mirror of
synced 2025-02-02 03:48:26 +00:00
Translation update
This commit is contained in:
@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
"Comment, when used at the start of a line": "Comment, when used at the start of a line",
"Compression is recommended in most setups.": "Compression is recommended in most setups.",
"Connection Error": "Connection Error",
"Copied from elsewhere": "Copied from elsewhere",
"Copied from original": "Copied from original",
"Copyright © 2014 Jakob Borg and the following Contributors:": "Copyright © 2014 Jakob Borg and the following Contributors:",
"Delete": "Delete",
"Device ID": "Device ID",
@ -23,6 +25,8 @@
"Disconnected": "Disconnected",
"Documentation": "Documentation",
"Download Rate": "Download Rate",
"Downloaded": "Downloaded",
"Downloading": "Downloading",
"Edit": "Edit",
"Edit Device": "Edit Device",
"Edit Folder": "Edit Folder",
@ -38,6 +42,7 @@
"Folder ID": "Folder ID",
"Folder Master": "Folder Master",
"Folder Path": "Folder Path",
"Folders": "Folders",
"GUI Authentication Password": "GUI Authentication Password",
"GUI Authentication User": "GUI Authentication User",
"GUI Listen Addresses": "GUI Listen Addresses",
@ -52,6 +57,7 @@
"Introducer": "Introducer",
"Inversion of the given condition (i.e. do not exclude)": "Inversion of the given condition (i.e. do not exclude)",
"Keep Versions": "Keep Versions",
"Last File Synced": "Last File Synced",
"Last seen": "Last seen",
"Latest Release": "Latest Release",
"Local Discovery": "Local Discovery",
@ -80,10 +86,13 @@
"Restart": "Restart",
"Restart Needed": "Restart Needed",
"Restarting": "Restarting",
"Reused": "Reused",
"Save": "Save",
"Scanning": "Scanning",
"Select the devices to share this folder with.": "Select the devices to share this folder with.",
"Select the folders to share with this device.": "Select the folders to share with this device.",
"Settings": "Settings",
"Share Folders With Device": "Share Folders With Device",
"Share With Devices": "Share With Devices",
"Shared With": "Shared With",
"Short identifier for the folder. Must be the same on all cluster devices.": "Short identifier for the folder. Must be the same on all cluster devices.",
@ -124,6 +133,8 @@
"The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.": "The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.",
"The rescan interval must be at least 5 seconds.": "The rescan interval must be at least 5 seconds.",
"Unknown": "Unknown",
"Unshared": "Unshared",
"Unused": "Unused",
"Up to Date": "Up to Date",
"Upgrade To {%version%}": "Upgrade To {{version}}",
"Upgrading": "Upgrading",
@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
"Comment, when used at the start of a line": "Коментар, използван в началото на реда",
"Compression is recommended in most setups.": "Компресията е препоръчителна в повечето конфигурации.",
"Connection Error": "Грешка при Свързването",
"Copied from elsewhere": "Копиране от някъде другаде",
"Copied from original": "Копиран от оригинала",
"Copyright © 2014 Jakob Borg and the following Contributors:": "Правата запазени © 2014 Jakob Borg и следните Сътрудници:",
"Delete": "Изтрий",
"Device ID": "Идентификатор на устройство",
@ -23,6 +25,8 @@
"Disconnected": "Прекрати Връзката",
"Documentation": "Документация",
"Download Rate": "Скорост на Теглене",
"Downloaded": "Изтеглен",
"Downloading": "Изтегляне",
"Edit": "Промени",
"Edit Device": "Промени устройство",
"Edit Folder": "Промени папка",
@ -38,6 +42,7 @@
"Folder ID": "Идентификатор на папка",
"Folder Master": "Главна папка",
"Folder Path": "Път до папката",
"Folders": "Папки",
