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synced 2025-02-02 03:48:26 +00:00
gui, man: Update docs & translations
This commit is contained in:
@ -168,6 +168,7 @@
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Бърз наръчник към поддържаните шаблони",
"RAM Utilization": "Използван RAM",
"Random": "Произволен",
"Recent Changes": "Последни промени",
"Reduced by ignore patterns": "Намалено посредством шаблон за игнориране",
"Release Notes": "Бележки по обновяването",
"Release candidates contain the latest features and fixes. They are similar to the traditional bi-weekly Syncthing releases.": "Кандидат версиите съдържат най-новата функционалност и поправки. Те са близки до традиционните дву-седмични Synchthing обновления.",
@ -168,6 +168,7 @@
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Guía ràpida de patrons suportats",
"RAM Utilization": "Utilització de la RAM",
"Random": "Aleatori",
"Recent Changes": "Recent Changes",
"Reduced by ignore patterns": "Reduït ignorant patrons",
"Release Notes": "Notes de la versió",
"Release candidates contain the latest features and fixes. They are similar to the traditional bi-weekly Syncthing releases.": "Les versions candidates (Release Candidates) contenen les darreres característiques i arreglos. Són paregudes a les versions tradicionals bi-semanals de Syncthing. ",
@ -168,6 +168,7 @@
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Rychlá nápověda k podporovaným vzorům",
"RAM Utilization": "Využití RAM",
"Random": "Náhodně",
"Recent Changes": "Nedávné změny",
"Reduced by ignore patterns": "Redukováno o ignorované vzory",
"Release Notes": "Poznámky k vydání",
"Release candidates contain the latest features and fixes. They are similar to the traditional bi-weekly Syncthing releases.": "Kandidáti na vydání obsahují nejnovější změny a opravy. Podobají se tradičním dvoutýdenním vydáním Syncthing.",
@ -168,6 +168,7 @@
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Hurtig guide til supporteret mønstre",
"RAM Utilization": "RAM-forbrug",
"Random": "Tilfældig",
"Recent Changes": "Recent Changes",
"Reduced by ignore patterns": "Reduceret af ignorerings mønsteret. ",
"Release Notes": "Udgivelsesnoter",
"Release candidates contain the latest features and fixes. They are similar to the traditional bi-weekly Syncthing releases.": "Udgivelseskandidater indeholder alle de nyeste funktioner og rettelser. De er ens med de traditionelle 2 ugers Syncthing udgivelser.",
@ -168,6 +168,7 @@
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Schnellanleitung zu den unterstützten Mustern",
"RAM Utilization": "RAM Auslastung",
"Random": "Zufall",
"Recent Changes": "Letzte Änderungen",
"Reduced by ignore patterns": "Durch Ignoriermuster reduziert",
"Release Notes": "Veröffentlichungsnotizen",
"Release candidates contain the latest features and fixes. They are similar to the traditional bi-weekly Syncthing releases.": "Veröffentlichungskandidaten enthalten die neuesten Funktionen und Verbesserungen. Sie gleichen den üblichen zweiwöchentlichen Syncthing-Veröffentlichungen.",
@ -168,6 +168,7 @@
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Σύντομη βοήθεια σχετικά με τα πρότυπα αναζήτησης που υποστηρίζονται",
"RAM Utilization": "Επιβάρυνση RAM",
"Random": "Τυχαία",
"Recent Changes": "Πρόσφατες αλλαγές",
"Reduced by ignore patterns": "Περιορισμένα λόγω προτύπων αγνόησης",
"Release Notes": "Σημείωμα έκδοσης",
"Release candidates contain the latest features and fixes. They are similar to the traditional bi-weekly Syncthing releases.": "Οι υποψήφιες εκδόσεις περιέχουν τις νεότερες λειτουργίες και επιδιορθώσεις σφαλμάτων, όπως και οι παραδοσιακές δισεβδομαδιαίες εκδόσεις του Syncthing.",
@ -168,6 +168,7 @@
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Quick guide to supported patterns",
"RAM Utilization": "RAM Utilisation",
"Random": "Random",
"Recent Changes": "Recent Changes",
"Reduced by ignore patterns": "Reduced by ignore patterns",
"Release Notes": "Release Notes",
