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synced 2025-02-02 03:48:26 +00:00
gui, man, authors: Update docs, translations, and contributors
This commit is contained in:
@ -106,6 +106,7 @@
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Въведете адреси разделени със запетая (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") или \"dynamic\", за автоматично откриване на наличните адреси.",
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Въведете адреси разделени със запетая (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") или \"dynamic\", за автоматично откриване на наличните адреси.",
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Добавете шаблони за игнориране, по един на ред.",
"Enter up to three octal digits.": "Enter up to three octal digits.",
"Error": "Грешка",
"External File Versioning": "Външно управление на версиите",
"Failed Items": "Неуспешни",
@ -348,6 +349,7 @@
"Time the item was last modified": "Часът на последна промяна на елемента",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Само на файловете в кошчето",
"Type": "Тип",
"UNIX Permissions": "UNIX Permissions",
"Unavailable": "Не е на разположение",
"Unavailable/Disabled by administrator or maintainer": "Не е на разположение/Деактивриан от администраторът или поддръжника",
"Undecided (will prompt)": "Неизбрано (ще попита)",
@ -106,6 +106,7 @@
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Introdueix adreces separades per coma (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") o \"dynamic\" per a realitzar el descobriment automàtic de l'adreça.",
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Introduïr adreces separades per coma (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") o dinàmiques per al descobriment automàtic de l'adreça.",
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Introduïr patrons a ignorar, un per línia.",
"Enter up to three octal digits.": "Enter up to three octal digits.",
"Error": "Error",
"External File Versioning": "Versionat extern de fitxers",
"Failed Items": "Objectes fallits",
@ -348,6 +349,7 @@
"Time the item was last modified": "Hora a la que l'ítem fou modificat per última vegada",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Versionat d'arxius de la paperera",
"Type": "Tipus",
"UNIX Permissions": "UNIX Permissions",
"Unavailable": "No disponible",
"Unavailable/Disabled by administrator or maintainer": "No disponible/Desactivar per l'administrador o mantenedor",
"Undecided (will prompt)": "No decidit (es preguntarà)",
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
"Are you sure you want to remove device {%name%}?": "Opravdu chcete odebrat zařízení {{name}}?",
"Are you sure you want to remove folder {%label%}?": "Opravdu chcete odebrat složku {{label}}?",
"Are you sure you want to restore {%count%} files?": "Opravdu chcete obnovit {{count}} souborů?",
"Are you sure you want to upgrade?": "Are you sure you want to upgrade?",
"Are you sure you want to upgrade?": "Skutečně chcete provést aktualizaci?",
"Auto Accept": "Přijmout automaticky",
"Automatic Crash Reporting": "Automatické hlášení pádů",
"Automatic upgrade now offers the choice between stable releases and release candidates.": "Automatická aktualizace nyní nabízí volbu mezi stabilními vydáními a kandidáty na ně.",
@ -60,13 +60,13 @@
"Copyright © 2014-2017 the following Contributors:": "Copyright © 2014-2017 následující přispěvatelé:",
"Copyright © 2014-2019 the following Contributors:": "Copyright © 2014-2019 následující přispěvatelé:",
"Creating ignore patterns, overwriting an existing file at {%path%}.": "Vytvářejí se vzory ignorovaného a přepisuje se jimi existující soubor v {{path}}.",
"Currently Shared With Devices": "Currently Shared With Devices",
"Currently Shared With Devices": "Aktuálně sdíleno se zařízeními",
"Danger!": "Nebezpečí!",
"Debugging Facilities": "Nástroje pro ladění",
"Default Folder Path": "Popis umístění výchozí složky",
"Deleted": "Smazáno",
"Deselect All": "Zrušit výběr všeho",
"Deselect devices to stop sharing this folder with.": "Deselect devices to stop sharing this folder with.",
"Deselect devices to stop sharing this folder with.": "Zrušte výběr zařízení, se kterými již nemá být tato složka sdílena.",
"Device": "Zařízení",
"Device \"{%name%}\" ({%device%} at {%address%}) wants to connect. Add new device?": "Zařízení „{{name}}“ ({{device}} na {{address}}) se chce připojit. Přidat nové zařízení?",
"Device ID": "Identifikátor zařízení",
@ -106,6 +106,7 @@
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Zadejte adresy oddělené čárkou („tcp://ip:port“, „tcp://host:port“) nebo „dynamic“ pro automatické zjišťování adres.",
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Zadejte adresy oddělené čárkami („tcp://ip:port“, „tcp://host:port“) nebo „dynamic“ pro automatické zjištění adresy.",
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Zadejte vzory toho, co ignorovat – každý na zvlášť řádek.",
"Enter up to three octal digits.": "Zadejte nanejvýš tři osmičkové číslice.",
"Error": "Chyba",
"External File Versioning": "Externí správa verzí souborů",
"Failed Items": "Nezdařené položky",
@ -171,7 +172,7 @@
"Listeners": "Naslouchající",
"Loading data...": "Načítání dat…",
"Loading...": "Načítání…",
"Local Additions": "Local Additions",
"Local Additions": "Místní příbytky",
"Local Discovery": "Místní oznamování",
"Local State": "Místní status",
