gui, man, authors: Update docs, translations, and contributors

This commit is contained in:
Syncthing Release Automation 2022-11-14 04:02:37 +00:00
parent 6aa04118a6
commit 8cca9dfef5
34 changed files with 483 additions and 515 deletions

View File

@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
"Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "Автоматично създава в подразбираната папка или споделя папките, които устройството предлага.", "Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "Автоматично създава в подразбираната папка или споделя папките, които устройството предлага.",
"Available debug logging facilities:": "Достъпни улеснения при отстраняване на дефекти:", "Available debug logging facilities:": "Достъпни улеснения при отстраняване на дефекти:",
"Be careful!": "Внимание!", "Be careful!": "Внимание!",
"Body:": "Body:",
"Bugs": "Дефекти", "Bugs": "Дефекти",
"Cancel": "Отказ", "Cancel": "Отказ",
"Changelog": "Дневник на промените", "Changelog": "Дневник на промените",
@ -67,6 +68,9 @@
"Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "Syncthing вече разполага с постоянно наблюдение за промени. Така се отчитат промените на дисковото устройство и се обхождат само повлияните папки. Ползите са, че промените се разпространяват по-бързо и с по-малко на брой пълни обхождания.", "Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "Syncthing вече разполага с постоянно наблюдение за промени. Така се отчитат промените на дисковото устройство и се обхождат само повлияните папки. Ползите са, че промените се разпространяват по-бързо и с по-малко на брой пълни обхождания.",
"Copied from elsewhere": "Копирано от другаде", "Copied from elsewhere": "Копирано от другаде",
"Copied from original": "Копирано от източника", "Copied from original": "Копирано от източника",
"Copied!": "Copied!",
"Copy": "Copy",
"Copy failed! Try to select and copy manually.": "Copy failed! Try to select and copy manually.",
"Currently Shared With Devices": "Устройства, с които е споделена", "Currently Shared With Devices": "Устройства, с които е споделена",
"Custom Range": "В периода", "Custom Range": "В периода",
"Danger!": "Опасност!", "Danger!": "Опасност!",
@ -207,6 +211,7 @@
"Last seen": "Последно видяно", "Last seen": "Последно видяно",
"Latest Change": "Последна промяна", "Latest Change": "Последна промяна",
"Learn more": "Научете повече", "Learn more": "Научете повече",
"Learn more at {%url%}": "Learn more at {{url}}",
"Limit": "Ограничение", "Limit": "Ограничение",
"Listener Failures": "Грешки при очакване на връзка", "Listener Failures": "Грешки при очакване на връзка",
"Listener Status": "Очакване на връзка", "Listener Status": "Очакване на връзка",
@ -326,6 +331,8 @@
"Settings": "Настройки", "Settings": "Настройки",
"Share": "Споделяне", "Share": "Споделяне",
"Share Folder": "Споделяне на папка", "Share Folder": "Споделяне на папка",
"Share by Email": "Share by Email",
"Share by SMS": "Share by SMS",
"Share this folder?": "Споделяне на папката?", "Share this folder?": "Споделяне на папката?",
"Shared Folders": "Споделени папки", "Shared Folders": "Споделени папки",
"Shared With": "Споделена с", "Shared With": "Споделена с",
@ -357,6 +364,7 @@
"Statistics": "Статистика", "Statistics": "Статистика",
"Stopped": "Спряна", "Stopped": "Спряна",
"Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "Съхранява и синхронизира само шифровани данни. Папките на всички свързани устройства трябва да бъдат настроени със същата парола или също да са от вида „{{receiveEncrypted}}“.", "Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "Съхранява и синхронизира само шифровани данни. Папките на всички свързани устройства трябва да бъдат настроени със същата парола или също да са от вида „{{receiveEncrypted}}“.",
"Subject:": "Subject:",
"Support": "Помощ", "Support": "Помощ",
"Support Bundle": "Архив за поддръжка", "Support Bundle": "Архив за поддръжка",
"Sync Extended Attributes": "Синхронизиране на разширени атрибути", "Sync Extended Attributes": "Синхронизиране на разширени атрибути",
@ -364,9 +372,11 @@
"Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "Адрес, на който слуша синхронизиращия протокол", "Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "Адрес, на който слуша синхронизиращия протокол",
"Sync Status": "Състояние", "Sync Status": "Състояние",
"Syncing": "Синхронизиране", "Syncing": "Синхронизиране",
"Syncthing device ID for \"{%devicename%}\"": "Syncthing device ID for \"{{devicename}}\"",
"Syncthing has been shut down.": "Syncthing е изключен.", "Syncthing has been shut down.": "Syncthing е изключен.",
"Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing уползотворява частично или изцяло следните софтуерни продукти:", "Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing уползотворява частично или изцяло следните софтуерни продукти:",
"Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthing е свободен софтуер с отворен код, под лиценза на MPL v2.0.", "Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthing е свободен софтуер с отворен код, под лиценза на MPL v2.0.",
"Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, whether it is shared with some third party, and how it's transmitted over the internet.": "Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, whether it is shared with some third party, and how it's transmitted over the internet.",
"Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "Syncthing очаква опити за установяване на връзка от други устройства на следните мрежови адреси:", "Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "Syncthing очаква опити за установяване на връзка от други устройства на следните мрежови адреси:",
"Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "Syncthing не слуша за опити за установяване на връзка от други устройства. Вероятно работят само изходящите връзки от това устройство.", "Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "Syncthing не слуша за опити за установяване на връзка от други устройства. Вероятно работят само изходящите връзки от това устройство.",
"Syncthing is restarting.": "Syncthing се рестартира.", "Syncthing is restarting.": "Syncthing се рестартира.",
@ -396,6 +406,7 @@
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "Следните елементи не могат да бъдат синхронизирани.", "The following items could not be synchronized.": "Следните елементи не могат да бъдат синхронизирани.",
"The following items were changed locally.": "Следните елементи са променени локално.", "The following items were changed locally.": "Следните елементи са променени локално.",
"The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "Следните методи се използват за откриване на други устройства в мрежата и за обявяване на това устройство, за да бъде открито от останалите:", "The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "Следните методи се използват за откриване на други устройства в мрежата и за обявяване на това устройство, за да бъде открито от останалите:",
"The following text will automatically be inserted into a new message.": "The following text will automatically be inserted into a new message.",
"The following unexpected items were found.": "Следните елементи са намерени, но не са очаквани.", "The following unexpected items were found.": "Следните елементи са намерени, но не са очаквани.",
"The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "Интервалът трябва да е положителен брой секунди.", "The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "Интервалът трябва да е положителен брой секунди.",
"The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "Интервал, в секунди, на почистване на папката с версии. Нула изключва периодичното почистване.", "The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "Интервал, в секунди, на почистване на папката с версии. Нула изключва периодичното почистване.",
@ -422,6 +433,7 @@
"This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "Тази настройка управлява нужното свободното място на основния (пр. този с банката от данни) диск.", "This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "Тази настройка управлява нужното свободното място на основния (пр. този с банката от данни) диск.",
"Time": "Време", "Time": "Време",
"Time the item was last modified": "Час на последна промяна на елемента", "Time the item was last modified": "Час на последна промяна на елемента",
"To connect with the Syncthing device named \"{%devicename%}\", add a new remote device on your end with this ID:": "To connect with the Syncthing device named \"{{devicename}}\", add a new remote device on your end with this ID:",
"Today": "Днес", "Today": "Днес",
"Trash Can": "Кошче за отпадъци", "Trash Can": "Кошче за отпадъци",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Версии от вида „кошче за отпадъци“", "Trash Can File Versioning": "Версии от вида „кошче за отпадъци“",
@ -473,6 +485,7 @@
"When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "Като добавяте папката имайте предвид, че той се използва за еднозначно указване на папката между устройствата. Има разлика в регистъра на знаците и трябва изцяло да съвпада между всички устройства.", "When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "Като добавяте папката имайте предвид, че той се използва за еднозначно указване на папката между устройствата. Има разлика в регистъра на знаците и трябва изцяло да съвпада между всички устройства.",
"Yes": "Да", "Yes": "Да",
"Yesterday": "Вчера", "Yesterday": "Вчера",
"You can also copy and paste the text into a new message manually.": "You can also copy and paste the text into a new message manually.",
"You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "Също така може да изберете едно от устройствата, които се намират наблизо:", "You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "Също така може да изберете едно от устройствата, които се намират наблизо:",
"You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "Може да промените решението си по всяко време в прозореца Настройки.", "You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "Може да промените решението си по всяко време в прозореца Настройки.",
"You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "Може да научите повече за двата канала на издание, следвайки препратката по-долу.", "You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "Може да научите повече за двата канала на издание, следвайки препратката по-долу.",
@ -481,6 +494,8 @@
"You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "Има незапазени промени. Желаете ли да се откажете от тях?", "You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "Има незапазени промени. Желаете ли да се откажете от тях?",
"You must keep at least one version.": "Необходимо е да има поне една версия.", "You must keep at least one version.": "Необходимо е да има поне една версия.",
"You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "Никога не трябва да променяте нищо в папка от вида „{{receiveEncrypted}}“.", "You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "Никога не трябва да променяте нищо в папка от вида „{{receiveEncrypted}}“.",
"Your SMS app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own number.": "Your SMS app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own number.",
"Your email app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own address.": "Your email app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own address.",
"days": "дни", "days": "дни",
"directories": "папки", "directories": "папки",
"files": "файла", "files": "файла",

View File

@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
"Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "Crear o compartir automàticament les carpetes que aquest dispositiu anuncia en la ruta per defecte.", "Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "Crear o compartir automàticament les carpetes que aquest dispositiu anuncia en la ruta per defecte.",
"Available debug logging facilities:": "Hi han disponibles les següents utilitats per a depurar el registre:", "Available debug logging facilities:": "Hi han disponibles les següents utilitats per a depurar el registre:",
"Be careful!": "Tin precaució!", "Be careful!": "Tin precaució!",
"Body:": "Body:",
"Bugs": "Errors (Bugs)", "Bugs": "Errors (Bugs)",
"Cancel": "Cancel·lar", "Cancel": "Cancel·lar",
"Changelog": "Registre de canvis", "Changelog": "Registre de canvis",
@ -67,6 +68,9 @@
"Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "Ara està disponible la revisió continua de canvix dins de Syncthing. Acò detectarà els canvis i llençarà un escaneig sols a les rutes modificades. Els beneficis són que els canvis es propaguen mé ràpidamente i es necessiten menys escanejos complets.", "Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "Ara està disponible la revisió continua de canvix dins de Syncthing. Acò detectarà els canvis i llençarà un escaneig sols a les rutes modificades. Els beneficis són que els canvis es propaguen mé ràpidamente i es necessiten menys escanejos complets.",
"Copied from elsewhere": "Copiat de qualsevol lloc", "Copied from elsewhere": "Copiat de qualsevol lloc",
"Copied from original": "Copiat de l'original", "Copied from original": "Copiat de l'original",
"Copied!": "Copied!",
"Copy": "Copy",
"Copy failed! Try to select and copy manually.": "Copy failed! Try to select and copy manually.",
"Currently Shared With Devices": "Actualment compartit amb dispositius", "Currently Shared With Devices": "Actualment compartit amb dispositius",
"Custom Range": "Interval personalitzat", "Custom Range": "Interval personalitzat",
"Danger!": "Perill!", "Danger!": "Perill!",
@ -207,6 +211,7 @@
"Last seen": "Vist per última vegada", "Last seen": "Vist per última vegada",
"Latest Change": "Últim Canvi", "Latest Change": "Últim Canvi",
"Learn more": "Saber més", "Learn more": "Saber més",
"Learn more at {%url%}": "Learn more at {{url}}",
"Limit": "Límit", "Limit": "Límit",
"Listener Failures": "Errors en l'escolta", "Listener Failures": "Errors en l'escolta",
"Listener Status": "Estatus en l'escolta", "Listener Status": "Estatus en l'escolta",
@ -326,6 +331,8 @@
"Settings": "Ajustos", "Settings": "Ajustos",
"Share": "Compartir", "Share": "Compartir",
"Share Folder": "Compartir carpeta", "Share Folder": "Compartir carpeta",
"Share by Email": "Share by Email",
"Share by SMS": "Share by SMS",
"Share this folder?": "Compartir aquesta carpeta?", "Share this folder?": "Compartir aquesta carpeta?",
"Shared Folders": "Carpetes compartides", "Shared Folders": "Carpetes compartides",
"Shared With": "Compartit amb", "Shared With": "Compartit amb",
@ -357,6 +364,7 @@
"Statistics": "Estadístiques", "Statistics": "Estadístiques",
"Stopped": "Parat", "Stopped": "Parat",
"Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "Emmagatzema i sincronitza només dades encriptades. Les carpetes de tots els dispositius connectats s'han de configurar amb la mateixa contrasenya o també ser del tipus \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\".", "Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "Emmagatzema i sincronitza només dades encriptades. Les carpetes de tots els dispositius connectats s'han de configurar amb la mateixa contrasenya o també ser del tipus \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\".",
"Subject:": "Subject:",
"Support": "Suport", "Support": "Suport",
"Support Bundle": "Lot de Suport", "Support Bundle": "Lot de Suport",
"Sync Extended Attributes": "Sincronitza els atributs ampliats", "Sync Extended Attributes": "Sincronitza els atributs ampliats",
@ -364,9 +372,11 @@
"Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "Direccions d'escolta del protocol de sincronització", "Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "Direccions d'escolta del protocol de sincronització",
"Sync Status": "Estat de sincronització", "Sync Status": "Estat de sincronització",
"Syncing": "Sincronitzant", "Syncing": "Sincronitzant",
"Syncthing device ID for \"{%devicename%}\"": "Syncthing device ID for \"{{devicename}}\"",
"Syncthing has been shut down.": "Syncthing s'ha apagat", "Syncthing has been shut down.": "Syncthing s'ha apagat",
"Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing inclou el següent software o parts d'ell:", "Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing inclou el següent software o parts d'ell:",
"Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthing és Software Gratuït i Open Source llicenciat com MPL v2.0.", "Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthing és Software Gratuït i Open Source llicenciat com MPL v2.0.",
"Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, whether it is shared with some third party, and how it's transmitted over the internet.": "Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, whether it is shared with some third party, and how it's transmitted over the internet.",
"Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "La sincronització està escoltant a les adreces de xarxa següents els intents de connexió des d'altres dispositius:", "Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "La sincronització està escoltant a les adreces de xarxa següents els intents de connexió des d'altres dispositius:",
"Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "Syncthing no està escoltant els intents de connexió d'altres dispositius a cap adreça. Només poden funcionar les connexions sortints d'aquest dispositiu.", "Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "Syncthing no està escoltant els intents de connexió d'altres dispositius a cap adreça. Només poden funcionar les connexions sortints d'aquest dispositiu.",
"Syncthing is restarting.": "Syncthing està reiniciant.", "Syncthing is restarting.": "Syncthing està reiniciant.",
@ -396,6 +406,7 @@
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "Els següents objectes no s'han pogut sincronitzar.", "The following items could not be synchronized.": "Els següents objectes no s'han pogut sincronitzar.",
"The following items were changed locally.": "Els següents ítems es canviaren localment.", "The following items were changed locally.": "Els següents ítems es canviaren localment.",
"The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "Els mètodes següents s'utilitzen per descobrir altres dispositius a la xarxa i anunciar que aquest dispositiu serà trobat per altres:", "The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "Els mètodes següents s'utilitzen per descobrir altres dispositius a la xarxa i anunciar que aquest dispositiu serà trobat per altres:",
"The following text will automatically be inserted into a new message.": "The following text will automatically be inserted into a new message.",
"The following unexpected items were found.": "S'han trobat els següents elements inesperats.", "The following unexpected items were found.": "S'han trobat els següents elements inesperats.",
"The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "L'interval ha de ser un nombre positiu de segons.", "The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "L'interval ha de ser un nombre positiu de segons.",
"The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "L'interval, en segons, per executar la neteja al directori de versions. Zero per desactivar la neteja periòdica.", "The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "L'interval, en segons, per executar la neteja al directori de versions. Zero per desactivar la neteja periòdica.",
@ -422,6 +433,7 @@
"This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "Aquest ajust controla l'espai lliure requerit en el disc inicial (per exemple, la base de dades de l'index).", "This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "Aquest ajust controla l'espai lliure requerit en el disc inicial (per exemple, la base de dades de l'index).",
"Time": "Temps", "Time": "Temps",
"Time the item was last modified": "Hora a la que l'ítem fou modificat per última vegada", "Time the item was last modified": "Hora a la que l'ítem fou modificat per última vegada",
"To connect with the Syncthing device named \"{%devicename%}\", add a new remote device on your end with this ID:": "To connect with the Syncthing device named \"{{devicename}}\", add a new remote device on your end with this ID:",
"Today": "Avui", "Today": "Avui",
"Trash Can": "Paperera", "Trash Can": "Paperera",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Versionat d'arxius de la paperera", "Trash Can File Versioning": "Versionat d'arxius de la paperera",
@ -473,6 +485,7 @@
"When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "Quant s'afig una nova carpeta, hi ha que tindre en compte que l'ID de la carpeta s'utilitza per a juntar les carpetes entre dispositius. Són sensibles a les majúscules i deuen coincidir exactament entre tots els dispositius.", "When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "Quant s'afig una nova carpeta, hi ha que tindre en compte que l'ID de la carpeta s'utilitza per a juntar les carpetes entre dispositius. Són sensibles a les majúscules i deuen coincidir exactament entre tots els dispositius.",
"Yes": "Sí", "Yes": "Sí",
"Yesterday": "Ahir", "Yesterday": "Ahir",
"You can also copy and paste the text into a new message manually.": "You can also copy and paste the text into a new message manually.",
"You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "Pots seleccionar també un d'aquestos dispositius propers:", "You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "Pots seleccionar també un d'aquestos dispositius propers:",
"You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "Pots canviar la teua elecció en qualsevol moment en el dialog Ajustos", "You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "Pots canviar la teua elecció en qualsevol moment en el dialog Ajustos",
"You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "Pots llegir més sobre els dos canals de versions en l'enllaç de baix.", "You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "Pots llegir més sobre els dos canals de versions en l'enllaç de baix.",
@ -481,6 +494,8 @@
"You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "Tens canvis sense guardar. Realment vols descartar-los?", "You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "Tens canvis sense guardar. Realment vols descartar-los?",
"You must keep at least one version.": "Es deu mantindre al menys una versió.", "You must keep at least one version.": "Es deu mantindre al menys una versió.",
"You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "Mai no hauríeu d'afegir ni canviar res localment en una carpeta \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\".", "You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "Mai no hauríeu d'afegir ni canviar res localment en una carpeta \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\".",
"Your SMS app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own number.": "Your SMS app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own number.",
"Your email app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own address.": "Your email app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own address.",
"days": "dies", "days": "dies",
"directories": "directoris", "directories": "directoris",
"files": "arxius", "files": "arxius",

View File

@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
"Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "Automaticky vytvářet nebo sdílet složky, které toto zařízení propaguje ve výchozím popisu umístění.", "Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "Automaticky vytvářet nebo sdílet složky, které toto zařízení propaguje ve výchozím popisu umístění.",
"Available debug logging facilities:": "Dostupná logovací zařízení pro ladění:", "Available debug logging facilities:": "Dostupná logovací zařízení pro ladění:",
"Be careful!": "Buďte opatrní!", "Be careful!": "Buďte opatrní!",
"Body:": "Body:",
"Bugs": "Chyby", "Bugs": "Chyby",
"Cancel": "Zrušit", "Cancel": "Zrušit",
"Changelog": "Seznam změn", "Changelog": "Seznam změn",
@ -67,6 +68,9 @@
"Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "Syncthing nyní umožňuje nepřetržité sledování změn. To zachytí změny na úložišti a spustí sken pouze pro umístění, ve kterých se něco změnilo. Výhodami jsou rychlejší propagace změn a méně plných skenů.", "Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "Syncthing nyní umožňuje nepřetržité sledování změn. To zachytí změny na úložišti a spustí sken pouze pro umístění, ve kterých se něco změnilo. Výhodami jsou rychlejší propagace změn a méně plných skenů.",
"Copied from elsewhere": "Zkopírováno odjinud", "Copied from elsewhere": "Zkopírováno odjinud",
"Copied from original": "Zkopírováno z originálu", "Copied from original": "Zkopírováno z originálu",
"Copied!": "Copied!",
"Copy": "Copy",
"Copy failed! Try to select and copy manually.": "Copy failed! Try to select and copy manually.",
"Currently Shared With Devices": "Aktuálně sdíleno se zařízeními", "Currently Shared With Devices": "Aktuálně sdíleno se zařízeními",
"Custom Range": "Přesný rozsah", "Custom Range": "Přesný rozsah",
"Danger!": "Nebezpečí!", "Danger!": "Nebezpečí!",
@ -207,6 +211,7 @@
"Last seen": "Naposledy spatřen", "Last seen": "Naposledy spatřen",
"Latest Change": "Poslední změna", "Latest Change": "Poslední změna",
"Learn more": "Zjistěte více", "Learn more": "Zjistěte více",
"Learn more at {%url%}": "Learn more at {{url}}",
"Limit": "Limit", "Limit": "Limit",
"Listener Failures": "Selhání při naslouchání", "Listener Failures": "Selhání při naslouchání",
"Listener Status": "Stav naslouchání", "Listener Status": "Stav naslouchání",
@ -326,6 +331,8 @@
"Settings": "Nastavení", "Settings": "Nastavení",
"Share": "Sdílet", "Share": "Sdílet",
"Share Folder": "Sdílet složku", "Share Folder": "Sdílet složku",
"Share by Email": "Share by Email",
"Share by SMS": "Share by SMS",
"Share this folder?": "Sdílet tuto složku?", "Share this folder?": "Sdílet tuto složku?",
"Shared Folders": "Sdílené složky", "Shared Folders": "Sdílené složky",
"Shared With": "Sdíleno s", "Shared With": "Sdíleno s",
@ -357,6 +364,7 @@
"Statistics": "Statistiky", "Statistics": "Statistiky",
"Stopped": "Zastaveno", "Stopped": "Zastaveno",
"Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "Ukládá a synchronizuje pouze zašifrovaná data. Složky na všech připojených zařízeních musí mít nastavené stejné heslo a nebo být také typu „{{receiveEncrypted}}“.", "Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "Ukládá a synchronizuje pouze zašifrovaná data. Složky na všech připojených zařízeních musí mít nastavené stejné heslo a nebo být také typu „{{receiveEncrypted}}“.",
"Subject:": "Subject:",
"Support": "Podpora", "Support": "Podpora",
"Support Bundle": "Balík podpory", "Support Bundle": "Balík podpory",
"Sync Extended Attributes": "Synchronizovat rozšířené atributy", "Sync Extended Attributes": "Synchronizovat rozšířené atributy",
@ -364,9 +372,11 @@
"Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "Adresa, na které synchronizační protokol očekává spojení", "Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "Adresa, na které synchronizační protokol očekává spojení",
"Sync Status": "Synchronizovat stav", "Sync Status": "Synchronizovat stav",
"Syncing": "Synchronizuje se", "Syncing": "Synchronizuje se",
"Syncthing device ID for \"{%devicename%}\"": "Syncthing device ID for \"{{devicename}}\"",
"Syncthing has been shut down.": "Syncthing bylo vypnuto.", "Syncthing has been shut down.": "Syncthing bylo vypnuto.",
"Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing obsahuje následující software nebo jejich část:", "Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing obsahuje následující software nebo jejich část:",
"Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthing je svobodný a open source software licencovaný jako MPL v2.0.", "Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthing je svobodný a open source software licencovaný jako MPL v2.0.",
"Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, whether it is shared with some third party, and how it's transmitted over the internet.": "Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, whether it is shared with some third party, and how it's transmitted over the internet.",
"Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "Syncthing naslouchá pro příchozí spojení na následujících síťových adresách:", "Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "Syncthing naslouchá pro příchozí spojení na následujících síťových adresách:",
"Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "Syncthing nenaslouchá pro příchozí spojení na žádné adrese. Mohou fungovat jen odchozí spojení z tohoto zařízení.", "Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "Syncthing nenaslouchá pro příchozí spojení na žádné adrese. Mohou fungovat jen odchozí spojení z tohoto zařízení.",
"Syncthing is restarting.": "Syncthing se restartuje.", "Syncthing is restarting.": "Syncthing se restartuje.",
@ -396,6 +406,7 @@
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "Následující položky nemohly být synchronizovány.", "The following items could not be synchronized.": "Následující položky nemohly být synchronizovány.",
"The following items were changed locally.": "Tyto položky byly změněny lokálně", "The following items were changed locally.": "Tyto položky byly změněny lokálně",
"The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "K objevování ostatních zařízení a oznamování tohoto zařízení se používají následující metody:", "The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "K objevování ostatních zařízení a oznamování tohoto zařízení se používají následující metody:",
"The following text will automatically be inserted into a new message.": "The following text will automatically be inserted into a new message.",
"The following unexpected items were found.": "Byly nalezeny tyto neočekávané položky.", "The following unexpected items were found.": "Byly nalezeny tyto neočekávané položky.",
"The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "Interval musí být kladný počet sekund.", "The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "Interval musí být kladný počet sekund.",
"The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "Interval (v sekundách) pro spouštění čištění ve složce s verzemi. Nula pravidelné čištění vypíná.", "The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "Interval (v sekundách) pro spouštění čištění ve složce s verzemi. Nula pravidelné čištění vypíná.",
@ -422,6 +433,7 @@
"This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "Toto nastavení ovládá velikost volného prostoru na hlavním datovém úložišti (to, na kterém je databáze rejstříku).", "This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "Toto nastavení ovládá velikost volného prostoru na hlavním datovém úložišti (to, na kterém je databáze rejstříku).",
"Time": "Čas", "Time": "Čas",
"Time the item was last modified": "Čas poslední modifikace položky", "Time the item was last modified": "Čas poslední modifikace položky",
"To connect with the Syncthing device named \"{%devicename%}\", add a new remote device on your end with this ID:": "To connect with the Syncthing device named \"{{devicename}}\", add a new remote device on your end with this ID:",
"Today": "Dnes", "Today": "Dnes",
"Trash Can": "Koš", "Trash Can": "Koš",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Ponechávat jednu předchozí verzi (jako Koš) ", "Trash Can File Versioning": "Ponechávat jednu předchozí verzi (jako Koš) ",
@ -473,6 +485,7 @@
"When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "Při přidávání nové složky mějte na paměti, že její identifikátor je použit jako vazba mezi složkami napříč zařízeními. Rozlišují se malá a velká písmena a je třeba, aby přesně souhlasilo mezi všemi zařízeními.", "When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "Při přidávání nové složky mějte na paměti, že její identifikátor je použit jako vazba mezi složkami napříč zařízeními. Rozlišují se malá a velká písmena a je třeba, aby přesně souhlasilo mezi všemi zařízeními.",
"Yes": "Ano", "Yes": "Ano",
"Yesterday": "Včera", "Yesterday": "Včera",
"You can also copy and paste the text into a new message manually.": "You can also copy and paste the text into a new message manually.",
"You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "Také můžete vybrat jedno z těchto okolních zařízení:", "You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "Také můžete vybrat jedno z těchto okolních zařízení:",
"You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "Vaši volbu můžete kdykoliv změnit v dialogu nastavení.", "You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "Vaši volbu můžete kdykoliv změnit v dialogu nastavení.",
"You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "O kandidátech na vydání si můžete přečíst více v odkazu níže.", "You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "O kandidátech na vydání si můžete přečíst více v odkazu níže.",
@ -481,6 +494,8 @@
"You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "Máte neuložené změny. Opravdu je chcete zahodit?", "You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "Máte neuložené změny. Opravdu je chcete zahodit?",
"You must keep at least one version.": "Je třeba ponechat alespoň jednu verzi.", "You must keep at least one version.": "Je třeba ponechat alespoň jednu verzi.",
"You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "Ve složce typu „{{receiveEncrypted}}“ byste neměli lokálně nic měnit ani vytvářet.", "You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "Ve složce typu „{{receiveEncrypted}}“ byste neměli lokálně nic měnit ani vytvářet.",
"Your SMS app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own number.": "Your SMS app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own number.",
"Your email app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own address.": "Your email app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own address.",
"days": "dní", "days": "dní",
"directories": "složky", "directories": "složky",
"files": "souborů", "files": "souborů",

View File

@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
"Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "Opret eller del automatisk mapper på standardstien, som denne enhed tilbyder.", "Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "Opret eller del automatisk mapper på standardstien, som denne enhed tilbyder.",
"Available debug logging facilities:": "Tilgængelige faciliteter for fejlretningslogning:", "Available debug logging facilities:": "Tilgængelige faciliteter for fejlretningslogning:",
"Be careful!": "Vær forsigtig!", "Be careful!": "Vær forsigtig!",
"Body:": "Body:",
"Bugs": "Fejl", "Bugs": "Fejl",
"Cancel": "Annullere", "Cancel": "Annullere",
"Changelog": "Udgivelsesnoter", "Changelog": "Udgivelsesnoter",
@ -67,6 +68,9 @@
"Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "Løbende overvågning af ændringer er nu tilgængeligt i Syncthing. Dette vil opfange ændringer på disken og igangsætte en skanning, men kun på ændrede stier. Fordelene er, er ændringer forplanter sig hurtigere, og at færre komplette skanninger er nødvendige.", "Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "Løbende overvågning af ændringer er nu tilgængeligt i Syncthing. Dette vil opfange ændringer på disken og igangsætte en skanning, men kun på ændrede stier. Fordelene er, er ændringer forplanter sig hurtigere, og at færre komplette skanninger er nødvendige.",
"Copied from elsewhere": "Kopieret fra et andet sted", "Copied from elsewhere": "Kopieret fra et andet sted",
"Copied from original": "Kopieret fra originalen", "Copied from original": "Kopieret fra originalen",
"Copied!": "Copied!",
"Copy": "Copy",
"Copy failed! Try to select and copy manually.": "Copy failed! Try to select and copy manually.",
"Currently Shared With Devices": "i øjeblikket delt med enheder", "Currently Shared With Devices": "i øjeblikket delt med enheder",
"Custom Range": "Tilpasset interval", "Custom Range": "Tilpasset interval",
"Danger!": "Fare!", "Danger!": "Fare!",
@ -207,6 +211,7 @@
"Last seen": "Sidst set", "Last seen": "Sidst set",
"Latest Change": "Seneste ændring", "Latest Change": "Seneste ændring",
"Learn more": "Lær mere", "Learn more": "Lær mere",
"Learn more at {%url%}": "Learn more at {{url}}",
"Limit": "Grænse", "Limit": "Grænse",
"Listener Failures": "Lytter fejl", "Listener Failures": "Lytter fejl",
"Listener Status": "Lytter status", "Listener Status": "Lytter status",
@ -326,6 +331,8 @@
"Settings": "Indstillinger", "Settings": "Indstillinger",
"Share": "Del", "Share": "Del",
"Share Folder": "Del mappe", "Share Folder": "Del mappe",
"Share by Email": "Share by Email",
"Share by SMS": "Share by SMS",
"Share this folder?": "Del denne mappe?", "Share this folder?": "Del denne mappe?",
"Shared Folders": "Delte mapper", "Shared Folders": "Delte mapper",
"Shared With": "Delt med", "Shared With": "Delt med",
@ -357,6 +364,7 @@
"Statistics": "Statistikker", "Statistics": "Statistikker",
"Stopped": "Stoppet", "Stopped": "Stoppet",
"Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" too.", "Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" too.",
"Subject:": "Subject:",
"Support": "Støt", "Support": "Støt",
"Support Bundle": "Støttepakke", "Support Bundle": "Støttepakke",
"Sync Extended Attributes": "Sync Extended Attributes", "Sync Extended Attributes": "Sync Extended Attributes",
@ -364,9 +372,11 @@
"Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "Lytteadresser for synkroniseringsprotokol", "Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "Lytteadresser for synkroniseringsprotokol",
"Sync Status": "Synkronisering status", "Sync Status": "Synkronisering status",
"Syncing": "Synkroniserer", "Syncing": "Synkroniserer",
"Syncthing device ID for \"{%devicename%}\"": "Syncthing device ID for \"{{devicename}}\"",
"Syncthing has been shut down.": "Syncthing er lukket ned.", "Syncthing has been shut down.": "Syncthing er lukket ned.",
"Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing indeholder følgende software eller dele heraf:", "Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing indeholder følgende software eller dele heraf:",
"Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthing er fri og åben kildekode software licenseret som MPL v2.0.", "Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthing er fri og åben kildekode software licenseret som MPL v2.0.",
"Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, whether it is shared with some third party, and how it's transmitted over the internet.": "Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, whether it is shared with some third party, and how it's transmitted over the internet.",
"Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:", "Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:",
"Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.", "Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.",
"Syncthing is restarting.": "Syncthing genstarter.", "Syncthing is restarting.": "Syncthing genstarter.",
@ -396,6 +406,7 @@
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "Følgende filer kunne ikke synkroniseres.", "The following items could not be synchronized.": "Følgende filer kunne ikke synkroniseres.",
"The following items were changed locally.": "De følgende filer er ændret lokalt.", "The following items were changed locally.": "De følgende filer er ændret lokalt.",
"The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:", "The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:",
"The following text will automatically be inserted into a new message.": "The following text will automatically be inserted into a new message.",
"The following unexpected items were found.": "Følgende ikke-forventet emner blev fundet.", "The following unexpected items were found.": "Følgende ikke-forventet emner blev fundet.",
"The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "Intervallet skal være et positivt antal sekunder.", "The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "Intervallet skal være et positivt antal sekunder.",
"The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "Interval i sekunder for kørsel af oprydning i versionskatalog. Nul vil deaktivere periodisk rengøring.", "The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "Interval i sekunder for kørsel af oprydning i versionskatalog. Nul vil deaktivere periodisk rengøring.",
@ -422,6 +433,7 @@
"This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "Denne indstilling styrer den krævede ledige plads på hjemmedrevet (dvs. drevet med indeksdatabasen).", "This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "Denne indstilling styrer den krævede ledige plads på hjemmedrevet (dvs. drevet med indeksdatabasen).",
"Time": "Tid", "Time": "Tid",
"Time the item was last modified": "Tidspunkt for seneste ændring af filen", "Time the item was last modified": "Tidspunkt for seneste ændring af filen",
"To connect with the Syncthing device named \"{%devicename%}\", add a new remote device on your end with this ID:": "To connect with the Syncthing device named \"{{devicename}}\", add a new remote device on your end with this ID:",
"Today": "I dag", "Today": "I dag",
"Trash Can": "Affaldskurv", "Trash Can": "Affaldskurv",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Versionering med papirkurv", "Trash Can File Versioning": "Versionering med papirkurv",
@ -473,6 +485,7 @@
"When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "Når der tilføjes en ny enhed, vær da opmærksom på at samme mappe-ID bruges til at forbinde mapper på de forskellige enheder. Der er forskel på store og små bogstaver, og ID skal være fuldstændig identisk på alle enheder.", "When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "Når der tilføjes en ny enhed, vær da opmærksom på at samme mappe-ID bruges til at forbinde mapper på de forskellige enheder. Der er forskel på store og små bogstaver, og ID skal være fuldstændig identisk på alle enheder.",
"Yes": "Ja", "Yes": "Ja",
"Yesterday": "I går", "Yesterday": "I går",
"You can also copy and paste the text into a new message manually.": "You can also copy and paste the text into a new message manually.",
"You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "Du kan også vælge en af disse enheder i nærheden:", "You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "Du kan også vælge en af disse enheder i nærheden:",
"You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "Du kan altid ændre dit valg under indstillinger.", "You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "Du kan altid ændre dit valg under indstillinger.",
"You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "Du kan læse mere om de to udgivelseskanaler på linket herunder.", "You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "Du kan læse mere om de to udgivelseskanaler på linket herunder.",
@ -481,6 +494,8 @@
"You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "Du har ændringer, som ikke er gemt. Er du sikker på, at du ikke vil beholde dem?", "You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "Du har ændringer, som ikke er gemt. Er du sikker på, at du ikke vil beholde dem?",
"You must keep at least one version.": "Du skal beholde mindst én version.", "You must keep at least one version.": "Du skal beholde mindst én version.",
"You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "Der bør aldrig tilføjes eller ændres noget lokalt i en \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" mappe.", "You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "Der bør aldrig tilføjes eller ændres noget lokalt i en \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" mappe.",
"Your SMS app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own number.": "Your SMS app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own number.",
"Your email app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own address.": "Your email app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own address.",
"days": "dage", "days": "dage",
"directories": "kataloger", "directories": "kataloger",
"files": "filer", "files": "filer",

View File

@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
"Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "Automatisch Ordner erstellen oder freigeben, die dieses Gerät im Standardpfad ankündigt.", "Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "Automatisch Ordner erstellen oder freigeben, die dieses Gerät im Standardpfad ankündigt.",
"Available debug logging facilities:": "Verfügbare Debugging-Möglichkeiten:", "Available debug logging facilities:": "Verfügbare Debugging-Möglichkeiten:",
"Be careful!": "Vorsicht!", "Be careful!": "Vorsicht!",
"Body:": "Body:",
"Bugs": "Fehler", "Bugs": "Fehler",
"Cancel": "Abbrechen", "Cancel": "Abbrechen",
"Changelog": "Änderungsprotokoll", "Changelog": "Änderungsprotokoll",
@ -67,6 +68,9 @@
"Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "Kontinuierliche Änderungssuche ist jetzt in Syncthing verfügbar. Dadurch werden Änderungen auf der Festplatte erkannt und durch einen Scan nur die geänderten Pfade überprüft. Die Vorteile bestehen darin, dass Änderungen schneller festgestellt werden und weniger vollständige Scans erforderlich sind.", "Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "Kontinuierliche Änderungssuche ist jetzt in Syncthing verfügbar. Dadurch werden Änderungen auf der Festplatte erkannt und durch einen Scan nur die geänderten Pfade überprüft. Die Vorteile bestehen darin, dass Änderungen schneller festgestellt werden und weniger vollständige Scans erforderlich sind.",
"Copied from elsewhere": "Von anderer Quelle kopiert", "Copied from elsewhere": "Von anderer Quelle kopiert",
"Copied from original": "Vom Original kopiert", "Copied from original": "Vom Original kopiert",
"Copied!": "Kopiert!",
"Copy": "Kopieren",
"Copy failed! Try to select and copy manually.": "Kopieren fehlgeschlagen! Versuchen Sie, die Datei manuell auszuwählen und zu kopieren.",
"Currently Shared With Devices": "Derzeit mit Geräten geteilt", "Currently Shared With Devices": "Derzeit mit Geräten geteilt",
"Custom Range": "Eigener Zeitraum", "Custom Range": "Eigener Zeitraum",
"Danger!": "Achtung!", "Danger!": "Achtung!",
@ -207,6 +211,7 @@
"Last seen": "Zuletzt online", "Last seen": "Zuletzt online",
"Latest Change": "Letzte Änderung", "Latest Change": "Letzte Änderung",
"Learn more": "Mehr erfahren", "Learn more": "Mehr erfahren",
"Learn more at {%url%}": "Erfahre mehr unter {{url}}",
"Limit": "Limit", "Limit": "Limit",
"Listener Failures": "Fehler bei Listener", "Listener Failures": "Fehler bei Listener",
"Listener Status": "Status der Listener", "Listener Status": "Status der Listener",
@ -326,6 +331,8 @@
"Settings": "Einstellungen", "Settings": "Einstellungen",
"Share": "Teilen", "Share": "Teilen",
"Share Folder": "Ordner teilen", "Share Folder": "Ordner teilen",
"Share by Email": "Per E-Mail teilen",
"Share by SMS": "Teilen per SMS",
"Share this folder?": "Diesen Ordner teilen?", "Share this folder?": "Diesen Ordner teilen?",
"Shared Folders": "Geteilte Ordner", "Shared Folders": "Geteilte Ordner",
"Shared With": "Geteilt mit", "Shared With": "Geteilt mit",
@ -357,6 +364,7 @@
"Statistics": "Statistiken", "Statistics": "Statistiken",
"Stopped": "Gestoppt", "Stopped": "Gestoppt",
"Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "Speichert und synchronisiert nur verschlüsselte Daten. Ordner auf allen verbundenen Geräten müssen mit dem selben Passwort eingerichtet werden oder vom Typ \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" sein.", "Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "Speichert und synchronisiert nur verschlüsselte Daten. Ordner auf allen verbundenen Geräten müssen mit dem selben Passwort eingerichtet werden oder vom Typ \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" sein.",
"Subject:": "Subject:",
"Support": "Support", "Support": "Support",
"Support Bundle": "Supportpaket", "Support Bundle": "Supportpaket",
"Sync Extended Attributes": "Erweiterte Attribute synchronisieren", "Sync Extended Attributes": "Erweiterte Attribute synchronisieren",
@ -364,9 +372,11 @@
"Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "Adresse(n) für das Synchronisierungsprotokoll", "Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "Adresse(n) für das Synchronisierungsprotokoll",
"Sync Status": "Status der Synchronisierung", "Sync Status": "Status der Synchronisierung",
"Syncing": "Synchronisiere", "Syncing": "Synchronisiere",
"Syncthing device ID for \"{%devicename%}\"": "Syncthing-Geräte-ID für \"{{devicename}}\"",
"Syncthing has been shut down.": "Syncthing wurde heruntergefahren.", "Syncthing has been shut down.": "Syncthing wurde heruntergefahren.",
"Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing enthält die folgende Software oder Teile von:", "Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing enthält die folgende Software oder Teile von:",
"Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthing ist freie und quelloffene Software, lizenziert als MPL v2.0.", "Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthing ist freie und quelloffene Software, lizenziert als MPL v2.0.",
"Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, whether it is shared with some third party, and how it's transmitted over the internet.": "Syncthing ist ein Programm zur kontinuierlichen Dateisynchronisierung. Es synchronisiert Dateien zwischen zwei oder mehr Computern in Echtzeit, sicher geschützt vor neugierigen Blicken. Ihre Daten sind allein Ihre Daten und Sie haben das Recht zu entscheiden, wo sie gespeichert werden, ob sie mit Dritten geteilt werden und wie sie über das Internet übertragen werden.",
"Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "Syncthing lauscht an den folgenden Netzwerkadressen auf Verbindungsversuche von anderen Geräten:", "Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "Syncthing lauscht an den folgenden Netzwerkadressen auf Verbindungsversuche von anderen Geräten:",
"Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "Syncthing lauscht nicht auf Verbindungsversuche von anderen Geräten auf irgendeiner Adresse. Nur von diesem Gerät ausgehende Verbindungen können funktionieren.", "Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "Syncthing lauscht nicht auf Verbindungsversuche von anderen Geräten auf irgendeiner Adresse. Nur von diesem Gerät ausgehende Verbindungen können funktionieren.",
"Syncthing is restarting.": "Syncthing wird neu gestartet", "Syncthing is restarting.": "Syncthing wird neu gestartet",
@ -396,6 +406,7 @@
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "Die folgenden Elemente konnten nicht synchronisiert werden.", "The following items could not be synchronized.": "Die folgenden Elemente konnten nicht synchronisiert werden.",
"The following items were changed locally.": "Die folgenden Elemente wurden lokal geändert.", "The following items were changed locally.": "Die folgenden Elemente wurden lokal geändert.",
"The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "Die folgenden Methoden werden verwendet, um andere Geräte im Netzwerk aufzufinden und dieses Gerät anzukündigen, damit es von anderen gefunden wird:", "The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "Die folgenden Methoden werden verwendet, um andere Geräte im Netzwerk aufzufinden und dieses Gerät anzukündigen, damit es von anderen gefunden wird:",
"The following text will automatically be inserted into a new message.": "Der folgende Text wird automatisch in eine neue Nachricht eingefügt.",
"The following unexpected items were found.": "Die folgenden unerwarteten Elemente wurden gefunden.", "The following unexpected items were found.": "Die folgenden unerwarteten Elemente wurden gefunden.",
"The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "Das Intervall muss eine positive Zahl von Sekunden sein.", "The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "Das Intervall muss eine positive Zahl von Sekunden sein.",
"The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "Das Intervall, in Sekunden, zwischen den Bereinigungen im Versionsverzeichnis. Null um das regelmäßige Bereinigen zu deaktivieren.", "The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "Das Intervall, in Sekunden, zwischen den Bereinigungen im Versionsverzeichnis. Null um das regelmäßige Bereinigen zu deaktivieren.",
@ -422,6 +433,7 @@
"This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "Diese Einstellung regelt den freien Speicherplatz, der für den Systemordner (d.h. Indexdatenbank) erforderlich ist.", "This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "Diese Einstellung regelt den freien Speicherplatz, der für den Systemordner (d.h. Indexdatenbank) erforderlich ist.",
"Time": "Zeit", "Time": "Zeit",
"Time the item was last modified": "Zeit der letzten Änderung des Elements", "Time the item was last modified": "Zeit der letzten Änderung des Elements",
"To connect with the Syncthing device named \"{%devicename%}\", add a new remote device on your end with this ID:": "To connect with the Syncthing device named \"{{devicename}}\", add a new remote device on your end with this ID:",
"Today": "Heute", "Today": "Heute",
"Trash Can": "Papierkorb", "Trash Can": "Papierkorb",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Papierkorb Dateiversionierung", "Trash Can File Versioning": "Papierkorb Dateiversionierung",
@ -473,6 +485,7 @@
"When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "Beachte bitte beim Hinzufügen eines neuen Ordners, dass die Ordnerkennung dazu verwendet wird, Ordner zwischen Geräten zu verbinden. Die Kennung muss also auf allen Geräten gleich sein, die Groß- und Kleinschreibung muss dabei beachtet werden.", "When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "Beachte bitte beim Hinzufügen eines neuen Ordners, dass die Ordnerkennung dazu verwendet wird, Ordner zwischen Geräten zu verbinden. Die Kennung muss also auf allen Geräten gleich sein, die Groß- und Kleinschreibung muss dabei beachtet werden.",
"Yes": "Ja", "Yes": "Ja",
"Yesterday": "Gestern", "Yesterday": "Gestern",
"You can also copy and paste the text into a new message manually.": "Sie können den Text auch kopieren und manuell in eine neue Nachricht einfügen.",
"You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "Sie können auch ein in der Nähe befindliches Geräte auswählen:", "You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "Sie können auch ein in der Nähe befindliches Geräte auswählen:",
"You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "Sie können Ihre Wahl jederzeit in den Einstellungen ändern.", "You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "Sie können Ihre Wahl jederzeit in den Einstellungen ändern.",
"You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "Über den folgenden Link können Sie mehr über die zwei Veröffentlichungskanäle erfahren.", "You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "Über den folgenden Link können Sie mehr über die zwei Veröffentlichungskanäle erfahren.",
@ -481,6 +494,8 @@
"You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "Sie haben nicht gespeicherte Änderungen. Wollen sie diese wirklich verwerfen?", "You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "Sie haben nicht gespeicherte Änderungen. Wollen sie diese wirklich verwerfen?",
"You must keep at least one version.": "Du musst mindestens eine Version behalten.", "You must keep at least one version.": "Du musst mindestens eine Version behalten.",
"You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "Sie sollten nie etwas im \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" Ordner lokal ändern oder hinzufügen.", "You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "Sie sollten nie etwas im \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" Ordner lokal ändern oder hinzufügen.",
"Your SMS app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own number.": "Ihre SMS-Applikation sollte sich öffnen, damit Sie den Empfänger auswählen und die Nachricht von Ihrer eigenen Nummer aus versenden können.",
"Your email app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own address.": "Ihre E-Mail-Applikation sollte sich öffnen, damit Sie den Empfänger auswählen und die Nachricht von Ihrer eigenen Adresse aus versenden können.",
"days": "Tage", "days": "Tage",
"directories": "Verzeichnisse", "directories": "Verzeichnisse",
"files": "Dateien", "files": "Dateien",

