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synced 2025-02-02 03:48:26 +00:00
gui, man, authors: Update docs, translations, and contributors
This commit is contained in:
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
"Disabled periodic scanning and disabled watching for changes": "Periodic scanning útskeakele en feroarings wurde net mear yn'e gaten hâlden.",
"Disabled periodic scanning and enabled watching for changes": "Periodic scanning útskeakele en feroarings wurde yn'e gaten hâlden.",
"Disabled periodic scanning and failed setting up watching for changes, retrying every 1m:": "Periodic scanning útskeakele en it ynskeakeljen fan it yn'e gaten hâlden fan feroarings is mislearre, wurd eltse 1m opnij besocht:",
"Discard": "Discard",
"Discard": "Fuortsmite\n",
"Disconnected": "Ferbining ferbrutsen",
"Discovered": "Untdekt",
"Discovery": "Untdekking",
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
"Files are moved to date stamped versions in a .stversions directory when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Triemen wurde ferset nei mei datum stimpele ferzjes yn in .stversions map wannear troch Syncthing ferfangen of fuortsmiten.",
"Files are moved to date stamped versions in a .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Triemen wurde ferset nei in mei datum stimpele ferzjes yn in .stversions map wannear troch Syncthing ferfangen of fuortsmiten.",
"Files are protected from changes made on other devices, but changes made on this device will be sent to the rest of the cluster.": "Triemen binne ymmún foar feroarings makke troch oare apparaten, mar feroarings makke op dit apparaat wurde nei de rest fan 'e bondel ferstjoerd.",
"Files are synchronized from the cluster, but any changes made locally will not be sent to other devices.": "Files are synchronized from the cluster, but any changes made locally will not be sent to other devices.",
"Files are synchronized from the cluster, but any changes made locally will not be sent to other devices.": "Triemen binne syngronisearre fanôf de kluster, mar feroarings dy't lokaal makke binne, wurde net nei oare apparaten ferstjoert.",
"Filesystem Notifications": "Meldingen fan Triemsysteem",
"Filesystem Watcher Errors": "Triemsysteemsjoggerflaters",
"Filter by date": "Op datum filterje",
@ -140,9 +140,9 @@
"Ignore": "Negearje",
"Ignore Patterns": "Negear-patroanen",
"Ignore Permissions": "Negear-rjochten",
"Ignored Devices": "Ignored Devices",
"Ignored Folders": "Ignored Folders",
"Ignored at": "Ignored at",
"Ignored Devices": "Negearde Apparaten",
"Ignored Folders": "Negearde Mappen",
"Ignored at": "Negeard op ",
"Incoming Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Downloadfluggenslimyt (KiB/s)",
"Incorrect configuration may damage your folder contents and render Syncthing inoperable.": "Ferkearde konfiguraasje kin de ynhâld fan jo mappen skeine en Syncthing unbrûkber meitsje.",
"Introduced By": "Yntrodusearre Troch",
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@
"Pause": "Skoftsje",
"Pause All": "Alles skoftsje",
"Paused": "Skoftet",
"Pending changes": "Pending changes",
"Pending changes": "Wachtet op feroarings",
"Periodic scanning at given interval and disabled watching for changes": "Periodic scanning op opjûn ynterfal en feroarings wurde net yn'e gaten hâlden.",
"Periodic scanning at given interval and enabled watching for changes": "Periodic scanning op opjûn ynterfal en feroarings wurde yn'e gaten hâlden.",
"Periodic scanning at given interval and failed setting up watching for changes, retrying every 1m:": "Periodic scanning op opjûn ynterfal en it ynskeakeljen fan it yn'e gaten hâlden fan feroarings is mislearre, wurd eltse 1m opnij besocht:",
@ -218,7 +218,7 @@
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Fluch-paadwizer foar stipe patroanen",
"RAM Utilization": "RAM-brûken",
"Random": "Willekeurich",
"Receive Only": "Receive Only",
"Receive Only": "Allinnich Untfange",
"Recent Changes": "Resinte Feroarings",
"Reduced by ignore patterns": "Ferlytse troch negear-patroanen",
"Release Notes": "Utjeftenotysjes",
@ -240,7 +240,7 @@
"Resume": "Trochgean",
"Resume All": "Alles trochgean litte",
