking Alloc on an empty Allocator is guaranteed to return handle with
// value 1. The intended use of content of handle 1 is a root "directory" of
// other data held by an Allocator.
// Passing handles not obtained initially from Alloc or not anymore valid to
// any other Allocator methods can result in an irreparably corrupted database.
func (a *Allocator) Alloc(b []byte) (handle int64, err error) {
pbuf := buffer.Get(zappy.MaxEncodedLen(len(b)))
defer buffer.Put(pbuf)
buf := *pbuf
buf, _, cc, err := a.makeUsedBlock(buf, b)
if err != nil {
if handle, err = a.alloc(buf, cc); err == nil {
a.cadd(b, handle)
func (a *Allocator) alloc(b []byte, cc byte) (h int64, err error) {
rqAtoms := n2atoms(len(b))
if h = a.flt.find(rqAtoms); h == 0 { // must grow
var sz int64
if sz, err = a.f.Size(); err != nil {
h = off2h(sz)
err = a.writeUsedBlock(h, cc, b)
// Handle is the first item of a free blocks list.
tag, s, prev, next, err := a.nfo(h)
if err != nil {
if tag != tagFreeShort && tag != tagFreeLong {
err = &ErrILSEQ{Type: ErrExpFreeTag, Off: h2off(h), Arg: int64(tag)}
if prev != 0 {
err = &ErrILSEQ{Type: ErrHead, Off: h2off(h), Arg: prev}
if s < int64(rqAtoms) {
err = &ErrILSEQ{Type: ErrSmall, Arg: int64(rqAtoms), Arg2: s, Off: h2off(h)}
if err = a.unlink(h, s, prev, next); err != nil {
if s > int64(rqAtoms) {
freeH := h + int64(rqAtoms)
freeAtoms := s - int64(rqAtoms)
if err =, freeAtoms); err != nil {
return h, a.writeUsedBlock(h, cc, b)
// Free deallocates the block referred to by handle or returns an error, if
// any.
// After Free succeeds, handle is invalid and must not be used.
// Handle must have been obtained initially from Alloc and must be still valid,
// otherwise a database may get irreparably corrupted.
func (a *Allocator) Free(handle int64) (err error) {
if handle <= 0 || handle > maxHandle {
return &ErrINVAL{"Allocator.Free: handle out of limits", handle}
return, 0, true)
func (a *Allocator) free(h, from int64, acceptRelocs bool) (err error) {
tag, atoms, _, n, err := a.nfo(h)
if err != nil {
switch tag {
// nop
case tagUsedLong:
// nop
case tagUsedRelocated:
if !acceptRelocs {
return &ErrILSEQ{Type: ErrUnexpReloc, Off: h2off(h), Arg: h2off(from)}
if err =, h, false); err != nil {
case tagFreeShort, tagFreeLong:
return &ErrINVAL{"Allocator.Free: attempt to free a free block at off", h2off(h)}
return a.free2(h, atoms)
func (a *Allocator) free2(h, atoms int64) (err error) {
sz, err := a.f.Size()
if err != nil {
ltag, latoms, lp, ln, err := a.leftNfo(h)
if err != nil {
if ltag != tagFreeShort && ltag != tagFreeLong {
latoms = 0
var rtag byte
var ratoms, rp, rn int64
isTail := h2off(h)+atoms*16 == sz
if !isTail {
if rtag, ratoms, rp, rn, err = a.nfo(h + atoms); err != nil {
if rtag != tagFreeShort && rtag != tagFreeLong {
ratoms = 0
switch {
case latoms == 0 && ratoms == 0:
// -> isolated <-
if isTail { // cut tail
return a.f.Truncate(h2off(h))
return, atoms)
case latoms == 0 && ratoms != 0:
// right join ->
if err = a.unlink(h+atoms, ratoms, rp, rn); err != nil {
return, atoms+ratoms)
case latoms != 0 && ratoms == 0:
// <- left join
if err = a.unlink(h-latoms, latoms, lp, ln); err != nil {
if isTail {
return a.f.Truncate(h2off(h - latoms))
return, latoms+atoms)
// case latoms != 0 && ratoms != 0:
// <- middle join ->
lh, rh := h-latoms, h+atoms
if err = a.unlink(lh, latoms, lp, ln); err != nil {
// Prev unlink may have invalidated rp or rn
if _, _, rp, rn, err = a.nfo(rh); err != nil {
if err = a.unlink(rh, ratoms, rp, rn); err != nil {
return, latoms+atoms+ratoms)
// Add a free block h to the appropriate free list
func (a *Allocator) link(h, atoms int64) (err error) {
if err = a.makeFree(h, atoms, 0, a.flt.head(atoms)); err != nil {
return a.flt.setHead(h, atoms, a.f)
// Remove free block h from the free list
func (a *Allocator) unlink(h, atoms, p, n int64) (err error) {
switch {
case p == 0 && n == 0:
// single item list, must be head
return a.flt.setHead(0, atoms, a.f)
case p == 0 && n != 0:
// head of list (has next item[s])
if err = a.prev(n, 0); err != nil {
// new head
return a.flt.setHead(n, atoms, a.f)
case p != 0 && n == 0:
// last item in list
return, 0)
// case p != 0 && n != 0:
// intermediate item in a list
if err =, n); err != nil {
return a.prev(n, p)
//TODO remove ?