View File

@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
"Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.", "Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.",
"Available debug logging facilities:": "Available debug logging facilities:", "Available debug logging facilities:": "Available debug logging facilities:",
"Be careful!": "Be careful!", "Be careful!": "Be careful!",
"Body:": "Body:",
"Bugs": "Bugs", "Bugs": "Bugs",
"Cancel": "Cancel", "Cancel": "Cancel",
"Changelog": "Changelog", "Changelog": "Changelog",
@ -67,6 +68,9 @@
"Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that fewer full scans are required.", "Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that fewer full scans are required.",
"Copied from elsewhere": "Copied from elsewhere", "Copied from elsewhere": "Copied from elsewhere",
"Copied from original": "Copied from original", "Copied from original": "Copied from original",
"Copied!": "Copied!",
"Copy": "Copy",
"Copy failed! Try to select and copy manually.": "Copy failed! Try to select and copy manually.",
"Currently Shared With Devices": "Currently Shared With Devices", "Currently Shared With Devices": "Currently Shared With Devices",
"Custom Range": "Custom Range", "Custom Range": "Custom Range",
"Danger!": "Danger!", "Danger!": "Danger!",
@ -207,6 +211,7 @@
"Last seen": "Last seen", "Last seen": "Last seen",
"Latest Change": "Latest Change", "Latest Change": "Latest Change",
"Learn more": "Learn more", "Learn more": "Learn more",
"Learn more at {%url%}": "Learn more at {{url}}",
"Limit": "Limit", "Limit": "Limit",
"Listener Failures": "Listener Failures", "Listener Failures": "Listener Failures",
"Listener Status": "Listener Status", "Listener Status": "Listener Status",
@ -326,6 +331,8 @@
"Settings": "Settings", "Settings": "Settings",
"Share": "Share", "Share": "Share",
"Share Folder": "Share Folder", "Share Folder": "Share Folder",
"Share by Email": "Share by Email",
"Share by SMS": "Share by SMS",
"Share this folder?": "Share this folder?", "Share this folder?": "Share this folder?",
"Shared Folders": "Shared Folders", "Shared Folders": "Shared Folders",
"Shared With": "Shared With", "Shared With": "Shared With",
@ -357,6 +364,7 @@
"Statistics": "Statistics", "Statistics": "Statistics",
"Stopped": "Stopped", "Stopped": "Stopped",
"Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" too.", "Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" too.",
"Subject:": "Subject:",
"Support": "Support", "Support": "Support",
"Support Bundle": "Support Bundle", "Support Bundle": "Support Bundle",
"Sync Extended Attributes": "Sync Extended Attributes", "Sync Extended Attributes": "Sync Extended Attributes",
@ -364,9 +372,11 @@
"Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "Sync Protocol Listen Addresses", "Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "Sync Protocol Listen Addresses",
"Sync Status": "Sync Status", "Sync Status": "Sync Status",
"Syncing": "Syncing", "Syncing": "Syncing",
"Syncthing device ID for \"{%devicename%}\"": "Syncthing device ID for \"{{devicename}}\"",
"Syncthing has been shut down.": "Syncthing has been shut down.", "Syncthing has been shut down.": "Syncthing has been shut down.",
"Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:", "Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:",
"Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.", "Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.",
"Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, whether it is shared with some third party, and how it's transmitted over the internet.": "Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, whether it is shared with some third party, and how it's transmitted over the internet.",
"Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:", "Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:",
"Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.", "Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.",
"Syncthing is restarting.": "Syncthing is restarting.", "Syncthing is restarting.": "Syncthing is restarting.",
@ -396,6 +406,7 @@
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "The following items could not be synchronised.", "The following items could not be synchronized.": "The following items could not be synchronised.",
"The following items were changed locally.": "The following items were changed locally.", "The following items were changed locally.": "The following items were changed locally.",
"The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:", "The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:",
"The following text will automatically be inserted into a new message.": "The following text will automatically be inserted into a new message.",
"The following unexpected items were found.": "The following unexpected items were found.", "The following unexpected items were found.": "The following unexpected items were found.",
"The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "The interval must be a positive number of seconds.", "The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "The interval must be a positive number of seconds.",
"The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.", "The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.",
@ -422,6 +433,7 @@
"This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.", "This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.",
"Time": "Time", "Time": "Time",
"Time the item was last modified": "Time the item was last modified", "Time the item was last modified": "Time the item was last modified",
"To connect with the Syncthing device named \"{%devicename%}\", add a new remote device on your end with this ID:": "To connect with the Syncthing device named \"{{devicename}}\", add a new remote device on your end with this ID:",
"Today": "Today", "Today": "Today",
"Trash Can": "Trash Can", "Trash Can": "Trash Can",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Bin File Versioning", "Trash Can File Versioning": "Bin File Versioning",
@ -473,6 +485,7 @@
"When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.", "When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.",
"Yes": "Yes", "Yes": "Yes",
"Yesterday": "Yesterday", "Yesterday": "Yesterday",
"You can also copy and paste the text into a new message manually.": "You can also copy and paste the text into a new message manually.",
"You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "You can also select one of these nearby devices:", "You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "You can also select one of these nearby devices:",
"You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.", "You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.",
"You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.", "You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.",
@ -481,6 +494,8 @@
"You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?", "You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?",
"You must keep at least one version.": "You must keep at least one version.", "You must keep at least one version.": "You must keep at least one version.",
"You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" folder.", "You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" folder.",
"Your SMS app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own number.": "Your SMS app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own number.",
"Your email app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own address.": "Your email app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own address.",
"days": "days", "days": "days",
"directories": "directories", "directories": "directories",
"files": "files", "files": "files",

View File

@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
"Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.", "Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.",
"Available debug logging facilities:": "Available debug logging facilities:", "Available debug logging facilities:": "Available debug logging facilities:",
"Be careful!": "Be careful!", "Be careful!": "Be careful!",
"Body:": "Body:",
"Bugs": "Bugs", "Bugs": "Bugs",
"Cancel": "Cancel", "Cancel": "Cancel",
"Changelog": "Changelog", "Changelog": "Changelog",
@ -67,6 +68,9 @@
"Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated more quickly and that fewer full scans are required.", "Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated more quickly and that fewer full scans are required.",
"Copied from elsewhere": "Copied from elsewhere", "Copied from elsewhere": "Copied from elsewhere",
"Copied from original": "Copied from original", "Copied from original": "Copied from original",
"Copied!": "Copied!",
"Copy": "Copy",
"Copy failed! Try to select and copy manually.": "Copy failed! Try to select and copy manually.",
"Currently Shared With Devices": "Currently Shared With Devices", "Currently Shared With Devices": "Currently Shared With Devices",
"Custom Range": "Custom Range", "Custom Range": "Custom Range",
"Danger!": "Danger!", "Danger!": "Danger!",
@ -207,6 +211,7 @@
"Last seen": "Last seen", "Last seen": "Last seen",
"Latest Change": "Latest Change", "Latest Change": "Latest Change",
"Learn more": "Learn more", "Learn more": "Learn more",
"Learn more at {%url%}": "Learn more at {{url}}",
"Limit": "Limit", "Limit": "Limit",
"Listener Failures": "Listener Failures", "Listener Failures": "Listener Failures",
"Listener Status": "Listener Status", "Listener Status": "Listener Status",
@ -326,6 +331,8 @@
"Settings": "Settings", "Settings": "Settings",
"Share": "Share", "Share": "Share",
"Share Folder": "Share Folder", "Share Folder": "Share Folder",
"Share by Email": "Share by Email",
"Share by SMS": "Share by SMS",
"Share this folder?": "Share this folder?", "Share this folder?": "Share this folder?",
"Shared Folders": "Shared Folders", "Shared Folders": "Shared Folders",
"Shared With": "Shared With", "Shared With": "Shared With",
@ -357,6 +364,7 @@
"Statistics": "Statistics", "Statistics": "Statistics",
"Stopped": "Stopped", "Stopped": "Stopped",
"Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" too.", "Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" too.",
"Subject:": "Subject:",
"Support": "Support", "Support": "Support",
"Support Bundle": "Support Bundle", "Support Bundle": "Support Bundle",
"Sync Extended Attributes": "Sync Extended Attributes", "Sync Extended Attributes": "Sync Extended Attributes",
@ -364,9 +372,11 @@
"Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "Sync Protocol Listen Addresses", "Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "Sync Protocol Listen Addresses",
"Sync Status": "Sync Status", "Sync Status": "Sync Status",
"Syncing": "Syncing", "Syncing": "Syncing",
"Syncthing device ID for \"{%devicename%}\"": "Syncthing device ID for \"{{devicename}}\"",
"Syncthing has been shut down.": "Syncthing has been shut down.", "Syncthing has been shut down.": "Syncthing has been shut down.",
"Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:", "Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:",
"Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.", "Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.",
"Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, whether it is shared with some third party, and how it's transmitted over the internet.": "Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, whether it is shared with some third party, and how it's transmitted over the internet.",
"Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:", "Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:",
"Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.", "Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.",
"Syncthing is restarting.": "Syncthing is restarting.", "Syncthing is restarting.": "Syncthing is restarting.",
@ -396,6 +406,7 @@
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "The following items could not be synchronised.", "The following items could not be synchronized.": "The following items could not be synchronised.",
"The following items were changed locally.": "The following items were changed locally.", "The following items were changed locally.": "The following items were changed locally.",
"The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:", "The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:",
"The following text will automatically be inserted into a new message.": "The following text will automatically be inserted into a new message.",
"The following unexpected items were found.": "The following unexpected items were found.", "The following unexpected items were found.": "The following unexpected items were found.",
"The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "The interval must be a positive number of seconds.", "The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "The interval must be a positive number of seconds.",
"The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.", "The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.",
@ -422,6 +433,7 @@
"This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.", "This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.",
"Time": "Time", "Time": "Time",
"Time the item was last modified": "Time the item was last modified", "Time the item was last modified": "Time the item was last modified",
"To connect with the Syncthing device named \"{%devicename%}\", add a new remote device on your end with this ID:": "To connect with the Syncthing device named \"{{devicename}}\", add a new remote device on your end with this ID:",
"Today": "Today", "Today": "Today",
"Trash Can": "Rubbish Bin", "Trash Can": "Rubbish Bin",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Rubbish Bin File Versioning", "Trash Can File Versioning": "Rubbish Bin File Versioning",
@ -473,6 +485,7 @@
"When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.", "When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.",
"Yes": "Yes", "Yes": "Yes",
"Yesterday": "Yesterday", "Yesterday": "Yesterday",
"You can also copy and paste the text into a new message manually.": "You can also copy and paste the text into a new message manually.",
"You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "You can also select one of these nearby devices:", "You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "You can also select one of these nearby devices:",
"You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialogue.", "You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialogue.",
"You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.", "You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.",
@ -481,6 +494,8 @@
"You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?", "You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?",
"You must keep at least one version.": "You must keep at least one version.", "You must keep at least one version.": "You must keep at least one version.",
"You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" folder.", "You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" folder.",
"Your SMS app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own number.": "Your SMS app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own number.",
"Your email app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own address.": "Your email app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own address.",
"days": "days", "days": "days",
"directories": "directories", "directories": "directories",
"files": "files", "files": "files",

View File

@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
"Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "Crear o compartir automáticamente las carpetas que este dispositivo anuncia en la ruta por defecto.", "Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "Crear o compartir automáticamente las carpetas que este dispositivo anuncia en la ruta por defecto.",
"Available debug logging facilities:": "Ayudas disponibles para la depuración del registro:", "Available debug logging facilities:": "Ayudas disponibles para la depuración del registro:",
"Be careful!": "¡Ten cuidado!", "Be careful!": "¡Ten cuidado!",
"Body:": "Body:",
"Bugs": "Errores", "Bugs": "Errores",
"Cancel": "Cancelar", "Cancel": "Cancelar",
"Changelog": "Registro de cambios", "Changelog": "Registro de cambios",
@ -67,6 +68,9 @@
"Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "La vigilancia continua de los cambios está ahora disponible dentro de Syncthing. Se detectarán los cambios en el disco y se programará un escaneo solo en las rutas modificadas. Los beneficios son que los cambios se propagan más rápidamente y que se necesitan menos escaneos.", "Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "La vigilancia continua de los cambios está ahora disponible dentro de Syncthing. Se detectarán los cambios en el disco y se programará un escaneo solo en las rutas modificadas. Los beneficios son que los cambios se propagan más rápidamente y que se necesitan menos escaneos.",
"Copied from elsewhere": "Copiado de otro sitio", "Copied from elsewhere": "Copiado de otro sitio",
"Copied from original": "Copiado del original", "Copied from original": "Copiado del original",
"Copied!": "Copied!",
"Copy": "Copy",
"Copy failed! Try to select and copy manually.": "Copy failed! Try to select and copy manually.",
"Currently Shared With Devices": "Actualmente compartida con los equipos", "Currently Shared With Devices": "Actualmente compartida con los equipos",
"Custom Range": "Rango personalizado", "Custom Range": "Rango personalizado",
"Danger!": "¡Peligro!", "Danger!": "¡Peligro!",
@ -207,6 +211,7 @@
"Last seen": "Visto por última vez", "Last seen": "Visto por última vez",
"Latest Change": "Último Cambio", "Latest Change": "Último Cambio",
"Learn more": "Saber más", "Learn more": "Saber más",
"Learn more at {%url%}": "Learn more at {{url}}",
"Limit": "Límite", "Limit": "Límite",
"Listener Failures": "Fallos de Oyente", "Listener Failures": "Fallos de Oyente",
"Listener Status": "Estado de Oyente", "Listener Status": "Estado de Oyente",
@ -326,6 +331,8 @@
"Settings": "Ajustes", "Settings": "Ajustes",
"Share": "Compartir", "Share": "Compartir",
"Share Folder": "Compartir carpeta", "Share Folder": "Compartir carpeta",
"Share by Email": "Share by Email",
"Share by SMS": "Share by SMS",
"Share this folder?": "¿Deseas compartir esta carpeta?", "Share this folder?": "¿Deseas compartir esta carpeta?",
"Shared Folders": "Carpetas Compartidas", "Shared Folders": "Carpetas Compartidas",
"Shared With": "Compartir con", "Shared With": "Compartir con",
@ -357,6 +364,7 @@
"Statistics": "Estadísticas", "Statistics": "Estadísticas",
"Stopped": "Detenido", "Stopped": "Detenido",
"Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "Solo almacena y sincroniza datos cifrados. Las carpetas de todos los equipos conectados tienen que ser configuradas con la misma contraseña o ser del tipo \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" también.", "Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "Solo almacena y sincroniza datos cifrados. Las carpetas de todos los equipos conectados tienen que ser configuradas con la misma contraseña o ser del tipo \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" también.",
"Subject:": "Subject:",
"Support": "Forum", "Support": "Forum",
"Support Bundle": "Lote de Soporte", "Support Bundle": "Lote de Soporte",
"Sync Extended Attributes": "Sync Extended Attributes", "Sync Extended Attributes": "Sync Extended Attributes",
@ -364,9 +372,11 @@
"Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "Direcciones de escucha del protocolo de sincronización", "Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "Direcciones de escucha del protocolo de sincronización",
"Sync Status": "Sync Status", "Sync Status": "Sync Status",
"Syncing": "Sincronizando", "Syncing": "Sincronizando",
"Syncthing device ID for \"{%devicename%}\"": "Syncthing device ID for \"{{devicename}}\"",
"Syncthing has been shut down.": "Syncthing se ha detenido.", "Syncthing has been shut down.": "Syncthing se ha detenido.",
"Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing incluye el siguiente software o partes de él:", "Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing incluye el siguiente software o partes de él:",
"Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthing es Software Gratuito y Open Source Software licenciado como MPL v2.0.", "Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthing es Software Gratuito y Open Source Software licenciado como MPL v2.0.",
"Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, whether it is shared with some third party, and how it's transmitted over the internet.": "Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, whether it is shared with some third party, and how it's transmitted over the internet.",
"Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "Syncthing está a la escucha en las siguientes direcciones de red en busca de intentos de conexión de otros dispositivos:", "Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "Syncthing está a la escucha en las siguientes direcciones de red en busca de intentos de conexión de otros dispositivos:",
"Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "Syncthing no está a la escucha de intentos de conexión de otros dispositivos en ninguna dirección. Solo pueden funcionar las conexiones salientes de este dispositivo.", "Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "Syncthing no está a la escucha de intentos de conexión de otros dispositivos en ninguna dirección. Solo pueden funcionar las conexiones salientes de este dispositivo.",
"Syncthing is restarting.": "Syncthing se está reiniciando.", "Syncthing is restarting.": "Syncthing se está reiniciando.",
@ -396,6 +406,7 @@
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "Los siguientes elementos no pueden ser sincronizados.", "The following items could not be synchronized.": "Los siguientes elementos no pueden ser sincronizados.",
"The following items were changed locally.": "Los siguientes ítems fueron cambiados localmente.", "The following items were changed locally.": "Los siguientes ítems fueron cambiados localmente.",
"The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "Los siguientes métodos son usados para descubrir otros dispositivos en la red y anunciar este dispositivo para que sea encontrado por otros:", "The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "Los siguientes métodos son usados para descubrir otros dispositivos en la red y anunciar este dispositivo para que sea encontrado por otros:",
"The following text will automatically be inserted into a new message.": "The following text will automatically be inserted into a new message.",
"The following unexpected items were found.": "Los siguientes elementos inesperados fueron encontrados.", "The following unexpected items were found.": "Los siguientes elementos inesperados fueron encontrados.",
"The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "El intervalo debe ser un número positivo de segundos.", "The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "El intervalo debe ser un número positivo de segundos.",
"The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "El intervalo, en segundos, para realizar la limpieza del directorio de versiones. Cero para desactivar la limpieza periódica.", "The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "El intervalo, en segundos, para realizar la limpieza del directorio de versiones. Cero para desactivar la limpieza periódica.",
@ -422,6 +433,7 @@
"This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "Este ajuste controla el espacio libre necesario en el disco principal (por ejemplo, el índice de la base de datos).", "This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "Este ajuste controla el espacio libre necesario en el disco principal (por ejemplo, el índice de la base de datos).",
"Time": "Hora", "Time": "Hora",
"Time the item was last modified": "Tiempo en el que se modificó el ítem por última vez", "Time the item was last modified": "Tiempo en el que se modificó el ítem por última vez",
"To connect with the Syncthing device named \"{%devicename%}\", add a new remote device on your end with this ID:": "To connect with the Syncthing device named \"{{devicename}}\", add a new remote device on your end with this ID:",
"Today": "Hoy", "Today": "Hoy",
"Trash Can": "Trash Can", "Trash Can": "Trash Can",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Versionado de archivos de la papelera", "Trash Can File Versioning": "Versionado de archivos de la papelera",
@ -473,6 +485,7 @@
"When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "Cuando añada una nueva carpeta, tenga en cuenta que su ID se usa para unir carpetas entre dispositivos. Son sensibles a las mayúsculas y deben coincidir exactamente entre todos los dispositivos.", "When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "Cuando añada una nueva carpeta, tenga en cuenta que su ID se usa para unir carpetas entre dispositivos. Son sensibles a las mayúsculas y deben coincidir exactamente entre todos los dispositivos.",
"Yes": "Si", "Yes": "Si",
"Yesterday": "Ayer", "Yesterday": "Ayer",
"You can also copy and paste the text into a new message manually.": "You can also copy and paste the text into a new message manually.",
"You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "Puedes seleccionar también uno de estos dispositivos cercanos:", "You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "Puedes seleccionar también uno de estos dispositivos cercanos:",
"You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "Puedes cambiar tu elección en cualquier momento en el panel de Ajustes.", "You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "Puedes cambiar tu elección en cualquier momento en el panel de Ajustes.",
"You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "Puedes leer más sobre los dos método de publicación de versiones en el siguiente enlace.", "You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "Puedes leer más sobre los dos método de publicación de versiones en el siguiente enlace.",
@ -481,6 +494,8 @@
"You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "Tienes cambios sin guardar. ¿Quieres descartarlos?", "You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "Tienes cambios sin guardar. ¿Quieres descartarlos?",
"You must keep at least one version.": "Debes mantener al menos una versión.", "You must keep at least one version.": "Debes mantener al menos una versión.",
"You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "Nunca debes añadir o cambiar nada localmente en una carpeta \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\".", "You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "Nunca debes añadir o cambiar nada localmente en una carpeta \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\".",
"Your SMS app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own number.": "Your SMS app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own number.",
"Your email app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own address.": "Your email app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own address.",
"days": "días", "days": "días",
"directories": "directorios", "directories": "directorios",
"files": "archivos", "files": "archivos",

View File

@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
"Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "Crear o compartir automáticamente carpetas que este dispositivo anuncia en la ruta por defecto.", "Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "Crear o compartir automáticamente carpetas que este dispositivo anuncia en la ruta por defecto.",
"Available debug logging facilities:": "Funciones de registro de depuración disponibles:", "Available debug logging facilities:": "Funciones de registro de depuración disponibles:",
"Be careful!": "¡Ten cuidado!", "Be careful!": "¡Ten cuidado!",
"Body:": "Body:",
"Bugs": "Errores", "Bugs": "Errores",
"Cancel": "Cancelar", "Cancel": "Cancelar",
"Changelog": "Registro de cambios", "Changelog": "Registro de cambios",
@ -67,6 +68,9 @@
"Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "Ahora está disponible en Syncthing el control de cambios continuo. Se detectarán los cambios en disco y se hará un escaneado sólo en las rutas modificadas. Los beneficios son que los cambios se propagan más rápido y que se requieren menos escaneos completos.", "Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "Ahora está disponible en Syncthing el control de cambios continuo. Se detectarán los cambios en disco y se hará un escaneado sólo en las rutas modificadas. Los beneficios son que los cambios se propagan más rápido y que se requieren menos escaneos completos.",
"Copied from elsewhere": "Copiado de otro sitio", "Copied from elsewhere": "Copiado de otro sitio",
"Copied from original": "Copiado del original", "Copied from original": "Copiado del original",
"Copied!": "Copied!",
"Copy": "Copy",
"Copy failed! Try to select and copy manually.": "Copy failed! Try to select and copy manually.",
"Currently Shared With Devices": "Actualmente Compartida con los Dispositivos", "Currently Shared With Devices": "Actualmente Compartida con los Dispositivos",
"Custom Range": "Custom Range", "Custom Range": "Custom Range",
"Danger!": "¡Peligro!", "Danger!": "¡Peligro!",
@ -207,6 +211,7 @@
"Last seen": "Visto por última vez", "Last seen": "Visto por última vez",
"Latest Change": "Último Cambio", "Latest Change": "Último Cambio",
"Learn more": "Saber más", "Learn more": "Saber más",
"Learn more at {%url%}": "Learn more at {{url}}",
"Limit": "Límite", "Limit": "Límite",
"Listener Failures": "Fallos de Oyente", "Listener Failures": "Fallos de Oyente",
"Listener Status": "Estado de Oyente", "Listener Status": "Estado de Oyente",
@ -326,6 +331,8 @@
"Settings": "Ajustes", "Settings": "Ajustes",
"Share": "Compartir", "Share": "Compartir",
"Share Folder": "Compartir carpeta", "Share Folder": "Compartir carpeta",
"Share by Email": "Share by Email",
"Share by SMS": "Share by SMS",
"Share this folder?": "¿Deseas compartir esta carpeta?", "Share this folder?": "¿Deseas compartir esta carpeta?",
"Shared Folders": "Carpetas Compartidas", "Shared Folders": "Carpetas Compartidas",
"Shared With": "Compartir con", "Shared With": "Compartir con",
@ -357,6 +364,7 @@
"Statistics": "Estadísticas", "Statistics": "Estadísticas",
"Stopped": "Detenido", "Stopped": "Detenido",
"Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "Almacena y sincroniza sólo los datos cifrados. Las carpetas de todos los dispositivos conectados deben estar configuradas con la misma contraseña o ser también del tipo \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\".", "Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "Almacena y sincroniza sólo los datos cifrados. Las carpetas de todos los dispositivos conectados deben estar configuradas con la misma contraseña o ser también del tipo \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\".",
"Subject:": "Subject:",
"Support": "Forum", "Support": "Forum",
"Support Bundle": "Paquete de Soporte", "Support Bundle": "Paquete de Soporte",
"Sync Extended Attributes": "Sync Extended Attributes", "Sync Extended Attributes": "Sync Extended Attributes",
@ -364,9 +372,11 @@
"Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "Direcciones de escucha del protocolo de sincronización", "Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "Direcciones de escucha del protocolo de sincronización",
"Sync Status": "Sync Status", "Sync Status": "Sync Status",
"Syncing": "Sincronizando", "Syncing": "Sincronizando",
"Syncthing device ID for \"{%devicename%}\"": "Syncthing device ID for \"{{devicename}}\"",
"Syncthing has been shut down.": "Syncthing se ha detenido.", "Syncthing has been shut down.": "Syncthing se ha detenido.",
"Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing incluye el siguiente software o partes de él:", "Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing incluye el siguiente software o partes de él:",
"Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthing es Software Libre y de Código Abierto con licencia MPL v2.0.", "Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthing es Software Libre y de Código Abierto con licencia MPL v2.0.",
"Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, whether it is shared with some third party, and how it's transmitted over the internet.": "Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, whether it is shared with some third party, and how it's transmitted over the internet.",
"Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "Syncthing está a la escucha en las siguientes direcciones de red en busca de intentos de conexión de otros dispositivos:", "Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "Syncthing está a la escucha en las siguientes direcciones de red en busca de intentos de conexión de otros dispositivos:",
"Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "Syncthing no está a la escucha de intentos de conexión de otros dispositivos en ninguna dirección. Solo pueden funcionar las conexiones salientes de este dispositivo.", "Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "Syncthing no está a la escucha de intentos de conexión de otros dispositivos en ninguna dirección. Solo pueden funcionar las conexiones salientes de este dispositivo.",
"Syncthing is restarting.": "Syncthing se está reiniciando.", "Syncthing is restarting.": "Syncthing se está reiniciando.",
@ -396,6 +406,7 @@
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "Los siguientes elementos no pueden ser sincronizados.", "The following items could not be synchronized.": "Los siguientes elementos no pueden ser sincronizados.",
"The following items were changed locally.": "Los siguientes elementos fueron cambiados localmente.", "The following items were changed locally.": "Los siguientes elementos fueron cambiados localmente.",
"The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "Los siguientes métodos son usados para descubrir otros dispositivos en la red y anunciar este dispositivo para que sea encontrado por otros:", "The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "Los siguientes métodos son usados para descubrir otros dispositivos en la red y anunciar este dispositivo para que sea encontrado por otros:",
"The following text will automatically be inserted into a new message.": "The following text will automatically be inserted into a new message.",
"The following unexpected items were found.": "Los siguientes elementos inesperados fueron encontrados.", "The following unexpected items were found.": "Los siguientes elementos inesperados fueron encontrados.",
"The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "El intervalo debe ser un número de segundos positivo.", "The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "El intervalo debe ser un número de segundos positivo.",
"The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "El intervalo, en segundos, para ejecutar la limpieza del directorio de versiones. Cero para desactivar la limpieza periódica.", "The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "El intervalo, en segundos, para ejecutar la limpieza del directorio de versiones. Cero para desactivar la limpieza periódica.",
@ -422,6 +433,7 @@
"This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "Este ajuste controla el espacio libre necesario en el disco principal (por ejemplo, el índice de la base de datos).", "This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "Este ajuste controla el espacio libre necesario en el disco principal (por ejemplo, el índice de la base de datos).",
"Time": "Hora", "Time": "Hora",
"Time the item was last modified": "Hora en que el ítem fue modificado por última vez", "Time the item was last modified": "Hora en que el ítem fue modificado por última vez",
"To connect with the Syncthing device named \"{%devicename%}\", add a new remote device on your end with this ID:": "To connect with the Syncthing device named \"{{devicename}}\", add a new remote device on your end with this ID:",
"Today": "Today", "Today": "Today",
"Trash Can": "Trash Can", "Trash Can": "Trash Can",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Versionado de archivos de la papelera", "Trash Can File Versioning": "Versionado de archivos de la papelera",
@ -473,6 +485,7 @@
"When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "Cuando añada una nueva carpeta, tenga en cuenta que su ID se usa para unir carpetas entre dispositivos. Son sensibles a las mayúsculas y deben coincidir exactamente entre todos los dispositivos.", "When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "Cuando añada una nueva carpeta, tenga en cuenta que su ID se usa para unir carpetas entre dispositivos. Son sensibles a las mayúsculas y deben coincidir exactamente entre todos los dispositivos.",
"Yes": "Si", "Yes": "Si",
"Yesterday": "Yesterday", "Yesterday": "Yesterday",
"You can also copy and paste the text into a new message manually.": "You can also copy and paste the text into a new message manually.",
"You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "También puede seleccionar uno de estos dispositivos cercanos:", "You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "También puede seleccionar uno de estos dispositivos cercanos:",
"You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "Puedes cambiar tu elección en cualquier momento en el panel de Ajustes.", "You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "Puedes cambiar tu elección en cualquier momento en el panel de Ajustes.",
"You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "Puedes leer más sobre los dos método de publicación de versiones en el siguiente enlace.", "You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "Puedes leer más sobre los dos método de publicación de versiones en el siguiente enlace.",
@ -481,6 +494,8 @@
"You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "Tienes cambios sin guardar. ¿Quieres descartarlos realmente?", "You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "Tienes cambios sin guardar. ¿Quieres descartarlos realmente?",
"You must keep at least one version.": "Debes mantener al menos una versión.", "You must keep at least one version.": "Debes mantener al menos una versión.",
"You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "Nunca debe agregar o cambiar nada localmente en una carpeta \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\".", "You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "Nunca debe agregar o cambiar nada localmente en una carpeta \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\".",
"Your SMS app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own number.": "Your SMS app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own number.",
"Your email app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own address.": "Your email app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own address.",
"days": "días", "days": "días",
"directories": "directorios", "directories": "directorios",
"files": "archivos", "files": "archivos",

View File

@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
"Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "Gailu honek lehenetsitako ibilbidean iragartzen dituen karpetak automatikoki sortu edo partekatu.", "Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "Gailu honek lehenetsitako ibilbidean iragartzen dituen karpetak automatikoki sortu edo partekatu.",
"Available debug logging facilities:": "Arazketa-erregistroko funtzio erabilgarriak:", "Available debug logging facilities:": "Arazketa-erregistroko funtzio erabilgarriak:",
"Be careful!": "Kasu emazu!", "Be careful!": "Kasu emazu!",
"Body:": "Body:",
"Bugs": "Akatsak", "Bugs": "Akatsak",
"Cancel": "Bertan behera utzi", "Cancel": "Bertan behera utzi",
"Changelog": "Bertsioen historia", "Changelog": "Bertsioen historia",
@ -67,6 +68,9 @@
"Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "Orain Syncthing-en eskuragarri dago aldaketen bilaketa etengabea. Disko-aldaketak hautemango dira, eta aldatutako ibilbideetan bakarrik egingo da eskaneatzea. Onurak aldaketak azkarrago zabaltzea eta eskaneatze oso gutxiago behar izatea dira.", "Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "Orain Syncthing-en eskuragarri dago aldaketen bilaketa etengabea. Disko-aldaketak hautemango dira, eta aldatutako ibilbideetan bakarrik egingo da eskaneatzea. Onurak aldaketak azkarrago zabaltzea eta eskaneatze oso gutxiago behar izatea dira.",
"Copied from elsewhere": "Beste nonbaitetik kopiatua", "Copied from elsewhere": "Beste nonbaitetik kopiatua",
"Copied from original": "Jatorrizkotik kopiatua", "Copied from original": "Jatorrizkotik kopiatua",
"Copied!": "Copied!",
"Copy": "Copy",
"Copy failed! Try to select and copy manually.": "Copy failed! Try to select and copy manually.",
"Currently Shared With Devices": "Gaur egun tresnekin partekatua", "Currently Shared With Devices": "Gaur egun tresnekin partekatua",
"Custom Range": "Tarte pertsonalizatua", "Custom Range": "Tarte pertsonalizatua",
"Danger!": "Lanjera !", "Danger!": "Lanjera !",
@ -207,6 +211,7 @@
"Last seen": "Azken agerraldia", "Last seen": "Azken agerraldia",
"Latest Change": "Azken aldaketa", "Latest Change": "Azken aldaketa",
"Learn more": "Gehiago jakiteko", "Learn more": "Gehiago jakiteko",
"Learn more at {%url%}": "Learn more at {{url}}",
"Limit": "Muga", "Limit": "Muga",
"Listener Failures": "Entzulearen akatsak", "Listener Failures": "Entzulearen akatsak",
"Listener Status": "Entzulearen egoera", "Listener Status": "Entzulearen egoera",
@ -326,6 +331,8 @@
"Settings": "Konfigurazioa", "Settings": "Konfigurazioa",
"Share": "Partekatu", "Share": "Partekatu",
"Share Folder": "Partekatzea", "Share Folder": "Partekatzea",
"Share by Email": "Share by Email",
"Share by SMS": "Share by SMS",
"Share this folder?": "Partekatze hau onartzen duzu?", "Share this folder?": "Partekatze hau onartzen duzu?",
"Shared Folders": "Partekatutako karpetak", "Shared Folders": "Partekatutako karpetak",
"Shared With": "...ekin partekatua", "Shared With": "...ekin partekatua",
@ -357,6 +364,7 @@
"Statistics": "Estatistikak", "Statistics": "Estatistikak",
"Stopped": "Gelditua!", "Stopped": "Gelditua!",
"Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "Enkriptatutako datuak soilik gordetzen eta sinkronizatzen ditu. Konektatutako gailu guztietako karpetak pasahitz berarekin konfiguratu behar dira edo \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" motakoak izan.", "Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "Enkriptatutako datuak soilik gordetzen eta sinkronizatzen ditu. Konektatutako gailu guztietako karpetak pasahitz berarekin konfiguratu behar dira edo \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" motakoak izan.",
"Subject:": "Subject:",
"Support": "Foroa", "Support": "Foroa",
"Support Bundle": "Laguntza-sorta", "Support Bundle": "Laguntza-sorta",
"Sync Extended Attributes": "Sync Extended Attributes", "Sync Extended Attributes": "Sync Extended Attributes",
@ -364,9 +372,11 @@
"Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "Sinkronizatu protokoloaren entzun zuzenbideak", "Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "Sinkronizatu protokoloaren entzun zuzenbideak",
"Sync Status": "Sync Status", "Sync Status": "Sync Status",
"Syncing": "Sinkronizazioa martxan", "Syncing": "Sinkronizazioa martxan",
"Syncthing device ID for \"{%devicename%}\"": "Syncthing device ID for \"{{devicename}}\"",
"Syncthing has been shut down.": "Syncthing gelditua izan da", "Syncthing has been shut down.": "Syncthing gelditua izan da",
"Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing-ek programa hauk integratzen ditu (edo programa hauetatik datozten elementuak):", "Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing-ek programa hauk integratzen ditu (edo programa hauetatik datozten elementuak):",
"Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthing software librea da eta kode irekikoa, MPL v2.0 lizentziarekin.", "Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthing software librea da eta kode irekikoa, MPL v2.0 lizentziarekin.",
"Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, whether it is shared with some third party, and how it's transmitted over the internet.": "Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, whether it is shared with some third party, and how it's transmitted over the internet.",
"Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "Syncthing sareko helbide hauetan entzuten ari da beste gailu batzuk konektatzeko saiakerak egiteko:", "Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "Syncthing sareko helbide hauetan entzuten ari da beste gailu batzuk konektatzeko saiakerak egiteko:",
"Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "Syncthing ez da ari entzuten beste gailu batzuk inongo norabidetan konektatzeko saiakerak. Gailu honen irteerako konexioek bakarrik funtziona dezakete.", "Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "Syncthing ez da ari entzuten beste gailu batzuk inongo norabidetan konektatzeko saiakerak. Gailu honen irteerako konexioek bakarrik funtziona dezakete.",
"Syncthing is restarting.": "Syncthing berriz pizten ari", "Syncthing is restarting.": "Syncthing berriz pizten ari",
@ -396,6 +406,7 @@
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "Ondoko fitxero hauk ez dira sinkronizatuak ahal izan", "The following items could not be synchronized.": "Ondoko fitxero hauk ez dira sinkronizatuak ahal izan",
"The following items were changed locally.": "Elementu hauek tokiz aldatu dira.", "The following items were changed locally.": "Elementu hauek tokiz aldatu dira.",
"The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "Honako metodo hauek erabiltzen dira sarean beste gailu batzuk aurkitzeko eta gailu hori beste batzuek aurkitu behar dutela iragartzeko:", "The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "Honako metodo hauek erabiltzen dira sarean beste gailu batzuk aurkitzeko eta gailu hori beste batzuek aurkitu behar dutela iragartzeko:",
"The following text will automatically be inserted into a new message.": "The following text will automatically be inserted into a new message.",
"The following unexpected items were found.": "Ustekabeko elementu hauek aurkitu dira.", "The following unexpected items were found.": "Ustekabeko elementu hauek aurkitu dira.",
"The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "Tarteak segundo kopuru positiboa izan behar du.", "The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "Tarteak segundo kopuru positiboa izan behar du.",
"The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "Bertsioen direktorioko garbiketa exekutatzeko tartea, segundotan. Zero aldizkako garbiketa desgaitzeko.", "The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "Bertsioen direktorioko garbiketa exekutatzeko tartea, segundotan. Zero aldizkako garbiketa desgaitzeko.",
@ -422,6 +433,7 @@
"This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "Behar den espazio kontrolatzen du egokitze honek, zure erabiltzale partekatzea geritzatzen duen diskoan (hori da, indexazio datu-basean)", "This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "Behar den espazio kontrolatzen du egokitze honek, zure erabiltzale partekatzea geritzatzen duen diskoan (hori da, indexazio datu-basean)",
"Time": "Ordua", "Time": "Ordua",
"Time the item was last modified": "Itema azkenekoz aldatu zen ordua", "Time the item was last modified": "Itema azkenekoz aldatu zen ordua",
"To connect with the Syncthing device named \"{%devicename%}\", add a new remote device on your end with this ID:": "To connect with the Syncthing device named \"{{devicename}}\", add a new remote device on your end with this ID:",
"Today": "Today", "Today": "Today",
"Trash Can": "Trash Can", "Trash Can": "Trash Can",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Zakarrontzia", "Trash Can File Versioning": "Zakarrontzia",
@ -473,6 +485,7 @@
"When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "Partekatze bat gehitzen delarik, gogoan atxik ezazu bere IDa erabilia dela errepertorioak lotzeko tresnen bitartez. ID-a hautskorra da eta partekatze hontan parte hartzen duten tresna guzietan berdina izan behar du.", "When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "Partekatze bat gehitzen delarik, gogoan atxik ezazu bere IDa erabilia dela errepertorioak lotzeko tresnen bitartez. ID-a hautskorra da eta partekatze hontan parte hartzen duten tresna guzietan berdina izan behar du.",
"Yes": "Bai", "Yes": "Bai",
"Yesterday": "Yesterday", "Yesterday": "Yesterday",
"You can also copy and paste the text into a new message manually.": "You can also copy and paste the text into a new message manually.",
"You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "Gertuko gailu hauetako bat ere hauta dezakezu:", "You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "Gertuko gailu hauetako bat ere hauta dezakezu:",
"You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "Zure hautua aldatzen ahal duzu \"Konfigurazio\" leihatilan", "You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "Zure hautua aldatzen ahal duzu \"Konfigurazio\" leihatilan",
"You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "Bi banaketa kanal hauen bidez gehiago jakin dezakezu, lokarri honen bidez ", "You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "Bi banaketa kanal hauen bidez gehiago jakin dezakezu, lokarri honen bidez ",
@ -481,6 +494,8 @@
"You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "Gorde gabeko aldaketak dituzu. Ziur baztertu nahi dituzula?", "You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "Gorde gabeko aldaketak dituzu. Ziur baztertu nahi dituzula?",
"You must keep at least one version.": "Bertsio bat bederen behar duzu atxiki", "You must keep at least one version.": "Bertsio bat bederen behar duzu atxiki",
"You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "Ez zenuke inoiz ezer gehitu edo aldatu behar \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" karpetan.", "You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "Ez zenuke inoiz ezer gehitu edo aldatu behar \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" karpetan.",
"Your SMS app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own number.": "Your SMS app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own number.",
"Your email app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own address.": "Your email app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own address.",
"days": "Egunak", "days": "Egunak",
"directories": "Karpetak", "directories": "Karpetak",
"files": "Fitxategiak", "files": "Fitxategiak",