"Reused": "Opnij brûkt",
"Revert Local Changes": "Revert Local Changes",
"Revert Local Changes": "Lokale Feroarings Weromsette",
"Running": "Rint",
"Save": "Bewarje",
"Scan Time Remaining": "Oerbleaune skentiid",
@ -291,7 +291,7 @@
"Syncthing is upgrading.": "Syncthing is oan it fernijen.",
"Syncthing seems to be down, or there is a problem with your Internet connection. Retrying…": "It liket dêrop dat Syncthing op dit stuit net rint, of der is in swierrichheid mei jo ynternetferbining. Wurd no opnij besocht...",
"Syncthing seems to be experiencing a problem processing your request. Please refresh the page or restart Syncthing if the problem persists.": "It liket dêrop dat Syncthing swierrichheden ûnderfynt mei it ferwurkjen fan jo fersyk. Graach de stee ferfarskje of Syncthing werstarte as it probleem der bliuwt.",
"Take me back": "Take me back",
"Take me back": "Bring my werom",
"The Syncthing admin interface is configured to allow remote access without a password.": "De Syncthing haadbrûker-ynterfaasje is sa ynstelt dat tagong fan ôfstân sûnder wachtwurd tastean is.",
"The aggregated statistics are publicly available at the URL below.": "De fersammele statistiken binnen yn it publyk beskikber fia ûndersteande keppeling.",
"The configuration has been saved but not activated. Syncthing must restart to activate the new configuration.": "De konfiguraasje is bewarre mar noch net aktivearre. Syncthing moat werstarte om de nije konfiguraasje te aktivearren.",
@ -327,7 +327,7 @@
"Unavailable": "Net beskikber",
"Unavailable/Disabled by administrator or maintainer": "Net beskikber/Utsetten troch administrator of ûnderhâlder",
"Undecided (will prompt)": "Noch net beslist (wurd noch frege)",
"Unignore": "Unignore",
"Unignore": "Net mear negeare",
"Unknown": "Unbekend",
"Unshared": "Net dielt",
"Unused": "Net brûkt",
@ -357,9 +357,9 @@
"You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "Jo kinne ek ien fan dizze tichtbye apparaten selektearje:",
"You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "Jo kinne jo kar op elk stuit oanpasse yn it Ynstellingsdialooch.",
"You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "Jo kinne mear lêze oer de twa útjeftekanalen fia de ûndersteande link.",
"You have no ignored devices.": "You have no ignored devices.",
"You have no ignored folders.": "You have no ignored folders.",
"You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?",
"You have no ignored devices.": "Jo hawwe gjin negearde apparaten.",
"You have no ignored folders.": "Jo hawwe gjin negearde mappen.",
"You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "Jo hawwe noch net-opsleine feroarings. Wolle jo dizze echt fuortsmite?",
"You must keep at least one version.": "Jo moatte minstens ien ferzje bewarje.",
"days": "dagen",
"directories": "triemtafels",
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
"Disabled periodic scanning and disabled watching for changes": "Wyłączono okresowe skanowanie i wyłączono obserwowanie zmian",
"Disabled periodic scanning and enabled watching for changes": "Wyłączono okresowe skanowanie i włączono obserwowanie zmian",
"Disabled periodic scanning and failed setting up watching for changes, retrying every 1m:": "Wyłączono okresowe skanowanie i nie udało się skonfigurować obserwowania zmian, powtórzę co minutę:",
"Discard": "Discard",
"Discard": "Odrzuć",
"Disconnected": "Rozłączony",
"Discovered": "Odkryte",
"Discovery": "Odnajdywanie",
@ -140,8 +140,8 @@
"Ignore": "Ignoruj",
"Ignore Patterns": "Wzorce ignorowania",
"Ignore Permissions": "Ignoruj uprawnienia",
"Ignored Devices": "Ignored Devices",
"Ignored Folders": "Ignored Folders",
"Ignored Devices": "Ignorowane urządzenia",
"Ignored Folders": "Ignorowane katalogi",
"Ignored at": "Ignored at",
"Incoming Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Ograniczenie prędkości odbierania (KiB/s)",
"Incorrect configuration may damage your folder contents and render Syncthing inoperable.": "Niepoprawna konfiguracja może uszkodzić zawartośc Twojego folderu i uczynić Syncthing niedziałającym.",
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@
"Pause": "Zatrzymaj",
"Pause All": "Zatrzymaj wszystkie",
