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synced 2025-02-06 22:08:52 +00:00
Translation & docs update
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
"Add new folder?": "Добави нова папка?",
"Address": "Адрес",
"Addresses": "Адреси",
"Advanced": "Допълнителни",
"Advanced Configuration": "Допълнителни настройки",
"All Data": "Всички данни",
"Allow Anonymous Usage Reporting?": "Разреши анонимен доклад за ползване на програмата?",
"Alphabetic": "Азбучен ред",
@ -17,6 +19,7 @@
"Anonymous Usage Reporting": "Анонимен Доклад",
"Any devices configured on an introducer device will be added to this device as well.": "Устройства настроени на introducer компютъра също ще бъдат добавени към този компютър.",
"Automatic upgrades": "Автоматични ъпдейти",
"Be careful!": "Внимавай!",
"Bugs": "Бъгове",
"CPU Utilization": "Натоварване на Процесора",
"Changelog": "Сипъск с промени",
@ -50,16 +53,19 @@
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Добави шаблони за игнориране, по един на ред.",
"Error": "Грешка",
"External File Versioning": "Външно упраление на версиите",
"Failed Items": "Неуспешни",
"File Pull Order": "По ред на дърпане",
"File Versioning": "Файлови Версии",
"File permission bits are ignored when looking for changes. Use on FAT file systems.": "Битовете за права за достъп са игнорирани, когато се проверява за промени. Използвай с файлови системи тип FAT.",
"Files are moved to .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Файловете биват преместени в .stversions папка, когато са заменен или изтрити от Syncthing.",
"Files are moved to date stamped versions in a .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Когато syncthing замени или изтрие файл той се премества в .stversions и преименува с дабавени дата и час.",
"Files are protected from changes made on other devices, but changes made on this device will be sent to the rest of the cluster.": "Файловете са защитени от промени направени на други устройства, но промени направени на това устройство ще бъдат синхронизирани с другите устройства.",
"Folder": "Папка",
"Folder ID": "Идентификатор на папка",
"Folder Master": "Главна папка",
"Folder Path": "Път до папката",
"Folders": "Папки",
"GUI": "Потребителски интефейс",
"GUI Authentication Password": "Парола за Потребителския Интерфейс",
"GUI Authentication User": "Потребител за Потребителския Интерфейс",
"GUI Listen Addresses": "Адрес за Свързване с Потребителския Интерфейс",
@ -72,6 +78,7 @@
"Ignore Patterns": "Шаблони за Игнориране",
"Ignore Permissions": "Игнорирай Права за Достъп",
"Incoming Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Входящ Лимит на Скоростта (KiB/s)",
"Incorrect configuration may damage your folder contents and render Syncthing inoperable.": "Неправилни настройки могат да повредят съдържанието на папката и да попречат на по-нататъшно синхронизиране.",
"Introducer": "Introducer",
"Inversion of the given condition (i.e. do not exclude)": "Обратното на даденото условие (пр. не изключвай)",
"Keep Versions": "Пази Версии",
@ -97,7 +104,8 @@
"OK": "ОК",
"Off": "Изключено",
"Oldest First": "Най-старите първо",
"Out Of Sync": "Не Синхронизиран",
"Options": "Настройки",
"Out of Sync": "Не синхронизиран",
"Out of Sync Items": "Несинхронизирани елементи",
"Outgoing Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Лимит на Изходящата Скорост (KiB/s)",
"Override Changes": "Замени Промените",
@ -163,6 +171,7 @@
"The folder ID must be unique.": "Идентификаторът на папката тряба да бъде уникален.",
"The folder path cannot be blank.": "Пътят до папката не може да бъде празен.",
"The following intervals are used: for the first hour a version is kept every 30 seconds, for the first day a version is kept every hour, for the first 30 days a version is kept every day, until the maximum age a version is kept every week.": "Използва се следния интервал: за първия час се пази версия всеки 30 секунди, за първия ден се пази версия всеки час, за първите 30 дена се пази версия всеки ден, до максимума се пази една версия всяка седмица.",
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "Следните не могат да бъдат синхронизирани.",
"The maximum age must be a number and cannot be blank.": "Максималната възраст трябва да е число и не може д ае празна.",
"The maximum time to keep a version (in days, set to 0 to keep versions forever).": "Максималното време да се пазят весрсии (в дни, сложи 0, за да пазиш версии завинаги).",
"The number of days must be a number and cannot be blank.": "Броят дни трябва да бъде число и неможе да бъде празно.",
@ -171,6 +180,7 @@
"The number of versions must be a number and cannot be blank.": "Броят версии трябва да бъде число и не може да бъде празно.",
"The path cannot be blank.": "Пътят неможе да бъде празен.",
"The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.": "Интервала на сканиране трябва да бъде не отрицателно число в секунди.",
"They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.": "Ще бъдат спрени и автоматично синхронизирани, когато грешката бъде оправена.",
"This is a major version upgrade.": "Това е нова основна версия.",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Версии на файлове в кошчето",
"Unknown": "Неясен",
@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
"Add new folder?": "Afegir nova carpeta?",
"Address": "Adreça",
"Addresses": "Adreces",
"Advanced": "Advanced",
"Advanced Configuration": "Advanced Configuration",
"All Data": "Totes les dades",
"Allow Anonymous Usage Reporting?": "Permetre l'enviament anònim d'informes d'ús?",
"Alphabetic": "Alfabètic",
@ -17,6 +19,7 @@
"Anonymous Usage Reporting": "Informe anònim d'ús",
"Any devices configured on an introducer device will be added to this device as well.": "Qualsevol dispositiu configurat en un dispositiu introductor també s'afegirà a aquest dispositiu.",
"Automatic upgrades": "Actualitzacions automàtiques",
"Be careful!": "Be careful!",
"Bugs": "Bugs",
"CPU Utilization": "Utilització del CPU",
"Changelog": "Historial de canvis",
@ -50,16 +53,19 @@
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Introduex patrons a ignorar, un per línia.",
"Error": "Error",
"External File Versioning": "Versionat de fitxers extern",
"Failed Items": "Failed Items",
"File Pull Order": "Ordre d'agafar fitxers",
"File Versioning": "Versionat de Fitxers",
"File permission bits are ignored when looking for changes. Use on FAT file systems.": "Els bits de permisos dels fitxers son ignorats quan es cerquen canvis. Utilitzar en sistemes de fitxers FAT.",
"Files are moved to .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Files are moved to .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.",
"Files are moved to date stamped versions in a .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Els fitxers es mouen amb l'estampat de la data a la carpeta .stversions quan son substituïts o esborrats per syncthing.",
"Files are protected from changes made on other devices, but changes made on this device will be sent to the rest of the cluster.": "Els fitxers estan protegits de canvis fets per altres dispositius, però els canvis fets en aquest dispositiu seran enviats a la resta del cluster.",
"Folder": "Folder",
"Folder ID": "ID de carpeta",
"Folder Master": "Carpeta mestre",
"Folder Path": "Camí de carpeta",
"Folders": "Carpetes",
"GUI": "GUI",
"GUI Authentication Password": "Contrasenya d'autenticació GUI",
"GUI Authentication User": "Usuari d'autenticació GUI",
"GUI Listen Addresses": "Adreça d'escolta del GUI",
@ -72,6 +78,7 @@
"Ignore Patterns": "Patrons d'ignoració",
"Ignore Permissions": "Ignora Permisos",
"Incoming Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Tasca Límit d'Entrada (KiB/s)",
"Incorrect configuration may damage your folder contents and render Syncthing inoperable.": "Incorrect configuration may damage your folder contents and render Syncthing inoperable.",
"Introducer": "Introductor",
"Inversion of the given condition (i.e. do not exclude)": "Inversió del patrò introduït",
"Keep Versions": "Mantenir Versions",
@ -97,7 +104,8 @@
"OK": "OK",
"Off": "Desactivar",
"Oldest First": "Més antic primer",
"Out Of Sync": "Fora de la Sincronització",
"Options": "Options",
"Out of Sync": "Out of Sync",
"Out of Sync Items": "Arxius encara no sincronitzats",
"Outgoing Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Tasca Límit de Sortida (KiB/s)",
"Override Changes": "Sobreescriure Canvis",
@ -163,6 +171,7 @@
"The folder ID must be unique.": "El ID de la carpeta ha de ser únic.",
"The folder path cannot be blank.": "El camí a la carpeta no pot estar en blanc.",
"The following intervals are used: for the first hour a version is kept every 30 seconds, for the first day a version is kept every hour, for the first 30 days a version is kept every day, until the maximum age a version is kept every week.": "Es fan servir els següents intervals: per la primera hora es manté una versió cada 30 segons, pel primer dia es manté una versió cada hora, pel primer cada 30 dies es manté una versió cada dia, fins el màxim d'antiguitat es manté una versió cada setmana.",
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "The following items could not be synchronized.",
"The maximum age must be a number and cannot be blank.": "La màxima antiguitat ha de ser un número i no pot estar en blanc.",
"The maximum time to keep a version (in days, set to 0 to keep versions forever).": "Temps màxim en mantenir una versió (en dies, si es deixa en 0 es mantenen les versions per sempre).",
"The number of days must be a number and cannot be blank.": "The number of days must be a number and cannot be blank.",
@ -171,6 +180,7 @@
"The number of versions must be a number and cannot be blank.": "El nombre de versions ha de ser un número i no es pot deixar en blanc.",
"The path cannot be blank.": "El camí no pot estar en blanc.",
"The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.": "El interval de re-escaneig ha der ser un nombre positiu de segons.",
"They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.": "They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.",
"This is a major version upgrade.": "Aquesta és una actualització de versió major.",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Trash Can File Versioning",
"Unknown": "Desconegut",
@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
"Add new folder?": "Afegir nova carpeta?",
"Address": "Direcció",
"Addresses": "Direccions",
"Advanced": "Advanced",
"Advanced Configuration": "Advanced Configuration",
"All Data": "Totes les dades",
"Allow Anonymous Usage Reporting?": "Permetre informes d'ús anònim?",
"Alphabetic": "Alfabètic",
@ -17,6 +19,7 @@
"Anonymous Usage Reporting": "Informe d'ús anònim",
"Any devices configured on an introducer device will be added to this device as well.": "Tots els dispositius configurats en un dispositiu presentador seràn afegits també a aquest dispositiu.",
"Automatic upgrades": "Actualitzacions automàtiques",
"Be careful!": "Be careful!",
"Bugs": "Errors (Bugs)",
"CPU Utilization": "Utilització de la CPU",
"Changelog": "Registre de canvis",
@ -50,16 +53,19 @@
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Introduïr patrons a ignorar, un per línia.",
"Error": "Error",
"External File Versioning": "Versionat extern de fitxers",
"Failed Items": "Failed Items",
"File Pull Order": "Ordre de fitxers del pull",
"File Versioning": "Versionat de fitxer",
"File permission bits are ignored when looking for changes. Use on FAT file systems.": "Els bits de permís del fitxer són ignorats quant es busquen els canvis. Utilitzar en sistemes de fitxers FAT.",
"Files are moved to .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Els arxius es menejen a la carpeta .stversions quant són substituïts o esborrats per Syncthing.",
"Files are moved to date stamped versions in a .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Els fitxers són canviats a versions amb indicació de data en una carpeta \".stversions\" quant són reemplaçats o esborrats per Syncthing.",
"Files are protected from changes made on other devices, but changes made on this device will be sent to the rest of the cluster.": "Els fitxers són protegits dels canvis fets en altres dispositius, però els canvis fets en aquest dispositiu seràn enviats a la resta del grup (cluster).",
"Folder": "Folder",
"Folder ID": "ID de carpeta",
"Folder Master": "Carpeta principal",
"Folder Path": "Ruta de la carpeta",
"Folders": "Carpetes",
"GUI": "GUI",
"GUI Authentication Password": "Password d'autenticació de l'Interfície Gràfica d'Usuari (GUI)",
"GUI Authentication User": "Autenticació de l'usuari de l'Interfície Gràfica d'Usuari (GUI)",
"GUI Listen Addresses": "Direcció d'escolta de l'Interfície Gràfica d'Usuari (GUI)",
@ -72,6 +78,7 @@
"Ignore Patterns": "Patrons a ignorar",
"Ignore Permissions": "Permisos a ignorar",
"Incoming Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Límit de descàrrega (KiB/s)",
"Incorrect configuration may damage your folder contents and render Syncthing inoperable.": "Incorrect configuration may damage your folder contents and render Syncthing inoperable.",
"Introducer": "Presentador",
"Inversion of the given condition (i.e. do not exclude)": "Inversió de la condició donada (per exemple no excloure)",
"Keep Versions": "Mantindre versions",
@ -97,7 +104,8 @@
"OK": "OK",
"Off": "Off",
"Oldest First": "El més vell primer",
"Out Of Sync": "Sense sincronitzar",
"Options": "Options",
"Out of Sync": "Out of Sync",
"Out of Sync Items": "Dispositius sense sincronitzar",
"Outgoing Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Límit de pujada (KiB/s)",
"Override Changes": "Sobreescriure els canvis",
@ -163,6 +171,7 @@
"The folder ID must be unique.": "L'ID de la carpeta deu ser única.",
"The folder path cannot be blank.": "La ruta de la carpeta no pot estar buida.",
"The following intervals are used: for the first hour a version is kept every 30 seconds, for the first day a version is kept every hour, for the first 30 days a version is kept every day, until the maximum age a version is kept every week.": "S'utilitzen els següents intervals: per a la primera hora es guarda una versió cada 30 segons, per al primer dia es guarda una versió cada hora, per als primers 30 dies es guarda una versió diaria, fins l'edat màxima es guarda una versió cada setmana.",
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "The following items could not be synchronized.",
"The maximum age must be a number and cannot be blank.": "L'edat màxima deu ser un nombre i no pot estar buida.",
"The maximum time to keep a version (in days, set to 0 to keep versions forever).": "El temps màxim per a guardar una versió (en dies, ficar 0 per a guardar les versions per a sempre).",
"The number of days must be a number and cannot be blank.": "El nombre de dies deu ser un nombre i no pot estar en blanc.",
@ -171,6 +180,7 @@
"The number of versions must be a number and cannot be blank.": "El nombre de versions deu ser un nombre i no pot estar buit.",
"The path cannot be blank.": "La ruta no pot estar buida.",
"The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.": "L'interval de reescaneig deu ser un nombre positiu de segons.",
"They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.": "They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.",
"This is a major version upgrade.": "Aquesta és una actualització important de la versió.",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Versionat d'arxius de la paperera",
"Unknown": "Desconegut",
@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
"Add new folder?": "Přidat nový adresář?",
"Address": "Adresa",
"Addresses": "Adresy",
"Advanced": "Pokročilé",
"Advanced Configuration": "Pokročilá nastavení",
"All Data": "Všechna data",
"Allow Anonymous Usage Reporting?": "Povolit anonymní hlášení o používání?",
"Alphabetic": "Abecedně",
@ -17,6 +19,7 @@
"Anonymous Usage Reporting": "Anonymní hlášení o používání",
"Any devices configured on an introducer device will be added to this device as well.": "Jakékoliv přístroje nakonfigurované na zavaděči budou přidány také na tento přístroj.",
"Automatic upgrades": "Automatické aktualizace",
"Be careful!": "Pozor!",
"Bugs": "Chyby",
"CPU Utilization": "Využití CPU",
"Changelog": "Changelog",
@ -50,16 +53,19 @@
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Vložit ignorované vzory, jeden na řádek.",
"Error": "Chyba",
"External File Versioning": "Externí verzování souborů",
"Failed Items": "Selhalo",
"File Pull Order": "Pořadí stahování souborů",
"File Versioning": "Verzování souborů",
"File permission bits are ignored when looking for changes. Use on FAT file systems.": "Bity označující práva souborů jsou při hledání změn ignorovány. Použít pro souborové systémy FAT.",
"Files are moved to .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Po nahrazení nebo smazání aplikací Syncthing jsou soubory přesunuty do adresáře .stversions.",
"Files are moved to date stamped versions in a .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Po nahrazení nebo smazání aplikací Syncthing jsou soubory přesunuty do verzí označených daty v adresáři .stversions.",
"Files are protected from changes made on other devices, but changes made on this device will be sent to the rest of the cluster.": "Soubory jsou chráněny před změnami na ostatních přístrojích, ale změny provedené z tohoto přístroje budou rozeslány na zbytek clusteru.",
"Folder": "Adresář",
"Folder ID": "ID adresáře",
"Folder Master": "Master adresář",
"Folder Path": "Cesta k adresáři",
"Folders": "Adresáře",
"GUI": "GUI",
"GUI Authentication Password": "Přihlašovací heslo pro GUI",
"GUI Authentication User": "Přihlašovací jméno pro GUI",
"GUI Listen Addresses": "Adresa naslouchání GUI",
@ -72,6 +78,7 @@
"Ignore Patterns": "Ignorované vzory",
"Ignore Permissions": "Ignorovat oprávnění",
"Incoming Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Omezení příchozí rychlosti (KiB/s)",
"Incorrect configuration may damage your folder contents and render Syncthing inoperable.": "Nesprávné nastavení může poškodit obsah Vašich složek a učinit Syncthing nefunkční.",
"Introducer": "Zavaděč",
"Inversion of the given condition (i.e. do not exclude)": "Prohození zadané podmínky (např. nevynechat)",
"Keep Versions": "Ponechat verze",
@ -97,7 +104,8 @@
"OK": "OK",
"Off": "Vypnuta",
"Oldest First": "Od nejstaršího",
"Out Of Sync": "Nesesynchronizováno",
"Options": "Nastavení",
"Out of Sync": "Nesesynchronizováno",
"Out of Sync Items": "Nesesynchronizované položky",
"Outgoing Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Omezení odchozí rychlosti (KiB/s)",
"Override Changes": "Přepsat změny",
@ -163,6 +171,7 @@
"The folder ID must be unique.": "ID adresáře musí být unikátní.",
"The folder path cannot be blank.": "Cesta k adresáři nemůže být prázdná.",
"The following intervals are used: for the first hour a version is kept every 30 seconds, for the first day a version is kept every hour, for the first 30 days a version is kept every day, until the maximum age a version is kept every week.": "Jsou použity následující intervaly: za první hodinu jsou ponechány verze pro každých 30 sekund, za první den jsou ponechány verze pro každou hodinu, za prvních 30 dní jsou ponechány verze pro každý den a do nejvyššího nastaveného stáří jsou ponechány verze pro každý týden.",
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "Následující položky nemohly být synchronizovány.",
"The maximum age must be a number and cannot be blank.": "Nejvyšší stáří je třeba zadat v podobě čísla a nemůže být prázdné.",
"The maximum time to keep a version (in days, set to 0 to keep versions forever).": "Maximální doba pro zachování verze (dny, zapsáním hodnoty 0 bude ponecháno navždy).",