View File

@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
"Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "ATTENTION, risque de sécurité/confidentialité !!! Créer ou partager automatiquement dans le chemin par défaut les partages auxquels cet appareil m'invite à participer. N'accordez ce privilège, éventuellement temporaire le temps de l'établissement, qu'à vos propres appareils.", "Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "ATTENTION, risque de sécurité/confidentialité !!! Créer ou partager automatiquement dans le chemin par défaut les partages auxquels cet appareil m'invite à participer. N'accordez ce privilège, éventuellement temporaire le temps de l'établissement, qu'à vos propres appareils.",
"Available debug logging facilities:": "Outils de débogage disponibles :", "Available debug logging facilities:": "Outils de débogage disponibles :",
"Be careful!": "Faites attention !", "Be careful!": "Faites attention !",
"Body:": "Corps :",
"Bugs": "Bugs", "Bugs": "Bugs",
"Cancel": "Annuler", "Cancel": "Annuler",
"Changelog": "Historique des versions", "Changelog": "Historique des versions",
@ -67,6 +68,9 @@
"Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "La surveillance permanente des changements est maintenant disponible. C'est le disque qui signale les modifications à Syncthing qui lance alors une analyse uniquement sur les partages modifiés. Les avantages sont que les changements sont propagés plus rapidement et moins d'analyses complètes sont nécessaires.", "Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "La surveillance permanente des changements est maintenant disponible. C'est le disque qui signale les modifications à Syncthing qui lance alors une analyse uniquement sur les partages modifiés. Les avantages sont que les changements sont propagés plus rapidement et moins d'analyses complètes sont nécessaires.",
"Copied from elsewhere": "Copié d'ailleurs", "Copied from elsewhere": "Copié d'ailleurs",
"Copied from original": "Copié depuis l'original", "Copied from original": "Copié depuis l'original",
"Copied!": "Copié !",
"Copy": "Copier",
"Copy failed! Try to select and copy manually.": "Échec de copie ! Essayez de sélectionner et copier manuellement.",
"Currently Shared With Devices": "Appareils membres actuels de ce partage :", "Currently Shared With Devices": "Appareils membres actuels de ce partage :",
"Custom Range": "Plage personnalisée", "Custom Range": "Plage personnalisée",
"Danger!": "Attention !", "Danger!": "Attention !",
@ -207,6 +211,7 @@
"Last seen": "Dernière apparition", "Last seen": "Dernière apparition",
"Latest Change": "Dernier changement", "Latest Change": "Dernier changement",
"Learn more": "En savoir plus", "Learn more": "En savoir plus",
"Learn more at {%url%}": "Learn more at {{url}}",
"Limit": "Limite", "Limit": "Limite",
"Listener Failures": "Échecs de l'écouteur", "Listener Failures": "Échecs de l'écouteur",
"Listener Status": "État de l'écouteur", "Listener Status": "État de l'écouteur",
@ -326,6 +331,8 @@
"Settings": "Configuration", "Settings": "Configuration",
"Share": "Partager", "Share": "Partager",
"Share Folder": "Partager", "Share Folder": "Partager",
"Share by Email": "Share by Email",
"Share by SMS": "Share by SMS",
"Share this folder?": "Acceptez-vous ce partage ?", "Share this folder?": "Acceptez-vous ce partage ?",
"Shared Folders": "Partages", "Shared Folders": "Partages",
"Shared With": "Participant(s)", "Shared With": "Participant(s)",
@ -357,6 +364,7 @@
"Statistics": "Statistiques", "Statistics": "Statistiques",
"Stopped": "Arrêté", "Stopped": "Arrêté",
"Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "Récupère seulement des données chiffrées. Ce partage sur tous les autres appareils doit aussi être du type \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" ou bien être défini avec le même mot de passe.", "Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "Récupère seulement des données chiffrées. Ce partage sur tous les autres appareils doit aussi être du type \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" ou bien être défini avec le même mot de passe.",
"Subject:": "Subject:",
"Support": "Forum", "Support": "Forum",
"Support Bundle": "Kit d'assistance", "Support Bundle": "Kit d'assistance",
"Sync Extended Attributes": "Synchroniser les attributs étendus", "Sync Extended Attributes": "Synchroniser les attributs étendus",
@ -364,9 +372,11 @@
"Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "Adresses d'écoute du protocole de synchronisation", "Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "Adresses d'écoute du protocole de synchronisation",
"Sync Status": "État de la synchronisation", "Sync Status": "État de la synchronisation",
"Syncing": "Synchronisation en cours", "Syncing": "Synchronisation en cours",
"Syncthing device ID for \"{%devicename%}\"": "Syncthing device ID for \"{{devicename}}\"",
"Syncthing has been shut down.": "Syncthing a été arrêté.", "Syncthing has been shut down.": "Syncthing a été arrêté.",
"Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing intègre les logiciels suivants (ou des éléments provenant de ces logiciels) :", "Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing intègre les logiciels suivants (ou des éléments provenant de ces logiciels) :",
"Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthing est un logiciel Libre et Open Source sous licence MPL v2.0.", "Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthing est un logiciel Libre et Open Source sous licence MPL v2.0.",
"Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, whether it is shared with some third party, and how it's transmitted over the internet.": "Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, whether it is shared with some third party, and how it's transmitted over the internet.",
"Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "Syncthing écoute sur les adresses réseau suivantes les tentatives de connexions des autres appareils :", "Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "Syncthing écoute sur les adresses réseau suivantes les tentatives de connexions des autres appareils :",
"Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "Syncthing n'écoute les tentatives de connexion des autres appareils sur aucune adresse. Seules les connexions sortantes de cet appareil peuvent fonctionner.", "Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "Syncthing n'écoute les tentatives de connexion des autres appareils sur aucune adresse. Seules les connexions sortantes de cet appareil peuvent fonctionner.",
"Syncthing is restarting.": "Syncthing redémarre.", "Syncthing is restarting.": "Syncthing redémarre.",
@ -396,6 +406,7 @@
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "Les fichiers suivants n'ont pas pu être synchronisés.", "The following items could not be synchronized.": "Les fichiers suivants n'ont pas pu être synchronisés.",
"The following items were changed locally.": "Les éléments suivants ont été modifiés localement.", "The following items were changed locally.": "Les éléments suivants ont été modifiés localement.",
"The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "Les méthodes suivantes de découverte des autres appareils et d'annonce de cet appareil sont utilisées :", "The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "Les méthodes suivantes de découverte des autres appareils et d'annonce de cet appareil sont utilisées :",
"The following text will automatically be inserted into a new message.": "The following text will automatically be inserted into a new message.",
"The following unexpected items were found.": "Les éléments inattendus suivants ont été détectés.", "The following unexpected items were found.": "Les éléments inattendus suivants ont été détectés.",
"The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "L'intervalle doit être un nombre positif exprimé en secondes", "The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "L'intervalle doit être un nombre positif exprimé en secondes",
"The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "L'intervalle, en secondes, de l'exécution du nettoyage du répertoire des versions. Définir à 0 pour désactiver la purge périodique (Dans ce cas, elle n'est effectuée qu'au démarrage).", "The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "L'intervalle, en secondes, de l'exécution du nettoyage du répertoire des versions. Définir à 0 pour désactiver la purge périodique (Dans ce cas, elle n'est effectuée qu'au démarrage).",
@ -422,6 +433,7 @@
"This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "Ce réglage contrôle l'espace disque requis dans le disque qui abrite votre répertoire utilisateur (pour la base de données d'indexation).", "This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "Ce réglage contrôle l'espace disque requis dans le disque qui abrite votre répertoire utilisateur (pour la base de données d'indexation).",
"Time": "Heure", "Time": "Heure",
"Time the item was last modified": "Dernière modification de l'élément", "Time the item was last modified": "Dernière modification de l'élément",
"To connect with the Syncthing device named \"{%devicename%}\", add a new remote device on your end with this ID:": "To connect with the Syncthing device named \"{{devicename}}\", add a new remote device on your end with this ID:",
"Today": "Aujourd'hui", "Today": "Aujourd'hui",
"Trash Can": "Corbeille", "Trash Can": "Corbeille",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Style poubelle", "Trash Can File Versioning": "Style poubelle",
@ -473,6 +485,7 @@
"When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "Lorsqu'un nouveau partage est ajouté, gardez à l'esprit que son ID est utilisée pour lier les répertoires à travers les appareils. L'ID est sensible à la casse et sera forcément la même sur tous les appareils participant à ce partage.", "When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "Lorsqu'un nouveau partage est ajouté, gardez à l'esprit que son ID est utilisée pour lier les répertoires à travers les appareils. L'ID est sensible à la casse et sera forcément la même sur tous les appareils participant à ce partage.",
"Yes": "Oui", "Yes": "Oui",
"Yesterday": "Hier", "Yesterday": "Hier",
"You can also copy and paste the text into a new message manually.": "You can also copy and paste the text into a new message manually.",
"You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "Vous pouvez également sélectionner l'un de ces appareils proches :", "You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "Vous pouvez également sélectionner l'un de ces appareils proches :",
"You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "Vous pouvez changer votre choix dans la boîte de dialogue \"Configuration\".", "You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "Vous pouvez changer votre choix dans la boîte de dialogue \"Configuration\".",
"You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "Vous pouvez en savoir plus sur les deux canaux de distribution via le lien ci-dessous.", "You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "Vous pouvez en savoir plus sur les deux canaux de distribution via le lien ci-dessous.",
@ -481,6 +494,8 @@
"You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "Vous avez des réglages non enregistrés. Voulez-vous vraiment les rejeter ?", "You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "Vous avez des réglages non enregistrés. Voulez-vous vraiment les rejeter ?",
"You must keep at least one version.": "Vous devez garder au minimum une version.", "You must keep at least one version.": "Vous devez garder au minimum une version.",
"You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "Vous ne devriez jamais ajouter ou modifier localement le contenu d'un partage de type \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\".", "You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "Vous ne devriez jamais ajouter ou modifier localement le contenu d'un partage de type \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\".",
"Your SMS app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own number.": "Your SMS app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own number.",
"Your email app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own address.": "Your email app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own address.",
"days": "Jours", "days": "Jours",
"directories": "répertoires", "directories": "répertoires",
"files": "Fichiers", "files": "Fichiers",

View File

@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
"Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "Meitsje of diel automatysk mappen dy't dit apparaat advertearret op it standert paad.", "Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "Meitsje of diel automatysk mappen dy't dit apparaat advertearret op it standert paad.",
"Available debug logging facilities:": "Beskikbere debug-lochfoarsjennings:", "Available debug logging facilities:": "Beskikbere debug-lochfoarsjennings:",
"Be careful!": "Tink derom!", "Be careful!": "Tink derom!",
"Body:": "Body:",
"Bugs": "Brekkings", "Bugs": "Brekkings",
"Cancel": "Cancel", "Cancel": "Cancel",
"Changelog": "Feroaringslochboek", "Changelog": "Feroaringslochboek",
@ -67,6 +68,9 @@
"Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "It konstant byhâlden fan feroarings is no ek beskikber foar Syncthing. Dit hâld feroarings op de skiif yn de gaten en skent allinnich de paden dy't feroare binne. De foardielen binne dat feroarings earder trochjûn wurde en dat minder skens nedich binne. ", "Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "It konstant byhâlden fan feroarings is no ek beskikber foar Syncthing. Dit hâld feroarings op de skiif yn de gaten en skent allinnich de paden dy't feroare binne. De foardielen binne dat feroarings earder trochjûn wurde en dat minder skens nedich binne. ",
"Copied from elsewhere": "Oernommen fan earne oars", "Copied from elsewhere": "Oernommen fan earne oars",
"Copied from original": "Oernommen fan orizjineel", "Copied from original": "Oernommen fan orizjineel",
"Copied!": "Copied!",
"Copy": "Copy",
"Copy failed! Try to select and copy manually.": "Copy failed! Try to select and copy manually.",
"Currently Shared With Devices": "Op dit stuit Dielt mei Apparaten", "Currently Shared With Devices": "Op dit stuit Dielt mei Apparaten",
"Custom Range": "Custom Range", "Custom Range": "Custom Range",
"Danger!": "Gefaar!", "Danger!": "Gefaar!",
@ -207,6 +211,7 @@
"Last seen": "Lêst sjoen", "Last seen": "Lêst sjoen",
"Latest Change": "Meast Resinte Feroarings", "Latest Change": "Meast Resinte Feroarings",
"Learn more": "Mear witte", "Learn more": "Mear witte",
"Learn more at {%url%}": "Learn more at {{url}}",
"Limit": "Limyt", "Limit": "Limyt",
"Listener Failures": "Listener Failures", "Listener Failures": "Listener Failures",
"Listener Status": "Listener Status", "Listener Status": "Listener Status",
@ -326,6 +331,8 @@
"Settings": "Ynstellings", "Settings": "Ynstellings",
"Share": "Diele", "Share": "Diele",
"Share Folder": "Map diele", "Share Folder": "Map diele",
"Share by Email": "Share by Email",
"Share by SMS": "Share by SMS",
"Share this folder?": "Dizze map diele?", "Share this folder?": "Dizze map diele?",
"Shared Folders": "Dielde Mappen", "Shared Folders": "Dielde Mappen",
"Shared With": "Dielt mei", "Shared With": "Dielt mei",
@ -357,6 +364,7 @@
"Statistics": "Statistiken", "Statistics": "Statistiken",
"Stopped": "Stoppe", "Stopped": "Stoppe",
"Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "Bewarret en syngroniseart allinich fersifere gegevens. Mappen op alle oansletten apparaten moatte mei itselde wachtwurd ynsteld hawwe of ek fan it type \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" wêze.", "Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "Bewarret en syngroniseart allinich fersifere gegevens. Mappen op alle oansletten apparaten moatte mei itselde wachtwurd ynsteld hawwe of ek fan it type \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" wêze.",
"Subject:": "Subject:",
"Support": "Help (Forum)", "Support": "Help (Forum)",
"Support Bundle": "Helpbundel", "Support Bundle": "Helpbundel",
"Sync Extended Attributes": "Sync Extended Attributes", "Sync Extended Attributes": "Sync Extended Attributes",
@ -364,9 +372,11 @@
"Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "Sync-protokolharkadressen", "Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "Sync-protokolharkadressen",
"Sync Status": "Sync Status", "Sync Status": "Sync Status",
"Syncing": "Oan it Syncen", "Syncing": "Oan it Syncen",
"Syncthing device ID for \"{%devicename%}\"": "Syncthing device ID for \"{{devicename}}\"",
"Syncthing has been shut down.": "Syncthing is útsetten", "Syncthing has been shut down.": "Syncthing is útsetten",
"Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing befettet de folgende sêftguod of parten dêrfan:", "Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing befettet de folgende sêftguod of parten dêrfan:",
"Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthing is Fergees en Iepenboarne Programmatuer mei in MPL V2.0 lisinsje.", "Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthing is Fergees en Iepenboarne Programmatuer mei in MPL V2.0 lisinsje.",
"Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, whether it is shared with some third party, and how it's transmitted over the internet.": "Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, whether it is shared with some third party, and how it's transmitted over the internet.",
"Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:", "Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:",
"Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.", "Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.",
"Syncthing is restarting.": "Syncthing oan it werstarten.", "Syncthing is restarting.": "Syncthing oan it werstarten.",
@ -396,6 +406,7 @@
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "De folgende items koene net syngronisearre wurde.", "The following items could not be synchronized.": "De folgende items koene net syngronisearre wurde.",
"The following items were changed locally.": "De neikommende items binne lokaal feroare.", "The following items were changed locally.": "De neikommende items binne lokaal feroare.",
"The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:", "The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:",
"The following text will automatically be inserted into a new message.": "The following text will automatically be inserted into a new message.",
"The following unexpected items were found.": "De folgjende ûnferwachte items waarden fûn.", "The following unexpected items were found.": "De folgjende ûnferwachte items waarden fûn.",
"The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "It ynterfal moat in posityf oantal sekonden wêze.", "The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "It ynterfal moat in posityf oantal sekonden wêze.",
"The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "It ynterfal, yn sekonden, foar skjinmeitsjen yn 'e ferzjesmap. Nul om periodyk skjin te meitsjen.", "The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "It ynterfal, yn sekonden, foar skjinmeitsjen yn 'e ferzjesmap. Nul om periodyk skjin te meitsjen.",
@ -422,6 +433,7 @@
"This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "Dizze ynstelling bepaalt de frije romte dy't noadich is op de home-skiif (fan de yndeks-databank).", "This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "Dizze ynstelling bepaalt de frije romte dy't noadich is op de home-skiif (fan de yndeks-databank).",
"Time": "Tiid", "Time": "Tiid",
"Time the item was last modified": "Tiidstip dat it ûnderdiel foar it lest oanpast waard.", "Time the item was last modified": "Tiidstip dat it ûnderdiel foar it lest oanpast waard.",
"To connect with the Syncthing device named \"{%devicename%}\", add a new remote device on your end with this ID:": "To connect with the Syncthing device named \"{{devicename}}\", add a new remote device on your end with this ID:",
"Today": "Today", "Today": "Today",
"Trash Can": "Trash Can", "Trash Can": "Trash Can",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Jiskefet-triemferzjebehear", "Trash Can File Versioning": "Jiskefet-triemferzjebehear",
@ -473,6 +485,7 @@
"When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "Hâld by it taheakjen fan in nije map yn de holle dat de map-ID brûkt wurd om de mappen tusken apparaten mei-inoar te ferbinen. Se binne haadlettergefoelich en moatte oer alle apparaten eksakt oerienkomme.", "When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "Hâld by it taheakjen fan in nije map yn de holle dat de map-ID brûkt wurd om de mappen tusken apparaten mei-inoar te ferbinen. Se binne haadlettergefoelich en moatte oer alle apparaten eksakt oerienkomme.",
"Yes": "Ja", "Yes": "Ja",
"Yesterday": "Yesterday", "Yesterday": "Yesterday",
"You can also copy and paste the text into a new message manually.": "You can also copy and paste the text into a new message manually.",
"You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "Jo kinne ek ien fan dizze tichtbye apparaten selektearje:", "You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "Jo kinne ek ien fan dizze tichtbye apparaten selektearje:",
"You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "Jo kinne jo kar op elk stuit oanpasse yn it Ynstellingsdialooch.", "You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "Jo kinne jo kar op elk stuit oanpasse yn it Ynstellingsdialooch.",
"You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "Jo kinne mear lêze oer de twa útjeftekanalen fia de ûndersteande link.", "You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "Jo kinne mear lêze oer de twa útjeftekanalen fia de ûndersteande link.",
@ -481,6 +494,8 @@
"You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "Jo hawwe noch net-opsleine feroarings. Wolle jo dizze echt fuortsmite?", "You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "Jo hawwe noch net-opsleine feroarings. Wolle jo dizze echt fuortsmite?",
"You must keep at least one version.": "Jo moatte minstens ien ferzje bewarje.", "You must keep at least one version.": "Jo moatte minstens ien ferzje bewarje.",
"You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "Jo moatte nea lokaal wat tafoegje of feroarje yn in map \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\".", "You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "Jo moatte nea lokaal wat tafoegje of feroarje yn in map \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\".",
"Your SMS app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own number.": "Your SMS app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own number.",
"Your email app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own address.": "Your email app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own address.",
"days": "dagen", "days": "dagen",
"directories": "triemtafels", "directories": "triemtafels",
"files": "triemmen", "files": "triemmen",

View File

@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
"Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "Az eszköz alapértelmezett útvonalon hirdetett mappáinak automatikus létrehozása vagy megosztása", "Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "Az eszköz alapértelmezett útvonalon hirdetett mappáinak automatikus létrehozása vagy megosztása",
"Available debug logging facilities:": "Elérhető hibakeresésnaplózási képességek:", "Available debug logging facilities:": "Elérhető hibakeresésnaplózási képességek:",
"Be careful!": "Óvatosan!", "Be careful!": "Óvatosan!",
"Body:": "Szövegmező:",
"Bugs": "Hibák", "Bugs": "Hibák",
"Cancel": "Mégsem", "Cancel": "Mégsem",
"Changelog": "Változások", "Changelog": "Változások",
@ -63,10 +64,13 @@
"Connection Error": "Kapcsolódási hiba", "Connection Error": "Kapcsolódási hiba",
"Connection Type": "Kapcsolattípus", "Connection Type": "Kapcsolattípus",
"Connections": "Kapcsolatok", "Connections": "Kapcsolatok",
"Connections via relays might be rate limited by the relay": "Connections via relays might be rate limited by the relay", "Connections via relays might be rate limited by the relay": "A közvetítőkön keresztüli csatlakozások sebességét a közvetítő korlátozhatja.",
"Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "Az állandó változásfigyelés immár elérhető a Syncthingben, amellyel észlelhetőek a lemezen történt módosulások és így csak a szükséges útvonalakon történik átnézés. Az funkció előnye, hogy a változások gyorsabban terjednek és kevesebb teljes átnézésre lesz szükség.", "Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "Az állandó változásfigyelés immár elérhető a Syncthingben, amellyel észlelhetőek a lemezen történt módosulások és így csak a szükséges útvonalakon történik átnézés. Az funkció előnye, hogy a változások gyorsabban terjednek és kevesebb teljes átnézésre lesz szükség.",
"Copied from elsewhere": "Máshonnan másolva", "Copied from elsewhere": "Máshonnan másolva",
"Copied from original": "Eredetiről másolva", "Copied from original": "Eredetiről másolva",
"Copied!": "Másolva!",
"Copy": "Másol",
"Copy failed! Try to select and copy manually.": "A másolás sikertelen! Próbálja meg kézzel kiválasztani és másolni.",
"Currently Shared With Devices": "Eszközök, melyekkel jelenleg meg van osztva", "Currently Shared With Devices": "Eszközök, melyekkel jelenleg meg van osztva",
"Custom Range": "Egyedi intervallum", "Custom Range": "Egyedi intervallum",
"Danger!": "Veszély!", "Danger!": "Veszély!",
@ -79,7 +83,7 @@
"Defaults": "Alapértelmezések", "Defaults": "Alapértelmezések",
"Delete": "Törlés", "Delete": "Törlés",
"Delete Unexpected Items": "Váratlan elemek törlése", "Delete Unexpected Items": "Váratlan elemek törlése",
"Deleted {%file%}": "Törölt {{file}}", "Deleted {%file%}": "Törölve {{file}}",
"Deselect All": "Kijelölés megszüntetése", "Deselect All": "Kijelölés megszüntetése",
"Deselect devices to stop sharing this folder with.": "Azon eszközök kijelölésének törlése, amelyekkel e mappa megosztása leállítandó.", "Deselect devices to stop sharing this folder with.": "Azon eszközök kijelölésének törlése, amelyekkel e mappa megosztása leállítandó.",
"Deselect folders to stop sharing with this device.": "Szüntesse meg a mappák kijelölését a mappák megosztásának leállításához ezzel az eszközzel.", "Deselect folders to stop sharing with this device.": "Szüntesse meg a mappák kijelölését a mappák megosztásának leállításához ezzel az eszközzel.",
@ -101,7 +105,7 @@
"Disables comparing and syncing file permissions. Useful on systems with nonexistent or custom permissions (e.g. FAT, exFAT, Synology, Android).": "Letiltja a fájljogosultságok összehasonlítását és szinkronizálást. Hasznos olyan rendszerek esetén, ahol nincsenek jogosultságok vagy egyediek vannak (pl. FAT, exFAT, Synology, Android).", "Disables comparing and syncing file permissions. Useful on systems with nonexistent or custom permissions (e.g. FAT, exFAT, Synology, Android).": "Letiltja a fájljogosultságok összehasonlítását és szinkronizálást. Hasznos olyan rendszerek esetén, ahol nincsenek jogosultságok vagy egyediek vannak (pl. FAT, exFAT, Synology, Android).",
"Discard": "Elvetés", "Discard": "Elvetés",
"Disconnected": "Kapcsolat bontva", "Disconnected": "Kapcsolat bontva",
"Disconnected (Inactive)": "Disconnected (Inactive)", "Disconnected (Inactive)": "Kikapcsolva (inaktív)",
"Disconnected (Unused)": "Kapcsolat bontva (használaton kívül)", "Disconnected (Unused)": "Kapcsolat bontva (használaton kívül)",
"Discovered": "Felfedezett", "Discovered": "Felfedezett",
"Discovery": "Felfedezés", "Discovery": "Felfedezés",
@ -207,6 +211,7 @@
"Last seen": "Utoljára látva", "Last seen": "Utoljára látva",
"Latest Change": "Utolsó módosítás", "Latest Change": "Utolsó módosítás",
"Learn more": "Tudj meg többet", "Learn more": "Tudj meg többet",
"Learn more at {%url%}": "További információ itt: {{url}}",
"Limit": "Sebességkorlát", "Limit": "Sebességkorlát",
"Listener Failures": "Figyelő hibák", "Listener Failures": "Figyelő hibák",
"Listener Status": "Figyelő állapot", "Listener Status": "Figyelő állapot",
@ -229,9 +234,9 @@
"Minimum Free Disk Space": "Minimális szabad lemezterület", "Minimum Free Disk Space": "Minimális szabad lemezterület",
"Mod. Device": "Módosító eszköz", "Mod. Device": "Módosító eszköz",
"Mod. Time": "Módosítási idő", "Mod. Time": "Módosítási idő",
"More than a month ago": "More than a month ago", "More than a month ago": "Több mint egy hónapja",
"More than a week ago": "More than a week ago", "More than a week ago": "Több mint egy hete",
"More than a year ago": "More than a year ago", "More than a year ago": "Több mint egy éve",
"Move to top of queue": "Sor elejére mozgatás", "Move to top of queue": "Sor elejére mozgatás",
"Multi level wildcard (matches multiple directory levels)": "Több szintű helyettesítő karakter (több könyvtár szintre érvényesül)", "Multi level wildcard (matches multiple directory levels)": "Több szintű helyettesítő karakter (több könyvtár szintre érvényesül)",
"Never": "Soha", "Never": "Soha",
@ -278,7 +283,7 @@
"Preview Usage Report": "Használati jelentés áttekintése", "Preview Usage Report": "Használati jelentés áttekintése",
"QR code": "QR-kód", "QR code": "QR-kód",
"QUIC connections are in most cases considered suboptimal": "QUIC connections are in most cases considered suboptimal", "QUIC connections are in most cases considered suboptimal": "A QUIC-kapcsolatok a legtöbb esetben nem tekinthetők optimálisnak.",
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Rövid útmutató a használható mintákról", "Quick guide to supported patterns": "Rövid útmutató a használható mintákról",
"Random": "Véletlenszerű", "Random": "Véletlenszerű",
"Receive Encrypted": "Titkosított fogadás", "Receive Encrypted": "Titkosított fogadás",
@ -286,7 +291,7 @@
"Received data is already encrypted": "A fogadott adatok már titkosítottak", "Received data is already encrypted": "A fogadott adatok már titkosítottak",
"Recent Changes": "Utolsó módosítások", "Recent Changes": "Utolsó módosítások",
"Reduced by ignore patterns": "Mellőzési mintákkal csökkentve", "Reduced by ignore patterns": "Mellőzési mintákkal csökkentve",
"Relay": "Relay", "Relay": "Közvetítő",
"Release Notes": "Kiadási megjegyzések", "Release Notes": "Kiadási megjegyzések",
"Release candidates contain the latest features and fixes. They are similar to the traditional bi-weekly Syncthing releases.": "Az előzetes kiadások tartalmazzák a legújabb fejlesztéseket és javításokat. Ezek hasonlóak a hagyományos, kétheti Syncthing kiadásokhoz.", "Release candidates contain the latest features and fixes. They are similar to the traditional bi-weekly Syncthing releases.": "Az előzetes kiadások tartalmazzák a legújabb fejlesztéseket és javításokat. Ezek hasonlóak a hagyományos, kétheti Syncthing kiadásokhoz.",
"Remote Devices": "Távoli eszközök", "Remote Devices": "Távoli eszközök",
@ -326,6 +331,8 @@
"Settings": "Beállítások", "Settings": "Beállítások",
"Share": "Megosztás", "Share": "Megosztás",
"Share Folder": "Mappa megosztása", "Share Folder": "Mappa megosztása",
"Share by Email": "Megosztás e-mailben",
"Share by SMS": "Megosztás SMS-ben",
"Share this folder?": "Megosztható ez a mappa?", "Share this folder?": "Megosztható ez a mappa?",
"Shared Folders": "Megosztott mappák", "Shared Folders": "Megosztott mappák",
"Shared With": "Megosztva ezekkel:", "Shared With": "Megosztva ezekkel:",
@ -357,6 +364,7 @@
"Statistics": "Statisztika", "Statistics": "Statisztika",
"Stopped": "Leállítva", "Stopped": "Leállítva",
"Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "Csak titkosított adatokat tárol és szinkronizál. Minden kapcsolatban lévő eszközön a mappákat ugyanazzal a jelszóval kell védeni vagy „{{receiveEncrypted}}” típusúnak kell lenniük.", "Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "Csak titkosított adatokat tárol és szinkronizál. Minden kapcsolatban lévő eszközön a mappákat ugyanazzal a jelszóval kell védeni vagy „{{receiveEncrypted}}” típusúnak kell lenniük.",
"Subject:": "Tárgy:",
"Support": "Támogatás", "Support": "Támogatás",
"Support Bundle": "Támogatási csomag", "Support Bundle": "Támogatási csomag",
"Sync Extended Attributes": "Kiterjesztett attribútumok szinkronizálása", "Sync Extended Attributes": "Kiterjesztett attribútumok szinkronizálása",
@ -364,9 +372,11 @@
"Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "Figyelő címek szinkronizációs protokollja", "Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "Figyelő címek szinkronizációs protokollja",
"Sync Status": "Szinkronizálási állapot", "Sync Status": "Szinkronizálási állapot",
"Syncing": "Szinkronizálás", "Syncing": "Szinkronizálás",
"Syncthing device ID for \"{%devicename%}\"": "Syncthing eszköz ID \"{{devicename}}\" számára",
"Syncthing has been shut down.": "Syncthing leállítva", "Syncthing has been shut down.": "Syncthing leállítva",
"Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "A Syncthing a következő programokat, vagy komponenseket tartalmazza.", "Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "A Syncthing a következő programokat, vagy komponenseket tartalmazza.",
"Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "A Syncthing szabad és nyílt forráskódú szoftver MPL v2.0 licenccel.", "Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "A Syncthing szabad és nyílt forráskódú szoftver MPL v2.0 licenccel.",
"Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, whether it is shared with some third party, and how it's transmitted over the internet.": "A Syncthing egy olyan fájlszinkronizáló program, amely a fájlokat folyamatosan szinkronizálja. Két vagy több számítógép között valós időben szinkronizálja a fájlokat, biztonságosan védve a kíváncsi szemektől. Az Ön adatai csakis az Ön adatai, és Ön megérdemli, hogy eldöntse, hol tárolja őket, megosztja-e valamilyen harmadik féllel, és hogyan továbbítja őket az interneten.",
"Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "A Syncthing a következő hálózati címeken figyel más eszközök csatlakozási kísérleteire:", "Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "A Syncthing a következő hálózati címeken figyel más eszközök csatlakozási kísérleteire:",
"Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "A Syncthing semmilyen címen nem figyel más eszközök csatlakozási kísérleteire. Csak kimenő kapcsolatok működhetnek erről az eszközről.", "Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "A Syncthing semmilyen címen nem figyel más eszközök csatlakozási kísérleteire. Csak kimenő kapcsolatok működhetnek erről az eszközről.",
"Syncthing is restarting.": "Syncthing újraindul", "Syncthing is restarting.": "Syncthing újraindul",
@ -396,6 +406,7 @@
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "A következő elemek nem szinkronizálhatóak.", "The following items could not be synchronized.": "A következő elemek nem szinkronizálhatóak.",
"The following items were changed locally.": "A következő elemek változtak helyileg.", "The following items were changed locally.": "A következő elemek változtak helyileg.",
"The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "A következő módszereket használja a hálózaton lévő más eszközök felderítésére és az eszköz bejelentésére, hogy mások is megtalálhassák:", "The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "A következő módszereket használja a hálózaton lévő más eszközök felderítésére és az eszköz bejelentésére, hogy mások is megtalálhassák:",
"The following text will automatically be inserted into a new message.": "A következő szöveg automatikusan be lesz illesztve egy új üzenetbe.",
"The following unexpected items were found.": "A következő váratlan elemek találhatóak.", "The following unexpected items were found.": "A következő váratlan elemek találhatóak.",
"The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "A tisztítási intervallum egy pozitív számmal kifejezett másodperc kell legyen.", "The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "A tisztítási intervallum egy pozitív számmal kifejezett másodperc kell legyen.",
"The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "A verziók mappáin futó tisztítási folyamat intervalluma másodpercekben kifejezve. A nullával letiltható az időszakos tisztítás.", "The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "A verziók mappáin futó tisztítási folyamat intervalluma másodpercekben kifejezve. A nullával letiltható az időszakos tisztítás.",
@ -422,6 +433,7 @@
"This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "Ez e beállítás szabályozza a szükséges szabad helyet a fő (pl: index, adatbázis) lemezen.", "This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "Ez e beállítás szabályozza a szükséges szabad helyet a fő (pl: index, adatbázis) lemezen.",
"Time": "Idő", "Time": "Idő",
"Time the item was last modified": "Az idő, amikor utoljára módosítva lett az elem", "Time the item was last modified": "Az idő, amikor utoljára módosítva lett az elem",
"To connect with the Syncthing device named \"{%devicename%}\", add a new remote device on your end with this ID:": "A \"{{devicename}}\" nevű Syncthing eszközzel való kapcsolódáshoz adjon hozzá egy új távoli eszközt a saját oldalán ezzel az azonosítóval:",
"Today": "Ma", "Today": "Ma",
"Trash Can": "Szemetes", "Trash Can": "Szemetes",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Szemetes fájlverzió-követés", "Trash Can File Versioning": "Szemetes fájlverzió-követés",
@ -440,7 +452,7 @@
"Unshared Folders": "Nem megosztott mappák", "Unshared Folders": "Nem megosztott mappák",
"Untrusted": "Nem megbízható", "Untrusted": "Nem megbízható",
"Up to Date": "Friss", "Up to Date": "Friss",
"Updated {%file%}": "Frissített {{file}}", "Updated {%file%}": "Frissítve {{file}}",
"Upgrade": "Frissítés", "Upgrade": "Frissítés",
"Upgrade To {%version%}": "Frissítés a verzióra: {{version}}", "Upgrade To {%version%}": "Frissítés a verzióra: {{version}}",
"Upgrading": "Frissítés", "Upgrading": "Frissítés",
@ -451,8 +463,8 @@
"Use notifications from the filesystem to detect changed items.": "A fájlrendszer által szolgáltatott értesítések alkalmazása a megváltozott elemek keresésére.", "Use notifications from the filesystem to detect changed items.": "A fájlrendszer által szolgáltatott értesítések alkalmazása a megváltozott elemek keresésére.",
"User Home": "Felhasználói kezdőlap", "User Home": "Felhasználói kezdőlap",
"Username/Password has not been set for the GUI authentication. Please consider setting it up.": "Még nincs felhasználó és jelszó beállítva a grafikus felülethez. Érdemes megfontolni a beállítását.", "Username/Password has not been set for the GUI authentication. Please consider setting it up.": "Még nincs felhasználó és jelszó beállítva a grafikus felülethez. Érdemes megfontolni a beállítását.",
"Using a direct TCP connection over LAN": "Using a direct TCP connection over LAN", "Using a direct TCP connection over LAN": "Közvetlen TCP-kapcsolat használata LAN-on keresztül",
"Using a direct TCP connection over WAN": "Using a direct TCP connection over WAN", "Using a direct TCP connection over WAN": "Közvetlen TCP-kapcsolat használata WAN-on keresztül",
"Version": "Verzió", "Version": "Verzió",
"Versions": "Verziók", "Versions": "Verziók",
"Versions Path": "Verziók útvonala", "Versions Path": "Verziók útvonala",
@ -473,6 +485,7 @@
"When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "Új eszköz hozzáadásakor észben kell tartani, hogy a mappaazonosító arra való, hogy összekösse a mappákat az eszközökön. Az azonosító kisbetű-nagybetű érzékeny és pontosan egyeznie kell az eszközökön.", "When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "Új eszköz hozzáadásakor észben kell tartani, hogy a mappaazonosító arra való, hogy összekösse a mappákat az eszközökön. Az azonosító kisbetű-nagybetű érzékeny és pontosan egyeznie kell az eszközökön.",
"Yes": "Igen", "Yes": "Igen",
"Yesterday": "Tegnap", "Yesterday": "Tegnap",
"You can also copy and paste the text into a new message manually.": "A szöveget kézzel is bemásolhatja és beillesztheti egy új üzenetbe.",
"You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "Az alábbi közelben lévő eszközök közül lehet választani:", "You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "Az alábbi közelben lévő eszközök közül lehet választani:",
"You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "A beállításoknál bármikor módosíthatod a választásodat.", "You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "A beállításoknál bármikor módosíthatod a választásodat.",
"You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "A két kiadási csatornáról az alábbi linken olvashatsz további információkat.", "You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "A két kiadási csatornáról az alábbi linken olvashatsz további információkat.",
@ -481,6 +494,8 @@
"You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "Nincs minden beállítás elmentve. Valóban elvethetők?", "You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "Nincs minden beállítás elmentve. Valóban elvethetők?",
"You must keep at least one version.": "Legalább egy verziót meg kell tartani.", "You must keep at least one version.": "Legalább egy verziót meg kell tartani.",
"You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "Soha ne adjon hozzá vagy módosítson helyileg semmit a „{{receiveEncrypted}}” mappában.", "You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "Soha ne adjon hozzá vagy módosítson helyileg semmit a „{{receiveEncrypted}}” mappában.",
"Your SMS app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own number.": "Az SMS alkalmazásnak meg kell nyílnia, hogy kiválaszthassa a címzettet, és elküldhesse a saját számáról.",
"Your email app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own address.": "Az e-mail alkalmazásnak meg kell nyílnia, hogy kiválaszthassa a címzettet, és elküldhesse a saját címéről.",
"days": "nap", "days": "nap",
"directories": "mappa", "directories": "mappa",
"files": "fájl", "files": "fájl",