"Release candidates contain the latest features and fixes. They are similar to the traditional bi-weekly Syncthing releases.": "Release candidates contain the latest features and fixes. They are similar to the traditional fortnightly Syncthing releases.",
@ -168,6 +168,7 @@
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Rapida gvidisto al subtenata ŝablonoj",
"RAM Utilization": "RAM Utiligado",
"Random": "Hazarda",
"Recent Changes": "Recent Changes",
"Reduced by ignore patterns": "Reduktita per ignorado de la ŝablonoj",
"Release Notes": "Eldonitaj Notoj",
"Release candidates contain the latest features and fixes. They are similar to the traditional bi-weekly Syncthing releases.": "Kandidataj eldonoj enhavas la lastajn trajtojn kaj korektojn. Ili estas similaj al la tradiciaj dusemajnaj Syncthing ĵetoj.",
@ -168,6 +168,7 @@
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Guía rápida de patrones soportados",
"RAM Utilization": "Uso de RAM",
"Random": "Aleatorio",
"Recent Changes": "Recent Changes",
"Reduced by ignore patterns": "Reducido por patrones de ignorar",
"Release Notes": "Notas de la versión",
"Release candidates contain the latest features and fixes. They are similar to the traditional bi-weekly Syncthing releases.": "Las versiones candidatas contienen las últimas funcionalidades y correcciones. Son similares a las tradicionales versiones bisemanales de Syncthing.",
@ -168,6 +168,7 @@
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Guía rápida de patrones soportados",
"RAM Utilization": "Uso de RAM",
"Random": "Aleatorio",
"Recent Changes": "Recent Changes",
"Reduced by ignore patterns": "Reducido por patrones de ignorar",
"Release Notes": "Notas de la versión",
"Release candidates contain the latest features and fixes. They are similar to the traditional bi-weekly Syncthing releases.": "Las versiones candidatas contienen las últimas funcionalidades y correcciones. Son similares a las tradicionales versiones bisemanales de Syncthing.",
@ -168,6 +168,7 @@
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Eredu konpatibleen gidaliburuxka",
"RAM Utilization": "RAM aren erabiltzea",
"Random": "Aleatorioa",
"Recent Changes": "Recent Changes",
"Reduced by ignore patterns": "Baztertze eredu batzuk mugatuak",
"Release Notes": "Bertsioen notak",
"Release candidates contain the latest features and fixes. They are similar to the traditional bi-weekly Syncthing releases.": "Azken zuzenketak eta funtzionalitateak edukitzen dituzte aitzin-bertsioek. Bi hilabete guziz egiten diren eguneratzeen berdinak dira.",
@ -168,6 +168,7 @@
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Tuettujen lausekkeiden pikaohje",
"RAM Utilization": "RAM:n käyttö",
"Random": "Satunnainen",
"Recent Changes": "Recent Changes",
"Reduced by ignore patterns": "Vähennetty ohituslausekkeiden perusteella",
"Release Notes": "Julkaisutiedot",
"Release candidates contain the latest features and fixes. They are similar to the traditional bi-weekly Syncthing releases.": "Release candidates contain the latest features and fixes. They are similar to the traditional bi-weekly Syncthing releases.",
@ -168,6 +168,7 @@
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Guide rapide des masques compatibles ci-dessous",
"RAM Utilization": "Utilisation de la RAM",
"Random": "Aléatoire",
"Recent Changes": "Recent Changes",
"Reduced by ignore patterns": "(Limité par des masques d'exclusion)",
"Release Notes": "Notes de version",
"Release candidates contain the latest features and fixes. They are similar to the traditional bi-weekly Syncthing releases.": "Les versions préliminaires contiennent les dernières fonctionnalités et derniers correctifs. Elles sont identiques aux traditionnelles mises à jour bimensuelles.",
@ -168,6 +168,7 @@
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Guide rapide des masques compatibles ci-dessous",
"RAM Utilization": "Utilisation de la RAM",
"Random": "Aléatoire",
