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package mark
import (
// A Node is an element in the parse tree.
type Node interface {
Type() NodeType
Render() string
// NodeType identifies the type of a parse tree node.
type NodeType int
// Type returns itself and provides an easy default implementation
// for embedding in a Node. Embedded in all non-trivial Nodes.
func (t NodeType) Type() NodeType {
return t
// Render function, used for overriding default rendering.
type RenderFn func(Node) string
const (
NodeText NodeType = iota // A plain text
NodeParagraph // A Paragraph
NodeEmphasis // An emphasis(strong, em, ...)
NodeHeading // A heading (h1, h2, ...)
NodeBr // A link break
NodeHr // A horizontal rule
NodeImage // An image
NodeRefImage // A image reference
NodeList // A list of ListItems
NodeListItem // A list item node
NodeLink // A link(href)
NodeRefLink // A link reference
NodeDefLink // A link definition
NodeTable // A table of NodeRows
NodeRow // A row of NodeCells
NodeCell // A table-cell(td)
NodeCode // A code block(wrapped with pre)
NodeBlockQuote // A blockquote
NodeHTML // An inline HTML
NodeCheckbox // A checkbox
// ParagraphNode hold simple paragraph node contains text
// that may be emphasis.
type ParagraphNode struct {
Nodes []Node
// Render returns the html representation of ParagraphNode
func (n *ParagraphNode) Render() (s string) {
for _, node := range n.Nodes {
s += node.Render()
return wrap("p", s)
func (p *parse) newParagraph(pos Pos) *ParagraphNode {
return &ParagraphNode{NodeType: NodeParagraph, Pos: pos}
// TextNode holds plain text.
type TextNode struct {
Text string
// Render returns the string representation of TexNode
func (n *TextNode) Render() string {
return n.Text
func (p *parse) newText(pos Pos, text string) *TextNode {
return &TextNode{NodeType: NodeText, Pos: pos, Text: p.text(text)}
// HTMLNode holds the raw html source.
type HTMLNode struct {
Src string
// Render returns the src of the HTMLNode
func (n *HTMLNode) Render() string {
return n.Src
func (p *parse) newHTML(pos Pos, src string) *HTMLNode {
return &HTMLNode{NodeType: NodeHTML, Pos: pos, Src: src}
// HrNode represents horizontal rule
type HrNode struct {
// Render returns the html representation of hr.
func (n *HrNode) Render() string {
return "<hr>"
func (p *parse) newHr(pos Pos) *HrNode {
return &HrNode{NodeType: NodeHr, Pos: pos}
// BrNode represents a link-break element.
type BrNode struct {
// Render returns the html representation of line-break.
func (n *BrNode) Render() string {
return "<br>"
func (p *parse) newBr(pos Pos) *BrNode {
return &BrNode{NodeType: NodeBr, Pos: pos}
// EmphasisNode holds plain-text wrapped with style.
// (strong, em, del, code)
type EmphasisNode struct {
Style itemType
Nodes []Node
// Tag return the tagName based on the Style field.
func (n *EmphasisNode) Tag() (s string) {
switch n.Style {
case itemStrong:
s = "strong"
case itemItalic:
s = "em"
case itemStrike:
s = "del"
case itemCode:
s = "code"
// Return the html representation of emphasis text.
func (n *EmphasisNode) Render() string {
var s string
for _, node := range n.Nodes {
s += node.Render()
return wrap(n.Tag(), s)
func (p *parse) newEmphasis(pos Pos, style itemType) *EmphasisNode {
return &EmphasisNode{NodeType: NodeEmphasis, Pos: pos, Style: style}
// HeadingNode holds heaing element with specific level(1-6).
type HeadingNode struct {
Level int
Text string
Nodes []Node
// Render returns the html representation based on heading level.
func (n *HeadingNode) Render() (s string) {
for _, node := range n.Nodes {
s += node.Render()
re := regexp.MustCompile(`[^\w]+`)
id := re.ReplaceAllString(n.Text, "-")
// ToLowerCase
id = strings.ToLower(id)
return fmt.Sprintf("<%[1]s id=\"%s\">%s</%[1]s>", "h"+strconv.Itoa(n.Level), id, s)
func (p *parse) newHeading(pos Pos, level int, text string) *HeadingNode {
return &HeadingNode{NodeType: NodeHeading, Pos: pos, Level: level, Text: p.text(text)}
// Code holds CodeBlock node with specific lang field.