// Return len(slice) == n, reuse src if possible.
func need(n int, src []byte) []byte {
if cap(src) < n {
return *buffer.Get(n)
return src[:n]
// Get returns the data content of a block referred to by handle or an error if
// any. The returned slice may be a sub-slice of buf if buf was large enough
// to hold the entire content. Otherwise, a newly allocated slice will be
// returned. It is valid to pass a nil buf.
// If the content was stored using compression then it is transparently
// returned decompressed.
// Handle must have been obtained initially from Alloc and must be still valid,
// otherwise invalid data may be returned without detecting the error.
// Get is safe for concurrent access by multiple goroutines iff no other
// goroutine mutates the DB.
func (a *Allocator) Get(buf []byte, handle int64) (b []byte, err error) {
buf = buf[:cap(buf)] // X1+
if n, ok := a.m[handle]; ok {
b = need(len(n.b), buf)
copy(b, n.b)
a.hit++ // X1-
if a.miss > 10 && len(a.m) < 500 {
if 100*a.hit/a.miss < 95 {
a.hit, a.miss = 0, 0
} // X1-
defer func(h int64) {
if err == nil { // X2+
a.cadd(b, h) // X2-
pfirst := buffer.Get(16)
defer buffer.Put(pfirst)
first := *pfirst
relocated := false
relocSrc := handle
if handle <= 0 || handle > maxHandle {
return nil, &ErrINVAL{"Allocator.Get: handle out of limits", handle}
off := h2off(handle)
if err =, off); err != nil {
switch tag := first[0]; tag {
dlen := int(tag)
atoms := n2atoms(dlen)
switch atoms {
case 1:
switch tag := first[15]; tag {
return nil, &ErrILSEQ{Type: ErrTailTag, Off: off, Arg: int64(tag)}
case tagNotCompressed:
b = need(dlen, buf)
copy(b, first[1:])
case tagCompressed:
return zappy.Decode(buf, first[1:dlen+1])
pcc := buffer.Get(1)
defer buffer.Put(pcc)
cc := *pcc
dlen := int(tag)
atoms := n2atoms(dlen)
tailOff := off + 16*int64(atoms) - 1
if err =, tailOff); err != nil {
switch tag := cc[0]; tag {
return nil, &ErrILSEQ{Type: ErrTailTag, Off: off, Arg: int64(tag)}
case tagNotCompressed:
b = need(dlen, buf)
off += 1
if err =, off); err != nil {
b = buf[:0]
case tagCompressed:
pzbuf := buffer.Get(dlen)
defer buffer.Put(pzbuf)
zbuf := *pzbuf
off += 1
if err =, off); err != nil {
return buf[:0], err
return zappy.Decode(buf, zbuf)
case 0:
return buf[:0], nil
case tagUsedLong:
pcc := buffer.Get(1)
defer buffer.Put(pcc)
cc := *pcc
dlen := m2n(int(first[1])<<8 | int(first[2]))
atoms := n2atoms(dlen)
tailOff := off + 16*int64(atoms) - 1
if err =, tailOff); err != nil {
switch tag := cc[0]; tag {
return nil, &ErrILSEQ{Type: ErrTailTag, Off: off, Arg: int64(tag)}
case tagNotCompressed:
b = need(dlen, buf)
off += 3
if err =, off); err != nil {
b = buf[:0]
case tagCompressed:
pzbuf := buffer.Get(dlen)
defer buffer.Put(pzbuf)
zbuf := *pzbuf
off += 3
if err =, off); err != nil {
return buf[:0], err
return zappy.Decode(buf, zbuf)
case tagFreeShort, tagFreeLong:
return nil, &ErrILSEQ{Type: ErrExpUsedTag, Off: off, Arg: int64(tag)}
case tagUsedRelocated:
if relocated {
return nil, &ErrILSEQ{Type: ErrUnexpReloc, Off: off, Arg: relocSrc}
handle = b2h(first[1:])
relocated = true
goto reloc
var reallocTestHook bool
// Realloc sets the content of a block referred to by handle or returns an
// error, if any.