"Recent Changes": "Changements récents",
"Reduced by ignore patterns": "(Limité par des masques d'exclusion)",
"Release Notes": "Notes de version",
"Release candidates contain the latest features and fixes. They are similar to the traditional bi-weekly Syncthing releases.": "Les versions préliminaires contiennent les dernières fonctionnalités et derniers correctifs. Elles sont identiques aux traditionnelles mises à jour bimensuelles.",
@ -168,6 +168,7 @@
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Fluch-paadwizer foar stipe patroanen",
"RAM Utilization": "RAM-brûken",
"Random": "Willekeurich",
"Recent Changes": "Resinte Feroarings",
"Reduced by ignore patterns": "Ferlytse troch negear-patroanen",
"Release Notes": "Utjeftenotysjes",
"Release candidates contain the latest features and fixes. They are similar to the traditional bi-weekly Syncthing releases.": "Ferzje kandidaten hawwe de lêste mooglikheden en ferbetterings. Se binne allyksa de tradisjonele twa-wyklikse Syncthing ferzjes.",
@ -168,6 +168,7 @@
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Rövid útmutató a használható mintákról",
"RAM Utilization": "Memóriahasználat",
"Random": "Véletlenszerű",
"Recent Changes": "Utolsó módosítások",
"Reduced by ignore patterns": "Kihagyási mintákkal csökkentve",
"Release Notes": "Kiadási megjegyzések",
"Release candidates contain the latest features and fixes. They are similar to the traditional bi-weekly Syncthing releases.": "Az előzetes kiadások tartalmazzák a legújabb fejlesztéseket és javításokat. Ezek hasonlóak a hagyományos, kétheti Syncthing kiadásokhoz.",
@ -168,6 +168,7 @@
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Guida veloce agli schemi supportati",
"RAM Utilization": "Utilizzo RAM",
"Random": "Casuale",
"Recent Changes": "Recent Changes",
"Reduced by ignore patterns": "Ridotto da schemi di esclusione",
"Release Notes": "Note di Rilascio",
"Release candidates contain the latest features and fixes. They are similar to the traditional bi-weekly Syncthing releases.": "Candidati di rilascio contengono le ultime funzionalita e aggiustamenti. Sono simili ai rilasci bisettimanali di Syncthing.",
@ -168,6 +168,7 @@
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "サポートされているパターンのクイックガイド",
"RAM Utilization": "メモリ使用量",
"Random": "ランダム",
"Recent Changes": "Recent Changes",
"Reduced by ignore patterns": "無視パターン該当分を除く",
"Release Notes": "リリースノート",
"Release candidates contain the latest features and fixes. They are similar to the traditional bi-weekly Syncthing releases.": "リリース候補版には最新の機能と修正が含まれます。これは従来の隔週リリースに近いものです。",
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
"An external command handles the versioning. It has to remove the file from the shared folder.": "외부 커맨드가 파일 버전을 관리합니다. 공유된 폴더에서 파일을 삭제해야 합니다.",
"An external command handles the versioning. It has to remove the file from the synced folder.": "외부 커맨드가 파일 버전을 관리합니다. 동기화된 폴더에서 파일을 삭제해야 합니다.",
"Anonymous Usage Reporting": "익명 사용 보고서",
"Anonymous usage report format has changed. Would you like to move to the new format?": "Anonymous usage report format has changed. Would you like to move to the new format?",
"Anonymous usage report format has changed. Would you like to move to the new format?": "익명 사용 리포트의 형식이 변경되었습니다. 새 형식으로 이동 하시겠습니까?",
"Any devices configured on an introducer device will be added to this device as well.": "유도 장치에 추가된 기기들은 이 기기에도 동시에 추가됩니다.",
"Automatic upgrade now offers the choice between stable releases and release candidates.": "자동 업데이트를 이제 안정 버전과 출시 후보 사이에 선택 할 수 있게 됩니다.",
"Automatic upgrades": "자동 업데이트",
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
"Device Identification": "기기 식별자",
"Device Name": "기기 이름",
"Devices": "기기",
"Disabled": "Disabled",
"Disabled": "비활성화",
"Disconnected": "연결 끊김",
"Discovered": "탐색됨",
"Discovery": "탐색",
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
"Files are moved to date stamped versions in a .stversions directory when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "파일이 Syncthing에 의해서 교체되거나 삭제되면 .stversions 폴더에 있는 날짜가 바뀐 버전으로 이동됩니다.",