"Local State (Total)": "Místní status (Celkem)",
@ -228,7 +229,7 @@
"Please wait": "Chvíli strpení",
"Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal": "Tato předpona značí, že pokud soubor brání odebrání složky, je možné ho smazat",
"Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity": "Tato předpona značí, že při porovnávání se vzorem nemají být rozlišována malá/velká písmena",
"Preparing to Sync": "Preparing to Sync",
"Preparing to Sync": "Probíhá příprava k synchronizaci",
"Preview": "Náhled",
"Preview Usage Report": "Náhled hlášení o využívání",
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Rychlá nápověda k podporovaným vzorům",
@ -265,7 +266,7 @@
"See external versioning help for supported templated command line parameters.": "Podporované šablonové parametry příkazové řádky jsou dostupné v nápovědě k externí správě verzí.",
"Select All": "Vybrat vše",
"Select a version": "Vyberte verzi",
"Select additional devices to share this folder with.": "Select additional devices to share this folder with.",
"Select additional devices to share this folder with.": "Vyberte další zařízení pro sdílení s touto složkou.",
"Select latest version": "Vybrat nejnovější verzi",
"Select oldest version": "Vybrat nejstarší verzi",
"Select the devices to share this folder with.": "Vybrat zařízení, se kterými sdílet tuto složku.",
@ -338,7 +339,7 @@
"The path cannot be blank.": "Popis umístění nemůže zůstat nevyplněný.",
"The rate limit must be a non-negative number (0: no limit)": "Je třeba, aby limit rychlosti bylo kladné číslo (0: bez limitu)",
"The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.": "Je třeba, aby interval opakování skenování bylo kladné číslo.",
"There are no devices to share this folder with.": "There are no devices to share this folder with.",
"There are no devices to share this folder with.": "Nejsou žádná zařízení, se kterými lze sdílet tuto složku.",
"They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.": "Nové pokusy o synchronizaci budou probíhat automaticky a položky budou synchronizovány jakmile bude chyba odstraněna.",
"This Device": "Toto zařízení",
"This can easily give hackers access to read and change any files on your computer.": "Toto může útočníkům jednoduše umožnit čtení a úpravy souborů na vašem počítači. ",
@ -348,13 +349,14 @@
"Time the item was last modified": "Čas poslední modifikace položky",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Ponechávat jednu předchozí verzi (jako Koš) ",
"Type": "Typ",
"UNIX Permissions": "UNIX oprávnění",
"Unavailable": "Nedostupné",
"Unavailable/Disabled by administrator or maintainer": "Není k dispozici / vypnuto správcem systému či balíčku",
"Undecided (will prompt)": "Nerozhodnuto (zeptá se)",
"Unignore": "Přestat ignorovat",
"Unknown": "Neznámý",
"Unshared": "Nesdílený",
"Unshared Devices": "Unshared Devices",
"Unshared Devices": "Nesdílená zařízení",
"Unused": "Nepoužitý",
"Up to Date": "Aktuální",
"Updated": "Aktualizováno",
@ -372,8 +374,8 @@
"Versions": "Verze",
"Versions Path": "Popis umístění verzí",
"Versions are automatically deleted if they are older than the maximum age or exceed the number of files allowed in an interval.": "Verze jsou automaticky smazány, pokud jsou starší než maximální časový limit nebo překročí počet souborů povolených pro interval.",
"Waiting to Scan": "Waiting to Scan",
"Waiting to Sync": "Waiting to Sync",
"Waiting to Scan": "Čekání na skenování",
"Waiting to Sync": "Čekání na synchronizaci",
"Waiting to scan": "Čekání na skenování",
"Warning, this path is a parent directory of an existing folder \"{%otherFolder%}\".": "Varování, tento popis umístění je nadřazenou složkou existující „{{otherFolder}}“.",
"Warning, this path is a parent directory of an existing folder \"{%otherFolderLabel%}\" ({%otherFolder%}).": "Varování, tento popis umístění je nadřazenou složkou existující „{{otherFolderLabel}}“ ({{otherFolder}}).",
@ -106,6 +106,7 @@
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Angiv kommaseparerede adresser (“tcp://ip:port”, “tcp://host:port”) eller “dynamic” for at benytte automatisk opdagelse af adressen.",
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Angiv en kommaadskilt adresseliste (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") eller \"dynamic\" for automatisk at opdage adressen.",
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Indtast ignoreringsmønstre, ét per linje.",
"Enter up to three octal digits.": "Enter up to three octal digits.",
"Error": "Fejl",
"External File Versioning": "Ekstern filversionering",
"Failed Items": "Mislykkede filer",
@ -348,6 +349,7 @@
"Time the item was last modified": "Tidspunkt for seneste ændring af filen",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Versionering med papirkurv",
"Type": "Type",
"UNIX Permissions": "UNIX Permissions",
"Unavailable": "Ikke tilgængelig",
"Unavailable/Disabled by administrator or maintainer": "Ikke tilgængelig / deaktiveret af administrator eller vedligeholder",
"Undecided (will prompt)": "Ubestemt (du bliver spurgt)",
@ -106,6 +106,7 @@
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Kommagetrennte Adressen (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") oder \"dynamic\" eingeben, um die Adresse automatisch zu ermitteln.",
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Kommagetrennte Adressen (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") oder \"dynamic\" eingeben, um die Adresse automatisch zu ermitteln.",