type CodeNode struct {
Lang, Text string
// Return the html representation of codeBlock
func (n *CodeNode) Render() string {
var attr string
if n.Lang != "" {
attr = fmt.Sprintf(" class=\"lang-%s\"", n.Lang)
code := fmt.Sprintf("<%[1]s%s>%s</%[1]s>", "code", attr, n.Text)
return wrap("pre", code)
func (p *parse) newCode(pos Pos, lang, text string) *CodeNode {
// DRY: see `escape()` below
text = strings.NewReplacer("<", "<", ">", ">", "\"", """, "&", "&").Replace(text)
return &CodeNode{NodeType: NodeCode, Pos: pos, Lang: lang, Text: text}
// Link holds a tag with optional title
type LinkNode struct {
Title, Href string
Nodes []Node
// Return the html representation of link node
func (n *LinkNode) Render() (s string) {
for _, node := range n.Nodes {
s += node.Render()
attrs := fmt.Sprintf("href=\"%s\"", n.Href)
if n.Title != "" {
attrs += fmt.Sprintf(" title=\"%s\"", n.Title)
return fmt.Sprintf("<a %s>%s</a>", attrs, s)
func (p *parse) newLink(pos Pos, title, href string, nodes ...Node) *LinkNode {
return &LinkNode{NodeType: NodeLink, Pos: pos, Title: p.text(title), Href: p.text(href), Nodes: nodes}
// RefLink holds link with refrence to link definition
type RefNode struct {
tr *parse
Text, Ref, Raw string
Nodes []Node
// rendering based type
func (n *RefNode) Render() string {
var node Node
ref := strings.ToLower(n.Ref)
if l, ok := n.tr.links[ref]; ok {
if n.Type() == NodeRefLink {
node = n.tr.newLink(n.Pos, l.Title, l.Href, n.Nodes...)
} else {
node = n.tr.newImage(n.Pos, l.Title, l.Href, n.Text)
} else {
node = n.tr.newText(n.Pos, n.Raw)
return node.Render()
// newRefLink create new RefLink that suitable for link
func (p *parse) newRefLink(typ itemType, pos Pos, raw, ref string, text []Node) *RefNode {
return &RefNode{NodeType: NodeRefLink, Pos: pos, tr: p.root(), Raw: raw, Ref: ref, Nodes: text}
// newRefImage create new RefLink that suitable for image
func (p *parse) newRefImage(typ itemType, pos Pos, raw, ref, text string) *RefNode {
return &RefNode{NodeType: NodeRefImage, Pos: pos, tr: p.root(), Raw: raw, Ref: ref, Text: text}
// DefLinkNode refresent single reference to link-definition
type DefLinkNode struct {
Name, Href, Title string
// Deflink have no representation(Transparent node)
func (n *DefLinkNode) Render() string {
return ""
func (p *parse) newDefLink(pos Pos, name, href, title string) *DefLinkNode {
return &DefLinkNode{NodeType: NodeLink, Pos: pos, Name: name, Href: href, Title: title}
// ImageNode represents an image element with optional alt and title attributes.
type ImageNode struct {
Title, Src, Alt string
// Render returns the html representation on image node
func (n *ImageNode) Render() string {
attrs := fmt.Sprintf("src=\"%s\" alt=\"%s\"", n.Src, n.Alt)
if n.Title != "" {
attrs += fmt.Sprintf(" title=\"%s\"", n.Title)
return fmt.Sprintf("<img %s>", attrs)
func (p *parse) newImage(pos Pos, title, src, alt string) *ImageNode {
return &ImageNode{NodeType: NodeImage, Pos: pos, Title: p.text(title), Src: p.text(src), Alt: p.text(alt)}
// ListNode holds list items nodes in ordered or unordered states.
type ListNode struct {
Ordered bool
Items []*ListItemNode
func (n *ListNode) append(item *ListItemNode) {
n.Items = append(n.Items, item)
// Render returns the html representation of orderd(ol) or unordered(ul) list.
func (n *ListNode) Render() (s string) {
tag := "ul"
if n.Ordered {
tag = "ol"
for _, item := range n.Items {
s += "\n" + item.Render()
s += "\n"
return wrap(tag, s)
func (p *parse) newList(pos Pos, ordered bool) *ListNode {
return &ListNode{NodeType: NodeList, Pos: pos, Ordered: ordered}
// ListItem represents single item in ListNode that may contains nested nodes.
type ListItemNode struct {
Nodes []Node
func (l *ListItemNode) append(n Node) {
l.Nodes = append(l.Nodes, n)
// Render returns the html representation of list-item
func (l *ListItemNode) Render() (s string) {
for _, node := range l.Nodes {
s += node.Render()
return wrap("li", s)
func (p *parse) newListItem(pos Pos) *ListItemNode {
return &ListItemNode{NodeType: NodeListItem, Pos: pos}
// TableNode represents table element contains head and body
type TableNode struct {
Rows []*RowNode
func (n *TableNode) append(row *RowNode) {
n.Rows = append(n.Rows, row)
// Render returns the html representation of a table
func (n *TableNode) Render() string {
var s string
for i, row := range n.Rows {
s += "\n"
switch i {
case 0:
s += wrap("thead", "\n"+row.Render()+"\n")
case 1:
s += "<tbody>\n"
s += row.Render()
s += "\n</tbody>\n"
return wrap("table", s)
func (p *parse) newTable(pos Pos) *TableNode {
return &TableNode{NodeType: NodeTable, Pos: pos}
// RowNode represnt tr that holds list of cell-nodes
type RowNode struct {
Cells []*CellNode
func (r *RowNode) append(cell *CellNode) {
r.Cells = append(r.Cells, cell)
// Render returns the html representation of table-row
func (r *RowNode) Render() string {
var s string
for _, cell := range r.Cells {
s += "\n" + cell.Render()
s += "\n"
return wrap("tr", s)
func (p *parse) newRow(pos Pos) *RowNode {
return &RowNode{NodeType: NodeRow, Pos: pos}
// AlignType identifies the aligment-type of specfic cell.