"Files are moved to date stamped versions in a .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "파일이 Syncthing에 의해서 교체되거나 삭제되면 .stversions 폴더에 있는 날짜가 바뀐 버전으로 이동됩니다.",
"Files are protected from changes made on other devices, but changes made on this device will be sent to the rest of the cluster.": "다른 장치가 파일을 편집할 수 없으며 반드시 이 장치의 내용을 기준으로 동기화합니다.",
"Filesystem Notifications": "Filesystem Notifications",
"Filesystem Notifications": "파일시스템 알림",
"Folder": "폴더",
"Folder ID": "폴더 ID",
"Folder Label": "폴더 라벨",
@ -168,6 +168,7 @@
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "지원하는 패턴에 대한 빠른 도움말",
"RAM Utilization": "RAM 사용량",
"Random": "무작위",
"Recent Changes": "Recent Changes",
"Reduced by ignore patterns": "무시 패턴으로 축소",
"Release Notes": "릴리즈 노트",
"Release candidates contain the latest features and fixes. They are similar to the traditional bi-weekly Syncthing releases.": "출시 후보는 최신 기능과 버그 픽스를 포함 하고 있습니다. 이 버전은 예전 방식인 2주 주기 Syncthing 출시와 비슷합니다.",
@ -187,8 +188,8 @@
"Scan Time Remaining": "탐색 남은 시간",
"Scanning": "탐색중",
"See external versioner help for supported templated command line parameters.": "지원되는 템플릿 명령 행 매개 변수에 대해서는 외부 버전 도움말을 참조하십시오.",
"See external versioning help for supported templated command line parameters.": "See external versioning help for supported templated command line parameters.",
"Select a version": "Select a version",
"See external versioning help for supported templated command line parameters.": "지원되는 템플릿 명령 행 매개 변수에 대해서는 외부 버전 도움말을 참조하십시오.",
"Select a version": "버전 선택",
"Select the devices to share this folder with.": "이 폴더를 공유할 장치를 선택합니다.",
"Select the folders to share with this device.": "이 장치와 공유할 폴더를 선택합니다.",
"Send & Receive": "송신 & 수신",
@ -202,7 +203,7 @@
"Shared With": "~와 공유",
"Show ID": "내 기기 ID",
"Show QR": "QR 코드 보기",
"Show diff with previous version": "Show diff with previous version",
"Show diff with previous version": "이전 버전과 변경사항 보기",
"Shown instead of Device ID in the cluster status. Will be advertised to other devices as an optional default name.": "장치에 대한 아이디로 표시됩니다. 옵션에 얻은 기본이름으로 다른장치에 통보합니다.",
"Shown instead of Device ID in the cluster status. Will be updated to the name the device advertises if left empty.": "아이디가 비어있는 경우 기본 값으로 다른 장치에 업데이트 됩니다.",
"Shutdown": "종료",
@ -168,6 +168,7 @@
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Trumpas leistinų šablonų vadovas",
"RAM Utilization": "Atminties naudojimas",
"Random": "Atsitiktinė",
"Recent Changes": "Paskiausi keitimai",
"Reduced by ignore patterns": "Sumažinta pagal nepaisomus šablonus",
"Release Notes": "Laidos Informacija",
"Release candidates contain the latest features and fixes. They are similar to the traditional bi-weekly Syncthing releases.": "Kandidatinėse versijose yra naujausios ypatybės ir pataisymai. Šios versijos yra panašios į tradicines, du kartus per mėnesį išleidžiamas Syncthing versijas.",
@ -168,6 +168,7 @@
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Kjapp innføring i godkjente mønstre",
"RAM Utilization": "RAM-utnyttelse",
"Random": "Tilfeldig",
"Recent Changes": "Nylige endringer",
"Reduced by ignore patterns": "Reduser med utelatelsesmønster",
"Release Notes": "Utgivelsesnotat",
"Release candidates contain the latest features and fixes. They are similar to the traditional bi-weekly Syncthing releases.": "Utgivelseskandidater inneholder de seneste problemfiksene og funksjonene. De ligner på de tradisjonelle Syncthing-utgivelsene som kom hver andre uke.",
@ -168,6 +168,7 @@
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Snelgids voor ondersteunde patronen",
"RAM Utilization": "Geheugengebruik",
"Random": "Willekeurig",
"Recent Changes": "Recente wijzigingen",
"Reduced by ignore patterns": "Verminderd door negeerpatronen",
"Release Notes": "Release notes",
