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synced 2025-02-08 14:58:26 +00:00
gui, man: Update docs & translations
This commit is contained in:
@ -158,6 +158,8 @@
"Please consult the release notes before performing a major upgrade.": "Моля прочети бележките по обновяването преди да започнеш.",
"Please set a GUI Authentication User and Password in the Settings dialog.": "Моля задайте потребителско име и парола за потребителския интерфейс в секцията Настройки.",
"Please wait": "Моля изчакай",
"Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal": "Представка, която индикира, че файлът може да бъде изтрит ако пречи на премахването на папка",
"Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity": "Представка, която индикира, че зададения шаблон трябва да бъде проверен без значение за главни/малки букви",
"Preview": "Преглед",
"Preview Usage Report": "Разгледай доклада за използване",
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Бърз наръчник към поддържаните шаблони",
@ -158,6 +158,8 @@
"Please consult the release notes before performing a major upgrade.": "Per favor, consultar les notes de la versió abans de fer una actualització important.",
"Please set a GUI Authentication User and Password in the Settings dialog.": "Per favor, estableix un usuari i password per a l'Interfície Gràfica d'Usuari en el menú d'Adjustos.",
"Please wait": "Per favor, espere",
"Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal": "Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal",
"Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity": "Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity",
"Preview": "Vista prèvia",
"Preview Usage Report": "Informe d'ús de vista prèvia",
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Guía ràpida de patrons suportats",
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
"Add Device": "Přidat přístroj",
"Add Folder": "Přidat adresář",
"Add Remote Device": "Přidat vzdálené zařízení",
"Add devices from the introducer to our device list, for mutually shared folders.": "Přidat zařízení ze zavaděče do našeho seznamu zařízení (pro vzájemně sdílené adresáře.)",
"Add devices from the introducer to our device list, for mutually shared folders.": "Přidat zařízení ze zavaděče do našeho seznamu zařízení, pro vzájemně sdílené adresáře.",
"Add new folder?": "Přidat nový adresář?",
"Address": "Adresa",
"Addresses": "Adresy",
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
"GUI": "GUI",
"GUI Authentication Password": "Přihlašovací heslo pro GUI",
"GUI Authentication User": "Přihlašovací jméno pro GUI",
"GUI Listen Address": "GUI Listen Address",
"GUI Listen Address": "Adresa naslouchání GUI",
"GUI Listen Addresses": "Adresa naslouchání GUI",
"GUI Theme": "Grafické téma",
"Generate": "Generovat",
@ -158,6 +158,8 @@
"Please consult the release notes before performing a major upgrade.": "Před spuštěním důležité aktualizace si nejdříve přečtěte poznámky k vydání nové verze.",
"Please set a GUI Authentication User and Password in the Settings dialog.": "Zadejte prosím přihlašovací jméno a heslo pro GUI v dialogu nastavení.",
"Please wait": "Chvíli strpení",
"Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal": "Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal",
"Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity": "Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity",
"Preview": "Náhled",
"Preview Usage Report": "Náhled záznamu o využítí",
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Rychlá nápověda k podporovaným vzorům",
@ -158,6 +158,8 @@
"Please consult the release notes before performing a major upgrade.": "Tjek venligst udgivelsesnoterne før opgradering til en ny version.",
"Please set a GUI Authentication User and Password in the Settings dialog.": "Sæt vensligt en GUI bruger og kodeord i opsætningsdialogen.",
"Please wait": "Vent venligst",
"Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal": "Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal",
"Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity": "Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity",
"Preview": "Forhåndsvisning",
"Preview Usage Report": "Forhåndsvisning af forbrugsrapport",
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Hurtig guide til supporteret mønstre",
@ -158,6 +158,8 @@
"Please consult the release notes before performing a major upgrade.": "Bitte lesen Sie die Veröffentlichungsnotizen bevor Sie eine neue Hauptversion installieren.",
"Please set a GUI Authentication User and Password in the Settings dialog.": "Bitte setze einen Benutzer und ein Passwort für das GUI in den Einstellungen.",
"Please wait": "Bitte warten",
"Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal": "Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal",
"Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity": "Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity",
"Preview": "Vorschau",
"Preview Usage Report": "Vorschau des Nutzungsberichts",
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Schnellanleitung zu den unterstützten Mustern",
@ -158,6 +158,8 @@
"Please consult the release notes before performing a major upgrade.": "Παρακαλούμε, πριν από την εκτέλεση μιας σημαντικής αναβάθμισης, να συμβουλευτείς το σημείωμα που τη συνοδεύει. ",
"Please set a GUI Authentication User and Password in the Settings dialog.": "Παρακαλώ όρισε στις ρυθμίσεις έναν χρήστη και έναν κωδικό πρόσβασης για τη διεπαφή.",
"Please wait": "Παρακαλώ περιμένετε",
"Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal": "Πρόθεμα που δείχνει ότι το αρχείο θα μπορεί να διαγραφεί αν εμποδίζει τη διαγραφή καταλόγου",
"Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity": "Πρόθεμα που δείχνει ότι αντιστοίχιση του προτύπου θα γίνεται χωρίς διάκριση πεζών και κεφαλαίων χαρακτήρων",
"Preview": "Προεπισκόπηση",
"Preview Usage Report": "Προεπισκόπηση αναφοράς χρήσης",
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Σύντομη βοήθεια σχετικά με τα πρότυπα αναζήτησης που υποστηρίζονται",
@ -158,6 +158,8 @@
"Please consult the release notes before performing a major upgrade.": "Please consult the release notes before performing a major upgrade.",
"Please set a GUI Authentication User and Password in the Settings dialog.": "Please set a GUI Authentication User and Password in the Settings dialogue.",
"Please wait": "Please wait",
"Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal": "Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal",
"Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity": "Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity",
"Preview": "Preview",
"Preview Usage Report": "Preview Usage Report",
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Quick guide to supported patterns",
@ -158,6 +158,8 @@
"Please consult the release notes before performing a major upgrade.": "Bonvolu konsulti la eldonitajn notojn antaŭ elfari ĉefan ĝisdatigon.",
"Please set a GUI Authentication User and Password in the Settings dialog.": "Bonvolu agordi GUI Authentication Uzanto kaj Pasvorto en la agordoj dialogo.",
"Please wait": "Bonvolu atendi",
"Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal": "Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal",
"Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity": "Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity",
"Preview": "Antaŭrigardo",
"Preview Usage Report": "Antaŭrigardo Uzada Raporto",
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Rapida gvidisto al subtenata ŝablonoj",
@ -158,6 +158,8 @@
"Please consult the release notes before performing a major upgrade.": "Por favor, consultar las notas de la versión antes de realizar una actualización importante.",
"Please set a GUI Authentication User and Password in the Settings dialog.": "Por favor, introduzca un Usuario y Contraseña para la Autenticación de la Interfaz de Usuario en el panel de Ajustes.",
"Please wait": "Por favor, espere",
"Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal": "Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal",
"Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity": "Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity",
"Preview": "Vista previa",
"Preview Usage Report": "Informe de uso de vista previa",
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Guía rápida de patrones soportados",
@ -1,284 +1,286 @@
"A device with that ID is already added.": "Ya se ha agregado un dispositivo con esa ID.",
"A device with that ID is already added.": "Ya se ha agregado un equipo con ese ID.",
"A negative number of days doesn't make sense.": "Un número negativo de días no tiene sentido.",
"A new major version may not be compatible with previous versions.": "Una versión más reciente puede no ser compatible con las versiones anteriores.",
"API Key": "Clave API",
"A new major version may not be compatible with previous versions.": "Una nueva versión con cambios importantes puede no ser compatible con versiones anteriores.",
"API Key": "Clave del API",
"About": "Acerca de",
"Action": "Acción ",
"Action": "Acción",
"Actions": "Acciones",
"Add": "Agregar",
"Add Device": "Agregar Dispositivo",
"Add Folder": "Agregar Repositorio",
"Add Remote Device": "Agregar Dispositivo Remoto",
"Add devices from the introducer to our device list, for mutually shared folders.": "Add devices from the introducer to our device list, for mutually shared folders.",
"Add new folder?": "¿Agregar nueva carpeta?",
"Add Device": "Agregar el dispositivo",
"Add Folder": "Agregar Carpeta",
"Add Remote Device": "Añadir un dispositivo",
"Add devices from the introducer to our device list, for mutually shared folders.": "Añadir dispositivos desde el introductor a nuestra lista de dispositivos, para las carpetas compartidas mutuamente.",
"Add new folder?": "¿Agregar una carpeta nueva?",
"Address": "Dirección",
"Addresses": "Direcciones",
"Advanced": "Avanzada",
"Advanced Configuration": "Configuración avanzada",
"Advanced settings": "Optiones avanzadas",
"Advanced": "Avanzado",
"Advanced Configuration": "Configuración Avanzada",
"Advanced settings": "Ajustes avanzados",
"All Data": "Todos los datos",
"Allow Anonymous Usage Reporting?": "Permitir reporte anónimo de uso?",
"Allowed Networks": "Allowed Networks",
"Allow Anonymous Usage Reporting?": "¿Deseas permitir el envío anónimo de informes de uso?",
"Allowed Networks": "Redes permitidas",
"Alphabetic": "Alfabético",
"An external command handles the versioning. It has to remove the file from the shared folder.": "An external command handles the versioning. It has to remove the file from the shared folder.",
"An external command handles the versioning. It has to remove the file from the synced folder.": "Un comando exterior maneja el control de versiones. Éste tiene que eliminar el archivo de la carpeta sincronizada.",
"Anonymous Usage Reporting": "Reporte anónimo de uso",
"Any devices configured on an introducer device will be added to this device as well.": "Cualquier dispositivo configurado en un dispositivo introductor será también agregado a tu propio dispositivo.",
"Automatic upgrade now offers the choice between stable releases and release candidates.": "La actualización automática ofrece la opción entre versiones estables y versiones preliminares.",
"An external command handles the versioning. It has to remove the file from the shared folder.": "Un comando externo gestiona las versiones. Tiene que eliminar el fichero de la carpeta compartida.",
"An external command handles the versioning. It has to remove the file from the synced folder.": "Un comando externo controla la versión. El fichero debe ser eliminado de la carpeta sincronizada.",
"Anonymous Usage Reporting": "Informe anónimo de uso",
"Any devices configured on an introducer device will be added to this device as well.": "Cualquier dispositivo configurado en un dispositivo de introducción será añadido también.",
"Automatic upgrade now offers the choice between stable releases and release candidates.": "Ahora la actualización automática permite elegir entre versiones estables o versiones candidatas.",
"Automatic upgrades": "Actualizaciones automáticas",
"Be careful!": "¡Sé cuidadoso!",
"Be careful!": "¡Ten cuidado!",
"Bugs": "Errores",
"CPU Utilization": "Uso de CPU",
"Changelog": "Registro de cambios",
"Clean out after": "Limpiar después",
"Click to see discovery failures": "Click to see discovery failures",
"Clean out after": "Limpiar tras",
"Click to see discovery failures": "Clica para ver fallos de descubrimiento.",
"Close": "Cerrar",
"Command": "Comando",
"Comment, when used at the start of a line": "Comentario, cuando es utilizado al inicio de una línea.",
"Command": "Acción",
"Comment, when used at the start of a line": "Comentar, cuando se usa al comienzo de una línea",
"Compression": "Compresión",
"Configured": "Configurado",
"Connection Error": "Error de conexión",
"Connection Type": "Tipo de conexión",
"Copied from elsewhere": "Copiado desde otra parte.",
"Copied from elsewhere": "Copiado de otro sitio",
"Copied from original": "Copiado del original",
"Copyright © 2014-2016 the following Contributors:": "Copyright © 2014-2016 los siguientes contribuidores:",
"Copyright © 2014-2017 the following Contributors:": "Copyright © 2014-2017 los siguientes contribuidores:",
"Creating ignore patterns, overwriting an existing file at {%path%}.": "Creating ignore patterns, overwriting an existing file at {{path}}.",
"Danger!": "Peligro!",
"Deleted": "Suprimido",
"Copyright © 2014-2016 the following Contributors:": "Copyright © 2014-2016 los siguientes Colaboradores:",
"Copyright © 2014-2017 the following Contributors:": "Copyright © 2014-2017 Los siguientes colaboradores:",
"Creating ignore patterns, overwriting an existing file at {%path%}.": "Crear patrones a ignorar, sobreescribiendo un fichero existente en {{path}}.",
"Danger!": "¡Peligro!",
"Deleted": "Eliminado",
"Device": "Dispositivo",
"Device \"{%name%}\" ({%device%} at {%address%}) wants to connect. Add new device?": "Dispositivo \"{{name}}\" ({{device}} en {{address}}) quiere conectar. ¿Añadir nuevo dispositivo?",
"Device ID": "ID del dispositivo",
"Device Identification": "Identificación del dispositivo",
"Device Name": "Nombre del dispositivo",
"Device \"{%name%}\" ({%device%} at {%address%}) wants to connect. Add new device?": "El dispositivo \"{{name}}\" ({{device}} en la dirección {{address}}) quiere conectarse. Añadir nuevo dispositivo?",
"Device ID": "ID del Dispositivo",
"Device Identification": "Identificación del Dispositivo",
"Device Name": "Nombre del Dispositivo",
"Devices": "Dispositivos",
"Disconnected": "Desconectado",