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Geben Sie Ignoriermuster ein, eines pro Zeile.",
"Enter up to three octal digits.": "Enter up to three octal digits.",
"Error": "Fehler",
"External File Versioning": "Externe Dateiversionierung",
"Failed Items": "Fehlgeschlagene Elemente",
@ -348,6 +349,7 @@
"Time the item was last modified": "Zeit der letzten Änderung des Elements",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Papierkorb Dateiversionierung",
"Type": "Typ",
"UNIX Permissions": "UNIX-Berechtigungen",
"Unavailable": " Nicht verfügbar",
"Unavailable/Disabled by administrator or maintainer": "Nicht verfügbar/durch Administrator oder Betreuer deaktiviert",
"Undecided (will prompt)": "Unentschlossen (wird nachgefragt)",
@ -106,6 +106,7 @@
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Εισάγετε τις διευθύνσεις χωρισμένες με κόμμα (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") ή γράψτε \"dynamic\" για την αυτόματη ανεύρεση τους.",
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.",
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Δώσε τα πρότυπα που θα αγνοηθούν, ένα σε κάθε γραμμή.",
"Enter up to three octal digits.": "Enter up to three octal digits.",
"Error": "Σφάλμα",
"External File Versioning": "Εξωτερική τήρηση εκδόσεων",
"Failed Items": "Αρχεία που απέτυχαν",
@ -348,6 +349,7 @@
"Time the item was last modified": "Ώρα τελευταίας τροποποίησης του στοιχείου",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Τήρηση εκδόσεων κάδου ανακύκλωσης",
"Type": "Τύπος",
"UNIX Permissions": "UNIX Permissions",
"Unavailable": "Μη διαθέσιμο",
"Unavailable/Disabled by administrator or maintainer": "Μη διαθέσιμο/απενεργοποιημένο από τον διαχειριστή ή υπεύθυνο διανομής",
"Undecided (will prompt)": "Μη καθορισμένη (θα γίνει ερώτηση)",
@ -106,6 +106,7 @@
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.",
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.",
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Enter ignore patterns, one per line.",
"Enter up to three octal digits.": "Enter up to three octal digits.",
"Error": "Error",
"External File Versioning": "External File Versioning",
"Failed Items": "Failed Items",
@ -348,6 +349,7 @@
"Time the item was last modified": "Time the item was last modified",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Rubbish Bin File Versioning",
"Type": "Type",
"UNIX Permissions": "UNIX Permissions",
"Unavailable": "Unavailable",
"Unavailable/Disabled by administrator or maintainer": "Unavailable/Disabled by administrator or maintainer",
"Undecided (will prompt)": "Undecided (will prompt)",
@ -106,6 +106,7 @@
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Enigu adresojn dividitajn per komoj (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") aŭ \"dynamic\" por elfari aŭtomatan malkovradon de la adreso.",
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Enigu adresojn dividitajn per komoj (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") aŭ \"dynamic\" por elfari aŭtomatan malkovradon de la adreso.",
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Enigu ignorantajn ŝablonojn, unu po linio.",
"Enter up to three octal digits.": "Enter up to three octal digits.",
"Error": "Eraro",
"External File Versioning": "Ekstera Versionado de Dosiero",
"Failed Items": "Malsukcesaj Eroj",
@ -348,6 +349,7 @@
"Time the item was last modified": "Tempo de lasta modifo de la ero",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Rubuja Dosiera Versionado",
"Type": "Tipo",
"UNIX Permissions": "UNIX Permissions",
"Unavailable": "Ne disponebla",
"Unavailable/Disabled by administrator or maintainer": "Ne disponebla/Malebligita de administranto aŭ subtenanto",
"Undecided (will prompt)": "Hezitema (demandos)",
@ -106,6 +106,7 @@
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Introduzca las direcciones, separadas por comas (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\"), o \"dynamic\" para llevar a cabo el descubrimiento automático de la dirección.",
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Introducir direcciones separadas por coma (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") o dinámicas para realizar el descubrimiento automático de la dirección.",
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Introducir patrones a ignorar, uno por línea.",
"Enter up to three octal digits.": "Enter up to three octal digits.",
"Error": "Error",
"External File Versioning": "Versionado externo de fichero",
"Failed Items": "Elementos fallidos",
@ -348,6 +349,7 @@
"Time the item was last modified": "Tiempo en el que se modificó el ítem por última vez",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Versionado de archivos de la papelera",
"Type": "Tipo",
"UNIX Permissions": "UNIX Permissions",
"Unavailable": "No disponible",
"Unavailable/Disabled by administrator or maintainer": "No disponible/Desactivado por el administrador o el mantenedor",
"Undecided (will prompt)": "Aún no decidido (se preguntará al usuario)",
@ -106,6 +106,7 @@
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Introduzca las direcciones, separadas por comas (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\"), o \"dynamic\" para llevar a cabo el descubrimiento automático de la dirección.",
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.",