// Handle must have been obtained initially from Alloc and must be still valid,
// otherwise a database may get irreparably corrupted.
func (a *Allocator) Realloc(handle int64, b []byte) (err error) {
if handle <= 0 || handle > maxHandle {
return &ErrINVAL{"Realloc: handle out of limits", handle}
if err = a.realloc(handle, b); err != nil {
if reallocTestHook {
if err = cacheAudit(a.m, &a.lru); err != nil {
a.cadd(b, handle)
func (a *Allocator) realloc(handle int64, b []byte) (err error) {
var dlen, needAtoms0 int
pb8 := buffer.Get(8)
defer buffer.Put(pb8)
b8 := *pb8
pdst := buffer.Get(zappy.MaxEncodedLen(len(b)))
defer buffer.Put(pdst)
dst := *pdst
b, needAtoms0, cc, err := a.makeUsedBlock(dst, b)
if err != nil {
needAtoms := int64(needAtoms0)
off := h2off(handle)
if err =[:], off); err != nil {
switch tag := b8[0]; tag {
dlen = int(b8[0])
case tagUsedLong:
dlen = m2n(int(b8[1])<<8 | int(b8[2]))
case tagUsedRelocated:
if err =[1:]), handle, false); err != nil {
return err
dlen = 0
case tagFreeShort, tagFreeLong:
return &ErrINVAL{"Allocator.Realloc: invalid handle", handle}
atoms := int64(n2atoms(dlen))
switch {
case needAtoms < atoms:
// in place shrink
if err = a.writeUsedBlock(handle, cc, b); err != nil {
fh, fa := handle+needAtoms, atoms-needAtoms
sz, err := a.f.Size()
if err != nil {
return err
if h2off(fh)+16*fa == sz {
return a.f.Truncate(h2off(fh))
return a.free2(fh, fa)
case needAtoms == atoms:
// in place replace
return a.writeUsedBlock(handle, cc, b)
// case needAtoms > atoms:
// in place extend or relocate
var sz int64
if sz, err = a.f.Size(); err != nil {
off = h2off(handle)
switch {
case off+atoms*16 == sz:
// relocating tail block - shortcut
return a.writeUsedBlock(handle, cc, b)
if off+atoms*16 < sz {
// handle is not a tail block, check right neighbour
rh := handle + atoms
rtag, ratoms, p, n, e := a.nfo(rh)
if e != nil {
return e
if rtag == tagFreeShort || rtag == tagFreeLong {
// Right neighbour is a free block
if needAtoms <= atoms+ratoms {
// can expand in place
if err = a.unlink(rh, ratoms, p, n); err != nil {
atoms += ratoms
goto retry
if atoms > 1 {
if err = a.realloc(handle, nil); err != nil {
var newH int64
if newH, err = a.alloc(b, cc); err != nil {
return err
prb := buffer.CGet(16)
defer buffer.Put(prb)
rb := *prb
rb[0] = tagUsedRelocated
h2b(rb[1:], newH)
if err = a.writeAt(rb[:], h2off(handle)); err != nil {
return a.writeUsedBlock(newH, cc, b)
func (a *Allocator) writeAt(b []byte, off int64) (err error) {
var n int
if n, err = a.f.WriteAt(b, off); err != nil {
if n != len(b) {
err = io.ErrShortWrite
func (a *Allocator) write(off int64, b ...[]byte) (err error) {
rq := 0
for _, part := range b {
rq += len(part)
pbuf := buffer.Get(rq)
defer buffer.Put(pbuf)
buf := *pbuf
buf = buf[:0]
for _, part := range b {
buf = append(buf, part...)
return a.writeAt(buf, off)
func (a *Allocator) read(b []byte, off int64) (err error) {
var rn int
if rn, err = a.f.ReadAt(b, off); rn != len(b) {
return &ErrILSEQ{Type: ErrOther, Off: off, More: err}
return nil
// nfo returns h's tag. If it's a free block then return also (s)ize (in
// atoms), (p)rev and (n)ext. If it's a used block then only (s)ize is returned
// (again in atoms). If it's a used relocate block then (n)ext is set to the
// relocation target handle.