"The number of days must be a number and cannot be blank.": "Počet dní musí být číslo a nesmí být prázdný.",
@ -171,6 +180,7 @@
"The number of versions must be a number and cannot be blank.": "Počet verzí musí být číslo a nemůže být prázdné.",
"The path cannot be blank.": "Cesta nesmí být prázdná.",
"The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.": "Interval opakování skenování musí být pozitivní číslo.",
"They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.": "Nové pokusy o synchronizaci budou probíhat automaticky a položky budou synchronizovány jakmile bude chyba odstraněna.",
"This is a major version upgrade.": "Toto je důležitá aktualizace.",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Verzování souborů v koši",
"Unknown": "Neznámý",
@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
"Add new folder?": "Neues Verzeichnis hinzufügen?",
"Address": "Adresse",
"Addresses": "Adressen",
"Advanced": "Erweitert",
"Advanced Configuration": "Erweiterte Konfiguration",
"All Data": "Alle Daten",
"Allow Anonymous Usage Reporting?": "Übertragung von anonymen Nutzungsberichten erlauben?",
"Alphabetic": "Alphabetisch",
@ -17,6 +19,7 @@
"Anonymous Usage Reporting": "Anonymer Nutzungsbericht",
"Any devices configured on an introducer device will be added to this device as well.": "Alle Geräte, die beim Verteiler eingetragen sind, werden auch bei diesem Gerät eingetragen",
"Automatic upgrades": "automatische Updates",
"Be careful!": "Vorsicht!",
"Bugs": "Fehler",
"CPU Utilization": "Prozessorauslastung",
"Changelog": "Änderungsprotokoll",
@ -50,16 +53,19 @@
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Geben Sie Ignoriermuster ein, eines pro Zeile.",
"Error": "Fehler",
"External File Versioning": "Externe Dateiversionierung",
"Failed Items": "Fehlgeschlagene Dateien",
"File Pull Order": "Dateiübertragungsreihenfolge",
"File Versioning": "Dateiversionierung",
"File permission bits are ignored when looking for changes. Use on FAT file systems.": "Dateizugriffsrechte beim Suchen nach Veränderungen ignorieren. Bei FAT-Dateisystemen zu verwenden.",
"Files are moved to .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Dateien werden, bevor Syncthing sie löscht oder ersetzt, als datierte Versionen in einen Ordner namens .stversions verschoben.",
"Files are moved to date stamped versions in a .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Dateien werden, bevor Syncthing sie löscht oder ersetzt, als datierte Versionen in einen Ordner namens .stversions verschoben.",
"Files are moved to .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Dateien werden, bevor Syncthing sie löscht oder ersetzt, als datierte Versionen in ein Verzeichnis namens .stversions verschoben.",
"Files are moved to date stamped versions in a .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Dateien werden, bevor Syncthing sie löscht oder ersetzt, als datierte Versionen in ein Verzeichnis namens .stversions verschoben.",
"Files are protected from changes made on other devices, but changes made on this device will be sent to the rest of the cluster.": "Dateien sind vor Veränderung durch andere Geräte geschützt. Auf diesem Gerät durchgeführte Veränderungen werden aber auf den Rest des Verbunds übertragen.",
"Folder": "Verzeichnis",
"Folder ID": "Verzeichnis ID",
"Folder Master": "Master Ordner - schreibgeschützt",
"Folder Master": "Master Verzeichnis - schreibgeschützt",
"Folder Path": "Verzeichnispfad",
"Folders": "Verzeichnisse",
"GUI": "GUI",
"GUI Authentication Password": "Passwort für Zugang zur Benutzeroberfläche",
"GUI Authentication User": "Nutzername für Zugang zur Benutzeroberfläche",
"GUI Listen Addresses": "Adresse(n) für die Benutzeroberfläche",
@ -72,6 +78,7 @@
"Ignore Patterns": "Ignoriermuster",
"Ignore Permissions": "Berechtigungen ignorieren",
"Incoming Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Limit Datenrate (eingehend) (KB/s)",
"Incorrect configuration may damage your folder contents and render Syncthing inoperable.": "Eine falsche Konfiguration kann den Verzeichnisinhalt beschädigen und Syncthing in einen unausführbaren Zustand versetzen.",
"Introducer": "Verteilergerät",
"Inversion of the given condition (i.e. do not exclude)": "Umkehrung der angegebenen Bedingung (z.B. schließe nicht aus)",
"Keep Versions": "Versionen erhalten",
@ -97,7 +104,8 @@
"OK": "OK",
"Off": "Aus",
"Oldest First": "Älteste zuerst",
"Out Of Sync": "Nicht synchronisiert",
"Options": "Optionen",
"Out of Sync": "Nicht synchronisiert",
"Out of Sync Items": "Nicht synchronisierte Objekte",
"Outgoing Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Limit Datenrate (ausgehend) (KB/s)",
"Override Changes": "Änderungen überschreiben",
@ -157,12 +165,13 @@
"The device ID to enter here can be found in the \"Edit > Show ID\" dialog on the other device. Spaces and dashes are optional (ignored).": "Die hier einzutragende Geräte ID kann im \"Bearbeiten > Zeige ID\"-Dialog auf dem anderen Gerät gefunden werden. Leerzeichen und Bindestriche sind optional (werden ignoriert).",
"The encrypted usage report is sent daily. It is used to track common platforms, folder sizes and app versions. If the reported data set is changed you will be prompted with this dialog again.": "Der verschlüsselte Nutzungsbericht wird täglich gesendet. Er wird verwendet, um Statistiken über verwendete Betriebssysteme, Verzeichnis-Größen und Programm-Versionen zu erstellen. Sollte der Bericht in Zukunft weitere Daten erfassen, wird dieses Fenster erneut angezeigt.",
"The entered device ID does not look valid. It should be a 52 or 56 character string consisting of letters and numbers, with spaces and dashes being optional.": "Die eingegebene Geräte ID scheint nicht gültig zu sein. Es sollte eine 52 oder 56 stellige Zeichenkette aus Buchstaben und Nummern sein. Leerzeichen und Bindestriche sind optional.",
"The first command line parameter is the folder path and the second parameter is the relative path in the folder.": "Der erste Kommandozeilenparameter ist der Verzeichnis-Pfad und der zweite Parameter ist der relative Pfad in diesem Ordner.",
"The first command line parameter is the folder path and the second parameter is the relative path in the folder.": "Der erste Kommandozeilenparameter ist der Verzeichnis-Pfad und der zweite Parameter ist der relative Pfad in diesem Verzeichnis.",
"The folder ID cannot be blank.": "Die Verzeichnis ID darf nicht leer sein.",
"The folder ID must be a short identifier (64 characters or less) consisting of letters, numbers and the dot (.), dash (-) and underscode (_) characters only.": "Die Verzeichnis ID muss eine kurze Bezeichnung haben (64 Zeichen oder weniger). Sie darf nur aus Buchstaben, Zahlen und dem Punkt- (.), Bindestrich- (-), und Unterstrich- (_) Zeichen bestehen.",
"The folder ID must be unique.": "Die Verzeichnis ID darf nur einmal existieren.",
"The folder path cannot be blank.": "Der Verzeichnispfad darf nicht leer sein",
"The following intervals are used: for the first hour a version is kept every 30 seconds, for the first day a version is kept every hour, for the first 30 days a version is kept every day, until the maximum age a version is kept every week.": "Es wird in folgenden Abständen versioniert: in der ersten Stunde wird alle 30 Sekunden eine Version behalten, am ersten Tag eine jede Stunde, in den ersten 30 Tagen eine jeden Tag, danach wird bis zum Höchstalter eine Version pro Woche beibehalten.",
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "Die folgenden Dateien konnten nicht synchronisiert werden.",
"The maximum age must be a number and cannot be blank.": "Das Höchstalter muss angegeben werden und eine Zahl sein.",
"The maximum time to keep a version (in days, set to 0 to keep versions forever).": "Die längste Zeit, die alte Versionen vorgehalten werden (in Tagen, 0 bedeutet, alte Versionen für immer zu behalten).",
"The number of days must be a number and cannot be blank.": "Die Anzahl von Versionen muss eine Zahl und darf nicht leer sein.",
@ -171,6 +180,7 @@
"The number of versions must be a number and cannot be blank.": "Die Anzahl von Versionen muss eine Zahl und darf nicht leer sein.",
"The path cannot be blank.": "Der Pfad darf nicht leer sein.",
"The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.": "Das Scanintervall muss eine nicht negative Anzahl von Sekunden sein.",
"They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.": "Sie werden automatisch heruntergeladen und werden synchronisiert, wenn der Fehler behoben wurde.",
"This is a major version upgrade.": "Dies ist eine neue Hauptversion.",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Papierkorb Dateiversionierung",
"Unknown": "Unbekannt",
@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
"Add new folder?": "Προσθήκη νέου φακέλου;",
"Address": "Διεύθυνση",
"Addresses": "Διευθύνσεις",
"Advanced": "Advanced",
"Advanced Configuration": "Advanced Configuration",
"All Data": "Όλα τα δεδομένα",
"Allow Anonymous Usage Reporting?": "Να επιτρέπεται η αποστολή ανώνυμων στοιχείων χρήσης;",
"Alphabetic": "Αλφαβητικά",
@ -17,6 +19,7 @@
"Anonymous Usage Reporting": "Ανώνυμα στοιχεία χρήσης",
"Any devices configured on an introducer device will be added to this device as well.": "Αν δηλωθεί σαν «βασικός κόμβος», τότε όλες οι συσκευές που είναι δηλωμένες εκεί θα υπάρχουν και στον τοπικό κόμβο.",
"Automatic upgrades": "Αυτόματη αναβάθμιση",
"Be careful!": "Be careful!",
"Bugs": "Bugs",
"CPU Utilization": "Επιβάρυνση του επεξεργαστή",
"Changelog": "Πληροφορίες εκδόσεων",
@ -50,16 +53,19 @@
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Δώσε τα πρότυπα που θα αγνοηθούν, ένα σε κάθε γραμμή.",
"Error": "Σφάλμα",
"External File Versioning": "Εξωτερική τήρηση εκδόσεων",
"Failed Items": "Failed Items",
"File Pull Order": "Σειρά με την οποία θα κατεβαίνουν τα αρχεία",
"File Versioning": "Τήρηση εκδόσεων",
"File permission bits are ignored when looking for changes. Use on FAT file systems.": "Τα δικαιώματα των αρχείων θα αγνοούνται όταν κοιτάζω για αλλαγές. Αφορά συστήματα αρχείων FAT.",
"Files are moved to .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Τα αρχεία μετακινούνται στον φάκελο .stversions, όταν αντικαθίστανται ή διαγράφονται από το Syncthing.",
"Files are moved to date stamped versions in a .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Τα αρχεία που σβήνονται ή αντικαθιστούνται από το Syncthing μετακινούνται σε έναν φάκελο .stversions με χρονοσφραγίδα.",
"Files are protected from changes made on other devices, but changes made on this device will be sent to the rest of the cluster.": "Τα αρχεία προστατεύονται από αλλαγές που γίνονται σε άλλες συσκευές, αλλά όποιες αλλαγές γίνουν σε αυτή τη συσκευή θα αποσταλούν σε όλη τη συστάδα συσκευών.",
"Folder": "Folder",
"Folder ID": "Ταυτότητα φακέλου",
"Folder Master": "Να μην επιτρέπονται αλλαγές",
"Folder Path": "Μονοπάτι φακέλου",
"Folders": "Φάκελοι",
"GUI": "GUI",
"GUI Authentication Password": "Κωδικός για την πρόσβαση στη διεπαφή",
"GUI Authentication User": "Χρηστώνυμο για την πρόσβαση στη διεπαφή",
"GUI Listen Addresses": "Διευθύνσεις από τις οποίες θα είναι προσβάσιμη η διεπαφή",
@ -72,6 +78,7 @@
"Ignore Patterns": "Πρότυπο για αγνόηση",
"Ignore Permissions": "Αγνόησε τα δικαιώματα",
"Incoming Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Περιορισμός ταχύτητας λήψης (KiB/s)",
"Incorrect configuration may damage your folder contents and render Syncthing inoperable.": "Incorrect configuration may damage your folder contents and render Syncthing inoperable.",
"Introducer": "Βασικός κόμβος",
"Inversion of the given condition (i.e. do not exclude)": "Αντιστροφή της δοσμένης συνθήκης (π.χ. να μην εξαιρείς) ",
"Keep Versions": "Διατήρηση εκδόσεων",
@ -97,7 +104,8 @@
"OK": "OK",
"Off": "Απενεργοποιημένο",
"Oldest First": "Το παλιότερο πρώτα",
"Out Of Sync": "Μη συγχρονισμένα",
"Options": "Options",
"Out of Sync": "Out of Sync",
"Out of Sync Items": "Μη συγχρονισμένα αντικείμενα",
"Outgoing Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Ρυθμός αποστολής (KiB/s)",
"Override Changes": "Να αντικατασταθούν οι αλλαγές",
@ -163,6 +171,7 @@
"The folder ID must be unique.": "Η ταυτότητα του φακέλου πρέπει να είναι μοναδική.",
"The folder path cannot be blank.": "Το μονοπάτι του φακέλου δεν μπορεί να είναι κενό.",
"The following intervals are used: for the first hour a version is kept every 30 seconds, for the first day a version is kept every hour, for the first 30 days a version is kept every day, until the maximum age a version is kept every week.": "Θα χρησιμοποιούνται τα εξής διαστήματα: Την πρώτη ώρα θα τηρείται μια έκδοση κάθε 30 δευτερόλεπτα. Την πρώτη ημέρα, μια έκδοση κάθε μια ώρα. Τις πρώτες 30 ημέρες, μία έκδοση κάθε ημέρα. Από εκεί και έπειτα μέχρι τη μέγιστη ηλικία, θα τηρείται μια έκδοση κάθε εβδομάδα.",
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "The following items could not be synchronized.",
"The maximum age must be a number and cannot be blank.": "Η μέγιστη ηλικία πρέπει να είναι αριθμός και σίγουρα όχι κενό.",
"The maximum time to keep a version (in days, set to 0 to keep versions forever).": "Η μέγιστη ηλικία παλιότερων εκδόσεων (σε ημέρες, αν δώσεις 0 οι παλιότερες εκδόσεις θα διατηρούνται για πάντα).",
"The number of days must be a number and cannot be blank.": "Ο αριθμός ημερών πρέπει να είναι αριθμός και σίγουρα όχι κενό.",
@ -171,6 +180,7 @@
"The number of versions must be a number and cannot be blank.": "Ο αριθμός εκδόσεων πρέπει να είναι αριθμός και σίγουρα όχι κενό.",
"The path cannot be blank.": "Το μονοπάτι δεν μπορεί να είναι κενό.",
"The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.": "Ο χρόνος επανελέγχου για αλλαγές είναι σε δευτερόλεπτα (δηλ. θετικός αριθμός).",
"They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.": "They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.",
"This is a major version upgrade.": "Αυτή είναι μιας σημαντική αναβάθμιση.",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Ο Κάδος μπορεί να τηρεί εκδόσεις",
"Unknown": "Άγνωστο",
@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
"Add new folder?": "Add new folder?",
"Address": "Address",
"Addresses": "Addresses",
"Advanced": "Advanced",
"Advanced Configuration": "Advanced Configuration",
"All Data": "All Data",
"Allow Anonymous Usage Reporting?": "Allow Anonymous Usage Reporting?",
"Alphabetic": "Alphabetic",
@ -17,6 +19,7 @@
"Anonymous Usage Reporting": "Anonymous Usage Reporting",
"Any devices configured on an introducer device will be added to this device as well.": "Any devices configured on an introducer device will be added to this device as well.",
"Automatic upgrades": "Automatic upgrades",
"Be careful!": "Be careful!",
"Bugs": "Bugs",
"CPU Utilization": "CPU Utilisation",
"Changelog": "Changelog",
@ -50,16 +53,19 @@
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Enter ignore patterns, one per line.",
"Error": "Error",
"External File Versioning": "External File Versioning",
"Failed Items": "Failed Items",
"File Pull Order": "File Pull Order",
"File Versioning": "File Versioning",
"File permission bits are ignored when looking for changes. Use on FAT file systems.": "File permission bits are ignored when looking for changes. Use on FAT file systems.",
"Files are moved to .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Files are moved to .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.",
"Files are moved to date stamped versions in a .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Files are moved to date stamped versions in a .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.",
"Files are protected from changes made on other devices, but changes made on this device will be sent to the rest of the cluster.": "Files are protected from changes made on other devices, but changes made on this device will be sent to the rest of the cluster.",
"Folder": "Folder",
"Folder ID": "Folder ID",
"Folder Master": "Folder Master",
"Folder Path": "Folder Path",
"Folders": "Folders",
"GUI": "GUI",
"GUI Authentication Password": "GUI Authentication Password",
"GUI Authentication User": "GUI Authentication User",
"GUI Listen Addresses": "GUI Listen Addresses",
@ -72,6 +78,7 @@
"Ignore Patterns": "Ignore Patterns",
"Ignore Permissions": "Ignore Permissions",
"Incoming Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Incoming Rate Limit (KiB/s)",
"Incorrect configuration may damage your folder contents and render Syncthing inoperable.": "Incorrect configuration may damage your folder contents and render Syncthing inoperable.",
"Introducer": "Introducer",
"Inversion of the given condition (i.e. do not exclude)": "Inversion of the given condition (i.e. do not exclude)",
"Keep Versions": "Keep Versions",
@ -97,7 +104,8 @@
"OK": "OK",
"Off": "Off",
"Oldest First": "Oldest First",
"Out Of Sync": "Out of Sync",
"Options": "Options",
"Out of Sync": "Out of Sync",
"Out of Sync Items": "Out of Sync Items",
"Outgoing Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Outgoing Rate Limit (KiB/s)",
"Override Changes": "Override Changes",
@ -163,6 +171,7 @@
"The folder ID must be unique.": "The folder ID must be unique.",
"The folder path cannot be blank.": "The folder path cannot be blank.",
"The following intervals are used: for the first hour a version is kept every 30 seconds, for the first day a version is kept every hour, for the first 30 days a version is kept every day, until the maximum age a version is kept every week.": "The following intervals are used: for the first hour a version is kept every 30 seconds, for the first day a version is kept every hour, for the first 30 days a version is kept every day, until the maximum age a version is kept every week.",
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "The following items could not be synchronized.",
"The maximum age must be a number and cannot be blank.": "The maximum age must be a number and cannot be blank.",
"The maximum time to keep a version (in days, set to 0 to keep versions forever).": "The maximum time to keep a version (in days, set to 0 to keep versions forever).",
"The number of days must be a number and cannot be blank.": "The number of days must be a number and cannot be blank.",
@ -171,6 +180,7 @@
"The number of versions must be a number and cannot be blank.": "The number of versions must be a number and cannot be blank.",
"The path cannot be blank.": "The path cannot be blank.",
"The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.": "The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.",
"They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.": "They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.",
"This is a major version upgrade.": "This is a major version upgrade.",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Rubbish Bin File Versioning",
"Unknown": "Unknown",
@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
"Add new folder?": "¿Añadir una nueva carpeta?",
"Address": "Dirección",
"Addresses": "Direcciones",
"Advanced": "Advanced",
"Advanced Configuration": "Advanced Configuration",
"All Data": "Todos los datos",
"Allow Anonymous Usage Reporting?": "¿Deseas permitir el envío anónimo de informes de uso?",
"Alphabetic": "Alfabético",
@ -17,6 +19,7 @@
"Anonymous Usage Reporting": "Informe anónimo de uso",
"Any devices configured on an introducer device will be added to this device as well.": "Cualquier dispositivo configurado en un dispositivo de introducción será añadido también.",
"Automatic upgrades": "Actualizaciones automáticas",
"Be careful!": "Be careful!",
"Bugs": "Errores (bugs)",
"CPU Utilization": "Uso de CPU",
"Changelog": "Informe de cambios",
@ -50,16 +53,19 @@
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Introducir patrones a ignorar, uno por línea.",