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Introducir patrones a ignorar, uno por línea.",
"Enter up to three octal digits.": "Enter up to three octal digits.",
"Error": "Error",
"External File Versioning": "Versionado externo de fichero",
"Failed Items": "Elementos fallidos",
@ -348,6 +349,7 @@
"Time the item was last modified": "Hora en que el ítem fue modificado por última vez",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Versionado de archivos de la papelera",
"Type": "Tipo",
"UNIX Permissions": "UNIX Permissions",
"Unavailable": "No disponible",
"Unavailable/Disabled by administrator or maintainer": "No disponible/Deshabilitado por el administrador o mantenedor",
"Undecided (will prompt)": "No decidido (se preguntará)",
@ -106,6 +106,7 @@
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Syötä osoitteet pilkuilla erotettuina (\"tcp://ip:portti, tcp://nimi:portti\") tai \"dynamic\" käyttääksesi osoitteen automaattista selvitystä.",
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.",
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Syötä ohituslausekkeet, yksi riviä kohden.",
"Enter up to three octal digits.": "Enter up to three octal digits.",
"Error": "Virhe",
"External File Versioning": "Ulkoinen tiedostoversionti",
"Failed Items": "Epäonnistuneet kohteet",
@ -348,6 +349,7 @@
"Time the item was last modified": "Aika jolloin kohdetta viimeksi muokattiin",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Roskakorin tiedostoversiointi",
"Type": "Tyyppi",
"UNIX Permissions": "UNIX Permissions",
"Unavailable": "Ei saatavilla",
"Unavailable/Disabled by administrator or maintainer": "Ei saatavilla / ylläpitäjän estämä.",
"Undecided (will prompt)": "Ei päätetty (kysytään myöhemmin)",
@ -106,6 +106,7 @@
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Entrer les adresses (\"tcp://ip:port\" ou \"tcp://hôte:port\") séparées par une virgule, ou \"dynamic\" afin d'activer la recherche automatique de l'adresse.",
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Entrer les adresses (\"tcp://ip:port\" ou \"tcp://hôte:port\") séparées par une virgule, ou \"dynamic\" afin d'activer la recherche automatique de l'adresse.",
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Entrez les masques d'exclusion, un par ligne.",
"Enter up to three octal digits.": "Entrez jusqu'à 3 chiffres octaux",
"Error": "Erreur",
"External File Versioning": "Gestion externe des versions de fichiers",
"Failed Items": "Éléments en échec",
@ -348,6 +349,7 @@
"Time the item was last modified": "Dernière modification de l'élément",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Style poubelle",
"Type": "Type",
"UNIX Permissions": "Permissions UNIX",
"Unavailable": "Indisponible",
"Unavailable/Disabled by administrator or maintainer": "Indisponible/Désactivé par l'administrateur ou le mainteneur",
"Undecided (will prompt)": "Non défini (Choisir plus tard)",
@ -106,6 +106,7 @@
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Fier troch komma's skieden (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") adressen yn of \"dynamic\" om automatyske ûntdekking fan it adres út te fieren.",
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Fier troch komma's skieden (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") adressen yn of \"dynamic\" om automatyske ûntdekking fan it adres út te fieren.",
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Fier negearpatroanen yn, ien per rigel.",
"Enter up to three octal digits.": "Enter up to three octal digits.",
"Error": "Flater",
"External File Versioning": "Ekstern ferzjebehear foar triemen",
"Failed Items": "Mislearre items",
@ -348,6 +349,7 @@
"Time the item was last modified": "Tiidstip dat it ûnderdiel foar it lest oanpast waard.",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Jiskefet-triemferzjebehear",
"Type": "Type",
"UNIX Permissions": "UNIX Permissions",
"Unavailable": "Net beskikber",
"Unavailable/Disabled by administrator or maintainer": "Net beskikber/Utsetten troch administrator of ûnderhâlder",
"Undecided (will prompt)": "Noch net beslist (wurd noch frege)",
@ -106,6 +106,7 @@
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Vesszővel elválasztva több cím is megadható (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\"), az automatikus felfedezéshez a 'dynamic' kulcsszó használatos. ",
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Vesszővel elválasztva több cím is megadható („tcp://ip:port”, „tcp://kiszolgáló:port”), az automatikus felfedezéshez a „dynamic” kulcsszó használatos. ",
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "A mellőzési mintákból soronként egyet kell megadni.",
"Enter up to three octal digits.": "Adjon meg legfeljebb három oktális számjegyet.",
"Error": "Hiba",
"External File Versioning": "Külső fájlverzió-követés",
"Failed Items": "Hibás elemek",
@ -348,6 +349,7 @@
"Time the item was last modified": "Az idő, amikor utoljára módosítva lett az elem",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Szemetes fájlverzió-követés",
"Type": "Típus",
"UNIX Permissions": "UNIX jogosultságok",
"Unavailable": "Nem elérhető",
"Unavailable/Disabled by administrator or maintainer": "Nem elérhető/letiltva egy adminisztrátor vagy karbantartó által",
"Undecided (will prompt)": "Bizonytalan (kérdezni fogja)",
@ -106,6 +106,7 @@
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Inserisci indirizzi separati da virgola (\"tcp://ip:porta\", \"tcp://host:porta\") oppure \"dynamic\" per effettuare il rilevamento automatico dell'indirizzo.",