func (a *Allocator) nfo(h int64) (tag byte, s, p, n int64, err error) {
off := h2off(h)
rq := int64(22)
sz, err := a.f.Size()
if err != nil {
if off+rq >= sz {
if rq = sz - off; rq < 15 {
err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
pbuf := buffer.Get(22)
defer buffer.Put(pbuf)
buf := *pbuf
if err =[:rq], off); err != nil {
switch tag = buf[0]; tag {
s = int64(n2atoms(int(tag)))
case tagUsedLong:
s = int64(n2atoms(m2n(int(buf[1])<<8 | int(buf[2]))))
case tagFreeLong:
if rq < 22 {
err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
s, p, n = b2h(buf[1:]), b2h(buf[8:]), b2h(buf[15:])
case tagUsedRelocated:
s, n = 1, b2h(buf[1:])
case tagFreeShort:
s, p, n = 1, b2h(buf[1:]), b2h(buf[8:])
// leftNfo returns nfo for h's left neighbor if h > 1 and the left neighbor is
// a free block. Otherwise all zero values are returned instead.
func (a *Allocator) leftNfo(h int64) (tag byte, s, p, n int64, err error) {
if !(h > 1) {
pbuf := buffer.Get(8)
defer buffer.Put(pbuf)
buf := *pbuf
off := h2off(h)
if err =[:], off-8); err != nil {
switch tag := buf[7]; tag {
case tagFreeShort:
return a.nfo(h - 1)
case tagFreeLong:
return a.nfo(h - b2h(buf[:]))
// Set h.prev = p
func (a *Allocator) prev(h, p int64) (err error) {
pb := buffer.Get(7)
defer buffer.Put(pb)
b := *pb
off := h2off(h)
if err =[:1], off); err != nil {
switch tag := b[0]; tag {
return &ErrILSEQ{Type: ErrExpFreeTag, Off: off, Arg: int64(tag)}
case tagFreeShort:
off += 1
case tagFreeLong:
off += 8
return a.writeAt(h2b(b[:7], p), off)
// Set = n
func (a *Allocator) next(h, n int64) (err error) {
pb := buffer.Get(7)
defer buffer.Put(pb)
b := *pb
off := h2off(h)
if err =[:1], off); err != nil {
switch tag := b[0]; tag {
return &ErrILSEQ{Type: ErrExpFreeTag, Off: off, Arg: int64(tag)}
case tagFreeShort:
off += 8
case tagFreeLong:
off += 15
return a.writeAt(h2b(b[:7], n), off)
// Make the filer image @h a free block.
func (a *Allocator) makeFree(h, atoms, prev, next int64) (err error) {
pbuf := buffer.Get(22)
defer buffer.Put(pbuf)
buf := *pbuf
switch {
case atoms == 1:
buf[0], buf[15] = tagFreeShort, tagFreeShort
h2b(buf[1:], prev)
h2b(buf[8:], next)
if err = a.write(h2off(h), buf[:16]); err != nil {
buf[0] = tagFreeLong
h2b(buf[1:], atoms)
h2b(buf[8:], prev)
h2b(buf[15:], next)
if err = a.write(h2off(h), buf[:22]); err != nil {
h2b(buf[:], atoms)
buf[7] = tagFreeLong
if err = a.write(h2off(h+atoms)-8, buf[:8]); err != nil {
if prev != 0 {
if err =, h); err != nil {
if next != 0 {
err = a.prev(next, h)
func (a *Allocator) makeUsedBlock(dst []byte, b []byte) (w []byte, rqAtoms int, cc byte, err error) {
cc = tagNotCompressed
w = b
var n int
if n = len(b); n > maxRq {
return nil, 0, 0, &ErrINVAL{"Allocator.makeUsedBlock: content size out of limits", n}
rqAtoms = n2atoms(n)
if a.Compress && n > 14 { // attempt compression
if dst, err = zappy.Encode(dst, b); err != nil {
n2 := len(dst)
if rqAtoms2 := n2atoms(n2); rqAtoms2 < rqAtoms { // compression saved at least a single atom
w, n, rqAtoms, cc = dst, n2, rqAtoms2, tagCompressed
func (a *Allocator) writeUsedBlock(h int64, cc byte, b []byte) (err error) {
n := len(b)
rq := n2atoms(n) << 4
pbuf := buffer.Get(rq)
defer buffer.Put(pbuf)
buf := *pbuf
switch n <= maxShort {
case true:
buf[0] = byte(n)
copy(buf[1:], b)
case false:
m := n2m(n)
buf[0], buf[1], buf[2] = tagUsedLong, byte(m>>8), byte(m)
copy(buf[3:], b)
if p := n2padding(n); p != 0 {
copy(buf[rq-1-p:], zeros[:])
buf[rq-1] = cc
return a.writeAt(buf, h2off(h))
func (a *Allocator) verifyUnused(h, totalAtoms int64, tag byte, log func(error) bool, fast bool) (atoms, prev, next int64, err error) {
switch tag {
panic("internal error")
case tagFreeShort:
var b [16]byte
off := h2off(h)
if err =[:], off); err != nil {
if b[15] != tagFreeShort {