"Discovered": "Descubierto",
"Discovery": "Búsqueda",
"Discovery Failures": "Discovery Failures",
"Discovery": "Descubrimiento",
"Discovery Failures": "Fallos de Descubrimiento",
"Documentation": "Documentación",
"Download Rate": "Tasa de descarga",
"Download Rate": "Velocidad de descarga",
"Downloaded": "Descargado",
"Downloading": "Descargando",
"Edit": "Editar",
"Edit Device": "Cambiando dispositivo",
"Edit Folder": "Cambiando repositorio",
"Edit Device": "Editar Dispositivo",
"Edit Folder": "Editar Carpeta",
"Editing": "Editando",
"Editing {%path%}.": "Editing {{path}}.",
"Enable NAT traversal": "Habilitar NAT trasversal",
"Editing {%path%}.": "Editando {{path}}.",
"Enable NAT traversal": "Permitir NAT transversal",
"Enable Relaying": "Habilitar Retransmisión",
"Enter a non-negative number (e.g., \"2.35\") and select a unit. Percentages are as part of the total disk size.": "Enter a non-negative number (e.g., \"2.35\") and select a unit. Percentages are as part of the total disk size.",
"Enter a non-privileged port number (1024 - 65535).": "Enter a non-privileged port number (1024 - 65535).",
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Introduce las direcciones (\"tcp://ip:puerto\", \"tcp://huésped:puerto\") separadas por comas, o \"dynamic\" para ejecutar un descubrimiento automático de la dirección. ",
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Añadir patrones de exclusión, uno por línea.",
"Enter a non-negative number (e.g., \"2.35\") and select a unit. Percentages are as part of the total disk size.": "Introduce un número no negativo (por ejemplo, \"2.35\") y selecciona una unidad. Los porcentajes son como parte del tamaño total del disco.",
"Enter a non-privileged port number (1024 - 65535).": "Introduce un puerto sin privilegios (1024 - 65535).",
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Introduzca las direcciones, separadas por comas (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\"), o \"dynamic\" para llevar a cabo el descubrimiento automático de la dirección.",
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Introducir patrones a ignorar, uno por línea.",
"Error": "Error",
"External File Versioning": "Control de versiones externo",
"Failed Items": "Artículos fallidos",
"Failure to connect to IPv6 servers is expected if there is no IPv6 connectivity.": "Failure to connect to IPv6 servers is expected if there is no IPv6 connectivity.",
"File Pull Order": "Orden para coger ficheros",
"File Versioning": "Control de versiones",
"File permission bits are ignored when looking for changes. Use on FAT file systems.": "Los permisos de archivo son ignorados al buscar cambios. Usar el sistemas de archivos FAT.",
"Files are moved to .stversions directory when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Files are moved to .stversions directory when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.",
"Files are moved to .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Los archivos son movidos al directorio .stversions cuando son reemplazados o eliminados por Syncthing. Sus caminos de accesos relativos son recreados aquí si necesidad. ",
"Files are moved to date stamped versions in a .stversions directory when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Files are moved to date stamped versions in a .stversions directory when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.",
"Files are moved to date stamped versions in a .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Lo archivos son movidos al directorio .stversions y renombrados a versiones marcadas por fecha cuando son reemplazados o eliminados por Syncthing, Sus caminos de accesos relativos son recreados aquí si necesidad.",
"Files are protected from changes made on other devices, but changes made on this device will be sent to the rest of the cluster.": "Los archivos están protegidos frente a los cambios realizados en otros dispositivos, peros los cambios realizados en este dispositivo serán envíados al resto del grupo",
"Folder": "Repositorio",
"Folder ID": "ID del repositorio",
"Folder Label": "Etiqueta de Carpeta",
"Folder Path": "Ruta del repositorio",
"Folder Type": "Tipo de Carpeta",
"Folders": "Repositorios",
"External File Versioning": "Versionado externo de fichero",
"Failed Items": "Elementos fallidos",
"Failure to connect to IPv6 servers is expected if there is no IPv6 connectivity.": "Se espera un fallo al conectar a los servidores IPv6 si no hay conectividad IPv6.",
"File Pull Order": "Orden de obtención de los ficheros",
"File Versioning": "Versionado de ficheros",
"File permission bits are ignored when looking for changes. Use on FAT file systems.": "Los bits de permiso de ficheros son ignorados cuando se buscan cambios. Utilizar en sistemas de ficheros FAT.",
"Files are moved to .stversions directory when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Los ficheros son movidos a la carpeta .stversions cuando son reemplazados o borrados por Syncthing.",
"Files are moved to .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Los archivos serán movidos a la carpeta .stversions cuando sean reemplazados o borrados por Syncthing.",
"Files are moved to date stamped versions in a .stversions directory when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Los ficheros son movidos a una carpeta .stversions a versiones con control de fecha cuando son reemplazados o borrados por Syncthing.",
"Files are moved to date stamped versions in a .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Los ficheros son cambiados a versiones con indicación de fecha en una carpeta \".stversions\" cuando son reemplazados o borrados por Syncthing.",
"Files are protected from changes made on other devices, but changes made on this device will be sent to the rest of the cluster.": "Los ficheros son protegidos por los cambios hechos en otros dispositivos, pero los cambios hechos en este dispositivo serán enviados al resto del grupo (cluster).",
"Folder": "Carpeta",
"Folder ID": "ID de carpeta",
"Folder Label": "Etiqueta de la Carpeta",
"Folder Path": "Ruta de la carpeta",
"Folder Type": "Tipo de carpeta",
"Folders": "Carpetas",
"GUI": "GUI",
"GUI Authentication Password": "Contraseña de autenticación de la GUI",
"GUI Authentication User": "Usuario de la GUI",
"GUI Listen Address": "GUI Listen Address",
"GUI Listen Addresses": "Direcciones de escucha para la GUI.",
"GUI Theme": "Apariencia de la GUI",
"GUI Authentication Password": "Password de la Interfaz Gráfica de Usuario (GUI)",
"GUI Authentication User": "Autentificación de usuario de la Interfaz Gráfica de Usuario (GUI)",
"GUI Listen Address": "Dirección de Escucha del GUI.",
"GUI Listen Addresses": "Direcciones de escucha de la Interfaz Gráfica de Usuario (GUI)",
"GUI Theme": "Tema GUI",
"Generate": "Generar",
"Global Changes": "Últimas modificaciones",
"Global Discovery": "Búsqueda en internet",
"Global Discovery Servers": "Servidores globales de identificación",
"Global Changes": "Cambios globales",
"Global Discovery": "Descubrimiento global",
"Global Discovery Servers": "Servidores Globales de Descubrimiento",
"Global State": "Estado global",
"Help": "Ayuda",
"Home page": "Pagina de inicio",
"Home page": "Página de inicio",
"Ignore": "Ignorar",
"Ignore Patterns": "Patrones de exclusión",
"Ignore Permissions": "Ignorar permisos",
"Incoming Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Límite de velocidad de entrada (KiB/s)",
"Incorrect configuration may damage your folder contents and render Syncthing inoperable.": "Configuración incorrecta puede dañar los contenidos de la carpeta y hacer Syncthing inoperable.",
"Ignore Patterns": "Patrones a ignorar",
"Ignore Permissions": "Permisos a ignorar",
"Incoming Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Límite de descarga (KiB/s)",
"Incorrect configuration may damage your folder contents and render Syncthing inoperable.": "Una configuración incorrecta puede dañar los contenidos de la carpeta y hacer que Syncthing no funcione.",
"Introduced By": "Introducido por",
"Introducer": "Dispositivo introductor",
"Inversion of the given condition (i.e. do not exclude)": "Inversión de la condición dada (es decir, no excluir)",
"Keep Versions": "Conservar versiones",
"Introducer": "Presentador",
"Inversion of the given condition (i.e. do not exclude)": "Inversión de la condición dada (por ejemplo, \"no excluir\")",
"Keep Versions": "Mantener versiones",
"Largest First": "Más grande primero",
"Last File Received": "Última actualización",
"Last Scan": "Último escaneo",
"Last seen": "Visto por ultima vez",
"Last seen": "Visto por última vez",
"Later": "Más tarde",
"Latest Change": "Último cambio",
"Latest Change": "Último Cambio",
"Learn more": "Saber más",
"Listeners": "Receptor",
"Local Discovery": "Búsqueda en red local",
"Listeners": "Oyentes",
"Local Discovery": "Descubrimiento local",
"Local State": "Estado local",
"Local State (Total)": "Estado local (total)",
"Major Upgrade": "Actualización mayor",
"Local State (Total)": "Estado Local (Total)",
"Major Upgrade": "Actualización importante",
"Master": "Maestro",
"Maximum Age": "Edad máxima",
"Metadata Only": "Sólo metadatos",
"Minimum Free Disk Space": "Espacio mínimo libre en disco",
"Move to top of queue": "Mover al principio de la cola.",
"Multi level wildcard (matches multiple directory levels)": "Carácter comodín multinivel (coincide en el directorio y sus subdirectorios)",
"Move to top of queue": "Mover al principio de la cola",
"Multi level wildcard (matches multiple directory levels)": "Comodín multinivel (coincide con múltiples niveles de directorio)",
"Never": "Nunca",
"New Device": "Nuevo dispositivo",
"New Folder": "Nuevo repositorio",
"Newest First": "Nuevo primero",
"New Device": "Nuevo Dispositivo",
"New Folder": "Nueva Carpeta",
"Newest First": "El más nuevo primero",
"No": "No",
"No File Versioning": "Sin control de versiones de archivos",
"No upgrades": "No actualizaciones",
"No File Versioning": "Sin versionado de fichero",
"No upgrades": "Sin actualizaciones",
"Normal": "Normal",
"Notice": "Aviso",
"OK": "OK",
"Off": "Apagado",
"Oldest First": "Antiguo primero",
"Off": "Desconectar",
"Oldest First": "El más antiguo primero",
"Optional descriptive label for the folder. Can be different on each device.": "Etiqueta descriptiva opcional para la carpeta. Puede ser diferente en cada dispositivo.",
"Options": "Opciones",
"Out of Sync": "Fuera de sincronización",
"Out of Sync Items": "Ítems no sincronizados",
"Outgoing Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Tasa máxima de envío (KiB/s)",
"Override Changes": "Reemplazar los cambios",
"Path": "Ruta",
"Path to the folder on the local computer. Will be created if it does not exist. The tilde character (~) can be used as a shortcut for": "Ruta del repositorio en el equipo local. Será creado si no existe. El carácter tilde (~) puede ser utilizado como atajo de ",
"Path where versions should be stored (leave empty for the default .stversions directory in the shared folder).": "Path where versions should be stored (leave empty for the default .stversions directory in the shared folder).",
"Path where versions should be stored (leave empty for the default .stversions folder in the folder).": "Ruta donde serán guardas las versiones (dejar vacío para usar el directorio predifinido \".stversions\" en el repositorio)",
"Pause": "Pausa",
"Pause All": "Todos en pausa",
"Paused": "En pausa",
"Please consult the release notes before performing a major upgrade.": "Por favor consulta las notas de lanzamiento antes de realizar una actualizacón mayor.",
"Please set a GUI Authentication User and Password in the Settings dialog.": "Por favor, establece un Usuario y Contraseña de Autenticación en la GUI en el diálogo de Configuración",
"Please wait": "Aguarde por favor",
"Out of Sync": "No sincronizado",
"Out of Sync Items": "Elementos no sincronizados",
"Outgoing Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Límite de subida (KiB/s)",
"Override Changes": "Anular cambios",
"Path": "Parche",
"Path to the folder on the local computer. Will be created if it does not exist. The tilde character (~) can be used as a shortcut for": "Ruta a la carpeta en la máquina local. Se creará si no existe. El carácter de la tilde (~) puede usarse como atajo.",
"Path where versions should be stored (leave empty for the default .stversions directory in the shared folder).": "La ruta donde las versiones deben ser almacenadas (dejar vacío para el directorio .stversions por defecto en la carpeta compartida).",
"Path where versions should be stored (leave empty for the default .stversions folder in the folder).": "Ruta donde se almacenarán las versiones (dejar vacío para usar la carpeta por defecto \".stversions\").",
"Pause": "Pausar",
"Pause All": "Pausar todo",
"Paused": "Pausado",
"Please consult the release notes before performing a major upgrade.": "Por favor, consultar las notas de la versión antes de realizar una actualización importante.",
"Please set a GUI Authentication User and Password in the Settings dialog.": "Por favor, introduzca un Usuario y Contraseña para la Autenticación de la Interfaz de Usuario en el panel de Ajustes.",
"Please wait": "Por favor, espere",
"Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal": "Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal",
"Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity": "Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity",
"Preview": "Vista previa",
"Preview Usage Report": "Ver reporte de uso",
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Guía rápida sobre los patrones soportados",
"RAM Utilization": "Utilización de RAM",
"Preview Usage Report": "Informe de uso de vista previa",
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Guía rápida de patrones soportados",
"RAM Utilization": "Uso de RAM",
"Random": "Aleatorio",
"Reduced by ignore patterns": "(Restringido por patrones de exclusión)",
"Release Notes": "Notas de lanzamiento",
"Release candidates contain the latest features and fixes. They are similar to the traditional bi-weekly Syncthing releases.": "Las versiones preliminares contienen las últimas funcionalidades y los últimos correctivos. Son idénticas a las actualizaciones bimensuales tradicionales.",
"Reduced by ignore patterns": "Reducido por patrones de ignorar",
"Release Notes": "Notas de la versión",
"Release candidates contain the latest features and fixes. They are similar to the traditional bi-weekly Syncthing releases.": "Las versiones candidatas contienen las últimas funcionalidades y correcciones. Son similares a las tradicionales versiones bisemanales de Syncthing.",