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Inserire gli indirizzi separati da virgola (\"tcp://ip:porta\", \"tcp://host:porta\") o \"dynamic\" per eseguire il rilevamento automatico dell'indirizzo.",
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Inserisci gli schemi di esclusione, uno per riga.",
"Enter up to three octal digits.": "Enter up to three octal digits.",
"Error": "Errore",
"External File Versioning": "Controllo Versione Esterno",
"Failed Items": "Elementi Errati",
@ -348,6 +349,7 @@
"Time the item was last modified": "Ora dell'ultima modifica degli elementi",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Controllo Versione con Cestino",
"Type": "Tipo",
"UNIX Permissions": "UNIX Permissions",
"Unavailable": "Non disponibile",
"Unavailable/Disabled by administrator or maintainer": "Non disponibile/Disabilitato dall'amministratore o dal manutentore",
"Undecided (will prompt)": "Non deciso (verrà richiesto)",
@ -106,6 +106,7 @@
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "アドレスを指定する場合は「tcp://IPアドレス:ポート, tcp://ホスト名:ポート」のようにコンマで区切って入力してください。自動探索を行う場合は「dynamic」と入力してください。",
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.",
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "無視するファイル名のパターンを、一行につき一条件で入力してください。",
"Enter up to three octal digits.": "Enter up to three octal digits.",
"Error": "エラー",
"External File Versioning": "外部バージョン管理",
"Failed Items": "失敗した項目",
@ -348,6 +349,7 @@
"Time the item was last modified": "Time the item was last modified",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "ゴミ箱によるバージョン管理",
"Type": "タイプ",
"UNIX Permissions": "UNIX Permissions",
"Unavailable": "Unavailable",
"Unavailable/Disabled by administrator or maintainer": "Unavailable/Disabled by administrator or maintainer",
"Undecided (will prompt)": "未決定(再確認する)",
@ -106,6 +106,7 @@
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "주소 자동 검색을 하기 위해서는 \"ip:port\" 형식의 주소들을 쉼표로 구분해서 입력하거나 \"dynamic\"을 입력하세요.",
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.",
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "무시할 패턴을 한 줄에 하나씩 입력하세요.",
"Enter up to three octal digits.": "Enter up to three octal digits.",
"Error": "오류",
"External File Versioning": "외부 파일 버전 관리",
"Failed Items": "실패한 항목",
@ -348,6 +349,7 @@
"Time the item was last modified": "항목이 마지막으로 수정 된 시간",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "휴지통을 통한 파일 버전 관리",
"Type": "종류",
"UNIX Permissions": "UNIX Permissions",
"Unavailable": "불가능",
"Unavailable/Disabled by administrator or maintainer": "운영자 또는 관리자에 의해 불가능/비활성화 됨",
"Undecided (will prompt)": "Undecided (will prompt)",
@ -106,6 +106,7 @@
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Įveskite kableliais atskirtus (\"tcp://ip:prievadas\", \"tcp://serveris:prievadas\") adresus arba \"dynamic\", kad atliktumėte automatinį adresų aptikimą.",
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Įveskite kableliais atskirtus (\"tcp://ip:prievadas\", \"tcp://serveris:prievadas\") adresus arba \"dynamic\", kad atliktumėte automatinį adresų atlikimą.",
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Suveskite nepaisomus šablonus, kiekvieną naujoje eilutėje.",
"Enter up to three octal digits.": "Įveskite iki trijų aštuntainių skaitmenų.",
"Error": "Klaida",
"External File Versioning": "Išorinis versijų valdymas",
"Failed Items": "Nepavykę siuntimai",
@ -348,6 +349,7 @@
"Time the item was last modified": "Laikas, kai elementas buvo paskutinį kartą modifikuotas",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Šiukšliadėžės versijų valdymas",
"Type": "Tipas",
"UNIX Permissions": "UNIX leidimai",
"Unavailable": "Neprieinama",
"Unavailable/Disabled by administrator or maintainer": "Neprieinama/Išjungta administratoriaus ar prižiūrėtojo",
"Undecided (will prompt)": "Nenuspręsta (bus klausiama)",
@ -106,6 +106,7 @@
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Skriv inn kommaseparerte (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") adresser, eller ordet \"dynamic\" for å gjøre automatisk oppslag i adressen.",
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.",
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Skriv inn mønster som skal utelates, ett per linje.",
"Enter up to three octal digits.": "Enter up to three octal digits.",
"Error": "Feilmelding",
"External File Versioning": "Ekstern versjonskontroll",
"Failed Items": "Elementsynkronisering som har mislyktes",
@ -348,6 +349,7 @@
"Time the item was last modified": "Tidspunktet elementet sist ble endret",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Papirkurv versjonskontroll",
"Type": "Type",
"UNIX Permissions": "UNIX Permissions",
"Unavailable": "Utilgjengelig",
"Unavailable/Disabled by administrator or maintainer": "Utilgjengelig/avskrudd av administrator eller vedlikeholder",
"Undecided (will prompt)": "Ikke bestemt (vil spørre)",
@ -106,6 +106,7 @@
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Voer door komma's gescheiden (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") adressen in of \"dynamic\" om automatische ontdekking van het adres uit te voeren.",
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Voer door komma's gescheiden (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") adressen in of \"dynamic\" om automatische ontdekking van het adres uit te voeren.",