"Release candidates contain the latest features and fixes. They are similar to the traditional bi-weekly Syncthing releases.": "Uitgavekandidaten bevatten de laatste nieuwe functionaliteit en oplossingen voor problemen. Ze lijken op de traditionele, tweemaal per week, Syncthing-uitgaven.",
@ -168,6 +168,7 @@
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Kjapp innføring i godkjente mønster",
"RAM Utilization": "Minnebruk",
"Random": "Tilfeldig",
"Recent Changes": "Recent Changes",
"Reduced by ignore patterns": "Reduser med utelatelsesmønster",
"Release Notes": "Utgjevingsnotat",
"Release candidates contain the latest features and fixes. They are similar to the traditional bi-weekly Syncthing releases.": "Release candidates contain the latest features and fixes. They are similar to the traditional bi-weekly Syncthing releases.",
@ -168,6 +168,7 @@
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Krótki przewodnik po obsługiwanych wzorcach",
"RAM Utilization": "Użycie pamięci RAM",
"Random": "Losowo",
"Recent Changes": "Ostatnie zmiany",
"Reduced by ignore patterns": "Ograniczono przez wzorce ignorowania",
"Release Notes": "Informacje o wydaniu",
"Release candidates contain the latest features and fixes. They are similar to the traditional bi-weekly Syncthing releases.": "Wydania kandydujące zawierają najnowsze funkcje oraz poprawki błędów. Są one podobne do tradycyjnych co dwutygodniowych wydań Syncthing.",
@ -186,8 +187,8 @@
"Save": "Zapisz",
"Scan Time Remaining": "Pozostały czas skanowania",
"Scanning": "Skanowanie",
"See external versioner help for supported templated command line parameters.": "See external versioner help for supported templated command line parameters.",
"See external versioning help for supported templated command line parameters.": "See external versioning help for supported templated command line parameters.",
"See external versioner help for supported templated command line parameters.": "Dostępne zmienne dla polecenia opisane są w dokumentacji w sekcji Zewnętrzne wersjonowanie plików.",
"See external versioning help for supported templated command line parameters.": "Dostępne zmienne dla polecenia opisane są w dokumentacji w sekcji Zewnętrzne wersjonowanie plików.",
"Select a version": "Wybierz wersję",
"Select the devices to share this folder with.": "Wybierz urządzenie, któremu udostępnić folder.",
"Select the folders to share with this device.": "Wybierz foldery do współdzielenia z tym urządzeniem.",
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"A device with that ID is already added.": "Um dispositivo com este ID já foi adicionado.",
"A device with that ID is already added.": "Um dispositivo com esta ID já foi adicionado.",
"A negative number of days doesn't make sense.": "Um número negativo de dias não faz sentido.",
"A new major version may not be compatible with previous versions.": "Uma nova versão principal pode não ser compatível com versões anteriores.",
"API Key": "Chave da API",
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
"Files are moved to date stamped versions in a .stversions directory when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Os arquivos são renomeados com suas datas e movidos para o diretório .stversions quando substituídos ou apagados pelo Syncthing.",
"Files are moved to date stamped versions in a .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Os arquivos são renomeados com suas datas na pasta .stversions quando substituídos ou removidos pelo Syncthing.",
"Files are protected from changes made on other devices, but changes made on this device will be sent to the rest of the cluster.": "Os arquivos estão protegidos contra alterações feitas em outros dispositivos, mas alterações feitas neste dispositivo serão enviadas ao resto dos dispositivos.",
"Filesystem Notifications": "Filesystem Notifications",
"Filesystem Notifications": "Notificação do Sistema de Arquivos",
"Folder": "Pasta",
"Folder ID": "ID da pasta",
"Folder Label": "Rótulo da pasta",
@ -168,6 +168,7 @@
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Guia rápido dos padrões suportados",
