Allow deletes per default (fixes #19)

This commit is contained in:
Jakob Borg 2014-01-07 16:15:18 +01:00
parent 340c9095dd
commit b4db177045

View File

@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ type Options struct {
ConfDir string `short:"c" long:"cfg" description:"Configuration directory" default:"~/.syncthing" value-name:"DIR"`
Listen string `short:"l" long:"listen" description:"Listen address" default:":22000" value-name:"ADDR"`
ReadOnly bool `short:"r" long:"ro" description:"Repository is read only"`
Delete bool `short:"d" long:"delete" description:"Delete files deleted from cluster"`
Rehash bool `long:"rehash" description:"Ignore cache and rehash all files in repository"`
NoDelete bool `long:"no-delete" description:"Never delete files"`
NoSymlinks bool `long:"no-symlinks" description:"Don't follow first level symlinks in the repo"`
NoStats bool `long:"no-stats" description:"Don't print model and connection statistics"`
GUIAddr string `long:"gui" description:"GUI listen address" default:"" value-name:"ADDR"`
@ -164,13 +164,13 @@ func main() {
// Routine to pull blocks from other nodes to synchronize the local
// repository. Does not run when we are in read only (publish only) mode.
if !opts.ReadOnly {
if opts.Delete {
infoln("Deletes from peer nodes are allowed")
} else {
if opts.NoDelete {
infoln("Deletes from peer nodes will be ignored")
} else {
infoln("Deletes from peer nodes are allowed")
okln("Ready to synchronize (read-write)")
m.StartRW(opts.Delete, opts.Advanced.FilesInFlight, opts.Advanced.RequestsInFlight)
m.StartRW(!opts.NoDelete, opts.Advanced.FilesInFlight, opts.Advanced.RequestsInFlight)
} else {
okln("Ready to synchronize (read only; no external updates accepted)")