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Negeerpatronen invoeren, één per regel.",
"Enter up to three octal digits.": "Voer tot drie octale cijfers in.",
"Error": "Fout",
"External File Versioning": "Extern versiebeheer",
"Failed Items": "Mislukte items",
@ -348,6 +349,7 @@
"Time the item was last modified": "Tijdstip waarop het item laatst gewijzigd is",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Versiebeheer prullenbak",
"Type": "Type",
"UNIX Permissions": "UNIX-machtigingen",
"Unavailable": "Niet beschikbaar",
"Unavailable/Disabled by administrator or maintainer": "Niet beschikbaar of uitgeschakeld door administrator of beheerder",
"Undecided (will prompt)": "Onbeslist (zal bevestiging vragen)",
@ -106,6 +106,7 @@
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Wpisz oddzielone przecinkiem adresy (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") lub \"dynamic\" by przeprowadzić automatyczne odnalezienie adresu.",
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Wprowadź adresy oddzielone przecinkiem (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") lub \"dynamic\" celem automatycznego odkrycia adresu.",
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Wprowadź wzorce ignorowania, jeden w każdej linii.",
"Enter up to three octal digits.": "Enter up to three octal digits.",
"Error": "Błąd",
"External File Versioning": "Zewnętrzne wersjonowanie pliku",
"Failed Items": "Niepowodzenia",
@ -348,6 +349,7 @@
"Time the item was last modified": "Czas ostatniej modyfikacji elementu",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Kontrola werjsi plików w koszu",
"Type": "Typ",
"UNIX Permissions": "UNIX Permissions",
"Unavailable": "Niedostępne",
"Unavailable/Disabled by administrator or maintainer": "Niedostępne/Wyłączone przez administratora lub opiekuna",
"Undecided (will prompt)": "Jeszcze nie zdecydowałem (przypomnij później)",
@ -106,6 +106,7 @@
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Insira endereços (\"tcp://ip:porta\", \"tcp://host:porta\") separados por vírgula ou \"dynamic\" para executar a descoberta automática do endereço.",
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.",
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Insira os filtros, um por linha.",
"Enter up to three octal digits.": "Enter up to three octal digits.",
"Error": "Erro",
"External File Versioning": "Externo",
"Failed Items": "Itens com falha",
@ -348,6 +349,7 @@
"Time the item was last modified": "Momento em que o item foi modificado pela última vez",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Lixeira",
"Type": "Tipo",
"UNIX Permissions": "UNIX Permissions",
"Unavailable": "Não disponível",
"Unavailable/Disabled by administrator or maintainer": "Não disponível ou desabilitado pelo administrador ou mantenedor",
"Undecided (will prompt)": "Não tenho certeza (perguntar sempre)",
@ -106,6 +106,7 @@
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Introduza endereços separados por vírgulas (\"tcp://ip:porto\", \"tcp://máquina:porto\") ou \"dynamic\" para detectar automaticamente os endereços.",
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Introduza endereços separados por vírgulas (\"tcp://ip:porto\", \"tcp://máquina:porto\") ou \"dynamic\" para detectar automaticamente os endereços.",
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Escreva os padrões de exclusão, um por linha.",
"Enter up to three octal digits.": "Insira de um a três dígitos em octal.",
"Error": "Erro",
"External File Versioning": "Externa",
"Failed Items": "Itens que falharam",
@ -348,6 +349,7 @@
"Time the item was last modified": "Quando o item foi modificado pela última vez",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Reciclagem",
"Type": "Tipo",
"UNIX Permissions": "Permissões UNIX",
"Unavailable": "Indisponível",
"Unavailable/Disabled by administrator or maintainer": "Indisponíveis ou desactivadas pelo administrador ou responsável de manutenção",
"Undecided (will prompt)": "Não definido (será inquirido na altura)",
@ -106,6 +106,7 @@
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Введите через запятую («tcp://ip:port», «tcp://host:port») адреса, либо «dynamic», чтобы выполнить автоматическое обнаружение адреса.",
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Введите через запятую («tcp://ip:port», «tcp://host:port») адреса, либо «dynamic», чтобы выполнить автоматическое обнаружение адреса.",
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Введите шаблоны игнорирования, по одному на строку.",
"Enter up to three octal digits.": "Enter up to three octal digits.",
"Error": "Ошибка",
"External File Versioning": "Внешний контроль версий файлов",
"Failed Items": "Сбои",
@ -348,6 +349,7 @@
"Time the item was last modified": "Время последней модификации объекта",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Использовать версионность для файлов в Корзине",
"Type": "Тип",
"UNIX Permissions": "UNIX Permissions",
"Unavailable": "Недоступно",
"Unavailable/Disabled by administrator or maintainer": "Недоступно или отключено администратором",
"Undecided (will prompt)": "Не определено (запрашивать каждый раз)",
@ -106,6 +106,7 @@
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Zadaj čiarkou oddelené (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") adresy alebo \"dynamic\" na automatické zistenie adresy.",
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.",
