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cmd/stdiscosrv: New discovery server (fixes #4618) This is a new revision of the discovery server. Relevant changes and non-changes: - Protocol towards clients is unchanged. - Recommended large scale design is still to be deployed nehind nginx (I tested, and it's still a lot faster at terminating TLS). - Database backend is leveldb again, only. It scales enough, is easy to setup, and we don't need any backend to take care of. - Server supports replication. This is a simple TCP channel - protect it with a firewall when deploying over the internet. (We deploy this within the same datacenter, and with firewall.) Any incoming client announces are sent over the replication channel(s) to other peer discosrvs. Incoming replication changes are applied to the database as if they came from clients, but without the TLS/certificate overhead. - Metrics are exposed using the prometheus library, when enabled. - The database values and replication protocol is protobuf, because JSON was quite CPU intensive when I tried that and benchmarked it. - The "Retry-After" value for failed lookups gets slowly increased from a default of 120 seconds, by 5 seconds for each failed lookup, independently by each discosrv. This lowers the query load over time for clients that are never seen. The Retry-After maxes out at 3600 after a couple of weeks of this increase. The number of failed lookups is stored in the database, now and then (avoiding making each lookup a database put). All in all this means clients can be pointed towards a cluster using just multiple A / AAAA records to gain both load sharing and redundancy (if one is down, clients will talk to the remaining ones). GitHub-Pull-Request:
2018-01-14 08:52:31 +00:00
* Minio Go Library for Amazon S3 Compatible Cloud Storage
* Copyright 2015-2017 Minio, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package minio
import (
// Client implements Amazon S3 compatible methods.
type Client struct {
/// Standard options.
// Parsed endpoint url provided by the user.
endpointURL url.URL
// Holds various credential providers.
credsProvider *credentials.Credentials
// Custom signerType value overrides all credentials.
overrideSignerType credentials.SignatureType
// User supplied.
appInfo struct {
appName string
appVersion string
// Indicate whether we are using https or not
secure bool
// Needs allocation.
httpClient *http.Client
bucketLocCache *bucketLocationCache
// Advanced functionality.
isTraceEnabled bool
traceOutput io.Writer
// S3 specific accelerated endpoint.
s3AccelerateEndpoint string
// Region endpoint
region string
// Random seed.
random *rand.Rand
// Global constants.
const (
libraryName = "minio-go"
libraryVersion = "4.0.6"
// User Agent should always following the below style.
// Please open an issue to discuss any new changes here.
const (
libraryUserAgentPrefix = "Minio (" + runtime.GOOS + "; " + runtime.GOARCH + ") "
libraryUserAgent = libraryUserAgentPrefix + libraryName + "/" + libraryVersion
// NewV2 - instantiate minio client with Amazon S3 signature version
// '2' compatibility.
func NewV2(endpoint string, accessKeyID, secretAccessKey string, secure bool) (*Client, error) {
creds := credentials.NewStaticV2(accessKeyID, secretAccessKey, "")
clnt, err := privateNew(endpoint, creds, secure, "")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
clnt.overrideSignerType = credentials.SignatureV2
return clnt, nil
// NewV4 - instantiate minio client with Amazon S3 signature version
// '4' compatibility.
func NewV4(endpoint string, accessKeyID, secretAccessKey string, secure bool) (*Client, error) {
creds := credentials.NewStaticV4(accessKeyID, secretAccessKey, "")
clnt, err := privateNew(endpoint, creds, secure, "")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
clnt.overrideSignerType = credentials.SignatureV4
return clnt, nil
// New - instantiate minio client, adds automatic verification of signature.
func New(endpoint, accessKeyID, secretAccessKey string, secure bool) (*Client, error) {
creds := credentials.NewStaticV4(accessKeyID, secretAccessKey, "")
clnt, err := privateNew(endpoint, creds, secure, "")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Google cloud storage should be set to signature V2, force it if not.
if s3utils.IsGoogleEndpoint(clnt.endpointURL) {
clnt.overrideSignerType = credentials.SignatureV2
// If Amazon S3 set to signature v4.