"GUI Authentication Password": "Парола за Потребителския Интерфейс",
"GUI Authentication User": "Потребител за Потребителския Интерфейс",
"GUI Listen Addresses": "Адрес за Свързване с Потребителския Интерфейс",
@ -52,6 +57,7 @@
"Introducer": "Introducer",
"Inversion of the given condition (i.e. do not exclude)": "Обратното на даденото условие (пр. не изключвай)",
"Keep Versions": "Пази Версии",
"Last File Synced": "Последния синхронизиран файл",
"Last seen": "Последно видян",
"Latest Release": "Най-новата Версия",
"Local Discovery": "Локално Откриване",
@ -80,10 +86,13 @@
"Restart": "Рестартирай",
"Restart Needed": "Изискава се Рестартиране",
"Restarting": "Рестартиране",
"Reused": "Повторно използван",
"Save": "Запази",
"Scanning": "Сканиране",
"Select the devices to share this folder with.": "Избери устройствата, с които да споделиш тази папка.",
"Select the folders to share with this device.": "Изберете папките за споделяне с това устройство.",
"Settings": "Настройки",
"Share Folders With Device": "Сподели папки с това устройство",
"Share With Devices": "Сподели с устройства",
"Shared With": "Споделена със",
"Short identifier for the folder. Must be the same on all cluster devices.": "Кратък идентификатор на папката. Трябва да бъде същият на всички компютри.",
@ -121,9 +130,11 @@
"The maximum time to keep a version (in days, set to 0 to keep versions forever).": "Максималното време да се пазят весрсии (в дни, сложи 0, за да пазиш версии завинаги).",
"The number of old versions to keep, per file.": "Броят стари версии, които да бъдат пазени за всеки файл.",
"The number of versions must be a number and cannot be blank.": "Броят версии трябва да бъде число и не може да бъде празно.",
"The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.": "The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.",
"The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.": "Интервала на сканиране трябва да бъде не отрицателно число в секунди.",
"The rescan interval must be at least 5 seconds.": "Интервала за повторно сканиране трябва да бъде поне 5 секунди.",
"Unknown": "Неясен",
"Unshared": "Споделянето прекратено",
"Unused": "Неизползван",
"Up to Date": "Актуален",
"Upgrade To {%version%}": "Обновен До {{version}}",
"Upgrading": "Обновяване",
@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
"Comment, when used at the start of a line": "Komentář, pokud použito na začátku řádku",
"Compression is recommended in most setups.": "Komprese je doporučena pro většinu nastavení.",
"Connection Error": "Chyba připojení",
"Copied from elsewhere": "Zkopírováno odjinud",
"Copied from original": "Zkopírováno z originálu",
"Copyright © 2014 Jakob Borg and the following Contributors:": "Copyright © 2014 Jakob Borg a následující přispěvatelé:",
"Delete": "Smazat",
"Device ID": "ID přístroje",
@ -23,6 +25,8 @@
"Disconnected": "Odpojeno",
"Documentation": "Dokumentace",
"Download Rate": "Rychlost stahování",
"Downloaded": "Staženo",
"Downloading": "Stahuji",
"Edit": "Upravit",
"Edit Device": "Upravit přístroj",
"Edit Folder": "Upravit adresář",
@ -38,6 +42,7 @@
"Folder ID": "ID adresáře",
"Folder Master": "Master adresář",
"Folder Path": "Cesta k adresáři",
"Folders": "Adresáře",
"GUI Authentication Password": "Přihlašovací heslo pro GUI",
"GUI Authentication User": "Přihlašovací jméno pro GUI",
"GUI Listen Addresses": "Adresa naslouchání GUI",
@ -52,6 +57,7 @@
"Introducer": "Zavaděč",
"Inversion of the given condition (i.e. do not exclude)": "Prohození zadané podmínky (např. nevynechat)",
"Keep Versions": "Ponechat verze",