View File

@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
"Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "Otomatis membuat atau membagi folder yang perangkat ini iklankan di lokasi bawaan.", "Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "Otomatis membuat atau membagi folder yang perangkat ini iklankan di lokasi bawaan.",
"Available debug logging facilities:": "Fasilitas log debug yang ada:", "Available debug logging facilities:": "Fasilitas log debug yang ada:",
"Be careful!": "Harap hati-hati!", "Be careful!": "Harap hati-hati!",
"Body:": "Body:",
"Bugs": "Bugs", "Bugs": "Bugs",
"Cancel": "Batal", "Cancel": "Batal",
"Changelog": "Log Perubahan", "Changelog": "Log Perubahan",
@ -67,6 +68,9 @@
"Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "Syncthing sekarang memiliki fitur yang selalu melihat perubahan dalam folder. Ini akan mendeteksi perubahan dalam penyimpanan dan mengeluarkan perintah scan pada lokasi yang diubah. Keuntungannya adalah perubahan dapat disebarkan lebih cepat dan pengurangan scan penuh yang diperlukan.", "Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "Syncthing sekarang memiliki fitur yang selalu melihat perubahan dalam folder. Ini akan mendeteksi perubahan dalam penyimpanan dan mengeluarkan perintah scan pada lokasi yang diubah. Keuntungannya adalah perubahan dapat disebarkan lebih cepat dan pengurangan scan penuh yang diperlukan.",
"Copied from elsewhere": "Tersalin dari tempat lain", "Copied from elsewhere": "Tersalin dari tempat lain",
"Copied from original": "Tersalin dari asal", "Copied from original": "Tersalin dari asal",
"Copied!": "Copied!",
"Copy": "Copy",
"Copy failed! Try to select and copy manually.": "Copy failed! Try to select and copy manually.",
"Currently Shared With Devices": "Sekarang Terbagi Dengan Perangkat", "Currently Shared With Devices": "Sekarang Terbagi Dengan Perangkat",
"Custom Range": "Rentang Kustom", "Custom Range": "Rentang Kustom",
"Danger!": "Bahaya!", "Danger!": "Bahaya!",
@ -207,6 +211,7 @@
"Last seen": "Terakhir dilihat", "Last seen": "Terakhir dilihat",
"Latest Change": "Perubahan Terbaru", "Latest Change": "Perubahan Terbaru",
"Learn more": "Pelajari lebih lanjut", "Learn more": "Pelajari lebih lanjut",
"Learn more at {%url%}": "Learn more at {{url}}",
"Limit": "Batas", "Limit": "Batas",
"Listener Failures": "Kegagalan Pendengar", "Listener Failures": "Kegagalan Pendengar",
"Listener Status": "Status Pendengar", "Listener Status": "Status Pendengar",
@ -326,6 +331,8 @@
"Settings": "Pengaturan", "Settings": "Pengaturan",
"Share": "Bagi", "Share": "Bagi",
"Share Folder": "Bagi Folder", "Share Folder": "Bagi Folder",
"Share by Email": "Share by Email",
"Share by SMS": "Share by SMS",
"Share this folder?": "Bagi Folder Ini?", "Share this folder?": "Bagi Folder Ini?",
"Shared Folders": "Folder Yang Dibagi", "Shared Folders": "Folder Yang Dibagi",
"Shared With": "Dibagi Dengan", "Shared With": "Dibagi Dengan",
@ -357,6 +364,7 @@
"Statistics": "Statistik", "Statistics": "Statistik",
"Stopped": "Telah Berhenti", "Stopped": "Telah Berhenti",
"Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "Hanya menyimpan dan mensinkronisasi data yang dienkripsi. Folder dalam semua perangkat yang tersambung perlu diatur dengan sandi yang sama atau tipe \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" juga.", "Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "Hanya menyimpan dan mensinkronisasi data yang dienkripsi. Folder dalam semua perangkat yang tersambung perlu diatur dengan sandi yang sama atau tipe \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" juga.",
"Subject:": "Subject:",
"Support": "Bantuan", "Support": "Bantuan",
"Support Bundle": "Paket Bantuan", "Support Bundle": "Paket Bantuan",
"Sync Extended Attributes": "Sync Extended Attributes", "Sync Extended Attributes": "Sync Extended Attributes",
@ -364,9 +372,11 @@
"Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "Alamat Pendengar Protokol Sinkronisasi", "Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "Alamat Pendengar Protokol Sinkronisasi",
"Sync Status": "Sync Status", "Sync Status": "Sync Status",
"Syncing": "Sinkronisasi", "Syncing": "Sinkronisasi",
"Syncthing device ID for \"{%devicename%}\"": "Syncthing device ID for \"{{devicename}}\"",
"Syncthing has been shut down.": "Syncthing telah dimatikan.", "Syncthing has been shut down.": "Syncthing telah dimatikan.",
"Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:", "Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:",
"Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthing adalah Software Gratis dan Open Source dengan lisensi MPL v2.0.", "Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthing adalah Software Gratis dan Open Source dengan lisensi MPL v2.0.",
"Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, whether it is shared with some third party, and how it's transmitted over the internet.": "Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, whether it is shared with some third party, and how it's transmitted over the internet.",
"Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "Syncthing sedang mendengar di alamat jaringan berikut untuk percobaan koneksi dari perangkat lain:", "Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "Syncthing sedang mendengar di alamat jaringan berikut untuk percobaan koneksi dari perangkat lain:",
"Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "Syncthing sedang tidak mendengar dari percobaan koneksi dari perangkat lain dari semua alamat. Hanya koneksi keluar dari perangkat ini mungkin berhasil.", "Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "Syncthing sedang tidak mendengar dari percobaan koneksi dari perangkat lain dari semua alamat. Hanya koneksi keluar dari perangkat ini mungkin berhasil.",
"Syncthing is restarting.": "Syncthing sedang memulai ulang.", "Syncthing is restarting.": "Syncthing sedang memulai ulang.",
@ -396,6 +406,7 @@
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "Berkas berikut tidak dapat disinkron.", "The following items could not be synchronized.": "Berkas berikut tidak dapat disinkron.",
"The following items were changed locally.": "Berkas berikut telah diubah secara lokal.", "The following items were changed locally.": "Berkas berikut telah diubah secara lokal.",
"The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "Metode berikut digunakan untuk menemukan perangkat lain di jaringan dan mengumumkan perangkat ini untuk dapat ditemukan oleh perangkat lain:", "The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "Metode berikut digunakan untuk menemukan perangkat lain di jaringan dan mengumumkan perangkat ini untuk dapat ditemukan oleh perangkat lain:",
"The following text will automatically be inserted into a new message.": "The following text will automatically be inserted into a new message.",
"The following unexpected items were found.": "Berkas tidak terduga berikut telah ditemukan.", "The following unexpected items were found.": "Berkas tidak terduga berikut telah ditemukan.",
"The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "Interval harus berupa angka detik positif.", "The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "Interval harus berupa angka detik positif.",
"The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "Interval, dalam detik, untuk melakukan pembersihan dalam direktori versi. Nol untuk menonaktifkan pembersihan periodik.", "The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "Interval, dalam detik, untuk melakukan pembersihan dalam direktori versi. Nol untuk menonaktifkan pembersihan periodik.",
@ -422,6 +433,7 @@
"This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "Pengaturan ini mengontrol jumlah penyimpanan kosong yang dibutuhkan dalam penyimpanan utama (contoh database indeks).", "This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "Pengaturan ini mengontrol jumlah penyimpanan kosong yang dibutuhkan dalam penyimpanan utama (contoh database indeks).",
"Time": "Waktu", "Time": "Waktu",
"Time the item was last modified": "Waktu file terakhir dimodifikasi", "Time the item was last modified": "Waktu file terakhir dimodifikasi",
"To connect with the Syncthing device named \"{%devicename%}\", add a new remote device on your end with this ID:": "To connect with the Syncthing device named \"{{devicename}}\", add a new remote device on your end with this ID:",
"Today": "Hari Ini", "Today": "Hari Ini",
"Trash Can": "Trash Can", "Trash Can": "Trash Can",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Pemversian Berkas Tempat Sampah", "Trash Can File Versioning": "Pemversian Berkas Tempat Sampah",
@ -473,6 +485,7 @@
"When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "Ketika menambah sebuah folder baru, perlu diingat bahwa ID Folder digunakan untuk mengikat folder antar perangkat. Mereka peka terhadap kapitalisasi huruf dan harus sama pada semua perangkat.", "When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "Ketika menambah sebuah folder baru, perlu diingat bahwa ID Folder digunakan untuk mengikat folder antar perangkat. Mereka peka terhadap kapitalisasi huruf dan harus sama pada semua perangkat.",
"Yes": "Iya", "Yes": "Iya",
"Yesterday": "Kemarin", "Yesterday": "Kemarin",
"You can also copy and paste the text into a new message manually.": "You can also copy and paste the text into a new message manually.",
"You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "Anda juga dapat memilih salah satu perangkat disekitar berikut:", "You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "Anda juga dapat memilih salah satu perangkat disekitar berikut:",
"You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "Anda dapat mengubah pilihan anda dalam dialog Pengaturan.", "You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "Anda dapat mengubah pilihan anda dalam dialog Pengaturan.",
"You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "Anda dapat membaca lebih lanjut tentang dua saluran rilis pada tautan di bawah.", "You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "Anda dapat membaca lebih lanjut tentang dua saluran rilis pada tautan di bawah.",
@ -481,6 +494,8 @@
"You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "Anda mempunyai perubahan yang belum disimpan. Apakah anda ingin membuangnya?", "You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "Anda mempunyai perubahan yang belum disimpan. Apakah anda ingin membuangnya?",
"You must keep at least one version.": "Anda seharusnya menyimpan setidaknya satu versi.", "You must keep at least one version.": "Anda seharusnya menyimpan setidaknya satu versi.",
"You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "Anda sebaiknya tidak pernah menambah atau mengubah apapun secara lokal dalam folder \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\".", "You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "Anda sebaiknya tidak pernah menambah atau mengubah apapun secara lokal dalam folder \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\".",
"Your SMS app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own number.": "Your SMS app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own number.",
"Your email app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own address.": "Your email app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own address.",
"days": "hari", "days": "hari",
"directories": "direktori", "directories": "direktori",
"files": "berkas", "files": "berkas",

View File

@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
"Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "Crea o condividi automaticamente le cartelle che questo dispositivo presenta sul percorso predefinito.", "Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "Crea o condividi automaticamente le cartelle che questo dispositivo presenta sul percorso predefinito.",
"Available debug logging facilities:": "Servizi di debug disponibili:", "Available debug logging facilities:": "Servizi di debug disponibili:",
"Be careful!": "Fai attenzione!", "Be careful!": "Fai attenzione!",
"Body:": "Body:",
"Bugs": "Bug", "Bugs": "Bug",
"Cancel": "Annulla", "Cancel": "Annulla",
"Changelog": "Changelog", "Changelog": "Changelog",
@ -67,6 +68,9 @@
"Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "Il monitoraggio continuo dei cambiamenti è ora disponibile all'interno di Syncthing. Questo rileverà le modifiche sul disco ed avvierà una scansione solo sui percorsi modificati. I vantaggi sono che le modifiche vengono propagate più rapidamente e che sono richieste meno scansioni complete.", "Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "Il monitoraggio continuo dei cambiamenti è ora disponibile all'interno di Syncthing. Questo rileverà le modifiche sul disco ed avvierà una scansione solo sui percorsi modificati. I vantaggi sono che le modifiche vengono propagate più rapidamente e che sono richieste meno scansioni complete.",
"Copied from elsewhere": "Copiato da qualche altra parte", "Copied from elsewhere": "Copiato da qualche altra parte",
"Copied from original": "Copiato dall'originale", "Copied from original": "Copiato dall'originale",
"Copied!": "Copied!",
"Copy": "Copy",
"Copy failed! Try to select and copy manually.": "Copy failed! Try to select and copy manually.",
"Currently Shared With Devices": "Attualmente Condiviso Con Dispositivi", "Currently Shared With Devices": "Attualmente Condiviso Con Dispositivi",
"Custom Range": "Intervallo personalizzato", "Custom Range": "Intervallo personalizzato",
"Danger!": "Pericolo!", "Danger!": "Pericolo!",
@ -207,6 +211,7 @@
"Last seen": "Ultima connessione", "Last seen": "Ultima connessione",
"Latest Change": "Ultima Modifica", "Latest Change": "Ultima Modifica",
"Learn more": "Per saperne di più", "Learn more": "Per saperne di più",
"Learn more at {%url%}": "Learn more at {{url}}",
"Limit": "Limite", "Limit": "Limite",
"Listener Failures": "Fallimenti dell'Ascoltatore", "Listener Failures": "Fallimenti dell'Ascoltatore",
"Listener Status": "Stato dell'Ascoltatore", "Listener Status": "Stato dell'Ascoltatore",
@ -326,6 +331,8 @@
"Settings": "Impostazioni", "Settings": "Impostazioni",
"Share": "Condividi", "Share": "Condividi",
"Share Folder": "Condividi la Cartella", "Share Folder": "Condividi la Cartella",
"Share by Email": "Share by Email",
"Share by SMS": "Share by SMS",
"Share this folder?": "Vuoi condividere questa cartella?", "Share this folder?": "Vuoi condividere questa cartella?",
"Shared Folders": "Cartelle condivise", "Shared Folders": "Cartelle condivise",
"Shared With": "Condiviso Con", "Shared With": "Condiviso Con",
@ -357,6 +364,7 @@
"Statistics": "Statistiche", "Statistics": "Statistiche",
"Stopped": "Fermato", "Stopped": "Fermato",
"Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "Memorizza e sincronizza solo i dati crittografati. Le cartelle su tutti i dispositivi collegati devono essere configurate con la stessa password o essere del tipo \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\".", "Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "Memorizza e sincronizza solo i dati crittografati. Le cartelle su tutti i dispositivi collegati devono essere configurate con la stessa password o essere del tipo \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\".",
"Subject:": "Subject:",
"Support": "Supporto", "Support": "Supporto",
"Support Bundle": "Pacchetto di supporto", "Support Bundle": "Pacchetto di supporto",
"Sync Extended Attributes": "Sincronizza Attributi Estesi", "Sync Extended Attributes": "Sincronizza Attributi Estesi",
@ -364,9 +372,11 @@
"Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "Indirizzi di ascolto del Protocollo di Sincronizzazione", "Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "Indirizzi di ascolto del Protocollo di Sincronizzazione",
"Sync Status": "Stato della Sincronizzazione", "Sync Status": "Stato della Sincronizzazione",
"Syncing": "Sincronizzazione in corso", "Syncing": "Sincronizzazione in corso",
"Syncthing device ID for \"{%devicename%}\"": "Syncthing device ID for \"{{devicename}}\"",
"Syncthing has been shut down.": "Syncthing è stato arrestato.", "Syncthing has been shut down.": "Syncthing è stato arrestato.",
"Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing utilizza i seguenti software o porzioni di questi:", "Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing utilizza i seguenti software o porzioni di questi:",
"Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthing è un software Libero e Open Source concesso in licenza MPL v2.0.", "Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthing è un software Libero e Open Source concesso in licenza MPL v2.0.",
"Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, whether it is shared with some third party, and how it's transmitted over the internet.": "Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, whether it is shared with some third party, and how it's transmitted over the internet.",
"Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "Syncthing è in ascolto sui seguenti indirizzi di rete per i tentativi di connessione da altri dispositivi:", "Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "Syncthing è in ascolto sui seguenti indirizzi di rete per i tentativi di connessione da altri dispositivi:",
"Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "Syncthing non è in ascolto di tentativi di connessione da altri dispositivi su qualsiasi indirizzo. Possono funzionare solo le connessioni in uscita da questo dispositivo.", "Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "Syncthing non è in ascolto di tentativi di connessione da altri dispositivi su qualsiasi indirizzo. Possono funzionare solo le connessioni in uscita da questo dispositivo.",
"Syncthing is restarting.": "Riavvio di Syncthing in corso.", "Syncthing is restarting.": "Riavvio di Syncthing in corso.",
@ -396,6 +406,7 @@
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "Non è stato possibile sincronizzare i seguenti elementi.", "The following items could not be synchronized.": "Non è stato possibile sincronizzare i seguenti elementi.",
"The following items were changed locally.": "I seguenti elementi sono stati modificati localmente.", "The following items were changed locally.": "I seguenti elementi sono stati modificati localmente.",
"The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "I seguenti metodi vengono utilizzati per rilevare altri dispositivi sulla rete e annunciare questo dispositivo per essere trovato da altri:", "The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "I seguenti metodi vengono utilizzati per rilevare altri dispositivi sulla rete e annunciare questo dispositivo per essere trovato da altri:",
"The following text will automatically be inserted into a new message.": "The following text will automatically be inserted into a new message.",
"The following unexpected items were found.": "Sono stati trovati i seguenti elementi imprevisti.", "The following unexpected items were found.": "Sono stati trovati i seguenti elementi imprevisti.",
"The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "L'intervallo deve essere un numero positivo di secondi.", "The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "L'intervallo deve essere un numero positivo di secondi.",
"The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "L'intervallo, in secondi, per l'esecuzione della pulizia nella directory delle versioni. Zero per disabilitare la pulizia periodica.", "The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "L'intervallo, in secondi, per l'esecuzione della pulizia nella directory delle versioni. Zero per disabilitare la pulizia periodica.",
@ -422,6 +433,7 @@
"This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "Questa impostazione controlla lo spazio libero richiesto sul disco home (cioè, database di indice).", "This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "Questa impostazione controlla lo spazio libero richiesto sul disco home (cioè, database di indice).",
"Time": "Tempo", "Time": "Tempo",
"Time the item was last modified": "Ora dell'ultima modifica degli elementi", "Time the item was last modified": "Ora dell'ultima modifica degli elementi",
"To connect with the Syncthing device named \"{%devicename%}\", add a new remote device on your end with this ID:": "To connect with the Syncthing device named \"{{devicename}}\", add a new remote device on your end with this ID:",
"Today": "Oggi", "Today": "Oggi",
"Trash Can": "Cestino", "Trash Can": "Cestino",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Controllo Versione con Cestino", "Trash Can File Versioning": "Controllo Versione con Cestino",
@ -473,6 +485,7 @@
"When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "Quando aggiungi una nuova cartella, ricordati che gli ID vengono utilizzati per collegare le cartelle nei dispositivi. Distinguono maiuscole e minuscole e devono corrispondere esattamente su tutti i dispositivi.", "When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "Quando aggiungi una nuova cartella, ricordati che gli ID vengono utilizzati per collegare le cartelle nei dispositivi. Distinguono maiuscole e minuscole e devono corrispondere esattamente su tutti i dispositivi.",
"Yes": "Sì", "Yes": "Sì",
"Yesterday": "Ieri", "Yesterday": "Ieri",
"You can also copy and paste the text into a new message manually.": "You can also copy and paste the text into a new message manually.",
"You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "È anche possibile selezionare uno di questi dispositivi nelle vicinanze:", "You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "È anche possibile selezionare uno di questi dispositivi nelle vicinanze:",
"You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "Puoi sempre cambiare la tua scelta nel dialogo Impostazioni.", "You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "Puoi sempre cambiare la tua scelta nel dialogo Impostazioni.",
"You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "Puoi ottenere piu informazioni riguarda i due canali di rilascio nel collegamento sottostante.", "You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "Puoi ottenere piu informazioni riguarda i due canali di rilascio nel collegamento sottostante.",
@ -481,6 +494,8 @@
"You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "Hai modifiche non salvate. Vuoi davvero scartarle?", "You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "Hai modifiche non salvate. Vuoi davvero scartarle?",
"You must keep at least one version.": "È necessario mantenere almeno una versione.", "You must keep at least one version.": "È necessario mantenere almeno una versione.",
"You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "Non si dovrebbe mai aggiungere o modificare nulla localmente in una cartella \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\".", "You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "Non si dovrebbe mai aggiungere o modificare nulla localmente in una cartella \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\".",
"Your SMS app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own number.": "Your SMS app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own number.",
"Your email app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own address.": "Your email app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own address.",
"days": "giorni", "days": "giorni",
"directories": "directory", "directories": "directory",
"files": "file", "files": "file",

View File

@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
"Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "このデバイスが通知するデフォルトのパスで自動的にフォルダを作成、共有します。", "Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "このデバイスが通知するデフォルトのパスで自動的にフォルダを作成、共有します。",
"Available debug logging facilities:": "Available debug logging facilities:", "Available debug logging facilities:": "Available debug logging facilities:",
"Be careful!": "注意!", "Be careful!": "注意!",
"Body:": "Body:",
"Bugs": "バグ", "Bugs": "バグ",
"Cancel": "キャンセル", "Cancel": "キャンセル",
"Changelog": "更新履歴", "Changelog": "更新履歴",
@ -67,6 +68,9 @@
"Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.", "Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.",
"Copied from elsewhere": "別ファイルからコピー済", "Copied from elsewhere": "別ファイルからコピー済",
"Copied from original": "元ファイルからコピー済", "Copied from original": "元ファイルからコピー済",
"Copied!": "Copied!",
"Copy": "Copy",
"Copy failed! Try to select and copy manually.": "Copy failed! Try to select and copy manually.",
"Currently Shared With Devices": "現在共有中のデバイス", "Currently Shared With Devices": "現在共有中のデバイス",
"Custom Range": "Custom Range", "Custom Range": "Custom Range",
"Danger!": "危険!", "Danger!": "危険!",
@ -207,6 +211,7 @@
"Last seen": "最終接続日時", "Last seen": "最終接続日時",
"Latest Change": "最終変更内容", "Latest Change": "最終変更内容",
"Learn more": "詳細を確認する", "Learn more": "詳細を確認する",
"Learn more at {%url%}": "Learn more at {{url}}",
"Limit": "制限", "Limit": "制限",
"Listener Failures": "Listener Failures", "Listener Failures": "Listener Failures",
"Listener Status": "待ち受けポートステータス", "Listener Status": "待ち受けポートステータス",
@ -326,6 +331,8 @@
"Settings": "設定", "Settings": "設定",
"Share": "共有", "Share": "共有",
"Share Folder": "フォルダーを共有する", "Share Folder": "フォルダーを共有する",
"Share by Email": "Share by Email",
"Share by SMS": "Share by SMS",
"Share this folder?": "このフォルダーを共有しますか?", "Share this folder?": "このフォルダーを共有しますか?",
"Shared Folders": "共有中のフォルダー", "Shared Folders": "共有中のフォルダー",
"Shared With": "共有中のデバイス", "Shared With": "共有中のデバイス",
@ -357,6 +364,7 @@
"Statistics": "統計情報", "Statistics": "統計情報",
"Stopped": "停止中", "Stopped": "停止中",
"Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" too.", "Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" too.",
"Subject:": "Subject:",
"Support": "サポート", "Support": "サポート",
"Support Bundle": "Support Bundle", "Support Bundle": "Support Bundle",
"Sync Extended Attributes": "Sync Extended Attributes", "Sync Extended Attributes": "Sync Extended Attributes",
@ -364,9 +372,11 @@
"Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "同期プロトコルの待ち受けアドレス", "Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "同期プロトコルの待ち受けアドレス",
"Sync Status": "同期ステータス", "Sync Status": "同期ステータス",
"Syncing": "同期中", "Syncing": "同期中",
"Syncthing device ID for \"{%devicename%}\"": "Syncthing device ID for \"{{devicename}}\"",
"Syncthing has been shut down.": "Syncthingをシャットダウンしました。", "Syncthing has been shut down.": "Syncthingをシャットダウンしました。",
"Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthingは以下のソフトウェアまたはその一部を内包しています:", "Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthingは以下のソフトウェアまたはその一部を内包しています:",
"Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthingはフリーでオープンソースのソフトウェアであり、ライセンスは MPL v2.0 です。", "Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthingはフリーでオープンソースのソフトウェアであり、ライセンスは MPL v2.0 です。",
"Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, whether it is shared with some third party, and how it's transmitted over the internet.": "Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, whether it is shared with some third party, and how it's transmitted over the internet.",
"Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:", "Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:",
"Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.", "Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.",
"Syncthing is restarting.": "Syncthingを再起動しています。", "Syncthing is restarting.": "Syncthingを再起動しています。",
@ -396,6 +406,7 @@
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "以下の項目は同期できませんでした。", "The following items could not be synchronized.": "以下の項目は同期できませんでした。",
"The following items were changed locally.": "The following items were changed locally.", "The following items were changed locally.": "The following items were changed locally.",
"The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "ネットワーク上で他のデバイスを探索し、他のデバイスにこのデバイスの存在をアナウンスするために、以下の探索方式を使用しています:", "The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "ネットワーク上で他のデバイスを探索し、他のデバイスにこのデバイスの存在をアナウンスするために、以下の探索方式を使用しています:",
"The following text will automatically be inserted into a new message.": "The following text will automatically be inserted into a new message.",
"The following unexpected items were found.": "The following unexpected items were found.", "The following unexpected items were found.": "The following unexpected items were found.",
"The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "間隔は0秒以下にはできません。", "The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "間隔は0秒以下にはできません。",
"The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.", "The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.",
@ -422,6 +433,7 @@
"This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "この設定は、ホームディスク (インデックスデータベースがあるディスク) で必要な空き容量を管理します。", "This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "この設定は、ホームディスク (インデックスデータベースがあるディスク) で必要な空き容量を管理します。",
"Time": "日時", "Time": "日時",
"Time the item was last modified": "項目を最後に変更した日時", "Time the item was last modified": "項目を最後に変更した日時",
"To connect with the Syncthing device named \"{%devicename%}\", add a new remote device on your end with this ID:": "To connect with the Syncthing device named \"{{devicename}}\", add a new remote device on your end with this ID:",
"Today": "今日", "Today": "今日",
"Trash Can": "Trash Can", "Trash Can": "Trash Can",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "ゴミ箱によるバージョン管理", "Trash Can File Versioning": "ゴミ箱によるバージョン管理",
@ -473,6 +485,7 @@
"When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "新しいフォルダーを追加する際、フォルダーIDはデバイス間でフォルダーの対応づけに使われることに注意してください。フォルダーIDは大文字と小文字が区別され、共有するすべてのデバイスの間で完全に一致しなくてはなりません。", "When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "新しいフォルダーを追加する際、フォルダーIDはデバイス間でフォルダーの対応づけに使われることに注意してください。フォルダーIDは大文字と小文字が区別され、共有するすべてのデバイスの間で完全に一致しなくてはなりません。",
"Yes": "はい", "Yes": "はい",
"Yesterday": "昨日", "Yesterday": "昨日",
"You can also copy and paste the text into a new message manually.": "You can also copy and paste the text into a new message manually.",
"You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "近くに検出された以下のデバイスの一つを選択できます。", "You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "近くに検出された以下のデバイスの一つを選択できます。",
"You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "この設定はいつでも変更できます。", "You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "この設定はいつでも変更できます。",
"You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "2種類のリリースチャネルについての詳細は、以下のリンク先を参照してください。", "You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "2種類のリリースチャネルについての詳細は、以下のリンク先を参照してください。",
@ -481,6 +494,8 @@
"You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "未保存の変更があります。本当に破棄してよろしいですか?", "You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "未保存の変更があります。本当に破棄してよろしいですか?",
"You must keep at least one version.": "少なくとも一つのバージョンを保持する必要があります。", "You must keep at least one version.": "少なくとも一つのバージョンを保持する必要があります。",
"You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" folder.", "You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" folder.",
"Your SMS app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own number.": "Your SMS app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own number.",
"Your email app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own address.": "Your email app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own address.",
"days": "日", "days": "日",
"directories": "個のディレクトリ", "directories": "個のディレクトリ",
"files": "個のファイル", "files": "個のファイル",

View File

@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
"Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "이 기기가 통보하는 폴더들이 기본 경로에서 자동으로 생성 또는 공유됩나다.", "Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "이 기기가 통보하는 폴더들이 기본 경로에서 자동으로 생성 또는 공유됩나다.",
"Available debug logging facilities:": "사용 가능한 디버그 기록 기능:", "Available debug logging facilities:": "사용 가능한 디버그 기록 기능:",
"Be careful!": "주의하십시오!", "Be careful!": "주의하십시오!",
"Body:": "내용:",
"Bugs": "버그", "Bugs": "버그",
"Cancel": "취소", "Cancel": "취소",
"Changelog": "변경 기록", "Changelog": "변경 기록",
@ -67,6 +68,9 @@
"Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "지속적 변경 항목 감시 기능이 Syncthing에 추가되었습니다. 저장장치에서 변경 항목이 감시되면 변경된 경로에서만 탐색이 실시됩니다. 변경 항목이 더 빠르게 전파되며 완전 탐색 횟수가 줄어드는 이점이 있습니다.", "Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "지속적 변경 항목 감시 기능이 Syncthing에 추가되었습니다. 저장장치에서 변경 항목이 감시되면 변경된 경로에서만 탐색이 실시됩니다. 변경 항목이 더 빠르게 전파되며 완전 탐색 횟수가 줄어드는 이점이 있습니다.",
"Copied from elsewhere": "다른 곳에서 복사됨", "Copied from elsewhere": "다른 곳에서 복사됨",
"Copied from original": "원 파일에서 복사됨", "Copied from original": "원 파일에서 복사됨",
"Copied!": "복사되었습니다.",
"Copy": "복사",
"Copy failed! Try to select and copy manually.": "복사에 실패했습니다. 수동으로 선택 후 복사해 보십시오.",
"Currently Shared With Devices": "공유된 기기", "Currently Shared With Devices": "공유된 기기",
"Custom Range": "사용자 설정 기간", "Custom Range": "사용자 설정 기간",
"Danger!": "위험!", "Danger!": "위험!",
@ -207,6 +211,7 @@
"Last seen": "최근 연결", "Last seen": "최근 연결",
"Latest Change": "최신 변경 항목", "Latest Change": "최신 변경 항목",
"Learn more": "더 알아보기", "Learn more": "더 알아보기",
"Learn more at {%url%}": "Więcej informacji na {{url}}",
"Limit": "제한", "Limit": "제한",
"Listener Failures": "대기자 실패", "Listener Failures": "대기자 실패",
"Listener Status": "대기자 현황", "Listener Status": "대기자 현황",
@ -326,6 +331,8 @@
"Settings": "설정", "Settings": "설정",
"Share": "공유", "Share": "공유",
"Share Folder": "폴더 공유", "Share Folder": "폴더 공유",
"Share by Email": "메일로 공유하기",
"Share by SMS": "문자로 공유하기",
"Share this folder?": "이 폴더를 공유하시겠습니까?", "Share this folder?": "이 폴더를 공유하시겠습니까?",
"Shared Folders": "공유된 폴더", "Shared Folders": "공유된 폴더",
"Shared With": "공유된 기기", "Shared With": "공유된 기기",
@ -357,6 +364,7 @@
"Statistics": "통계", "Statistics": "통계",
"Stopped": "중지됨", "Stopped": "중지됨",
"Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "암호화된 데이터만이 보관되어 동기화됩니다. 모든 공유된 기기의 폴더가 동일한 비밀번호를 설정하거나 동일한 \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" 유형이어야 합니다.", "Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "암호화된 데이터만이 보관되어 동기화됩니다. 모든 공유된 기기의 폴더가 동일한 비밀번호를 설정하거나 동일한 \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" 유형이어야 합니다.",
"Subject:": "제목:",
"Support": "지원", "Support": "지원",
"Support Bundle": "지원 묶음", "Support Bundle": "지원 묶음",
"Sync Extended Attributes": "확장 특성 동기화", "Sync Extended Attributes": "확장 특성 동기화",
@ -364,9 +372,11 @@
"Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "동기화 규약 대기 주소", "Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "동기화 규약 대기 주소",
"Sync Status": "동기화 현황", "Sync Status": "동기화 현황",
"Syncing": "동기화", "Syncing": "동기화",
"Syncthing device ID for \"{%devicename%}\"": "\"{{devicename}}\" 기기의 Syncthing 식별자",
"Syncthing has been shut down.": "Syncthing이 종료되었습니다.", "Syncthing has been shut down.": "Syncthing이 종료되었습니다.",
"Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing은 다음과 같은 소프트웨어 또는 그 일부를 포함합니다.", "Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing은 다음과 같은 소프트웨어 또는 그 일부를 포함합니다.",
"Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthing은 MPL v2.0으로 허가된 자유-오픈 소스 소프트웨어입니다.", "Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthing은 MPL v2.0으로 허가된 자유-오픈 소스 소프트웨어입니다.",
"Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, whether it is shared with some third party, and how it's transmitted over the internet.": "Syncthing은 지속적인 파일 동기화를 위한 프로그램입니다. 둘 이상의 컴퓨터 사이에 파일을 실시간으로 동기화하며 타인에게 노출되지 않도록 보호해 준다. 귀하의 데이터는 귀하만의 소유이며 이를 어디서 보관할지, 제삼자와 공유할지, 그리고 인터넷으로 어떻게 전송할지를 결정할 권리가 귀하에게만 있습니다.",
"Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "Syncthing이 다른 기기로부터 들어오는 접속 시도를 다음 주소에서 대기 중입니다.", "Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "Syncthing이 다른 기기로부터 들어오는 접속 시도를 다음 주소에서 대기 중입니다.",
"Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "Syncthing이 다른 기기로부터 들어오는 접속 시도를 대기하는 주소가 존재하지 않습니다. 현재 기기에서 전송하는 접속만으로 연결이 이루어질 수 있습니다.", "Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "Syncthing이 다른 기기로부터 들어오는 접속 시도를 대기하는 주소가 존재하지 않습니다. 현재 기기에서 전송하는 접속만으로 연결이 이루어질 수 있습니다.",
"Syncthing is restarting.": "Syncthing이 재시작 중입니다.", "Syncthing is restarting.": "Syncthing이 재시작 중입니다.",
@ -396,6 +406,7 @@
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "다음 항목이 동기화되지 못했습니다.", "The following items could not be synchronized.": "다음 항목이 동기화되지 못했습니다.",
"The following items were changed locally.": "다음 항목이 현재 기기에서 변경되었습니다.", "The following items were changed locally.": "다음 항목이 현재 기기에서 변경되었습니다.",
"The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "망 내의 다른 기기 탐지 및 현재 기기 통보를 위한 다음 방식이 사용 중입니다.", "The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "망 내의 다른 기기 탐지 및 현재 기기 통보를 위한 다음 방식이 사용 중입니다.",
"The following text will automatically be inserted into a new message.": "다음 내용이 새 메시지에 자동으로 추가될 것입니다.",
"The following unexpected items were found.": "다음 예기치 못한 항목이 발견되었습니다.", "The following unexpected items were found.": "다음 예기치 못한 항목이 발견되었습니다.",
"The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "간격은 초 단위의 양수여야 합니다.", "The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "간격은 초 단위의 양수여야 합니다.",
"The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "버전 폴더를 정리하는 초 단위의 간격입니다. 주기적 정리를 비활성화하려면 0을 입력하십시오.", "The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "버전 폴더를 정리하는 초 단위의 간격입니다. 주기적 정리를 비활성화하려면 0을 입력하십시오.",
@ -422,6 +433,7 @@
"This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "이 설정은 홈(즉, 인덕스 데이터베이스) 저장 장치의 여유 공간을 관리합니다.", "This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "이 설정은 홈(즉, 인덕스 데이터베이스) 저장 장치의 여유 공간을 관리합니다.",
"Time": "시간", "Time": "시간",
"Time the item was last modified": "항목이 가장 최근에 수정된 시간", "Time the item was last modified": "항목이 가장 최근에 수정된 시간",
"To connect with the Syncthing device named \"{%devicename%}\", add a new remote device on your end with this ID:": "\"{{devicename}}\" 기기와 연동하려면 아래의 식별자를 이용해 본인의 기기에서 새로운 기기를 추가하십시오.",
"Today": "오늘", "Today": "오늘",
"Trash Can": "휴지통", "Trash Can": "휴지통",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "휴지통을 통한 파일 버전 관리", "Trash Can File Versioning": "휴지통을 통한 파일 버전 관리",
@ -473,6 +485,7 @@
"When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "새 폴더를 추가할 때 폴더 식별자는 기기 간에 폴더를 묶어줍니다. 대소문자가 구분되며 모든 기기에서 동일해야 합니다.", "When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "새 폴더를 추가할 때 폴더 식별자는 기기 간에 폴더를 묶어줍니다. 대소문자가 구분되며 모든 기기에서 동일해야 합니다.",
"Yes": "예", "Yes": "예",
"Yesterday": "어제", "Yesterday": "어제",
"You can also copy and paste the text into a new message manually.": "또는 내용을 복사해서 새 메시지에 직접 붙여 넣으셔도 됩니다.",
"You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "주변의 기기 중 하나를 선택할 수도 있습니다.", "You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "주변의 기기 중 하나를 선택할 수도 있습니다.",
"You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "설정창에서 기존의 설정을 언제나 변경할 수 있습니다.", "You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "설정창에서 기존의 설정을 언제나 변경할 수 있습니다.",
"You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "두 가지의 출시 경로에 대해서는 아래의 링크를 참조하여 자세히 읽어보실 수 있습니다.", "You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "두 가지의 출시 경로에 대해서는 아래의 링크를 참조하여 자세히 읽어보실 수 있습니다.",
@ -481,6 +494,8 @@
"You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "저장되지 않은 변경 사항이 있습니다. 변경 사항을 무시하시겠습니까?", "You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "저장되지 않은 변경 사항이 있습니다. 변경 사항을 무시하시겠습니까?",
"You must keep at least one version.": "최소 한 개의 버전은 유지해야 합니다.", "You must keep at least one version.": "최소 한 개의 버전은 유지해야 합니다.",
"You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "\"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" 유형의 폴더는 현재 기기에서 아무것도 추가 또는 변경해서는 안 됩니다.", "You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "\"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" 유형의 폴더는 현재 기기에서 아무것도 추가 또는 변경해서는 안 됩니다.",
"Your SMS app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own number.": "문자 애플리케이션이 실행되면 수신자를 선택한 후 본인의 전화번호에서 메시지를 전송하십시오.",
"Your email app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own address.": "메일 애플리케이션이 실행되면 수신자를 선택한 후 본인의 주소에서 메시지를 전송하십시오.",
"days": "일", "days": "일",
"directories": "개의 폴더", "directories": "개의 폴더",
"files": "개의 파일", "files": "개의 파일",

View File

@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
"Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "Automatiškai sukurti ar dalintis aplankais, kuriuos šis įrenginys skelbia numatytajame kelyje.", "Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "Automatiškai sukurti ar dalintis aplankais, kuriuos šis įrenginys skelbia numatytajame kelyje.",
"Available debug logging facilities:": "Prieinamos derinimo registravimo priemonės:", "Available debug logging facilities:": "Prieinamos derinimo registravimo priemonės:",
"Be careful!": "Būkite atsargūs!", "Be careful!": "Būkite atsargūs!",
"Body:": "Body:",
"Bugs": "Klaidos", "Bugs": "Klaidos",
"Cancel": "Atsisakyti", "Cancel": "Atsisakyti",
"Changelog": "Pasikeitimai", "Changelog": "Pasikeitimai",
@ -67,6 +68,9 @@
"Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "Pastoviai stebėti pakeitimus dabar galima Syncthing viduje. Tai aptiks pakeitimus jūsų diske ir paleis nuskaitymą tik modifikuotuose keliuose. Pranašumas yra tas, kad pakeitimai sklis greičiau ir reikės mažiau pilnų nuskaitymų.", "Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "Pastoviai stebėti pakeitimus dabar galima Syncthing viduje. Tai aptiks pakeitimus jūsų diske ir paleis nuskaitymą tik modifikuotuose keliuose. Pranašumas yra tas, kad pakeitimai sklis greičiau ir reikės mažiau pilnų nuskaitymų.",
"Copied from elsewhere": "Nukopijuota iš kitur", "Copied from elsewhere": "Nukopijuota iš kitur",
"Copied from original": "Nukopijuota iš originalo", "Copied from original": "Nukopijuota iš originalo",
"Copied!": "Nukopijuota!",
"Copy": "Copy",
"Copy failed! Try to select and copy manually.": "Copy failed! Try to select and copy manually.",
"Currently Shared With Devices": "Šiuo metu bendrinama su įrenginiais", "Currently Shared With Devices": "Šiuo metu bendrinama su įrenginiais",
"Custom Range": "Custom Range", "Custom Range": "Custom Range",
"Danger!": "Pavojus!", "Danger!": "Pavojus!",
@ -207,6 +211,7 @@
"Last seen": "Paskutinį kartą matytas", "Last seen": "Paskutinį kartą matytas",
"Latest Change": "Paskutinis pakeitimas", "Latest Change": "Paskutinis pakeitimas",
"Learn more": "Sužinoti daugiau", "Learn more": "Sužinoti daugiau",
"Learn more at {%url%}": "Learn more at {{url}}",
"Limit": "Apribojimas", "Limit": "Apribojimas",
"Listener Failures": "Listener Failures", "Listener Failures": "Listener Failures",
"Listener Status": "Listener Status", "Listener Status": "Listener Status",
@ -326,6 +331,8 @@
"Settings": "Nustatymai", "Settings": "Nustatymai",
"Share": "Bendrinti", "Share": "Bendrinti",
"Share Folder": "Bendrinti aplanką", "Share Folder": "Bendrinti aplanką",
"Share by Email": "Share by Email",
"Share by SMS": "Share by SMS",
"Share this folder?": "Bendrinti šį aplanką?", "Share this folder?": "Bendrinti šį aplanką?",
"Shared Folders": "Bendrinami aplankai", "Shared Folders": "Bendrinami aplankai",
"Shared With": "Bendrinama su", "Shared With": "Bendrinama su",
@ -357,6 +364,7 @@
"Statistics": "Statistika", "Statistics": "Statistika",
"Stopped": "Sustabdyta", "Stopped": "Sustabdyta",
"Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" too.", "Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" too.",
"Subject:": "Subject:",
"Support": "Pagalba", "Support": "Pagalba",
"Support Bundle": "Palaikymo paketas", "Support Bundle": "Palaikymo paketas",
"Sync Extended Attributes": "Sync Extended Attributes", "Sync Extended Attributes": "Sync Extended Attributes",
@ -364,9 +372,11 @@
"Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "Sutapatinimo taisyklių adresas", "Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "Sutapatinimo taisyklių adresas",
"Sync Status": "Sync Status", "Sync Status": "Sync Status",
"Syncing": "Sutapatinama", "Syncing": "Sutapatinama",
"Syncthing device ID for \"{%devicename%}\"": "Syncthing device ID for \"{{devicename}}\"",
"Syncthing has been shut down.": "Syncthing išjungtas", "Syncthing has been shut down.": "Syncthing išjungtas",
"Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing naudoja šias programas ar jų dalis:", "Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing naudoja šias programas ar jų dalis:",
"Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthing yra laisva ir atvirojo kodo programinė įranga, licencijuota pagal MPL v2.0.", "Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthing yra laisva ir atvirojo kodo programinė įranga, licencijuota pagal MPL v2.0.",
"Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, whether it is shared with some third party, and how it's transmitted over the internet.": "Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, whether it is shared with some third party, and how it's transmitted over the internet.",
"Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:", "Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:",
"Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.", "Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.",
"Syncthing is restarting.": "Syncthing perleidžiamas", "Syncthing is restarting.": "Syncthing perleidžiamas",
@ -396,6 +406,7 @@
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "Nepavyko parsiųsti šių failų.", "The following items could not be synchronized.": "Nepavyko parsiųsti šių failų.",
"The following items were changed locally.": "Šie elementai buvo pakeisti vietoje.", "The following items were changed locally.": "Šie elementai buvo pakeisti vietoje.",
"The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:", "The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:",
"The following text will automatically be inserted into a new message.": "The following text will automatically be inserted into a new message.",
"The following unexpected items were found.": "Buvo rasti šie netikėti elementai.", "The following unexpected items were found.": "Buvo rasti šie netikėti elementai.",
"The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "The interval must be a positive number of seconds.", "The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "The interval must be a positive number of seconds.",
"The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.", "The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.",
@ -422,6 +433,7 @@
"This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "Šis nustatymas valdo laisvą vietą, kuri yra reikalinga namų (duomenų bazės) diske.", "This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "Šis nustatymas valdo laisvą vietą, kuri yra reikalinga namų (duomenų bazės) diske.",
"Time": "Laikas", "Time": "Laikas",
"Time the item was last modified": "Laikas, kai elementas buvo paskutinį kartą modifikuotas", "Time the item was last modified": "Laikas, kai elementas buvo paskutinį kartą modifikuotas",
"To connect with the Syncthing device named \"{%devicename%}\", add a new remote device on your end with this ID:": "To connect with the Syncthing device named \"{{devicename}}\", add a new remote device on your end with this ID:",
"Today": "Šiandien", "Today": "Šiandien",
"Trash Can": "Šiukšlinė", "Trash Can": "Šiukšlinė",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Šiukšliadėžės versijų valdymas", "Trash Can File Versioning": "Šiukšliadėžės versijų valdymas",
@ -473,6 +485,7 @@
"When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "Kai įvedate naują aplanką neužmirškite, kad jis bus naudojamas visuose įrenginiuose. Svarbu visur įvesti visiškai tokį pat aplanko vardą neužmirštant apie didžiąsias ir mažąsias raides.", "When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "Kai įvedate naują aplanką neužmirškite, kad jis bus naudojamas visuose įrenginiuose. Svarbu visur įvesti visiškai tokį pat aplanko vardą neužmirštant apie didžiąsias ir mažąsias raides.",
"Yes": "Taip", "Yes": "Taip",
"Yesterday": "Vakar", "Yesterday": "Vakar",
"You can also copy and paste the text into a new message manually.": "You can also copy and paste the text into a new message manually.",
"You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "Jūs taip pat galite pasirinkti vieną iš šių šalia esančių įrenginių:", "You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "Jūs taip pat galite pasirinkti vieną iš šių šalia esančių įrenginių:",
"You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "Jūs bet kuriuo metu galite pakeisti savo pasirinkimą nustatymų dialoge.", "You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "Jūs bet kuriuo metu galite pakeisti savo pasirinkimą nustatymų dialoge.",
"You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "Jūs galite perskaityti daugiau apie šiuos du laidos kanalus, pasinaudodami žemiau esančia nuoroda.", "You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "Jūs galite perskaityti daugiau apie šiuos du laidos kanalus, pasinaudodami žemiau esančia nuoroda.",
@ -481,6 +494,8 @@
"You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "Turite neįrašytų pakeitimų. Ar tikrai norite juos atmesti?", "You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "Turite neįrašytų pakeitimų. Ar tikrai norite juos atmesti?",
"You must keep at least one version.": "Būtina saugoti bent vieną versiją.", "You must keep at least one version.": "Būtina saugoti bent vieną versiją.",
"You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" folder.", "You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" folder.",
"Your SMS app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own number.": "Your SMS app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own number.",
"Your email app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own address.": "Your email app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own address.",
"days": "dienos", "days": "dienos",
"directories": "katalogai", "directories": "katalogai",
"files": "failai", "files": "failai",