"Error": "Error",
"External File Versioning": "Versionado externo de fichero",
"Failed Items": "Failed Items",
"File Pull Order": "Orden de ficheros del pull",
"File Versioning": "Versionado de ficheros",
"File permission bits are ignored when looking for changes. Use on FAT file systems.": "Los bits de permiso de ficheros son ignorados cuando se buscan cambios. Utilizar en sistemas de ficheros FAT.",
"Files are moved to .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Los archivos serán movidos a la carpeta .stversions cuando sean reemplazados o borrados por Syncthing.",
"Files are moved to date stamped versions in a .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Los ficheros son cambiados a versiones con indicación de fecha en una carpeta \".stversions\" cuando son reemplazados o borrados por Syncthing.",
"Files are protected from changes made on other devices, but changes made on this device will be sent to the rest of the cluster.": "Los ficheros son protegidos por los cambios hechos en otros dispositivos, pero los cambios hechos en este dispositivo serán enviados al resto del grupo (cluster).",
"Folder": "Folder",
"Folder ID": "ID de carpeta",
"Folder Master": "Carpeta principal",
"Folder Path": "Ruta de la carpeta",
"Folders": "Carpetas",
"GUI": "GUI",
"GUI Authentication Password": "Password de la Interfaz Gráfica de Usuario (GUI)",
"GUI Authentication User": "Autentificación de usuario de la Interfaz Gráfica de Usuario (GUI)",
"GUI Listen Addresses": "Direcciones de escucha de la Interfaz Gráfica de Usuario (GUI)",
@ -72,6 +78,7 @@
"Ignore Patterns": "Patrones a ignorar",
"Ignore Permissions": "Permisos a ignorar",
"Incoming Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Límite de descarga (KiB/s)",
"Incorrect configuration may damage your folder contents and render Syncthing inoperable.": "Incorrect configuration may damage your folder contents and render Syncthing inoperable.",
"Introducer": "Presentador",
"Inversion of the given condition (i.e. do not exclude)": "Inversión de la condición dada (por ejemplo, \"no excluir\")",
"Keep Versions": "Mantener versiones",
@ -97,7 +104,8 @@
"OK": "OK",
"Off": "Desconectar",
"Oldest First": "El más antiguo primero",
"Out Of Sync": "No sincronizado",
"Options": "Options",
"Out of Sync": "Out of Sync",
"Out of Sync Items": "Elementos no sincronizados",
"Outgoing Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Límite de subida (KiB/s)",
"Override Changes": "Anular cambios",
@ -163,6 +171,7 @@
"The folder ID must be unique.": "La ID de la carpeta debe ser única.",
"The folder path cannot be blank.": "La ruta de la carpeta no puede estar en blanco.",
"The following intervals are used: for the first hour a version is kept every 30 seconds, for the first day a version is kept every hour, for the first 30 days a version is kept every day, until the maximum age a version is kept every week.": "Se utilizan los siguientes intervalos: para la primera hora se mantiene una versión cada 30 segundos, para el primer día se mantiene una versión cada hora, para los primeros 30 días se mantiene una versión diaria hasta la edad máxima de una semana.",
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "The following items could not be synchronized.",
"The maximum age must be a number and cannot be blank.": "La edad máxima debe ser un número y no puede estar vacía.",
"The maximum time to keep a version (in days, set to 0 to keep versions forever).": "El tiempo máximo para mantener una versión en días (introducir 0 para mantener las versiones indefinidamente).",
"The number of days must be a number and cannot be blank.": "El número de días debe ser un número y no puede estar en blanco.",
@ -171,6 +180,7 @@
"The number of versions must be a number and cannot be blank.": "El número de versiones debe ser un número y no puede estar vacío.",
"The path cannot be blank.": "La ruta no puede estar vacía.",
"The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.": "El intervalo de actualización debe ser un número positivo de segundos.",
"They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.": "They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.",
"This is a major version upgrade.": "Hay una actualización importante.",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Versionado de archivos de la papelera",
"Unknown": "Desconocido",
@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
"Add new folder?": "¿Agregar nuevo repositorio?",
"Address": "Dirección",
"Addresses": "Direcciones",
"Advanced": "Advanced",
"Advanced Configuration": "Advanced Configuration",
"All Data": "Todos los datos",
"Allow Anonymous Usage Reporting?": "Permitir reporte anónimo de uso?",
"Alphabetic": "Alfabético",
@ -17,6 +19,7 @@
"Anonymous Usage Reporting": "Reporte anónimo de uso",
"Any devices configured on an introducer device will be added to this device as well.": "Cualquier dispositivo configurado en un dispositivo introductor será también agregado a este dispositivo.",
"Automatic upgrades": "Actualizaciones automáticas",
"Be careful!": "Be careful!",
"Bugs": "Errores",
"CPU Utilization": "Uso de CPU",
"Changelog": "Registro de cambios",
@ -50,16 +53,19 @@
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Añadir patrones de exclusión, uno por línea.",
"Error": "Error",
"External File Versioning": "Control de versiones externo",
"Failed Items": "Failed Items",
"File Pull Order": "Orden para coger ficheros",
"File Versioning": "Control de versiones",
"File permission bits are ignored when looking for changes. Use on FAT file systems.": "Los permisos de archivo son ignorados al buscar cambios. Usar el sistemas de archivos FAT.",
"Files are moved to .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Los archivos son movidos al directorio .stversions cuando son reemplazados o eliminados por Syncthing.",
"Files are moved to date stamped versions in a .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Lo archivos son movidos al directorio .stversions y renombrados a versiones marcadas por fecha cuando son reemplazados o eliminados por Syncthing,",
"Files are protected from changes made on other devices, but changes made on this device will be sent to the rest of the cluster.": "Los archivos están protegidos frente a los cambios realizados en otros dispositivos, peros los cambios realizados en este dispositivo serán envíados al resto del grupo",
"Folder": "Folder",
"Folder ID": "ID del repositorio",
"Folder Master": "Repositorio maestro",
"Folder Path": "Ruta del repositorio",
"Folders": "Repositorios",
"GUI": "GUI",
"GUI Authentication Password": "Contraseña de autenticación de la GUI",
"GUI Authentication User": "Usuario de la GUI",
"GUI Listen Addresses": "Direcciones de escucha para la GUI.",
@ -72,6 +78,7 @@
"Ignore Patterns": "Patrones de exclusión",
"Ignore Permissions": "Ignorar permisos",
"Incoming Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Límite de velocidad de entrada (KiB/s)",
"Incorrect configuration may damage your folder contents and render Syncthing inoperable.": "Incorrect configuration may damage your folder contents and render Syncthing inoperable.",
"Introducer": "Introductor",
"Inversion of the given condition (i.e. do not exclude)": "Inversión de la condición dada (es decir, no excluir)",
"Keep Versions": "Conservar versiones",
@ -97,7 +104,8 @@
"OK": "OK",
"Off": "Apagado",
"Oldest First": "Antiguo primero",
"Out Of Sync": "Fuera de sincronización",
"Options": "Options",
"Out of Sync": "Out of Sync",
"Out of Sync Items": "Ítems no sincronizados",
"Outgoing Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Tasa máxima de envío (KiB/s)",
"Override Changes": "Reemplazar los cambios",
@ -163,6 +171,7 @@
"The folder ID must be unique.": "La ID del repositorio debe ser única.",
"The folder path cannot be blank.": "La ruta del repositorio no puede estar vacía.",
"The following intervals are used: for the first hour a version is kept every 30 seconds, for the first day a version is kept every hour, for the first 30 days a version is kept every day, until the maximum age a version is kept every week.": "Los siguientes intervalos se utilizan: para la primera hora una versión se mantiene cada 30 segundos, para el primer día de una versión se mantiene cada hora, durante los primeros 30 días de la versión se mantiene todos los días, hasta que la edad máxima de una versión se mantiene cada semana.",
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "The following items could not be synchronized.",
"The maximum age must be a number and cannot be blank.": "La edad máxima debe ser un número y no puede estar en blanco.",
"The maximum time to keep a version (in days, set to 0 to keep versions forever).": "El tiempo máximo para mantener una versión (en días, establece en 0 para mantener versiones para siempre).",
"The number of days must be a number and cannot be blank.": "El número de días debe ser un número y no puede estar vacío.",
@ -171,6 +180,7 @@
"The number of versions must be a number and cannot be blank.": "El número de versiones debe ser un número y no puede estar vacío.",
"The path cannot be blank.": "La ruta no puede estar vacía.",
"The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.": "El intervalo de reescaneo debe ser un número no negativo de segundos.",
"They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.": "They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.",
"This is a major version upgrade.": "Esta es una actualización de version mayor.",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Versiones como cubo de basura",
"Unknown": "Desconocido",
@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
"Add new folder?": "Lisää uusi kansio?",
"Address": "Osoite",
"Addresses": "Osoitteet",
"Advanced": "Advanced",
"Advanced Configuration": "Advanced Configuration",
"All Data": "Kaikki data",
"Allow Anonymous Usage Reporting?": "Salli anonyymi käyttöraportointi?",
"Alphabetic": "Alphabetic",
@ -17,6 +19,7 @@
"Anonymous Usage Reporting": "Anonyymi käyttöraportointi",
"Any devices configured on an introducer device will be added to this device as well.": "Kaikki esittelijäksi määritetyn laitteen tuntemat laitteet lisätään myös tähän laitteeseen.",
"Automatic upgrades": "Automaattiset päivitykset",
"Be careful!": "Be careful!",
"Bugs": "Bugit",
"CPU Utilization": "CPU:n käyttö",
"Changelog": "Muutoshistoria",
@ -50,16 +53,19 @@
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Syötä ohituslausekkeet, yksi riviä kohden.",
"Error": "Virhe",
"External File Versioning": "Ulkoinen tiedostoversionti",
"Failed Items": "Failed Items",
"File Pull Order": "File Pull Order",
"File Versioning": "Tiedostoversiointi",
"File permission bits are ignored when looking for changes. Use on FAT file systems.": "Tiedostojen oikeusbitit jätetään huomiotta etsittäessä muutoksia. Käytä FAT-tiedostojärjestelmissä.",
"Files are moved to .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Files are moved to .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.",
"Files are moved to date stamped versions in a .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Tiedostot siirretään päivämäärällä merkityiksi versioiksi .stversions-kansioon, kun Syncthing korvaa tai poistaa ne.",
"Files are protected from changes made on other devices, but changes made on this device will be sent to the rest of the cluster.": "Tiedostot on suojattu muilla laitteilla tehdyiltä muutoksilta, mutta tällä laitteella tehdyt muutokset lähetetään muuhun ryhmään.",
"Folder": "Folder",
"Folder ID": "Kansion ID",
"Folder Master": "Hallitsijakansio",
"Folder Path": "Kansion polku",
"Folders": "Kansiot",
"GUI": "GUI",
"GUI Authentication Password": "GUI:n salasana",
"GUI Authentication User": "GUI:n käyttäjätunnus",
"GUI Listen Addresses": "GUI:n kuunteluosoitteet",
@ -72,6 +78,7 @@
"Ignore Patterns": "Ohituslausekkeet",
"Ignore Permissions": "Jätä oikeudet huomiotta",
"Incoming Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Sisääntulevan liikenteen rajoitus (KiB/s)",
"Incorrect configuration may damage your folder contents and render Syncthing inoperable.": "Incorrect configuration may damage your folder contents and render Syncthing inoperable.",
"Introducer": "Esittelijä",
"Inversion of the given condition (i.e. do not exclude)": "Käänteinen ehto (t.s. älä ohita)",
"Keep Versions": "Säilytä versiot",
@ -97,7 +104,8 @@
"OK": "OK",
"Off": "Pois",
"Oldest First": "Oldest First",
"Out Of Sync": "Ei ajan tasalla",
"Options": "Options",
"Out of Sync": "Out of Sync",
"Out of Sync Items": "Kohteet, jotka eivät ole ajan tasalla",
"Outgoing Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Uloslähtevän liikenteen rajoitus (KiB/s)",
"Override Changes": "Ohita muutokset",
@ -163,6 +171,7 @@
"The folder ID must be unique.": "Kansion ID:n tulee olla uniikki.",
"The folder path cannot be blank.": "Kansion polku ei voi olla tyhjä.",
"The following intervals are used: for the first hour a version is kept every 30 seconds, for the first day a version is kept every hour, for the first 30 days a version is kept every day, until the maximum age a version is kept every week.": "Seuraavat aikavälit ovat käytössä: ensimmäisen tunnin ajalta uusi versio säilytetään joka 30 sekunti, ensimmäisen päivän ajalta uusi versio säilytetään tunneittain ja ensimmäisen 30 päivän aikana uusi versio säilytetään päivittäin. Lopulta uusi versio säilytetään viikoittain, kunnes maksimi-ikä saavutetaan.",
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "The following items could not be synchronized.",
"The maximum age must be a number and cannot be blank.": "Maksimi-iän tulee olla numero, eikä se voi olla tyhjä.",
"The maximum time to keep a version (in days, set to 0 to keep versions forever).": "Maksimiaika versioiden säilytykseen (päivissä, aseta 0 säilyttääksesi versiot ikuisesti).",
"The number of days must be a number and cannot be blank.": "The number of days must be a number and cannot be blank.",
@ -171,6 +180,7 @@
"The number of versions must be a number and cannot be blank.": "Versioiden määrän rulee olla numero, eikä se voi olla tyhjä.",
"The path cannot be blank.": "Polku ei voi olla tyhjä.",
"The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.": "Uudelleenskannauksen aikavälin tulee olla ei-negatiivinen numero sekunteja.",
"They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.": "They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.",
"This is a major version upgrade.": "This is a major version upgrade.",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Trash Can File Versioning",
"Unknown": "Tuntematon",
@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
"Add new folder?": "Ajouter un nouveau dossier ?",
"Address": "Adresse",
"Addresses": "Adresses",
"Advanced": "Avancé",
"Advanced Configuration": "Configuration avancée",
"All Data": "Toutes les données",
"Allow Anonymous Usage Reporting?": "Autoriser le rapport anonyme de statistiques d'utilisation ?",
"Alphabetic": "Alphabétique",
@ -17,6 +19,7 @@
"Anonymous Usage Reporting": "Rapport anonyme de statistiques d'utilisation",
"Any devices configured on an introducer device will be added to this device as well.": "Toute machine ajoutée depuis une machine initiatrice sera aussi ajoutée sur cette machine.",
"Automatic upgrades": "Mises à jour automatiques",
"Be careful!": "Faites attention !",
"Bugs": "Bugs",
"CPU Utilization": "Utilisation du CPU",
"Changelog": "Historique des changements",
@ -50,16 +53,19 @@
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Entrer les masques de filtrage, un par ligne.",
"Error": "Erreur",
"External File Versioning": "Gestion externe des versions de fichiers",
"Failed Items": "Éléments en échec",
"File Pull Order": "Ordre d'envoi de fichier",
"File Versioning": "Versions de fichier",
"File permission bits are ignored when looking for changes. Use on FAT file systems.": "Les bits de permission de fichier sont ignorés lors de la recherche de changements. Utilisé sur les systèmes de fichiers FAT.",
"Files are moved to .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Les fichiers sont déplacés vers le dossier .stversions quand ils sont remplacés ou effacés par Syncthing.",
"Files are moved to date stamped versions in a .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Les fichiers sont déplacés, avec horodatage, dans un dossier .stversions quand ils sont remplacés ou supprimés par Syncthing.",
"Files are protected from changes made on other devices, but changes made on this device will be sent to the rest of the cluster.": "Les fichiers sont protégés des changements réalisés sur les autres appareils, mais les changements réalisés sur cet appareil seront transférés au reste du groupe.",
"Folder": "Dossier",
"Folder ID": "ID du répertoire",
"Folder Master": "Répertoire maître",
"Folder Path": "Chemin du répertoire",
"Folders": "Dossiers",
"GUI": "GUI",
"GUI Authentication Password": "Mot de passe d'authentification GUI",
"GUI Authentication User": "Utilisateur autorisé GUI",
"GUI Listen Addresses": "Adresse du GUI",
@ -72,6 +78,7 @@
"Ignore Patterns": "Modèles à éviter",
"Ignore Permissions": "Ignorer les permissions",
"Incoming Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Limite du débit entrant (KiB/s)",
"Incorrect configuration may damage your folder contents and render Syncthing inoperable.": "Une configuration incorrecte peut créer des dommages dans vos dossier et mettre hors-service Syncthing",
"Introducer": "Initiateur",
"Inversion of the given condition (i.e. do not exclude)": "Inverser la condition donnée (i.e. ne pas exclure)",
"Keep Versions": "Conserver les versions",
@ -97,7 +104,8 @@
"OK": "OK",
"Off": "Éteint",
"Oldest First": "Les plus anciens en premier",
"Out Of Sync": "Non synchronisé",
"Options": "Options",
"Out of Sync": "Désynchronisé",
"Out of Sync Items": "Objets non synchronisés",
"Outgoing Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Limite du débit sortant (KiB/s)",
"Override Changes": "Écraser les changements",
@ -163,6 +171,7 @@
"The folder ID must be unique.": "L'ID du répertoire doit être unique.",
"The folder path cannot be blank.": "Le chemin du répertoire ne peut pas être vide.",
"The following intervals are used: for the first hour a version is kept every 30 seconds, for the first day a version is kept every hour, for the first 30 days a version is kept every day, until the maximum age a version is kept every week.": "Les intervalles suivant sont utilisés: la première heure une version est conservée chaque 30 secondes, le premier jour une version est conservée chaque heure, les premiers 30 jours une version est conservée chaque jour, jusqu'à la limite d'âge maximum une version est conservée chaque semaine.",
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "Les éléments suivants ne peuvent pas être synchronisés.",
"The maximum age must be a number and cannot be blank.": "L'ancienneté maximum doit être un nombre et ne peut être vide.",
"The maximum time to keep a version (in days, set to 0 to keep versions forever).": "Le temps maximum de conservation d'une version (en jours, mettre à 0 pour conserver les versions pour toujours)",
"The number of days must be a number and cannot be blank.": "Le nombre de jours doit être numérique et ne peut pas être vide.",
@ -171,6 +180,7 @@
"The number of versions must be a number and cannot be blank.": "Le nombre de versions doit être numérique, et ne peut pas être vide.",
"The path cannot be blank.": "Le chemin ne peut pas être vide.",
"The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.": "L'intervalle d'analyse ne doit pas être un nombre négatif de secondes.",
"They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.": "Ils seront ressayés automatiquement et synchronisés quand l'erreur sera résolue.",