err = &ErrILSEQ{Type: ErrShortFreeTailTag, Off: off, Arg: int64(b[15])}
atoms, prev, next = 1, b2h(b[1:]), b2h(b[8:])
case tagFreeLong:
var b [22]byte
off := h2off(h)
if err =[:], off); err != nil {
atoms, prev, next = b2h(b[1:]), b2h(b[8:]), b2h(b[15:])
if fast {
if atoms < 2 {
err = &ErrILSEQ{Type: ErrLongFreeBlkTooShort, Off: off, Arg: int64(atoms)}
if h+atoms-1 > totalAtoms {
err = &ErrILSEQ{Type: ErrLongFreeBlkTooLong, Off: off, Arg: atoms}
if prev > totalAtoms {
err = &ErrILSEQ{Type: ErrLongFreePrevBeyondEOF, Off: off, Arg: next}
if next > totalAtoms {
err = &ErrILSEQ{Type: ErrLongFreeNextBeyondEOF, Off: off, Arg: next}
toff := h2off(h+atoms) - 8
if err =[:8], toff); err != nil {
if b[7] != tag {
err = &ErrILSEQ{Type: ErrLongFreeTailTag, Off: off, Arg: int64(b[7])}
if s2 := b2h(b[:]); s2 != atoms {
err = &ErrILSEQ{Type: ErrVerifyTailSize, Off: off, Arg: atoms, Arg2: s2}
if err != nil {
func (a *Allocator) verifyUsed(h, totalAtoms int64, tag byte, buf, ubuf []byte, log func(error) bool, fast bool) (compressed bool, dlen int, atoms, link int64, err error) {
var (
padding int
doff int64
padZeros [15]byte
tailBuf [16]byte
switch tag {
default: // Short used
dlen = int(tag)
atoms = int64((dlen+1)/16) + 1
padding = 15 - (dlen+1)%16
doff = h2off(h) + 1
case tagUsedLong:
off := h2off(h) + 1
var b2 [2]byte
if err =[:], off); err != nil {
dlen = m2n(int(b2[0])<<8 | int(b2[1]))
atoms = int64((dlen+3)/16) + 1
padding = 15 - (dlen+3)%16
doff = h2off(h) + 3
case tagUsedRelocated:
dlen = 7
atoms = 1
padding = 7
doff = h2off(h) + 1
case tagFreeShort, tagFreeLong:
panic("internal error")
if fast {
if tag == tagUsedRelocated {
dlen = 0
if err =[:7], doff); err != nil {
link = b2h(buf)
return false, dlen, atoms, link, nil
if ok := h+atoms-1 <= totalAtoms; !ok { // invalid last block
err = &ErrILSEQ{Type: ErrVerifyUsedSpan, Off: h2off(h), Arg: atoms}
tailsz := 1 + padding
off := h2off(h) + 16*atoms - int64(tailsz)
if err =[:tailsz], off); err != nil {
return false, 0, 0, 0, err
if ok := bytes.Equal(padZeros[:padding], tailBuf[:padding]); !ok {
err = &ErrILSEQ{Type: ErrVerifyPadding, Off: h2off(h)}
var cc byte
switch cc = tailBuf[padding]; cc {
err = &ErrILSEQ{Type: ErrTailTag, Off: h2off(h)}
case tagCompressed:
compressed = true
if tag == tagUsedRelocated {
err = &ErrILSEQ{Type: ErrTailTag, Off: h2off(h)}
case tagNotCompressed:
if err =[:dlen], doff); err != nil {
return false, 0, 0, 0, err
if cc == tagCompressed {
if ubuf, err = zappy.Decode(ubuf, buf[:dlen]); err != nil || len(ubuf) > maxRq {
err = &ErrILSEQ{Type: ErrDecompress, Off: h2off(h)}
dlen = len(ubuf)
if tag == tagUsedRelocated {
link = b2h(buf)
if link == 0 {
err = &ErrILSEQ{Type: ErrNullReloc, Off: h2off(h)}
if link > totalAtoms { // invalid last block
err = &ErrILSEQ{Type: ErrRelocBeyondEOF, Off: h2off(h), Arg: link}
var nolog = func(error) bool { return false }
// Verify attempts to find any structural errors in a Filer wrt the
// organization of it as defined by Allocator. 'bitmap' is a scratch pad for
// necessary bookkeeping and will grow to at most to Allocator's
// Filer.Size()/128 (0,78%). Any problems found are reported to 'log' except
// non verify related errors like disk read fails etc. If 'log' returns false
// or the error doesn't allow to (reliably) continue, the verification process
// is stopped and an error is returned from the Verify function. Passing a nil
// log works like providing a log function always returning false. Any
// non-structural errors, like for instance Filer read errors, are NOT reported
// to 'log', but returned as the Verify's return value, because Verify cannot
// proceed in such cases. Verify returns nil only if it fully completed
// verifying Allocator's Filer without detecting any error.