"Last File Synced": "Poslední soubor synchronizován",
"Last seen": "Naposledy spatřen",
"Latest Release": "Poslední vydání",
"Local Discovery": "Místní oznamování",
@ -80,10 +86,13 @@
"Restart": "Restart",
"Restart Needed": "Je nutný restart",
"Restarting": "Restartuji",
"Reused": "Opakovaně použité",
"Save": "Uložit",
"Scanning": "Skenování",
"Select the devices to share this folder with.": "Vybrat přístroje se kterými sdílet tento adresář.",
"Select the folders to share with this device.": "Vybrat adresáře sdílené tomuto přístroji.",
"Settings": "Nastavení",
"Share Folders With Device": "Sdílet adresáře tomuto přístroji",
"Share With Devices": "Sdílet s přístroji",
"Shared With": "Sdíleno s",
"Short identifier for the folder. Must be the same on all cluster devices.": "Krátký identifikátor tohoto adresáře. Musí být stejný na všech přístrojích v clusteru.",
@ -124,6 +133,8 @@
"The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.": "Interval pro opakování skenování musí být pozitivní číslo.",
"The rescan interval must be at least 5 seconds.": "Interval opakování skenování musí být delší než 5 sekund.",
"Unknown": "Neznámý",
"Unshared": "Nesdílené",
"Unused": "Nepoužité",
"Up to Date": "Aktuální",
"Upgrade To {%version%}": "Aktualizovat na {{version}}",
"Upgrading": "Aktualizuji",
@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
"Comment, when used at the start of a line": "Kommentar, wenn am Anfang der Zeile benutzt.",
"Compression is recommended in most setups.": "Datenkomprimierung ist für die meisten Anwendungen empfohlen",
"Connection Error": "Verbindungsfehler",
"Copied from elsewhere": "Von woanders kopiert",
"Copied from original": "Vom Originial kopiert",
"Copyright © 2014 Jakob Borg and the following Contributors:": "Copyright © 2014 Jakob Borg und folgende Unterstützer:",
"Delete": "Löschen",
"Device ID": "Geräte ID",
@ -22,7 +24,9 @@
"Device Name": "Gerätename",
"Disconnected": "Getrennt",
"Documentation": "Dokumentation",
"Download Rate": "Downloadgeschwindigkeit",
"Download Rate": "Download",
"Downloaded": "Heruntergeladen",
"Downloading": "Lädt herunter",
"Edit": "Bearbeiten",
"Edit Device": "Gerät bearbeiten",
"Edit Folder": "Verzeichnis bearbeiten",
@ -38,6 +42,7 @@
"Folder ID": "Verzeichnis ID",
"Folder Master": "Keine Veränderungen zulassen",
"Folder Path": "Verzeichnispfad",
"Folders": "Verzeichnisse",
"GUI Authentication Password": "Passwort für Zugang zur Benutzeroberfläche",
"GUI Authentication User": "Nutzername für Zugang zur Benutzeroberfläche",
"GUI Listen Addresses": "Adresse(n) für die Benutzeroberfläche",
@ -52,6 +57,7 @@
"Introducer": "Verteilergerät",
"Inversion of the given condition (i.e. do not exclude)": "Umkehrung der angegebenen Bedingung (z.B. schließe nicht aus)",
"Keep Versions": "Versionen erhalten",
"Last File Synced": "Letzte Änderung",
"Last seen": "Zuletzt online",
"Latest Release": "Letzte Veröffentlichung",
"Local Discovery": "Lokale Auffindung",
@ -74,16 +80,19 @@
"Preview": "Vorschau",
"Preview Usage Report": "Vorschau des Nutzungsberichts",
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Schnellanleitung zu den unterstützten Suchstrukturen",
"RAM Utilization": "Verwendeter Arbeitsspeicher",
"RAM Utilization": "RAM Auslastung",
"Rescan": "Überprüfen",
"Rescan Interval": "Suchintervall",
"Restart": "Neustart",
"Restart Needed": "Neustart notwendig",
"Restarting": "Wird neu gestartet",
"Reused": "Erneut benutzt",
"Save": "Speichern",
"Scanning": "Suche",
"Select the devices to share this folder with.": "Wähle die Geräte aus, mit denen Du dieses Verzeichnis teilen willst.",