View File

@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
"Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "Automatisch mappen die dit apparaat aankondigt aanmaken of delen op de standaardlocatie.", "Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "Automatisch mappen die dit apparaat aankondigt aanmaken of delen op de standaardlocatie.",
"Available debug logging facilities:": "Beschikbare debuglog-mogelijkheden:", "Available debug logging facilities:": "Beschikbare debuglog-mogelijkheden:",
"Be careful!": "Wees voorzichtig!", "Be careful!": "Wees voorzichtig!",
"Body:": "Inhoud:",
"Bugs": "Bugs", "Bugs": "Bugs",
"Cancel": "Annuleren", "Cancel": "Annuleren",
"Changelog": "Wijzigingenlogboek", "Changelog": "Wijzigingenlogboek",
@ -67,6 +68,9 @@
"Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "Voortdurend opvolgen van wijzigingen is nu beschikbaar in Syncthing. Dit zal wijzigingen op een schijf detecteren en alleen een scan uitvoeren op de gewijzigde paden. De voordelen zijn dat wijzigingen sneller doorgevoerd worden en dat minder volledige scans nodig zijn.", "Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "Voortdurend opvolgen van wijzigingen is nu beschikbaar in Syncthing. Dit zal wijzigingen op een schijf detecteren en alleen een scan uitvoeren op de gewijzigde paden. De voordelen zijn dat wijzigingen sneller doorgevoerd worden en dat minder volledige scans nodig zijn.",
"Copied from elsewhere": "Gekopieerd van elders", "Copied from elsewhere": "Gekopieerd van elders",
"Copied from original": "Gekopieerd van origineel", "Copied from original": "Gekopieerd van origineel",
"Copied!": "Gekopieerd!",
"Copy": "Kopiëren",
"Copy failed! Try to select and copy manually.": "Kopiëren mislukt! Probeer om te selecteren en handmatig te kopiëren.",
"Currently Shared With Devices": "Momenteel gedeeld met apparaten", "Currently Shared With Devices": "Momenteel gedeeld met apparaten",
"Custom Range": "Aangepast bereik", "Custom Range": "Aangepast bereik",
"Danger!": "Let op!", "Danger!": "Let op!",
@ -207,6 +211,7 @@
"Last seen": "Laatst gezien op", "Last seen": "Laatst gezien op",
"Latest Change": "Laatste wijziging", "Latest Change": "Laatste wijziging",
"Learn more": "Lees meer", "Learn more": "Lees meer",
"Learn more at {%url%}": "Meer informatie op {{url}}",
"Limit": "Begrenzing", "Limit": "Begrenzing",
"Listener Failures": "Luisteraarfouten", "Listener Failures": "Luisteraarfouten",
"Listener Status": "Luisteraarstatus", "Listener Status": "Luisteraarstatus",
@ -326,6 +331,8 @@
"Settings": "Instellingen", "Settings": "Instellingen",
"Share": "Delen", "Share": "Delen",
"Share Folder": "Map delen", "Share Folder": "Map delen",
"Share by Email": "Delen via e-mail",
"Share by SMS": "Delen via sms",
"Share this folder?": "Deze map delen?", "Share this folder?": "Deze map delen?",
"Shared Folders": "Gedeelde mappen", "Shared Folders": "Gedeelde mappen",
"Shared With": "Gedeeld met", "Shared With": "Gedeeld met",
@ -357,6 +364,7 @@
"Statistics": "Statistieken", "Statistics": "Statistieken",
"Stopped": "Gestopt", "Stopped": "Gestopt",
"Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "Bewaart en synchroniseert alleen versleutelde gegevens. Mappen op alle verbonden apparaten moeten met hetzelfde wachtwoord ingesteld worden of ook van het type \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" zijn.", "Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "Bewaart en synchroniseert alleen versleutelde gegevens. Mappen op alle verbonden apparaten moeten met hetzelfde wachtwoord ingesteld worden of ook van het type \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" zijn.",
"Subject:": "Onderwerp:",
"Support": "Ondersteuning", "Support": "Ondersteuning",
"Support Bundle": "Ondersteuningspakket", "Support Bundle": "Ondersteuningspakket",
"Sync Extended Attributes": "Uitgebreide attributen synchroniseren", "Sync Extended Attributes": "Uitgebreide attributen synchroniseren",
@ -364,9 +372,11 @@
"Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "Luisteradressen synchronisatieprotocol", "Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "Luisteradressen synchronisatieprotocol",
"Sync Status": "Synchronisatiestatus", "Sync Status": "Synchronisatiestatus",
"Syncing": "Synchroniseren", "Syncing": "Synchroniseren",
"Syncthing device ID for \"{%devicename%}\"": "Syncthing-apparaat-ID voor \"{{devicename}}\"",
"Syncthing has been shut down.": "Syncthing werd afgesloten.", "Syncthing has been shut down.": "Syncthing werd afgesloten.",
"Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing bevat de volgende software of delen daarvan:", "Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing bevat de volgende software of delen daarvan:",
"Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthing is gratis en opensource software onder licentie van MPL v2.0.", "Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthing is gratis en opensource software onder licentie van MPL v2.0.",
"Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, whether it is shared with some third party, and how it's transmitted over the internet.": "Syncthing is een doorlopend bestandssynchronisatieprogramma. Het synchroniseert bestanden tussen twee of meer computers in realtime, veilig beschermd tegen nieuwsgierige ogen. Uw gegevens zijn uw gegevens alleen en u verdient het om te kiezen waar ze worden opgeslagen, of ze worden gedeeld met een derde partij, en hoe ze worden verzonden via het internet.",
"Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "Syncthing luistert op de volgende netwerkadressen naar verbindingspogingen van andere apparaten:", "Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "Syncthing luistert op de volgende netwerkadressen naar verbindingspogingen van andere apparaten:",
"Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "Syncthing luistert op geen enkel adres naar verbindingspogingen van andere apparaten. Alleen uitgaande verbindingen vanaf dit apparaat zouden kunnen werken.", "Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "Syncthing luistert op geen enkel adres naar verbindingspogingen van andere apparaten. Alleen uitgaande verbindingen vanaf dit apparaat zouden kunnen werken.",
"Syncthing is restarting.": "Syncthing wordt opnieuw gestart.", "Syncthing is restarting.": "Syncthing wordt opnieuw gestart.",
@ -396,6 +406,7 @@
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "De volgende items konden niet gesynchroniseerd worden.", "The following items could not be synchronized.": "De volgende items konden niet gesynchroniseerd worden.",
"The following items were changed locally.": "De volgende items werden lokaal gewijzigd.", "The following items were changed locally.": "De volgende items werden lokaal gewijzigd.",
"The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "De volgende methodes worden gebruikt om andere apparaten in het netwerk te detecteren en dit apparaat aan te kondigen zodat het door anderen kan worden gevonden:", "The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "De volgende methodes worden gebruikt om andere apparaten in het netwerk te detecteren en dit apparaat aan te kondigen zodat het door anderen kan worden gevonden:",
"The following text will automatically be inserted into a new message.": "De volgende tekst wordt automatisch ingevoegd in een nieuw bericht.",
"The following unexpected items were found.": "De volgende onverwachte items zijn teruggevonden.", "The following unexpected items were found.": "De volgende onverwachte items zijn teruggevonden.",
"The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "Het interval moet een positief aantal seconden zijn.", "The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "Het interval moet een positief aantal seconden zijn.",
"The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "Het interval, in seconden, voor het uitvoeren van opruiming in de versie-map. Nul om de regelmatige schoonmaak uit te schakelen.", "The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "Het interval, in seconden, voor het uitvoeren van opruiming in de versie-map. Nul om de regelmatige schoonmaak uit te schakelen.",
@ -422,6 +433,7 @@
"This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "Deze instelling bepaalt de benodigde vrije ruimte op de home-schijf (d.w.z. de indexdatabase).", "This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "Deze instelling bepaalt de benodigde vrije ruimte op de home-schijf (d.w.z. de indexdatabase).",
"Time": "Tijd", "Time": "Tijd",
"Time the item was last modified": "Tijdstip waarop het item laatst gewijzigd is", "Time the item was last modified": "Tijdstip waarop het item laatst gewijzigd is",
"To connect with the Syncthing device named \"{%devicename%}\", add a new remote device on your end with this ID:": "Om verbinding te maken met het Syncthing-apparaat \"{{devicename}}\", voegt u aan uw kant een nieuw extern apparaat toe met deze ID:",
"Today": "Vandaag", "Today": "Vandaag",
"Trash Can": "Prullenbak", "Trash Can": "Prullenbak",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Prullenbak-versiebeheer", "Trash Can File Versioning": "Prullenbak-versiebeheer",
@ -473,6 +485,7 @@
"When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "Houd er bij het toevoegen van een nieuwe map rekening mee dat de map-ID gebruikt wordt om mappen aan elkaar te koppelen tussen apparaten. Ze zijn hoofdlettergevoelig en moeten exact overeenkomen op alle apparaten.", "When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "Houd er bij het toevoegen van een nieuwe map rekening mee dat de map-ID gebruikt wordt om mappen aan elkaar te koppelen tussen apparaten. Ze zijn hoofdlettergevoelig en moeten exact overeenkomen op alle apparaten.",
"Yes": "Ja", "Yes": "Ja",
"Yesterday": "Gisteren", "Yesterday": "Gisteren",
"You can also copy and paste the text into a new message manually.": "U kunt de tekst ook handmatig kopiëren en in een nieuw bericht plakken",
"You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "U kunt ook een van deze apparaten in de buurt selecteren:", "You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "U kunt ook een van deze apparaten in de buurt selecteren:",
"You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "U kunt uw keuze op elk moment aanpassen in het instellingen-venster.", "You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "U kunt uw keuze op elk moment aanpassen in het instellingen-venster.",
"You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "U kunt meer te weten komen over de twee release-kanalen via onderstaande link.", "You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "U kunt meer te weten komen over de twee release-kanalen via onderstaande link.",
@ -481,6 +494,8 @@
"You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "U hebt niet-opgeslagen wijzigingen. Wilt u ze echt verwerpen?", "You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "U hebt niet-opgeslagen wijzigingen. Wilt u ze echt verwerpen?",
"You must keep at least one version.": "U moet minstens één versie bewaren.", "You must keep at least one version.": "U moet minstens één versie bewaren.",
"You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "U mag lokaal nooit iets toevoegen of wijzigen in een \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\"-map.", "You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "U mag lokaal nooit iets toevoegen of wijzigen in een \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\"-map.",
"Your SMS app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own number.": "Uw sms-app zou moeten openen om u de ontvanger te laten kiezen en het te versturen vanaf uw eigen nummer.",
"Your email app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own address.": "Uw e-mail-app zou moeten openen om u de ontvanger te laten kiezen en het te versturen vanaf uw eigen adres.",
"days": "dagen", "days": "dagen",
"directories": "mappen", "directories": "mappen",
"files": "bestanden", "files": "bestanden",

View File

@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
"Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "Automatycznie współdziel lub utwórz w domyślnej ścieżce foldery anonsowane przez to urządzenie.", "Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "Automatycznie współdziel lub utwórz w domyślnej ścieżce foldery anonsowane przez to urządzenie.",
"Available debug logging facilities:": "Dostępne narzędzia logujące do debugowania:", "Available debug logging facilities:": "Dostępne narzędzia logujące do debugowania:",
"Be careful!": "Ostrożnie!", "Be careful!": "Ostrożnie!",
"Body:": "Treść:",
"Bugs": "Błędy", "Bugs": "Błędy",
"Cancel": "Anuluj", "Cancel": "Anuluj",
"Changelog": "Historia zmian", "Changelog": "Historia zmian",
@ -67,6 +68,9 @@
"Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "Ciągłe obserwowanie zmian jest już dostępne w programie Syncthing. Będzie ono wykrywać zmiany na dysku i uruchamiać skanowanie tylko w zmodyfikowanych ścieżkach. Zalety tego rozwiązania są takie, że zmiany rozsyłane są szybciej oraz że wymagane jest mniej pełnych skanowań.", "Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "Ciągłe obserwowanie zmian jest już dostępne w programie Syncthing. Będzie ono wykrywać zmiany na dysku i uruchamiać skanowanie tylko w zmodyfikowanych ścieżkach. Zalety tego rozwiązania są takie, że zmiany rozsyłane są szybciej oraz że wymagane jest mniej pełnych skanowań.",
"Copied from elsewhere": "Skopiowane z innego miejsca ", "Copied from elsewhere": "Skopiowane z innego miejsca ",
"Copied from original": "Skopiowane z pierwotnego pliku", "Copied from original": "Skopiowane z pierwotnego pliku",
"Copied!": "Skopiowano!",
"Copy": "Kopiuj",
"Copy failed! Try to select and copy manually.": "Nie udało się skopiować! Spróbuj zaznaczyć, a następnie skopiować ręcznie.",
"Currently Shared With Devices": "Obecnie współdzielony z urządzeniami", "Currently Shared With Devices": "Obecnie współdzielony z urządzeniami",
"Custom Range": "Niestandardowy okres", "Custom Range": "Niestandardowy okres",
"Danger!": "Niebezpieczeństwo!", "Danger!": "Niebezpieczeństwo!",
@ -207,6 +211,7 @@
"Last seen": "Ostatnio widziany", "Last seen": "Ostatnio widziany",
"Latest Change": "Ostatnia zmiana", "Latest Change": "Ostatnia zmiana",
"Learn more": "Dowiedz się więcej", "Learn more": "Dowiedz się więcej",
"Learn more at {%url%}": "자세한 내용은 {{url}}을 참조하십시오.",
"Limit": "Ograniczenie", "Limit": "Ograniczenie",
"Listener Failures": "Błędy nasłuchujących", "Listener Failures": "Błędy nasłuchujących",
"Listener Status": "Stan nasłuchujących", "Listener Status": "Stan nasłuchujących",
@ -326,6 +331,8 @@
"Settings": "Ustawienia", "Settings": "Ustawienia",
"Share": "Współdziel", "Share": "Współdziel",
"Share Folder": "Współdziel folder", "Share Folder": "Współdziel folder",
"Share by Email": "Udostępnij przez e-mail",
"Share by SMS": "Udostępnij przez SMS",
"Share this folder?": "Czy chcesz współdzielić ten folder?", "Share this folder?": "Czy chcesz współdzielić ten folder?",
"Shared Folders": "Współdzielone foldery", "Shared Folders": "Współdzielone foldery",
"Shared With": "Współdzielony z", "Shared With": "Współdzielony z",
@ -357,6 +364,7 @@
"Statistics": "Statystyki", "Statistics": "Statystyki",
"Stopped": "Zatrzymany", "Stopped": "Zatrzymany",
"Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "Przechowuje i synchronizuje tylko zaszyfrowane dane. Foldery na wszystkich połączonych urządzeniach muszą używać tego samego hasła bądź też być rodzaju \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\".", "Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "Przechowuje i synchronizuje tylko zaszyfrowane dane. Foldery na wszystkich połączonych urządzeniach muszą używać tego samego hasła bądź też być rodzaju \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\".",
"Subject:": "Tytuł:",
"Support": "Pomoc", "Support": "Pomoc",
"Support Bundle": "Pakiet wsparcia", "Support Bundle": "Pakiet wsparcia",
"Sync Extended Attributes": "Synchronizacja atrybutów rozszerzonych", "Sync Extended Attributes": "Synchronizacja atrybutów rozszerzonych",
@ -364,9 +372,11 @@
"Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "Adres nasłuchu protokołu synchronizacji", "Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "Adres nasłuchu protokołu synchronizacji",
"Sync Status": "Stan synchronizacji", "Sync Status": "Stan synchronizacji",
"Syncing": "Synchronizowanie", "Syncing": "Synchronizowanie",
"Syncthing device ID for \"{%devicename%}\"": "Identyfikator Syncthing dla urządzenia \"{{devicename}}\"",
"Syncthing has been shut down.": "Syncthing został wyłączony.", "Syncthing has been shut down.": "Syncthing został wyłączony.",
"Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing zawiera następujące oprogramowanie lub ich części:", "Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing zawiera następujące oprogramowanie lub ich części:",
"Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthing to wolne i otwarte oprogramowanie na licencji MPL 2.0.", "Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthing to wolne i otwarte oprogramowanie na licencji MPL 2.0.",
"Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, whether it is shared with some third party, and how it's transmitted over the internet.": "Syncthing to program służący do ciągłej synchronizacji plików. W czasie rzeczywistym synchronizuje on pliki pomiędzy dwoma lub więcej komputerami chroniąc je przed wścibskimi oczami. Twoje dane należą wyłącznie do Ciebie i zasługujesz na wybór, gdzie są one przechowywane, czy są udostępniane osobom trzecim oraz w jaki sposób przesyłane są przez Internet.",
"Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "Syncthing nasłuchuje prób połączeń z innych urządzeń pod następującymi adresami sieciowymi:", "Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "Syncthing nasłuchuje prób połączeń z innych urządzeń pod następującymi adresami sieciowymi:",
"Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "Syncthing nie nasłuchuje prób połączeń z innych urządzeń pod żadnym adresem. Tylko połączenia wychodzące z tego urządzenia są w stanie działać.", "Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "Syncthing nie nasłuchuje prób połączeń z innych urządzeń pod żadnym adresem. Tylko połączenia wychodzące z tego urządzenia są w stanie działać.",
"Syncthing is restarting.": "Syncthing jest uruchamiany ponownie.", "Syncthing is restarting.": "Syncthing jest uruchamiany ponownie.",
@ -396,6 +406,7 @@
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "Następujące elementy nie mogły zostać zsynchronizowane.", "The following items could not be synchronized.": "Następujące elementy nie mogły zostać zsynchronizowane.",
"The following items were changed locally.": "Następujące elementy zostały zmienione lokalnie.", "The following items were changed locally.": "Następujące elementy zostały zmienione lokalnie.",
"The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "Poniższe metody są używane do odnajdywania innych urządzeń w sieci oraz ogłaszania tego urządzenia, aby mogło ono zostać znalezione przez nie:", "The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "Poniższe metody są używane do odnajdywania innych urządzeń w sieci oraz ogłaszania tego urządzenia, aby mogło ono zostać znalezione przez nie:",
"The following text will automatically be inserted into a new message.": "Następujący tekst zostanie automatycznie umieszczony w nowej wiadomości.",
"The following unexpected items were found.": "Znaleziono następujące elementy nieoczekiwane.", "The following unexpected items were found.": "Znaleziono następujące elementy nieoczekiwane.",
"The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "Przedział czasowy musi być dodatnią liczbą sekund.", "The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "Przedział czasowy musi być dodatnią liczbą sekund.",
"The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "Przedział czasowy, w sekundach, w którym nastąpi czyszczenie katalogu wersjonowania. Ustaw na zero, aby wyłączyć czyszczenie okresowe.", "The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "Przedział czasowy, w sekundach, w którym nastąpi czyszczenie katalogu wersjonowania. Ustaw na zero, aby wyłączyć czyszczenie okresowe.",
@ -422,6 +433,7 @@
"This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "To ustawienie kontroluje ilość wolnej przestrzeni na dysku domowym (np. do indeksowania bazy danych).", "This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "To ustawienie kontroluje ilość wolnej przestrzeni na dysku domowym (np. do indeksowania bazy danych).",
"Time": "Czas", "Time": "Czas",
"Time the item was last modified": "Czas ostatniej modyfikacji elementu", "Time the item was last modified": "Czas ostatniej modyfikacji elementu",
"To connect with the Syncthing device named \"{%devicename%}\", add a new remote device on your end with this ID:": "Aby nawiązać połączenie z urządzeniem \"{{devicename}}\", dodaj nowe urządzenie po swojej stronie używając poniższego identyfikatora:",
"Today": "Dzisiaj", "Today": "Dzisiaj",
"Trash Can": "Kosz", "Trash Can": "Kosz",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Wersjonowanie plików w koszu", "Trash Can File Versioning": "Wersjonowanie plików w koszu",
@ -473,6 +485,7 @@
"When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "Dodając nowy folder pamiętaj, że identyfikator używany jest do parowania folderów pomiędzy urządzeniami. Wielkość liter ma znaczenie i musi być on identyczny na wszystkich urządzeniach.", "When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "Dodając nowy folder pamiętaj, że identyfikator używany jest do parowania folderów pomiędzy urządzeniami. Wielkość liter ma znaczenie i musi być on identyczny na wszystkich urządzeniach.",
"Yes": "Tak", "Yes": "Tak",
"Yesterday": "Wczoraj", "Yesterday": "Wczoraj",
"You can also copy and paste the text into a new message manually.": "Możesz również skopiować i wkleić ten tekst do nowej wiadomości ręcznie.",
"You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "Możesz również wybrać jedno z pobliskich urządzeń:", "You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "Możesz również wybrać jedno z pobliskich urządzeń:",
"You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "Możesz zmienić swój wybór w dowolnej chwili w oknie Ustawień.", "You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "Możesz zmienić swój wybór w dowolnej chwili w oknie Ustawień.",
"You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "Możesz przeczytać więcej na temat obu kanałów wydawniczych pod poniższym odnośnikiem.", "You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "Możesz przeczytać więcej na temat obu kanałów wydawniczych pod poniższym odnośnikiem.",
@ -481,6 +494,8 @@
"You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "Masz niezapisane zmiany. Czy na pewno chcesz je odrzucić?", "You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "Masz niezapisane zmiany. Czy na pewno chcesz je odrzucić?",
"You must keep at least one version.": "Musisz zachować co najmniej jedną wersję.", "You must keep at least one version.": "Musisz zachować co najmniej jedną wersję.",
"You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "Nigdy nie powinieneś dodawać lub zmieniać czegokolwiek lokalnie w folderze \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\".", "You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "Nigdy nie powinieneś dodawać lub zmieniać czegokolwiek lokalnie w folderze \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\".",
"Your SMS app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own number.": "Aplikacja do SMS-ów powinna się uruchomić, a następnie pozwolić na wybór odbiorcy oraz wysłanie tej wiadomości z własnego numeru.",
"Your email app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own address.": "Aplikacja pocztowa powinna się uruchomić, a następnie pozwolić na wybór odbiorcy oraz wysłanie tej wiadomości z własnego adresu.",
"days": "dni", "days": "dni",
"directories": "katalogi", "directories": "katalogi",
"files": "pliki", "files": "pliki",

View File

@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
"Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "Criar ou compartilhar automaticamente pastas que este dispositivo anuncia no caminho padrão.", "Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "Criar ou compartilhar automaticamente pastas que este dispositivo anuncia no caminho padrão.",
"Available debug logging facilities:": "Facilidades de depuração disponíveis:", "Available debug logging facilities:": "Facilidades de depuração disponíveis:",
"Be careful!": "Tenha cuidado!", "Be careful!": "Tenha cuidado!",
"Body:": "Body:",
"Bugs": "Erros", "Bugs": "Erros",
"Cancel": "Cancelar", "Cancel": "Cancelar",
"Changelog": "Registro de alterações", "Changelog": "Registro de alterações",
@ -67,6 +68,9 @@
"Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "Observar continuamente as alterações agora está disponível no Syncthing. Isso detectará mudanças no disco e fará uma varredura apenas nos caminhos modificados. Os benefícios são que as alterações são propagadas mais rapidamente e menos verificações completas são necessárias.", "Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "Observar continuamente as alterações agora está disponível no Syncthing. Isso detectará mudanças no disco e fará uma varredura apenas nos caminhos modificados. Os benefícios são que as alterações são propagadas mais rapidamente e menos verificações completas são necessárias.",
"Copied from elsewhere": "Copiado de outro lugar", "Copied from elsewhere": "Copiado de outro lugar",
"Copied from original": "Copiado do original", "Copied from original": "Copiado do original",
"Copied!": "Copied!",
"Copy": "Copy",
"Copy failed! Try to select and copy manually.": "Copy failed! Try to select and copy manually.",
"Currently Shared With Devices": "Compartilhado com outros dispositivos", "Currently Shared With Devices": "Compartilhado com outros dispositivos",
"Custom Range": "Intervalo de tempo", "Custom Range": "Intervalo de tempo",
"Danger!": "Perigo!", "Danger!": "Perigo!",
@ -207,6 +211,7 @@
"Last seen": "Visto por último em", "Last seen": "Visto por último em",
"Latest Change": "Última mudança", "Latest Change": "Última mudança",
"Learn more": "Saiba mais", "Learn more": "Saiba mais",
"Learn more at {%url%}": "Learn more at {{url}}",
"Limit": "Limite", "Limit": "Limite",
"Listener Failures": "Falhas de Escuta", "Listener Failures": "Falhas de Escuta",
"Listener Status": "Status da Escuta", "Listener Status": "Status da Escuta",
@ -326,6 +331,8 @@
"Settings": "Configurações", "Settings": "Configurações",
"Share": "Compartilhar", "Share": "Compartilhar",
"Share Folder": "Compartilhar pasta", "Share Folder": "Compartilhar pasta",
"Share by Email": "Share by Email",
"Share by SMS": "Share by SMS",
"Share this folder?": "Compartilhar esta pasta?", "Share this folder?": "Compartilhar esta pasta?",
"Shared Folders": "Pastas Compartilhadas", "Shared Folders": "Pastas Compartilhadas",
"Shared With": "Compartilhada com", "Shared With": "Compartilhada com",
@ -357,6 +364,7 @@
"Statistics": "Estatísticas", "Statistics": "Estatísticas",
"Stopped": "Parado", "Stopped": "Parado",
"Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "Armazena e sincroniza apenas dados criptografados. As pastas em todos os dispositivos conectados precisam ser configuradas com a mesma senha ou ser do tipo \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" também.", "Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "Armazena e sincroniza apenas dados criptografados. As pastas em todos os dispositivos conectados precisam ser configuradas com a mesma senha ou ser do tipo \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" também.",
"Subject:": "Subject:",
"Support": "Suporte", "Support": "Suporte",
"Support Bundle": "Pacote de Suporte", "Support Bundle": "Pacote de Suporte",
"Sync Extended Attributes": "Sync Extended Attributes", "Sync Extended Attributes": "Sync Extended Attributes",
@ -364,9 +372,11 @@
"Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "Endereços de escuta do protocolo de sincronização", "Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "Endereços de escuta do protocolo de sincronização",
"Sync Status": "Status da sincronia", "Sync Status": "Status da sincronia",
"Syncing": "Sincronizando", "Syncing": "Sincronizando",
"Syncthing device ID for \"{%devicename%}\"": "Syncthing device ID for \"{{devicename}}\"",
"Syncthing has been shut down.": "O Syncthing foi desligado.", "Syncthing has been shut down.": "O Syncthing foi desligado.",
"Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "O Syncthing inclui os seguintes programas ou partes deles:", "Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "O Syncthing inclui os seguintes programas ou partes deles:",
"Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "O Syncthing é um software de código aberto licenciado pela MPL v2.0.", "Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "O Syncthing é um software de código aberto licenciado pela MPL v2.0.",
"Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, whether it is shared with some third party, and how it's transmitted over the internet.": "Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, whether it is shared with some third party, and how it's transmitted over the internet.",
"Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "O Syncthing está escutando nos seguintes endereços de rede para tentativas de conexão de outros dispositivos:", "Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "O Syncthing está escutando nos seguintes endereços de rede para tentativas de conexão de outros dispositivos:",
"Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "O Syncthing não está ouvindo tentativas de conexão de outros dispositivos em qualquer endereço. Apenas conexões de saída deste dispositivo podem funcionar.", "Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "O Syncthing não está ouvindo tentativas de conexão de outros dispositivos em qualquer endereço. Apenas conexões de saída deste dispositivo podem funcionar.",
"Syncthing is restarting.": "O Syncthing está sendo reiniciado.", "Syncthing is restarting.": "O Syncthing está sendo reiniciado.",
@ -396,6 +406,7 @@
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "Os itens a seguir não puderam ser sincronizados.", "The following items could not be synchronized.": "Os itens a seguir não puderam ser sincronizados.",
"The following items were changed locally.": "Os seguintes itens foram alterados localmente.", "The following items were changed locally.": "Os seguintes itens foram alterados localmente.",
"The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "Os métodos a seguir são usados para descobrir outros dispositivos na rede e anunciar que este dispositivo pode ser encontrado por outros:", "The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "Os métodos a seguir são usados para descobrir outros dispositivos na rede e anunciar que este dispositivo pode ser encontrado por outros:",
"The following text will automatically be inserted into a new message.": "The following text will automatically be inserted into a new message.",
"The following unexpected items were found.": "Os seguintes itens inesperados foram encontrados.", "The following unexpected items were found.": "Os seguintes itens inesperados foram encontrados.",
"The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "O intervalo deve ser um número positivo de segundos.", "The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "O intervalo deve ser um número positivo de segundos.",
"The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "O intervalo, em segundos, para executar a limpeza na pasta de versões. Zero para desativar a limpeza periódica.", "The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "O intervalo, em segundos, para executar a limpeza na pasta de versões. Zero para desativar a limpeza periódica.",
@ -422,6 +433,7 @@
"This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "Este ajuste controla o espaço livre necessário no disco que contém o banco de dados do Syncthing.", "This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "Este ajuste controla o espaço livre necessário no disco que contém o banco de dados do Syncthing.",
"Time": "Hora", "Time": "Hora",
"Time the item was last modified": "Momento em que o item foi modificado pela última vez", "Time the item was last modified": "Momento em que o item foi modificado pela última vez",
"To connect with the Syncthing device named \"{%devicename%}\", add a new remote device on your end with this ID:": "To connect with the Syncthing device named \"{{devicename}}\", add a new remote device on your end with this ID:",
"Today": "Hoje", "Today": "Hoje",
"Trash Can": "Cesto de Lixo", "Trash Can": "Cesto de Lixo",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Lixeira", "Trash Can File Versioning": "Lixeira",
@ -473,6 +485,7 @@
"When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "Quando adicionar uma nova pasta, lembre-se que o ID da pasta é utilizado para ligar pastas entre dispositivos. Ele é sensível às diferenças entre maiúsculas e minúsculas e deve ser o mesmo em todos os dispositivos.", "When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "Quando adicionar uma nova pasta, lembre-se que o ID da pasta é utilizado para ligar pastas entre dispositivos. Ele é sensível às diferenças entre maiúsculas e minúsculas e deve ser o mesmo em todos os dispositivos.",
"Yes": "Sim", "Yes": "Sim",
"Yesterday": "Ontem", "Yesterday": "Ontem",
"You can also copy and paste the text into a new message manually.": "You can also copy and paste the text into a new message manually.",
"You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "Vocẽ também pode selecionar um destes dispositivos próximos:", "You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "Vocẽ também pode selecionar um destes dispositivos próximos:",
"You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "Você pode mudar de ideia a qualquer momento na tela de configurações.", "You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "Você pode mudar de ideia a qualquer momento na tela de configurações.",
"You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "Você pode se informar melhor sobre os dois canais de lançamento no link abaixo.", "You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "Você pode se informar melhor sobre os dois canais de lançamento no link abaixo.",
@ -481,6 +494,8 @@
"You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "Você tem alterações não salvas. Você realmente deseja descartá-las?", "You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "Você tem alterações não salvas. Você realmente deseja descartá-las?",
"You must keep at least one version.": "Você deve manter pelo menos uma versão.", "You must keep at least one version.": "Você deve manter pelo menos uma versão.",
"You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "Você nunca deve adicionar ou alterar nada localmente em uma pasta \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\".", "You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "Você nunca deve adicionar ou alterar nada localmente em uma pasta \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\".",
"Your SMS app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own number.": "Your SMS app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own number.",
"Your email app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own address.": "Your email app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own address.",
"days": "dias", "days": "dias",
"directories": "diretórios", "directories": "diretórios",
"files": "arquivos", "files": "arquivos",

View File

@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
"Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "Criar ou partilhar, de forma automática e no caminho predefinido, pastas que este dispositivo publicita.", "Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "Criar ou partilhar, de forma automática e no caminho predefinido, pastas que este dispositivo publicita.",
"Available debug logging facilities:": "Recursos de registo de depuração disponíveis:", "Available debug logging facilities:": "Recursos de registo de depuração disponíveis:",
"Be careful!": "Tenha cuidado!", "Be careful!": "Tenha cuidado!",
"Body:": "Corpo:",
"Bugs": "Erros", "Bugs": "Erros",
"Cancel": "Cancelar", "Cancel": "Cancelar",
"Changelog": "Registo de alterações", "Changelog": "Registo de alterações",
@ -67,6 +68,9 @@
"Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "A vigilância de alterações contínua está agora disponível dentro do Syncthing. Este sistema irá detectar alterações no disco e efectuar uma verificação apenas nas pastas modificadas. Os benefícios são que as alterações são propagadas mais depressa e são necessárias menos verificações completas.", "Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "A vigilância de alterações contínua está agora disponível dentro do Syncthing. Este sistema irá detectar alterações no disco e efectuar uma verificação apenas nas pastas modificadas. Os benefícios são que as alterações são propagadas mais depressa e são necessárias menos verificações completas.",
"Copied from elsewhere": "Copiado doutro sítio", "Copied from elsewhere": "Copiado doutro sítio",
"Copied from original": "Copiado do original", "Copied from original": "Copiado do original",
"Copied!": "Copiado!",
"Copy": "Copiar",
"Copy failed! Try to select and copy manually.": "A cópia falhou! Tente seleccionar e copiar manualmente.",
"Currently Shared With Devices": "Dispositivos com os quais está partilhada", "Currently Shared With Devices": "Dispositivos com os quais está partilhada",
"Custom Range": "Intervalo personalizado", "Custom Range": "Intervalo personalizado",
"Danger!": "Perigo!", "Danger!": "Perigo!",
@ -207,6 +211,7 @@
"Last seen": "Última vez que foi verificado", "Last seen": "Última vez que foi verificado",
"Latest Change": "Última alteração", "Latest Change": "Última alteração",
"Learn more": "Saiba mais", "Learn more": "Saiba mais",
"Learn more at {%url%}": "Saiba mais em {{url}}",
"Limit": "Limite", "Limit": "Limite",
"Listener Failures": "Falhas da escuta", "Listener Failures": "Falhas da escuta",
"Listener Status": "Estado da escuta", "Listener Status": "Estado da escuta",
@ -326,6 +331,8 @@
"Settings": "Configurações", "Settings": "Configurações",
"Share": "Partilhar", "Share": "Partilhar",
"Share Folder": "Partilhar pasta", "Share Folder": "Partilhar pasta",
"Share by Email": "Partilhar por email",
"Share by SMS": "Partilhar por SMS",
"Share this folder?": "Partilhar esta pasta?", "Share this folder?": "Partilhar esta pasta?",
"Shared Folders": "Pastas partilhadas", "Shared Folders": "Pastas partilhadas",
"Shared With": "Partilhada com", "Shared With": "Partilhada com",
@ -357,6 +364,7 @@
"Statistics": "Estatísticas", "Statistics": "Estatísticas",
"Stopped": "Parado", "Stopped": "Parado",
"Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "Armazena e sincroniza apenas dados encriptados. As pastas em todos os dispositivos conectados têm de ser configuradas com a mesma senha ou ser também do tipo \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\".", "Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "Armazena e sincroniza apenas dados encriptados. As pastas em todos os dispositivos conectados têm de ser configuradas com a mesma senha ou ser também do tipo \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\".",
"Subject:": "Assunto:",
"Support": "Suporte", "Support": "Suporte",
"Support Bundle": "Pacote de suporte", "Support Bundle": "Pacote de suporte",
"Sync Extended Attributes": "Sincronizar atributos estendidos", "Sync Extended Attributes": "Sincronizar atributos estendidos",
@ -364,9 +372,11 @@
"Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "Endereços de escuta do protocolo de sincronização", "Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "Endereços de escuta do protocolo de sincronização",
"Sync Status": "Estado da sincronização", "Sync Status": "Estado da sincronização",
"Syncing": "A Sincronizar", "Syncing": "A Sincronizar",
"Syncthing device ID for \"{%devicename%}\"": "ID do dispositivo do Syncthing para \"{{devicename}}\"",
"Syncthing has been shut down.": "O Syncthing foi desligado.", "Syncthing has been shut down.": "O Syncthing foi desligado.",
"Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "O Syncthing inclui as seguintes aplicações ou partes delas:", "Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "O Syncthing inclui as seguintes aplicações ou partes delas:",
"Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthing é Software Livre e de Código Aberto licenciado como MPL v2.0.", "Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthing é Software Livre e de Código Aberto licenciado como MPL v2.0.",
"Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, whether it is shared with some third party, and how it's transmitted over the internet.": "Syncthing é um programa de sincronização de ficheiros contínua. Sincroniza ficheiros entre dois ou mais computadores em tempo real, protegidos de forma segura de olhares curiosos. Os seus dados são só seus e você merece escolher onde são guardados, se os quer partilhados com terceiros ou como são transmitidos pela Internet.",
"Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "O Syncthing está à escuta de tentativas de ligação por parte de outros dispositivos nos seguintes endereços de rede:", "Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "O Syncthing está à escuta de tentativas de ligação por parte de outros dispositivos nos seguintes endereços de rede:",
"Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "O Syncthing não está à escuta de tentativas de ligação por parte de outros dispositivos em nenhum endereço. Apenas poderão funcionar ligações deste dispositivo para fora.", "Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "O Syncthing não está à escuta de tentativas de ligação por parte de outros dispositivos em nenhum endereço. Apenas poderão funcionar ligações deste dispositivo para fora.",
"Syncthing is restarting.": "O Syncthing está a reiniciar.", "Syncthing is restarting.": "O Syncthing está a reiniciar.",
@ -396,6 +406,7 @@
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "Não foi possível sincronizar os elementos seguintes.", "The following items could not be synchronized.": "Não foi possível sincronizar os elementos seguintes.",
"The following items were changed locally.": "Os itens seguintes foram alterados localmente.", "The following items were changed locally.": "Os itens seguintes foram alterados localmente.",
"The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "Os métodos seguintes são usados para descobrir outros dispositivos na rede e anunciar este dispositivo para que seja encontrado pelos outros.", "The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "Os métodos seguintes são usados para descobrir outros dispositivos na rede e anunciar este dispositivo para que seja encontrado pelos outros.",
"The following text will automatically be inserted into a new message.": "O texto seguinte será inserido automaticamente numa nova mensagem.",
"The following unexpected items were found.": "Foram encontrados os seguinte itens inesperados.", "The following unexpected items were found.": "Foram encontrados os seguinte itens inesperados.",
"The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "O intervalo tem que ser um número positivo de segundos.", "The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "O intervalo tem que ser um número positivo de segundos.",
"The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "O intervalo, em segundos, para executar limpezas na pasta das versões. Coloque zero para desactivar a limpeza periódica.", "The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "O intervalo, em segundos, para executar limpezas na pasta das versões. Coloque zero para desactivar a limpeza periódica.",
@ -422,6 +433,7 @@
"This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "Este parâmetro controla o espaço livre necessário no disco base (ou seja, o disco da base de dados do índice).", "This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "Este parâmetro controla o espaço livre necessário no disco base (ou seja, o disco da base de dados do índice).",
"Time": "Quando", "Time": "Quando",
"Time the item was last modified": "Quando o item foi modificado pela última vez", "Time the item was last modified": "Quando o item foi modificado pela última vez",
"To connect with the Syncthing device named \"{%devicename%}\", add a new remote device on your end with this ID:": "Para se ligar ao dispositivo Syncthing com o nome \"{{devicename}}\", adicione um novo dispositivo remoto do seu lado com este ID:",
"Today": "Hoje", "Today": "Hoje",
"Trash Can": "Lixo", "Trash Can": "Lixo",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Reciclagem", "Trash Can File Versioning": "Reciclagem",
@ -473,6 +485,7 @@
"When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "Quando adicionar uma nova pasta, lembre-se que o ID da pasta é utilizado para ligar as pastas entre dispositivos. É sensível às diferenças entre maiúsculas e minúsculas e tem que ter uma correspondência perfeita entre todos os dispositivos.", "When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "Quando adicionar uma nova pasta, lembre-se que o ID da pasta é utilizado para ligar as pastas entre dispositivos. É sensível às diferenças entre maiúsculas e minúsculas e tem que ter uma correspondência perfeita entre todos os dispositivos.",
"Yes": "Sim", "Yes": "Sim",
"Yesterday": "Ontem", "Yesterday": "Ontem",
"You can also copy and paste the text into a new message manually.": "Também pode copiar e colar o texto numa nova mensagem manualmente.",
"You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "Também pode seleccionar um destes dispositivos que estão próximos:", "You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "Também pode seleccionar um destes dispositivos que estão próximos:",
"You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "Pode modificar a sua escolha em qualquer altura nas configurações.", "You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "Pode modificar a sua escolha em qualquer altura nas configurações.",
"You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "Pode ler mais sobre os dois canais de lançamento na ligação abaixo.", "You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "Pode ler mais sobre os dois canais de lançamento na ligação abaixo.",
@ -481,6 +494,8 @@
"You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "Fez alterações que não foram guardadas. Quer mesmo descartá-las?", "You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "Fez alterações que não foram guardadas. Quer mesmo descartá-las?",
"You must keep at least one version.": "Tem que manter pelo menos uma versão.", "You must keep at least one version.": "Tem que manter pelo menos uma versão.",
"You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "Nunca deve adicionar ou modificar algo localmente numa pasta do tipo \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\".", "You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "Nunca deve adicionar ou modificar algo localmente numa pasta do tipo \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\".",
"Your SMS app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own number.": "A sua aplicação de SMS deverá abrir para deixar escolher o destinatário e enviar a partir do seu próprio número.",
"Your email app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own address.": "A sua aplicação de email deverá abrir para deixar escolher o destinatário e enviar a partir do seu próprio endereço.",
"days": "dias", "days": "dias",
"directories": "pastas", "directories": "pastas",
"files": "ficheiros", "files": "ficheiros",