if s3utils.IsAmazonEndpoint(clnt.endpointURL) {
clnt.overrideSignerType = credentials.SignatureV4
return clnt, nil
// NewWithCredentials - instantiate minio client with credentials provider
// for retrieving credentials from various credentials provider such as
// IAM, File, Env etc.
func NewWithCredentials(endpoint string, creds *credentials.Credentials, secure bool, region string) (*Client, error) {
return privateNew(endpoint, creds, secure, region)
// NewWithRegion - instantiate minio client, with region configured. Unlike New(),
// NewWithRegion avoids bucket-location lookup operations and it is slightly faster.
// Use this function when if your application deals with single region.
func NewWithRegion(endpoint, accessKeyID, secretAccessKey string, secure bool, region string) (*Client, error) {
creds := credentials.NewStaticV4(accessKeyID, secretAccessKey, "")
return privateNew(endpoint, creds, secure, region)
// lockedRandSource provides protected rand source, implements rand.Source interface.
type lockedRandSource struct {
lk sync.Mutex
src rand.Source
// Int63 returns a non-negative pseudo-random 63-bit integer as an int64.
func (r *lockedRandSource) Int63() (n int64) {
n = r.src.Int63()
// Seed uses the provided seed value to initialize the generator to a
// deterministic state.
func (r *lockedRandSource) Seed(seed int64) {
// getRegionFromURL - parse region from URL if present.
func getRegionFromURL(u url.URL) (region string) {
region = ""
if s3utils.IsGoogleEndpoint(u) {
} else if s3utils.IsAmazonChinaEndpoint(u) {
// For china specifically we need to set everything to
// cn-north-1 for now, there is no easier way until AWS S3
// provides a cleaner compatible API across "us-east-1" and
// China region.
return "cn-north-1"
} else if s3utils.IsAmazonGovCloudEndpoint(u) {
// For us-gov specifically we need to set everything to
// us-gov-west-1 for now, there is no easier way until AWS S3
// provides a cleaner compatible API across "us-east-1" and
// Gov cloud region.
return "us-gov-west-1"
parts := s3utils.AmazonS3Host.FindStringSubmatch(u.Host)
if len(parts) > 1 {
region = parts[1]
return region
func privateNew(endpoint string, creds *credentials.Credentials, secure bool, region string) (*Client, error) {
// construct endpoint.
endpointURL, err := getEndpointURL(endpoint, secure)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// instantiate new Client.
clnt := new(Client)
// Save the credentials.
clnt.credsProvider = creds
// Remember whether we are using https or not = secure
// Save endpoint URL, user agent for future uses.
clnt.endpointURL = *endpointURL
// Instantiate http client and bucket location cache.
clnt.httpClient = &http.Client{
Transport: defaultMinioTransport,
// Sets custom region, if region is empty bucket location cache is used automatically.
if region == "" {
region = getRegionFromURL(clnt.endpointURL)
clnt.region = region
// Instantiate bucket location cache.
clnt.bucketLocCache = newBucketLocationCache()
// Introduce a new locked random seed.
clnt.random = rand.New(&lockedRandSource{src: rand.NewSource(time.Now().UTC().UnixNano())})
// Return.
return clnt, nil
// SetAppInfo - add application details to user agent.
func (c *Client) SetAppInfo(appName string, appVersion string) {
// if app name and version not set, we do not set a new user agent.
if appName != "" && appVersion != "" {
c.appInfo = struct {
appName string
appVersion string
c.appInfo.appName = appName
c.appInfo.appVersion = appVersion
// SetCustomTransport - set new custom transport.
func (c *Client) SetCustomTransport(customHTTPTransport http.RoundTripper) {
// Set this to override default transport
// ``http.DefaultTransport``.