"RAM Utilization": "Uso de RAM",
"Random": "Aleatória",
"Recent Changes": "Mudanças Recentes",
"Reduced by ignore patterns": "Reduzido por filtros",
"Release Notes": "Notas de lançamento",
"Release candidates contain the latest features and fixes. They are similar to the traditional bi-weekly Syncthing releases.": "Versões candidatas ao lançamento possuem os recursos e correções mais recentes. Elas são similares às tradicionais versões quinzenais.",
@ -186,8 +187,8 @@
"Save": "Salvar",
"Scan Time Remaining": "Tempo de verificação restante",
"Scanning": "Verificando",
"See external versioner help for supported templated command line parameters.": "See external versioner help for supported templated command line parameters.",
"See external versioning help for supported templated command line parameters.": "See external versioning help for supported templated command line parameters.",
"See external versioner help for supported templated command line parameters.": "Consulte a ajuda sobre versionamento externo para modelos de parâmetros de linha de comando aceitos.",
"See external versioning help for supported templated command line parameters.": "Consulte a ajuda sobre versionamento externo para modelos de parâmetros de linha de comando aceitos.",
"Select a version": "Selecione uma versão",
"Select the devices to share this folder with.": "Selecione os dispositivos com os quais esta pasta será compartilhada.",
"Select the folders to share with this device.": "Selecione as pastas a serem compartilhadas com este dispositivo.",
@ -168,6 +168,7 @@
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Guia rápido dos padrões suportados",
"RAM Utilization": "Utilização da RAM",
"Random": "Aleatória",
"Recent Changes": "Alterações recentes",
"Reduced by ignore patterns": "Reduzido por padrões de exclusão",
"Release Notes": "Notas de lançamento",
"Release candidates contain the latest features and fixes. They are similar to the traditional bi-weekly Syncthing releases.": "Versões candidatas a lançamento contêm as funcionalidades e as correcções mais recentes. São semelhantes aos tradicionais lançamentos bi-semanais do Syncthing.",
@ -168,6 +168,7 @@
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Краткое руководство по поддерживаемым шаблонам",
"RAM Utilization": "Использование памяти",
"Random": "Случайно",
"Recent Changes": "Recent Changes",
"Reduced by ignore patterns": "Уменьшено шаблонами игнорирования",
"Release Notes": "Примечания к выпуску",
"Release candidates contain the latest features and fixes. They are similar to the traditional bi-weekly Syncthing releases.": "Кандидаты в релизы содержат последние улучшения и исправления. Они похожи на традиционные двухнедельные выпуски Syncthing.",
@ -168,6 +168,7 @@
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Rýchly sprievodca podporovanými vzormi",
"RAM Utilization": "Využitie RAM",
"Random": "Náhodne",
"Recent Changes": "Recent Changes",
"Reduced by ignore patterns": "Znížené o ignorované vzory",
"Release Notes": "Poznámky k vydaniu",
"Release candidates contain the latest features and fixes. They are similar to the traditional bi-weekly Syncthing releases.": "Kandidáti na vydanie obsahujú najnovšie vlastnosti a opravy. Sú podobné tradičným dvojtýždenným vydaniam programu Syncthing.",
@ -43,8 +43,8 @@
"Connection Type": "Anslutningstyp",
"Copied from elsewhere": "Kopierat från annanstans",
"Copied from original": "Kopierat från original",
"Copyright © 2014-2016 the following Contributors:": "Upphovsrätt © 2014-2016 följande bidragare:",
"Copyright © 2014-2017 the following Contributors:": "Upphovsrätt © 2014-2017 följande bidragande:",
"Copyright © 2014-2016 the following Contributors:": "Copyright © 2014-2016 följande bidragare:",
"Copyright © 2014-2017 the following Contributors:": "Copyright © 2014-2017 följande bidragande:",
"Creating ignore patterns, overwriting an existing file at {%path%}.": "Skapa ignorera mönster, skriver över en existerande fil på {{path}}.",