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Zadaj ignorované vzory, jeden na riadok.",
"Enter up to three octal digits.": "Enter up to three octal digits.",
"Error": "Chyba",
"External File Versioning": "Externé spracovanie verzií súborov",
"Failed Items": "Zlyhané položky",
@ -348,6 +349,7 @@
"Time the item was last modified": "Čas poslednej zmeny položky",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Verzie súborov v koši",
"Type": "Typ",
"UNIX Permissions": "UNIX Permissions",
"Unavailable": "Nedostupné",
"Unavailable/Disabled by administrator or maintainer": "Nedostupné/Zakázané administrátorom alebo správcom",
"Undecided (will prompt)": "Undecided (will prompt)",
@ -106,6 +106,7 @@
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Ange kommaseparerade (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\")-adresser eller ordet \"dynamic\" för att använda automatisk uppslagning.",
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Ange kommaseparerade adresser (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") eller \"dynamic\" för att utföra automatisk upptäckt av adressen.",
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Ange mönster att ignorera, en per rad.",
"Enter up to three octal digits.": "Ange upp till tre oktala siffror.",
"Error": "Fel",
"External File Versioning": "Extern filversionshantering",
"Failed Items": "Misslyckade objekt",
@ -348,6 +349,7 @@
"Time the item was last modified": "Tidpunkten objektet var senast ändrad",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Papperskorgs filversionshantering",
"Type": "Typ",
"UNIX Permissions": "UNIX-behörigheter",
"Unavailable": "Inte tillgänglig",
"Unavailable/Disabled by administrator or maintainer": "Inte tillgänglig/inaktiverad av administratör eller underhållare",
"Undecided (will prompt)": "Obeslutad (kommer att skriva)",
@ -106,6 +106,7 @@
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Введіть розділені комою (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") адреси або \"dynamic\" для автоматичного визначення адреси.",
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.",
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Введіть шаблони ігнорування, по одному на рядок.",
"Enter up to three octal digits.": "Enter up to three octal digits.",
"Error": "Помилка",
"External File Versioning": "Зовнішне керування версіями",
"Failed Items": "Невдалі",
@ -348,6 +349,7 @@
"Time the item was last modified": "Час останньої зміни елемента:",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Версіонування файлів у кошику ",
"Type": "Тип",
"UNIX Permissions": "UNIX Permissions",
"Unavailable": "Недоступно",
"Unavailable/Disabled by administrator or maintainer": "Недоступно/заборонено адміністратором або куратором",
"Undecided (will prompt)": "Невизначено (буде запитано)",
@ -106,6 +106,7 @@
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "输入以半角逗号分隔的 (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") 设备地址列表,或者输入 \"dynamic\" 以自动发现设备地址。",
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "输入以半角逗号分隔的(\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\")设备地址列表,或者输入“dynamic”以自动发现设备地址。",
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "请输入忽略模式,每行一条。",
"Enter up to three octal digits.": "Enter up to three octal digits.",
"Error": "错误",
"External File Versioning": "外部版本控制",
"Failed Items": "失败的项目",
@ -348,6 +349,7 @@
"Time the item was last modified": "该项最近修改的时间",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "回收站式版本控制",
"Type": "类型",
"UNIX Permissions": "UNIX Permissions",
"Unavailable": "无效",
"Unavailable/Disabled by administrator or maintainer": "无效/禁用(由管理员或维护者)",
"Undecided (will prompt)": "待定(将提示)",
@ -106,6 +106,7 @@
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "輸入以半形逗號區隔的位址 (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\"),或輸入 \"dynamic\" 以進行位址的自動探索。",
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.",
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "輸入忽略樣式,每行一種。",
"Enter up to three octal digits.": "Enter up to three octal digits.",
"Error": "錯誤",
"External File Versioning": "外部的檔案版本控制",
"Failed Items": "失敗的項目",
@ -348,6 +349,7 @@
"Time the item was last modified": "前次修改時間",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "垃圾筒式檔案版本控制",
"Type": "類型",
"UNIX Permissions": "UNIX Permissions",
"Unavailable": "無法使用",
"Unavailable/Disabled by administrator or maintainer": "無法使用 / 被系統管理員或維護者停用",
"Undecided (will prompt)": "未決定(將會提示)",
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
.TH "STDISCOSRV" "1" "Feb 13, 2020" "v1" "Syncthing"
.TH "STDISCOSRV" "1" "Feb 22, 2020" "v1" "Syncthing"
stdiscosrv \- Syncthing Discovery Server
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
.TH "STRELAYSRV" "1" "Feb 13, 2020" "v1" "Syncthing"
.TH "STRELAYSRV" "1" "Feb 22, 2020" "v1" "Syncthing"
strelaysrv \- Syncthing Relay Server
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
.TH "SYNCTHING-BEP" "7" "Feb 13, 2020" "v1" "Syncthing"
.TH "SYNCTHING-BEP" "7" "Feb 22, 2020" "v1" "Syncthing"
syncthing-bep \- Block Exchange Protocol v1
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
.TH "SYNCTHING-CONFIG" "5" "Feb 13, 2020" "v1" "Syncthing"
.TH "SYNCTHING-CONFIG" "5" "Feb 22, 2020" "v1" "Syncthing"
syncthing-config \- Syncthing Configuration
@ -607,6 +607,9 @@ If the address is an absolute path it is interpreted as the path to a UNIX socke
(Added in v0.14.52.)
