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cmd/stdiscosrv: New discovery server (fixes #4618) This is a new revision of the discovery server. Relevant changes and non-changes: - Protocol towards clients is unchanged. - Recommended large scale design is still to be deployed nehind nginx (I tested, and it's still a lot faster at terminating TLS). - Database backend is leveldb again, only. It scales enough, is easy to setup, and we don't need any backend to take care of. - Server supports replication. This is a simple TCP channel - protect it with a firewall when deploying over the internet. (We deploy this within the same datacenter, and with firewall.) Any incoming client announces are sent over the replication channel(s) to other peer discosrvs. Incoming replication changes are applied to the database as if they came from clients, but without the TLS/certificate overhead. - Metrics are exposed using the prometheus library, when enabled. - The database values and replication protocol is protobuf, because JSON was quite CPU intensive when I tried that and benchmarked it. - The "Retry-After" value for failed lookups gets slowly increased from a default of 120 seconds, by 5 seconds for each failed lookup, independently by each discosrv. This lowers the query load over time for clients that are never seen. The Retry-After maxes out at 3600 after a couple of weeks of this increase. The number of failed lookups is stored in the database, now and then (avoiding making each lookup a database put). All in all this means clients can be pointed towards a cluster using just multiple A / AAAA records to gain both load sharing and redundancy (if one is down, clients will talk to the remaining ones). GitHub-Pull-Request:
2018-01-14 08:52:31 +00:00
* Minio Go Library for Amazon S3 Compatible Cloud Storage
* Copyright 2015-2017 Minio, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package minio
import (
// xmlDecoder provide decoded value in xml.
func xmlDecoder(body io.Reader, v interface{}) error {
d := xml.NewDecoder(body)
return d.Decode(v)
// sum256 calculate sha256sum for an input byte array, returns hex encoded.
func sum256Hex(data []byte) string {
hash := sha256.New()
return hex.EncodeToString(hash.Sum(nil))
// sumMD5Base64 calculate md5sum for an input byte array, returns base64 encoded.
func sumMD5Base64(data []byte) string {
hash := md5.New()
return base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(hash.Sum(nil))
// getEndpointURL - construct a new endpoint.
func getEndpointURL(endpoint string, secure bool) (*url.URL, error) {
if strings.Contains(endpoint, ":") {
host, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(endpoint)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !s3utils.IsValidIP(host) && !s3utils.IsValidDomain(host) {
msg := "Endpoint: " + endpoint + " does not follow ip address or domain name standards."
return nil, ErrInvalidArgument(msg)
} else {
if !s3utils.IsValidIP(endpoint) && !s3utils.IsValidDomain(endpoint) {
msg := "Endpoint: " + endpoint + " does not follow ip address or domain name standards."
return nil, ErrInvalidArgument(msg)
// If secure is false, use 'http' scheme.
scheme := "https"
if !secure {
scheme = "http"
// Construct a secured endpoint URL.
endpointURLStr := scheme + "://" + endpoint
endpointURL, err := url.Parse(endpointURLStr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Validate incoming endpoint URL.
if err := isValidEndpointURL(*endpointURL); err != nil {
return nil, err
return endpointURL, nil
// closeResponse close non nil response with any response Body.
// convenient wrapper to drain any remaining data on response body.
// Subsequently this allows golang http RoundTripper
// to re-use the same connection for future requests.
func closeResponse(resp *http.Response) {
// Callers should close resp.Body when done reading from it.
// If resp.Body is not closed, the Client's underlying RoundTripper
// (typically Transport) may not be able to re-use a persistent TCP
// connection to the server for a subsequent "keep-alive" request.
if resp != nil && resp.Body != nil {
// Drain any remaining Body and then close the connection.
// Without this closing connection would disallow re-using
// the same connection for future uses.