View File

@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
"Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.", "Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.",
"Available debug logging facilities:": "Available debug logging facilities:", "Available debug logging facilities:": "Available debug logging facilities:",
"Be careful!": "Fii atent!", "Be careful!": "Fii atent!",
"Body:": "Body:",
"Bugs": "Bug-uri", "Bugs": "Bug-uri",
"Cancel": "Cancel", "Cancel": "Cancel",
"Changelog": "Noutăți", "Changelog": "Noutăți",
@ -67,6 +68,9 @@
"Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.", "Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.",
"Copied from elsewhere": "Copiat din altă parte", "Copied from elsewhere": "Copiat din altă parte",
"Copied from original": "Copiat din original", "Copied from original": "Copiat din original",
"Copied!": "Copied!",
"Copy": "Copy",
"Copy failed! Try to select and copy manually.": "Copy failed! Try to select and copy manually.",
"Currently Shared With Devices": "Currently Shared With Devices", "Currently Shared With Devices": "Currently Shared With Devices",
"Custom Range": "Custom Range", "Custom Range": "Custom Range",
"Danger!": "Danger!", "Danger!": "Danger!",
@ -207,6 +211,7 @@
"Last seen": "Ultima vizionare", "Last seen": "Ultima vizionare",
"Latest Change": "Latest Change", "Latest Change": "Latest Change",
"Learn more": "Learn more", "Learn more": "Learn more",
"Learn more at {%url%}": "Learn more at {{url}}",
"Limit": "Limit", "Limit": "Limit",
"Listener Failures": "Listener Failures", "Listener Failures": "Listener Failures",
"Listener Status": "Listener Status", "Listener Status": "Listener Status",
@ -326,6 +331,8 @@
"Settings": "Setări", "Settings": "Setări",
"Share": "Împarte", "Share": "Împarte",
"Share Folder": "Împarte Mapa", "Share Folder": "Împarte Mapa",
"Share by Email": "Share by Email",
"Share by SMS": "Share by SMS",
"Share this folder?": "Împarte această mapă?", "Share this folder?": "Împarte această mapă?",
"Shared Folders": "Shared Folders", "Shared Folders": "Shared Folders",
"Shared With": "Împarte Cu", "Shared With": "Împarte Cu",
@ -357,6 +364,7 @@
"Statistics": "Statistici", "Statistics": "Statistici",
"Stopped": "Oprit", "Stopped": "Oprit",
"Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" too.", "Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" too.",
"Subject:": "Subject:",
"Support": "Suport Tehnic", "Support": "Suport Tehnic",
"Support Bundle": "Support Bundle", "Support Bundle": "Support Bundle",
"Sync Extended Attributes": "Sync Extended Attributes", "Sync Extended Attributes": "Sync Extended Attributes",
@ -364,9 +372,11 @@
"Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "Adresa protocolului de sincronizare", "Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "Adresa protocolului de sincronizare",
"Sync Status": "Sync Status", "Sync Status": "Sync Status",
"Syncing": "Se sincronizează", "Syncing": "Se sincronizează",
"Syncthing device ID for \"{%devicename%}\"": "Syncthing device ID for \"{{devicename}}\"",
"Syncthing has been shut down.": "Sincronizarea a fost oprită.", "Syncthing has been shut down.": "Sincronizarea a fost oprită.",
"Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing include următoarele soft-uri sau părţi din ele:", "Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing include următoarele soft-uri sau părţi din ele:",
"Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.", "Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.",
"Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, whether it is shared with some third party, and how it's transmitted over the internet.": "Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, whether it is shared with some third party, and how it's transmitted over the internet.",
"Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:", "Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:",
"Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.", "Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.",
"Syncthing is restarting.": "Syncthing se restartează.", "Syncthing is restarting.": "Syncthing se restartează.",
@ -396,6 +406,7 @@
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "The following items could not be synchronized.", "The following items could not be synchronized.": "The following items could not be synchronized.",
"The following items were changed locally.": "The following items were changed locally.", "The following items were changed locally.": "The following items were changed locally.",
"The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:", "The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:",
"The following text will automatically be inserted into a new message.": "The following text will automatically be inserted into a new message.",
"The following unexpected items were found.": "The following unexpected items were found.", "The following unexpected items were found.": "The following unexpected items were found.",
"The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "The interval must be a positive number of seconds.", "The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "The interval must be a positive number of seconds.",
"The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.", "The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.",
@ -422,6 +433,7 @@
"This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.", "This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.",
"Time": "Time", "Time": "Time",
"Time the item was last modified": "Time the item was last modified", "Time the item was last modified": "Time the item was last modified",
"To connect with the Syncthing device named \"{%devicename%}\", add a new remote device on your end with this ID:": "To connect with the Syncthing device named \"{{devicename}}\", add a new remote device on your end with this ID:",
"Today": "Today", "Today": "Today",
"Trash Can": "Trash Can", "Trash Can": "Trash Can",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Trash Can File Versioning", "Trash Can File Versioning": "Trash Can File Versioning",
@ -473,6 +485,7 @@
"When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "Cînd adăugaţi un fişier nou, nu uitaţi că ID-ul fişierului va rămîne acelaşi pe toate dispozitivele. Iar literele mari sînt diferite de literele mici. ", "When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "Cînd adăugaţi un fişier nou, nu uitaţi că ID-ul fişierului va rămîne acelaşi pe toate dispozitivele. Iar literele mari sînt diferite de literele mici. ",
"Yes": "Da", "Yes": "Da",
"Yesterday": "Yesterday", "Yesterday": "Yesterday",
"You can also copy and paste the text into a new message manually.": "You can also copy and paste the text into a new message manually.",
"You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "You can also select one of these nearby devices:", "You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "You can also select one of these nearby devices:",
"You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.", "You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.",
"You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.", "You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.",
@ -481,6 +494,8 @@
"You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?", "You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?",
"You must keep at least one version.": "Trebuie să păstrezi cel puţin o versiune.", "You must keep at least one version.": "Trebuie să păstrezi cel puţin o versiune.",
"You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" folder.", "You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" folder.",
"Your SMS app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own number.": "Your SMS app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own number.",
"Your email app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own address.": "Your email app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own address.",
"days": "Zile", "days": "Zile",
"directories": "directories", "directories": "directories",
"files": "files", "files": "files",

View File

@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
"Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "Автоматически создавать, используя путь по умолчанию, или делиться папками, о которых сообщает это устройство.", "Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "Автоматически создавать, используя путь по умолчанию, или делиться папками, о которых сообщает это устройство.",
"Available debug logging facilities:": "Доступные средства отладочного журнала:", "Available debug logging facilities:": "Доступные средства отладочного журнала:",
"Be careful!": "Будьте осторожны!", "Be careful!": "Будьте осторожны!",
"Body:": "Body:",
"Bugs": "Ошибки", "Bugs": "Ошибки",
"Cancel": "Отмена", "Cancel": "Отмена",
"Changelog": "Журнал изменений", "Changelog": "Журнал изменений",
@ -67,6 +68,9 @@
"Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "В Syncthing теперь доступно непрерывное отслеживание изменений на диске, что позволяет выполнять сканирование только изменившихся путей. Благодаря этому полное сканирование выполняется реже, а изменения распространяются быстрее.", "Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "В Syncthing теперь доступно непрерывное отслеживание изменений на диске, что позволяет выполнять сканирование только изменившихся путей. Благодаря этому полное сканирование выполняется реже, а изменения распространяются быстрее.",
"Copied from elsewhere": "Скопировано из другого места", "Copied from elsewhere": "Скопировано из другого места",
"Copied from original": "Скопировано с оригинала", "Copied from original": "Скопировано с оригинала",
"Copied!": "Copied!",
"Copy": "Copy",
"Copy failed! Try to select and copy manually.": "Copy failed! Try to select and copy manually.",
"Currently Shared With Devices": "В настоящее время используется совместно с устройствами", "Currently Shared With Devices": "В настоящее время используется совместно с устройствами",
"Custom Range": "Custom Range", "Custom Range": "Custom Range",
"Danger!": "Опасно!", "Danger!": "Опасно!",
@ -207,6 +211,7 @@
"Last seen": "Был доступен", "Last seen": "Был доступен",
"Latest Change": "Последнее изменение", "Latest Change": "Последнее изменение",
"Learn more": "Узнать больше", "Learn more": "Узнать больше",
"Learn more at {%url%}": "Learn more at {{url}}",
"Limit": "Ограничение", "Limit": "Ограничение",
"Listener Failures": "Ошибки прослушивателя", "Listener Failures": "Ошибки прослушивателя",
"Listener Status": "Статус прослушивателя", "Listener Status": "Статус прослушивателя",
@ -326,6 +331,8 @@
"Settings": "Настройки", "Settings": "Настройки",
"Share": "Предоставить доступ", "Share": "Предоставить доступ",
"Share Folder": "Предоставить доступ к папке", "Share Folder": "Предоставить доступ к папке",
"Share by Email": "Share by Email",
"Share by SMS": "Share by SMS",
"Share this folder?": "Предоставить доступ к этой папке?", "Share this folder?": "Предоставить доступ к этой папке?",
"Shared Folders": "Общие папки", "Shared Folders": "Общие папки",
"Shared With": "Доступ предоставлен", "Shared With": "Доступ предоставлен",
@ -357,6 +364,7 @@
"Statistics": "Статистика", "Statistics": "Статистика",
"Stopped": "Остановлено", "Stopped": "Остановлено",
"Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "Хранит и синхронизирует только зашифрованные данные. Папки на всех подключенных устройствах должны быть настроены под один и тот же пароль или иметь тип \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\".", "Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "Хранит и синхронизирует только зашифрованные данные. Папки на всех подключенных устройствах должны быть настроены под один и тот же пароль или иметь тип \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\".",
"Subject:": "Subject:",
"Support": "Поддержка", "Support": "Поддержка",
"Support Bundle": "Данные для поддержки", "Support Bundle": "Данные для поддержки",
"Sync Extended Attributes": "Sync Extended Attributes", "Sync Extended Attributes": "Sync Extended Attributes",
@ -364,9 +372,11 @@
"Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "Адрес протокола синхронизации", "Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "Адрес протокола синхронизации",
"Sync Status": "Sync Status", "Sync Status": "Sync Status",
"Syncing": "Синхронизация", "Syncing": "Синхронизация",
"Syncthing device ID for \"{%devicename%}\"": "Syncthing device ID for \"{{devicename}}\"",
"Syncthing has been shut down.": "Syncthing был выключен.", "Syncthing has been shut down.": "Syncthing был выключен.",
"Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing включает в себя следующее ПО или его части:", "Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing включает в себя следующее ПО или его части:",
"Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthing — свободное программное обеспечение с открытым кодом под лицензией MPL v2.0.", "Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthing — свободное программное обеспечение с открытым кодом под лицензией MPL v2.0.",
"Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, whether it is shared with some third party, and how it's transmitted over the internet.": "Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, whether it is shared with some third party, and how it's transmitted over the internet.",
"Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "Syncthing ожидает подключения от других устройств на следующих сетевых адресах:", "Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "Syncthing ожидает подключения от других устройств на следующих сетевых адресах:",
"Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "Syncthing не ожидает попыток подключения ни на каких адресах. Только исходящие подключения могут работать на этом устройстве.", "Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "Syncthing не ожидает попыток подключения ни на каких адресах. Только исходящие подключения могут работать на этом устройстве.",
"Syncthing is restarting.": "Перезапуск Syncthing.", "Syncthing is restarting.": "Перезапуск Syncthing.",
@ -396,6 +406,7 @@
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "Невозможно синхронизировать следующие объекты", "The following items could not be synchronized.": "Невозможно синхронизировать следующие объекты",
"The following items were changed locally.": "Следующие объекты были изменены локально", "The following items were changed locally.": "Следующие объекты были изменены локально",
"The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "Для обнаружения других устройств в сети и анонсирования этого устройства используются следующие методы:", "The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "Для обнаружения других устройств в сети и анонсирования этого устройства используются следующие методы:",
"The following text will automatically be inserted into a new message.": "The following text will automatically be inserted into a new message.",
"The following unexpected items were found.": "Были найдены следующие объекты.", "The following unexpected items were found.": "Были найдены следующие объекты.",
"The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "Интервал секунд должен быть положительным.", "The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "Интервал секунд должен быть положительным.",
"The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "Интервал в секундах для запуска очистки в каталоге версий. Ноль, чтобы отключить периодическую очистку.", "The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "Интервал в секундах для запуска очистки в каталоге версий. Ноль, чтобы отключить периодическую очистку.",
@ -422,6 +433,7 @@
"This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "Эта настройка управляет свободным местом, необходимым на домашнем диске (например, для базы индексов).", "This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "Эта настройка управляет свободным местом, необходимым на домашнем диске (например, для базы индексов).",
"Time": "Время", "Time": "Время",
"Time the item was last modified": "Время последней модификации объекта", "Time the item was last modified": "Время последней модификации объекта",
"To connect with the Syncthing device named \"{%devicename%}\", add a new remote device on your end with this ID:": "To connect with the Syncthing device named \"{{devicename}}\", add a new remote device on your end with this ID:",
"Today": "Today", "Today": "Today",
"Trash Can": "Trash Can", "Trash Can": "Trash Can",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Использовать версионность для файлов в Корзине", "Trash Can File Versioning": "Использовать версионность для файлов в Корзине",
@ -473,6 +485,7 @@
"When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "Когда добавляете новую папку, помните, что ID папок используются для того, чтобы связывать папки между всеми устройствами. Они чувствительны к регистру и должны совпадать на всех используемых устройствах.", "When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "Когда добавляете новую папку, помните, что ID папок используются для того, чтобы связывать папки между всеми устройствами. Они чувствительны к регистру и должны совпадать на всех используемых устройствах.",
"Yes": "Да", "Yes": "Да",
"Yesterday": "Yesterday", "Yesterday": "Yesterday",
"You can also copy and paste the text into a new message manually.": "You can also copy and paste the text into a new message manually.",
"You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "Вы можете выбрать из этих устройств рядом:", "You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "Вы можете выбрать из этих устройств рядом:",
"You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "Выбор можно изменить в любой момент в диалоге настроек.", "You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "Выбор можно изменить в любой момент в диалоге настроек.",
"You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "О двух каналах выпусков можно почитать подробнее по нижеприведённой ссылке.", "You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "О двух каналах выпусков можно почитать подробнее по нижеприведённой ссылке.",
@ -481,6 +494,8 @@
"You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "Есть несохранённые изменения. Вы действительно хотите отменить их?", "You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "Есть несохранённые изменения. Вы действительно хотите отменить их?",
"You must keep at least one version.": "Вы должны хранить как минимум одну версию.", "You must keep at least one version.": "Вы должны хранить как минимум одну версию.",
"You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "Не добавляйте и не изменяйте ничего локально в папке «{{receiveEncrypted}}».", "You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "Не добавляйте и не изменяйте ничего локально в папке «{{receiveEncrypted}}».",
"Your SMS app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own number.": "Your SMS app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own number.",
"Your email app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own address.": "Your email app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own address.",
"days": "дней", "days": "дней",
"directories": "папок", "directories": "папок",
"files": "файлов", "files": "файлов",

View File

@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
"Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "මෙම උපාංගය පෙරනිමි මාර්ගයේ ප්‍රචාරණය කරන ෆෝල්ඩර ස්වයංක්‍රීයව සාදන්න හෝ බෙදාගන්න.", "Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "මෙම උපාංගය පෙරනිමි මාර්ගයේ ප්‍රචාරණය කරන ෆෝල්ඩර ස්වයංක්‍රීයව සාදන්න හෝ බෙදාගන්න.",
"Available debug logging facilities:": "පවතින දෝශ නිරාකරණය කිරීමේ පහසුකම්:", "Available debug logging facilities:": "පවතින දෝශ නිරාකරණය කිරීමේ පහසුකම්:",
"Be careful!": "පරෙස්සම් වෙන්න!", "Be careful!": "පරෙස්සම් වෙන්න!",
"Body:": "Body:",
"Bugs": "දෝෂ", "Bugs": "දෝෂ",
"Cancel": "සිදු කරන්න", "Cancel": "සිදු කරන්න",
"Changelog": "චේන්ජ්ලොග්", "Changelog": "චේන්ජ්ලොග්",
@ -67,6 +68,9 @@
"Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "වෙනස්කම් සඳහා අඛණ්ඩව නැරඹීම දැන් සමමුහුර්තකරණය තුළ පවතී. මෙය තැටියේ වෙනස්කම් හඳුනාගෙන වෙනස් කරන ලද මාර්ගවල පමණක් ස්කෑන් කිරීමක් නිකුත් කරයි. ප්‍රතිලාභ නම් වෙනස්කම් ඉක්මනින් ප්‍රචාරණය වීම සහ අඩු සම්පූර්ණ ස්කෑන් අවශ්‍ය වීමයි.", "Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "වෙනස්කම් සඳහා අඛණ්ඩව නැරඹීම දැන් සමමුහුර්තකරණය තුළ පවතී. මෙය තැටියේ වෙනස්කම් හඳුනාගෙන වෙනස් කරන ලද මාර්ගවල පමණක් ස්කෑන් කිරීමක් නිකුත් කරයි. ප්‍රතිලාභ නම් වෙනස්කම් ඉක්මනින් ප්‍රචාරණය වීම සහ අඩු සම්පූර්ණ ස්කෑන් අවශ්‍ය වීමයි.",
"Copied from elsewhere": "වෙනත් තැනකින් පිටපත් කර ඇත", "Copied from elsewhere": "වෙනත් තැනකින් පිටපත් කර ඇත",
"Copied from original": "මුල් පිටපතෙන් පිටපත් කර ඇත", "Copied from original": "මුල් පිටපතෙන් පිටපත් කර ඇත",
"Copied!": "Copied!",
"Copy": "Copy",
"Copy failed! Try to select and copy manually.": "Copy failed! Try to select and copy manually.",
"Currently Shared With Devices": "දැනට උපාංග සමඟ බෙදාගෙන ඇත", "Currently Shared With Devices": "දැනට උපාංග සමඟ බෙදාගෙන ඇත",
"Custom Range": "අභිරුචි පරාසය", "Custom Range": "අභිරුචි පරාසය",
"Danger!": "අනතුර!", "Danger!": "අනතුර!",
@ -207,6 +211,7 @@
"Last seen": "අවසන දුටුවේ", "Last seen": "අවසන දුටුවේ",
"Latest Change": "නවතම වෙනස", "Latest Change": "නවතම වෙනස",
"Learn more": "තව දැනගන්න", "Learn more": "තව දැනගන්න",
"Learn more at {%url%}": "Learn more at {{url}}",
"Limit": "සීමාව", "Limit": "සීමාව",
"Listener Failures": "සවන්දෙන්නන්ගේ අසාර්ථකත්වය", "Listener Failures": "සවන්දෙන්නන්ගේ අසාර්ථකත්වය",
"Listener Status": "සවන්දෙන්නන්ගේ තත්ත්වය", "Listener Status": "සවන්දෙන්නන්ගේ තත්ත්වය",
@ -326,6 +331,8 @@
"Settings": "සැකසුම්", "Settings": "සැකසුම්",
"Share": "බෙදාගන්න", "Share": "බෙදාගන්න",
"Share Folder": "ෆෝල්ඩරය බෙදා ගන්න", "Share Folder": "ෆෝල්ඩරය බෙදා ගන්න",
"Share by Email": "Share by Email",
"Share by SMS": "Share by SMS",
"Share this folder?": "මෙම ෆෝල්ඩරය බෙදා ගන්නද?", "Share this folder?": "මෙම ෆෝල්ඩරය බෙදා ගන්නද?",
"Shared Folders": "හවුල් ෆෝල්ඩර", "Shared Folders": "හවුල් ෆෝල්ඩර",
"Shared With": "සමඟ බෙදාගෙන ඇත", "Shared With": "සමඟ බෙදාගෙන ඇත",
@ -357,6 +364,7 @@
"Statistics": "සංඛ්යාලේඛන", "Statistics": "සංඛ්යාලේඛන",
"Stopped": "නැවැත්තුවා", "Stopped": "නැවැත්තුවා",
"Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "සංකේතනය කළ දත්ත පමණක් ගබඩා කර සමමුහුර්ත කරයි. සියලුම සම්බන්ධිත උපාංගවල ඇති ෆෝල්ඩර එකම මුරපදයකින් හෝ \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" වර්ගයට අයත් විය යුතුය.", "Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "සංකේතනය කළ දත්ත පමණක් ගබඩා කර සමමුහුර්ත කරයි. සියලුම සම්බන්ධිත උපාංගවල ඇති ෆෝල්ඩර එකම මුරපදයකින් හෝ \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" වර්ගයට අයත් විය යුතුය.",
"Subject:": "Subject:",
"Support": "සහාය", "Support": "සහාය",
"Support Bundle": "ආධාරක බණ්ඩලය", "Support Bundle": "ආධාරක බණ්ඩලය",
"Sync Extended Attributes": "Sync Extended Attributes", "Sync Extended Attributes": "Sync Extended Attributes",
@ -364,9 +372,11 @@
"Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "ප්‍රොටෝකෝලය සවන්දීමේ ලිපින සමමුහුර්ත කරන්න", "Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "ප්‍රොටෝකෝලය සවන්දීමේ ලිපින සමමුහුර්ත කරන්න",
"Sync Status": "Sync Status", "Sync Status": "Sync Status",
"Syncing": "සමමුහුර්ත කිරීම", "Syncing": "සමමුහුර්ත කිරීම",
"Syncthing device ID for \"{%devicename%}\"": "Syncthing device ID for \"{{devicename}}\"",
"Syncthing has been shut down.": "සමමුහුර්ත කිරීම වසා ඇත.", "Syncthing has been shut down.": "සමමුහුර්ත කිරීම වසා ඇත.",
"Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "සමමුහුර්තකරණයට පහත මෘදුකාංග හෝ එහි කොටස් ඇතුළත් වේ:", "Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "සමමුහුර්තකරණයට පහත මෘදුකාංග හෝ එහි කොටස් ඇතුළත් වේ:",
"Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "සමමුහුර්ත කිරීම MPL v2.0 ලෙස බලපත්‍ර ලබා ඇති නිදහස් සහ විවෘත මූලාශ්‍ර මෘදුකාංගයකි.", "Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "සමමුහුර්ත කිරීම MPL v2.0 ලෙස බලපත්‍ර ලබා ඇති නිදහස් සහ විවෘත මූලාශ්‍ර මෘදුකාංගයකි.",
"Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, whether it is shared with some third party, and how it's transmitted over the internet.": "Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, whether it is shared with some third party, and how it's transmitted over the internet.",
"Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "සමමුහුර්ත කිරීම යනු වෙනත් උපාංගවලින් සම්බන්ධතා උත්සාහයන් සඳහා පහත ජාල ලිපිනවලට සවන් දීමයි:", "Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "සමමුහුර්ත කිරීම යනු වෙනත් උපාංගවලින් සම්බන්ධතා උත්සාහයන් සඳහා පහත ජාල ලිපිනවලට සවන් දීමයි:",
"Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "සමමුහුර්ත කිරීම යනු ඕනෑම ලිපිනයක වෙනත් උපාංගවලින් සම්බන්ධතා උත්සාහයන් සඳහා සවන් දීම නොවේ. මෙම උපාංගයෙන් පිටතට යන සම්බන්ධතා පමණක් ක්‍රියා කළ හැක.", "Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "සමමුහුර්ත කිරීම යනු ඕනෑම ලිපිනයක වෙනත් උපාංගවලින් සම්බන්ධතා උත්සාහයන් සඳහා සවන් දීම නොවේ. මෙම උපාංගයෙන් පිටතට යන සම්බන්ධතා පමණක් ක්‍රියා කළ හැක.",
"Syncthing is restarting.": "සමමුහුර්ත කිරීම නැවත ආරම්භ වේ.", "Syncthing is restarting.": "සමමුහුර්ත කිරීම නැවත ආරම්භ වේ.",
@ -396,6 +406,7 @@
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "පහත අයිතම සමමුහුර්ත කළ නොහැක.", "The following items could not be synchronized.": "පහත අයිතම සමමුහුර්ත කළ නොහැක.",
"The following items were changed locally.": "පහත අයිතම දේශීයව වෙනස් කරන ලදී.", "The following items were changed locally.": "පහත අයිතම දේශීයව වෙනස් කරන ලදී.",
"The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "ජාලයේ වෙනත් උපාංග සොයා ගැනීමට සහ මෙම උපාංගය අන් අය විසින් සොයා ගන්නා ලෙස නිවේදනය කිරීමට පහත ක්‍රම භාවිතා කරයි:", "The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "ජාලයේ වෙනත් උපාංග සොයා ගැනීමට සහ මෙම උපාංගය අන් අය විසින් සොයා ගන්නා ලෙස නිවේදනය කිරීමට පහත ක්‍රම භාවිතා කරයි:",
"The following text will automatically be inserted into a new message.": "The following text will automatically be inserted into a new message.",
"The following unexpected items were found.": "පහත අනපේක්ෂිත අයිතම හමු විය.", "The following unexpected items were found.": "පහත අනපේක්ෂිත අයිතම හමු විය.",
"The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "පරතරය ධනාත්මක තත්පර ගණනක් විය යුතුය.", "The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "පරතරය ධනාත්මක තත්පර ගණනක් විය යුතුය.",
"The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "අනුවාද නාමාවලිය තුළ පිරිසිදු කිරීම ධාවනය කිරීම සඳහා තත්පර කිහිපයකින් පරතරය. ආවර්තිතා පිරිසිදු කිරීම අක්රිය කිරීමට ශුන්ය.", "The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "අනුවාද නාමාවලිය තුළ පිරිසිදු කිරීම ධාවනය කිරීම සඳහා තත්පර කිහිපයකින් පරතරය. ආවර්තිතා පිරිසිදු කිරීම අක්රිය කිරීමට ශුන්ය.",
@ -422,6 +433,7 @@
"This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "මෙම සිටුවම නිවසේ (එනම්, දර්ශක දත්ත ගබඩාව) තැටියේ අවශ්‍ය නිදහස් ඉඩ පාලනය කරයි.", "This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "මෙම සිටුවම නිවසේ (එනම්, දර්ශක දත්ත ගබඩාව) තැටියේ අවශ්‍ය නිදහස් ඉඩ පාලනය කරයි.",
"Time": "කාලය", "Time": "කාලය",
"Time the item was last modified": "අයිතමය අවසන් වරට වෙනස් කළ වේලාව", "Time the item was last modified": "අයිතමය අවසන් වරට වෙනස් කළ වේලාව",
"To connect with the Syncthing device named \"{%devicename%}\", add a new remote device on your end with this ID:": "To connect with the Syncthing device named \"{{devicename}}\", add a new remote device on your end with this ID:",
"Today": "අද", "Today": "අද",
"Trash Can": "කසල බඳුන", "Trash Can": "කසල බඳුන",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "කුණු කූඩය ගොනු අනුවාදය", "Trash Can File Versioning": "කුණු කූඩය ගොනු අනුවාදය",
@ -473,6 +485,7 @@
"When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "නව ෆෝල්ඩරයක් එකතු කරන විට, උපාංග අතර ෆෝල්ඩර එකට ගැටගැසීමට ෆෝල්ඩර හැඳුනුම්පත භාවිතා කරන බව මතක තබා ගන්න. ඒවා සිද්ධි සංවේදී වන අතර සියලුම උපාංග අතර හරියටම ගැළපිය යුතුය.", "When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "නව ෆෝල්ඩරයක් එකතු කරන විට, උපාංග අතර ෆෝල්ඩර එකට ගැටගැසීමට ෆෝල්ඩර හැඳුනුම්පත භාවිතා කරන බව මතක තබා ගන්න. ඒවා සිද්ධි සංවේදී වන අතර සියලුම උපාංග අතර හරියටම ගැළපිය යුතුය.",
"Yes": "ඔව්", "Yes": "ඔව්",
"Yesterday": "ඊයේ", "Yesterday": "ඊයේ",
"You can also copy and paste the text into a new message manually.": "You can also copy and paste the text into a new message manually.",
"You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "ඔබට මෙම ආසන්න උපාංගවලින් එකක් ද තෝරාගත හැක:", "You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "ඔබට මෙම ආසන්න උපාංගවලින් එකක් ද තෝරාගත හැක:",
"You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "ඔබට සැකසීම් සංවාදයේ ඕනෑම වේලාවක ඔබේ තේරීම වෙනස් කළ හැක.", "You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "ඔබට සැකසීම් සංවාදයේ ඕනෑම වේලාවක ඔබේ තේරීම වෙනස් කළ හැක.",
"You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "පහත සබැඳියෙන් ඔබට නිකුතු නාලිකා දෙක ගැන වැඩිදුර කියවිය හැකිය.", "You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "පහත සබැඳියෙන් ඔබට නිකුතු නාලිකා දෙක ගැන වැඩිදුර කියවිය හැකිය.",
@ -481,6 +494,8 @@
"You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "ඔබට නොසුරකින ලද වෙනස්කම් ඇත. ඔබට ඇත්තටම ඒවා ඉවත දැමීමට අවශ්‍යද?", "You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "ඔබට නොසුරකින ලද වෙනස්කම් ඇත. ඔබට ඇත්තටම ඒවා ඉවත දැමීමට අවශ්‍යද?",
"You must keep at least one version.": "ඔබ අවම වශයෙන් එක් අනුවාදයක් තබා ගත යුතුය.", "You must keep at least one version.": "ඔබ අවම වශයෙන් එක් අනුවාදයක් තබා ගත යුතුය.",
"You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "ඔබ කිසිවිටෙක \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" ෆෝල්ඩරයකට දේශීයව කිසිවක් එකතු කිරීම හෝ වෙනස් කිරීම නොකළ යුතුය.", "You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "ඔබ කිසිවිටෙක \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" ෆෝල්ඩරයකට දේශීයව කිසිවක් එකතු කිරීම හෝ වෙනස් කිරීම නොකළ යුතුය.",
"Your SMS app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own number.": "Your SMS app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own number.",
"Your email app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own address.": "Your email app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own address.",
"days": "දින", "days": "දින",
"directories": "නාමාවලි", "directories": "නාමාවලි",
"files": "ගොනු", "files": "ගොනු",

View File

@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
"Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "Samodejno ustvarite ali delite mape, ki jih ta naprava oglašuje na privzeti poti.", "Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "Samodejno ustvarite ali delite mape, ki jih ta naprava oglašuje na privzeti poti.",
"Available debug logging facilities:": "Razpoložljive naprave za beleženje napak:", "Available debug logging facilities:": "Razpoložljive naprave za beleženje napak:",
"Be careful!": "Previdno!", "Be careful!": "Previdno!",
"Body:": "Body:",
"Bugs": "Hrošči", "Bugs": "Hrošči",
"Cancel": "Prekliči", "Cancel": "Prekliči",
"Changelog": "Spremembe", "Changelog": "Spremembe",
@ -67,6 +68,9 @@
"Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "Nenehno spremljanje sprememb je zdaj na voljo v Syncthing-u. To bo zaznalo spremembe na disku in izdalo skeniranje samo na spremenjenih poteh. Prednosti so, da se spremembe hitreje širijo in da je potrebnih manj popolnih pregledov.", "Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "Nenehno spremljanje sprememb je zdaj na voljo v Syncthing-u. To bo zaznalo spremembe na disku in izdalo skeniranje samo na spremenjenih poteh. Prednosti so, da se spremembe hitreje širijo in da je potrebnih manj popolnih pregledov.",
"Copied from elsewhere": "Prekopirano od drugod.", "Copied from elsewhere": "Prekopirano od drugod.",
"Copied from original": "Kopiranje z originala", "Copied from original": "Kopiranje z originala",
"Copied!": "Copied!",
"Copy": "Copy",
"Copy failed! Try to select and copy manually.": "Copy failed! Try to select and copy manually.",
"Currently Shared With Devices": "Trenutno deljeno z napravami", "Currently Shared With Devices": "Trenutno deljeno z napravami",
"Custom Range": "Obseg po meri", "Custom Range": "Obseg po meri",
"Danger!": "Nevarno!", "Danger!": "Nevarno!",
@ -207,6 +211,7 @@
"Last seen": "Zadnjič videno", "Last seen": "Zadnjič videno",
"Latest Change": "Najnovejša sprememba", "Latest Change": "Najnovejša sprememba",
"Learn more": "Nauči se več", "Learn more": "Nauči se več",
"Learn more at {%url%}": "Learn more at {{url}}",
"Limit": "Omejitev", "Limit": "Omejitev",
"Listener Failures": "Napake vmesnika", "Listener Failures": "Napake vmesnika",
"Listener Status": "Stanje vmesnika", "Listener Status": "Stanje vmesnika",
@ -326,6 +331,8 @@
"Settings": "Nastavitve", "Settings": "Nastavitve",
"Share": "Deli", "Share": "Deli",
"Share Folder": "Deli mapo", "Share Folder": "Deli mapo",
"Share by Email": "Share by Email",
"Share by SMS": "Share by SMS",
"Share this folder?": "Deli to mapo?", "Share this folder?": "Deli to mapo?",
"Shared Folders": "Skupne mape", "Shared Folders": "Skupne mape",
"Shared With": "Usklajeno z", "Shared With": "Usklajeno z",
@ -357,6 +364,7 @@
"Statistics": "Statistika", "Statistics": "Statistika",
"Stopped": "Zaustavljeno", "Stopped": "Zaustavljeno",
"Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "Shranjuje in sinhronizira samo šifrirane podatke. Mape na vseh povezanih napravah morajo biti nastavljene z istim geslom ali pa morajo biti tudi vrste \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\".", "Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "Shranjuje in sinhronizira samo šifrirane podatke. Mape na vseh povezanih napravah morajo biti nastavljene z istim geslom ali pa morajo biti tudi vrste \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\".",
"Subject:": "Subject:",
"Support": "Pomoč", "Support": "Pomoč",
"Support Bundle": "Podporni paket", "Support Bundle": "Podporni paket",
"Sync Extended Attributes": "Sync Extended Attributes", "Sync Extended Attributes": "Sync Extended Attributes",
@ -364,9 +372,11 @@
"Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "Naslovi poslušanja protokola sinhronizacije", "Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "Naslovi poslušanja protokola sinhronizacije",
"Sync Status": "Sync Status", "Sync Status": "Sync Status",
"Syncing": "Usklajevanje", "Syncing": "Usklajevanje",
"Syncthing device ID for \"{%devicename%}\"": "Syncthing device ID for \"{{devicename}}\"",
"Syncthing has been shut down.": "Program Syncthing je onemogočen.", "Syncthing has been shut down.": "Program Syncthing je onemogočen.",
"Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing vključuje naslednjo programsko opremo ali njene dele:", "Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing vključuje naslednjo programsko opremo ali njene dele:",
"Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthing je brezplačna odprtokodna programska oprema, licencirana kot MPL v2.0.", "Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthing je brezplačna odprtokodna programska oprema, licencirana kot MPL v2.0.",
"Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, whether it is shared with some third party, and how it's transmitted over the internet.": "Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, whether it is shared with some third party, and how it's transmitted over the internet.",
"Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "Syncthing posluša na naslednjih omrežnih naslovih poskuse povezovanja iz drugih naprav:", "Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "Syncthing posluša na naslednjih omrežnih naslovih poskuse povezovanja iz drugih naprav:",
"Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "Syncthing ne posluša poskusov povezovanja drugih naprav na katerem koli naslovu. Delujejo lahko samo odhodne povezave iz te naprave.", "Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "Syncthing ne posluša poskusov povezovanja drugih naprav na katerem koli naslovu. Delujejo lahko samo odhodne povezave iz te naprave.",
"Syncthing is restarting.": "Program Syncthing se ponovno zaganja.", "Syncthing is restarting.": "Program Syncthing se ponovno zaganja.",
@ -396,6 +406,7 @@
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "Naslednjih predmetov ni bilo mogoče sinhronizirati.", "The following items could not be synchronized.": "Naslednjih predmetov ni bilo mogoče sinhronizirati.",
"The following items were changed locally.": "Naslednji predmeti so bili lokalno spremenjeni.", "The following items were changed locally.": "Naslednji predmeti so bili lokalno spremenjeni.",
"The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "Naslednje metode se uporabljajo za odkrivanje drugih naprav v omrežju in oznanitev, da jo najdejo drugi:", "The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "Naslednje metode se uporabljajo za odkrivanje drugih naprav v omrežju in oznanitev, da jo najdejo drugi:",
"The following text will automatically be inserted into a new message.": "The following text will automatically be inserted into a new message.",
"The following unexpected items were found.": "Najdeni so bili naslednji nepričakovani predmeti.", "The following unexpected items were found.": "Najdeni so bili naslednji nepričakovani predmeti.",
"The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "Interval mora biti pozitivno število od sekund.", "The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "Interval mora biti pozitivno število od sekund.",
"The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "Interval, v sekundah, za zagon čiščenja v mapi različic. 0 za onemogočanje občasnega čiščenja.", "The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "Interval, v sekundah, za zagon čiščenja v mapi različic. 0 za onemogočanje občasnega čiščenja.",
@ -422,6 +433,7 @@
"This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "Ta nastavitev nadzoruje prosti prostor potreben na domačem (naprimer, indeksirana podatkovna baza) pogonu.", "This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "Ta nastavitev nadzoruje prosti prostor potreben na domačem (naprimer, indeksirana podatkovna baza) pogonu.",
"Time": "Čas", "Time": "Čas",
"Time the item was last modified": "Čas, ko je bil element nazadnje spremenjen", "Time the item was last modified": "Čas, ko je bil element nazadnje spremenjen",
"To connect with the Syncthing device named \"{%devicename%}\", add a new remote device on your end with this ID:": "To connect with the Syncthing device named \"{{devicename}}\", add a new remote device on your end with this ID:",
"Today": "Danes", "Today": "Danes",
"Trash Can": "Trash Can", "Trash Can": "Trash Can",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Beleženje različic datotek s Smetnjakom", "Trash Can File Versioning": "Beleženje različic datotek s Smetnjakom",
@ -473,6 +485,7 @@
"When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "Ko dodajate novo mapo, ne pozabite, da se ID mape uporablja za povezovanje map med napravami. Razlikujejo se na velike in male črke in se morajo natančno ujemati med vsemi napravami.", "When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "Ko dodajate novo mapo, ne pozabite, da se ID mape uporablja za povezovanje map med napravami. Razlikujejo se na velike in male črke in se morajo natančno ujemati med vsemi napravami.",
"Yes": "Da", "Yes": "Da",
"Yesterday": "Včeraj", "Yesterday": "Včeraj",
"You can also copy and paste the text into a new message manually.": "You can also copy and paste the text into a new message manually.",
"You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "Izberete lahko tudi eno od teh naprav v bližini:", "You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "Izberete lahko tudi eno od teh naprav v bližini:",
"You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "Svojo izbiro lahko kadar koli spremenite v pozivnem oknu Nastavitve.", "You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "Svojo izbiro lahko kadar koli spremenite v pozivnem oknu Nastavitve.",
"You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "Več o obeh kanalih za izdajo si lahko preberete na spodnji povezavi.", "You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "Več o obeh kanalih za izdajo si lahko preberete na spodnji povezavi.",
@ -481,6 +494,8 @@
"You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "Imate neshranjene spremembe. Ali jih res želite zavreči?", "You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "Imate neshranjene spremembe. Ali jih res želite zavreči?",
"You must keep at least one version.": "Potrebno je obdržati vsaj eno verzijo.", "You must keep at least one version.": "Potrebno je obdržati vsaj eno verzijo.",
"You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "Nikoli ne smete ničesar dodati ali spremeniti lokalno v mapi \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\".", "You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "Nikoli ne smete ničesar dodati ali spremeniti lokalno v mapi \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\".",
"Your SMS app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own number.": "Your SMS app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own number.",
"Your email app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own address.": "Your email app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own address.",
"days": "dnevi", "days": "dnevi",
"directories": "mape", "directories": "mape",
"files": "datoteke", "files": "datoteke",