"Remote Devices": "Otros dispositivos",
"Remove": "Eliminar",
"Required identifier for the folder. Must be the same on all cluster devices.": "Identificación requerida para la carpeta. Debe ser la misma en todos los dispositivos del grupo.",
"Rescan": "Reescanear",
"Rescan All": "Reescanear todo",
"Rescan Interval": "Intervalo de reescaneo",
"Required identifier for the folder. Must be the same on all cluster devices.": "Identificador requerido para la carpeta. Debe ser el mismo en todos los dispositivos del clúster.",
"Rescan": "Volver a analizar",
"Rescan All": "Volver a analizar Todo",
"Rescan Interval": "Intervalo de análisis",
"Restart": "Reiniciar",
"Restart Needed": "Es necesario reiniciar",
"Restart Needed": "Reinicio necesario",
"Restarting": "Reiniciando",
"Resume": "Reanudar",
"Resume All": "Reanudar todos",
"Resume": "Continuar",
"Resume All": "Continuar todo",
"Reused": "Reutilizado",
"Save": "Guardar",
"Scan Time Remaining": "Tiempo de Escaneo Restante",
"Scanning": "Actualización",
"Select the devices to share this folder with.": "Seleccione los dispositivos con los cuales compartir este repositorio.",
"Select the folders to share with this device.": "Seleccione los repositorios para compartir con este dispositivo.",
"Send & Receive": "Envío y recepción",
"Send Only": "Envío (lectura sola)",
"Settings": "Configuración",
"Scan Time Remaining": "Tiempo Restante de Escaneo",
"Scanning": "Analizando",
"Select the devices to share this folder with.": "Selecciona los dispositivos con los que compartir esta carpeta.",
"Select the folders to share with this device.": "Selecciona las carpetas para compartir con este dispositivo.",
"Send & Receive": "Enviar y Recibir",
"Send Only": "Solo Enviar",
"Settings": "Ajustes",
"Share": "Compartir",
"Share Folder": "Compartir repositorio",
"Share Folders With Device": "Compartir repositorios con dispositivo",
"Share With Devices": "Compartir con los dispositivos",
"Share this folder?": "¿Compartir este repositorio?",
"Shared With": "Compartido con",
"Share Folder": "Compartir carpeta",
"Share Folders With Device": "Compartir carpetas con dispositivo",
"Share With Devices": "Compartir con dispositivos",
"Share this folder?": "¿Deseas compartir esta carpeta?",
"Shared With": "Compartir con",
"Show ID": "Mostrar ID",
"Show QR": "Mostrar QR",
"Shown instead of Device ID in the cluster status. Will be advertised to other devices as an optional default name.": "Mostrado en lugar de la ID del dispositivo en el estado del grupo. Será sugerido a otros dispositivos como nombre fácil de usar predeterminado opcional.",
"Shown instead of Device ID in the cluster status. Will be updated to the name the device advertises if left empty.": "Mostrado en lugar de la ID del dispositivo en el estado del grupo. Si se deja en blanco, será llenado por el nombre fácil de usar sugerido por el dispositivo.",
"Shown instead of Device ID in the cluster status. Will be advertised to other devices as an optional default name.": "Se muestra en lugar del ID del dispositivo en el estado del grupo (cluster). Se notificará a los otros dispositivos como nombre opcional por defecto.",
"Shown instead of Device ID in the cluster status. Will be updated to the name the device advertises if left empty.": "Se muestra en lugar del ID del dispositivo en el estado del grupo (cluster). Se actualizará al nombre que el dispositivo anuncia si se deja vacío.",
"Shutdown": "Apagar",
"Shutdown Complete": "Apagado completado",
"Simple File Versioning": "Versiones simple de archivos",
"Single level wildcard (matches within a directory only)": "Carácter comodín de un solo nivel (coincide sólo dentro de un directorio)",
"Smallest First": "Más pequeño primero",
"Shutdown Complete": "Apagar completamente",
"Simple File Versioning": "Versionado simple de fichero",
"Single level wildcard (matches within a directory only)": "Comodín de nivel único (coincide solamente dentro de un directorio)",
"Smallest First": "El más pequeño primero",
"Source Code": "Código fuente",
"Stable releases and release candidates": "Versiones stables y preliminares",
"Stable releases are delayed by about two weeks. During this time they go through testing as release candidates.": "Las versiones estables son trasladadas de cerca de dos semanas. Durante este tiempo son sometidas a un test como versiones preliminares.",
"Stable releases only": "Versiones estables solamente",
"Staggered File Versioning": "Versiones del archivo escalonado",
"Start Browser": "Iniciar navegador",
"Stable releases and release candidates": "Versiones estables y versiones candidatas",
"Stable releases are delayed by about two weeks. During this time they go through testing as release candidates.": "Las versiones estables son publicadas cada dos semanas. Durante este tiempo son probadas como versiones candidatas.",
"Stable releases only": "Solo versiones estables",
"Staggered File Versioning": "Versionado escalonado de fichero",
"Start Browser": "Iniciar el navegador",
"Statistics": "Estadísticas",
"Stopped": "Parado",
"Stopped": "Detenido",
"Support": "Forum",
"Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "Dirección de escucha del protocolo de sincronización",
"Syncing": "Sincronización",
"Syncthing has been shut down.": "La sincronización esta apagada",
"Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing incluye los siguientes softwares o partes de ellos:",
"Syncthing is restarting.": "Syncthing está reiniciando.",
"Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "Direcciones de escucha del protocolo de sincronización",
"Syncing": "Sincronizando",
"Syncthing has been shut down.": "Syncthing se ha detenido.",
"Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing incluye el siguiente software o partes de él:",
"Syncthing is restarting.": "Syncthing se está reiniciando.",
"Syncthing is upgrading.": "Syncthing se está actualizando.",
"Syncthing seems to be down, or there is a problem with your Internet connection. Retrying…": "Syncthing parece estar apagado, o hay un problema con su conexión de Internet. Reintentando...",
"Syncthing seems to be experiencing a problem processing your request. Please refresh the page or restart Syncthing if the problem persists.": "Syncthing parece estar experimentando un problema al procesar su solicitud. Por favor, recargue el navegador o reinicie Syncthing si el problema persiste.",
"The Syncthing admin interface is configured to allow remote access without a password.": "La interfaz administrativa del Syncthing está configurada para permitir acceso remoto sin una contraseña.",
"The aggregated statistics are publicly available at the URL below.": "Las estadísticas agregadas están disponibles públicamente en la dirección de abajo.",
"The configuration has been saved but not activated. Syncthing must restart to activate the new configuration.": "La configuración ha sido guardada pero no activada.\nSyncthing debe reiniciarse para activar la nueva configuración.",
"The device ID cannot be blank.": "La ID del dispositivo no puede estar en blanco.",
"The device ID to enter here can be found in the \"Actions > Show ID\" dialog on the other device. Spaces and dashes are optional (ignored).": "La ID de dispositivo a introducir ser puede encontrar en el menú \"Acciones > Mostrar ID\" en el otro dispositivo. Espacios y guiones son opcionales (ignorados). ",
"The encrypted usage report is sent daily. It is used to track common platforms, folder sizes and app versions. If the reported data set is changed you will be prompted with this dialog again.": "El informe de uso se envía encriptado diariamente. Se utiliza para hacer un seguimiento de plataformas comunes, tamaño de repositorios y versiones de la aplicación. Si el conjunto de datos cambia será notificado mediante este dialogo nuevamente.",
"The entered device ID does not look valid. It should be a 52 or 56 character string consisting of letters and numbers, with spaces and dashes being optional.": "La ID del dispositivo introducida no es válida. Debe ser una cadena de 52 o 56 caracteres consistente en letras y números, con espacios y guiones opcionales.",
"The first command line parameter is the folder path and the second parameter is the relative path in the folder.": "El primer argumento es la ruta de la carpeta y el segundo argumento es la ruta relativa de esta carpeta.",
"The folder ID cannot be blank.": "La ID del repositorio no puede estar en blanco.",
"The folder ID must be unique.": "La ID del repositorio debe ser única.",
"The folder path cannot be blank.": "La ruta del repositorio no puede estar vacía.",
"The following intervals are used: for the first hour a version is kept every 30 seconds, for the first day a version is kept every hour, for the first 30 days a version is kept every day, until the maximum age a version is kept every week.": "Los siguientes intervalos se utilizan: para la primera hora una versión se mantiene cada 30 segundos, para el primer día de una versión se mantiene cada hora, durante los primeros 30 días de la versión se mantiene todos los días, hasta que la edad máxima de una versión se mantiene cada semana.",
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "Los siguientes artículos no pueden ser sincronizados.",
"The maximum age must be a number and cannot be blank.": "La edad máxima debe ser un número y no puede estar en blanco.",
"The maximum time to keep a version (in days, set to 0 to keep versions forever).": "El tiempo máximo para mantener una versión (en días, establece en 0 para mantener versiones para siempre).",
"The minimum free disk space percentage must be a non-negative number between 0 and 100 (inclusive).": "El porcentaje de espacio libre en disco mínimo debe ser un número no negativo entre 0 y 100 (incluidos).",
"The number of days must be a number and cannot be blank.": "El número de días debe ser un número y no puede estar vacío.",
"The number of days to keep files in the trash can. Zero means forever.": "El tiempo máximo para mantener un archivo en el cubo de basura (en días, establece en 0 para mantener versiones para siempre).",
"The number of old versions to keep, per file.": "El numero de versiones anteriores a conservar, por archivo.",
"Syncthing seems to be down, or there is a problem with your Internet connection. Retrying…": "Syncthing parece no estar activo o hay un problema con tu conexión de internet. Reintentando...",
"Syncthing seems to be experiencing a problem processing your request. Please refresh the page or restart Syncthing if the problem persists.": "Syncthing tiene problemas para procesar tu solicitud. Por favor, actualiza la página o reinicia Syncthing si el problema persiste.",
"The Syncthing admin interface is configured to allow remote access without a password.": "El panel de administración de Syncthing está configurado para permitir el acceso remoto sin contraseña.",
"The aggregated statistics are publicly available at the URL below.": "Las estadísticas agragadas están disponibles públicamente en la URL de abajo.",
"The configuration has been saved but not activated. Syncthing must restart to activate the new configuration.": "La configuración ha sido grabada pero no activada. Syncthing debe reiniciarse para activar la nueva configuración.",
"The device ID cannot be blank.": "La ID del dispositivo no puede estar vacía.",
"The device ID to enter here can be found in the \"Actions > Show ID\" dialog on the other device. Spaces and dashes are optional (ignored).": "El ID del dispositivo que hay que introducir aquí se puede encontrar en el diálogo \"Acciones > Mostrar ID\" en el otro dispositivo. Los espacios y las barras son opcionales (ignorados).",
"The encrypted usage report is sent daily. It is used to track common platforms, folder sizes and app versions. If the reported data set is changed you will be prompted with this dialog again.": "El informe encriptado de uso se envía diariamente. Se usa para rastrear plataformas comunes, tamaños de carpetas y versiones de la aplicación. Si el conjunto de datos enviados en el informes se cambia, se le pedirá a usted autorización de nuevo.",
"The entered device ID does not look valid. It should be a 52 or 56 character string consisting of letters and numbers, with spaces and dashes being optional.": "La ID del dispositivo introducida no parece válida. Debe ser una cadena de 52 ó 56 caracteres formada por letras y números, con espacios y guiones opcionales.",
"The first command line parameter is the folder path and the second parameter is the relative path in the folder.": "El primer parámetro del comando es la ruta de la carpeta y el segundo es la ruta relativa en la carpeta.",
"The folder ID cannot be blank.": "La ID de la carpeta no puede estar vacía.",
"The folder ID must be unique.": "La ID de la carpeta debe ser única.",
"The folder path cannot be blank.": "La ruta de la carpeta no puede estar en blanco.",
"The following intervals are used: for the first hour a version is kept every 30 seconds, for the first day a version is kept every hour, for the first 30 days a version is kept every day, until the maximum age a version is kept every week.": "Se utilizan los siguientes intervalos: para la primera hora se mantiene una versión cada 30 segundos, para el primer día se mantiene una versión cada hora, para los primeros 30 días se mantiene una versión diaria hasta la edad máxima de una semana.",
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "Los siguientes elementos no pueden ser sincronizados.",
"The maximum age must be a number and cannot be blank.": "La edad máxima debe ser un número y no puede estar vacía.",
"The maximum time to keep a version (in days, set to 0 to keep versions forever).": "El tiempo máximo para mantener una versión en días (introducir 0 para mantener las versiones indefinidamente).",
"The minimum free disk space percentage must be a non-negative number between 0 and 100 (inclusive).": "El porcentaje de espacio libre mínimo debe ser un número no negativo entre 0 y 100 (ambos inclusive).",
"The number of days must be a number and cannot be blank.": "El número de días debe ser un número y no puede estar en blanco.",
"The number of days to keep files in the trash can. Zero means forever.": "El número de días para mantener los archivos en la papelera. Cero significa \"para siempre\".",
"The number of old versions to keep, per file.": "El número de versiones a antiguas a mantener para cada fichero.",
"The number of versions must be a number and cannot be blank.": "El número de versiones debe ser un número y no puede estar vacío.",
"The path cannot be blank.": "La ruta no puede estar vacía.",