"This is a major version upgrade.": "Ceci est une mise à jour majeure",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Gestion des versions de fichier de la poubelle.",
"Unknown": "Inconnu",
@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
"Add new folder?": " ",
"Address": "Cím",
"Addresses": "Címek",
"Advanced": "Advanced",
"Advanced Configuration": "Advanced Configuration",
"All Data": "Minden adat",
"Allow Anonymous Usage Reporting?": "Engedélyezed a névtelen felhasználási adatok küldését?",
"Alphabetic": "ABC rendben",
@ -17,6 +19,7 @@
"Anonymous Usage Reporting": "Névtelen felhasználási adatok küldése",
"Any devices configured on an introducer device will be added to this device as well.": "Minden eszköz ami a bevezető eszközön lett beállítva hozzá lesz adva ehhez az eszközhöz is.",
"Automatic upgrades": "Automatikus frissítés",
"Be careful!": "Be careful!",
"Bugs": "Hibák",
"CPU Utilization": "Processzor használat",
"Changelog": "Változások",
@ -50,16 +53,19 @@
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Figyelmen kívül hagyáshoz ide írhatod a mintákat, soronként egyet",
"Error": "Hiba",
"External File Versioning": "Külső fájl verziózás",
"Failed Items": "Failed Items",
"File Pull Order": "Fájl küldési sorrend",
"File Versioning": "Fájl verziózás",
"File permission bits are ignored when looking for changes. Use on FAT file systems.": "Fájl jogosultságok figyelmen kívül hagyása változások keresésekor. FAT fájlrendszereken használatakor.",
"Files are moved to .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Ha a Syncthing áthelyezi vagy törli a fájlokat, akkor azok a .stversions mappába lesznek áthelyezve.",
"Files are moved to date stamped versions in a .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Ha a Syncthing áthelyezi vagy törli a fájlokat, akkor azok a .stversions mappába lesznek áthelyezve, időbélyegzővel ellátva.",
"Files are protected from changes made on other devices, but changes made on this device will be sent to the rest of the cluster.": "A fájlok védve vannak a más eszközökön történt változásokkal szemben, de az ezen az eszközön történt változások érvényesek lesznek a többire.",
"Folder": "Folder",
"Folder ID": "Mappa azonosító",
"Folder Master": "Központi mappa",
"Folder Path": "Mappa elérési útja",
"Folders": "Mappák",
"GUI": "GUI",
"GUI Authentication Password": "Grafikus felület jelszava",
"GUI Authentication User": "Grafikus felület felhasználó neve ",
"GUI Listen Addresses": "Grafikus felület címe",
@ -72,6 +78,7 @@
"Ignore Patterns": "Figyelmen kívül hagyás",
"Ignore Permissions": "Jogosultságok figyelmen kívül hagyása",
"Incoming Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Bejövő sebesség korlát (KIB/mp)",
"Incorrect configuration may damage your folder contents and render Syncthing inoperable.": "Incorrect configuration may damage your folder contents and render Syncthing inoperable.",
"Introducer": "Bevezető",
"Inversion of the given condition (i.e. do not exclude)": "A feltétel ellentéte (pl. ki nem hagyás)",
"Keep Versions": "Megtartott verziók",
@ -97,7 +104,8 @@
"OK": "Rendben",
"Off": "Kikapcsolva",
"Oldest First": "Régebbi először",
"Out Of Sync": "Nincs szinkronban",
"Options": "Options",
"Out of Sync": "Out of Sync",
"Out of Sync Items": "Nem szinkronizált elemek",
"Outgoing Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Kimenő sávszélesség (KiB/mp)",
"Override Changes": "Változtatások felülbírálása",
@ -163,6 +171,7 @@
"The folder ID must be unique.": "A mappa azonosító egyedi kell legyen",
"The folder path cannot be blank.": "Az elérési út nem lehet üres",
"The following intervals are used: for the first hour a version is kept every 30 seconds, for the first day a version is kept every hour, for the first 30 days a version is kept every day, until the maximum age a version is kept every week.": "A következő intervallumokat használjuk: egy régi verziót őrzünk meg az első órában minden 30 másodpercben, az első nap minden órában, az első 30 napban minden nap, egészen addig amíg el nem érjük a maximálisan megtartható verziók számát minden héten.",
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "The following items could not be synchronized.",
"The maximum age must be a number and cannot be blank.": "A maximális kornak számnak kell lenni és nem lehet üres",
"The maximum time to keep a version (in days, set to 0 to keep versions forever).": "A verziók megtartásának maximális ideje (napokban, ha 0-t adsz meg örökre megmaradnak).",
"The number of days must be a number and cannot be blank.": "A napok száma szám kell legyen és nem lehet üres.",
@ -171,6 +180,7 @@
"The number of versions must be a number and cannot be blank.": "A megtartott verziók száma nem lehet üres",
"The path cannot be blank.": "Elérési út nem lehet üres.",
"The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.": "Az átnézési intervallum nullánál nagyobb másodperc érték kell legyen",
"They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.": "They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.",
"This is a major version upgrade.": "Ez egy főverzió frissítés.",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Lomtár fájl verziózás",
"Unknown": "Ismeretlen",
@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
"Add new folder?": "Aggiungere una nuova cartella?",
"Address": "Indirizzo",
"Addresses": "Indirizzi",
"Advanced": "Advanced",
"Advanced Configuration": "Advanced Configuration",
"All Data": "Tutti i Dati",
"Allow Anonymous Usage Reporting?": "Abilitare Statistiche Anonime di Utilizzo?",
"Alphabetic": "Alfabetico",
@ -17,6 +19,7 @@
"Anonymous Usage Reporting": "Statistiche Anonime di Utilizzo",
"Any devices configured on an introducer device will be added to this device as well.": "Qualsiasi dispositivo configurato in un introduttore verrà aggiunto anche a questo dispositivo.",
"Automatic upgrades": "Aggiornamenti automatici",
"Be careful!": "Be careful!",
"Bugs": "Bug",
"CPU Utilization": "Utilizzo CPU",
"Changelog": "Changelog",
@ -50,16 +53,19 @@
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Inserisci gli schemi di esclusione, uno per riga.",
"Error": "Errore",
"External File Versioning": "Controllo Versione Esterno",
"Failed Items": "Failed Items",
"File Pull Order": "Ordine di prelievo dei file",
"File Versioning": "Controllo Versione dei File",
"File permission bits are ignored when looking for changes. Use on FAT file systems.": "Il software evita i bit dei permessi dei file durante il controllo delle modifiche. Utilizzato nei filesystem FAT.",
"Files are moved to .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "I file sono spostati nella certella .stversions quando vengono sostituiti o cancellati da Syncthing.",
"Files are moved to date stamped versions in a .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "I file sostituiti o eliminati da Syncthing vengono datati e spostati in una cartella .stversions.",
"Files are protected from changes made on other devices, but changes made on this device will be sent to the rest of the cluster.": "I file sono protetti dalle modifiche effettuate negli altri dispositivi, ma le modifiche effettuate in questo dispositivo verranno inviate anche al resto del cluster.",
"Folder": "Folder",
"Folder ID": "ID Cartella",
"Folder Master": "Cartella Principale",
"Folder Path": "Percorso Cartella",
"Folders": "Cartelle",
"GUI": "GUI",
"GUI Authentication Password": "Password di Autenticazione dell'Utente",
"GUI Authentication User": "Utente dell'Interfaccia Grafica",
"GUI Listen Addresses": "Indirizzi dell'Interfaccia Grafica",
@ -72,6 +78,7 @@
"Ignore Patterns": "Schemi Esclusione File",
"Ignore Permissions": "Ignora Permessi",
"Incoming Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Limite Velocità in Ingresso (KiB/s)",
"Incorrect configuration may damage your folder contents and render Syncthing inoperable.": "Incorrect configuration may damage your folder contents and render Syncthing inoperable.",
"Introducer": "Introduttore",
"Inversion of the given condition (i.e. do not exclude)": "Inversione della condizione indicata (ad es. non escludere)",
"Keep Versions": "Versioni Mantenute",
@ -97,7 +104,8 @@
"OK": "OK",
"Off": "Disattiva",
"Oldest First": "Prima il meno recente",
"Out Of Sync": "Non Sincronizzati",
"Options": "Options",
"Out of Sync": "Out of Sync",
"Out of Sync Items": "Elementi Non Sincronizzati",
"Outgoing Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Limite Velocità in Uscita (KiB/s)",
"Override Changes": "Ignora Modifiche",
@ -163,6 +171,7 @@
"The folder ID must be unique.": "L'ID della cartella dev'essere unico.",
"The folder path cannot be blank.": "Il percorso della cartella non può essere vuoto.",
"The following intervals are used: for the first hour a version is kept every 30 seconds, for the first day a version is kept every hour, for the first 30 days a version is kept every day, until the maximum age a version is kept every week.": "Vengono utilizzati i seguenti intervalli temporali: per la prima ora viene mantenuta una versione ogni 30 secondi, per il primo giorno viene mantenuta una versione ogni ora, per i primi 30 giorni viene mantenuta una versione al giorno, successivamente viene mantenuta una versione ogni settimana fino al periodo massimo impostato.",
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "The following items could not be synchronized.",
"The maximum age must be a number and cannot be blank.": "La durata massima dev'essere un numero e non può essere vuoto.",
"The maximum time to keep a version (in days, set to 0 to keep versions forever).": "La durata massima di una versione (in giorni, imposta a 0 per mantenere le versioni per sempre).",
"The number of days must be a number and cannot be blank.": "Il numero di giorni deve essere un numero e non può essere vuoto.",
@ -171,6 +180,7 @@
"The number of versions must be a number and cannot be blank.": "Il numero di versioni dev'essere un numero e non può essere vuoto.",
"The path cannot be blank.": "Il percorso non può essere vuoto.",
"The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.": "L'intervallo di scansione deve essere un numero superiore a zero secondi.",
"They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.": "They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.",
"This is a major version upgrade.": "Questo è un aggiornamento di versione principale",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Controllo Versione con Cestino",
"Unknown": "Sconosciuto",
@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
"Add new folder?": "フォルダを新規作成しますか?",
"Address": "アドレス",
"Addresses": "アドレス",
"Advanced": "Advanced",
"Advanced Configuration": "Advanced Configuration",
"All Data": "全てのデータ",
"Allow Anonymous Usage Reporting?": "匿名での利用者状況のレポートを許可しますか?",
"Alphabetic": "ABC順",
@ -17,6 +19,7 @@
"Anonymous Usage Reporting": "匿名での利用者状況レポート",
"Any devices configured on an introducer device will be added to this device as well.": "紹介デバイスで設定されたデバイスはここにも追加されます。",
"Automatic upgrades": "自動アップデート",
"Be careful!": "Be careful!",
"Bugs": "バグ",
"CPU Utilization": "CPU使用率",
"Changelog": "更新履歴",
@ -50,16 +53,19 @@
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "無視パターンを入力してください。一列一条件。",
"Error": "エラー",
"External File Versioning": "外部ファイルバージョニング",
"Failed Items": "Failed Items",
"File Pull Order": "ファイルの引き順番",
"File Versioning": "ファイルバージョニング",
"File permission bits are ignored when looking for changes. Use on FAT file systems.": "更新時、ファイルパーミッションの設定が無視されます。FATファイルシステムでご利用ください。",
"Files are moved to .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Syncthingによって移動や削除が行われるとファイルは.stversionsフォルダに移されます。",
"Files are moved to date stamped versions in a .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Syncthingによって移動や削除が行われるとファイルは.stversionsフォルダ内のタイムスタンプバージョンに移されます。",
"Files are protected from changes made on other devices, but changes made on this device will be sent to the rest of the cluster.": "ファイルは他デバイスによる変更から保護されます。しかしこのデバイス上での変更は他のクラスタに送信されます。",
"Folder": "Folder",
"Folder ID": "フォルダID",
"Folder Master": "フォルダのマスター",
"Folder Path": "フォルダパス",
"Folders": "フォルダ",
"GUI": "GUI",
"GUI Authentication Password": "GUI 認証パスワード",
"GUI Authentication User": "GUI 認証ユーザー",
"GUI Listen Addresses": "GUIリスンアドレス",
@ -72,6 +78,7 @@
"Ignore Patterns": "パターンを無視する",
"Ignore Permissions": "アクセス許可を無視する",
"Incoming Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "着信率制限(KiB/s)",
"Incorrect configuration may damage your folder contents and render Syncthing inoperable.": "Incorrect configuration may damage your folder contents and render Syncthing inoperable.",
"Introducer": "紹介デバイス",
"Inversion of the given condition (i.e. do not exclude)": "条件の裏(と言うのは省かないで)",
"Keep Versions": "バージョン保持",
@ -97,7 +104,8 @@
"OK": "OK",
"Off": "オフ",
"Oldest First": "古い順",
"Out Of Sync": "シンク外",
"Options": "Options",
"Out of Sync": "Out of Sync",
"Out of Sync Items": "シンクアイテム外",
"Outgoing Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "発信率制限(KiB/s)",
"Override Changes": "変更をオーバーライドする",
@ -163,6 +171,7 @@
"The folder ID must be unique.": "フォルダIDは固有である必要があります。",
"The folder path cannot be blank.": "フォルダーパスは空欄にできません",
"The following intervals are used: for the first hour a version is kept every 30 seconds, for the first day a version is kept every hour, for the first 30 days a version is kept every day, until the maximum age a version is kept every week.": "以下の間隔が使われます: 最初の一時間はバージョンは30秒ごとに保持、最初の一日は一時間ごとに、最初の30日は一日ごとに、最大寿命までは一週間ごとに。",
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "The following items could not be synchronized.",
"The maximum age must be a number and cannot be blank.": "最大日数は番号である必要があり、空欄ではいけません。",
"The maximum time to keep a version (in days, set to 0 to keep versions forever).": "バージョンを保持する最大日数(0にすると永続的に保持します)",
"The number of days must be a number and cannot be blank.": "日数は番号である必要があり、空欄ではいけません。",
@ -171,6 +180,7 @@
"The number of versions must be a number and cannot be blank.": "バージョンの数は番号である必要があり、空欄ではいけません。",
"The path cannot be blank.": "パスは空欄にできません",
"The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.": "リスキャン間隔はマイナス秒ではいけません。",
"They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.": "They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.",
"This is a major version upgrade.": "メージャーアップグレードです。",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "ゴミ箱のファイルバージョニング",
"Unknown": "不明",
@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
"Add new folder?": "새로운 폴더를 추가하시겠습니까?",
"Address": "주소",
"Addresses": "주소",
"Advanced": "Advanced",
"Advanced Configuration": "Advanced Configuration",
"All Data": "전체 데이터",
"Allow Anonymous Usage Reporting?": "익명 사용 보고서를 보내시겠습니까?",
"Alphabetic": "알파벳순",
@ -17,6 +19,7 @@
"Anonymous Usage Reporting": "익명 사용 보고서",
"Any devices configured on an introducer device will be added to this device as well.": "유도 장치에 추가된 기기들은 이 기기에도 동시에 추가됩니다.",
"Automatic upgrades": "자동 업데이트",
"Be careful!": "Be careful!",
"Bugs": "버그",
"CPU Utilization": "CPU 사용률",
"Changelog": "바뀐 점",
@ -50,16 +53,19 @@
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "무시할 패턴을 한 줄에 하나씩 입력하세요.",
"Error": "오류",
"External File Versioning": "외부 파일 버전 관리",
"Failed Items": "Failed Items",
"File Pull Order": "파일 동기화 순서",
"File Versioning": "파일 버전 관리",
"File permission bits are ignored when looking for changes. Use on FAT file systems.": "파일을 동기화할 때 파일 권한이 무시됩니다. FAT 파일 시스템에서 사용하세요.",
"Files are moved to .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Files are moved to .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.",
"Files are moved to date stamped versions in a .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "파일이 Syncthing에 의해서 교체되거나 삭제되면 .stversions 폴더에 있는 날짜가 바뀐 버전으로 이동됩니다.",
"Files are protected from changes made on other devices, but changes made on this device will be sent to the rest of the cluster.": "다른 장치가 파일을 편집할 수 없으며 반드시 이 장치의 내용을 기준으로 동기화합니다.",
"Folder": "Folder",
"Folder ID": "폴더 ID",
"Folder Master": "폴더 소유자",
"Folder Path": "폴더 경로",
"Folders": "폴더",
"GUI": "GUI",
"GUI Authentication Password": "GUI 인증 비밀번호",
"GUI Authentication User": "GUI 인증 사용자",
"GUI Listen Addresses": "GUI 주소",
@ -72,6 +78,7 @@
"Ignore Patterns": "패턴 무시",
"Ignore Permissions": "권한 무시",
"Incoming Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "다운로드 속도 제한 (KiB/S)",
"Incorrect configuration may damage your folder contents and render Syncthing inoperable.": "Incorrect configuration may damage your folder contents and render Syncthing inoperable.",
"Introducer": "유도",
"Inversion of the given condition (i.e. do not exclude)": "주어진 조건의 반대(전혀 배제하지 않음)",
"Keep Versions": "버전 보관",
@ -97,7 +104,8 @@
"OK": "확인",
"Off": "꺼짐",
"Oldest First": "오래된 파일순",
"Out Of Sync": "동기화되지 않음",
"Options": "Options",
"Out of Sync": "Out of Sync",
"Out of Sync Items": "동기화되지 않은 항목",
"Outgoing Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "업로드 속도 제한 (KiB/s)",
"Override Changes": "덮어쓰기",
@ -163,6 +171,7 @@
"The folder ID must be unique.": "폴더 ID는 중복될 수 없습니다.",
"The folder path cannot be blank.": "폴더 경로는 비워 둘 수 없습니다.",
"The following intervals are used: for the first hour a version is kept every 30 seconds, for the first day a version is kept every hour, for the first 30 days a version is kept every day, until the maximum age a version is kept every week.": "다음과 같은 간격이 사용됩니다: 첫 한 시간 동안은 버전이 매 30초마다 유지되며, 첫 하루 동안은 매 시간, 첫 한 달 동안은 매 일마다 유지됩니다. 그리고 최대 날짜까지는 버전이 매 주마다 유지됩니다.",
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "The following items could not be synchronized.",
"The maximum age must be a number and cannot be blank.": "최대 보존 기간은 숫자여야 하며 비워 둘 수 없습니다.",
"The maximum time to keep a version (in days, set to 0 to keep versions forever).": "버전을 유지할 최대 시간을 지정합니다. 일단위이며 버전을 계속 유지하려면 0을 입력하세요,",
"The number of days must be a number and cannot be blank.": "The number of days must be a number and cannot be blank.",
@ -171,6 +180,7 @@
"The number of versions must be a number and cannot be blank.": "버전 개수는 숫자여야 하며 비워 둘 수 없습니다.",
"The path cannot be blank.": "경로는 비워 둘 수 없습니다.",
"The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.": "재검색 간격은 초단위이며 양수로 입력해야 합니다.",
"They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.": "They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.",
"This is a major version upgrade.": "이 업데이트는 메이저 버전입니다.",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Trash Can File Versioning",
"Unknown": "알 수 없음",
@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
"Add new folder?": "Pridėti naują aplanką?",
"Address": "Adresas",
"Addresses": "Adresai",
"Advanced": "Advanced",
"Advanced Configuration": "Advanced Configuration",
"All Data": "Visiems duomenims",
"Allow Anonymous Usage Reporting?": "Siųsti anonimišką vartojimo ataskaitą?",
"Alphabetic": "Abėcėlės tvarka",
@ -17,6 +19,7 @@
"Anonymous Usage Reporting": "Anoniminė vartojimo ataskaita",
"Any devices configured on an introducer device will be added to this device as well.": "Visi supažindintojo įrenginiai bus pridėti prie jūsų įrenginių sąrašo.",
"Automatic upgrades": "Automatiniai atnaujinimai",
"Be careful!": "Be careful!",
"Bugs": "Klaidos",
"CPU Utilization": "Procesoriaus panaudojimas",
"Changelog": "Pasikeitimai",
@ -50,16 +53,19 @@
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Suveskite nepaisomus šablonus, kiekvieną naujoje eilutėje.",
"Error": "Klaida",
"External File Versioning": "Išorinis versijų valdymas",
"Failed Items": "Failed Items",
"File Pull Order": "Failų siuntimo tvarka",
"File Versioning": "Versijų valdymas",
"File permission bits are ignored when looking for changes. Use on FAT file systems.": "Ieškant pakeitimų, į failų leidimų bitus yra nekreipiama dėmesio. Naudoti FAT failų sistemose.",