// This transport is usually needed for debugging OR to add your
// own custom TLS certificates on the client transport, for custom
// CA's and certs which are not part of standard certificate
// authority follow this example :-
// tr := &http.Transport{
// TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{RootCAs: pool},
// DisableCompression: true,
// }
// api.SetTransport(tr)
if c.httpClient != nil {
c.httpClient.Transport = customHTTPTransport
// TraceOn - enable HTTP tracing.
func (c *Client) TraceOn(outputStream io.Writer) {
// if outputStream is nil then default to os.Stdout.
if outputStream == nil {
outputStream = os.Stdout
// Sets a new output stream.
c.traceOutput = outputStream
// Enable tracing.
c.isTraceEnabled = true
// TraceOff - disable HTTP tracing.
func (c *Client) TraceOff() {
// Disable tracing.
c.isTraceEnabled = false
// SetS3TransferAccelerate - turns s3 accelerated endpoint on or off for all your
// requests. This feature is only specific to S3 for all other endpoints this
// function does nothing. To read further details on s3 transfer acceleration
// please vist -
func (c *Client) SetS3TransferAccelerate(accelerateEndpoint string) {
if s3utils.IsAmazonEndpoint(c.endpointURL) {
c.s3AccelerateEndpoint = accelerateEndpoint
// Hash materials provides relevant initialized hash algo writers
// based on the expected signature type.
// - For signature v4 request if the connection is insecure compute only sha256.
// - For signature v4 request if the connection is secure compute only md5.
// - For anonymous request compute md5.
func (c *Client) hashMaterials() (hashAlgos map[string]hash.Hash, hashSums map[string][]byte) {
hashSums = make(map[string][]byte)
hashAlgos = make(map[string]hash.Hash)
if c.overrideSignerType.IsV4() {
if {
hashAlgos["md5"] = md5.New()
} else {
hashAlgos["sha256"] = sha256.New()
} else {
if c.overrideSignerType.IsAnonymous() {
hashAlgos["md5"] = md5.New()
return hashAlgos, hashSums
// requestMetadata - is container for all the values to make a request.
type requestMetadata struct {
// If set newRequest presigns the URL.
presignURL bool
// User supplied.
bucketName string
objectName string
queryValues url.Values
customHeader http.Header
expires int64
// Generated by our internal code.
bucketLocation string
contentBody io.Reader
contentLength int64
contentMD5Base64 string // carries base64 encoded md5sum
contentSHA256Hex string // carries hex encoded sha256sum
// dumpHTTP - dump HTTP request and response.
func (c Client) dumpHTTP(req *http.Request, resp *http.Response) error {
// Starts http dump.
_, err := fmt.Fprintln(c.traceOutput, "---------START-HTTP---------")
if err != nil {
return err
// Filter out Signature field from Authorization header.
origAuth := req.Header.Get("Authorization")
if origAuth != "" {
req.Header.Set("Authorization", redactSignature(origAuth))
// Only display request header.
reqTrace, err := httputil.DumpRequestOut(req, false)
if err != nil {
return err
// Write request to trace output.
_, err = fmt.Fprint(c.traceOutput, string(reqTrace))
if err != nil {
return err
// Only display response header.
var respTrace []byte
// For errors we make sure to dump response body as well.
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK &&
resp.StatusCode != http.StatusPartialContent &&
resp.StatusCode != http.StatusNoContent {
respTrace, err = httputil.DumpResponse(resp, true)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
// httputil.DumpResponse does not print response headers for
// all successful calls which have response ContentLength set
// to zero. Keep this workaround until the above bug is fixed.
if resp.ContentLength == 0 {
var buffer bytes.Buffer
if err = resp.Header.Write(&buffer); err != nil {
return err
respTrace = buffer.Bytes()
respTrace = append(respTrace, []byte("\r\n")...)
} else {
respTrace, err = httputil.DumpResponse(resp, false)
if err != nil {
return err
// Write response to trace output.
_, err = fmt.Fprint(c.traceOutput, strings.TrimSuffix(string(respTrace), "\r\n"))
if err != nil {
return err
// Ends the http dump.