// It is recommended to limit the number reported problems by returning false
// from 'log' after reaching some limit. Huge and corrupted DB can produce an
// overwhelming error report dataset.
// The verifying process will scan the whole DB at least 3 times (a trade
// between processing space and time consumed). It doesn't read the content of
// free blocks above the head/tail info bytes. If the 3rd phase detects lost
// free space, then a 4th scan (a faster one) is performed to precisely report
// all of them.
// If the DB/Filer to be verified is reasonably small, respective if its
// size/128 can comfortably fit within process's free memory, then it is
// recommended to consider using a MemFiler for the bit map.
// Statistics are returned via 'stats' if non nil. The statistics are valid
// only if Verify succeeded, ie. it didn't reported anything to log and it
// returned a nil error.
func (a *Allocator) Verify(bitmap Filer, log func(error) bool, stats *AllocStats) (err error) {
if log == nil {
log = nolog
n, err := bitmap.Size()
if err != nil {
if n != 0 {
return &ErrINVAL{"Allocator.Verify: bit map initial size non zero (%d)", n}
var bits int64
bitMask := [8]byte{1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128}
byteBuf := []byte{0}
// +performance, this implementation is hopefully correct but _very_
// naive, probably good as a prototype only. Use maybe a MemFiler
// "cache" etc.
// ----
// Turns out the OS caching is as effective as it can probably get.
bit := func(on bool, h int64) (wasOn bool, err error) {
m := bitMask[h&7]
off := h >> 3
var v byte
sz, err := bitmap.Size()
if err != nil {
if off < sz {
if n, err := bitmap.ReadAt(byteBuf, off); n != 1 {
return false, &ErrILSEQ{Type: ErrOther, Off: off, More: fmt.Errorf("Allocator.Verify - reading bitmap: %s", err)}
v = byteBuf[0]
switch wasOn = v&m != 0; on {
case true:
if !wasOn {
v |= m
case false:
if wasOn {
v ^= m
byteBuf[0] = v
if n, err := bitmap.WriteAt(byteBuf, off); n != 1 || err != nil {
return false, &ErrILSEQ{Type: ErrOther, Off: off, More: fmt.Errorf("Allocator.Verify - writing bitmap: %s", err)}
// Phase 1 - sequentially scan a.f to reliably determine block
// boundaries. Set a bit for every block start.
var (
buf, ubuf [maxRq]byte
prevH, h, atoms int64
wasOn bool
tag byte
st = AllocStats{
AllocMap: map[int64]int64{},
FreeMap: map[int64]int64{},
dlen int
fsz, err := a.f.Size()
if err != nil {
ok := fsz%16 == 0
totalAtoms := (fsz - fltSz) / atomLen
if !ok {
err = &ErrILSEQ{Type: ErrFileSize, Name: a.f.Name(), Arg: fsz}
st.TotalAtoms = totalAtoms
prevTag := -1
lastH := int64(-1)
for h = 1; h <= totalAtoms; h += atoms {
prevH = h // For checking last block == used
off := h2off(h)
if err =[:1], off); err != nil {
switch tag = buf[0]; tag {
default: // Short used
case tagUsedLong, tagUsedRelocated:
var compressed bool
if compressed, dlen, atoms, _, err = a.verifyUsed(h, totalAtoms, tag, buf[:], ubuf[:], log, false); err != nil {
if compressed {
st.AllocAtoms += atoms
switch {
case tag == tagUsedRelocated:
st.AllocBytes += int64(dlen)
case tagFreeShort, tagFreeLong:
if prevTag == tagFreeShort || prevTag == tagFreeLong {
err = &ErrILSEQ{Type: ErrAdjacentFree, Off: h2off(lastH), Arg: off}
if atoms, _, _, err = a.verifyUnused(h, totalAtoms, tag, log, false); err != nil {
st.FreeAtoms += atoms
if wasOn, err = bit(true, h); err != nil {
if wasOn {
panic("internal error")
prevTag = int(tag)
lastH = h
if totalAtoms != 0 && (tag == tagFreeShort || tag == tagFreeLong) {
err = &ErrILSEQ{Type: ErrFreeTailBlock, Off: h2off(prevH)}
// Phase 2 - check used blocks, turn off the map bit for every used
// block.