"Files are moved to .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Failai perkeliami į .stversions aplanką kai tampa pakeisti arba ištrinti.",
"Files are moved to date stamped versions in a .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Programai Syncthing pakeičiant ar ištrinant failus, jie yra perkeliami į datomis pažymėtas versijas, aplanke .stversions.",
"Files are protected from changes made on other devices, but changes made on this device will be sent to the rest of the cluster.": "Failai apsaugoti nuo pakeitimų atliktų kituose įrenginiuose, bet pakeitimai šiame įrenginyje bus nusiųsti kitiems.",
"Folder": "Folder",
"Folder ID": "Aplanko ID",
"Folder Master": "Aplanko vadovas",
"Folder Path": "Kelias iki apkanko",
"Folders": "Aplankai",
"GUI": "GUI",
"GUI Authentication Password": "Valdymo skydelio slaptažodis",
"GUI Authentication User": "Valdymo skydelio vartotojo vardas",
"GUI Listen Addresses": "Valdymo skydelio adresas",
@ -72,6 +78,7 @@
"Ignore Patterns": "Nepaisyti šablonų",
"Ignore Permissions": "Nepaisyti failų prieigos leidimų",
"Incoming Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Įeinančio srauto maksimalus greitis (KiB/s)",
"Incorrect configuration may damage your folder contents and render Syncthing inoperable.": "Incorrect configuration may damage your folder contents and render Syncthing inoperable.",
"Introducer": "Supažindintojas",
"Inversion of the given condition (i.e. do not exclude)": "Apversti sąlygas (pvz.: nenustoti naudoti)",
"Keep Versions": "Saugojamų versijų kiekis",
@ -97,7 +104,8 @@
"OK": "Gerai",
"Off": "Netaikoma",
"Oldest First": "Seniausi pirmiau",
"Out Of Sync": "Nesutikrinta",
"Options": "Options",
"Out of Sync": "Out of Sync",
"Out of Sync Items": "Nesutikrinta",
"Outgoing Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Išeinančio srauto maksimalus greitis (KiB/s)",
"Override Changes": "Perrašyti pakeitimus",
@ -163,6 +171,7 @@
"The folder ID must be unique.": "Aplanko ID turi būti unikalus.",
"The folder path cannot be blank.": "Kelias iki aplanko negali būti tuščias.",
"The following intervals are used: for the first hour a version is kept every 30 seconds, for the first day a version is kept every hour, for the first 30 days a version is kept every day, until the maximum age a version is kept every week.": "Šie pertraukų nustatymai naudojami: pirmą valandą versijos laikomos 30 sekundžių, pirmą dieną versijos laikomos valandą, pirmas 30 dienų versijos laikomos parą, kol nebus viršytas nustatytas maksimalus amžius.",
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "The following items could not be synchronized.",
"The maximum age must be a number and cannot be blank.": "Maksimalus amžius turi būti skaitmuo ir negali būti tuščias laukelis.",
"The maximum time to keep a version (in days, set to 0 to keep versions forever).": "Maksimalus laikas kurį bus saugojama versija (dienomis, nustatykite 0 norėdami saugoti amžinai).",
"The number of days must be a number and cannot be blank.": "Dienų skaičius turi būti teigiamas skaičius.",
@ -171,6 +180,7 @@
"The number of versions must be a number and cannot be blank.": "Versijų skaičius turi būti skaitmuo ir negali būti tuščias laukelis.",
"The path cannot be blank.": "Kelias negali būti tuščias.",
"The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.": "Nuskaitymo dažnis negali būti neigiamas skaičius.",
"They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.": "They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.",
"This is a major version upgrade.": "Tai yra stambus atnaujinimas.",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Šiukšliadėžės versijų valdymas",
"Unknown": "Nežinoma",
@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
"Add new folder?": "Legg til ny mappe?",
"Address": "Adresse",
"Addresses": "Adresser",
"Advanced": "Advanced",
"Advanced Configuration": "Advanced Configuration",
"All Data": "Alle data",
"Allow Anonymous Usage Reporting?": "Tillat Anonym Innsamling Av Brukerdata?",
"Alphabetic": "Alfabetisk",
@ -17,6 +19,7 @@
"Anonymous Usage Reporting": "Anonym Innsamling Av Brukerdata",
"Any devices configured on an introducer device will be added to this device as well.": "Enheter konfigurert på en introduksjonsenhet vil også bli lagt til denne enheten.",
"Automatic upgrades": "Automatiske oppdateringer",
"Be careful!": "Be careful!",
"Bugs": "Programfeil",
"CPU Utilization": "CPU-utnyttelse",
"Changelog": "Endringslog",
@ -50,16 +53,19 @@
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Skriv inn mønster som skal utelates, ett per linje.",
"Error": "Feilmelding",
"External File Versioning": "Ekstern versjonskontroll",
"Failed Items": "Failed Items",
"File Pull Order": "Filenes Henterekkefølge",
"File Versioning": "Versjonskontroll",
"File permission bits are ignored when looking for changes. Use on FAT file systems.": "Fil bit-rettigheter ignoreres når forandringer oppdages. Bruk FAT filsystem. ",
"Files are moved to .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Filer som slettes eller erstattes av Syncthing flyttes til katalogen .stversions",
"Files are moved to date stamped versions in a .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Filer flyttes til en datostemplet versjon i .stversions-katalogen når den oppdateres eller slettes av Syncthing.",
"Files are protected from changes made on other devices, but changes made on this device will be sent to the rest of the cluster.": "Filer er beskyttet mot endringer som er gjort på andre enheter, men endringer som er gjort på denne enheten blir sendt til resten av gruppen.",
"Folder": "Folder",
"Folder ID": "Mappe ID",
"Folder Master": "Styrende Mappe",
"Folder Path": "Mappeplassering",
"Folders": "Mapper",
"GUI": "GUI",
"GUI Authentication Password": "GUI Passord",
"GUI Authentication User": "GUI Bruker",
"GUI Listen Addresses": "GUI Lytteadresse",
@ -72,6 +78,7 @@
"Ignore Patterns": "Utelatelsesmønster",
"Ignore Permissions": "Ignorer Tilgangsbit",
"Incoming Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Innkommende Hastighetsbegrensning (KiB/s)",
"Incorrect configuration may damage your folder contents and render Syncthing inoperable.": "Incorrect configuration may damage your folder contents and render Syncthing inoperable.",
"Introducer": "Introduktør",
"Inversion of the given condition (i.e. do not exclude)": "Invers av den gitte tilstanden (t.d. ikke ekskluder)",
"Keep Versions": "Behold Versjoner",
@ -97,7 +104,8 @@
"OK": "OK",
"Off": "Av",
"Oldest First": "Den eldste først",
"Out Of Sync": "Ikke Synkronisert",
"Options": "Options",
"Out of Sync": "Out of Sync",
"Out of Sync Items": "Ikke Synkroniserte Element",
"Outgoing Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Utgående Hastighetsbegrensning (KiB/s)",
"Override Changes": "Overstyr Endringer",
@ -163,6 +171,7 @@
"The folder ID must be unique.": "Mappe-ID må være unik.",
"The folder path cannot be blank.": "Mappeplasseringen kan ikke være tom.",
"The following intervals are used: for the first hour a version is kept every 30 seconds, for the first day a version is kept every hour, for the first 30 days a version is kept every day, until the maximum age a version is kept every week.": "Følgende intervall blir brukt: den første timen blir en versjon lagret hvert 30. sekund, den første dagen blir en versjon lagret hver time, de første 30 dagene blir en versjon lagret hver dag, og inntil maksimal levetid blir en versjon lagret hver uke.",
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "The following items could not be synchronized.",
"The maximum age must be a number and cannot be blank.": "Maksimal levetid må være et tall og kan ikke være tomt.",
"The maximum time to keep a version (in days, set to 0 to keep versions forever).": "Maksimal tid å beholde en versjon (i dager, sett til 0 for å beholde versjoner på ubegrenset tid).",
"The number of days must be a number and cannot be blank.": "Antall dager må være et tall og kan ikke være tomt.",
@ -171,6 +180,7 @@
"The number of versions must be a number and cannot be blank.": "Antall versjoner må være et tall og kan ikke være tomt.",
"The path cannot be blank.": "Plasseringen kan ikke være tom.",
"The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.": "Antall sekund i skanneintervallet kan ikke være negativt.",
"They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.": "They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.",
"This is a major version upgrade.": "Dette er en hovedoppgradering",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Fil versjonskontroll i papirkurven",
"Unknown": "Ukjent",
@ -1,104 +1,112 @@
"A negative number of days doesn't make sense.": "A negative number of days doesn't make sense.",
"A new major version may not be compatible with previous versions.": "Het kan voorkomen dat een grote nieuwe update niet meer werkt met eerdere versies.",
"A negative number of days doesn't make sense.": "Een negatief aantal dagen is niet logisch.",
"A new major version may not be compatible with previous versions.": "Een nieuwe major version is misschien niet compatibel met eerdere versies.",
"API Key": "API-sleutel",
"About": "Over",
"Actions": "Acties",
"Add": "Toevoegen",
"Add Device": "Toestel toevoegen",
"Add Folder": "Folder toevoegen",
"Add new folder?": "Nieuwe folder toevoegen?",
"Add Device": "Apparaat toevoegen",
"Add Folder": "Map toevoegen",
"Add new folder?": "Voeg nieuwe map toe?",
"Address": "Adres",
"Addresses": "Adressen",
"All Data": "Alle Gegevens",
"Allow Anonymous Usage Reporting?": "Bijhouden van anonieme gebruikers statistieken toestaan?",
"Advanced": "Geavanceerd",
"Advanced Configuration": "Geavanceerde configuratie",
"All Data": "Alle gegevens",
"Allow Anonymous Usage Reporting?": "Versturen van anonieme gebruikersstatistieken toestaan?",
"Alphabetic": "Alfabetisch",
"An external command handles the versioning. It has to remove the file from the synced folder.": "Versiebeheer gebeurt door een extern commando. Het moet het bestand verwijderen van de gesynchroniseerde map.",
"Anonymous Usage Reporting": "Bijhouden anonieme gebruikers statistieken",
"Any devices configured on an introducer device will be added to this device as well.": "Toestellen die geconfigureerd worden op een introductietoestel zullen ook aan dit toestel worden toegevoegd.",
"Automatic upgrades": "Automatisch bijwerken",
"Bugs": "Fouten",
"CPU Utilization": "CPU Gebruik",
"An external command handles the versioning. It has to remove the file from the synced folder.": "Een extern commando regelt het versiebeheer. Dit moet het bestand verwijderen van de gesynchroniseerde map.",
"Anonymous Usage Reporting": "Anonieme gebruikersstatistieken",
"Any devices configured on an introducer device will be added to this device as well.": "Apparaten die geconfigureerd worden op een introductieapparaat zullen ook aan dit apparaat worden toegevoegd.",
"Automatic upgrades": "Automatische upgrades",
"Be careful!": "Wees voorzichtig!",
"Bugs": "Bugs",
"CPU Utilization": "CPU-gebruik",
"Changelog": "Logboek",
"Clean out after": "Clean out after",
"Clean out after": "Schoon op na",
"Close": "Sluiten",
"Command": "Commando",
"Comment, when used at the start of a line": "Commentaar, indien gebruikt aan het begin van de lijn",
"Comment, when used at the start of a line": "Reageer indien gebruikt aan het begin van een lijn.",
"Compression": "Compressie",
"Connection Error": "Verbindingsfout",
"Copied from elsewhere": "Van elders gekopieerd",
"Copied from elsewhere": "Gekopieerd vanaf elders",
"Copied from original": "Gekopieerd van het origineel",
"Copyright © 2015 the following Contributors:": "Copyright © 2015 de volgende Bijdragers:",
"Delete": "Verwijderen",
"Deleted": "Deleted",
"Deleted": "Verwijderd",
"Device ID": "Apparaat-ID",
"Device Identification": "Apparaat identificatie",
"Device Identification": "Apparaat-identificatie",
"Device Name": "Naam apparaat",
"Device {%device%} ({%address%}) wants to connect. Add new device?": "Het apparaat {{device}} ({{address}}) wenst te verbinden. Dit apparaat toevoegen?",
"Devices": "Toestellen",
"Disconnected": "Niet Verbonden",
"Device {%device%} ({%address%}) wants to connect. Add new device?": "Apparaat {{device}} ({{address}}) wil verbinding maken. Dit apparaat toevoegen?",
"Devices": "Apparaten",
"Disconnected": "Niet verbonden",
"Documentation": "Documentatie",
"Download Rate": "Downloadsnelheid",
"Downloaded": "Gedownload",
"Downloading": "Bezig met downloaden",
"Edit": "Bewerk",
"Edit Device": "Apparaat aanpassen",
"Edit Folder": "Folder aanpassen",
"Editing": "Bezig met aanpassen",
"Enable UPnP": "UPnP aanzetten",
"Edit Device": "Bewerk apparaat",
"Edit Folder": "Bewerk map",
"Editing": "Bezig met bewerken",
"Enable UPnP": "UPnP gebruiken",
"Enter comma separated \"ip:port\" addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Geef, gescheiden door komma's, \"ip:port\" adressen of \"dynamic\" voor het automatische vinden van de addressen.",
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Geef te negeren patronen, één per regel.",
"Error": "Fout",
"External File Versioning": "Extern versiebeheer voor bestanden",
"File Pull Order": "Volgorde van bijwerken van bestanden",
"Failed Items": "Mislukte items",
"File Pull Order": "Volgorde ontvangen bestanden",
"File Versioning": "Versiebeheer",
"File permission bits are ignored when looking for changes. Use on FAT file systems.": "Toegangsrechten voor bestanden worden genegeerd bij het zoeken naar wijzigingen. Gebruik voor FAT bestandssystemen.",
"Files are moved to .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Files are moved to .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.",
"File permission bits are ignored when looking for changes. Use on FAT file systems.": "Toegangsrechten voor bestanden worden genegeerd bij het zoeken naar wijzigingen. Gebruik voor FAT-bestandssystemen.",
"Files are moved to .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Verwijderde of vervangen bestanden worden verplaatst naar de map .stversions.",
"Files are moved to date stamped versions in a .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Bestanden worden niet door Syncthing vervangen of verwijderd, maar verplaatst naar de map .stversions.",
"Files are protected from changes made on other devices, but changes made on this device will be sent to the rest of the cluster.": "Bestanden zijn beschermt tegen aanpassingen gemaakt door andere apparaten maar aanpassingen op dit apparaat worden doorgestuurd naar de rest van het cluster.",
"Folder ID": "Folder-ID",
"Folder Master": "Hoofdfolder",
"Folder Path": "Locatie folder",
"Folders": "Folders",
"GUI Authentication Password": "GUI Authentificatie Wachtwoord",
"GUI Authentication User": "GUI Authentificatie Gebruikersnaam",
"GUI Listen Addresses": "GUI Inkomend adres",
"Folder": "Map",
"Folder ID": "Map-ID",
"Folder Master": "Hoofdmap",
"Folder Path": "Maplocatie",
"Folders": "Mappen",
"GUI": "GUI",
"GUI Authentication Password": "GUI-wachtwoord",
"GUI Authentication User": "GUI-gebruikersnaam",
"GUI Listen Addresses": "GUI-adres",
"Generate": "Genereer",
"Global Discovery": "Globaal zoeken",
"Global Discovery Server": "Globale zoekserver",
"Global State": "Globale status",
"Help": "Help",
"Ignore": "Negeren",
"Ignore Patterns": "Te negeren patronen",
"Ignore Permissions": "Rechten negeren",
"Incoming Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Download snelheidslimiet (KiB/s)",
"Introducer": "Introductietoestel",
"Ignore": "Negeer",
"Ignore Patterns": "Bestanden negeren",
"Ignore Permissions": "Negeer bestandspermissies",
"Incoming Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Limiteer downloadsnelheid (KiB/s)",
"Incorrect configuration may damage your folder contents and render Syncthing inoperable.": "Een verkeerde configuratie kan bestanden in mappen beschadigen en/of Syncthing onbruikbaar maken.",
"Introducer": "Introductie-apparaat",
"Inversion of the given condition (i.e. do not exclude)": "Inversie van de gegeven voorwaarde (bv. niet uitsluiten)",
"Keep Versions": "Versies behouden",
"Largest First": "Grootste eerst",
"Last File Received": "Laatste ontvangen bestand",
"Last File Received": "Laatst ontvangen bestand",
"Last seen": "Laatst gezien op",
"Later": "Later",
"Local Discovery": "Lokaal zoeken",
"Local State": "Lokale status",
"Local State (Total)": "Local State (Total)",
"Local State (Total)": "Lokale status (totaal)",
"Major Upgrade": "Grote update",
"Maximum Age": "Maximum leeftijd",
"Metadata Only": "Alleen Metadata",
"Metadata Only": "Alleen metadata",
"Move to top of queue": "Verplaats naar het begin van de wachtrij",
"Multi level wildcard (matches multiple directory levels)": "Wildcard op meerder niveaus (toepasbaar op meerdere niveaus van folders)",
"Multi level wildcard (matches multiple directory levels)": "Wildcard op meerdere niveaus (toepasbaar op meerdere mapniveaus)",
"Never": "Nooit",
"New Device": "Nieuw Apparaat",
"New Folder": "Nieuwe Folder",
"New Device": "Nieuw apparaat",
"New Folder": "Nieuwe map",
"Newest First": "Nieuwste eerst",
"No": "Nee",
"No File Versioning": "Geen versiebeheer",
"Notice": "Notificatie",
"Notice": "Mededeling",
"OK": "OK",
"Off": "Uit",
"Oldest First": "Oudste eerst",
"Out Of Sync": "Niet gesynchroniseerd",
"Out of Sync Items": "Niet gesynchroniseerde objecten",
"Options": "Opties",
"Out of Sync": "Niet gesynchroniseerd",
"Out of Sync Items": "Niet-gesynchroniseerde items",
"Outgoing Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Uitgaande snelheidslimiet (KiB/s)",
"Override Changes": "Veranderingen overschrijven",
"Path to the folder on the local computer. Will be created if it does not exist. The tilde character (~) can be used as a shortcut for": "Locatie van de folder op de lokale computer. Zal aangemaakt worden wanneer deze niet bestaat. De tilde (~) kan gebruikt in plaats van",
@ -108,11 +116,11 @@
"Preview": "Voorbeeld",
"Preview Usage Report": "Bekijk gebruiksstatistieken",
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Snelgids voor ondersteunde patronen",
"RAM Utilization": "RAM gebruik",
"RAM Utilization": "Geheugengebruik",
"Random": "Willekeurig",
"Release Notes": "Release notes",
"Rescan": "Opnieuw scannen",
"Rescan All": "Scan Alles Opnieuw",
"Rescan All": "Scan alles opnieuw",
"Rescan Interval": "Scanfrequentie",
"Restart": "Herstart",
"Restart Needed": "Herstart nodig",
@ -124,15 +132,15 @@
"Select the folders to share with this device.": "Selecteer de folders om met dit toestel te delen.",
"Settings": "Instellingen",
"Share": "Delen",
"Share Folder": "Folder Delen",
"Share Folders With Device": "Folders delen met toestellen",
"Share With Devices": "Delen met toestellen",
"Share this folder?": "Deze folder delen?",
"Share Folder": "Deel map",
"Share Folders With Device": "Deel map met apparaten",
"Share With Devices": "Delen met apparaten",
"Share this folder?": "Deze map delen?",
"Shared With": "Gedeeld met",
"Short identifier for the folder. Must be the same on all cluster devices.": "Korte aanduiding voor deze folder. Moet dezelfde zijn op alle toestellen in het cluster.",
"Short identifier for the folder. Must be the same on all cluster devices.": "Korte aanduiding voor deze map. Moet dezelfde zijn op alle apparaten in het cluster.",
"Show ID": "Toon ID",
"Shown instead of Device ID in the cluster status. Will be advertised to other devices as an optional default name.": "Wordt getoond in plaats van het toestel-ID in het cluster staat. Wordt doorgegeven aan andere toestellen as een bijkomende standaard toestelnaam.",
"Shown instead of Device ID in the cluster status. Will be updated to the name the device advertises if left empty.": "Wordt getoond in plaats van het toestel-ID in het cluster status. Indien leeggelaten, dan wordt het bijgewerkt met de naam zoals het toestel aangeeft.",