"Danger!": "Fara!",
"Deleted": "Tog bort",
@ -94,16 +94,16 @@
"Folder Type": "Mapptyp",
"Folders": "Mappar",
"GUI": "Grafiskt gränssnitt",
"GUI Authentication Password": "GUI autentiseringslösenord",
"GUI Authentication User": "GUI autentiseringsanvändare",
"GUI Listen Address": "GUI lyssnaradresser",
"GUI Listen Addresses": "GUI lyssnaradresser",
"GUI Theme": "GUI tema",
"GUI Authentication Password": "GUI-autentiseringslösenord",
"GUI Authentication User": "GUI-autentiseringsanvändare",
"GUI Listen Address": "GUI-lyssnaradress",
"GUI Listen Addresses": "GUI-lyssnaradresser",
"GUI Theme": "GUI-tema",
"Generate": "Generera",
"Global Changes": "Globala ändringar",
"Global Discovery": "Global annonsering",
"Global Discovery Servers": "Globala annonseringsservrar",
"Global State": "Global status",
"Global State": "Globalt tillstånd",
"Help": "Hjälp",
"Home page": "Hemsida",
"Ignore": "Ignorera",
@ -124,8 +124,8 @@
"Learn more": "Ta reda på mer",
"Listeners": "Lyssnare",
"Local Discovery": "Lokal annonsering",
"Local State": "Lokal status",
"Local State (Total)": "Lokal status (totalt)",
"Local State": "Lokal tillstånd",
"Local State (Total)": "Lokal tillstånd (totalt)",
"Major Upgrade": "Större uppgradering",
"Master": "Huvud",
"Maximum Age": "Maximum ålder",
@ -168,6 +168,7 @@
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Snabb handledning till mönster som stöds",
"RAM Utilization": "RAM användning",
"Random": "Slumpmässig",
"Recent Changes": "Senaste ändringar",
"Reduced by ignore patterns": "Minskas med ignorera mönster",
"Release Notes": "Versionsanteckningar",
"Release candidates contain the latest features and fixes. They are similar to the traditional bi-weekly Syncthing releases.": "Utgåvskandidater innehåller de senaste funktionerna och korrigeringarna. De är lika de traditionella Syncthing-utgåvorna som kommer ut varannan vecka.",
@ -230,13 +231,13 @@
"The Syncthing admin interface is configured to allow remote access without a password.": "Syncthing administratör gränssnittet är konfigurerat för att tillåta fjärrtillträde utan ett lösenord.",
"The aggregated statistics are publicly available at the URL below.": "Den aggregerade statistiken är offentligt tillgänglig på webbadressen nedan.",
"The configuration has been saved but not activated. Syncthing must restart to activate the new configuration.": "Konfigurationen har sparats men inte aktiverats. Syncthing måste startas om för att aktivera den nya konfigurationen.",
"The device ID cannot be blank.": "Enhet-ID kan inte vara tomt.",
"The device ID cannot be blank.": "Enhetens ID kan inte vara tomt.",
"The device ID to enter here can be found in the \"Actions > Show ID\" dialog on the other device. Spaces and dashes are optional (ignored).": "Enhet-ID som behövs här kan du hitta i \"Åtgärder > Visa ID\"-dialogrutan på den andra enheten. Mellanrum och bindestreck är valfria (ignoreras).",
"The encrypted usage report is sent daily. It is used to track common platforms, folder sizes and app versions. If the reported data set is changed you will be prompted with this dialog again.": "Den krypterade användarstatistiken skickas dagligen. Den används för att spåra vanliga plattformar, mappstorlekar och versioner. Om datat som rapporteras ändras så kommer du att bli tillfrågad igen.",
"The entered device ID does not look valid. It should be a 52 or 56 character string consisting of letters and numbers, with spaces and dashes being optional.": "Det inmatade enhet-ID verkar inte vara korrekt. Det ska vara en 52 eller 56 teckensträng bestående av siffror och bokstäver, eventuellt med mellanrum och bindestreck.",
"The first command line parameter is the folder path and the second parameter is the relative path in the folder.": "Den första kommandoparametern är sökvägen till mappen och den andra parametern är den relativa sökvägen i katalogen.",
"The folder ID cannot be blank.": "Mapp-ID får inte vara tomt.",