type AlignType int
// Align returns itself and provides an easy default implementation
// for embedding in a Node.
func (t AlignType) Align() AlignType {
return t
// Alignment
const (
None AlignType = iota
// Cell types
const (
Header = iota
// CellNode represents table-data/cell that holds simple text(may be emphasis)
// Note: the text in <th> elements are bold and centered by default.
type CellNode struct {
Kind int
Nodes []Node
// Render returns the html reprenestation of table-cell
func (c *CellNode) Render() string {
var s string
tag := "td"
if c.Kind == Header {
tag = "th"
for _, node := range c.Nodes {
s += node.Render()
return fmt.Sprintf("<%[1]s%s>%s</%[1]s>", tag, c.Style(), s)
// Style return the cell-style based on alignment field
func (c *CellNode) Style() string {
s := " style=\"text-align:"
switch c.Align() {
case Right:
s += "right\""
case Left:
s += "left\""
case Center:
s += "center\""
s = ""
return s
func (p *parse) newCell(pos Pos, kind int, align AlignType) *CellNode {
return &CellNode{NodeType: NodeCell, Pos: pos, Kind: kind, AlignType: align}
// BlockQuote represents block-quote tag.
type BlockQuoteNode struct {
Nodes []Node
// Render returns the html representation of BlockQuote
func (n *BlockQuoteNode) Render() string {
var s string
for _, node := range n.Nodes {
s += node.Render()
return wrap("blockquote", s)
func (p *parse) newBlockQuote(pos Pos) *BlockQuoteNode {
return &BlockQuoteNode{NodeType: NodeBlockQuote, Pos: pos}
// CheckboxNode represents checked and unchecked checkbox tag.
// Used in task lists.
type CheckboxNode struct {
Checked bool
// Render returns the html representation of checked and unchecked CheckBox.
func (n *CheckboxNode) Render() string {
s := "<input type=\"checkbox\""
if n.Checked {
s += " checked"
return s + ">"
func (p *parse) newCheckbox(pos Pos, checked bool) *CheckboxNode {
return &CheckboxNode{NodeType: NodeCheckbox, Pos: pos, Checked: checked}
// Wrap text with specific tag.
func wrap(tag, body string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("<%[1]s>%s</%[1]s>", tag, body)
// Group all text configuration in one place(escaping, smartypants, etc..)
func (p *parse) text(input string) string {
opts := p.root().options
if opts.Smartypants {
input = smartypants(input)
if opts.Fractions {
input = smartyfractions(input)
return escape(input)
// Helper escaper
func escape(str string) (cpy string) {
emp := regexp.MustCompile(`&\w+;`)
for i := 0; i < len(str); i++ {
switch s := str[i]; s {
case '>':
cpy += ">"
case '"':
cpy += """
case '\'':
cpy += "'"
case '<':
if res := reHTML.tag.FindString(str[i:]); res != "" {
cpy += res
i += len(res) - 1
} else {
cpy += "<"
case '&':
if res := emp.FindString(str[i:]); res != "" {
cpy += res
i += len(res) - 1
} else {
cpy += "&"
cpy += str[i : i+1]
// Smartypants transformation helper, translate from marked.js
func smartypants(text string) string {
// em-dashes, en-dashes, ellipses
re := strings.NewReplacer("---", "\u2014", "--", "\u2013", "...", "\u2026")
text = re.Replace(text)
// opening singles
text = regexp.MustCompile("(^|[-\u2014/(\\[{\"\\s])'").ReplaceAllString(text, "$1\u2018")
// closing singles & apostrophes
text = strings.Replace(text, "'", "\u2019", -1)
// opening doubles
text = regexp.MustCompile("(^|[-\u2014/(\\[{\u2018\\s])\"").ReplaceAllString(text, "$1\u201c")
// closing doubles
text = strings.Replace(text, "\"", "\u201d", -1)
return text
// Smartyfractions transformation helper.
func smartyfractions(text string) string {
re := regexp.MustCompile(`(\d+)(/\d+)(/\d+|)`)
return re.ReplaceAllStringFunc(text, func(str string) string {
var match []string
// If it's date like
if match = re.FindStringSubmatch(str); match[3] != "" {
return str
switch n := match[1] + match[2]; n {
case "1/2", "1/3", "2/3", "1/4", "3/4", "1/5", "2/5", "3/5", "4/5",
"1/6", "5/6", "1/7", "1/8", "3/8", "5/8", "7/8":
return fmt.Sprintf("&frac%s;", strings.Replace(n, "/", "", 1))
return fmt.Sprintf("<sup>%s</sup>⁄<sub>%s</sub>",
match[1], strings.Replace(match[2], "/", "", 1))