"Shown instead of Device ID in the cluster status. Will be advertised to other devices as an optional default name.": "De naam van het apparaat wordt getoond in plaats van de apparaat-ID in het cluster-statusoverzicht. Deze naam wordt aan andere nodes voorgesteld als een optionele, standaardnaam.",
"Shown instead of Device ID in the cluster status. Will be updated to the name the device advertises if left empty.": "De naam van het apparaat wordt getoond in plaats van de apparaat-ID in het cluster-statusoverzicht. Indien leeggelaten, dan wordt het bijgewerkt met de naam zoals het apparaat aangeeft.",
"Shutdown": "Sluit af",
"Shutdown Complete": "Afsluiten voltooid",
"Simple File Versioning": "Eenvoudig versiebeheer",
@ -163,21 +171,23 @@
"The folder ID must be unique.": "Het folder-ID moet uniek zijn.",
"The folder path cannot be blank.": "De folder locatie mag niet leeg zijn.",
"The following intervals are used: for the first hour a version is kept every 30 seconds, for the first day a version is kept every hour, for the first 30 days a version is kept every day, until the maximum age a version is kept every week.": "De volgende intervallen worden gebruikt: het eerste uur worden versies iedere 30 seconden bewaard, de eerste dag worden versies ieder uur bewaard, de eerste 30 dagen worden versies iedere dag bewaard, tot de maximale leeftijd worden versies iedere week bewaard.",
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "De volgende bestanden konden niet worden gesynchroniseerd.",
"The maximum age must be a number and cannot be blank.": "De maximum leeftijd moet uit cijfers bestaan en mag niet leeggelaten worden.",
"The maximum time to keep a version (in days, set to 0 to keep versions forever).": "De maximale tijdsduur om een versie te bewaren (in dagen, gebruik 0 om versies voor altijd te bewaren).",
"The number of days must be a number and cannot be blank.": "The number of days must be a number and cannot be blank.",
"The number of days to keep files in the trash can. Zero means forever.": "The number of days to keep files in the trash can. Zero means forever.",
"The number of days must be a number and cannot be blank.": "Het aantal dagen moet een getal zijn en kan niet leeg gelaten worden.",
"The number of days to keep files in the trash can. Zero means forever.": "Het aantal dagen dat bestanden in de prullenbak blijven. Type 0 voor oneindig.",
"The number of old versions to keep, per file.": "Het aantal versies dat bewaard moet worden per file.",
"The number of versions must be a number and cannot be blank.": "Het aantal nummers moet een getal zijn en mag niet leeg blijven.",
"The path cannot be blank.": "U dient een locatie in te voeren.",
"The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.": "De scanfrequentie moet een positief getal in seconden zijn.",
"They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.": "Het wordt automatisch opnieuw geprobeerd. Bestanden worden gesynchroniseerd als de fout is hersteld.",
"This is a major version upgrade.": "Dit is een grote update.",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Trash Can File Versioning",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Versiebeheer bestanden prullenbak",
"Unknown": "Onbekend",
"Unshared": "Niet gedeeld",
"Unused": "Ongebruikt",
"Up to Date": "Gesynchroniseerd",
"Updated": "Updated",
"Updated": "Bijgewerkt",
"Upgrade": "Update",
"Upgrade To {%version%}": "Upgrade naar {{version}}",
"Upgrading": "Bezig met upgrade",
@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
"Add new folder?": "Leggja til ny mappe?",
"Address": "Adresse",
"Addresses": "Adresser",
"Advanced": "Advanced",
"Advanced Configuration": "Advanced Configuration",
"All Data": "Alle dataa",
"Allow Anonymous Usage Reporting?": "Tillata anonymisert bruksrapportering?",
"Alphabetic": "Alphabetic",
@ -17,6 +19,7 @@
"Anonymous Usage Reporting": "Anonymisert bruksrapportering",
"Any devices configured on an introducer device will be added to this device as well.": "Einingar konfigurert på ei introduksjonseining vil òg verta lagt til denne eininga.",
"Automatic upgrades": "Automatiske oppdateringar",
"Be careful!": "Be careful!",
"Bugs": "Programfeil",
"CPU Utilization": "CPU-utnytting",
"Changelog": "Endringslogg",
@ -50,16 +53,19 @@
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Skriv inn mønster som skal utelatast, eitt per linje.",
"Error": "Feilmelding",
"External File Versioning": "Ekstern filutgåvehandtering",
"Failed Items": "Failed Items",
"File Pull Order": "File Pull Order",
"File Versioning": "Filutgåvekontroll",
"File permission bits are ignored when looking for changes. Use on FAT file systems.": "File permission bits are ignored when looking for changes. Use on FAT file systems.",
"Files are moved to .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Files are moved to .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.",
"Files are moved to date stamped versions in a .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Files are moved to date stamped versions in a .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.",
"Files are protected from changes made on other devices, but changes made on this device will be sent to the rest of the cluster.": "Filer er beskytta mot endringar gjort på andre einingar, men endringar gjort på denne eininga vert sende til resten av klyngja.",
"Folder": "Folder",
"Folder ID": "Mappe ID",
"Folder Master": "Styrande Mappe",
"Folder Path": "Mappeplassering",
"Folders": "Mapper",
"GUI": "GUI",
"GUI Authentication Password": "GUI Passord",
"GUI Authentication User": "GUI Brukar",
"GUI Listen Addresses": "GUI Lytteadresse",
@ -72,6 +78,7 @@
"Ignore Patterns": "Utelatingsmønster",
"Ignore Permissions": "Ignorer tilgangar",
"Incoming Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Innkomande hastigheitsgrense (KiB/s)",
"Incorrect configuration may damage your folder contents and render Syncthing inoperable.": "Incorrect configuration may damage your folder contents and render Syncthing inoperable.",
"Introducer": "Introduktør",
"Inversion of the given condition (i.e. do not exclude)": "Det motsette av den gitte tilstanden (dvs. ekskluder ikkje)",
"Keep Versions": "Behald Versjonar",
@ -97,7 +104,8 @@
"OK": "OK",
"Off": "Av",
"Oldest First": "Oldest First",
"Out Of Sync": "Ikkje synkronisert",
"Options": "Options",
"Out of Sync": "Out of Sync",
"Out of Sync Items": "Ikkje-synkroniserte element",
"Outgoing Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Utgåande hastigheitsgrense (KiB/s)",
"Override Changes": "Overstyr endringar",
@ -163,6 +171,7 @@
"The folder ID must be unique.": "Mappe ID må vera unik.",
"The folder path cannot be blank.": "Mappeplasseringa kan ikkje vera tom.",
"The following intervals are used: for the first hour a version is kept every 30 seconds, for the first day a version is kept every hour, for the first 30 days a version is kept every day, until the maximum age a version is kept every week.": "Desse intervalla vert nytta: den fyrste timen vert ei utgåve lagra kvart 30. sekund, den fyrste dagen vert ei utgåve lagra kvar time, dei fyrste 30 dagane vert ei utgåve lagra kvar dag, og inntil høgaste alderen vert ei utgåve lagra kvar veke.",
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "The following items could not be synchronized.",
"The maximum age must be a number and cannot be blank.": "Maksimal levetid må vera eit tal og kan ikkje vera tomt.",
"The maximum time to keep a version (in days, set to 0 to keep versions forever).": "Høgaste tidsrom å behalda ei utgåve (i dagar, set til 0 for å behalda versjonane for alltid).",
"The number of days must be a number and cannot be blank.": "The number of days must be a number and cannot be blank.",
@ -171,6 +180,7 @@
"The number of versions must be a number and cannot be blank.": "Tal på versjonar må vera eit tal og kan ikkje vera tomt.",
"The path cannot be blank.": "Bana kan ikkje vera tom.",
"The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.": "Talet på sekund i skanneintervallet kan ikkje vera negativt.",
"They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.": "They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.",
"This is a major version upgrade.": "This is a major version upgrade.",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Trash Can File Versioning",
"Unknown": "Ukjent",
@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
"Add new folder?": "Dodać nowy folder?",
"Address": "Adres",
"Addresses": "Adresy",
"Advanced": "Advanced",
"Advanced Configuration": "Advanced Configuration",
"All Data": "Wszystkie dane",
"Allow Anonymous Usage Reporting?": "Zezwalaj na anonimowe statystyki użycia",
"Alphabetic": "Alfabetycznie",
@ -17,6 +19,7 @@
"Anonymous Usage Reporting": "Anonimowe statystyki użycia",
"Any devices configured on an introducer device will be added to this device as well.": "Wszystkie urządzenia skonfigurowane na urządzeniu wprowadzającym zostaną dodane także do tego urządzenia.",
"Automatic upgrades": "Automatyczne aktualizacje",
"Be careful!": "Be careful!",
"Bugs": "Błędy",
"CPU Utilization": "Użycie CPU",
"Changelog": "Historia zmian",
@ -50,16 +53,19 @@
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Wprowadz wzorce ignorowania, jeden w każdej linii.",
"Error": "Błąd",
"External File Versioning": "Zewnętrzne wersjonowanie pliku",
"Failed Items": "Failed Items",
"File Pull Order": "Kolejność pobierania plików",
"File Versioning": "Wersjonowanie plików",
"File permission bits are ignored when looking for changes. Use on FAT file systems.": "Uprawnienia plików są ignorowane przy poszukiwaniu zmian. Używaj w systemie plików FAT.",
"Files are moved to .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Files are moved to .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.",
"Files are moved to date stamped versions in a .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Files are moved to date stamped versions in a .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.",
"Files are protected from changes made on other devices, but changes made on this device will be sent to the rest of the cluster.": "Pliki są zabezpieczone przed zmianami na innym urządzeniu, jednak zmiany w tym urządzeniu będą wysłane do reszty.",
"Folder": "Folder",
"Folder ID": "ID folderu",
"Folder Master": "Główny folder",
"Folder Path": "Ścieżka folderu",
"Folders": "Foldery",
"GUI": "GUI",
"GUI Authentication Password": "Hasło",
"GUI Authentication User": "Użytkownik",
"GUI Listen Addresses": "Adres nasłuchiwania",
@ -72,6 +78,7 @@
"Ignore Patterns": "Wzorce ignorowania",
"Ignore Permissions": "Ignoruj uprawnienia",
"Incoming Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Ograniczenie prędkości odbierania (KiB/s)",
"Incorrect configuration may damage your folder contents and render Syncthing inoperable.": "Incorrect configuration may damage your folder contents and render Syncthing inoperable.",
"Introducer": "Wprowadzający",
"Inversion of the given condition (i.e. do not exclude)": "Odwrócenie podanego wzorca (np. nie wykluczaj)",
"Keep Versions": "Zachowuj wersje",
@ -97,7 +104,8 @@
"OK": "OK",
"Off": "Wyłącz",
"Oldest First": "Najstarsze na początku",
"Out Of Sync": "Niezsynchronizowane",
"Options": "Options",
"Out of Sync": "Out of Sync",
"Out of Sync Items": "Niezsynchronizowane pliki",
"Outgoing Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Ograniczenie prędkości wysyłania (KiB/s)",
"Override Changes": "Nadpisz zmiany",
@ -163,6 +171,7 @@
"The folder ID must be unique.": "ID folderu musi być unikalne.",
"The folder path cannot be blank.": "Ścieżka folderu nie może być pusta.",
"The following intervals are used: for the first hour a version is kept every 30 seconds, for the first day a version is kept every hour, for the first 30 days a version is kept every day, until the maximum age a version is kept every week.": "Następujący interwał jest używany: dla pierwszej godziny wersja jest zachowywana co 30 sekund, dla pierwszego dnia wersja jest zachowywana co godzinę, dla pierwszego miesiąca wersja jest zachowywana codziennie, aż do maksymalnego odstępu zapisywania wersji co tydzień.",
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "The following items could not be synchronized.",
"The maximum age must be a number and cannot be blank.": "Maksymalny wiek musi być liczbą i nie może być pusty.",
"The maximum time to keep a version (in days, set to 0 to keep versions forever).": "Maksymalny czas zachowania wersji (w dniach, ustaw 0 aby zachować na zawsze)",
"The number of days must be a number and cannot be blank.": "The number of days must be a number and cannot be blank.",
@ -171,6 +180,7 @@
"The number of versions must be a number and cannot be blank.": "Liczba wersji musi być liczbą i nie może być pusta.",
"The path cannot be blank.": "Ścieżka nie może być pusta.",
"The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.": "Interwał skanowania musi być niezerową liczbą sekund.",
"They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.": "They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.",
"This is a major version upgrade.": "This is a major version upgrade.",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Trash Can File Versioning",
"Unknown": "Nieznany",
@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
"Add new folder?": "Adicionar nova pasta?",
"Address": "Endereço",
"Addresses": "Endereços",
"Advanced": "Advanced",
"Advanced Configuration": "Advanced Configuration",
"All Data": "Todos os dados",
"Allow Anonymous Usage Reporting?": "Permitir envio de relatórios anônimos de uso?",
"Alphabetic": "Alfabética",
@ -17,6 +19,7 @@
"Anonymous Usage Reporting": "Relatórios anônimos de uso",
"Any devices configured on an introducer device will be added to this device as well.": "Quaisquer dispositivos configurados em um apresentador também serão adicionados a este dispositivo.",
"Automatic upgrades": "Atualizações automáticas",
"Be careful!": "Be careful!",
"Bugs": "Erros",
"CPU Utilization": "Uso de CPU",
"Changelog": "Registro de alterações",
@ -50,16 +53,19 @@
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Insira os padrões de exclusão, um por linha.",
"Error": "Erro",
"External File Versioning": "Versionamento externo de arquivo",
"Failed Items": "Failed Items",
"File Pull Order": "Ordem de retirada do arquivo",
"File Versioning": "Versionamento de arquivos",
"File permission bits are ignored when looking for changes. Use on FAT file systems.": "Os bits de permissão de um arquivo são ignorados durante as verificações. Use em sistemas de arquivo FAT.",
"Files are moved to .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Os arquivos são motivos para a pasta .stversions quando substituídos ou apagados pelo Syncthing.",
"Files are moved to date stamped versions in a .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Os arquivos são renomeados com suas datas na pasta .stversions quando são substituídos ou removidos pelo Syncthing.",
"Files are protected from changes made on other devices, but changes made on this device will be sent to the rest of the cluster.": "Os arquivos estão protegidos contra alterações feitas em outros dispositivos, mas alterações feitas neste dispositivo serão enviadas ao resto do grupo.",
"Folder": "Folder",
"Folder ID": "ID da pasta",
"Folder Master": "Pasta mestre",
"Folder Path": "Caminho da pasta",
"Folders": "Pastas",
"GUI": "GUI",
"GUI Authentication Password": "Senha para acesso à interface",
"GUI Authentication User": "Nome de usuário para acesso à interface",
"GUI Listen Addresses": "Endereços de escuta da interface",
@ -72,6 +78,7 @@
"Ignore Patterns": "Padrões de exclusão",
"Ignore Permissions": "Ignorar permissões",
"Incoming Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Limite de velocidade de recepção (KiB/s)",
"Incorrect configuration may damage your folder contents and render Syncthing inoperable.": "Incorrect configuration may damage your folder contents and render Syncthing inoperable.",
"Introducer": "Apresentador",
"Inversion of the given condition (i.e. do not exclude)": "Inversão de uma condição (ou seja, não excluir)",
"Keep Versions": "Manter versões",
@ -97,7 +104,8 @@
"OK": "OK",
"Off": "Desligada",
"Oldest First": "Mais antigo primeiro",
"Out Of Sync": "Fora de sincronia",
"Options": "Options",
"Out of Sync": "Out of Sync",
"Out of Sync Items": "Itens fora de sincronia",
"Outgoing Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Limite de velocidade de envio (KiB/s)",
"Override Changes": "Sobrescrever mudanças",
@ -163,6 +171,7 @@
"The folder ID must be unique.": "O ID da pasta deve ser único.",
"The folder path cannot be blank.": "O caminho da pasta não pode ficar vazio.",
"The following intervals are used: for the first hour a version is kept every 30 seconds, for the first day a version is kept every hour, for the first 30 days a version is kept every day, until the maximum age a version is kept every week.": "São utilizados os seguintes intervalos: na primeira hora é guardada uma versão a cada 30 segundos, no primeiro dia é guardada uma versão a cada hora, nos primeiros 30 dias é guardada uma versão por dia e, até que atinja a idade máxima, é guardada uma versão por semana.",
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "The following items could not be synchronized.",
"The maximum age must be a number and cannot be blank.": "A idade máxima deve ser um valor numérico. O campo não pode ficar vazio.",
"The maximum time to keep a version (in days, set to 0 to keep versions forever).": "O número máximo de dias em que uma versão é guardada. (Use 0 para manter para sempre).",
"The number of days must be a number and cannot be blank.": "O número de dias deve ser um número valido e não pode ficar em branco.",
@ -171,6 +180,7 @@
"The number of versions must be a number and cannot be blank.": "O número de versões deve ser um valor numérico. O campo não pode ficar vazio.",
"The path cannot be blank.": "O caminho não pode ficar vazio.",
"The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.": "O intervalo entre verificações deve ser um número positivo de segundos.",
"They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.": "They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.",
"This is a major version upgrade.": "Esta é uma atualização para uma versão \"major\".",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Versionamento de arquivos da lixeira",
"Unknown": "Desconhecida",
@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
"Add new folder?": "Adicionar nova pasta?",
"Address": "Endereço",
"Addresses": "Endereços",
"Advanced": "Avançada",
"Advanced Configuration": "Configuração avançada",
"All Data": "Todos os dados",
"Allow Anonymous Usage Reporting?": "Permitir envio de relatórios anónimos de utilização?",
"Alphabetic": "Alfabética",
@ -17,6 +19,7 @@
"Anonymous Usage Reporting": "Enviar relatórios anónimos de utilização",
"Any devices configured on an introducer device will be added to this device as well.": "Quaisquer dispositivos configurados num dispositivo apresentador serão também adicionados a este dispositivo.",
"Automatic upgrades": "Actualizações automáticas",
"Be careful!": "Tenha cuidado!",
"Bugs": "Erros",
"CPU Utilization": "Utilização da CPU",
"Changelog": "Registo de alterações",
@ -50,16 +53,19 @@
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Escreva os padrões de exclusão, um por linha.",
"Error": "Erro",
"External File Versioning": "Externa",
"Failed Items": "Itens que falharam",
"File Pull Order": "Ordem de obtenção de ficheiros",
"File Versioning": "Gestão de versões de ficheiros",