.B unixSocketPermissions
In the case that a UNIX socket location is used for \fBaddress\fP, set this to an octal to override the default permissions of the socket.
.B user
Set to require authentication.
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
.TH "SYNCTHING-DEVICE-IDS" "7" "Feb 13, 2020" "v1" "Syncthing"
.TH "SYNCTHING-DEVICE-IDS" "7" "Feb 22, 2020" "v1" "Syncthing"
syncthing-device-ids \- Understanding Device IDs
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
.TH "SYNCTHING-EVENT-API" "7" "Feb 13, 2020" "v1" "Syncthing"
.TH "SYNCTHING-EVENT-API" "7" "Feb 22, 2020" "v1" "Syncthing"
syncthing-event-api \- Event API
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
.TH "SYNCTHING-FAQ" "7" "Feb 13, 2020" "v1" "Syncthing"
.TH "SYNCTHING-FAQ" "7" "Feb 22, 2020" "v1" "Syncthing"
syncthing-faq \- Frequently Asked Questions
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
.TH "SYNCTHING-GLOBALDISCO" "7" "Feb 13, 2020" "v1" "Syncthing"
.TH "SYNCTHING-GLOBALDISCO" "7" "Feb 22, 2020" "v1" "Syncthing"
syncthing-globaldisco \- Global Discovery Protocol v3
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
.TH "SYNCTHING-LOCALDISCO" "7" "Feb 13, 2020" "v1" "Syncthing"
.TH "SYNCTHING-LOCALDISCO" "7" "Feb 22, 2020" "v1" "Syncthing"
syncthing-localdisco \- Local Discovery Protocol v4
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
.TH "SYNCTHING-NETWORKING" "7" "Feb 13, 2020" "v1" "Syncthing"
.TH "SYNCTHING-NETWORKING" "7" "Feb 22, 2020" "v1" "Syncthing"
syncthing-networking \- Firewall Setup
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
.TH "SYNCTHING-RELAY" "7" "Feb 13, 2020" "v1" "Syncthing"
.TH "SYNCTHING-RELAY" "7" "Feb 22, 2020" "v1" "Syncthing"
syncthing-relay \- Relay Protocol v1
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
.TH "SYNCTHING-REST-API" "7" "Feb 13, 2020" "v1" "Syncthing"
.TH "SYNCTHING-REST-API" "7" "Feb 22, 2020" "v1" "Syncthing"
syncthing-rest-api \- REST API
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ generated in the GUI, or set in the \fBconfiguration/gui/apikey\fP element in
the configuration file. To use an API key, set the request header
\fBX\-API\-Key\fP to the API key value. For example, \fBcurl \-X POST \-H
"X\-API\-Key: abc123" http://localhost:8384/rest/...\fP can be used to invoke
with \fBcurl\fP\&.
with \fBcurl\fP (add \fB\-k\fP flag when using HTTPS with a Syncthing generated or self signed certificate).
.SS GET /rest/system/browse
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
.TH "SYNCTHING-SECURITY" "7" "Feb 13, 2020" "v1" "Syncthing"
.TH "SYNCTHING-SECURITY" "7" "Feb 22, 2020" "v1" "Syncthing"
syncthing-security \- Security Principles
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
.TH "SYNCTHING-STIGNORE" "5" "Feb 13, 2020" "v1" "Syncthing"
.TH "SYNCTHING-STIGNORE" "5" "Feb 22, 2020" "v1" "Syncthing"
syncthing-stignore \- Prevent files from being synchronized to other nodes
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
.TH "SYNCTHING-VERSIONING" "7" "Feb 13, 2020" "v1" "Syncthing"
.TH "SYNCTHING-VERSIONING" "7" "Feb 22, 2020" "v1" "Syncthing"
syncthing-versioning \- Keep automatic backups of deleted files by other nodes
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
.TH "SYNCTHING" "1" "Feb 13, 2020" "v1" "Syncthing"
.TH "SYNCTHING" "1" "Feb 22, 2020" "v1" "Syncthing"
syncthing \- Syncthing
Reference in New Issue
Block a user