_, err = fmt.Fprintln(c.traceOutput, "---------END-HTTP---------")
if err != nil {
return err
// Returns success.
return nil
// do - execute http request.
func (c Client) do(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
var resp *http.Response
var err error
// Do the request in a loop in case of 307 http is met since golang still doesn't
// handle properly this situation (
for {
resp, err = c.httpClient.Do(req)
if err != nil {
// Handle this specifically for now until future Golang
// versions fix this issue properly.
urlErr, ok := err.(*url.Error)
if ok && strings.Contains(urlErr.Err.Error(), "EOF") {
return nil, &url.Error{
Op: urlErr.Op,
URL: urlErr.URL,
Err: errors.New("Connection closed by foreign host " + urlErr.URL + ". Retry again."),
return nil, err
// Redo the request with the new redirect url if http 307 is returned, quit the loop otherwise
if resp != nil && resp.StatusCode == http.StatusTemporaryRedirect {
newURL, err := url.Parse(resp.Header.Get("Location"))
if err != nil {
req.URL = newURL
} else {
// Response cannot be non-nil, report if its the case.
if resp == nil {
msg := "Response is empty. " + reportIssue
return nil, ErrInvalidArgument(msg)
// If trace is enabled, dump http request and response.
if c.isTraceEnabled {
err = c.dumpHTTP(req, resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return resp, nil
// List of success status.
var successStatus = []int{
// executeMethod - instantiates a given method, and retries the
// request upon any error up to maxRetries attempts in a binomially
// delayed manner using a standard back off algorithm.
func (c Client) executeMethod(ctx context.Context, method string, metadata requestMetadata) (res *http.Response, err error) {
var isRetryable bool // Indicates if request can be retried.
var bodySeeker io.Seeker // Extracted seeker from io.Reader.
var reqRetry = MaxRetry // Indicates how many times we can retry the request
if metadata.contentBody != nil {
// Check if body is seekable then it is retryable.
bodySeeker, isRetryable = metadata.contentBody.(io.Seeker)
switch bodySeeker {
case os.Stdin, os.Stdout, os.Stderr:
isRetryable = false
// Retry only when reader is seekable
if !isRetryable {
reqRetry = 1
// Figure out if the body can be closed - if yes
// we will definitely close it upon the function
// return.
bodyCloser, ok := metadata.contentBody.(io.Closer)
if ok {
defer bodyCloser.Close()
// Create a done channel to control 'newRetryTimer' go routine.
doneCh := make(chan struct{}, 1)
// Indicate to our routine to exit cleanly upon return.
defer close(doneCh)
// Blank indentifier is kept here on purpose since 'range' without
// blank identifiers is only supported since go1.4
for range c.newRetryTimer(reqRetry, DefaultRetryUnit, DefaultRetryCap, MaxJitter, doneCh) {
// Retry executes the following function body if request has an
// error until maxRetries have been exhausted, retry attempts are
// performed after waiting for a given period of time in a
// binomial fashion.
if isRetryable {
// Seek back to beginning for each attempt.
if _, err = bodySeeker.Seek(0, 0); err != nil {
// If seek failed, no need to retry.
return nil, err
// Instantiate a new request.
var req *http.Request
req, err = c.newRequest(method, metadata)
if err != nil {
errResponse := ToErrorResponse(err)
if isS3CodeRetryable(errResponse.Code) {
continue // Retry.
return nil, err
// Add context to request
req = req.WithContext(ctx)
// Initiate the request.
res, err =
if err != nil {
// For supported network errors verify.
if isNetErrorRetryable(err) {
continue // Retry.
// For other errors, return here no need to retry.
return nil, err
// For any known successful http status, return quickly.
for _, httpStatus := range successStatus {
if httpStatus == res.StatusCode {
return res, nil
// Read the body to be saved later.
errBodyBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
// res.Body should be closed
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Save the body.
errBodySeeker := bytes.NewReader(errBodyBytes)
res.Body = ioutil.NopCloser(errBodySeeker)
// For errors verify if its retryable otherwise fail quickly.
errResponse := ToErrorResponse(httpRespToErrorResponse(res, metadata.bucketName, metadata.objectName))
// Save the body back again.
errBodySeeker.Seek(0, 0) // Seek back to starting point.
res.Body = ioutil.NopCloser(errBodySeeker)
// Bucket region if set in error response and the error
// code dictates invalid region, we can retry the request
// with the new region.