for h = 1; h <= totalAtoms; h += atoms {
off := h2off(h)
if err =[:1], off); err != nil {
var link int64
switch tag = buf[0]; tag {
default: // Short used
case tagUsedLong, tagUsedRelocated:
if _, _, atoms, link, err = a.verifyUsed(h, totalAtoms, tag, buf[:], ubuf[:], log, true); err != nil {
case tagFreeShort, tagFreeLong:
if atoms, _, _, err = a.verifyUnused(h, totalAtoms, tag, log, true); err != nil {
turnoff := true
switch tag {
case tagUsedRelocated:
if err =[:1], h2off(link)); err != nil {
switch linkedTag := buf[0]; linkedTag {
case tagFreeShort, tagFreeLong, tagUsedRelocated:
err = &ErrILSEQ{Type: ErrInvalidRelocTarget, Off: off, Arg: link}
case tagFreeShort, tagFreeLong:
turnoff = false
if !turnoff {
if wasOn, err = bit(false, h); err != nil {
if !wasOn {
panic("internal error")
// Phase 3 - using the flt check heads link to proper free blocks. For
// every free block, walk the list, verify the {next, prev} links and
// turn the respective map bit off. After processing all free lists,
// the map bits count should be zero. Otherwise there are "lost" free
// blocks.
var prev, next, fprev, fnext int64
rep := a.flt
for _, list := range rep {
prev, next = 0, list.head
for ; next != 0; prev, next = next, fnext {
if wasOn, err = bit(false, next); err != nil {
if !wasOn {
err = &ErrILSEQ{Type: ErrFLT, Off: h2off(next), Arg: h}
off := h2off(next)
if err =[:1], off); err != nil {
switch tag = buf[0]; tag {
panic("internal error")
case tagFreeShort, tagFreeLong:
if atoms, fprev, fnext, err = a.verifyUnused(next, totalAtoms, tag, log, true); err != nil {
if min := list.minSize; atoms < min {
err = &ErrILSEQ{Type: ErrFLTSize, Off: h2off(next), Arg: atoms, Arg2: min}
if fprev != prev {
err = &ErrILSEQ{Type: ErrFreeChaining, Off: h2off(next)}
if bits == 0 { // Verify succeeded
if stats != nil {
*stats = st
// Phase 4 - if after phase 3 there are lost free blocks, report all of
// them to 'log'
for i := range ubuf { // setup zeros for compares
ubuf[i] = 0
var off, lh int64
rem, err := bitmap.Size()
if err != nil {
return err
for rem != 0 {
rq := int(mathutil.MinInt64(64*1024, rem))
var n int
if n, err = bitmap.ReadAt(buf[:rq], off); n != rq {
return &ErrILSEQ{Type: ErrOther, Off: off, More: fmt.Errorf("bitmap ReadAt(size %d, off %#x): %s", rq, off, err)}
if !bytes.Equal(buf[:rq], ubuf[:rq]) {
for d, v := range buf[:rq] {
if v != 0 {
for i, m := range bitMask {
if v&m != 0 {
lh = 8*(off+int64(d)) + int64(i)
err = &ErrILSEQ{Type: ErrLostFreeBlock, Off: h2off(lh)}
off += int64(rq)
rem -= int64(rq)
type fltSlot struct {
head int64
minSize int64
func (f fltSlot) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("head %#x, minSize %#x\n", f.head, f.minSize)
type flt [14]fltSlot
func (f *flt) init() {
sz := 1
for i := range *f {
f[i].minSize, f[i].head = int64(sz), 0
sz <<= 1
f[13].minSize = 4112
func (f *flt) load(fi Filer, off int64) (err error) {
pb := buffer.Get(fltSz)
defer buffer.Put(pb)
b := *pb
if _, err = fi.ReadAt(b[:], off); err != nil {
for i := range *f {
off := 8*i + 1
f[i].head = b2h(b[off:])
func (f *flt) find(rq int) (h int64) {
switch {
case rq < 1:
case rq >= maxFLTRq:
h, f[13].head = f[13].head, 0
g := f[mathutil.Log2Uint16(uint16(rq)):]
for i := range g {
p := &g[i]
if rq <= int(p.minSize) {
if h = p.head; h != 0 {
p.head = 0
func (f *flt) head(atoms int64) (h int64) {
switch {
case atoms < 1:
case atoms >= maxFLTRq:
return f[13].head
lg := mathutil.Log2Uint16(uint16(atoms))
g := f[lg:]
for i := range g {
if atoms < g[i+1].minSize {