"Paused": "Zatrzymany",
"Pending changes": "Pending changes",
"Pending changes": "Oczekujące zmiany",
"Periodic scanning at given interval and disabled watching for changes": "Okresowe skanowanie w podanym przedziale czasu i wyłączone obserwowanie zmian",
"Periodic scanning at given interval and enabled watching for changes": "Okresowe skanowanie w podanym przedziale czasu i włączone obserwowanie zmian",
"Periodic scanning at given interval and failed setting up watching for changes, retrying every 1m:": "Okresowe skanowanie w podanym przedziale czasu i nieudane konfigurowanie obserwowania zmian, ponowna próba co minutę:",
@ -327,7 +327,7 @@
"Unavailable": "Niedostępne",
"Unavailable/Disabled by administrator or maintainer": "Niedostępne/Wyłączone przez administratora lub opiekuna",
"Undecided (will prompt)": "Jeszcze nie zdecydowałem (przypomnij później)",
"Unignore": "Unignore",
"Unignore": "Wyłączyć ignorowanie",
"Unknown": "Nieznany",
"Unshared": "Nieudostępnione",
"Unused": "Nieużywane",
@ -357,9 +357,9 @@
"You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "Możesz również wybrać jedno z pobliskich urządzeń:",
"You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "Możesz zmienić swój wybór w dowolnej chwili w Ustawieniach",
"You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "Możesz więcej poczytać na temat obydwu wydań klikając poniższy link.",
"You have no ignored devices.": "You have no ignored devices.",
"You have no ignored folders.": "You have no ignored folders.",
"You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?",
"You have no ignored devices.": "Nie posiadasz zignorowanych urządzeń.",
"You have no ignored folders.": "Nie posiadasz zignorowanych katalogów.",
"You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "Masz niezapisane zmiany. Czy naprawdę chcesz je odrzucić?",
"You must keep at least one version.": "Musisz posiadać przynajmniej jedną wersję",
"days": "dni",
"directories": "katalogi",
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
"Enter a non-negative number (e.g., \"2.35\") and select a unit. Percentages are as part of the total disk size.": "Ange ett icke-negativt antal (t.ex., \"2.35\") och välj en enhet. Procenttalen är som en del av den totala diskstorleken.",
"Enter a non-privileged port number (1024 - 65535).": "Ange ett icke-privilegierat portnummer (1024 - 65535).",
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Ange kommaseparerade (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\")-adresser eller ordet \"dynamic\" för att använda automatisk uppslagning.",
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Ange ignorera mönster, en per rad.",
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Ange mönster att ignorera, en per rad.",
"Error": "Fel",
"External File Versioning": "Extern filversionshantering",
"Failed Items": "Misslyckade objekt",
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
.TH "STDISCOSRV" "1" "Sep 11, 2018" "v0.14" "Syncthing"
.TH "STDISCOSRV" "1" "Sep 17, 2018" "v0.14" "Syncthing"
stdiscosrv \- Syncthing Discovery Server
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
.TH "STRELAYSRV" "1" "Sep 11, 2018" "v0.14" "Syncthing"
.TH "STRELAYSRV" "1" "Sep 17, 2018" "v0.14" "Syncthing"
strelaysrv \- Syncthing Relay Server
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
.TH "SYNCTHING-BEP" "7" "Sep 11, 2018" "v0.14" "Syncthing"
.TH "SYNCTHING-BEP" "7" "Sep 17, 2018" "v0.14" "Syncthing"
syncthing-bep \- Block Exchange Protocol v1
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
.TH "SYNCTHING-CONFIG" "5" "Sep 11, 2018" "v0.14" "Syncthing"
.TH "SYNCTHING-CONFIG" "5" "Sep 17, 2018" "v0.14" "Syncthing"
syncthing-config \- Syncthing Configuration
@ -347,6 +347,11 @@ Pull files ordered by file size; smallest and largest first respectively.
Pull files ordered by modification time; oldest and newest first
Note that the scanned files are sent in batches and the sorting is applied
only to the already discovered files. This means the sync might start with
a 1 GB file even if there is 1 KB file available on the source device until
the 1 KB becomes known to the pulling device.