"The rate limit must be a non-negative number (0: no limit)": "El intervalo de reescaneo debe ser un número no negativo de segundos. (0: no limit)",
"The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.": "El intervalo de reescaneo debe ser un número no negativo de segundos.",
"They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.": "Los archivos se sincronizan automáticamente cuando el error se resuelve.",
"The rate limit must be a non-negative number (0: no limit)": "El límite de velocidad debe ser un número no negativo (0: sin límite)",
"The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.": "El intervalo de actualización debe ser un número positivo de segundos.",
"They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.": "Se reintentarán de forma automática y se sincronizarán cuando se resuelva el error.",
"This Device": "Este Dispositivo",
"This can easily give hackers access to read and change any files on your computer.": "Esto puede darle permiso a los hackers, podrán acceder a cualquier archivo, pudiéndolos leer y editar.",
"This is a major version upgrade.": "Esta es una actualización de version mayor.",
"This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.",
"Time": "Tiempo",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Versiones como cubo de basura",
"This can easily give hackers access to read and change any files on your computer.": "Esto podría permitir fácilmente el acceso a hackers para leer y modificar cualquier fichero de tu equipo.",
"This is a major version upgrade.": "Hay una actualización importante.",
"This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "Este ajuste controla el espacio libre necesario en el disco principal (por ejemplo, el índice de la base de datos).",
"Time": "Hora",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Versionado de archivos de la papelera",
"Type": "Tipo",
"Unknown": "Desconocido",
"Unshared": "No compartido",
"Unused": "No utilizado",
"Unused": "No usado",
"Up to Date": "Actualizado",
"Updated": "Actualizado",
"Upgrade": "Actualizar",
"Upgrade To {%version%}": "Actualizar a {{version}}",
"Upgrading": "Actualizando",
"Upload Rate": "Tasa de subida",
"Uptime": "Tiempo en funcionamiento",
"Usage reporting is always enabled for candidate releases.": "Reportes anónimos de uso siempre estan enviados en las versions preliminares.",
"Use HTTPS for GUI": "Usar HTTPS para la GUI",
"Upload Rate": "Velocidad de subida",
"Uptime": "Tiempo de funcionamiento",
"Usage reporting is always enabled for candidate releases.": "El informe de uso está siempre habilitado en las versiones candidatas.",
"Use HTTPS for GUI": "Usar HTTPS para la Interfaz Gráfica de Usuario (GUI)",
"Version": "Versión",
"Versions Path": "Ruta de versiones",
"Versions are automatically deleted if they are older than the maximum age or exceed the number of files allowed in an interval.": "Las versiones se eliminan automáticamente si son mayores de la edad máxima o mayor que el número de archivos permitidos en un intervalo.",
"Warning, this path is a parent directory of an existing folder \"{%otherFolder%}\".": "Atención, esta ruta es un repertorio allegado por lo menos de un reparto existente (por ejemplo \" {{otherFolder}} \"). Si usted continúa, usted debería crear un nuevo subdirectorio, si no esto puede causar problemas tales como duplicaciones y/o supresiones intempestivas de ficheros.",
"Warning, this path is a parent directory of an existing folder \"{%otherFolderLabel%}\" ({%otherFolder%}).": "Atención, esta ruta es un repertorio allegado por lo menos de un reparto existente (por ejemplo \" {{otherFolderLabel}} \" ({{otherFolder}})). Si usted continúa, usted debería crear un nuevo subdirectorio, si no esto puede causar problemas tales como duplicaciones y/o supresiones intempestivas de ficheros.",
"Warning, this path is a subdirectory of an existing folder \"{%otherFolder%}\".": "Atención, esta dirección es un subdirectorio de un directorio existente \"{{otherFolder}}\".",
"Warning, this path is a subdirectory of an existing folder \"{%otherFolderLabel%}\" ({%otherFolder%}).": "ATENCIÓN, esta ruta es un subdirectorio del reparto existente \" {{otherFolderLabel}} \" ({{otherFolder}}). Esto puede causar problemas tales como duplicaciones y/o supresiones intempestivas de ficheros.",
"When adding a new device, keep in mind that this device must be added on the other side too.": "Al agregar un nuevo dispositivo, tenga en cuenta que este dispositivo se debe agregar en el otro lado también.",
"When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "Al agregar un nuevo repositorio, tenga en cuenta que la ID del repositorio se utiliza para conectar los repositorios entre dispositivos. Se distingue entre mayúsculas y minúsculas y debe ser exactamente igual en todos los dispositivos.",
"Yes": "Sí",
"You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "Usted puede cambiar su elección en el cuadro de diálogo Configuración.",
"You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "Usted puede saber más sobre ambos canales de distribución vía el lazo más abajo.",
"You must keep at least one version.": "Debe mantener al menos una versión",
"Versions Path": "Ruta de las versiones",
"Versions are automatically deleted if they are older than the maximum age or exceed the number of files allowed in an interval.": "Las versiones se borran automáticamente si son más antiguas que la edad máxima o exceden el número de ficheros permitidos en un intervalo.",
"Warning, this path is a parent directory of an existing folder \"{%otherFolder%}\".": "¡Peligro! Esta ruta es un directorio principal de la carpeta ya existente \"{{otherFolder}}\".",
"Warning, this path is a parent directory of an existing folder \"{%otherFolderLabel%}\" ({%otherFolder%}).": "'Peligro! Esta ruta es un subdirectorio de la carpeta ya existente \"{{otherFolderLabel}}\" ({{otherFolder}}).",
"Warning, this path is a subdirectory of an existing folder \"{%otherFolder%}\".": "Peligro! Esta ruta es un subdirectorio de una carpeta ya existente llamada \"{{otherFolder}}\".",
"Warning, this path is a subdirectory of an existing folder \"{%otherFolderLabel%}\" ({%otherFolder%}).": "Peligro, esta ruta es un subdirectorio de una carpeta ya existente llamada \"{{otherFolderLabel}}\" ({{otherFolder}}).",
"When adding a new device, keep in mind that this device must be added on the other side too.": "Cuando añada un nuevo dispositivo, tenga en cuenta que este debe añadirse también en el otro lado.",
"When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "Cuando añada una nueva carpeta, tenga en cuenta que su ID se usa para unir carpetas entre dispositivos. Son sensibles a las mayúsculas y deben coincidir exactamente entre todos los dispositivos.",
"Yes": "Si",
"You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "Puedes cambiar tu elección en cualquier momento en el panel de Ajustes.",
"You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "Puedes leer más sobre los dos método de publicación de versiones en el siguiente enlace.",
"You must keep at least one version.": "Debes mantener al menos una versión.",
"days": "días",
"directories": "directorios",
"files": "archivos",
"full documentation": "documentación completa",
"items": "ítems",
"{%device%} wants to share folder \"{%folder%}\".": "{{device}} quiere compartir repositorio \"{{folder}}\".",
"full documentation": "Documentación completa",
"items": "Elementos",
"{%device%} wants to share folder \"{%folder%}\".": "{{device}} quiere compartir la carpeta \"{{folder}}\".",
"{%device%} wants to share folder \"{%folderlabel%}\" ({%folder%}).": "{{device}} quiere compartir la carpeta \"{{folderlabel}}\" ({{folder}})."
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
"Add": "Gehitu",
"Add Device": "Tresna gehitu",
"Add Folder": "Karpeta gehitu",
"Add Remote Device": "Urruneko tresna bat gehitu",
"Add Remote Device": "Urrundikako tresna bat gehitu",
"Add devices from the introducer to our device list, for mutually shared folders.": "Gure tresna zerrendan tresnak gehitzea baimendu, partekatzeetan.",
"Add new folder?": "Karpeta berria gehitu?",
"Address": "Helbidea",
@ -44,19 +44,19 @@
"Copied from original": "Jatorrizkotik kopiatua",
"Copyright © 2014-2016 the following Contributors:": "Copyright 2014-2016, ekarle hauk:",
"Copyright © 2014-2017 the following Contributors:": "Copyright 2014-2017, ekarle hauk:",
"Creating ignore patterns, overwriting an existing file at {%path%}.": "Baztertze modelo batzuen sortzea, den fitxategiari ordaina ezartzea: {{bidea}}",
"Creating ignore patterns, overwriting an existing file at {%path%}.": "Baztertze modelo batzuen sortzea, dagoen fitxategiari ordaina ezartzea: {{path}}",
"Danger!": "Lanjera !",
"Deleted": "Kendua",
"Device": "Tresna",
"Device \"{%name%}\" ({%device%} at {%address%}) wants to connect. Add new device?": "Tresna \"{{name}}\" ({{device}}{{address}} era) konektatu nahi du. Onhartzen duzu? ?",
"Device \"{%name%}\" ({%device%} at {%address%}) wants to connect. Add new device?": "Tresna \"{{name}}\" ({{device}} {{address}} era) konektatu nahi du. Onhartzen duzu ?",
"Device ID": "Tresnaren ID-a",
"Device Identification": "Tresnaren identifikazioa",
"Device Name": "Tresnaren izena",
"Devices": "Tresnak",
"Disconnected": "Deskonektatua",
"Discovered": "Agertua",
"Discovery": "Aurkikuntza",
"Discovery Failures": "Hutsegiteak",
"Discovery": "Agertzea",
"Discovery Failures": "Agertze hutsegiteak",
"Documentation": "Dokumentazioa",
"Download Rate": "Deskargatzearen bit-tasa",
"Downloaded": "Deskargatua",
@ -65,13 +65,13 @@
"Edit Device": "Tresna aldatzea",
"Edit Folder": "Partekatze aldatzea",
"Editing": "Aldaketak",
"Editing {%path%}.": "Muntatzea {{bidea}}",
"Editing {%path%}.": "Muntatzea {{path}}",
"Enable NAT traversal": "NAT translazioa aktibatu",
"Enable Relaying": "Aldizkatzea posible",
"Enter a non-negative number (e.g., \"2.35\") and select a unit. Percentages are as part of the total disk size.": "Negatiboa ez den zenbaki bat hauta ezazu (\"2.35\" adib.) eta unitate bat hauta. Disko osoaren espazio ehunekoa",
"Enter a non-negative number (e.g., \"2.35\") and select a unit. Percentages are as part of the total disk size.": "Negatiboa ez den zenbaki bat hauta ezazu (\"2.35\" adib.) bai eta unitate bat. Disko osoaren ehuneko espazioa",
"Enter a non-privileged port number (1024 - 65535).": "Abantailatua ez den portu zenbalki bat sar ezazu (1024 - 65535)",
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": " (\"tcp://ip:ataka\", \"tcp://izena:ataka\") zuzenbideak sar, krakotx batez separatuak edo bestenaz \"dynamic\", zuzenbidearen xekatze automatikoa aktibatzeko\nTu peux traduire nom et port mot à mot dans la parenthèse, c'est pas des variables du programme, juste du texte explicatif",
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Ezkluzio filtroak sar, lerro batean bakar bat",
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": " (\"tcp://ip:ataka\", \"tcp://izena:ataka\") zuzenbideak sar, krakotx batez separatuak edo bestenaz \"dynamic\", zuzenbidearen xekatze automatikoa aktibatzeko",
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Ezkluzio filtroak sar, lerro bakoitzean bat bakarrik.",
"Error": "Hutsa",
"External File Versioning": "Fitxategi bertsioen kanpoko kudeaketa",
"Failed Items": "Huts egin duten fitxategiak",
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
"File permission bits are ignored when looking for changes. Use on FAT file systems.": "Aldaketa bilaketetan, fitxeroen baimen bitak ez dira kontuan hartuko. Fitxero FAT sistimetan erabilia.",
"Files are moved to .stversions directory when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Fitxategiak .stbersioak errepertorioan lekutuak dira, Syncthing-ek ordezkatzen edo kentzen dituelarik",
"Files are moved to .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": ".stbersioak azpi karpetan lekutuko dira fitxeroak, Syncthing-ek aldatu edo ezeztatuko dituelarik. Beren helbide errelatiboak hor berean berriz sortuak izanen dira, behar balin bada",
"Files are moved to date stamped versions in a .stversions directory when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Files are moved to date stamped versions in a .stversions directory when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.",
"Files are moved to date stamped versions in a .stversions directory when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Syncthing-ek aldatzen edo kentzen dituelarik, fitxeroak \".stbertsioak\" peko-errepertoriorat lekutuak dira, jatorrizkoaren berdin berdina den zuhaitz-formako batean",
"Files are moved to date stamped versions in a .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": ".stbersioak azpi karpetan lekutuko eta ordu-markatuko dira fitxeroak, egitura errelatibo berdin batean, Syncthing-ek aldatu edo ezeztatuko dituelarik.",
"Files are protected from changes made on other devices, but changes made on this device will be sent to the rest of the cluster.": "Beste tresnetan eginak izanen diren aldaketetatik zainduak izanen dira fitxeroak; haatik, tresna huntan egindako aldaketak besteeri hedatuak izanen dira.",
"Folder": "Partekatze",
@ -158,6 +158,8 @@
"Please consult the release notes before performing a major upgrade.": "Aktualizatze garrantzitsu bat egin baino lehen, bertsioaren oharrak begira itzazu.",
"Please set a GUI Authentication User and Password in the Settings dialog.": "Konfigurazio leihoan asma itzazu erabiltzale izen bat eta pasahitz bat",
"Please wait": "Pazientzia pixka bat, otoi",
"Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal": "Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal",
"Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity": "Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity",
"Preview": "Aurrebista",
"Preview Usage Report": "Erabiltze estatistika txostenaren aurrebista",
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Eredu konpatibleen gidaliburuxka",
@ -165,7 +167,7 @@
"Random": "Aleatorioa",
"Reduced by ignore patterns": "Baztertze eredu batzuk mugatuak",
"Release Notes": "Bertsioen notak",
"Release candidates contain the latest features and fixes. They are similar to the traditional bi-weekly Syncthing releases.": "Release candidates contain the latest features and fixes. They are similar to the traditional bi-weekly Syncthing releases.",
"Release candidates contain the latest features and fixes. They are similar to the traditional bi-weekly Syncthing releases.": "Azken zuzenketak eta funtzionalitateak edukitzen dituzte aitzin-bertsioek. Bi hilabete guziz egiten diren eguneratzeen berdinak dira.",
"Remote Devices": "Beste tresnak",
"Remove": "Kendu",