return g[i].head
panic("internal error")
func (f *flt) setHead(h, atoms int64, fi Filer) (err error) {
switch {
case atoms < 1:
case atoms >= maxFLTRq:
pb := buffer.Get(7)
defer buffer.Put(pb)
b := *pb
if _, err = fi.WriteAt(h2b(b[:], h), 8*13+1); err != nil {
f[13].head = h
lg := mathutil.Log2Uint16(uint16(atoms))
g := f[lg:]
for i := range f {
if atoms < g[i+1].minSize {
pb := buffer.Get(7)
defer buffer.Put(pb)
b := *pb
if _, err = fi.WriteAt(h2b(b[:], h), 8*int64(i+lg)+1); err != nil {
g[i].head = h
panic("internal error")
func (f *flt) String() string {
a := []string{}
for i, v := range *f {
a = append(a, fmt.Sprintf("[%2d] %s", i, v))
return strings.Join(a, "")
type node struct {
b []byte
h int64
prev, next *node
type cache []*node
func (c *cache) get(n int) *node {
r, _ := c.get2(n)
return r
func (c *cache) get2(n int) (r *node, isZeroed bool) {
s := *c
lens := len(s)
if lens == 0 {
return &node{b: make([]byte, n, mathutil.Min(2*n, maxBuf))}, true
i := sort.Search(lens, func(x int) bool { return len(s[x].b) >= n })
if i == lens {
s[i].b, isZeroed = make([]byte, n, mathutil.Min(2*n, maxBuf)), true
r = s[i]
r.b = r.b[:n]
copy(s[i:], s[i+1:])
s = s[:lens-1]
*c = s
func (c *cache) cget(n int) (r *node) {
r, ok := c.get2(n)
if ok {
for i := range r.b {
r.b[i] = 0
func (c *cache) size() (sz int64) {
for _, n := range *c {
sz += int64(cap(n.b))
func (c *cache) put(n *node) *node {
s := *c
n.b = n.b[:cap(n.b)]
lenb := len(n.b)
lens := len(s)
i := sort.Search(lens, func(x int) bool { return len(s[x].b) >= lenb })
s = append(s, nil)
copy(s[i+1:], s[i:])
s[i] = n
*c = s
return n
type lst struct {
front, back *node
func (l *lst) pushFront(n *node) *node {
if l.front == nil {
l.front, l.back, n.prev, = n, n, nil, nil
return n
n.prev,, l.front.prev, l.front = nil, l.front, n, n
return n
func (l *lst) remove(n *node) *node {
if n.prev == nil {
l.front =
} else { =
if == nil {
l.back = n.prev
} else { = n.prev
n.prev, = nil, nil
return n
func (l *lst) removeBack() *node {
return l.remove(l.back)
func (l *lst) moveToFront(n *node) *node {
return l.pushFront(l.remove(n))
func (l *lst) size() (sz int64) {
for n := l.front; n != nil; n = {
sz += int64(cap(n.b))
func cacheAudit(m map[int64]*node, l *lst) (err error) {
cnt := 0
for h, n := range m {
if g, e := n.h, h; g != e {
return fmt.Errorf("cacheAudit: invalid node handle %d != %d", g, e)
if cnt, err = l.audit(n, true); err != nil {
if g, e := cnt, len(m); g != e {
return fmt.Errorf("cacheAudit: invalid cache size %d != %d", g, e)
func (l *lst) audit(n *node, onList bool) (cnt int, err error) {
if !onList && (n.prev != nil || != nil) {
return -1, fmt.Errorf("lst.audit: free node with non nil linkage")
if l.front == nil && l.back != nil || l.back == nil && l.front != nil {
return -1, fmt.Errorf("lst.audit: one of .front/.back is nil while the other is non nil")
if l.front == l.back && l.front != nil {
x := l.front
if x.prev != nil || != nil {
return -1, fmt.Errorf("lst.audit: single node has non nil linkage")
if onList && x != n {
return -1, fmt.Errorf("lst.audit: single node is alien")
seen := false
var prev *node
x := l.front
for x != nil {
if x.prev != prev {
return -1, fmt.Errorf("lst.audit: broken .prev linkage")
if x == n {
seen = true
prev = x
x =
if prev != l.back {
return -1, fmt.Errorf("lst.audit: broken .back linkage")
if onList && !seen {
return -1, fmt.Errorf("lst.audit: node missing in list")
if !onList && seen {
return -1, fmt.Errorf("lst.audit: node should not be on the list")