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2015-05-30 13:05:37 +02:00
.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
2015-06-02 08:33:36 +02:00
.TH "SYNCTHING-CONFIG" "5" "June 01, 2015" "v0.11" "Syncthing"
2015-05-30 13:05:37 +02:00
syncthing-config \- Syncthing Configuration
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This page may be outdated and requires review.
Attributes have been added that are not documented.
.ft C
$HOME/Library/Application Support/Syncthing
.ft P
Syncthing uses a single directory to store configuration, crypto keys
and index caches. The location defaults to \fB$HOME/.config/syncthing\fP
(Unix\-like), \fB$HOME/Library/Application Support/Syncthing\fP (Mac),
\fB%AppData%/Syncthing\fP (Windows XP) or \fB%localappdata%/Syncthing\fP
(Windows 7/8). It can be changed at runtime using the \fB\-home\fP flag. In this
directory the following files are located:
.B cert.pem
The device\(aqs RSA public key, named "cert" for legacy reasons.
.B key.pem
The device\(aqs RSA private key. This needs to be protected.
.B config.xml
The configuration file, in XML format.
.B https\-cert.pem
The certificate for HTTPS GUI connections.
.B https\-key.pem
The key for HTTPS GUI connections.
.B index/
A directory holding the database with metadata and hashes of the files
currently on disk and available from peers.
.B csrftokens.txt
A list of recently issued CSRF tokens (for protection against browser cross
site request forgery).
The following is shows the default configuration file:
.ft C
<configuration version="2">
<folder id="default" directory="/Users/jb/Sync" ro="false" ignorePerms="false">
<device id="GXN5ECCWTA2B7EB5FXYL5OWGOADX5EF5VNJAQSIBAY6XHJ24BNOA" name="jborg\-mbp">
<gui enabled="true" tls="true">
.ft P
.SS configuration
This is the root element.
.B version
The config version. The current version is \fB2\fP\&.
.SS folder
One or more \fBfolder\fP elements must be present in the file. Each
element describes one folder.
Within the \fBfolder\fP element one or more \fBdevice\fP element should be
present. These must contain the \fBid\fP attribute and nothing else.
Mentioned devices are those that will be sharing the folder in question.
Each mentioned device must have a separate \fBdevice\fP element later in
the file. It is customary that the local device ID is included in all
repositories. Syncthing will currently add this automatically if it is
not present in the configuration file.
.B id
The folder ID, must be unique. (mandatory)
.B directory
The directory where the folder is stored on this
device; not sent to other devices. (mandatory)
.B ro
True if the folder is read only (will not be modified by Syncthing) on this
device. (optional, defaults to \fBfalse\fP)
.B ignorePerms
True if the folder should \fI\%ignore permissions\fP <\fB\fP>\&.
.SS device
One or more \fBdevice\fP elements must be present in the file. Each
element describes a device participating in the cluster. It is customary
to include a \fBdevice\fP element for the local device; Syncthing will
currently add one if it is not present.
.B id
The device ID. This must be written in canonical form, that is without any
spaces or dashes. (mandatory)
.B name
A friendly name for the device. (optional)
.B address
The address section is only valid inside of \fBdevice\fP elements. It contains
a single address, on one of the following forms:
.IP \(bu 2
IPv4 addresses, IPv6 addresses within brackets, or DNS names, all
optionally followed by a port number.
.IP \(bu 2
\fBdynamic\fP: The address will be resolved using discovery.
.SS gui
There must be \fIexactly one\fP \fBgui\fP element.
.B enabled
.B tls
\fBtrue\fP/\fBfalse\fP: If true then the GUI will use HTTPS.
.B address
One or more address elements must be present, containing an \fBip:port\fP
listen address.
.B username
Set to require authentication.
.B password
Contains the bcrypt hash of the real password.
.B apikey
If set, this is the API key that enables usage of the REST interface.
Additionally, there must be \fIexactly one\fP \fBoptions\fP element. It contains the
following configuration settings as children:
.B listenAddress
\fBhost:port\fP or \fB:port\fP string denoting an address to listen for BEP
connections. More than one \fBlistenAddress\fP may be given.
(default: \fB0.0.0.0:22000\fP)
.B globalAnnounceServer
\fBhost:port\fP string denoting where a global announce server may be
reached. (default: \\fP)
.B globalAnnounceEnabled
\fBtrue\fP/\fBfalse\fP (default: \fBtrue\fP)
.B localAnnounceEnabled
\fBtrue\fP/\fBfalse\fP (default: \fBtrue\fP)
.B parallelRequests
The maximum number of outstanding block requests to have against any given
peer. (default: \fB16\fP)
.B maxSendKbps
Rate limit
.B rescanIntervalS
The number of seconds to wait between each scan for modification of the
local repositories. A value of \fB0\fP disables the scanner. (default: \fB60\fP)
.B reconnectionIntervalS
The number of seconds to wait between each attempt to connect to currently
unconnected devices. (default: \fB60\fP)
.B maxChangeKbps
The maximum rate of change allowed for a single file. When this rate is
exceeded, further changes to the file are not announced, until the rate is
reduced below the limit. (default: \fB10000\fP)
.B startBrowser
\fBtrue\fP/\fBfalse\fP (default: \fBtrue\fP)
.B upnpEnabled
\fBtrue\fP/\fBfalse\fP (default: \fBtrue\fP)
.B urAccepted
Whether the user as accepted to submit anonymous usage data. The default,
\fB0\fP, mean the user has not made a choice, and Syncthing will ask at some
point in the future. \fB\-1\fP means no, \fB1\fP means yes.
The Syncthing Authors
2015, The Syncthing Authors
.\" Generated by docutils manpage writer.