"Required identifier for the folder. Must be the same on all cluster devices.": "Partekatzearen erabilzaile izena. Dauden tresna guzietan berdin berdina izan behar du",
@ -255,7 +257,7 @@
"Up to Date": "Eguneratua",
"Updated": "Berritua",
"Upgrade": "Aktualizatu",
"Upgrade To {%version%}": "Egunetaratu {{bertsio}}-ari buruz",
"Upgrade To {%version%}": "Egunetaratu {{version}}-ari buruz",
"Upgrading": "Syncthing-en egunetaratzea",
"Upload Rate": "Igortze emaria",
"Uptime": "Erabiltze denbora",
@ -264,10 +266,10 @@
"Version": "Bertsioa",
"Versions Path": "Bertsioen kokalekua",
"Versions are automatically deleted if they are older than the maximum age or exceed the number of files allowed in an interval.": "Bertsioak automatikoki ezeztatuak izanen dira, kontserbatzeko iraupen denbora pasatua badute edo bitartean onartua den kopurua (fitxategi bakoitzean) gainditua balin bada",
"Warning, this path is a parent directory of an existing folder \"{%otherFolder%}\".": "Kasu, bide hau dagoen partekatze baten karpeta ahaidea da (adibidez, \" {{BestePartekatze}}\"). Segitzen baduzu, azpi-karpeta berri bat sortu behar duzu, bestenaz arazoak sortzen ahal dira, fitxategi kentzeak edo doblatzeak.",
"Warning, this path is a parent directory of an existing folder \"{%otherFolderLabel%}\" ({%otherFolder%}).": "Kasu, bide hau dagoen partekatze baten karpeta ahaidea da (adibidez, \"{{BestePartekatzeLabela}}\" ({{BestePartekatze}}). ",
"Warning, this path is a subdirectory of an existing folder \"{%otherFolder%}\".": "Kasu, bide hau \"{{BestePartekatze}}\" partekatzearen azpi-karpeta da. Arazoak emaiten ahal ditu, fitxategi kentzeak edo doblatzeak, adibidez.",
"Warning, this path is a subdirectory of an existing folder \"{%otherFolderLabel%}\" ({%otherFolder%}).": "Kasu, bide hau \"{{BestePartekatzeLabela}}\" ({{BestePartekatze}}) partekatzearen azpi-karpeta da. Arazoak emaiten ahal ditu, fitxategi kentzeak edo doblatzeak, adibidez.",
"Warning, this path is a parent directory of an existing folder \"{%otherFolder%}\".": "Kasu, bide hau dagoen partekatze baten karpeta ahaidea da (adibidez, \"{{otherFolder}}\"). Segitzen baduzu, azpi-karpeta berri bat sortu behar duzu, bestenaz arazoak sortzen ahal dira, fitxategi kentzeak edo doblatzeak.",
"Warning, this path is a parent directory of an existing folder \"{%otherFolderLabel%}\" ({%otherFolder%}).": "Kasu, bide hau dagoen partekatze baten karpeta ahaidea da (adibidez, \"{{otherFolderLabel}}\" ({{otherFolder}}). ",
"Warning, this path is a subdirectory of an existing folder \"{%otherFolder%}\".": "Kasu, bide hau \"{{otherFolder}}\" partekatzearen azpi-karpeta da. Arazoak emaiten ahal ditu, fitxategi kentzeak edo doblatzeak, adibidez.",
"Warning, this path is a subdirectory of an existing folder \"{%otherFolderLabel%}\" ({%otherFolder%}).": "Kasu, bide hau \"{{otherFolderLabel}}\" ({{otherFolder}}) partekatzearen azpi-karpeta da. Arazoak emaiten ahal ditu, fitxategi kentzeak edo doblatzeak, adibidez.",
"When adding a new device, keep in mind that this device must be added on the other side too.": "Tresna bat gehitzen duzularik, gogoan atxik ezazu zurea bestaldean gehitu behar dela ere",
"When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "Partekatze bat gehitzen delarik, gogoan atxik ezazu bere IDa erabilia dela errepertorioak lotzeko tresnen bitartez. ID-a hautskorra da eta partekatze hontan parte hartzen duten tresna guzietan berdina izan behar du.",
"Yes": "Bai",
@ -279,6 +281,6 @@
"files": "Fitxategiak",
"full documentation": "Dokumentazio osoa",
"items": "Elementuak",
"{%device%} wants to share folder \"{%folder%}\".": "{{Tresna}}-k \"{{folder}}\" partekatze hontan gomitatzen zaitu.",
"{%device%} wants to share folder \"{%folderlabel%}\" ({%folder%}).": "{{Tresna}}-ak \"{{PartekatzeLabela}}\" ({{Partekatze}}) hontan gomitatzen zaitu."
"{%device%} wants to share folder \"{%folder%}\".": "{{device}}k \"{{folder}}\" partekatze hontan gomitatzen zaitu.",
"{%device%} wants to share folder \"{%folderlabel%}\" ({%folder%}).": "{{device}}k \"{{folderlabel}}\" ({{folder}}) hontan gomitatzen zaitu."
@ -158,6 +158,8 @@
"Please consult the release notes before performing a major upgrade.": "Tutustu julkaisutietoihin ennen kuin teet pääversion päivityksen.",
"Please set a GUI Authentication User and Password in the Settings dialog.": "Ole hyvä ja aseta käyttäjätunnus ja salasana käyttöliittymää varten asetusvalikossa.",
"Please wait": "Ole hyvä ja odota",
"Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal": "Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal",
"Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity": "Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity",
"Preview": "Esikatselu",
"Preview Usage Report": "Esikatsele käyttöraportti",
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Tuettujen lausekkeiden pikaohje",
@ -158,6 +158,8 @@
"Please consult the release notes before performing a major upgrade.": "Veuillez consulter les notes de version avant de réaliser une mise à jour majeure.",
"Please set a GUI Authentication User and Password in the Settings dialog.": "Veuillez définir un nom d'utilisateur et un mot de passe dans les réglages.",
"Please wait": "Merci de patienter",
"Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal": "Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal",
"Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity": "Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity",
"Preview": "Aperçu",
"Preview Usage Report": "Aperçu du rapport de statistiques d'utilisation",
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Guide rapide des masques compatibles ci-dessous",
@ -158,6 +158,8 @@
"Please consult the release notes before performing a major upgrade.": "Veuillez consulter les notes de version avant de réaliser une mise à jour majeure.",
"Please set a GUI Authentication User and Password in the Settings dialog.": "Veuillez définir un nom d'utilisateur et un mot de passe dans la fenêtre de Configuration.",
"Please wait": "Merci de patienter",
"Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal": "Ce préfixe autorise la suppression des fichiers pour permettre la suppression de répertoires.",
"Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity": "Ce préfixe, inutile sur Windows et Mac OS, indique que le masque d'exclusion est insensible à la casse.",
"Preview": "Aperçu",
"Preview Usage Report": "Aperçu du rapport de statistiques d'utilisation",
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Guide rapide des masques compatibles ci-dessous",
@ -264,7 +266,7 @@
"Version": "Version",
"Versions Path": "Emplacement des versions",
"Versions are automatically deleted if they are older than the maximum age or exceed the number of files allowed in an interval.": "Les plus anciennes versions seront supprimées automatiquement quand elles dépassent la durée maximum de conservation ou si leur nombre (par fichier) est supérieur à la limite prédéfinie pour l'intervalle.",
"Warning, this path is a parent directory of an existing folder \"{%otherFolder%}\".": "Attention, ce chemin est un répertoire parent d'au moins un partage existant (par exemple \"{{otherFolder}}\"). Si vous continuez, vous devriez créer un nouveau sous-répertoire, sinon ceci peut causer des problèmes tels que duplications et/ou suppressions intempestives de fichiers.",
"Warning, this path is a parent directory of an existing folder \"{%otherFolder%}\".": "Attention, ce chemin est un répertoire parent d'au moins un partage existant (par exemple \"{{otherFolder}}\"). Si c'est bien ce que vous souhaitez, vous devriez créer un nouveau sous-répertoire, sinon ceci peut causer des problèmes tels que duplications et/ou suppressions intempestives de fichiers.",
"Warning, this path is a parent directory of an existing folder \"{%otherFolderLabel%}\" ({%otherFolder%}).": "Attention, ce chemin est un répertoire parent d'au moins un partage existant (par exemple \"{{otherFolderLabel}}\" ({{otherFolder}})). Si vous continuez, vous devriez créer un nouveau sous-répertoire, sinon ceci peut causer des problèmes tels que duplications et/ou suppressions intempestives de fichiers.",
"Warning, this path is a subdirectory of an existing folder \"{%otherFolder%}\".": "ATTENTION, ce chemin est un sous-répertoire du partage existant \"{{otherFolder}}\". Ceci peut causer des problèmes tels que duplications et/ou suppressions intempestives de fichiers.",
"Warning, this path is a subdirectory of an existing folder \"{%otherFolderLabel%}\" ({%otherFolder%}).": "ATTENTION, ce chemin est un sous-répertoire du partage existant \"{{otherFolderLabel}}\" ({{otherFolder}}). Ceci peut causer des problèmes tels que duplications et/ou suppressions intempestives de fichiers.",
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
"Error": "Flater",
"External File Versioning": "Ekstern ferzjebehear foar triemen",
"Failed Items": "Mislearre items",
"Failure to connect to IPv6 servers is expected if there is no IPv6 connectivity.": "Konneksje mei IPv6-tsjinners wol lykwols net slagje sûnder IPv6-ferbining is.",
"Failure to connect to IPv6 servers is expected if there is no IPv6 connectivity.": " Mislearjen fan it ferbinen mei IPv6-tsjinners wurd ferwachte as der gjin stipe foar IPv6-ferbinings is.",
"File Pull Order": "Triemlûkfolchoarder",
"File Versioning": "Triemferzjebehear",
"File permission bits are ignored when looking for changes. Use on FAT file systems.": "Bits foar triemrjochten wurde negearre yn it sykjen foar feroarings. Brûk dit op FAT-triemsystemen.",
@ -158,6 +158,8 @@
"Please consult the release notes before performing a major upgrade.": "Foardat jo in wichtige fernijing ynstallearre, graach earst de fernijingsoantekenings lêze.",
"Please set a GUI Authentication User and Password in the Settings dialog.": "Graach foar GUI-ferifikaasje in brûkers-ID en wachtwurd ynstelle yn it ynstellingsdialooch.",
"Please wait": "In amerijke",
"Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal": "Prefiks dy't oanjout dat de triem fourtsmiten wurde kin wannear dit it ferwiderjen belet.",
"Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity": "Prefiks dy't oanjout dat fergelykings mei it patroans net haadlettergefoelich wêze sille.",
"Preview": "Foarbyld",
"Preview Usage Report": "Foarbyld fan brûkensrapport ",
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Fluch-paadwizer foar stipe patroanen",
@ -158,6 +158,8 @@
"Please consult the release notes before performing a major upgrade.": "Nagyobb frissítés előtt ellenőrizni kell a kiadási megjegyzéseket.",
"Please set a GUI Authentication User and Password in the Settings dialog.": "Be kell állítani a grafikus felület felhasználónevét és jelszavát a Beállítások párbeszédablakban.",
"Please wait": "Türelem",
"Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal": "Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal",
"Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity": "Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity",
"Preview": "Előnézet",
"Preview Usage Report": "Használati jelentés áttekintése",
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Rövid útmutató a használható mintákról",
@ -158,6 +158,8 @@
"Please consult the release notes before performing a major upgrade.": "Please consult the release notes before performing a major upgrade.",
"Please set a GUI Authentication User and Password in the Settings dialog.": "Please set a GUI Authentication User and Password in the Settings dialog.",
"Please wait": "Please wait",
"Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal": "Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal",
"Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity": "Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity",
"Preview": "Preview",
"Preview Usage Report": "Preview Usage Report",
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Quick guide to supported patterns",
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
"Enable NAT traversal": "Abilita NAT traversal",
"Enable Relaying": "Abilita Reindirizzamento",
"Enter a non-negative number (e.g., \"2.35\") and select a unit. Percentages are as part of the total disk size.": "Inserisci un numero non negativo (ad esempio \"2.35\") e seleziona un'unità. Le percentuali sono parte della dimensione totale del disco.",
"Enter a non-privileged port number (1024 - 65535).": "Enter a non-privileged port number (1024 - 65535).",
"Enter a non-privileged port number (1024 - 65535).": "Inserisci un numero di porta non-privilegiata (1024 - 65535).",
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Inserisci indirizzi separati da virgola (\"tcp://ip:porta\", \"tcp://host:porta\") oppure \"dynamic\" per effettuare il rilevamento automatico dell'indirizzo.",
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Inserisci gli schemi di esclusione, uno per riga.",
"Error": "Errore",
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
"GUI": "Interfaccia Grafica Utente",
"GUI Authentication Password": "Password dell'Interfaccia Grafica",
"GUI Authentication User": "Utente dell'Interfaccia Grafica",
"GUI Listen Address": "GUI Listen Address",
"GUI Listen Address": "Indirizzo dell'Interfaccia Grafica",
"GUI Listen Addresses": "Indirizzi dell'Interfaccia Grafica",
"GUI Theme": "Tema GUI",
"Generate": "Genera",
@ -158,6 +158,8 @@
"Please consult the release notes before performing a major upgrade.": "Si prega di consultare le note di rilascio prima di eseguire un aggiornamento principale.",
"Please set a GUI Authentication User and Password in the Settings dialog.": "Per favore impostare Utente e Password dell'Interfaccia Grafica nelle Impostazioni.",
"Please wait": "Attendere prego",
"Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal": "Prefisso che indica che il file può essere eliminato se impedisce la rimozione della cartella",
"Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity": "Prefisso che indica che lo schema deve essere abbinato senza tener conto delle maiuscole",
"Preview": "Anteprima",
"Preview Usage Report": "Anteprima Statistiche di Utilizzo",
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Guida veloce agli schemi supportati",
@ -158,6 +158,8 @@
"Please consult the release notes before performing a major upgrade.": "メジャーアップグレードを行う前にリリースノートを参照してください。",
"Please set a GUI Authentication User and Password in the Settings dialog.": "設定ダイアログから、GUI認証ユーザー名とパスワードを設定してください。",
"Please wait": "お待ちください",
"Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal": "このファイルが中に残っているためにディレクトリを削除できない場合、このファイルごと消してもよいことを示す接頭辞",
"Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity": "大文字・小文字を同一視してマッチさせる接頭辞",