.B ignoreDelete
When set to true, this device will pretend not to see instructions to
@ -471,6 +476,9 @@ to even if the original introducer is no longer listing the remote device as kno
.B introducedBy
Defines which device has introduced us to this device. Used only for following de\-introductions.
.B certName
The device certificate common name, if it is not the default “syncthing”.
From following child elements at least one \fBaddress\fP child must exist.
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
.TH "SYNCTHING-DEVICE-IDS" "7" "Sep 11, 2018" "v0.14" "Syncthing"
.TH "SYNCTHING-DEVICE-IDS" "7" "Sep 17, 2018" "v0.14" "Syncthing"
syncthing-device-ids \- Understanding Device IDs
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
.TH "SYNCTHING-EVENT-API" "7" "Sep 11, 2018" "v0.14" "Syncthing"
.TH "SYNCTHING-EVENT-API" "7" "Sep 17, 2018" "v0.14" "Syncthing"
syncthing-event-api \- Event API
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
.TH "SYNCTHING-FAQ" "7" "Sep 11, 2018" "v0.14" "Syncthing"
.TH "SYNCTHING-FAQ" "7" "Sep 17, 2018" "v0.14" "Syncthing"
syncthing-faq \- Frequently Asked Questions
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
.TH "SYNCTHING-GLOBALDISCO" "7" "Sep 11, 2018" "v0.14" "Syncthing"
.TH "SYNCTHING-GLOBALDISCO" "7" "Sep 17, 2018" "v0.14" "Syncthing"
syncthing-globaldisco \- Global Discovery Protocol v3
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
.TH "SYNCTHING-LOCALDISCO" "7" "Sep 11, 2018" "v0.14" "Syncthing"
.TH "SYNCTHING-LOCALDISCO" "7" "Sep 17, 2018" "v0.14" "Syncthing"
syncthing-localdisco \- Local Discovery Protocol v4
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
.TH "SYNCTHING-NETWORKING" "7" "Sep 11, 2018" "v0.14" "Syncthing"
.TH "SYNCTHING-NETWORKING" "7" "Sep 17, 2018" "v0.14" "Syncthing"
syncthing-networking \- Firewall Setup
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
.TH "SYNCTHING-RELAY" "7" "Sep 11, 2018" "v0.14" "Syncthing"
.TH "SYNCTHING-RELAY" "7" "Sep 17, 2018" "v0.14" "Syncthing"
syncthing-relay \- Relay Protocol v1
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
.TH "SYNCTHING-REST-API" "7" "Sep 11, 2018" "v0.14" "Syncthing"
.TH "SYNCTHING-REST-API" "7" "Sep 17, 2018" "v0.14" "Syncthing"
syncthing-rest-api \- REST API
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
.TH "SYNCTHING-SECURITY" "7" "Sep 11, 2018" "v0.14" "Syncthing"
.TH "SYNCTHING-SECURITY" "7" "Sep 17, 2018" "v0.14" "Syncthing"
syncthing-security \- Security Principles
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ found and connected to.
When automatic upgrades are enabled, Syncthing checks for a new version at
startup and then once every twelve hours. This is by an HTTPS request to the
download site for releases, currently \fBhosted by :user:\(gacalmh\(ga\fP\&.
download site for releases, currently hosted by \fI\%@calmh\fP <\fBhttps://github.com/calmh\fP>\&.
Automatic upgrades default to \fBon\fP (unless Syncthing was compiled with
upgrades disabled).
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
.TH "SYNCTHING-STIGNORE" "5" "Sep 11, 2018" "v0.14" "Syncthing"
.TH "SYNCTHING-STIGNORE" "5" "Sep 17, 2018" "v0.14" "Syncthing"
syncthing-stignore \- Prevent files from being synchronized to other nodes
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
.TH "SYNCTHING-VERSIONING" "7" "Sep 11, 2018" "v0.14" "Syncthing"
.TH "SYNCTHING-VERSIONING" "7" "Sep 17, 2018" "v0.14" "Syncthing"
syncthing-versioning \- Keep automatic backups of deleted files by other nodes
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
.TH "SYNCTHING" "1" "Sep 11, 2018" "v0.14" "Syncthing"
.TH "SYNCTHING" "1" "Sep 17, 2018" "v0.14" "Syncthing"
syncthing \- Syncthing
Reference in New Issue
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