"File permission bits are ignored when looking for changes. Use on FAT file systems.": "As permissões do ficheiro são ignoradas ao procurar alterações. Utilize nos sistemas de ficheiros FAT.",
"Files are moved to .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Os ficheiros são movidos para a pasta .stversions quando substituídos ou eliminados pelo Syncthing.",
"Files are moved to date stamped versions in a .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Os ficheiros são movidos para versões carimbadas com o tempo numa pasta .stversions, ao serem substituídos ou apagados pelo Syncthing.",
"Files are protected from changes made on other devices, but changes made on this device will be sent to the rest of the cluster.": "Os ficheiros estão protegidos contra alterações feitas noutros dispositivos, mas alterações feitas neste dispositivo serão enviadas ao resto do grupo.",
"Folder": "Pasta",
"Folder ID": "ID da pasta",
"Folder Master": "Pasta mestre",
"Folder Path": "Caminho da pasta",
"Folders": "Pastas",
"GUI": "GUI",
"GUI Authentication Password": "Senha da autenticação na interface gráfica",
"GUI Authentication User": "Utilizador da autenticação na interface gráfica",
"GUI Listen Addresses": "Endereço de escuta da interface gráfica",
@ -72,6 +78,7 @@
"Ignore Patterns": "Padrões de exclusão",
"Ignore Permissions": "Ignorar permissões",
"Incoming Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Limite de velocidade de recepção (KiB/s)",
"Incorrect configuration may damage your folder contents and render Syncthing inoperable.": "Uma configuração incorrecta pode danificar o conteúdo da pasta e tornar o Syncthing inoperacional.",
"Introducer": "Apresentador",
"Inversion of the given condition (i.e. do not exclude)": "Inversão de uma dada condição (ou seja, não excluir)",
"Keep Versions": "Manter versões",
@ -97,7 +104,8 @@
"OK": "OK",
"Off": "Desligada",
"Oldest First": "Primeiro os mais antigos",
"Out Of Sync": "Não sincronizado",
"Options": "Opções",
"Out of Sync": "Não sincronizado",
"Out of Sync Items": "Itens por sincronizar",
"Outgoing Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Limite da velocidade de envio (KiB/s)",
"Override Changes": "Sobrepor alterações",
@ -163,6 +171,7 @@
"The folder ID must be unique.": "O ID da pasta tem que ser único.",
"The folder path cannot be blank.": "O caminho da pasta não pode estar vazio.",
"The following intervals are used: for the first hour a version is kept every 30 seconds, for the first day a version is kept every hour, for the first 30 days a version is kept every day, until the maximum age a version is kept every week.": "São utilizados os seguintes intervalos: na primeira hora é guardada uma versão a cada 30 segundos, no primeiro dia é guardada uma versão a cada hora, nos primeiros 30 dias é guardada uma versão por dia e, até que atinja a idade máxima, é guardada uma versão por semana.",
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "Não foi possível sincronizar os elementos seguintes.",
"The maximum age must be a number and cannot be blank.": "A idade máxima tem que ser um número e não pode estar vazia.",
"The maximum time to keep a version (in days, set to 0 to keep versions forever).": "Tempo máximo, em dias, para manter uma versão (use 0 para manter a versão para sempre).",
"The number of days must be a number and cannot be blank.": "O número de dias tem que ser um número e não pode estar em branco.",
@ -171,6 +180,7 @@
"The number of versions must be a number and cannot be blank.": "O número de versões tem que ser um número e não pode estar vazio.",
"The path cannot be blank.": "O caminho não pode estar vazio.",
"The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.": "O intervalo entre verificações tem que ser um valor não negativo de segundos.",
"They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.": "Serão tentadas automaticamente e sincronizadas após o erro ter sido resolvido.",
"This is a major version upgrade.": "Esta é uma actualização para uma versão importante.",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Reciclagem",
"Unknown": "Desconhecido",
@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
"Add new folder?": "Adauga o mapă nouă?",
"Address": "Adresă",
"Addresses": "Adrese",
"Advanced": "Advanced",
"Advanced Configuration": "Advanced Configuration",
"All Data": "Toate Datele",
"Allow Anonymous Usage Reporting?": "Permiteţi raportarea anonimă de folosire a aplicaţiei?",
"Alphabetic": "Alphabetic",
@ -17,6 +19,7 @@
"Anonymous Usage Reporting": "Raport Anonim despre Folosirea Aplicației",
"Any devices configured on an introducer device will be added to this device as well.": "Toate dispozitivele configurate pe un dispozitiv iniţiator vor fi adăugate şi pe acest dispozitiv. ",
"Automatic upgrades": "Actualizare automată",
"Be careful!": "Be careful!",
"Bugs": "Bug-uri",
"CPU Utilization": "CPU ",
"Changelog": "Noutăți",
@ -50,16 +53,19 @@
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Adaugă șabloanele de ignorare, câte una pe linie.",
"Error": "Eroare",
"External File Versioning": "Administrare externă a versiunilor documentului",
"Failed Items": "Failed Items",
"File Pull Order": "File Pull Order",
"File Versioning": "Versiune Fișier",
"File permission bits are ignored when looking for changes. Use on FAT file systems.": "Biții de autorizare sînt excluși cînd se analizează modificările. A se utiliza pe sisteme FAT. ",
"Files are moved to .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Files are moved to .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.",
"Files are moved to date stamped versions in a .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Documentele sînt mutate într-un fișier .stversions conținînd versiuni datate atunci cînd sînt șterse sau înlocuite de Syncthing. ",
"Files are protected from changes made on other devices, but changes made on this device will be sent to the rest of the cluster.": "Fișierele sunt protejate de schimbările făcute pe alte dispozitive dar schimbările efectuate pe acest dispozitiv vor fi trimise catre restul grupului.",
"Folder": "Folder",
"Folder ID": "ID Mapă",
"Folder Master": "Master Măpi",
"Folder Path": "Locaţie Mapei",
"Folders": "Mapă",
"GUI": "GUI",
"GUI Authentication Password": "Parolă Interfaţă",
"GUI Authentication User": "User Interfaţă",
"GUI Listen Addresses": "Adresă Interfaţă",
@ -72,6 +78,7 @@
"Ignore Patterns": "Reguli de excludere",
"Ignore Permissions": "Ignoră Permisiuni",
"Incoming Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Limită Viteză de Download (KB/s)",
"Incorrect configuration may damage your folder contents and render Syncthing inoperable.": "Incorrect configuration may damage your folder contents and render Syncthing inoperable.",
"Introducer": "Dispozitiv Inițiator",
"Inversion of the given condition (i.e. do not exclude)": "Inversarea condiției (de ex., nu exclude)",
"Keep Versions": "Păstrează Versiuni",
@ -97,7 +104,8 @@
"OK": "OK",
"Off": "Închis",
"Oldest First": "Oldest First",
"Out Of Sync": "Nesincronizat",
"Options": "Options",
"Out of Sync": "Out of Sync",
"Out of Sync Items": "Elemente Nesincronizate",
"Outgoing Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Limită Viteză de Upload (KB/s)",
"Override Changes": "Suprascrie Schimbări",
@ -163,6 +171,7 @@
"The folder ID must be unique.": "ID-ul mapei trebuie să fie unic.",
"The folder path cannot be blank.": "Locaţia mapei nu poate fi goală.",
"The following intervals are used: for the first hour a version is kept every 30 seconds, for the first day a version is kept every hour, for the first 30 days a version is kept every day, until the maximum age a version is kept every week.": "The following intervals are used: for the first hour a version is kept every 30 seconds, for the first day a version is kept every hour, for the first 30 days a version is kept every day, until the maximum age a version is kept every week.",
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "The following items could not be synchronized.",
"The maximum age must be a number and cannot be blank.": "Vârsta maximă trebuie să fie un număr şi nu poate fi goală.",
"The maximum time to keep a version (in days, set to 0 to keep versions forever).": "Câte zile să se păstreze o versiune (setează 0 pentru nelimitat)",
"The number of days must be a number and cannot be blank.": "The number of days must be a number and cannot be blank.",
@ -171,6 +180,7 @@
"The number of versions must be a number and cannot be blank.": "Numărul de versiuni trebuie să fie un număr şi nu poate fi gol.",
"The path cannot be blank.": "Locația nu poate fi goală.",
"The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.": "Intervalul de rescanare trebuie să nu fie un număr negativ de secunde. ",
"They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.": "They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.",
"This is a major version upgrade.": "This is a major version upgrade.",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Trash Can File Versioning",
"Unknown": "Necunoscut",
@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
"Add new folder?": "Добавить новую папку?",
"Address": "Адрес",
"Addresses": "Адреса",
"Advanced": "Дополнительно",
"Advanced Configuration": "Дополнительные настройки",
"All Data": "Все данные",
"Allow Anonymous Usage Reporting?": "Разрешить сбор анонимной статистики использования?",
"Alphabetic": "По алфавиту",
@ -17,6 +19,7 @@
"Anonymous Usage Reporting": "Анонимная статистика использования",
"Any devices configured on an introducer device will be added to this device as well.": "Все устройства, подключённые к устройству-рекомендателю, будут добавлены к текущему устройству.",
"Automatic upgrades": "Автообновление",
"Be careful!": "Будьте осторожны!",
"Bugs": "Ошибки",
"CPU Utilization": "Загрузка ЦПУ",
"Changelog": "Журнал изменений",
@ -50,16 +53,19 @@
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Введите шаблоны игнорирования, по одному на строку.",
"Error": "Ошибка",
"External File Versioning": "Внешний контроль версий файлов",
"Failed Items": "Сбои",
"File Pull Order": "Порядок получения файлов",
"File Versioning": "Управление версиями",
"File permission bits are ignored when looking for changes. Use on FAT file systems.": "Права на файлы игнорируются при поиске изменений. Используется на файловой системе FAT.",
"Files are moved to .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Файлы перемещаются в .stversions после замены или удаления Syncthing.",
"Files are moved to date stamped versions in a .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Файлы с временнОй меткой версии помещаются в папку .stversions при их замене или удалении Syncthing.",
"Files are protected from changes made on other devices, but changes made on this device will be sent to the rest of the cluster.": "Файлы защищены от изменений сделанных на других устройствах, но изменения сделанные на этом устройстве будут отправлены всему кластеру.",
"Folder": "Папка",
"Folder ID": "ID папки",
"Folder Master": "Папка-оригинал",
"Folder Path": "Путь к папке",
"Folders": "Папки",
"GUI": "Интерфейс",
"GUI Authentication Password": "Пароль для доступа к панели управления",
"GUI Authentication User": "Имя пользователя для доступа к панели управления",
"GUI Listen Addresses": "Адрес панели управления",
@ -72,6 +78,7 @@
"Ignore Patterns": "Шаблоны игнорирования",
"Ignore Permissions": "Игнорировать файловые права доступа",
"Incoming Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Ограничение входящего потока (Кбит/сек)",
"Incorrect configuration may damage your folder contents and render Syncthing inoperable.": "Неправильные настройки могут повредить содержимое папок и сделать Syncthing нерабочим",
"Introducer": "Рекомендатель",
"Inversion of the given condition (i.e. do not exclude)": "Инвертировать текущее условие (например, исключить)",
"Keep Versions": "Количество хранимых версий",
@ -97,7 +104,8 @@
"OK": "ОК",
"Off": "Отключить",
"Oldest First": "Сначала старые",
"Out Of Sync": "Не синхронизировано",
"Options": "Настройки",
"Out of Sync": "Нет синхронизации",
"Out of Sync Items": "Не синхронизированные пункты",
"Outgoing Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Предел скорости отдачи (KiB/s)",
"Override Changes": "Перезаписать изменения",
@ -163,6 +171,7 @@
"The folder ID must be unique.": "ID папки должен быть уникальным.",
"The folder path cannot be blank.": "Путь к папке не должен быть пустым.",
"The following intervals are used: for the first hour a version is kept every 30 seconds, for the first day a version is kept every hour, for the first 30 days a version is kept every day, until the maximum age a version is kept every week.": "Используются следующие интервалы: в первый час версия меняется каждые 30 секунд, в первый день - каждый час, первые 30 дней - каждый день, после, до максимального срока - каждую неделю.",
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "Следующие вещи не были сихронизированы",
"The maximum age must be a number and cannot be blank.": "Максимальный срок должен быть числом и не может быть пустым.",
"The maximum time to keep a version (in days, set to 0 to keep versions forever).": "Максимальный срок хранения версии (в днях, 0 значит вечное хранение).",
"The number of days must be a number and cannot be blank.": "Количество дней должно быть числом и не может быть пустым.",
@ -171,6 +180,7 @@
"The number of versions must be a number and cannot be blank.": "Количество версий должно быть числом и не может быть пустым.",
"The path cannot be blank.": "Путь не может быть пустым.",
"The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.": "Интервал пересканирования должен быть неотрицательным количеством секунд.",
"They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.": "Будут синхронизированы автоматически когда ошибка будет исправлена.",
"This is a major version upgrade.": "Это обновление основной версии продукта.",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Использовать Корзину для версий файлов",
"Unknown": "Неизвестно",
@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
"Add new folder?": "Lägg till katalog?",
"Address": "Adress",
"Addresses": "Adresser",
"Advanced": "Advanced",
"Advanced Configuration": "Advanced Configuration",
"All Data": "All data",
"Allow Anonymous Usage Reporting?": "Tillåt anonym användarstatistik?",
"Alphabetic": "Alfabetisk",
@ -17,6 +19,7 @@
"Anonymous Usage Reporting": "Anonym användarstatistik",
"Any devices configured on an introducer device will be added to this device as well.": "Enheter konfigurerade på en introduktörsenhet kommer också att läggas till den här enheten.",
"Automatic upgrades": "Automatisk uppgradering",
"Be careful!": "Be careful!",
"Bugs": "Buggar",
"CPU Utilization": "CPU-användning",
"Changelog": "Changelog",
@ -50,16 +53,19 @@
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Ange filmönster, ett per rad.",
"Error": "Fel",
"External File Versioning": "Extern versionshantering",
"Failed Items": "Failed Items",
"File Pull Order": "Hämtningsprioritering av filer",
"File Versioning": "Versionshantering",
"File permission bits are ignored when looking for changes. Use on FAT file systems.": "Filrättigheter ignoreras vid sökning efter förändringar. Används på FAT-filsystem.",
"Files are moved to .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Files are moved to .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.",
"Files are moved to date stamped versions in a .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Filer flyttas till datummärkta versioner i en .stversions-mapp när de ersatts eller raderats av Syncthing.",
"Files are protected from changes made on other devices, but changes made on this device will be sent to the rest of the cluster.": "Filer skyddas från ändringar gjorda på andra enheter, men ändringar som görs på den här noden skickas till de andra klustermedlemmarna.",
"Folder": "Folder",
"Folder ID": "Katalog-ID",
"Folder Master": "Huvudlagring",
"Folder Path": "Sökväg",
"Folders": "Kataloger",
"GUI": "GUI",
"GUI Authentication Password": "GUI-lösenord",
"GUI Authentication User": "GUI-användare",
"GUI Listen Addresses": "GUI-adress",
@ -72,6 +78,7 @@
"Ignore Patterns": "Ignorerade filmönster",
"Ignore Permissions": "Ignorera filrättigheter",
"Incoming Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Max nedladdningshastighet (KiB/s)",
"Incorrect configuration may damage your folder contents and render Syncthing inoperable.": "Incorrect configuration may damage your folder contents and render Syncthing inoperable.",
"Introducer": "introduktör",
"Inversion of the given condition (i.e. do not exclude)": "Vänder på villkoret, d.v.s. exkluderar inte.",
"Keep Versions": "Behåll versioner",
@ -97,7 +104,8 @@
"OK": "OK",
"Off": "Av",
"Oldest First": "Äldst först",
"Out Of Sync": "Osynkad",
"Options": "Options",
"Out of Sync": "Out of Sync",
"Out of Sync Items": "Osynkade poster",
"Outgoing Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Max uppladdningshastighet (KiB/s)",
"Override Changes": "Skriv över ändringar",
@ -163,6 +171,7 @@
"The folder ID must be unique.": "Katalog-ID:t måste vara unikt.",
"The folder path cannot be blank.": "Ange en sökväg.",
"The following intervals are used: for the first hour a version is kept every 30 seconds, for the first day a version is kept every hour, for the first 30 days a version is kept every day, until the maximum age a version is kept every week.": "De följande intervallen används: varje 30 sekunder under den första timmen; varje timme under den första dagen; varje dag för de första 30 dagarna; varje vecka tills den maximala åldersgränsen uppnås.",
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "The following items could not be synchronized.",
"The maximum age must be a number and cannot be blank.": "Åldersgränsen måste vara ett tal och kan inte lämnas tomt.",
"The maximum time to keep a version (in days, set to 0 to keep versions forever).": "Den längsta tiden att behålla en version (i dagar, sätt till 0 för att behålla versioner för evigt).",
"The number of days must be a number and cannot be blank.": "The number of days must be a number and cannot be blank.",
@ -171,6 +180,7 @@
"The number of versions must be a number and cannot be blank.": "Antalet versioner måste vara ett nummer och kan inte lämnas tomt.",
"The path cannot be blank.": "Ange en sökväg",
"The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.": "Förnyelseintervallet måste vara ett positivt antal sekunder",
"They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.": "They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.",
"This is a major version upgrade.": "Det här är en stor uppgradering.",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Trash Can File Versioning",
"Unknown": "Okänt",
@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
"Add new folder?": "Yeni klasör ekle?",
"Address": "Adres",
"Addresses": "Adresler",
"Advanced": "Advanced",
"Advanced Configuration": "Advanced Configuration",
"All Data": "All Data",
"Allow Anonymous Usage Reporting?": "Anonim kullanım raporlarına izin ver ?",
"Alphabetic": "Alphabetic",
@ -17,6 +19,7 @@
"Anonymous Usage Reporting": "Anonim Kullanım Raporlama",
"Any devices configured on an introducer device will be added to this device as well.": "Tanıtıcı bir cihazda yapılandırılan cihazlar bu cihaza da eklenecektir.",
"Automatic upgrades": "Otomatik güncellemeler",
"Be careful!": "Be careful!",
"Bugs": "Hatalar",
"CPU Utilization": "İşlemci Kullanımı",
"Changelog": "Değişim Günlüğü",
@ -50,16 +53,19 @@
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Yoksayılacak kalıp dizilerini her satıra bir tane olacak şekilde girin.",