"Preview": "プレビュー",
"Preview Usage Report": "利用状況レポートのプレビュー",
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "サポートされているパターンの簡易ガイド",
@ -158,12 +158,14 @@
"Please consult the release notes before performing a major upgrade.": "메이저 업데이트를 하기 전에 먼저 릴리즈 노트를 살펴보세요.",
"Please set a GUI Authentication User and Password in the Settings dialog.": "설정에서 GUI 인증용 User와 암호를 입력해주세요.",
"Please wait": "기다려 주십시오",
"Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal": "디렉토리 제거를 방지 할 경우 파일을 삭제할 수 있음을 나타내는 접두사",
"Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity": "대소 문자를 구분하지 않고 패턴을 일치시켜야 함을 나타내는 접두사",
"Preview": "미리보기",
"Preview Usage Report": "사용 보고서 미리보기",
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "지원하는 패턴에 대한 빠른 도움말",
"RAM Utilization": "RAM 사용량",
"Random": "무작위",
"Reduced by ignore patterns": "Reduced by ignore patterns",
"Reduced by ignore patterns": "무시 패턴으로 축소",
"Release Notes": "릴리즈 노트",
"Release candidates contain the latest features and fixes. They are similar to the traditional bi-weekly Syncthing releases.": "출시 후보는 최신 기능과 버그 픽스를 포함 하고 있습니다. 이 버전은 예전 방식인 2주 주기 Syncthing 출시와 비슷합니다.",
"Remote Devices": "원격 기기",
@ -158,6 +158,8 @@
"Please consult the release notes before performing a major upgrade.": "Peržvelkite laidos informaciją prieš atlikdami stambų atnaujinimą.",
"Please set a GUI Authentication User and Password in the Settings dialog.": "Prašome nustatymų dialoge nustatyti valdymo skydelio vartotojo vardą ir slaptažodį.",
"Please wait": "Prašome palaukti",
"Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal": "Priešdelis, nurodantis, kad failas gali būti ištrintas tuo atveju, jei neleidžia šalinti katalogo",
"Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity": "Priešdelis, nurodantis, kad šablonas turėtų būti atitiktas neskiriant raidžių dydžio",
"Preview": "Peržiūra",
"Preview Usage Report": "Naudojimo ataskaitos peržiūra",
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Trumpas leistinų šablonų vadovas",
@ -158,6 +158,8 @@
"Please consult the release notes before performing a major upgrade.": "Sjekk utgivelsesnotatene før en storoppgradering utføres.",
"Please set a GUI Authentication User and Password in the Settings dialog.": "Vennligst angi bruker og passord for GUI-autentisering i innstillingsvinduet.",
"Please wait": "Vent",
"Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal": "Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal",
"Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity": "Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity",
"Preview": "Forhåndsvisning",
"Preview Usage Report": "Forhåndsvisning av datainnsamling",
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Kjapp innføring i godkjente mønster",
@ -268,7 +270,7 @@
"Warning, this path is a parent directory of an existing folder \"{%otherFolderLabel%}\" ({%otherFolder%}).": "Advarsel, denne stien er en foreldremappe for en eksisterende mappe \"{{otherFolderLabel}}\" ({{otherFolder}}).",
"Warning, this path is a subdirectory of an existing folder \"{%otherFolder%}\".": "Advarsel, denne stien er en undermappe i en eksisterende mappe \"{{otherFolder}}\".",
"Warning, this path is a subdirectory of an existing folder \"{%otherFolderLabel%}\" ({%otherFolder%}).": "Advarsel, denne stien er en undermappe for en eksisterende mappe \"{{otherFolderLabel}}\" ({{otherFolder}}).",
"When adding a new device, keep in mind that this device must be added on the other side too.": "Merk at når en ny enhet blir lagt til må denne også legges til på andre siden.",
"When adding a new device, keep in mind that this device must be added on the other side too.": "When adding a new device, keep in mind that this device must be added on the other side too.",
"When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "Når en ny mappe blir lagt til, husk at Mappe-ID blir brukt til å binde sammen mapper mellom enheter. Det er forskjell på store og små bokstaver, så IDene må være identiske på alle enhetene.",
"Yes": "Ja",
"You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "Du kan endre ditt valg når som helst i innstillingene.",
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
"GUI": "GUI",
"GUI Authentication Password": "GUI-wachtwoord",
"GUI Authentication User": "GUI-gebruikersnaam",
"GUI Listen Address": "GUI Listen Address",
"GUI Listen Address": "GUI-luisteradres",
"GUI Listen Addresses": "GUI-adres",
"GUI Theme": "GUI-thema",
"Generate": "Genereer",
@ -158,6 +158,8 @@
"Please consult the release notes before performing a major upgrade.": "Lees eerst de release notes voordat u een grote update uitvoert.",
"Please set a GUI Authentication User and Password in the Settings dialog.": "Stel een gebruikersnaam en wachtwoord in bij 'Instellingen'.",
"Please wait": "Even geduld",
"Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal": "Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal",
"Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity": "Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity",
"Preview": "Preview",
"Preview Usage Report": "Preview gebruiksstatistieken",
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Snelgids voor ondersteunde patronen",
@ -158,6 +158,8 @@
"Please consult the release notes before performing a major upgrade.": "Sjå utgjevingsmerknadene før ei hovudoppgradering vert utført.",
"Please set a GUI Authentication User and Password in the Settings dialog.": "Ver vennleg å laga ein GUI-brukar og eit passord i Innstillingar-dialogen.",
"Please wait": "Gjer vel og vent",
"Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal": "Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal",
"Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity": "Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity",
"Preview": "Førehandsvisning",
"Preview Usage Report": "Førehandsvis bruksrapporten",
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Kjapp innføring i godkjente mønster",
@ -158,6 +158,8 @@
"Please consult the release notes before performing a major upgrade.": "Zaleca się przeanalizowanie \"release notes\" przed przeprowadzeniem znaczącej aktualizacji.",
"Please set a GUI Authentication User and Password in the Settings dialog.": "Ustaw proszę użytkownika i hasło dostępowe do GUI w Ustawieniach",
"Please wait": "Proszę czekać",
"Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal": "Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal",
"Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity": "Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity",
"Preview": "Podgląd",
"Preview Usage Report": "Podgląd raportu użycia.",
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Krótki przewodnik po obsługiwanych wzorcach",
@ -158,6 +158,8 @@
"Please consult the release notes before performing a major upgrade.": "Por favor, consulte as notas de lançamento antes de atualizar para uma versão \"major\".",
"Please set a GUI Authentication User and Password in the Settings dialog.": "Por favor, defina um nome de usuário e senha para acesso à interface web, nas configurações.",
"Please wait": "Aguarde",
"Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal": "Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal",
"Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity": "Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity",
"Preview": "Visualizar",
"Preview Usage Report": "Visualizar relatório de uso",
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Guia rápido dos padrões suportados",
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"A device with that ID is already added.": "Já foi adicionado um dispositivo com esse ID anteriormente.",
"A device with that ID is already added.": "Já foi adicionado um dispositivo com esse ID anteriormente.lavelwildcard\n",
"A negative number of days doesn't make sense.": "Um número negativo de dias não faz sentido.",
"A new major version may not be compatible with previous versions.": "Uma nova versão principal pode não ser compatível com versões anteriores.",
"API Key": "Chave da API",
@ -158,6 +158,8 @@
"Please consult the release notes before performing a major upgrade.": "Consulte as notas de lançamento antes de fazer uma actualização importante.",
"Please set a GUI Authentication User and Password in the Settings dialog.": "Por favor, defina um utilizador e senha de autenticação para a interface gráfica, nas configurações.",
"Please wait": "Aguarde",
"Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal": "Prefixo para indicar que o ficheiro pode ser eliminado se estiver a impedir a eliminação da pasta",
"Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity": "Prefixo para indicar que o padrão não diferencia entre maiúsculas e minúsculas",
"Preview": "Previsão",
"Preview Usage Report": "Pré-visualizar relatório de utilização",
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Guia rápido dos padrões suportados",
@ -158,6 +158,8 @@
"Please consult the release notes before performing a major upgrade.": "Перед проведением обновления основной версии ознакомтесь, пожалуйста, с Замечаниями к версии",
"Please set a GUI Authentication User and Password in the Settings dialog.": "Установите имя пользователя и пароль для интерфейса в настройках",
"Please wait": "Пожалуйста, подождите",
"Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal": "Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal",
"Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity": "Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity",
"Preview": "Предварительный просмотр",
"Preview Usage Report": "Посмотреть отчёт об использовании",
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Краткое руководство по поддерживаемым шаблонам",
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
"Advanced Configuration": "Pokročilá konfigurácia",
"Advanced settings": "Pokročilé nastavenia",
"All Data": "Všetky dáta",
"Allow Anonymous Usage Reporting?": "Povoliť anoynmné hlásenie o použivaní?",
"Allow Anonymous Usage Reporting?": "Povoliť anoynmné hlásenia o použivaní?",
"Allowed Networks": "Povolené siete",
"Alphabetic": "Abecedne",
"An external command handles the versioning. It has to remove the file from the shared folder.": "Externý príkaz obstaráva verzie. Musí odstrániť ",
@ -28,11 +28,11 @@
"Automatic upgrade now offers the choice between stable releases and release candidates.": "Automatická aktualizácia teraz ponúka voľbu medzi stabilnými vydaniami a kandidátmi na vydanie.",
"Automatic upgrades": "Automatické aktualizácie",
"Be careful!": "Buď opatrný!",
"Bugs": "Cyhby",
"Bugs": "Chyby",
"CPU Utilization": "Využitie CPU",
"Changelog": "Záznam zmien",
"Clean out after": "Vyčistenie po",
"Click to see discovery failures": "Klikni pre zobrazenie zlyhaní objavovania.",
"Click to see discovery failures": "Kliknite pre zobrazenie zlyhaní zisťovania.",
"Close": "Zatvoriť",
"Command": "Príkaz",
"Comment, when used at the start of a line": "Komentár, keď použité na začiatku riadku",
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
"Copied from original": "Skopírované z originálu",
"Copyright © 2014-2016 the following Contributors:": "Copyright © 2014-2016 následujúci prispivatelia:",
"Copyright © 2014-2017 the following Contributors:": "Copyright © 2014-2017 následujúci prispivatelia:",
"Creating ignore patterns, overwriting an existing file at {%path%}.": "Creating ignore patterns, overwriting an existing file at {{path}}.",
"Creating ignore patterns, overwriting an existing file at {%path%}.": "Vytváranie vzorov ignorovania, prepísanie existujúceho súboru v {{path}}.",
"Danger!": "Pozor!",
"Deleted": "Zmazané",
"Device": "Zariadenie",
@ -54,9 +54,9 @@
"Device Name": "Názov zariadenia",
"Devices": "Zariadenia",
"Disconnected": "Odpojené",
"Discovered": "Objavené",
"Discovery": "Objavenie",
"Discovery Failures": "Zlyhania objavovania",
"Discovered": "Zistené",
"Discovery": "Zisťovanie",
"Discovery Failures": "Zlyhania zisťovania",
"Documentation": "Dokumentácia",
"Download Rate": "Rýchlosť sťahovania",
"Downloaded": "Stiahnuté",
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
"Enable NAT traversal": "Povoliť priechod NAT",
"Enable Relaying": "Povoliť prenosové uzly",
"Enter a non-negative number (e.g., \"2.35\") and select a unit. Percentages are as part of the total disk size.": "Vložte kladné číslo (napr. \"2,35\") a zvoľte jednotku. Percentá sa zobrazujú ako časť celkovej veľkosti disku.",
"Enter a non-privileged port number (1024 - 65535).": "Enter a non-privileged port number (1024 - 65535).",
"Enter a non-privileged port number (1024 - 65535).": "Vložte číslo neprivilegovaného portu (1024-65535).",
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Zadaj čiarkou oddelené (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") adresy alebo \"dynamic\" na automatické zistenie adresy.",
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Zadaj ignorované vzory, jeden na riadok.",
"Error": "Chyba",
@ -93,14 +93,14 @@
"GUI": "GUI",
"GUI Authentication Password": "Prihlasovacie heslo do GUI",
"GUI Authentication User": "Prihlasovacie meno do GUI",
"GUI Listen Address": "GUI Listen Address",
"GUI Listen Address": "Adresa pre prístup do GUI",
"GUI Listen Addresses": "Adresa pre prístup do GUI",
"GUI Theme": "Grafická téma GUI",
"Generate": "Generovať",
"Global Changes": "Globálne zmeny",
"Global Discovery": "Globálne hľadanie",
"Global Discovery Servers": "Global Discovery Servers",
"Global State": "Global State",
"Global Discovery": "Globálne vyhľadávanie",
"Global Discovery Servers": "Globálne zisťovacie servery",
"Global State": "Globálny status",
"Help": "Pomoc",
"Home page": "Domovská stránka",
"Ignore": "Ignorovať",
@ -158,6 +158,8 @@
"Please consult the release notes before performing a major upgrade.": "Pred spustením hlavnej aktualizácie si prosím prečítajte poznámky k vydaniu.",
"Please set a GUI Authentication User and Password in the Settings dialog.": "Zadajte prosím prihlasovanie meno a heslo v dialógovom okne nastavení.",
"Please wait": "Prosím čakajte",
"Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal": "Prefix označujúci, že súbor môže byť odstránený, ak bráni odstráneniu adresára.",
"Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity": "Prefix označujúci, že vzory by mali ignorovať veľkosť písma.",
"Preview": "Náhľad",
"Preview Usage Report": "Náhľad záznamu o používaní",
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Rýchly sprievodca podporovanými vzormi",
@ -165,7 +167,7 @@
"Random": "Náhodne",
"Reduced by ignore patterns": "Znížené o ignorované vzory",
"Release Notes": "Poznámky k vydaniu",