View File

@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
"Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "Skapa eller dela automatiskt mappar som denna enhet annonserar på standardsökvägen.", "Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "Skapa eller dela automatiskt mappar som denna enhet annonserar på standardsökvägen.",
"Available debug logging facilities:": "Tillgängliga felsökningsfunktioner:", "Available debug logging facilities:": "Tillgängliga felsökningsfunktioner:",
"Be careful!": "Var aktsam!", "Be careful!": "Var aktsam!",
"Body:": "Meddelande:",
"Bugs": "Felrapporter", "Bugs": "Felrapporter",
"Cancel": "Avbryt", "Cancel": "Avbryt",
"Changelog": "Ändringslogg", "Changelog": "Ändringslogg",
@ -67,6 +68,9 @@
"Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "Kontinuerlig bevakning av ändringar är nu tillgängligt i Syncthing. Detta kommer att upptäcka ändringar på disken och utfärda en skanning på endast de ändrade sökvägarna. Fördelarna är att ändringar delas snabbare och att mindre fullständiga skanningar krävs.", "Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "Kontinuerlig bevakning av ändringar är nu tillgängligt i Syncthing. Detta kommer att upptäcka ändringar på disken och utfärda en skanning på endast de ändrade sökvägarna. Fördelarna är att ändringar delas snabbare och att mindre fullständiga skanningar krävs.",
"Copied from elsewhere": "Kopierat från annanstans", "Copied from elsewhere": "Kopierat från annanstans",
"Copied from original": "Kopierat från original", "Copied from original": "Kopierat från original",
"Copied!": "Kopierad!",
"Copy": "Kopiera",
"Copy failed! Try to select and copy manually.": "Kopieringen misslyckades! Försök att markera och kopiera manuellt.",
"Currently Shared With Devices": "För närvarande delas med enheter", "Currently Shared With Devices": "För närvarande delas med enheter",
"Custom Range": "Anpassat intervall", "Custom Range": "Anpassat intervall",
"Danger!": "Fara!", "Danger!": "Fara!",
@ -207,6 +211,7 @@
"Last seen": "Senast sedd", "Last seen": "Senast sedd",
"Latest Change": "Senaste ändring", "Latest Change": "Senaste ändring",
"Learn more": "Läs mer", "Learn more": "Läs mer",
"Learn more at {%url%}": "Läs mer på {{url}}",
"Limit": "Gräns", "Limit": "Gräns",
"Listener Failures": "Lyssnarfel", "Listener Failures": "Lyssnarfel",
"Listener Status": "Lyssnarstatus", "Listener Status": "Lyssnarstatus",
@ -326,6 +331,8 @@
"Settings": "Inställningar", "Settings": "Inställningar",
"Share": "Dela", "Share": "Dela",
"Share Folder": "Dela mapp", "Share Folder": "Dela mapp",
"Share by Email": "Dela via e-post",
"Share by SMS": "Dela via SMS",
"Share this folder?": "Dela denna mapp?", "Share this folder?": "Dela denna mapp?",
"Shared Folders": "Delade mappar", "Shared Folders": "Delade mappar",
"Shared With": "Delas med", "Shared With": "Delas med",
@ -357,6 +364,7 @@
"Statistics": "Statistik", "Statistics": "Statistik",
"Stopped": "Stoppad", "Stopped": "Stoppad",
"Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "Lagrar och synkroniserar endast krypterade data. Mappar på alla anslutna enheter måste ställas in med samma lösenord eller vara av typen \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\".", "Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "Lagrar och synkroniserar endast krypterade data. Mappar på alla anslutna enheter måste ställas in med samma lösenord eller vara av typen \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\".",
"Subject:": "Ämne:",
"Support": "Support", "Support": "Support",
"Support Bundle": "Support Bundle", "Support Bundle": "Support Bundle",
"Sync Extended Attributes": "Synkronisera utökade attribut", "Sync Extended Attributes": "Synkronisera utökade attribut",
@ -364,9 +372,11 @@
"Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "Lyssnaradresser för synkroniseringsprotokoll", "Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "Lyssnaradresser för synkroniseringsprotokoll",
"Sync Status": "Synkroniseringsstatus", "Sync Status": "Synkroniseringsstatus",
"Syncing": "Synkroniserar", "Syncing": "Synkroniserar",
"Syncthing device ID for \"{%devicename%}\"": "Synkronisera enhets-ID för \"{{devicename}}\"",
"Syncthing has been shut down.": "Syncthing har stängts.", "Syncthing has been shut down.": "Syncthing har stängts.",
"Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing innehåller följande mjukvarupaket eller delar av dem:", "Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing innehåller följande mjukvarupaket eller delar av dem:",
"Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthing har fri och öppen källkod licensierad som MPL v2.0.", "Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthing har fri och öppen källkod licensierad som MPL v2.0.",
"Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, whether it is shared with some third party, and how it's transmitted over the internet.": "Syncthing är ett program för kontinuerlig filsynkronisering. Den synkroniserar filer mellan två eller flera datorer i realtid, säkert skyddade från nyfikna ögon. Dina data är enbart din data och du förtjänar att välja var den lagras, om den delas med någon tredje part och hur den överförs över internet.",
"Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "Syncthing lyssnar på följande nätverksadresser för anslutningsförsök från andra enheter:", "Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "Syncthing lyssnar på följande nätverksadresser för anslutningsförsök från andra enheter:",
"Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "Syncthing lyssnar inte efter anslutningsförsök från andra enheter på någon adress. Endast utgående anslutningar från denna enhet kanske fungerar.", "Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "Syncthing lyssnar inte efter anslutningsförsök från andra enheter på någon adress. Endast utgående anslutningar från denna enhet kanske fungerar.",
"Syncthing is restarting.": "Syncthing startar om.", "Syncthing is restarting.": "Syncthing startar om.",
@ -396,6 +406,7 @@
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "Följande objekt kunde inte synkroniseras.", "The following items could not be synchronized.": "Följande objekt kunde inte synkroniseras.",
"The following items were changed locally.": "Följande objekt ändrades lokalt.", "The following items were changed locally.": "Följande objekt ändrades lokalt.",
"The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "Följande metoder används för att upptäcka andra enheter i nätverket och meddela att denna enhet ska hittas av andra:", "The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "Följande metoder används för att upptäcka andra enheter i nätverket och meddela att denna enhet ska hittas av andra:",
"The following text will automatically be inserted into a new message.": "Följande text kommer automatiskt att infogas i ett nytt meddelande.",
"The following unexpected items were found.": "Följande oväntade objekt hittades.", "The following unexpected items were found.": "Följande oväntade objekt hittades.",
"The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "Intervallet måste vara ett positivt antal sekunder.", "The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "Intervallet måste vara ett positivt antal sekunder.",
"The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "Intervallet, i sekunder, för att rensa i versionsmappen. Noll för att inaktivera periodisk rensning.", "The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "Intervallet, i sekunder, för att rensa i versionsmappen. Noll för att inaktivera periodisk rensning.",
@ -422,6 +433,7 @@
"This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "Denna inställning styr hur mycket ledigt utrymme som krävs på hemdisken (dvs. indexdatabasen).", "This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "Denna inställning styr hur mycket ledigt utrymme som krävs på hemdisken (dvs. indexdatabasen).",
"Time": "Tid", "Time": "Tid",
"Time the item was last modified": "Tidpunkten objektet var senast ändrad", "Time the item was last modified": "Tidpunkten objektet var senast ändrad",
"To connect with the Syncthing device named \"{%devicename%}\", add a new remote device on your end with this ID:": "För att ansluta till Syncthing-enheten med namnet \"{{devicename}}\", lägg till en ny fjärrenhet med detta ID:",
"Today": "Idag", "Today": "Idag",
"Trash Can": "Papperskorgen", "Trash Can": "Papperskorgen",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Papperskorgs filversionshantering", "Trash Can File Versioning": "Papperskorgs filversionshantering",
@ -473,6 +485,7 @@
"When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "När du lägger till ny mapp, tänk på att mapp-ID knyter ihop mappar mellan olika enheter. De skiftlägeskänsliga och måste matcha precis mellan alla enheter.", "When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "När du lägger till ny mapp, tänk på att mapp-ID knyter ihop mappar mellan olika enheter. De skiftlägeskänsliga och måste matcha precis mellan alla enheter.",
"Yes": "Ja", "Yes": "Ja",
"Yesterday": "Igår", "Yesterday": "Igår",
"You can also copy and paste the text into a new message manually.": "Du kan också kopiera och klistra in texten i ett nytt meddelande manuellt.",
"You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "Du kan också välja en av dessa närliggande enheter:", "You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "Du kan också välja en av dessa närliggande enheter:",
"You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "Du kan ändra ditt val när som helst i inställningsdialogrutan.", "You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "Du kan ändra ditt val när som helst i inställningsdialogrutan.",
"You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "Du kan läsa mer om de två publiceringsskanalerna på länken nedan.", "You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "Du kan läsa mer om de två publiceringsskanalerna på länken nedan.",
@ -481,6 +494,8 @@
"You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "Du har osparade ändringar. Vill du verkligen kassera dem?", "You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "Du har osparade ändringar. Vill du verkligen kassera dem?",
"You must keep at least one version.": "Du måste behålla åtminstone en version.", "You must keep at least one version.": "Du måste behålla åtminstone en version.",
"You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "Du ska aldrig lägga till eller ändra något lokalt i en \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\"-mapp.", "You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "Du ska aldrig lägga till eller ändra något lokalt i en \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\"-mapp.",
"Your SMS app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own number.": "Din SMS-app bör öppnas så att du kan välja mottagare och skicka den från ditt eget nummer.",
"Your email app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own address.": "Din e-postapp bör öppnas så att du kan välja mottagare och skicka den från din egen adress.",
"days": "dagar", "days": "dagar",
"directories": "mappar", "directories": "mappar",
"files": "filer", "files": "filer",

View File

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
"Are you sure you want to revert all local changes?": "Tüm yerel değişiklikleri geri almak istediğinize emin misiniz?", "Are you sure you want to revert all local changes?": "Tüm yerel değişiklikleri geri almak istediğinize emin misiniz?",
"Are you sure you want to upgrade?": "Yükseltmek istediğinize emin misiniz?", "Are you sure you want to upgrade?": "Yükseltmek istediğinize emin misiniz?",
"Authors": "Hazırlayan", "Authors": "Hazırlayan",
"Auto Accept": "Otomatik Kabul Et", "Auto Accept": "Otomatik kabul et",
"Automatic Crash Reporting": "Otomatik Çökme Bildirme", "Automatic Crash Reporting": "Otomatik Çökme Bildirme",
"Automatic upgrade now offers the choice between stable releases and release candidates.": "Otomatik yükseltme artık kararlı yayımlar ve yayım adayları arasında seçim yapmayı sunar.", "Automatic upgrade now offers the choice between stable releases and release candidates.": "Otomatik yükseltme artık kararlı yayımlar ve yayım adayları arasında seçim yapmayı sunar.",
"Automatic upgrades": "Otomatik yükseltmeler", "Automatic upgrades": "Otomatik yükseltmeler",
@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
"Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "Bu cihazın duyurduğu klasörleri otomatik olarak varsayılan yolda oluşturun veya paylaşın.", "Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "Bu cihazın duyurduğu klasörleri otomatik olarak varsayılan yolda oluşturun veya paylaşın.",
"Available debug logging facilities:": "Mevcut hata ayıklama günlüklemesi olanakları:", "Available debug logging facilities:": "Mevcut hata ayıklama günlüklemesi olanakları:",
"Be careful!": "Dikkatli olun!", "Be careful!": "Dikkatli olun!",
"Body:": "Gövde:",
"Bugs": "Hatalar", "Bugs": "Hatalar",
"Cancel": "İptal", "Cancel": "İptal",
"Changelog": "Değişiklik Günlüğü", "Changelog": "Değişiklik Günlüğü",
@ -67,6 +68,9 @@
"Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "Sürekli olarak değişiklikleri izlemek artık Syncthing içinde mevcut. Bu, diskteki değişiklikleri algılayacak ve yalnızca değiştirilen yollarda bir tarama gerçekleştirecek. Yararları, değişikliklerin daha hızlı yayılması ve daha az tam tarama gerekmesidir.", "Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "Sürekli olarak değişiklikleri izlemek artık Syncthing içinde mevcut. Bu, diskteki değişiklikleri algılayacak ve yalnızca değiştirilen yollarda bir tarama gerçekleştirecek. Yararları, değişikliklerin daha hızlı yayılması ve daha az tam tarama gerekmesidir.",
"Copied from elsewhere": "Başka bir yerden kopyalandı", "Copied from elsewhere": "Başka bir yerden kopyalandı",
"Copied from original": "Orijinalinden kopyalandı", "Copied from original": "Orijinalinden kopyalandı",
"Copied!": "Kopyalandı!",
"Copy": "Kopyala",
"Copy failed! Try to select and copy manually.": "Kopyalama başarısız oldu! El ile seçmeyi ve kopyalamayı deneyin.",
"Currently Shared With Devices": "Şu Anda Paylaşıldığı Cihazlar", "Currently Shared With Devices": "Şu Anda Paylaşıldığı Cihazlar",
"Custom Range": "Özel Aralık", "Custom Range": "Özel Aralık",
"Danger!": "Tehlike!", "Danger!": "Tehlike!",
@ -207,6 +211,7 @@
"Last seen": "Son görülme", "Last seen": "Son görülme",
"Latest Change": "Son Değişiklik", "Latest Change": "Son Değişiklik",
"Learn more": "Daha fazla bilgi edinin", "Learn more": "Daha fazla bilgi edinin",
"Learn more at {%url%}": "{{url}} adresinde daha fazla bilgi edinin",
"Limit": "Sınır", "Limit": "Sınır",
"Listener Failures": "Dinleyici Hataları", "Listener Failures": "Dinleyici Hataları",
"Listener Status": "Dinleyici Durumu", "Listener Status": "Dinleyici Durumu",
@ -326,6 +331,8 @@
"Settings": "Ayarlar", "Settings": "Ayarlar",
"Share": "Paylaş", "Share": "Paylaş",
"Share Folder": "Paylaşım Klasörü", "Share Folder": "Paylaşım Klasörü",
"Share by Email": "E-posta ile Paylaş",
"Share by SMS": "SMS ile Paylaş",
"Share this folder?": "Bu klasör paylaşılsın mı?", "Share this folder?": "Bu klasör paylaşılsın mı?",
"Shared Folders": "Paylaşılan Klasörler", "Shared Folders": "Paylaşılan Klasörler",
"Shared With": "Şununla Paylaşıldı", "Shared With": "Şununla Paylaşıldı",
@ -357,6 +364,7 @@
"Statistics": "İstatistikler", "Statistics": "İstatistikler",
"Stopped": "Durduruldu", "Stopped": "Durduruldu",
"Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "Yalnızca şifrelenmiş verileri depolar ve eşitler. Tüm bağlı cihazlardaki klasörlerin de aynı parola ile ayarlanması veya \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" türünde olması gerekir.", "Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "Yalnızca şifrelenmiş verileri depolar ve eşitler. Tüm bağlı cihazlardaki klasörlerin de aynı parola ile ayarlanması veya \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" türünde olması gerekir.",
"Subject:": "Konu:",
"Support": "Destek", "Support": "Destek",
"Support Bundle": "Destek Paketi", "Support Bundle": "Destek Paketi",
"Sync Extended Attributes": "Genişletilmiş Öznitelikleri Eşitle", "Sync Extended Attributes": "Genişletilmiş Öznitelikleri Eşitle",
@ -364,9 +372,11 @@
"Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "Eşitleme Protokolü Dinleme Adresleri", "Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "Eşitleme Protokolü Dinleme Adresleri",
"Sync Status": "Eşitleme Durumu", "Sync Status": "Eşitleme Durumu",
"Syncing": "Eşitleniyor", "Syncing": "Eşitleniyor",
"Syncthing device ID for \"{%devicename%}\"": "\"{{devicename}}\" için Syncthing cihaz kimliği",
"Syncthing has been shut down.": "Syncthing kapatıldı.", "Syncthing has been shut down.": "Syncthing kapatıldı.",
"Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing aşağıdaki yazılımları veya bunların bölümlerini içermektedir:", "Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing aşağıdaki yazılımları veya bunların bölümlerini içermektedir:",
"Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthing, MPL v2.0 ile lisanslanan Özgür ve Açık Kaynaklı Yazılım'dır.", "Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthing, MPL v2.0 ile lisanslanan Özgür ve Açık Kaynaklı Yazılım'dır.",
"Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, whether it is shared with some third party, and how it's transmitted over the internet.": "Syncthing, sürekli bir dosya eşitleme programıdır. Dosyaları iki veya daha fazla bilgisayar arasında gerçek zamanlı olarak eşitler, meraklı gözlerden güvenli bir şekilde korunur. Verileriniz yalnızca sizin verilerinizdir ve nerede saklanacağını, bazı üçüncü taraflarla paylaşılıp paylaşılmayacağını ve internet üzerinden nasıl iletileceğini seçme hakkınız vardır.",
"Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "Syncthing, diğer cihazlardan gelen bağlantı girişimleri için aşağıdaki ağ adreslerini dinliyor:", "Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "Syncthing, diğer cihazlardan gelen bağlantı girişimleri için aşağıdaki ağ adreslerini dinliyor:",
"Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "Syncthing, herhangi bir adresteki diğer cihazlardan gelen bağlantı girişimlerini dinlemiyor. Bu cihazdan yalnızca giden bağlantılar çalışabilir.", "Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "Syncthing, herhangi bir adresteki diğer cihazlardan gelen bağlantı girişimlerini dinlemiyor. Bu cihazdan yalnızca giden bağlantılar çalışabilir.",
"Syncthing is restarting.": "Syncthing yeniden başlatılıyor.", "Syncthing is restarting.": "Syncthing yeniden başlatılıyor.",
@ -396,6 +406,7 @@
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "Aşağıdaki öğeler eşitlenemedi.", "The following items could not be synchronized.": "Aşağıdaki öğeler eşitlenemedi.",
"The following items were changed locally.": "Aşağıdaki öğeler yerel olarak değiştirildi.", "The following items were changed locally.": "Aşağıdaki öğeler yerel olarak değiştirildi.",
"The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "Aşağıdaki yöntemler, ağdaki diğer cihazları keşfetmek ve bu cihazı başkaları tarafından bulunacak şekilde duyurmak için kullanılır:", "The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "Aşağıdaki yöntemler, ağdaki diğer cihazları keşfetmek ve bu cihazı başkaları tarafından bulunacak şekilde duyurmak için kullanılır:",
"The following text will automatically be inserted into a new message.": "Aşağıdaki metin otomatik olarak yeni bir iletiye eklenecektir.",
"The following unexpected items were found.": "Aşağıdaki beklenmeyen öğeler bulundu.", "The following unexpected items were found.": "Aşağıdaki beklenmeyen öğeler bulundu.",
"The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "Aralık, pozitif bir saniye sayısı olmak zorundadır.", "The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "Aralık, pozitif bir saniye sayısı olmak zorundadır.",
"The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "Sürüm dizininde temizlemeyi çalıştırmak için saniye olarak aralık değeri. Düzenli temizliği etkisizleştirmek için sıfır.", "The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "Sürüm dizininde temizlemeyi çalıştırmak için saniye olarak aralık değeri. Düzenli temizliği etkisizleştirmek için sıfır.",
@ -422,6 +433,7 @@
"This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "Bu ayar, ev (yani indeks veritabanı) diskindeki gereken boş alanı denetler.", "This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "Bu ayar, ev (yani indeks veritabanı) diskindeki gereken boş alanı denetler.",
"Time": "Zaman", "Time": "Zaman",
"Time the item was last modified": "Öğenin son düzenlendiği zaman", "Time the item was last modified": "Öğenin son düzenlendiği zaman",
"To connect with the Syncthing device named \"{%devicename%}\", add a new remote device on your end with this ID:": "\"{{devicename}}\" adlı Syncthing cihazına bağlanmak için şu kimliğinizle biten yeni bir uzak cihaz ekleyin:",
"Today": "Bugün", "Today": "Bugün",
"Trash Can": "Çöp Kutusu", "Trash Can": "Çöp Kutusu",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Çöp Kutusu Dosyası Sürümlendirme", "Trash Can File Versioning": "Çöp Kutusu Dosyası Sürümlendirme",
@ -473,6 +485,7 @@
"When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "Yeni bir klasör eklerken, Klasör Kimliği'nin klasörleri cihazlar arasında bağlamak için kullanıldığını unutmayın. Büyük/küçük harf duyarlıdırlar ve tüm cihazlarda tam olarak eşleşmek zorundadırlar.", "When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "Yeni bir klasör eklerken, Klasör Kimliği'nin klasörleri cihazlar arasında bağlamak için kullanıldığını unutmayın. Büyük/küçük harf duyarlıdırlar ve tüm cihazlarda tam olarak eşleşmek zorundadırlar.",
"Yes": "Evet", "Yes": "Evet",
"Yesterday": "Dün", "Yesterday": "Dün",
"You can also copy and paste the text into a new message manually.": "Ayrıca metni el ile kopyalayabilir ve yeni bir iletiye yapıştırabilirsiniz.",
"You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "Ayrıca yakındaki cihazlardan birini de seçebilirsiniz:", "You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "Ayrıca yakındaki cihazlardan birini de seçebilirsiniz:",
"You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "Seçiminizi istediğiniz zaman Ayarlar ileti öğesinde değiştirebilirsiniz.", "You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "Seçiminizi istediğiniz zaman Ayarlar ileti öğesinde değiştirebilirsiniz.",
"You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "İki yayım kanalı hakkında daha fazlasını aşağıdaki bağlantıda okuyabilirsiniz.", "You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "İki yayım kanalı hakkında daha fazlasını aşağıdaki bağlantıda okuyabilirsiniz.",
@ -481,6 +494,8 @@
"You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "Kaydedilmemiş değişiklikler var. Gerçekten yoksaymak istiyor musunuz?", "You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "Kaydedilmemiş değişiklikler var. Gerçekten yoksaymak istiyor musunuz?",
"You must keep at least one version.": "En az bir sürümü tutmak zorundasınız.", "You must keep at least one version.": "En az bir sürümü tutmak zorundasınız.",
"You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "\"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" klasörüne yerel olarak hiçbir şey eklememeli veya değiştirmemelisiniz.", "You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "\"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" klasörüne yerel olarak hiçbir şey eklememeli veya değiştirmemelisiniz.",
"Your SMS app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own number.": "Alıcıyı seçmenize ve kendi numaranızdan göndermenize izin vermek için SMS uygulamanız açılmalıdır.",
"Your email app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own address.": "Alıcıyı seçmenize ve kendi adresinizden göndermenize izin vermek için e-posta uygulamanız açılmalıdır.",
"days": "gün", "days": "gün",
"directories": "dizin", "directories": "dizin",
"files": "dosya", "files": "dosya",

View File

@ -1,497 +0,0 @@
"A device with that ID is already added.": "Пристрій з таким ID вже додано раніше.",
"A negative number of days doesn't make sense.": "Від'ємна кількість днів немає сенсу.",
"A new major version may not be compatible with previous versions.": "Нова мажорна версія може бути несумісною із попередніми версіями.",
"API Key": "API ключ",
"About": "Про програму",
"Action": "Дія",
"Actions": "Дії",
"Add": "Додати",
"Add Device": "Додати пристрій",
"Add Folder": "Додати директорію",
"Add Remote Device": "Додати віддалений пристрій",
"Add devices from the introducer to our device list, for mutually shared folders.": "Додати пристрої від пристрою-рекомендувача до нашого списку пристроїв для спільно розділених директорій.",
"Add ignore patterns": "Додати шаблони ігнорування",
"Add new folder?": "Додати нову директорію?",
"Additionally the full rescan interval will be increased (times 60, i.e. new default of 1h). You can also configure it manually for every folder later after choosing No.": "Крім того, буде збільшений інтервал повного сканування (у 60 разів, тобто нове значення за замовчанням - 1 година). Ви також можете налаштувати його вручну для кожної папки пізніше після вибору \"Ні\".",
"Address": "Адреса",
"Addresses": "Адреси",
"Advanced": "Розширені",
"Advanced Configuration": "Розширена конфігурація",
"All Data": "Усі дані",
"All Time": "Постійно",
"All folders shared with this device must be protected by a password, such that all sent data is unreadable without the given password.": "All folders shared with this device must be protected by a password, such that all sent data is unreadable without the given password.",
"Allow Anonymous Usage Reporting?": "Дозволити програмі збирати анонімну статистику використання?",
"Allowed Networks": "Дозволені мережі",
"Alphabetic": "За алфавітом",
"Altered by ignoring deletes.": "Altered by ignoring deletes.",
"An external command handles the versioning. It has to remove the file from the shared folder. If the path to the application contains spaces, it should be quoted.": "Зовнішня команда керування версіями. Вона має видалити файл із спільної директорії. Якщо шлях до програми містить пробіли, він буде взятий у лапки.",
"Anonymous Usage Reporting": "Анонімна статистика використання",
"Anonymous usage report format has changed. Would you like to move to the new format?": "Змінився формат анонімного звіту про користування. Бажаєте перейти на новий формат?",
"Apply": "Apply",
"Are you sure you want to override all remote changes?": "Are you sure you want to override all remote changes?",
"Are you sure you want to permanently delete all these files?": "Are you sure you want to permanently delete all these files?",
"Are you sure you want to remove device {%name%}?": "Чи ви впевнені в необхідності видалити пристрій {{name}}?",
"Are you sure you want to remove folder {%label%}?": "Чи ви впевнені в необхідності видалити директорію {{label}}?",
"Are you sure you want to restore {%count%} files?": "Чи ви впевнені в необхідності відновити наступну к-сть файлів: {{count}} ?",
"Are you sure you want to revert all local changes?": "Are you sure you want to revert all local changes?",
"Are you sure you want to upgrade?": "Впевнені, що хочете оновитися?",
"Authors": "Authors",
"Auto Accept": "Затверджувати автоматично пропоновані віддаленим пристроєм каталоги",
"Automatic Crash Reporting": "Автоматичне звітування про збої",
"Automatic upgrade now offers the choice between stable releases and release candidates.": "Автоматиче оновлення зараз дозволяє обирати між стабільними випусками та реліз-кандидатами.",
"Automatic upgrades": "Автоматичні оновлення",
"Automatic upgrades are always enabled for candidate releases.": "Автоматичні оновлення завжди увімкнені для реліз-кандидатів.",
"Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "Автоматично створювати або поширювати каталоги, які цей пристрій декларує як створені по замовчанню.",
"Available debug logging facilities:": "Доступні засоби журналу для відладки:",
"Be careful!": "Будьте обережні!",
"Bugs": "Помилки",
"Cancel": "Cancel",
"Changelog": "Перелік змін",
"Clean out after": "Очистити після",
"Cleaning Versions": "Очищення версій",
"Cleanup Interval": "Інтервал очищення",
"Click to see full identification string and QR code.": "Click to see full identification string and QR code.",
"Close": "Закрити",
"Command": "Команда",
"Comment, when used at the start of a line": "Коментар, якщо використовується на початку рядка",
"Compression": "Стиснення",
"Configuration Directory": "Configuration Directory",
"Configuration File": "Configuration File",
"Configured": "Налаштовано",
"Connected (Unused)": "Під'єднано (не використовується)",
"Connection Error": "Помилка з’єднання",
"Connection Type": "Тип з'єднання",
"Connections": "З'єднання",
"Connections via relays might be rate limited by the relay": "Connections via relays might be rate limited by the relay",
"Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "Постійне стеження за змінами наразі доступне у Syncthing. Це дозволить виявити зміни на диску та сканувати тільки модифіковані шляхи. Переваги полягають у тому, що зміни поширюються швидше і зменшується кількість повних пересканувань.",
"Copied from elsewhere": "Скопійовано з іншого місця",
"Copied from original": "Скопійовано з оригіналу",
"Currently Shared With Devices": "На даний момент є спільний доступ пристроїв",
"Custom Range": "Custom Range",
"Danger!": "Небезпечно!",
"Database Location": "Database Location",
"Debugging Facilities": "Засоби відладки",
"Default Configuration": "Default Configuration",
"Default Device": "Default Device",
"Default Folder": "Default Folder",
"Default Ignore Patterns": "Default Ignore Patterns",
"Defaults": "Defaults",
"Delete": "Видалити",
"Delete Unexpected Items": "Delete Unexpected Items",
"Deleted {%file%}": "Deleted {{file}}",
"Deselect All": "Зняти вибір з усіх",
"Deselect devices to stop sharing this folder with.": "Зніміть вибір з пристроїв, які не матимуть доступу до цієї директорії.",
"Deselect folders to stop sharing with this device.": "Deselect folders to stop sharing with this device.",
"Device": "Пристрій",
"Device \"{%name%}\" ({%device%} at {%address%}) wants to connect. Add new device?": "Пристрій \"{{name}}\" ({{device}} за адресою {{address}}) намагається під’єднатися. Додати новий пристрій?",
"Device Certificate": "Device Certificate",
"Device ID": "ID пристрою",
"Device Identification": "Ідентифікатор пристрою",
"Device Name": "Назва пристрою",
"Device is untrusted, enter encryption password": "Device is untrusted, enter encryption password",
"Device rate limits": "Обмеження пристрою",
"Device that last modified the item": "Пристрій, що останнім змінив елемент",
"Devices": "Пристрої",
"Disable Crash Reporting": "Вимкнути звітування про збої",
"Disabled": "Вимкнено",
"Disabled periodic scanning and disabled watching for changes": "Відключено періодичне сканування та відключено відстеження змін",
"Disabled periodic scanning and enabled watching for changes": "Відключено періодичне сканування та увімкнене стеження за змінами",
"Disabled periodic scanning and failed setting up watching for changes, retrying every 1m:": "Відключено періодичне сканування та не вдається налаштувати перегляд змін, повторення кожну 1 хв:",
"Disables comparing and syncing file permissions. Useful on systems with nonexistent or custom permissions (e.g. FAT, exFAT, Synology, Android).": "Вимикає порівняння та синхронізацію дозволів на файли. Корисно для систем з відсутніми або особливими дозволами (наприклад, FAT, exFAT, Synology, Android).",
"Discard": "Відхилити",
"Disconnected": "З’єднання відсутнє",
"Disconnected (Inactive)": "Disconnected (Inactive)",
"Disconnected (Unused)": "Від'єднано (не використовується)",
"Discovered": "Виявлено",
"Discovery": "Сервери координації NAT",
"Discovery Failures": "Помилки виявлення",
"Discovery Status": "Discovery Status",
"Dismiss": "Dismiss",
"Do not add it to the ignore list, so this notification may recur.": "Do not add it to the ignore list, so this notification may recur.",
"Do not restore": "Не відновлювати",
"Do not restore all": "Не відновлювати все",
"Do you want to enable watching for changes for all your folders?": "Бажаєте увімкнути стеження за змінами у всіх ваших папках?",
"Documentation": "Документація",
"Download Rate": "Швидкість завантаження",
"Downloaded": "Завантажено",
"Downloading": "Завантаження",
"Edit": "Редагувати",
"Edit Device": "Налаштування пристрою",
"Edit Device Defaults": "Edit Device Defaults",
"Edit Folder": "Налаштування директорії",
"Edit Folder Defaults": "Edit Folder Defaults",
"Editing {%path%}.": "Редагування {{path}}.",
"Enable Crash Reporting": "Увімкнути звітування про збої",
"Enable NAT traversal": "Увімкнути NAT traversal",
"Enable Relaying": "Увімкнути ретрансляцію (relaying)",
"Enabled": "Увімкнено",
"Enables sending extended attributes to other devices, and applying incoming extended attributes. May require running with elevated privileges.": "Enables sending extended attributes to other devices, and applying incoming extended attributes. May require running with elevated privileges.",
"Enables sending extended attributes to other devices, but not applying incoming extended attributes. This can have a significant performance impact. Always enabled when \"Sync Extended Attributes\" is enabled.": "Enables sending extended attributes to other devices, but not applying incoming extended attributes. This can have a significant performance impact. Always enabled when \"Sync Extended Attributes\" is enabled.",
"Enables sending ownership information to other devices, and applying incoming ownership information. Typically requires running with elevated privileges.": "Enables sending ownership information to other devices, and applying incoming ownership information. Typically requires running with elevated privileges.",
"Enables sending ownership information to other devices, but not applying incoming ownership information. This can have a significant performance impact. Always enabled when \"Sync Ownership\" is enabled.": "Enables sending ownership information to other devices, but not applying incoming ownership information. This can have a significant performance impact. Always enabled when \"Sync Ownership\" is enabled.",
"Enter a non-negative number (e.g., \"2.35\") and select a unit. Percentages are as part of the total disk size.": "Введіть невід'ємне число (напр. \"2.35\") та виберіть пристрій. Проценти від загального дискового простору.",
"Enter a non-privileged port number (1024 - 65535).": "Введіть номер непривілейованого порту (1024 - 65535).",
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Введіть розділені комою (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") адреси або \"dynamic\" для автоматичного визначення адреси.",
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Введіть шаблони ігнорування, по одному на рядок.",
"Enter up to three octal digits.": "Введіть до трьох вісімкових цифр.",
"Error": "Помилка",
"Extended Attributes": "Extended Attributes",
"External": "External",
"External File Versioning": "Зовнішне керування версіями",
"Failed Items": "Невдалі",
"Failed to load file versions.": "Failed to load file versions.",
"Failed to load ignore patterns.": "Failed to load ignore patterns.",
"Failed to setup, retrying": "Помилка при налаштуванні, повторюємо",
"Failure to connect to IPv6 servers is expected if there is no IPv6 connectivity.": "За відсутності IPv6-з'єднання очікується неможливість підключення до IPv6-серверів.",
"File Pull Order": "Порядок витягнення файлів",
"File Versioning": "Керування версіями",
"Files are moved to .stversions directory when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Файли, що замінюються або видаляються Syncthing, переміщуються у директорію .stversions. ",
"Files are moved to date stamped versions in a .stversions directory when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Файли будуть поміщатися у директорію .stversions із відповідною позначкою часу, коли вони будуть замінятися або видалятися програмою.",
"Files are protected from changes made on other devices, but changes made on this device will be sent to the rest of the cluster.": "Вміст папки захищено від змін, зроблених на інших пристроях, але зміни зроблені на цьому пристрої можна розіслати решті пристроїв кластеру.",
"Files are synchronized from the cluster, but any changes made locally will not be sent to other devices.": "Файли синхронізуються з кластера, але будь-які внесені локально зміни не надсилатимуться на інші пристрої.",
"Filesystem Watcher Errors": "Помилки спостерігача файлової системи",
"Filter by date": "Фільтрувати по даті",
"Filter by name": "Фільтрувати по імені",
"Folder": "Директорія",
"Folder ID": "ID директорії",
"Folder Label": "Мітка директорії",
"Folder Path": "Шлях до директорії",
"Folder Type": "Тип директорії",
"Folder type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" can only be set when adding a new folder.": "Folder type \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" can only be set when adding a new folder.",
"Folder type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" cannot be changed after adding the folder. You need to remove the folder, delete or decrypt the data on disk, and add the folder again.": "Folder type \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" cannot be changed after adding the folder. You need to remove the folder, delete or decrypt the data on disk, and add the folder again.",
"Folders": "Директорії",
"For the following folders an error occurred while starting to watch for changes. It will be retried every minute, so the errors might go away soon. If they persist, try to fix the underlying issue and ask for help if you can't.": "Сталася помилка при спробі відслідковувати зміни у вищенаведених папках. Їх доступність перевірятиметься щохвилини, доки помилка не зникне. Якщо помилки не зникають, спробуйте виправити права доступу або попросіть допомоги.",
"Forever": "Forever",
"Full Rescan Interval (s)": "Інтервал повного пересканування (секунди)",
"GUI": "Графічний інтерфейс",
"GUI / API HTTPS Certificate": "GUI / API HTTPS Certificate",
"GUI Authentication Password": "Пароль для доступу до панелі управління",
"GUI Authentication User": "Логін користувача для доступу до панелі управління",
"GUI Authentication: Set User and Password": "Доступ до панелі управління: встановіть ім'я користувача та пароль",
"GUI Listen Address": "Адреса прослуховування GUI",
"GUI Override Directory": "GUI Override Directory",
"GUI Theme": "Тема інтерфейсу",
"General": "Загальні",
"Generate": "Згенерувати",
"Global Discovery": "Глобальне виявлення (internet)",
"Global Discovery Servers": "Сервери глобального виявлення \n(координації NAT)",
"Global State": "Глобальний статус",
"Help": "Допомога",
"Home page": "Домашня сторінка",
"However, your current settings indicate you might not want it enabled. We have disabled automatic crash reporting for you.": "Однак ваші поточні налаштування вказують, що ви, можливо, не хочете, щоб це було ввімкнено. Ми відключили автоматичне повідомлення про аварійне завершення роботи.",
"Identification": "Identification",
"If untrusted, enter encryption password": "If untrusted, enter encryption password",
"If you want to prevent other users on this computer from accessing Syncthing and through it your files, consider setting up authentication.": "Якщо ви хочете заборонити іншим користувачам цього комп’ютера отримувати доступ до Syncthing і через нього до своїх файлів, подумайте про налаштування автентифікації.",
"Ignore": "Ігнорувати",
"Ignore Patterns": "Шаблони винятків",
"Ignore Permissions": "Ігнорувати права доступу до файлів",
"Ignore patterns can only be added after the folder is created. If checked, an input field to enter ignore patterns will be presented after saving.": "Ignore patterns can only be added after the folder is created. If checked, an input field to enter ignore patterns will be presented after saving.",
"Ignored Devices": "Ігноровані пристрої",
"Ignored Folders": "Ігноровані папки",
"Ignored at": "Ігноруються в",
"Included Software": "Included Software",
"Incoming Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Ліміт швидкості завантаження (КіБ/с)",
"Incorrect configuration may damage your folder contents and render Syncthing inoperable.": "Невірна конфігурація може пошкодити вміст вашої директорії та зробити Syncthing недієздатним.",
"Internally used paths:": "Internally used paths:",
"Introduced By": "Введено",
"Introducer": "Рекомендувач",
"Inversion of the given condition (i.e. do not exclude)": "Інверсія поточної умови (тобто не виключає)",
"Keep Versions": "Зберігати версії",
"Largest First": "Спершу найбільші",
"Last 30 Days": "Last 30 Days",
"Last 7 Days": "Last 7 Days",
"Last Month": "Last Month",
"Last Scan": "Останнє сканування",
"Last seen": "З’являвся останній раз",
"Latest Change": "Найостанніша зміна",
"Learn more": "Дізнатися більше",
"Limit": "Ліміт",
"Listener Failures": "Listener Failures",
"Listener Status": "Listener Status",
"Listeners": "Приймачі (TCP & Relay)",
"Loading data...": "Дані завантажуються...",
"Loading...": "Завантаження...",
"Local Additions": "Локальні доповнення",
"Local Discovery": "Локальне виявлення (LAN)",
"Local State": "Локальний статус",
"Local State (Total)": "Локальний статус (загалом)",
"Locally Changed Items": "Локально змінені об'єкти",
"Log": "Журнал",
"Log File": "Log File",
"Log tailing paused. Scroll to the bottom to continue.": "Промотування журналу призупинене. Прокрутіть нижче, щоби продовжити.",
"Logs": "Журнали",
"Major Upgrade": "Мажорне оновлення",
"Mass actions": "Масові операції",
"Maximum Age": "Максимальний вік",
"Metadata Only": "Тільки метадані",
"Minimum Free Disk Space": "Мінімальний вільний простір на диску",
"Mod. Device": "Модифікований пристрій:",
"Mod. Time": "Час модифікації:",
"More than a month ago": "More than a month ago",
"More than a week ago": "More than a week ago",
"More than a year ago": "More than a year ago",
"Move to top of queue": "Пересунути у початок черги",
"Multi level wildcard (matches multiple directory levels)": "Багаторівнева маска (пошук збігів в усіх піддиректоріях) ",
"Never": "Ніколи",
"New Device": "Новий пристрій",
"New Folder": "Нова директорія",
"Newest First": "Спершу новіші",
"No": "Ні",
"No File Versioning": "Версіонування вимкнено",
"No files will be deleted as a result of this operation.": "В результаті цієї операції не було видалено жодного файлу.",
"No upgrades": "Немає оновлень",
"Not shared": "Not shared",
"Notice": "Зауваження",
"OK": "Гаразд",
"Off": "Вимкнути",
"Oldest First": "Спершу старіші",
"Optional descriptive label for the folder. Can be different on each device.": "Необов'язкова косметична назва директорії. Не передається іншим пристроям.",
"Options": "Опції",
"Out of Sync": "Не синхронізовано",
"Out of Sync Items": "Не синхронізовані елементи",
"Outgoing Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Ліміт швидкості віддачі (КіБ/с)",
"Override": "Override",
"Override Changes": "Розіслати мою версію",
"Ownership": "Ownership",
"Path": "Шлях",
"Path to the folder on the local computer. Will be created if it does not exist. The tilde character (~) can be used as a shortcut for": "Шлях до директорії на локальному комп’ютері. Буде створений, якщо такий не існує. Символ тильди (~) може бути використаний як ярлик для",
"Path where versions should be stored (leave empty for the default .stversions directory in the shared folder).": "Шлях, де повинні зберігатися версії (залиште порожнім для зберігання в .stversions в середині директорії)",
"Paths": "Paths",
"Pause": "Пауза",
"Pause All": "Призупинити все",
"Paused": "Призупинено",
"Paused (Unused)": "Призупинено (не використовується)",
"Pending changes": "Запит на зміни поставлено в чергу",
"Periodic scanning at given interval and disabled watching for changes": "Періодичне сканування через визначений інтервал та відключене відстеження змін",
"Periodic scanning at given interval and enabled watching for changes": "Періодичне сканування через визначений інтервал та увімкнене відстеження змін",
"Periodic scanning at given interval and failed setting up watching for changes, retrying every 1m:": "Періодичне сканування через визначений інтервал та невдале відстеження змін, повторні спроби кожну 1 хв.:",
"Permanently add it to the ignore list, suppressing further notifications.": "Permanently add it to the ignore list, suppressing further notifications.",
"Please consult the release notes before performing a major upgrade.": "Будь ласка, перегляньте примітки до випуску перед мажорним оновленням. ",
"Please set a GUI Authentication User and Password in the Settings dialog.": "Будь ласка, встановіть у налаштуваннях ім'я користувача та пароль до графічного інтерфейсу.",
"Please wait": "Будь ласка, зачекайте",
"Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal": "Префікс означає, що файл може бути видалений при запобіганні видаленню директорії",
"Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity": "Префікс означає, що шаблон має збігатися без чутливості до регістру",
"Preparing to Sync": "Підготовка до синхронізації",
"Preview": "Попередній перегляд",
"Preview Usage Report": "Попередній перегляд статистичного звіту",
"QR code": "QR code",
"QUIC connections are in most cases considered suboptimal": "QUIC connections are in most cases considered suboptimal",
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Короткий посібник по шаблонам, що підтримуються",
"Random": "Випадково",
"Receive Encrypted": "Receive Encrypted",
"Receive Only": "Тільки отримувати",
"Received data is already encrypted": "Received data is already encrypted",
"Recent Changes": "Останні зміни",
"Reduced by ignore patterns": "Зменшено шаблонами ігнорування",
"Relay": "Relay",
"Release Notes": "Примітки до випуску",
"Release candidates contain the latest features and fixes. They are similar to the traditional bi-weekly Syncthing releases.": "Реліз-кандидати містять найостанніші функції та виправлення. Вони схожі на традиційні щодвотижневі випуски Syncthing.",
"Remote Devices": "Віддалені пристрої",
"Remote GUI": "Remote GUI",
"Remove": "Видалити",
"Remove Device": "Видалити пристрій",
"Remove Folder": "Видалити директорію",
"Required identifier for the folder. Must be the same on all cluster devices.": "Обов'язковий унікальний ідентифікатор директорії. Має бути однаковим на усіх пристроях кластеру.",
"Rescan": "Пересканувати",
"Rescan All": "Пересканувати усе",
"Rescans": "Пересканування",
"Restart": "Перезапуск",
"Restart Needed": "Необхідний перезапуск",
"Restarting": "Відбувається перезапуск",
"Restore": "Відновити",
"Restore Versions": "Відновлення за версією",
"Resume": "Продовжити",
"Resume All": "Продовжити всі",
"Reused": "Використано вдруге",
"Revert": "Revert",
"Revert Local Changes": "Інвертувати локальні зміни",
"Save": "Зберегти",
"Scan Time Remaining": "Час до кінця сканування",
"Scanning": "Сканування",
"See external versioning help for supported templated command line parameters.": "Переглянути допомогу по зовнішньому версіонуванню для підтримуваних шаблонних параметрів командного рядка.",
"Select All": "Обрати все",
"Select a version": "Обрати версію",
"Select additional devices to share this folder with.": "Оберіть додаткові пристрої, які матимуть доступ до цієї директорії.",
"Select additional folders to share with this device.": "Select additional folders to share with this device.",
"Select latest version": "Обрати найновішу версію",
"Select oldest version": "Обрати найстарішу версію",
"Send & Receive": "Відправити та отримати",
"Send Extended Attributes": "Send Extended Attributes",
"Send Only": "Лише відправити",
"Send Ownership": "Send Ownership",
"Set Ignores on Added Folder": "Set Ignores on Added Folder",
"Settings": "Налаштування",
"Share": "Розповсюдити ",
"Share Folder": "Розповсюдити каталог",
"Share this folder?": "Розповсюдити цей каталог?",
"Shared Folders": "Shared Folders",
"Shared With": "Доступно для",
"Sharing": "Спільне використання",
"Show ID": "Показати ID",
"Show QR": "Показати QR-код",
"Show detailed discovery status": "Show detailed discovery status",
"Show detailed listener status": "Show detailed listener status",
"Show diff with previous version": "Показати відмінності від попередньої версії",
"Shown instead of Device ID in the cluster status. Will be advertised to other devices as an optional default name.": "Показується замість ID пристрою в статусі кластера. Буде розголошено іншим вузлам як опціональне типове ім’я.",
"Shown instead of Device ID in the cluster status. Will be updated to the name the device advertises if left empty.": "Показується замість ID пристрою в статусі кластера. Буде оновлено ім’ям, яке розголошене пристроєм, якщо залишити порожнім.",
"Shutdown": "Вимкнути",
"Shutdown Complete": "Вимикання завершене",
"Simple": "Simple",
"Simple File Versioning": "Просте версіонування",
"Single level wildcard (matches within a directory only)": "Однорівнева маска (пошук збігів лише в середині директорії) ",
"Size": "Розмір",
"Smallest First": "Спершу найменші",
"Some discovery methods could not be established for finding other devices or announcing this device:": "Some discovery methods could not be established for finding other devices or announcing this device:",
"Some items could not be restored:": "Деякі елементи не можуть бути відновлені: ",
"Some listening addresses could not be enabled to accept connections:": "Some listening addresses could not be enabled to accept connections:",
"Source Code": "Сирцевий код",
"Stable releases and release candidates": "Стабільні випуски та реліз-кандидати",
"Stable releases are delayed by about two weeks. During this time they go through testing as release candidates.": "Стабільні випуски затримуються на два тижні. У цей час вони тестуються як реліз-кандидати.",
"Stable releases only": "Тільки стабільні випуски",
"Staggered": "Staggered",
"Staggered File Versioning": "Поступове версіонування",
"Start Browser": "Запустити браузер",
"Statistics": "Статистика",
"Stopped": "Зупинено",
"Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" too.",
"Support": "Підтримка",
"Support Bundle": "Пакетна підтримка",
"Sync Extended Attributes": "Sync Extended Attributes",
"Sync Ownership": "Sync Ownership",
"Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "Адреса і вхідний порт протоколу синхронізації",
"Sync Status": "Sync Status",
"Syncing": "Синхронізація",
"Syncthing has been shut down.": "Syncthing вимкнено (закрито).",
"Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing містить наступне програмне забезпечення (або його частини):",
"Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthing - це вільне та програмне забезпечення з відкритим кодом, ліцензоване як MPL v2.0.",
"Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:",
"Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.",
"Syncthing is restarting.": "Syncthing перезавантажується.",
"Syncthing is upgrading.": "Syncthing оновлюється.",
"Syncthing now supports automatically reporting crashes to the developers. This feature is enabled by default.": "Syncthing тепер підтримує автоматичне звітування розобникам про збої. Ця функція увімкнена за умовчанням.",
"Syncthing seems to be down, or there is a problem with your Internet connection. Retrying…": "Схоже на те, що Syncthing закритий, або виникла проблема із Інтернет-з’єднанням. Проводиться повторна спроба з’єднання…",
"Syncthing seems to be experiencing a problem processing your request. Please refresh the page or restart Syncthing if the problem persists.": "Схоже на те, що Syncthing стикнувся з проблемою оброблюючи ваш запит. Будь ласка перезавантажте сторінку в браузері або перезапустіть Syncthing.",
"Take me back": "Поверніть мене назад",
"The GUI address is overridden by startup options. Changes here will not take effect while the override is in place.": "Адреса графічного інтерфейсу користувача перевизначена стартовими налаштуваннями. Зміни зроблені тут не матимуть ефекту доки існує перевизначення.",
"The Syncthing Authors": "Автори Syncthing",
"The Syncthing admin interface is configured to allow remote access without a password.": "Інтерфейс адміністрування Syncthing налаштовано на дозвіл віддаленого доступу без пароля.",
"The aggregated statistics are publicly available at the URL below.": "Зібрана статистика публічно доступна за наступним посиланням.",
"The cleanup interval cannot be blank.": "Інтервал очищення не може бути порожнім.",
"The configuration has been saved but not activated. Syncthing must restart to activate the new configuration.": "Конфігурацію збережено, але не активовано. Необхідно перезапустити Syncthing для того, щоби активувати нову конфігурацію.",
"The device ID cannot be blank.": "ID пристрою не може бути порожнім.",
"The device ID to enter here can be found in the \"Actions > Show ID\" dialog on the other device. Spaces and dashes are optional (ignored).": "ID пристрою, який необхідно додати. Може бути знайдений у вікні \"Дії > Показати ID\" в меню іншого пристрою. Пробіли та тире необов'язкові (будуть проігноровні).",
"The encrypted usage report is sent daily. It is used to track common platforms, folder sizes and app versions. If the reported data set is changed you will be prompted with this dialog again.": "Зашифрована статистика використання відсилається щоденно. Вона використовується для того, щоб розробники розуміли, на яких платформах працює програма, розміри директорій та версії програми. Якщо набір даних, що збирається зазнає змін, ви обов’язково будете повідомлені через це діалогове вікно.",
"The entered device ID does not look valid. It should be a 52 or 56 character string consisting of letters and numbers, with spaces and dashes being optional.": "Введений ID пристрою невалідний. Ідентифікатор має вигляд строки довжиною 52 або 56 символів, що містить цифри та літери, із опціональними пробілами та тире.",
"The folder ID cannot be blank.": "ID директорії не може бути порожнім.",
"The folder ID must be unique.": "ID директорії повинен бути унікальним.",
"The folder content on other devices will be overwritten to become identical with this device. Files not present here will be deleted on other devices.": "The folder content on other devices will be overwritten to become identical with this device. Files not present here will be deleted on other devices.",
"The folder content on this device will be overwritten to become identical with other devices. Files newly added here will be deleted.": "The folder content on this device will be overwritten to become identical with other devices. Files newly added here will be deleted.",
"The folder path cannot be blank.": "Шлях до директорії не може бути порожнім.",
"The following intervals are used: for the first hour a version is kept every 30 seconds, for the first day a version is kept every hour, for the first 30 days a version is kept every day, until the maximum age a version is kept every week.": "Використовуються наступні інтервали: для першої години версія зберігається кожні 30 секунд, для першого дня версія зберігається щогодини, для перших 30 днів версія зберігається кожен день, опісля, до максимального строку, версія зберігається щотижня.",
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "Наступні пункти не можуть бути синхронізовані.",
"The following items were changed locally.": "Наступні об'єкти були змінені локально.",
"The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:",
"The following unexpected items were found.": "The following unexpected items were found.",
"The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "Інтервал повинен бути додатною кількістю секунд.",
"The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "Інтервал, в секундах, для запуску очищення в директорії версій. Нуль для вимкнення періодичної чистки.",
"The maximum age must be a number and cannot be blank.": "Максимальний термін повинен бути числом та не може бути пустим.",
"The maximum time to keep a version (in days, set to 0 to keep versions forever).": "Максимальний термін, щоб зберігати версію (у днях, вствновіть в 0, щоби зберігати версії назавжди).",
"The number of days must be a number and cannot be blank.": "Кількість днів має бути числом і не може бути порожнім.",
"The number of days to keep files in the trash can. Zero means forever.": "Кількість днів зберігання файлів у кошику. Нуль означає назавжди.",
"The number of old versions to keep, per file.": "Кількість старих версій, яку необхідно зберігати для кожного файлу.",
"The number of versions must be a number and cannot be blank.": "Кількість версій повинна бути цифрою та не може бути порожньою.",
"The path cannot be blank.": "Шлях не може бути порожнім.",
"The rate limit must be a non-negative number (0: no limit)": "Швидкість має бути додатнім числом.",
"The remote device has not accepted sharing this folder.": "The remote device has not accepted sharing this folder.",
"The remote device has paused this folder.": "The remote device has paused this folder.",
"The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.": "Інтервал повторного сканування повинен бути неід’ємною величиною.",
"There are no devices to share this folder with.": "Відсутні пристрої, які мають доступ до цієї директорії.",
"There are no file versions to restore.": "There are no file versions to restore.",
"There are no folders to share with this device.": "There are no folders to share with this device.",
"They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.": "Вони будуть автоматично повторно синхронізовані, коли помилку буде усунено. ",
"This Device": "Локальний пристрій",
"This Month": "This Month",
"This can easily give hackers access to read and change any files on your computer.": "Це легко може дати хакерам доступ до читання та зміни будь-яких файлів на вашому комп'ютері.",
"This device cannot automatically discover other devices or announce its own address to be found by others. Only devices with statically configured addresses can connect.": "This device cannot automatically discover other devices or announce its own address to be found by others. Only devices with statically configured addresses can connect.",
"This is a major version upgrade.": "Це оновлення мажорної версії",
"This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "Це налаштування визначає необхідний вільний простір на домашньому (тобто той, що містить базу даних) диску.",
"Time": "Час",
"Time the item was last modified": "Час останньої зміни елемента:",
"Today": "Today",
"Trash Can": "Trash Can",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Версіонування файлів у кошику ",
"Twitter": "Twitter",
"Type": "Тип",
"UNIX Permissions": "UNIX дозволи",
"Unavailable": "Недоступно",
"Unavailable/Disabled by administrator or maintainer": "Недоступно/заборонено адміністратором або куратором",
"Undecided (will prompt)": "Невизначено (буде запитано)",
"Unexpected Items": "Unexpected Items",
"Unexpected items have been found in this folder.": "Unexpected items have been found in this folder.",
"Unignore": "Не ігнорувати",
"Unknown": "Невідомо",
"Unshared": "Не розповсюджується",
"Unshared Devices": "Пристрої, що не розповсюджується",
"Unshared Folders": "Unshared Folders",
"Untrusted": "Untrusted",
"Up to Date": "Актуальна версія",
"Updated {%file%}": "Updated {{file}}",
"Upgrade": "Оновлення",
"Upgrade To {%version%}": "Оновити до {{version}}",
"Upgrading": "Оновлення",
"Upload Rate": "Швидкість віддачі",
"Uptime": "Тривалість роботи",
"Usage reporting is always enabled for candidate releases.": "Звіти про користування завжди увімкнені для реліз-кандидатів.",
"Use HTTPS for GUI": "Використовувати HTTPS для доступу до панелі управління",
"Use notifications from the filesystem to detect changed items.": "Використовувати сповіщення від файлової системи для виявлення змінених об'єктів.",
"User Home": "User Home",
"Username/Password has not been set for the GUI authentication. Please consider setting it up.": "Логін/пароль не встановлений для GUI автенфікації. Будь-ласка налаштуйте її.",
"Using a direct TCP connection over LAN": "Using a direct TCP connection over LAN",
"Using a direct TCP connection over WAN": "Using a direct TCP connection over WAN",
"Version": "Версія",
"Versions": "Версії",
"Versions Path": "Шлях до версій",
"Versions are automatically deleted if they are older than the maximum age or exceed the number of files allowed in an interval.": "Версії автоматично видаляються, якщо вони старше, ніж максимальний вік, або перевищують допустиму кількість файлів за інтервал.",
"Waiting to Clean": "Очікування очищення",
"Waiting to Scan": "Очікування сканування",
"Waiting to Sync": "Очікування синхронізації",
"Warning": "Warning",
"Warning, this path is a parent directory of an existing folder \"{%otherFolder%}\".": "Увага, цей шлях є батьківським каталогом директорії \"{{otherFolder}}\", що й так синхронізується .",
"Warning, this path is a parent directory of an existing folder \"{%otherFolderLabel%}\" ({%otherFolder%}).": "Увага, цей шлях є батьківським каталогом директорії \"{{otherFolderLabel}}\" , що й так синхронізується ({{otherFolder}}).",
"Warning, this path is a subdirectory of an existing folder \"{%otherFolder%}\".": "Увага, цей шлях є підпапкою директорії \"{{otherFolder}}\", що й так синхронізується .",
"Warning, this path is a subdirectory of an existing folder \"{%otherFolderLabel%}\" ({%otherFolder%}).": "Увага, цей шлях є підпапкою директорії \"{{otherFolderLabel}}\", що й так синхронізується ({{otherFolder}}).",
"Warning: If you are using an external watcher like {%syncthingInotify%}, you should make sure it is deactivated.": "Увага: якщо ви використовуєте зовнішній спостерігач на кшталт {{syncthingInotify}}, ви маєте впевнитись що він деактивований.",
"Watch for Changes": "Моніторити зміни",
"Watching for Changes": "Моніторинг змін",
"Watching for changes discovers most changes without periodic scanning.": "Моніторинг змін виявляє більшість змін без періодичного сканування.",
"When adding a new device, keep in mind that this device must be added on the other side too.": "Коли додаєте новий вузол, пам’ятайте, що цей вузол повинен бути доданий і на іншій стороні.",
"When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "Коли додаєте нову директорію, пам’ятайте, що ID цієї директорії використовується для того, щоб зв’язувати директорії разом між пристроями. Назви повинні точно співпадати між усіма пристроями, регістр символів має значення.",
"Yes": "Так",
"Yesterday": "Yesterday",
"You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "Ви також можете обрати один із сусідніх пристроїв:",
"You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "Ви завжди можете змінити свій вибір у вікні Налаштувань.",
"You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "Ви можете прочитати більше про два канали випусків за посиланням нижче.",
"You have no ignored devices.": "Немає ігнорованих пристроїв.",
"You have no ignored folders.": "Немає ігнорованих папок.",
"You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "Внесені зміни не збережено, чи дійсно відмовитись від змін?",
"You must keep at least one version.": "Ви повинні зберігати щонайменше одну версію.",
"You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" folder.",
"days": "днів",
"directories": "директорії",
"files": "файли",
"full documentation": "повна документація",
"items": "елементи",
"seconds": "секунд",
"theme-name-black": "Black",
"theme-name-dark": "Dark",
"theme-name-default": "Default",
"theme-name-light": "Light",
"{%device%} wants to share folder \"{%folder%}\".": "{{device}} хоче поділитися директорією \"{{folder}}\".",
"{%device%} wants to share folder \"{%folderlabel%}\" ({%folder%}).": "{{device}} хоче поділитися директорією \"{{folderLabel}}\" ({{folder}}).",
"{%reintroducer%} might reintroduce this device.": "{{reintroducer}} might reintroduce this device."