// -
io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, resp.Body)
var (
// Hex encoded string of nil sha256sum bytes.
emptySHA256Hex = "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855"
// Sentinel URL is the default url value which is invalid.
sentinelURL = url.URL{}
// Verify if input endpoint URL is valid.
func isValidEndpointURL(endpointURL url.URL) error {
if endpointURL == sentinelURL {
return ErrInvalidArgument("Endpoint url cannot be empty.")
if endpointURL.Path != "/" && endpointURL.Path != "" {
return ErrInvalidArgument("Endpoint url cannot have fully qualified paths.")
if strings.Contains(endpointURL.Host, "") {
if !s3utils.IsAmazonEndpoint(endpointURL) {
return ErrInvalidArgument("Amazon S3 endpoint should be ''.")
if strings.Contains(endpointURL.Host, "") {
if !s3utils.IsGoogleEndpoint(endpointURL) {
return ErrInvalidArgument("Google Cloud Storage endpoint should be ''.")
return nil
// Verify if input expires value is valid.
func isValidExpiry(expires time.Duration) error {
expireSeconds := int64(expires / time.Second)
if expireSeconds < 1 {
return ErrInvalidArgument("Expires cannot be lesser than 1 second.")
if expireSeconds > 604800 {
return ErrInvalidArgument("Expires cannot be greater than 7 days.")
return nil
// make a copy of http.Header
func cloneHeader(h http.Header) http.Header {
h2 := make(http.Header, len(h))
for k, vv := range h {
vv2 := make([]string, len(vv))
copy(vv2, vv)
h2[k] = vv2
return h2
// Filter relevant response headers from
// the HEAD, GET http response. The function takes
// a list of headers which are filtered out and
// returned as a new http header.
func filterHeader(header http.Header, filterKeys []string) (filteredHeader http.Header) {
filteredHeader = cloneHeader(header)
for _, key := range filterKeys {
return filteredHeader
// regCred matches credential string in HTTP header
var regCred = regexp.MustCompile("Credential=([A-Z0-9]+)/")
// regCred matches signature string in HTTP header
var regSign = regexp.MustCompile("Signature=([[0-9a-f]+)")
// Redact out signature value from authorization string.
func redactSignature(origAuth string) string {
if !strings.HasPrefix(origAuth, signV4Algorithm) {
// Set a temporary redacted auth
return "AWS **REDACTED**:**REDACTED**"
/// Signature V4 authorization header.
// Strip out accessKeyID from:
// Credential=<access-key-id>/<date>/<aws-region>/<aws-service>/aws4_request
newAuth := regCred.ReplaceAllString(origAuth, "Credential=**REDACTED**/")
// Strip out 256-bit signature from: Signature=<256-bit signature>
return regSign.ReplaceAllString(newAuth, "Signature=**REDACTED**")
// Get default location returns the location based on the input
// URL `u`, if region override is provided then all location
// defaults to regionOverride.
// If no other cases match then the location is set to `us-east-1`
// as a last resort.
func getDefaultLocation(u url.URL, regionOverride string) (location string) {
if regionOverride != "" {
return regionOverride
if s3utils.IsAmazonChinaEndpoint(u) {
return "cn-north-1"
if s3utils.IsAmazonGovCloudEndpoint(u) {
return "us-gov-west-1"
// Default to location to 'us-east-1'.
return "us-east-1"
var supportedHeaders = []string{
// Add more supported headers here.
// cseHeaders is list of client side encryption headers
var cseHeaders = []string{
// isStorageClassHeader returns true if the header is a supported storage class header
func isStorageClassHeader(headerKey string) bool {
return strings.ToLower(amzStorageClass) == strings.ToLower(headerKey)
// isStandardHeader returns true if header is a supported header and not a custom header
func isStandardHeader(headerKey string) bool {
key := strings.ToLower(headerKey)
for _, header := range supportedHeaders {
if strings.ToLower(header) == key {
return true
return false
// isCSEHeader returns true if header is a client side encryption header.
func isCSEHeader(headerKey string) bool {
key := strings.ToLower(headerKey)
for _, h := range cseHeaders {
header := strings.ToLower(h)
if (header == key) ||
(("x-amz-meta-" + header) == key) {
return true
return false
// sseHeaders is list of server side encryption headers
var sseHeaders = []string{
// isSSEHeader returns true if header is a server side encryption header.
func isSSEHeader(headerKey string) bool {
key := strings.ToLower(headerKey)
for _, h := range sseHeaders {
if strings.ToLower(h) == key {
return true
return false
// isAmzHeader returns true if header is a x-amz-meta-* or x-amz-acl header.
func isAmzHeader(headerKey string) bool {
key := strings.ToLower(headerKey)
return strings.HasPrefix(key, "x-amz-meta-") || key == "x-amz-acl"