"Release candidates contain the latest features and fixes. They are similar to the traditional bi-weekly Syncthing releases.": "Release candidates contain the latest features and fixes. They are similar to the traditional bi-weekly Syncthing releases.",
"Release candidates contain the latest features and fixes. They are similar to the traditional bi-weekly Syncthing releases.": "Kandidáti na vydanie obsahujú najnovšie vlastnosti a opravy. Sú podobné tradičným dvojtýždenným vydaniam programu Syncthing.",
"Remote Devices": "Vzdialené zariadenia",
"Remove": "Odstrániť",
"Required identifier for the folder. Must be the same on all cluster devices.": "Potrebný identifikátor pre adresár. Musí byť rovnaký na všetkých zariadeniach v skupine.",
@ -186,99 +188,99 @@
"Send & Receive": "Prijímať a odosielať",
"Send Only": "Iba odosielať",
"Settings": "Nastavenia",
"Share": "Share",
"Share Folder": "Share Folder",
"Share Folders With Device": "Share Folders With Device",
"Share With Devices": "Share With Devices",
"Share this folder?": "Share this folder?",
"Shared With": "Shared With",
"Show ID": "Show ID",
"Show QR": "Show QR",
"Shown instead of Device ID in the cluster status. Will be advertised to other devices as an optional default name.": "Shown instead of Device ID in the cluster status. Will be advertised to other devices as an optional default name.",
"Shown instead of Device ID in the cluster status. Will be updated to the name the device advertises if left empty.": "Shown instead of Device ID in the cluster status. Will be updated to the name the device advertises if left empty.",
"Share": "Zdieľať",
"Share Folder": "Zdieľať adresár",
"Share Folders With Device": "Zdieľať adresáre so zariadením",
"Share With Devices": "Zdieľať so zariadeniami",
"Share this folder?": "Zdieľať tento adresár?",
"Shared With": "Zdieľané s",
"Show ID": "Zobraziť ID",
"Show QR": "Zobraziť QR",
"Shown instead of Device ID in the cluster status. Will be advertised to other devices as an optional default name.": "Zobrazované namiesto ID zariadenia v štatúte klastra. Toto pomenovanie bude oznamovať ostatným zariadeniam ako voliteľné predvolené pomenovanie.",
"Shown instead of Device ID in the cluster status. Will be updated to the name the device advertises if left empty.": "Zobrazované namiesto ID zariadenia v klastri. Ak je ponechané prázdne, bude nahradené pomenovaním, ktoré oznamuje zariadenie.",
"Shutdown": "Vypnutie",
"Shutdown Complete": "Shutdown Complete",
"Shutdown Complete": "Vypnutie ukončené",
"Simple File Versioning": "Jednoduché verzie súborov",
"Single level wildcard (matches within a directory only)": "Single level wildcard (matches within a directory only)",
"Smallest First": "Smallest First",
"Source Code": "Source Code",
"Stable releases and release candidates": "Stable releases and release candidates",
"Stable releases are delayed by about two weeks. During this time they go through testing as release candidates.": "Stable releases are delayed by about two weeks. During this time they go through testing as release candidates.",
"Stable releases only": "Stable releases only",
"Smallest First": "Najmenší najprv",
"Source Code": "Zdrojový kód",
"Stable releases and release candidates": "Stabilné verzie a kandidáti na vydanie",
"Stable releases are delayed by about two weeks. During this time they go through testing as release candidates.": "Stabilné vydania sú odložené asi o dva týždne. Počas tejto doby prechádzajú testovaním ako kandidáti na vydanie.",
"Stable releases only": "Iba stabilné verzie",
"Staggered File Versioning": "Rozložené verzie súborov",
"Start Browser": "Start Browser",
"Statistics": "Statistics",
"Stopped": "Stopped",
"Support": "Support",
"Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "Sync Protocol Listen Addresses",
"Syncing": "Syncing",
"Syncthing has been shut down.": "Syncthing has been shut down.",
"Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:",
"Syncthing is restarting.": "Syncthing is restarting.",
"Syncthing is upgrading.": "Syncthing is upgrading.",
"Syncthing seems to be down, or there is a problem with your Internet connection. Retrying…": "Syncthing seems to be down, or there is a problem with your Internet connection. Retrying…",
"Start Browser": "Spusti prehliadač",
"Statistics": "Štatistika",
"Stopped": "Zastavené",
"Support": "Podpora",
"Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "Adresa načúvania synchronizačného protokolu",
"Syncing": "Synchronizácia",
"Syncthing has been shut down.": "Syncthing bol vypnutý.",
"Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing obsahuje nasledujúci software nebo jeho časti:",
"Syncthing is restarting.": "Syncthing sa reštartuje.",
"Syncthing is upgrading.": "Syncthing sa aktualizuje.",
"Syncthing seems to be down, or there is a problem with your Internet connection. Retrying…": "Syncthing se zdá byť nefunkčný, alebo je problém s internetovým pripojením. Opakujem...",
"Syncthing seems to be experiencing a problem processing your request. Please refresh the page or restart Syncthing if the problem persists.": "Syncthing seems to be experiencing a problem processing your request. Please refresh the page or restart Syncthing if the problem persists.",
"The Syncthing admin interface is configured to allow remote access without a password.": "The Syncthing admin interface is configured to allow remote access without a password.",
"The aggregated statistics are publicly available at the URL below.": "The aggregated statistics are publicly available at the URL below.",
"The aggregated statistics are publicly available at the URL below.": "Súhrnné štatistiky sú verejne dostupné na uvedenej URL.",
"The configuration has been saved but not activated. Syncthing must restart to activate the new configuration.": "The configuration has been saved but not activated. Syncthing must restart to activate the new configuration.",
"The device ID cannot be blank.": "The device ID cannot be blank.",
"The device ID to enter here can be found in the \"Actions > Show ID\" dialog on the other device. Spaces and dashes are optional (ignored).": "The device ID to enter here can be found in the \"Actions > Show ID\" dialog on the other device. Spaces and dashes are optional (ignored).",
"The device ID cannot be blank.": "ID zariadenia nemôže byť prázdne.",
"The device ID to enter here can be found in the \"Actions > Show ID\" dialog on the other device. Spaces and dashes are optional (ignored).": "ID zariadenie pre vloženie môžete nájsť na druhom zariadení v dialógu \"Akcia > Zobraziť ID\". Medzery a pomlčky sú voliteľné (ignorované).",
"The encrypted usage report is sent daily. It is used to track common platforms, folder sizes and app versions. If the reported data set is changed you will be prompted with this dialog again.": "The encrypted usage report is sent daily. It is used to track common platforms, folder sizes and app versions. If the reported data set is changed you will be prompted with this dialog again.",
"The entered device ID does not look valid. It should be a 52 or 56 character string consisting of letters and numbers, with spaces and dashes being optional.": "The entered device ID does not look valid. It should be a 52 or 56 character string consisting of letters and numbers, with spaces and dashes being optional.",
"The first command line parameter is the folder path and the second parameter is the relative path in the folder.": "The first command line parameter is the folder path and the second parameter is the relative path in the folder.",
"The folder ID cannot be blank.": "The folder ID cannot be blank.",
"The folder ID must be unique.": "The folder ID must be unique.",
"The folder path cannot be blank.": "The folder path cannot be blank.",
"The folder ID must be unique.": "ID adresára musí byť jedinečné.",
"The folder path cannot be blank.": "Cesta k adresáru nemôže byť prázdna.",
"The following intervals are used: for the first hour a version is kept every 30 seconds, for the first day a version is kept every hour, for the first 30 days a version is kept every day, until the maximum age a version is kept every week.": "The following intervals are used: for the first hour a version is kept every 30 seconds, for the first day a version is kept every hour, for the first 30 days a version is kept every day, until the maximum age a version is kept every week.",
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "The following items could not be synchronized.",
"The maximum age must be a number and cannot be blank.": "The maximum age must be a number and cannot be blank.",
"The maximum age must be a number and cannot be blank.": "Maximálny vek musí byť číslo a nemôže byť prázdne.",
"The maximum time to keep a version (in days, set to 0 to keep versions forever).": "The maximum time to keep a version (in days, set to 0 to keep versions forever).",
"The minimum free disk space percentage must be a non-negative number between 0 and 100 (inclusive).": "The minimum free disk space percentage must be a non-negative number between 0 and 100 (inclusive).",
"The number of days must be a number and cannot be blank.": "The number of days must be a number and cannot be blank.",
"The number of days to keep files in the trash can. Zero means forever.": "The number of days to keep files in the trash can. Zero means forever.",
"The number of old versions to keep, per file.": "The number of old versions to keep, per file.",
"The number of versions must be a number and cannot be blank.": "The number of versions must be a number and cannot be blank.",
"The path cannot be blank.": "The path cannot be blank.",
"The rate limit must be a non-negative number (0: no limit)": "The rate limit must be a non-negative number (0: no limit)",
"The minimum free disk space percentage must be a non-negative number between 0 and 100 (inclusive).": "Minimálne voľné miesto na disku v percentách musí byť kladné číslo medzi 0 a 100 (vrátane).",
"The number of days must be a number and cannot be blank.": "Počet dní musí byť číslo a nemôže byť prázdny.",
"The number of days to keep files in the trash can. Zero means forever.": "Počet dní pre uchovanie súborov v koši. Nula znamená navždy.",
"The number of old versions to keep, per file.": "Počet uchovávaných starších verzií pre každý súbor.",
"The number of versions must be a number and cannot be blank.": "Počet verzií musí byť číslo a nemôže byť prázdny.",
"The path cannot be blank.": "Cesta nemôže byť prázdna.",
"The rate limit must be a non-negative number (0: no limit)": "Limit rýchlosti musí byť kladné číslo (0: bez limitu)",
"The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.": "The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.",
"They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.": "They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.",
"This Device": "This Device",
"This Device": "Toto zariadenie",
"This can easily give hackers access to read and change any files on your computer.": "This can easily give hackers access to read and change any files on your computer.",
"This is a major version upgrade.": "This is a major version upgrade.",
"This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.",
"Time": "Time",
"This is a major version upgrade.": "Toto je hlavná aktualizácia.",
"This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "Toto nastavenie kontroluje voľné miesto požadované na domovskom disku (napr. indexová databáza).",
"Time": "Čas",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Verzie súborov v koši",
"Type": "Type",
"Unknown": "Unknown",
"Unshared": "Unshared",
"Unused": "Unused",
"Up to Date": "Up to Date",
"Updated": "Updated",
"Upgrade": "Upgrade",
"Upgrade To {%version%}": "Upgrade To {{version}}",
"Upgrading": "Upgrading",
"Upload Rate": "Upload Rate",
"Uptime": "Uptime",
"Usage reporting is always enabled for candidate releases.": "Usage reporting is always enabled for candidate releases.",
"Type": "Typ",
"Unknown": "Neznáme",
"Unshared": "Nezdieľané",
"Unused": "Nepoužité",
"Up to Date": "Aktuálne",
"Updated": "Aktualizované",
"Upgrade": "Aktualizácia",
"Upgrade To {%version%}": "Aktualizovať na {{version}}",
"Upgrading": "Aktualizácia",
"Upload Rate": "Rýchlosť odosielania",
"Uptime": "Doba prevádzky",
"Usage reporting is always enabled for candidate releases.": "Hlásenia o používaní sú pri kandidátoch na vydanie vždy povolené.",
"Use HTTPS for GUI": "Use HTTPS for GUI",
"Version": "Version",
"Versions Path": "Versions Path",
"Versions are automatically deleted if they are older than the maximum age or exceed the number of files allowed in an interval.": "Versions are automatically deleted if they are older than the maximum age or exceed the number of files allowed in an interval.",
"Version": "Verzia",
"Versions Path": "Cesta k verziám",
"Versions are automatically deleted if they are older than the maximum age or exceed the number of files allowed in an interval.": "Verzie sú automaticky zmazané ak sú staršie ako je maximálny časový limit alebo presiahnu počet súborov povolených v danom intervale.",
"Warning, this path is a parent directory of an existing folder \"{%otherFolder%}\".": "Warning, this path is a parent directory of an existing folder \"{{otherFolder}}\".",
"Warning, this path is a parent directory of an existing folder \"{%otherFolderLabel%}\" ({%otherFolder%}).": "Warning, this path is a parent directory of an existing folder \"{{otherFolderLabel}}\" ({{otherFolder}}).",
"Warning, this path is a subdirectory of an existing folder \"{%otherFolder%}\".": "Warning, this path is a subdirectory of an existing folder \"{{otherFolder}}\".",
"Warning, this path is a subdirectory of an existing folder \"{%otherFolderLabel%}\" ({%otherFolder%}).": "Warning, this path is a subdirectory of an existing folder \"{{otherFolderLabel}}\" ({{otherFolder}}).",
"When adding a new device, keep in mind that this device must be added on the other side too.": "When adding a new device, keep in mind that this device must be added on the other side too.",
"When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.",
"Yes": "Yes",
"You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.",
"You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.",
"You must keep at least one version.": "You must keep at least one version.",
"days": "days",
"directories": "directories",
"files": "files",
"full documentation": "full documentation",
"items": "items",
"{%device%} wants to share folder \"{%folder%}\".": "{{device}} wants to share folder \"{{folder}}\".",
"{%device%} wants to share folder \"{%folderlabel%}\" ({%folder%}).": "{{device}} wants to share folder \"{{folderlabel}}\" ({{folder}})."