View File

@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
"Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "在本机默认文件夹中,自动地创建或共享这个设备共享出来的所有文件夹。", "Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "在本机默认文件夹中,自动地创建或共享这个设备共享出来的所有文件夹。",
"Available debug logging facilities:": "可用的调试日志功能:", "Available debug logging facilities:": "可用的调试日志功能:",
"Be careful!": "小心!", "Be careful!": "小心!",
"Body:": "Body:",
"Bugs": "问题回报", "Bugs": "问题回报",
"Cancel": "取消", "Cancel": "取消",
"Changelog": "更新日志", "Changelog": "更新日志",
@ -67,6 +68,9 @@
"Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "Syncthing 现在可以持续监视更改了。这将检测磁盘上的更改,然后对有修改的路径发起扫描。这样的好处是更改可以更快地传播,且需要的完整扫描会更少。", "Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "Syncthing 现在可以持续监视更改了。这将检测磁盘上的更改,然后对有修改的路径发起扫描。这样的好处是更改可以更快地传播,且需要的完整扫描会更少。",
"Copied from elsewhere": "从其它设备复制", "Copied from elsewhere": "从其它设备复制",
"Copied from original": "从源复制", "Copied from original": "从源复制",
"Copied!": "Copied!",
"Copy": "Copy",
"Copy failed! Try to select and copy manually.": "Copy failed! Try to select and copy manually.",
"Currently Shared With Devices": "当前设备已共享", "Currently Shared With Devices": "当前设备已共享",
"Custom Range": "自定义范围", "Custom Range": "自定义范围",
"Danger!": "危险!", "Danger!": "危险!",
@ -207,6 +211,7 @@
"Last seen": "最后可见", "Last seen": "最后可见",
"Latest Change": "最后更改", "Latest Change": "最后更改",
"Learn more": "了解更多", "Learn more": "了解更多",
"Learn more at {%url%}": "Learn more at {{url}}",
"Limit": "限制", "Limit": "限制",
"Listener Failures": "监听失败", "Listener Failures": "监听失败",
"Listener Status": "监听状态", "Listener Status": "监听状态",
@ -326,6 +331,8 @@
"Settings": "设置", "Settings": "设置",
"Share": "共享", "Share": "共享",
"Share Folder": "共享文件夹", "Share Folder": "共享文件夹",
"Share by Email": "Share by Email",
"Share by SMS": "Share by SMS",
"Share this folder?": "是否共享该文件夹?", "Share this folder?": "是否共享该文件夹?",
"Shared Folders": "共享文件夹", "Shared Folders": "共享文件夹",
"Shared With": "共享给", "Shared With": "共享给",
@ -357,6 +364,7 @@
"Statistics": "统计", "Statistics": "统计",
"Stopped": "已停止", "Stopped": "已停止",
"Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "仅存储和同步加密的数据。所有连接的设备上的文件夹也需要使用相同的密码设置,或者也必须设置为“ {{receiveEncrypted}}”类型。", "Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "仅存储和同步加密的数据。所有连接的设备上的文件夹也需要使用相同的密码设置,或者也必须设置为“ {{receiveEncrypted}}”类型。",
"Subject:": "Subject:",
"Support": "支持", "Support": "支持",
"Support Bundle": "支持捆绑包", "Support Bundle": "支持捆绑包",
"Sync Extended Attributes": "同步扩展属性", "Sync Extended Attributes": "同步扩展属性",
@ -364,9 +372,11 @@
"Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "协议监听地址", "Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "协议监听地址",
"Sync Status": "同步状态", "Sync Status": "同步状态",
"Syncing": "同步中", "Syncing": "同步中",
"Syncthing device ID for \"{%devicename%}\"": "Syncthing device ID for \"{{devicename}}\"",
"Syncthing has been shut down.": "Syncthing 已关闭。", "Syncthing has been shut down.": "Syncthing 已关闭。",
"Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing 使用了下列软件或其中的一部分:", "Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing 使用了下列软件或其中的一部分:",
"Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthing 是个以 MPL v2.0 授权的免费开源软件。", "Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthing 是个以 MPL v2.0 授权的免费开源软件。",
"Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, whether it is shared with some third party, and how it's transmitted over the internet.": "Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, whether it is shared with some third party, and how it's transmitted over the internet.",
"Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "同步正在监听以下网络地址,以获取来自其他设备的连接尝试:", "Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "同步正在监听以下网络地址,以获取来自其他设备的连接尝试:",
"Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "Syncthing 不会在任何地址上侦听来自其他设备的连接尝试。只有来自该设备的传出连接可能有效。", "Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "Syncthing 不会在任何地址上侦听来自其他设备的连接尝试。只有来自该设备的传出连接可能有效。",
"Syncthing is restarting.": "Syncthing 正在重启。", "Syncthing is restarting.": "Syncthing 正在重启。",
@ -396,6 +406,7 @@
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "下列项目无法被同步。", "The following items could not be synchronized.": "下列项目无法被同步。",
"The following items were changed locally.": "下列项目存在本地更改。", "The following items were changed locally.": "下列项目存在本地更改。",
"The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "以下方法用于发现网络上的其他设备并通知其他人发现该设备:", "The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "以下方法用于发现网络上的其他设备并通知其他人发现该设备:",
"The following text will automatically be inserted into a new message.": "The following text will automatically be inserted into a new message.",
"The following unexpected items were found.": "找到了以下特殊项。", "The following unexpected items were found.": "找到了以下特殊项。",
"The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "间隔必须为正数秒。", "The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "间隔必须为正数秒。",
"The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "在版本目录中运行清理的间隔。0表示禁用定期清除。", "The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "在版本目录中运行清理的间隔。0表示禁用定期清除。",
@ -422,6 +433,7 @@
"This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "此设置控制主(例如索引数据库)磁盘上需要的可用空间。", "This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "此设置控制主(例如索引数据库)磁盘上需要的可用空间。",
"Time": "时间", "Time": "时间",
"Time the item was last modified": "该项最近修改的时间", "Time the item was last modified": "该项最近修改的时间",
"To connect with the Syncthing device named \"{%devicename%}\", add a new remote device on your end with this ID:": "To connect with the Syncthing device named \"{{devicename}}\", add a new remote device on your end with this ID:",
"Today": "今天", "Today": "今天",
"Trash Can": "回收站", "Trash Can": "回收站",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "回收站式版本控制", "Trash Can File Versioning": "回收站式版本控制",
@ -473,6 +485,7 @@
"When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "若你添加了新文件夹,记住文件夹 ID 是用以在不同设备间建立联系的。在不同设备间拥有相同 ID 的文件夹将会被同步。且文件夹 ID 区分大小写。", "When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "若你添加了新文件夹,记住文件夹 ID 是用以在不同设备间建立联系的。在不同设备间拥有相同 ID 的文件夹将会被同步。且文件夹 ID 区分大小写。",
"Yes": "是", "Yes": "是",
"Yesterday": "昨天", "Yesterday": "昨天",
"You can also copy and paste the text into a new message manually.": "You can also copy and paste the text into a new message manually.",
"You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "您也可以从这些附近的设备中选择:", "You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "您也可以从这些附近的设备中选择:",
"You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "您可以在任何时候在设置对话框中更改选择。", "You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "您可以在任何时候在设置对话框中更改选择。",
"You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "您可以从以下链接读取更多关于两个发行渠道的信息。", "You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "您可以从以下链接读取更多关于两个发行渠道的信息。",
@ -481,6 +494,8 @@
"You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "你有未保存的更改。你真的要丢弃它们吗?", "You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "你有未保存的更改。你真的要丢弃它们吗?",
"You must keep at least one version.": "您必须保留至少一个版本。", "You must keep at least one version.": "您必须保留至少一个版本。",
"You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "您绝对不应在“ {{receiveEncrypted}}”文件夹中添加或更改任何本地内容。", "You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "您绝对不应在“ {{receiveEncrypted}}”文件夹中添加或更改任何本地内容。",
"Your SMS app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own number.": "Your SMS app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own number.",
"Your email app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own address.": "Your email app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own address.",
"days": "天", "days": "天",
"directories": "目录", "directories": "目录",
"files": "文件", "files": "文件",

View File

@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
"Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "在本機默認文件夾中,自動地建立或共享這個設備共享出來的所有文件夾。", "Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "在本機默認文件夾中,自動地建立或共享這個設備共享出來的所有文件夾。",
"Available debug logging facilities:": "可用的調試日誌功能:", "Available debug logging facilities:": "可用的調試日誌功能:",
"Be careful!": "小心!", "Be careful!": "小心!",
"Body:": "Body:",
"Bugs": "問題回報", "Bugs": "問題回報",
"Cancel": "取消", "Cancel": "取消",
"Changelog": "更新日誌", "Changelog": "更新日誌",
@ -67,6 +68,9 @@
"Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "Syncthing 現在可以持續監視更改了。這將檢測磁盤上的更改,然後對有修改的路徑發起掃瞄。這樣的好處是更改可以更快地傳播,且需要的完整掃瞄會更少。", "Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "Syncthing 現在可以持續監視更改了。這將檢測磁盤上的更改,然後對有修改的路徑發起掃瞄。這樣的好處是更改可以更快地傳播,且需要的完整掃瞄會更少。",
"Copied from elsewhere": "從其他設備複製", "Copied from elsewhere": "從其他設備複製",
"Copied from original": "從源複製", "Copied from original": "從源複製",
"Copied!": "完成複製!",
"Copy": "複製",
"Copy failed! Try to select and copy manually.": "複製失敗!嘗試手動選擇和復制。",
"Currently Shared With Devices": "當前設備已共享", "Currently Shared With Devices": "當前設備已共享",
"Custom Range": "自定義範圍", "Custom Range": "自定義範圍",
"Danger!": "危險!", "Danger!": "危險!",
@ -101,7 +105,7 @@
"Disables comparing and syncing file permissions. Useful on systems with nonexistent or custom permissions (e.g. FAT, exFAT, Synology, Android).": "禁用比較和同步文件權限。 適用於不存在或自定義權限的系統例如FATexFATSynologyAndroid。", "Disables comparing and syncing file permissions. Useful on systems with nonexistent or custom permissions (e.g. FAT, exFAT, Synology, Android).": "禁用比較和同步文件權限。 適用於不存在或自定義權限的系統例如FATexFATSynologyAndroid。",
"Discard": "丟棄", "Discard": "丟棄",
"Disconnected": "連接已斷開", "Disconnected": "連接已斷開",
"Disconnected (Inactive)": "Disconnected (Inactive)", "Disconnected (Inactive)": "斷開連接(不活躍)",
"Disconnected (Unused)": "斷開連接(未使用)", "Disconnected (Unused)": "斷開連接(未使用)",
"Discovered": "已發現", "Discovered": "已發現",
"Discovery": "設備發現", "Discovery": "設備發現",
@ -207,6 +211,7 @@
"Last seen": "最後可見", "Last seen": "最後可見",
"Latest Change": "最後更改", "Latest Change": "最後更改",
"Learn more": "瞭解更多", "Learn more": "瞭解更多",
"Learn more at {%url%}": "在 {{url}}了解更多",
"Limit": "限制", "Limit": "限制",
"Listener Failures": "偵聽程序失敗", "Listener Failures": "偵聽程序失敗",
"Listener Status": "偵聽程序狀態", "Listener Status": "偵聽程序狀態",
@ -229,9 +234,9 @@
"Minimum Free Disk Space": "最低可用磁盤空間", "Minimum Free Disk Space": "最低可用磁盤空間",
"Mod. Device": "修改設備", "Mod. Device": "修改設備",
"Mod. Time": "修改時間", "Mod. Time": "修改時間",
"More than a month ago": "More than a month ago", "More than a month ago": "一個多月前",
"More than a week ago": "More than a week ago", "More than a week ago": "一個多星期前",
"More than a year ago": "More than a year ago", "More than a year ago": "一年多以前",
"Move to top of queue": "移動到隊列頂端", "Move to top of queue": "移動到隊列頂端",
"Multi level wildcard (matches multiple directory levels)": "多級通配符(用以匹配多層文件夾)", "Multi level wildcard (matches multiple directory levels)": "多級通配符(用以匹配多層文件夾)",
"Never": "從未", "Never": "從未",
@ -326,6 +331,8 @@
"Settings": "設置", "Settings": "設置",
"Share": "共享", "Share": "共享",
"Share Folder": "共享文件夾", "Share Folder": "共享文件夾",
"Share by Email": "通過電子郵件分享",
"Share by SMS": "通過短信分享",
"Share this folder?": "是否共享該文件夾?", "Share this folder?": "是否共享該文件夾?",
"Shared Folders": "共享文件夾", "Shared Folders": "共享文件夾",
"Shared With": "共享給", "Shared With": "共享給",
@ -357,6 +364,7 @@
"Statistics": "統計", "Statistics": "統計",
"Stopped": "已停止", "Stopped": "已停止",
"Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "僅存儲和同步加密數據。所有連接設備上的文件夾都需要設置相同的密碼或類型為 \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\"。", "Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "僅存儲和同步加密數據。所有連接設備上的文件夾都需要設置相同的密碼或類型為 \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\"。",
"Subject:": "主題:",
"Support": "支持", "Support": "支持",
"Support Bundle": "支持捆綁包", "Support Bundle": "支持捆綁包",
"Sync Extended Attributes": "同步擴展屬性", "Sync Extended Attributes": "同步擴展屬性",
@ -364,9 +372,11 @@
"Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "協議監聽地址", "Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "協議監聽地址",
"Sync Status": "Sync Status", "Sync Status": "Sync Status",
"Syncing": "同步中", "Syncing": "同步中",
"Syncthing device ID for \"{%devicename%}\"": "同步\"{{devicename}}\"的設備 ID",
"Syncthing has been shut down.": "Syncthing 已關閉。", "Syncthing has been shut down.": "Syncthing 已關閉。",
"Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing 使用了下列軟件或其中的一部分:", "Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing 使用了下列軟件或其中的一部分:",
"Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthing 是個以 MPL v2.0 授權的免費開源軟件。", "Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthing 是個以 MPL v2.0 授權的免費開源軟件。",
"Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, whether it is shared with some third party, and how it's transmitted over the internet.": "Syncthing 是一個持續的文件同步程序。它在兩台或多台計算機之間實時同步文件,安全地防止窺探。您的數據只是您的數據,您應該選擇存儲位置、是否與第三方共享以及如何通過 Internet 傳輸。",
"Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "Syncthing 正在以下網絡地址上偵聽其他設備的連接嘗試:", "Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "Syncthing 正在以下網絡地址上偵聽其他設備的連接嘗試:",
"Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "Syncthing 不會在任何地址上偵聽來自其他設備的連接嘗試。只有來自該設備的傳出連接可能有效。", "Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "Syncthing 不會在任何地址上偵聽來自其他設備的連接嘗試。只有來自該設備的傳出連接可能有效。",
"Syncthing is restarting.": "Syncthing 正在重啟。", "Syncthing is restarting.": "Syncthing 正在重啟。",
@ -396,6 +406,7 @@
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "下列項目無法被同步。", "The following items could not be synchronized.": "下列項目無法被同步。",
"The following items were changed locally.": "下列項目存在本地更改。", "The following items were changed locally.": "下列項目存在本地更改。",
"The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "以下方法用於發現網絡上的其他設備並宣布該設備被其他人發現:", "The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "以下方法用於發現網絡上的其他設備並宣布該設備被其他人發現:",
"The following text will automatically be inserted into a new message.": "以下文字將自動插入到新消息中。",
"The following unexpected items were found.": "找到以下不需要項目。", "The following unexpected items were found.": "找到以下不需要項目。",
"The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "間隔必須為正數秒。", "The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "間隔必須為正數秒。",
"The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "在版本目錄中運行清理的間隔。0表示禁用定期清除。", "The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "在版本目錄中運行清理的間隔。0表示禁用定期清除。",
@ -422,6 +433,7 @@
"This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "此設置控制主(例如索引數據庫)磁盤上需要的可用空間。", "This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "此設置控制主(例如索引數據庫)磁盤上需要的可用空間。",
"Time": "時間", "Time": "時間",
"Time the item was last modified": "該項最近修改的時間", "Time the item was last modified": "該項最近修改的時間",
"To connect with the Syncthing device named \"{%devicename%}\", add a new remote device on your end with this ID:": "要連接名為\"{{devicename}}\"的 Syncthing 設備,請在您的一端添加一個具有此 ID 的新遠程設備:",
"Today": "今天", "Today": "今天",
"Trash Can": "回收站", "Trash Can": "回收站",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "回收站式版本控制", "Trash Can File Versioning": "回收站式版本控制",
@ -473,6 +485,7 @@
"When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "若你新增了新文件夾,記住文件夾 ID 是用以在不同設備間建立聯繫的。在不同設備間擁有相同 ID 的文件夾將會被同步。且文件夾 ID 區分大小寫。", "When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "若你新增了新文件夾,記住文件夾 ID 是用以在不同設備間建立聯繫的。在不同設備間擁有相同 ID 的文件夾將會被同步。且文件夾 ID 區分大小寫。",
"Yes": "是", "Yes": "是",
"Yesterday": "昨日", "Yesterday": "昨日",
"You can also copy and paste the text into a new message manually.": "您還可以手動將文字複制並貼上到新信息中。",
"You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "您也可以從這些附近的設備中選擇:", "You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "您也可以從這些附近的設備中選擇:",
"You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "您可以在任何時候在設置對話框中更改選擇。", "You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "您可以在任何時候在設置對話框中更改選擇。",
"You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "您可以從以下鏈接讀取更多關於兩個發行渠道的信息。", "You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "您可以從以下鏈接讀取更多關於兩個發行渠道的信息。",
@ -481,6 +494,8 @@
"You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "你有未保存的更改。你真的要丟棄它們嗎?", "You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "你有未保存的更改。你真的要丟棄它們嗎?",
"You must keep at least one version.": "您必須保留至少一個版本。", "You must keep at least one version.": "您必須保留至少一個版本。",
"You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "您絕對不應在\"{%receiveEncrypted%}\"文件夾中本地添加或更改任何內容。", "You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "您絕對不應在\"{%receiveEncrypted%}\"文件夾中本地添加或更改任何內容。",
"Your SMS app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own number.": "您的 SMS 應用程序應該打開,讓您選擇收件人並從您自己的電話號碼發送。",
"Your email app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own address.": "您的電子郵件應用程序應該打開,讓您選擇收件人並從您自己的地址發送。",
"days": "天", "days": "天",
"directories": "目錄", "directories": "目錄",
"files": "文件", "files": "文件",

View File

@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
"Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "自動在預設資料夾路徑建立或分享該裝置推薦的資料夾。", "Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "自動在預設資料夾路徑建立或分享該裝置推薦的資料夾。",
"Available debug logging facilities:": "可用的除錯日誌工具:", "Available debug logging facilities:": "可用的除錯日誌工具:",
"Be careful!": "請小心!", "Be careful!": "請小心!",
"Body:": "Body:",
"Bugs": "程式錯誤", "Bugs": "程式錯誤",
"Cancel": "取消", "Cancel": "取消",
"Changelog": "更新日誌", "Changelog": "更新日誌",
@ -67,6 +68,9 @@
"Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "Syncthing 現在能持續地監視變動了。此機制將偵測到磁碟上的變動並僅對修改過的項目發起掃描。優點是檔案的變動將更快地傳播,並且減少完整掃描的需求。", "Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "Syncthing 現在能持續地監視變動了。此機制將偵測到磁碟上的變動並僅對修改過的項目發起掃描。優點是檔案的變動將更快地傳播,並且減少完整掃描的需求。",
"Copied from elsewhere": "從別處複製", "Copied from elsewhere": "從別處複製",
"Copied from original": "從原處複製", "Copied from original": "從原處複製",
"Copied!": "Copied!",
"Copy": "Copy",
"Copy failed! Try to select and copy manually.": "Copy failed! Try to select and copy manually.",
"Currently Shared With Devices": "目前與裝置共享", "Currently Shared With Devices": "目前與裝置共享",
"Custom Range": "Custom Range", "Custom Range": "Custom Range",
"Danger!": "危險!", "Danger!": "危險!",
@ -207,6 +211,7 @@
"Last seen": "最後發現時間", "Last seen": "最後發現時間",
"Latest Change": "最近變動", "Latest Change": "最近變動",
"Learn more": "瞭解更多", "Learn more": "瞭解更多",
"Learn more at {%url%}": "Learn more at {{url}}",
"Limit": "限制", "Limit": "限制",
"Listener Failures": "Listener Failures", "Listener Failures": "Listener Failures",
"Listener Status": "監聽狀態", "Listener Status": "監聽狀態",
@ -326,6 +331,8 @@
"Settings": "設定", "Settings": "設定",
"Share": "共享", "Share": "共享",
"Share Folder": "共享資料夾", "Share Folder": "共享資料夾",
"Share by Email": "Share by Email",
"Share by SMS": "Share by SMS",
"Share this folder?": "共享此資料夾?", "Share this folder?": "共享此資料夾?",
"Shared Folders": "已共享的資料夾", "Shared Folders": "已共享的資料夾",
"Shared With": "與誰共享", "Shared With": "與誰共享",
@ -357,6 +364,7 @@
"Statistics": "統計", "Statistics": "統計",
"Stopped": "已停止", "Stopped": "已停止",
"Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "僅儲存並同步已加密的資料。所有位於已連接裝置上的資料夾,必須設定相同的密碼,或屬於 \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" 類型。", "Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "僅儲存並同步已加密的資料。所有位於已連接裝置上的資料夾,必須設定相同的密碼,或屬於 \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" 類型。",
"Subject:": "Subject:",
"Support": "支援", "Support": "支援",
"Support Bundle": "支援包", "Support Bundle": "支援包",
"Sync Extended Attributes": "Sync Extended Attributes", "Sync Extended Attributes": "Sync Extended Attributes",
@ -364,9 +372,11 @@
"Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "同步通訊協定監聽位址", "Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "同步通訊協定監聽位址",
"Sync Status": "同步狀態", "Sync Status": "同步狀態",
"Syncing": "正在同步", "Syncing": "正在同步",
"Syncthing device ID for \"{%devicename%}\"": "Syncthing device ID for \"{{devicename}}\"",
"Syncthing has been shut down.": "Syncthing 已經關閉。", "Syncthing has been shut down.": "Syncthing 已經關閉。",
"Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing 包括以下軟體或其中的一部分:", "Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing 包括以下軟體或其中的一部分:",
"Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthing 為自由且開源授權條款為 MPL v2.0。", "Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthing 為自由且開源授權條款為 MPL v2.0。",
"Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, whether it is shared with some third party, and how it's transmitted over the internet.": "Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, whether it is shared with some third party, and how it's transmitted over the internet.",
"Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "Syncthing 正在以下的網路位址上監聽來自其他設備的連接嘗試:", "Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "Syncthing 正在以下的網路位址上監聽來自其他設備的連接嘗試:",
"Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.", "Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.",
"Syncthing is restarting.": "Syncthing 正在重新啟動。", "Syncthing is restarting.": "Syncthing 正在重新啟動。",
@ -396,6 +406,7 @@
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "無法同步以下項目。", "The following items could not be synchronized.": "無法同步以下項目。",
"The following items were changed locally.": "以下項目在本機進行了變更。", "The following items were changed locally.": "以下項目在本機進行了變更。",
"The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "以下方式被用來探索網路上的其他裝置以及宣佈此裝置,被其他裝置探索", "The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "以下方式被用來探索網路上的其他裝置以及宣佈此裝置,被其他裝置探索",
"The following text will automatically be inserted into a new message.": "The following text will automatically be inserted into a new message.",
"The following unexpected items were found.": "找到以下不預期項目。", "The following unexpected items were found.": "找到以下不預期項目。",
"The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "間隔秒數必須為正數。", "The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "間隔秒數必須為正數。",
"The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "間隔,以秒為單位,執行清除歷史版本目錄。如欲停用週期清除,設 0 。", "The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "間隔,以秒為單位,執行清除歷史版本目錄。如欲停用週期清除,設 0 。",
@ -422,6 +433,7 @@
"This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "此設定控制家目錄(即:索引資料庫)的必須可用空間。", "This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "此設定控制家目錄(即:索引資料庫)的必須可用空間。",
"Time": "時間", "Time": "時間",
"Time the item was last modified": "前次修改時間", "Time the item was last modified": "前次修改時間",
"To connect with the Syncthing device named \"{%devicename%}\", add a new remote device on your end with this ID:": "To connect with the Syncthing device named \"{{devicename}}\", add a new remote device on your end with this ID:",
"Today": "Today", "Today": "Today",
"Trash Can": "Trash Can", "Trash Can": "Trash Can",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "垃圾筒式檔案版本控制", "Trash Can File Versioning": "垃圾筒式檔案版本控制",
@ -473,6 +485,7 @@
"When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "當新增一個資料夾時,請記住,資料夾識別碼是用來將裝置之間的資料夾綁定在一起的。它們有區分大小寫,且必須在所有裝置之間完全相同。", "When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "當新增一個資料夾時,請記住,資料夾識別碼是用來將裝置之間的資料夾綁定在一起的。它們有區分大小寫,且必須在所有裝置之間完全相同。",
"Yes": "是", "Yes": "是",
"Yesterday": "Yesterday", "Yesterday": "Yesterday",
"You can also copy and paste the text into a new message manually.": "You can also copy and paste the text into a new message manually.",
"You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "您亦可從這些附近裝置中擇一:", "You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "您亦可從這些附近裝置中擇一:",
"You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "您可以在設定對話框中隨時更改您的選擇。", "You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "您可以在設定對話框中隨時更改您的選擇。",
"You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "您可於下方連結閱讀更多關於發行頻道的說明。", "You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "您可於下方連結閱讀更多關於發行頻道的說明。",
@ -481,6 +494,8 @@
"You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "您有未儲存的變更。確認棄用嗎?", "You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "您有未儲存的變更。確認棄用嗎?",
"You must keep at least one version.": "您必須保留至少一個版本。", "You must keep at least one version.": "您必須保留至少一個版本。",
"You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "您不應該在 \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" 資料夾中新增或變更任何內容。", "You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "您不應該在 \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" 資料夾中新增或變更任何內容。",
"Your SMS app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own number.": "Your SMS app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own number.",
"Your email app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own address.": "Your email app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own address.",
"days": "日", "days": "日",
"directories": "目錄", "directories": "目錄",
"files": "個檔案", "files": "個檔案",

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
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View File

@ -1 +1 @@
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