// Additionally we should only retry if bucketLocation and custom
// region is empty.
if metadata.bucketLocation == "" && c.region == "" {
if errResponse.Code == "AuthorizationHeaderMalformed" || errResponse.Code == "InvalidRegion" {
if metadata.bucketName != "" && errResponse.Region != "" {
// Gather Cached location only if bucketName is present.
if _, cachedLocationError := c.bucketLocCache.Get(metadata.bucketName); cachedLocationError != false {
c.bucketLocCache.Set(metadata.bucketName, errResponse.Region)
continue // Retry.
// Verify if error response code is retryable.
if isS3CodeRetryable(errResponse.Code) {
continue // Retry.
// Verify if http status code is retryable.
if isHTTPStatusRetryable(res.StatusCode) {
continue // Retry.
// For all other cases break out of the retry loop.
return res, err
// newRequest - instantiate a new HTTP request for a given method.
func (c Client) newRequest(method string, metadata requestMetadata) (req *http.Request, err error) {
// If no method is supplied default to 'POST'.
if method == "" {
method = "POST"
location := metadata.bucketLocation
if location == "" {
if metadata.bucketName != "" {
// Gather location only if bucketName is present.
location, err = c.getBucketLocation(metadata.bucketName)
if err != nil {
if ToErrorResponse(err).Code != "AccessDenied" {
return nil, err
// Upon AccessDenied error on fetching bucket location, default
// to possible locations based on endpoint URL. This can usually
// happen when GetBucketLocation() is disabled using IAM policies.
if location == "" {
location = getDefaultLocation(c.endpointURL, c.region)
// Construct a new target URL.
targetURL, err := c.makeTargetURL(metadata.bucketName, metadata.objectName, location, metadata.queryValues)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Initialize a new HTTP request for the method.
req, err = http.NewRequest(method, targetURL.String(), nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Get credentials from the configured credentials provider.
value, err := c.credsProvider.Get()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var (
signerType = value.SignerType
accessKeyID = value.AccessKeyID
secretAccessKey = value.SecretAccessKey
sessionToken = value.SessionToken
// Custom signer set then override the behavior.
if c.overrideSignerType != credentials.SignatureDefault {
signerType = c.overrideSignerType
// If signerType returned by credentials helper is anonymous,
// then do not sign regardless of signerType override.
if value.SignerType == credentials.SignatureAnonymous {
signerType = credentials.SignatureAnonymous
// Generate presign url if needed, return right here.
if metadata.expires != 0 && metadata.presignURL {
if signerType.IsAnonymous() {
return nil, ErrInvalidArgument("Presigned URLs cannot be generated with anonymous credentials.")
if signerType.IsV2() {
// Presign URL with signature v2.
req = s3signer.PreSignV2(*req, accessKeyID, secretAccessKey, metadata.expires)
} else if signerType.IsV4() {
// Presign URL with signature v4.
req = s3signer.PreSignV4(*req, accessKeyID, secretAccessKey, sessionToken, location, metadata.expires)
return req, nil
// Set 'User-Agent' header for the request.
// Set all headers.
for k, v := range metadata.customHeader {
req.Header.Set(k, v[0])
// Go net/http notoriously closes the request body.
// - The request Body, if non-nil, will be closed by the underlying Transport, even on errors.