"Yes": "Áno",
"You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "Voľbu môžete kedykoľvek zmeniť v dialógu Nastavenia.",
"You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "O dvoch vydávacích kanáloch si môžete viacej prečítať v odkaze nižšie.",
"You must keep at least one version.": "Musíte ponechať aspoň jednu verziu",
"days": "dní",
"directories": "adresáre",
"files": "súbory",
"full documentation": "úplná dokumntácia",
"items": "položiek",
"{%device%} wants to share folder \"{%folder%}\".": "{{device}} chce zdieľať adresár \"{{folder}}\".",
"{%device%} wants to share folder \"{%folderlabel%}\" ({%folder%}).": "{{device}} chce zdieľať adresár \"{{folderlabel}}\" ({{folder}})."
@ -158,6 +158,8 @@
"Please consult the release notes before performing a major upgrade.": "Läs igenom versionsnyheterna innan den stora uppgraderingen.",
"Please set a GUI Authentication User and Password in the Settings dialog.": "Ställ in ett grafiska gränssnittets användarautentisering och lösenord i inställningsdialogrutan.",
"Please wait": "Var god vänta",
"Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal": "Prefix som indikerar att filen kan raderas om det förhindrar borttagning av katalog",
"Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity": "Prefix som indikerar att mönstret ska matchas utan skiftlägeskänslighet",
"Preview": "Förhandsgranska",
"Preview Usage Report": "Förhandsgranska statistik",
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Snabb handledning till mönster som stöds",
@ -158,6 +158,8 @@
"Please consult the release notes before performing a major upgrade.": "Birincil bir yükseltme gerçekleştirmeden önce lütfen sürüm notlarını tetkik edin.",
"Please set a GUI Authentication User and Password in the Settings dialog.": "GUI üzerinden Kimlik Doğrulaması yapmak için Ayarlar penceresinde Kullanıcı ve Parola tanımlayın lütfen.",
"Please wait": "Lütfen Bekleyin",
"Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal": "Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal",
"Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity": "Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity",
"Preview": "Önizleme",
"Preview Usage Report": "Kullanım raporunu gözden geçir",
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Desteklenen kalıp dizileri için hızlı rehber",
@ -65,11 +65,11 @@
"Edit Device": "Налаштування пристрою",
"Edit Folder": "Налаштування директорії",
"Editing": "Редагування",
"Editing {%path%}.": "Editing {{path}}.",
"Editing {%path%}.": "Редагування {{path}}.",
"Enable NAT traversal": "Увімкнути NAT traversal",
"Enable Relaying": "Увімкнути ретрансляцію (relaying)",
"Enter a non-negative number (e.g., \"2.35\") and select a unit. Percentages are as part of the total disk size.": "Enter a non-negative number (e.g., \"2.35\") and select a unit. Percentages are as part of the total disk size.",
"Enter a non-privileged port number (1024 - 65535).": "Enter a non-privileged port number (1024 - 65535).",
"Enter a non-negative number (e.g., \"2.35\") and select a unit. Percentages are as part of the total disk size.": "Введіть невід'ємне число (напр. \"2.35\") та виберіть пристрій. Проценти від загального дискового простору.",
"Enter a non-privileged port number (1024 - 65535).": "Введіть номер непривілейованого порту (1024 - 65535).",
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Введіть розділені комою (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") адреси або \"dynamic\" для автоматичного визначення адреси.",
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Введіть шаблони ігнорування, по одному на рядок.",
"Error": "Помилка",
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
"GUI": "Графічний інтерфейс",
"GUI Authentication Password": "Пароль для доступу до панелі управління",
"GUI Authentication User": "Логін користувача для доступу до панелі управління",
"GUI Listen Address": "GUI Listen Address",
"GUI Listen Address": "Адреса прослуховування GUI",
"GUI Listen Addresses": "Адреса доступу до панелі управління",
"GUI Theme": "Тема інтерфейсу",
"Generate": "Згенерувати",
@ -158,6 +158,8 @@
"Please consult the release notes before performing a major upgrade.": "Будь ласка перегляньте примітки до випуску перед мажорним оновленням. ",
"Please set a GUI Authentication User and Password in the Settings dialog.": "Будь ласка, встановіть у налаштуваннях ім'я користувача та пароль до графічного інтерфейсу.",
"Please wait": "Будь ласка, зачекайте",
"Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal": "Префікс означає, що файл може бути видалений при запобіганні видаленню директорії",
"Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity": "Префікс означає, що шаблон має збігатися без чутливості до регістру",
"Preview": "Попередній перегляд",
"Preview Usage Report": "Попередній перегляд статистичного звіту",
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Швидкий посібник по шаблонам, що підтримуються",
@ -158,6 +158,8 @@
"Please consult the release notes before performing a major upgrade.": "Hãy xem kỹ lịch sử phát hành trước khi tiến hành bản cập nhật q.trọng.",
"Please set a GUI Authentication User and Password in the Settings dialog.": "Hãy thiết lập tên ng.dùng và mật khẩu xác minh GUI trong hộp thoại Cài đặt.",
"Please wait": "Xin chờ",
"Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal": "Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal",
"Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity": "Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity",
"Preview": "Xem trước",
"Preview Usage Report": "Xem trước báo cáo s.dụng",
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "H.dẫn sơ lược về các q.luật được hỗ trợ",
@ -158,6 +158,8 @@
"Please consult the release notes before performing a major upgrade.": "请在进行重大更新前查看发布说明。",
"Please set a GUI Authentication User and Password in the Settings dialog.": "请在设置对话框中设置 GUI 验证用户及其密码。",
"Please wait": "请稍候",
"Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal": "Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal",
"Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity": "Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity",
"Preview": "预览",
"Preview Usage Report": "预览使用报告",
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "支持的通配符的简单教程:",
@ -1 +1 @@
var langPrettyprint = {"bg":"Bulgarian","ca@valencia":"Catalan (Valencian)","cs":"Czech","da":"Danish","de":"German","el":"Greek","en":"English","en-GB":"English (United Kingdom)","eo":"Esperanto","es":"Spanish","es-ES":"Spanish (Spain)","eu":"Basque","fi":"Finnish","fr":"French","fr-CA":"French (Canada)","fy":"Western Frisian","hu":"Hungarian","id":"Indonesian","it":"Italian","ja":"Japanese","ko-KR":"Korean (Korea)","lt":"Lithuanian","nb":"Norwegian Bokmål","nl":"Dutch","nn":"Norwegian Nynorsk","pl":"Polish","pt-BR":"Portuguese (Brazil)","pt-PT":"Portuguese (Portugal)","ru":"Russian","sk":"Slovak","sv":"Swedish","tr":"Turkish","uk":"Ukrainian","vi":"Vietnamese","zh-CN":"Chinese (China)"}
var langPrettyprint = {"bg":"Bulgarian","ca@valencia":"Catalan (Valencian)","cs":"Czech","da":"Danish","de":"German","el":"Greek","en-GB":"English (United Kingdom)","eo":"Esperanto","es":"Spanish","es-ES":"Spanish (Spain)","eu":"Basque","fi":"Finnish","fr":"French","fr-CA":"French (Canada)","fy":"Western Frisian","hu":"Hungarian","id":"Indonesian","it":"Italian","ja":"Japanese","ko-KR":"Korean (Korea)","lt":"Lithuanian","nb":"Norwegian Bokmål","nl":"Dutch","nn":"Norwegian Nynorsk","pl":"Polish","pt-BR":"Portuguese (Brazil)","pt-PT":"Portuguese (Portugal)","ru":"Russian","sk":"Slovak","sv":"Swedish","tr":"Turkish","uk":"Ukrainian","vi":"Vietnamese","zh-CN":"Chinese (China)"}
@ -1 +1 @@
var validLangs = ["bg","ca@valencia","cs","da","de","el","en","en-GB","eo","es","es-ES","eu","fi","fr","fr-CA","fy","hu","id","it","ja","ko-KR","lt","nb","nl","nn","pl","pt-BR","pt-PT","ru","sk","sv","tr","uk","vi","zh-CN"]
var validLangs = ["bg","ca@valencia","cs","da","de","el","en-GB","eo","es","es-ES","eu","fi","fr","fr-CA","fy","hu","id","it","ja","ko-KR","lt","nb","nl","nn","pl","pt-BR","pt-PT","ru","sk","sv","tr","uk","vi","zh-CN"]
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
<p translate>Copyright © 2014-2017 the following Contributors:</p>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12" id="contributor-list">
Jakob Borg, Audrius Butkevicius, Alexander Graf, Anderson Mesquita, Antony Male, Ben Schulz, Caleb Callaway, Daniel Harte, Lars K.W. Gohlke, Lode Hoste, Michael Ploujnikov, Philippe Schommers, Ryan Sullivan, Sergey Mishin, Simon Frei, Stefan Tatschner, Aaron Bieber, Adam Piggott, Adel Qalieh, Alessandro G., Alexandre Viau, Andrew Dunham, Andrey D, Antoine Lamielle, Arthur Axel fREW Schmidt, Bart De Vries, Ben Curthoys, Ben Shepherd, Ben Sidhom, Benny Ng, Brandon Philips, Brendan Long, Brian R. Becker, Carsten Hagemann, Cathryne Linenweaver, Cedric Staniewski, Chris Howie, Chris Joel, Colin Kennedy, Daniel Bergmann, Daniel Martí, Darshil Chanpura, David Rimmer, Denis A., Dennis Wilson, Dominik Heidler, Elias Jarlebring, Emil Hessman, Erik Meitner, Federico Castagnini, Felix Ableitner, Felix Unterpaintner, Francois-Xavier Gsell, Frank Isemann, Gilli Sigurdsson, Heiko Zuerker, Jaakko Hannikainen, Jacek Szafarkiewicz, Jake Peterson, James Patterson, Jaroslav Malec, Jaya Chithra, Jens Diemer, Jochen Voss, Johan Vromans, Karol Różycki, Kelong Cong, Ken'ichi Kamada, Kevin Allen, Kevin White, Jr., Kurt Fitzner, Laurent Etiemble, Leo Arias, Lord Landon Agahnim, Majed Abdulaziz, Marc Laporte, Marc Pujol, Marcin Dziadus, Mark Pulford, Mateusz Naściszewski, Matt Burke, Max Schulze, Michael Jephcote, Michael Tilli, Nate Morrison, Niels Peter Roest, Pascal Jungblut, Peter Hoeg, Phill Luby, Piotr Bejda, Robert Carosi, Roman Zaynetdinov, Sacheendra Talluri, Scott Klupfel, Stefan Kuntz, Tim Abell, Tim Howes, Tobias Nygren, Tomas Cerveny, Tully Robinson, Tyler Brazier, Unrud, Veeti Paananen, Victor Buinsky, Vil Brekin, William A. Kennington III, Wulf Weich, Xavier O., Yannic A.
Jakob Borg, Audrius Butkevicius, Alexander Graf, Anderson Mesquita, Antony Male, Ben Schulz, Caleb Callaway, Daniel Harte, Lars K.W. Gohlke, Lode Hoste, Michael Ploujnikov, Nate Morrison, Philippe Schommers, Ryan Sullivan, Sergey Mishin, Simon Frei, Stefan Tatschner, Aaron Bieber, Adam Piggott, Adel Qalieh, Alessandro G., Alexandre Viau, Andrew Dunham, Andrey D, Antoine Lamielle, Arthur Axel fREW Schmidt, Bart De Vries, Ben Curthoys, Ben Shepherd, Ben Sidhom, Benny Ng, Brandon Philips, Brendan Long, Brian R. Becker, Carsten Hagemann, Cathryne Linenweaver, Cedric Staniewski, Chris Howie, Chris Joel, Colin Kennedy, Daniel Bergmann, Daniel Martí, Darshil Chanpura, David Rimmer, Denis A., Dennis Wilson, Dominik Heidler, Elias Jarlebring, Emil Hessman, Erik Meitner, Federico Castagnini, Felix Ableitner, Felix Unterpaintner, Francois-Xavier Gsell, Frank Isemann, Gilli Sigurdsson, Heiko Zuerker, Jaakko Hannikainen, Jacek Szafarkiewicz, Jake Peterson, James Patterson, Jaroslav Malec, Jaya Chithra, Jens Diemer, Jochen Voss, Johan Vromans, Karol Różycki, Kelong Cong, Ken'ichi Kamada, Kevin Allen, Kevin White, Jr., Kurt Fitzner, Laurent Etiemble, Leo Arias, Lord Landon Agahnim, Majed Abdulaziz, Marc Laporte, Marc Pujol, Marcin Dziadus, Mark Pulford, Mateusz Naściszewski, Matt Burke, Max Schulze, Michael Jephcote, Michael Tilli, Niels Peter Roest, Pascal Jungblut, Peter Hoeg, Phill Luby, Piotr Bejda, Robert Carosi, Roman Zaynetdinov, Sacheendra Talluri, Scott Klupfel, Stefan Kuntz, Tim Abell, Tim Howes, Tobias Nygren, Tomas Cerveny, Tully Robinson, Tyler Brazier, Unrud, Veeti Paananen, Victor Buinsky, Vil Brekin, William A. Kennington III, Wulf Weich, Xavier O., Yannic A.
@ -154,7 +154,6 @@ Returns the current configuration.
"tempIndexMinBlocks": 10
"ignoredDevices": []
"ignoredFolders": []
.ft P
Reference in New Issue
Block a user