"Error": "Hata",
"External File Versioning": "Harici Dosya Sürümlendirme",
"Failed Items": "Failed Items",
"File Pull Order": "File Pull Order",
"File Versioning": "Dosya Sürümlendirme",
"File permission bits are ignored when looking for changes. Use on FAT file systems.": "Değişimleri yoklarken dosya izin bilgilerini ihmal et. FAT dosya sistemlerinde kullanın.",
"Files are moved to .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Files are moved to .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.",
"Files are moved to date stamped versions in a .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Dosyalar Syncthing tarafından değiştirildiğinde ya da silindiğinde, tarih damgalı sürümleri .stversions dizinine taşınır.",
"Files are protected from changes made on other devices, but changes made on this device will be sent to the rest of the cluster.": "Dosyalar diğer cihazlarda yapılan değişikliklerden korunur, ancak bu cihazdaki değişiklikler kümedeki diğer cihazlara gönderilir.",
"Folder": "Folder",
"Folder ID": "Klasör ID",
"Folder Master": "Ana Klasör",
"Folder Path": "Klasör Yolu",
"Folders": "Klasörler",
"GUI": "GUI",
"GUI Authentication Password": "Kullanıcı arayüzü şifresi",
"GUI Authentication User": "Kullanıcı arayüzü kullanıcı ismi",
"GUI Listen Addresses": "Kullanıcı arayüzü bağlantı adresi",
@ -72,6 +78,7 @@
"Ignore Patterns": "Kalıpları Yoksay",
"Ignore Permissions": "İzinleri yoksay",
"Incoming Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "İndirme Oranı Limiti (KiB/s)",
"Incorrect configuration may damage your folder contents and render Syncthing inoperable.": "Incorrect configuration may damage your folder contents and render Syncthing inoperable.",
"Introducer": "Tanıtıcı",
"Inversion of the given condition (i.e. do not exclude)": "Verilen koşulun ters çevirilmesi (örneğin: yok sayma)",
"Keep Versions": "Sürüm tut",
@ -97,7 +104,8 @@
"OK": "Tamam",
"Off": "Off",
"Oldest First": "Oldest First",
"Out Of Sync": "Senkronize edilmemiş",
"Options": "Options",
"Out of Sync": "Out of Sync",
"Out of Sync Items": "Eşzamanlanmayan Öğeler",
"Outgoing Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Yükleme hız sınırı (KB/sn)",
"Override Changes": "Değişiklikleri Geçersiz kıl",
@ -163,6 +171,7 @@
"The folder ID must be unique.": "Klasör ID benzersiz olmalıdır.",
"The folder path cannot be blank.": "Klasör dizini boş bırakılamaz.",
"The following intervals are used: for the first hour a version is kept every 30 seconds, for the first day a version is kept every hour, for the first 30 days a version is kept every day, until the maximum age a version is kept every week.": "Kullanılan zaman aralıkları : ilk bir saat içinde her 30 saniyede, ilk günde her saatte, ilk 30 günde her gün, azami süreye kadar geçen zamanda ise her hafta yeni sürüm değeri oluşturulur.",
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "The following items could not be synchronized.",
"The maximum age must be a number and cannot be blank.": "Azami süre tanımı boş bırakılmamalı ve bir sayı olarak tanımlanmalıdır.",
"The maximum time to keep a version (in days, set to 0 to keep versions forever).": "Bir sürümün tutulması için belirlenen azami süre (sürümleri daimi olarak tutabilmek için 0 değeri atayın)",
"The number of days must be a number and cannot be blank.": "The number of days must be a number and cannot be blank.",
@ -171,6 +180,7 @@
"The number of versions must be a number and cannot be blank.": "Sürümlerin sayısı sayı olmalı ve boş bırakılamaz.",
"The path cannot be blank.": "Dizin yolu boş bırakılamaz.",
"The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.": "Tarama zaman aralığı, saniye cinsinden negatif olmayan bir sayı olmalıdır.",
"They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.": "They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.",
"This is a major version upgrade.": "This is a major version upgrade.",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Trash Can File Versioning",
"Unknown": "Bilinmiyor",
@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
"Add new folder?": "Додати нову директорію?",
"Address": "Адреса",
"Addresses": "Адреси",
"Advanced": "Advanced",
"Advanced Configuration": "Advanced Configuration",
"All Data": "Усі дані",
"Allow Anonymous Usage Reporting?": "Дозволити програмі збирати анонімну статистику використання?",
"Alphabetic": "За алфавітом",
@ -17,6 +19,7 @@
"Anonymous Usage Reporting": "Анонімна статистика використання",
"Any devices configured on an introducer device will be added to this device as well.": "Усі пристрої, налаштовані на пристрої-рекомендувачі, будуть додані до поточного пристрою.",
"Automatic upgrades": "Автоматичні оновлення",
"Be careful!": "Be careful!",
"Bugs": "Помилки",
"CPU Utilization": "Навантаження CPU",
"Changelog": "Перелік змін",
@ -50,16 +53,19 @@
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Введіть шаблони ігнорування, по одному на рядок.",
"Error": "Помилка",
"External File Versioning": "Зовнішне керування версіями",
"Failed Items": "Failed Items",
"File Pull Order": "Порядок витягнення файлів",
"File Versioning": "Керування версіями",
"File permission bits are ignored when looking for changes. Use on FAT file systems.": "Біти прав доступу до файлів будуть проігноровані під час пошуку змін. Використовуйте на файлових системах FAT.",
"Files are moved to .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Files are moved to .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.",
"Files are moved to date stamped versions in a .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Файли будуть поміщатися у директорію .stversions із відповідною позначкою часу, коли вони будуть замінятися або видалятися програмою.",
"Files are protected from changes made on other devices, but changes made on this device will be sent to the rest of the cluster.": "Файли захищено від змін зроблених на інших пристроях, але зміни зроблені на цьому пристрої будуть надіслані решті кластеру.",
"Folder": "Folder",
"Folder ID": "ID директорії",
"Folder Master": "Центральна директорія",
"Folder Path": "Шлях до директорії",
"Folders": "Директорії",
"GUI": "GUI",
"GUI Authentication Password": "Пароль для доступу до панелі управління",
"GUI Authentication User": "Логін користувача для доступу до панелі управління",
"GUI Listen Addresses": "Адреса доступу до панелі управління",
@ -72,6 +78,7 @@
"Ignore Patterns": "Ігнорувати шаблони",
"Ignore Permissions": "Ігнорувати права доступу до файлів",
"Incoming Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Ліміт швидкості завантаження (КіБ/с)",
"Incorrect configuration may damage your folder contents and render Syncthing inoperable.": "Incorrect configuration may damage your folder contents and render Syncthing inoperable.",
"Introducer": "Рекомендувач",
"Inversion of the given condition (i.e. do not exclude)": "Інверсія поточної умови (тобто не виключає)",
"Keep Versions": "Зберігати версії",
@ -97,7 +104,8 @@
"OK": "Гаразд",
"Off": "Вимкнути",
"Oldest First": "Спершу старіші",
"Out Of Sync": "Не синхронізовано",
"Options": "Options",
"Out of Sync": "Out of Sync",
"Out of Sync Items": "Не синхронізовані елементи",
"Outgoing Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Ліміт швидкості віддачі (КіБ/с)",
"Override Changes": "Перезаписати зміни",
@ -163,6 +171,7 @@
"The folder ID must be unique.": "ID директорії повинен бути унікальним.",
"The folder path cannot be blank.": "Шлях до директорії не може бути порожнім.",
"The following intervals are used: for the first hour a version is kept every 30 seconds, for the first day a version is kept every hour, for the first 30 days a version is kept every day, until the maximum age a version is kept every week.": "Використовуються наступні інтервали: для першої години версія зберігається кожні 30 секунд, для першого дня версія зберігається щогодини, для перших 30 днів версія зберігається кожен день, опісля, до максимального строку, версія зберігається щотижня.",
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "The following items could not be synchronized.",
"The maximum age must be a number and cannot be blank.": "Максимальний термін повинен бути числом та не може бути пустим.",
"The maximum time to keep a version (in days, set to 0 to keep versions forever).": "Максимальний термін, щоб зберігати версію (у днях, вствновіть в 0, щоби зберігати версії назавжди).",
"The number of days must be a number and cannot be blank.": "The number of days must be a number and cannot be blank.",
@ -171,6 +180,7 @@
"The number of versions must be a number and cannot be blank.": "Кількість версій повинна бути цифрою та не може бути порожньою.",
"The path cannot be blank.": "Шлях не може бути порожнім.",
"The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.": "Інтервал повторного сканування повинен бути неід’ємною величиною.",
"They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.": "They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.",
"This is a major version upgrade.": "Це оновлення мажорної версії",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Trash Can File Versioning",
"Unknown": "Невідомо",
@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
"Add new folder?": "添加新文件夹?",
"Address": "地址",
"Addresses": "地址列表",
"Advanced": "高级",
"Advanced Configuration": "高级设置",
"All Data": "所有数据",
"Allow Anonymous Usage Reporting?": "允许匿名使用报告?",
"Alphabetic": "字母顺序",
@ -17,6 +19,7 @@
"Anonymous Usage Reporting": "匿名使用报告",
"Any devices configured on an introducer device will be added to this device as well.": "在介绍人设备上被添加的其它设备,也将会被添加到本机。",
"Automatic upgrades": "自动升级",
"Be careful!": "小心!",
"Bugs": "Bug汇报",
"CPU Utilization": "CPU使用率",
"Changelog": "更新日志",
@ -50,16 +53,19 @@
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "请输入忽略表达式,每行一条",
"Error": "错误",
"External File Versioning": "外部版本控制",
"Failed Items": "失败的项目",
"File Pull Order": "文件拉取顺序",
"File Versioning": "版本控制",
"File permission bits are ignored when looking for changes. Use on FAT file systems.": "当寻找文件变更时,忽略文件权限。用于FAT文件系统。",
"Files are moved to .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "当文件被 Syncthing 替换或删时,将会被移动到 .stversions 文件夹",
"Files are moved to date stamped versions in a .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "当某个文件在其他设备被替换或删除时,本设备将会在 .stversions 文件夹中保留该文件的备份,并在文件名中加入时间戳信息。",
"Files are protected from changes made on other devices, but changes made on this device will be sent to the rest of the cluster.": "在其它设备中对该文件夹内文件的修改并不会被同步到本机,但是在本机上对其的修改,则会被同步到其它设备中。",
"Folder": "文件夹",
"Folder ID": "文件夹标识",
"Folder Master": "主文件夹",
"Folder Path": "文件夹路径",
"Folders": "文件夹",
"GUI": "图形界面",
"GUI Authentication Password": "登陆web管理页面的密码",
"GUI Authentication User": "登陆web管理页面的用户名",
"GUI Listen Addresses": "web管理页面监听地址",
@ -72,6 +78,7 @@
"Ignore Patterns": "忽略列表",
"Ignore Permissions": "忽略文件权限",
"Incoming Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "下载速率限制(KiB/s)",
"Incorrect configuration may damage your folder contents and render Syncthing inoperable.": "错误的配置可能损坏您文件夹内的内容,使得 Syncthing 无法工作。",
"Introducer": "介绍人设备",
"Inversion of the given condition (i.e. do not exclude)": "对本条件取反(例如:不要排除某项)",
"Keep Versions": "保留历史版本数量",
@ -97,7 +104,8 @@
"OK": "确定",
"Off": "关闭",
"Oldest First": "旧文件优先",
"Out Of Sync": "未同步",
"Options": "选项",
"Out of Sync": "未同步",
"Out of Sync Items": "未同步的项目",
"Outgoing Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "上传速度限制(千字节/秒)",
"Override Changes": "撤销改变",
@ -163,6 +171,7 @@
"The folder ID must be unique.": "文件夹标识不得重复",
"The folder path cannot be blank.": "文件夹路径不能为空",
"The following intervals are used: for the first hour a version is kept every 30 seconds, for the first day a version is kept every hour, for the first 30 days a version is kept every day, until the maximum age a version is kept every week.": "保留的历史版本会满足以下条件:最近一小时内的历史版本,更新间隔小于30秒的仅保留一份。最近一天内的历史版本,更新间隔小于1小时的仅保留一份。最近一个月内的历史版本,更新间隔小于1天的仅保留一份。距离现在超过一个月且小于最长保留时间的,更新间隔小于1周的仅保留一份。",
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "下列项目无法被同步。",
"The maximum age must be a number and cannot be blank.": "最长保留时间必须为数字,且不能为空。",
"The maximum time to keep a version (in days, set to 0 to keep versions forever).": "历史版本保留的最长天数,0为永久保存",
"The number of days must be a number and cannot be blank.": "天数必须为数字,且不能为空。",
@ -171,6 +180,7 @@
"The number of versions must be a number and cannot be blank.": "保留版本数量必须为数字,且不能为空。",
"The path cannot be blank.": "路径不能为空",
"The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.": "扫描间隔单位为秒,且不能为负数。",
"They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.": "系统将会自动重试,当错误被解决时,它们将会被同步。",
"This is a major version upgrade.": "这是一个重大版本更新。",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "回收站式版本控制",
"Unknown": "未知",
@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
"Add new folder?": "新增資料夾?",
"Address": "位址",
"Addresses": "位址",
"Advanced": "Advanced",
"Advanced Configuration": "Advanced Configuration",
"All Data": "全部資料",
"Allow Anonymous Usage Reporting?": "允許匿名的使用資訊回報?",
"Alphabetic": "字母順序",
@ -17,6 +19,7 @@
"Anonymous Usage Reporting": "匿名的使用資訊回報",
"Any devices configured on an introducer device will be added to this device as well.": "任何在引入者裝置所設置的裝置將會一併新增至此裝置",
"Automatic upgrades": "自動升級",
"Be careful!": "Be careful!",
"Bugs": "程式錯誤",
"CPU Utilization": "CPU 使用",
"Changelog": "更新日誌",
@ -50,16 +53,19 @@
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "輸入忽略樣式,每行一種。",
"Error": "錯誤",
"External File Versioning": "外部檔案版本控制",
"Failed Items": "Failed Items",
"File Pull Order": "提取檔案的順序",
"File Versioning": "檔案版本控制",
"File permission bits are ignored when looking for changes. Use on FAT file systems.": "File permission bits are ignored when looking for changes. Use on FAT file systems.",
"Files are moved to .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Files are moved to .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.",
"Files are moved to date stamped versions in a .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Files are moved to date stamped versions in a .stversions folder when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.",
"Files are protected from changes made on other devices, but changes made on this device will be sent to the rest of the cluster.": "其他裝置做的改變不會影響到此裝置的檔案,但在此裝置上的變化將被發送到叢集中的其他部分。",
"Folder": "Folder",
"Folder ID": "資料夾識別碼",
"Folder Master": "主資料夾",
"Folder Path": "資料夾路徑",
"Folders": "資料夾",
"GUI": "GUI",
"GUI Authentication Password": "GUI 認證密碼",
"GUI Authentication User": "GUI 認證使用者名稱",
"GUI Listen Addresses": "GUI 監聽位址",
@ -72,6 +78,7 @@
"Ignore Patterns": "忽略樣式",
"Ignore Permissions": "忽略權限",
"Incoming Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "連入速率限制 (KiB/s)",
"Incorrect configuration may damage your folder contents and render Syncthing inoperable.": "Incorrect configuration may damage your folder contents and render Syncthing inoperable.",
"Introducer": "引入者",
"Inversion of the given condition (i.e. do not exclude)": "反轉給定條件 (即:不要排除)",
"Keep Versions": "保留歷史版本數",
@ -97,7 +104,8 @@
"OK": "確定",
"Off": "關閉",
"Oldest First": "最舊的優先",
"Out Of Sync": "不同步",
"Options": "Options",
"Out of Sync": "Out of Sync",
"Out of Sync Items": "不同步物件",
"Outgoing Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "連出速率限制 (KiB/s)",
"Override Changes": "置換改變",
@ -163,6 +171,7 @@
"The folder ID must be unique.": "資料夾識別碼必須為獨一無二的。",
"The folder path cannot be blank.": "資料夾路徑不能空白。",
"The following intervals are used: for the first hour a version is kept every 30 seconds, for the first day a version is kept every hour, for the first 30 days a version is kept every day, until the maximum age a version is kept every week.": "使用下列的間隔:在第一個小時內每 30 秒保留一個版本,在第一天內每小時保留一個版本,在第 30 天內每一天保留一個版本,在達到最長保留時間前每一星期保留一個版本。",
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "The following items could not be synchronized.",
"The maximum age must be a number and cannot be blank.": "最長保留時間必須為一個數字且不得為空。",
"The maximum time to keep a version (in days, set to 0 to keep versions forever).": "一個版本被保留的最長時間 (單位為天,若設定為 0 則表示永遠保留)。",
"The number of days must be a number and cannot be blank.": "天數必須必須為一個數字且不得為空。",
@ -171,6 +180,7 @@
"The number of versions must be a number and cannot be blank.": "每個檔案要保留的舊版本數量必須是數字且不能為空白。",
"The path cannot be blank.": "路徑不能空白。",
"The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.": "重新掃描間隔必須為一個非負數的秒數。",
"They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.": "They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.",
"This is a major version upgrade.": "這是一個主要版本更新。",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "Trash Can File Versioning",
"Unknown": "未知",
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
.TH "SYNCTHING-CONFIG" "5" "July 01, 2015" "v0.11" "Syncthing"
.TH "SYNCTHING-CONFIG" "5" "July 11, 2015" "v0.11" "Syncthing"
syncthing-config \- Syncthing Configuration
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
.TH "SYNCTHING-DEVICE-IDS" "7" "July 01, 2015" "v0.11" "Syncthing"
.TH "SYNCTHING-DEVICE-IDS" "7" "July 11, 2015" "v0.11" "Syncthing"
syncthing-device-ids \- Understanding Device IDs
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
.TH "SYNCTHING-EVENT-API" "7" "July 01, 2015" "v0.11" "Syncthing"
.TH "SYNCTHING-EVENT-API" "7" "July 11, 2015" "v0.11" "Syncthing"
syncthing-event-api \- Event API
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
.TH "SYNCTHING-FAQ" "7" "July 01, 2015" "v0.11" "Syncthing"
.TH "SYNCTHING-FAQ" "7" "July 11, 2015" "v0.11" "Syncthing"
syncthing-faq \- Frequently Asked Questions
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
.TH "SYNCTHING-NETWORKING" "7" "July 01, 2015" "v0.11" "Syncthing"
.TH "SYNCTHING-NETWORKING" "7" "July 11, 2015" "v0.11" "Syncthing"
syncthing-networking \- Firewall Setup
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
.TH "SYNCTHING-REST-API" "7" "July 01, 2015" "v0.11" "Syncthing"
.TH "SYNCTHING-REST-API" "7" "July 11, 2015" "v0.11" "Syncthing"
syncthing-rest-api \- REST API
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ Returns the contents of the local discovery cache.
.SS POST /rest/system/discovery/hint
.SS POST /rest/system/discovery
Post with the query parameters \fBdevice\fP and \fBaddr\fP to add entries to
the discovery cache.
@ -136,9 +136,9 @@ the discovery cache.
.ft C
curl \-X POST\e&addr=
curl \-X POST\e&addr=
# Or with the X\-API\-Key header:
curl \-X POST \-\-header "X\-API\-Key: TcE28kVPdtJ8COws1JdM0b2nodj77WeQ"\e&addr=
curl \-X POST \-\-header "X\-API\-Key: TcE28kVPdtJ8COws1JdM0b2nodj77WeQ"\e&addr=
.ft P
@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ This is an expensive call, increasing CPU and RAM usage on the device. Use spari
.SS GET /rest/db/file
Returns most data available about a given file, including version and
availability. Takes \fBfolder\fP and \fBfile\fP parameters.
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
.TH "SYNCTHING-SECURITY" "7" "July 01, 2015" "v0.11" "Syncthing"
.TH "SYNCTHING-SECURITY" "7" "July 11, 2015" "v0.11" "Syncthing"
syncthing-security \- Security Principles
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
.TH "SYNCTHING-STIGNORE" "5" "July 01, 2015" "v0.11" "Syncthing"
.TH "SYNCTHING-STIGNORE" "5" "July 11, 2015" "v0.11" "Syncthing"
syncthing-stignore \- Prevent files from being synchronized to other nodes
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
.TH "TODO" "7" "July 01, 2015" "v0.11" "Syncthing"
.TH "TODO" "7" "July 11, 2015" "v0.11" "Syncthing"
Todo \- Keep automatic backups of deleted files by other nodes
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
.TH "SYNCTHING" "1" "July 01, 2015" "v0.11" "Syncthing"
.TH "SYNCTHING" "1" "July 11, 2015" "v0.11" "Syncthing"
syncthing \- Syncthing
Reference in New Issue
Block a user