// This can cause underlying *os.File seekers to fail, avoid that
// by making sure to wrap the closer as a nop.
if metadata.contentLength == 0 {
req.Body = nil
} else {
req.Body = ioutil.NopCloser(metadata.contentBody)
// Set incoming content-length.
req.ContentLength = metadata.contentLength
if req.ContentLength <= -1 {
// For unknown content length, we upload using transfer-encoding: chunked.
req.TransferEncoding = []string{"chunked"}
// set md5Sum for content protection.
if len(metadata.contentMD5Base64) > 0 {
req.Header.Set("Content-Md5", metadata.contentMD5Base64)
// For anonymous requests just return.
if signerType.IsAnonymous() {
return req, nil
switch {
case signerType.IsV2():
// Add signature version '2' authorization header.
req = s3signer.SignV2(*req, accessKeyID, secretAccessKey)
case metadata.objectName != "" && method == "PUT" && metadata.customHeader.Get("X-Amz-Copy-Source") == "" && !
// Streaming signature is used by default for a PUT object request. Additionally we also
// look if the initialized client is secure, if yes then we don't need to perform
// streaming signature.
req = s3signer.StreamingSignV4(req, accessKeyID,
secretAccessKey, sessionToken, location, metadata.contentLength, time.Now().UTC())
// Set sha256 sum for signature calculation only with signature version '4'.
shaHeader := unsignedPayload
if metadata.contentSHA256Hex != "" {
shaHeader = metadata.contentSHA256Hex
req.Header.Set("X-Amz-Content-Sha256", shaHeader)
// Add signature version '4' authorization header.
req = s3signer.SignV4(*req, accessKeyID, secretAccessKey, sessionToken, location)
// Return request.
return req, nil
// set User agent.
func (c Client) setUserAgent(req *http.Request) {
req.Header.Set("User-Agent", libraryUserAgent)
if c.appInfo.appName != "" && c.appInfo.appVersion != "" {
req.Header.Set("User-Agent", libraryUserAgent+" "+c.appInfo.appName+"/"+c.appInfo.appVersion)
// makeTargetURL make a new target url.
func (c Client) makeTargetURL(bucketName, objectName, bucketLocation string, queryValues url.Values) (*url.URL, error) {
host := c.endpointURL.Host
// For Amazon S3 endpoint, try to fetch location based endpoint.
if s3utils.IsAmazonEndpoint(c.endpointURL) {
if c.s3AccelerateEndpoint != "" && bucketName != "" {
// Disable transfer acceleration for non-compliant bucket names.
if strings.Contains(bucketName, ".") {
return nil, ErrTransferAccelerationBucket(bucketName)
// If transfer acceleration is requested set new host.
// For more details about enabling transfer acceleration read here.
host = c.s3AccelerateEndpoint
} else {
// Do not change the host if the endpoint URL is a FIPS S3 endpoint.
if !s3utils.IsAmazonFIPSGovCloudEndpoint(c.endpointURL) {
// Fetch new host based on the bucket location.
host = getS3Endpoint(bucketLocation)
// Save scheme.
scheme := c.endpointURL.Scheme
// Strip port 80 and 443 so we won't send these ports in Host header.
// The reason is that browsers and curl automatically remove :80 and :443
// with the generated presigned urls, then a signature mismatch error.
if h, p, err := net.SplitHostPort(host); err == nil {
if scheme == "http" && p == "80" || scheme == "https" && p == "443" {
host = h
urlStr := scheme + "://" + host + "/"
// Make URL only if bucketName is available, otherwise use the
// endpoint URL.
if bucketName != "" {
// Save if target url will have buckets which suppport virtual host.
isVirtualHostStyle := s3utils.IsVirtualHostSupported(c.endpointURL, bucketName)
// If endpoint supports virtual host style use that always.
// Currently only S3 and Google Cloud Storage would support
// virtual host style.
if isVirtualHostStyle {
urlStr = scheme + "://" + bucketName + "." + host + "/"
if objectName != "" {
urlStr = urlStr + s3utils.EncodePath(objectName)
} else {
// If not fall back to using path style.
urlStr = urlStr + bucketName + "/"
if objectName != "" {
urlStr = urlStr + s3utils.EncodePath(objectName)
// If there are any query values, add them to the end.
if len(queryValues) > 0 {
urlStr = urlStr + "?" + s3utils.QueryEncode(queryValues)
u, err := url.Parse(urlStr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return u, nil