"The folder ID must be unique.": "Mapp-ID måste vara unikt.",
"The folder ID cannot be blank.": "Mapp-ID:t får inte vara tomt.",
"The folder ID must be unique.": "Mapp-ID:t måste vara unikt.",
"The folder path cannot be blank.": "Mapp-sökvägen kan inte vara tom.",
"The following intervals are used: for the first hour a version is kept every 30 seconds, for the first day a version is kept every hour, for the first 30 days a version is kept every day, until the maximum age a version is kept every week.": "De följande intervallen används: varje 30 sekunder under den första timmen; varje timme under den första dagen; varje dag för de första 30 dagarna; varje vecka tills den maximala åldersgränsen uppnås.",
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "Följande objekt kunde inte synkroniseras.",
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"A device with that ID is already added.": "Bu ID'yi taşıyan aygıt zaten eklendi.",
"A negative number of days doesn't make sense.": "Eksi gün sayısı mantıklı bir ifade değil.",
"A new major version may not be compatible with previous versions.": "Yeni ana sürüm önceki sürümlerle uyumlu olmayabilir.",
"A new major version may not be compatible with previous versions.": "Yeni ana sürüm, önceki sürümlerle uyumlu olmayabilir.",
"API Key": "API Anahtarı",
"About": "Hakkında",
"Action": "Eylem",
@ -168,6 +168,7 @@
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Desteklenen kalıp dizileri için hızlı rehber",
"RAM Utilization": "RAM Kullanımı",
"Random": "Rastgele",
"Recent Changes": "Recent Changes",
"Reduced by ignore patterns": "Gözardı edilen kalıp dizileri tarafından daraltıldı",
"Release Notes": "Sürüm Notları",
"Release candidates contain the latest features and fixes. They are similar to the traditional bi-weekly Syncthing releases.": "Sürüm adayları en son özellikleri ve hata düzeltmelerini içerir. Bunlar, geleneksel olarak iki haftada bir yayımlanan Syncthing dağıtımlarına benzer.",
@ -168,6 +168,7 @@
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Швидкий посібник по шаблонам, що підтримуються",
"RAM Utilization": "Використання RAM",
"Random": "Випадково",
"Recent Changes": "Останні зміни",
"Reduced by ignore patterns": "Зменшено шаблонами ігнорування",
"Release Notes": "Примітки до випуску",
"Release candidates contain the latest features and fixes. They are similar to the traditional bi-weekly Syncthing releases.": "Реліз-кандидати містять найостанніші функції та виправлення. Вони схожі на традиційні щодвотижневі випуски Syncthing.",
@ -168,6 +168,7 @@
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "H.dẫn sơ lược về các q.luật được hỗ trợ",
"RAM Utilization": "Mức s.dụng RAM",
"Random": "Ngẫu nhiên",
"Recent Changes": "Recent Changes",
"Reduced by ignore patterns": "Reduced by ignore patterns",
"Release Notes": "Lịch sử phát hành",
"Release candidates contain the latest features and fixes. They are similar to the traditional bi-weekly Syncthing releases.": "Release candidates contain the latest features and fixes. They are similar to the traditional bi-weekly Syncthing releases.",
@ -168,6 +168,7 @@
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "支持的通配符的简单教程:",
"RAM Utilization": "内存使用量",
"Random": "随机顺序",
"Recent Changes": "最近更改",
"Reduced by ignore patterns": "已由忽略列表缩减",
"Release Notes": "发布说明",
"Release candidates contain the latest features and fixes. They are similar to the traditional bi-weekly Syncthing releases.": "发布候选版包含最新的特性和修复。它们跟传统的 Syncthing 双周发布版类似。",
@ -168,6 +168,7 @@
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "可支援樣式的快速指南",
"RAM Utilization": "記憶體使用",
"Random": "隨機",
"Recent Changes": "Recent Changes",
"Reduced by ignore patterns": "已由忽略樣式縮減",
"Release Notes": "版本資訊",
"Release candidates contain the latest features and fixes. They are similar to the traditional bi-weekly Syncthing releases.": "發行候選版包含最新的功能及修補。與傳統 Syncthing 雙週發行版相似。",
Reference in New Issue
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