"Select the folders to share with this device.": "Wähle die Verzeichnisse aus, die du mit diesem Gerät teilen möchtest",
"Settings": "Einstellungen",
"Share Folders With Device": "Teile Order mit diesem Gerät",
"Share With Devices": "Teile mit diesen Geräten",
"Shared With": "Geteilt mit",
"Short identifier for the folder. Must be the same on all cluster devices.": "Kurze ID für das Verzeichnis. Muss auf allen Verbunds-Geräten gleich sein.",
@ -124,10 +133,12 @@
"The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.": "Das Suchintervall muss eine nicht negative Anzahl von Sekunden sein.",
"The rescan interval must be at least 5 seconds.": "Das Suchintervall muss mindestens 5 Sekunden betragen.",
"Unknown": "Unbekannt",
"Unshared": "Ungeteilt",
"Unused": "Ungenutzt",
"Up to Date": "Aktuell",
"Upgrade To {%version%}": "Update auf {{version}}",
"Upgrading": "Wird aktualisiert",
"Upload Rate": "Uploadgeschwindigkeit",
"Upload Rate": "Upload",
"Use Compression": "Benutze Komprimierung",
"Use HTTPS for GUI": "HTTPS für Benutzeroberfläche benutzen",
"Version": "Version",
@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
"Comment, when used at the start of a line": "Comentario, cuando es utilizado al inicio de una línea.",
"Compression is recommended in most setups.": "La compresión de datos es recomendada para la mayoría de las configuraciones.",
"Connection Error": "Error de conexión",
"Copied from elsewhere": "Copied from elsewhere",
"Copied from original": "Copied from original",
"Copyright © 2014 Jakob Borg and the following Contributors:": "Derechos de autor © 2014 Jakob Borg y los siguientes colaboradores:",
"Delete": "Suprimir",
"Device ID": "ID del dispositivo",
@ -23,12 +25,14 @@
"Disconnected": "Desconectado",
"Documentation": "Documentación",
"Download Rate": "Tasa de descarga",
"Downloaded": "Descargado",
"Downloading": "Descargando",
"Edit": "Editar",
"Edit Device": "Editar dispositivo",
"Edit Folder": "Editar repositorio",
"Editing": "Editando",
"Enable UPnP": "Permitir UPnP",
"Enter comma separated \"ip:port\" addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Ingrese las direcciones \"ip:puerto\" separadas por coma o \"dynamic\" para descubrir automáticamente las direcciones.",
"Enter comma separated \"ip:port\" addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Ingrese las direcciones \"ip:puerto\" separadas por coma, o \"dynamic\" para descubrir automáticamente las direcciones.",
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Añadir patrones de exclusión, uno por línea.",
"Error": "Error",
"File Versioning": "Control de versiones",
@ -38,6 +42,7 @@
"Folder ID": "ID del repositorio",
"Folder Master": "Repositorio maestro",
"Folder Path": "Ruta del repositorio",
"Folders": "Repositorios",
"GUI Authentication Password": "Contraseña de autenticación de la GUI",
"GUI Authentication User": "Usuario de la GUI",
"GUI Listen Addresses": "Direcciones de escucha para la GUI.",
@ -52,6 +57,7 @@
"Introducer": "Introductor",
"Inversion of the given condition (i.e. do not exclude)": "Inversión de la condición dada (es decir, no excluir)",
"Keep Versions": "Conservar versiones",
"Last File Synced": "Último archivo sincronizado.",
"Last seen": "Visto por ultima vez",
"Latest Release": "Última versión",
"Local Discovery": "Búsqueda en red local",
@ -80,16 +86,19 @@
"Restart": "Reiniciar",
"Restart Needed": "Es necesario reiniciar",
"Restarting": "Reiniciando",
"Reused": "Reused",
"Save": "Guardar",
"Scanning": "Actualización",
"Select the devices to share this folder with.": "Seleccione los dispositivos con los cuales compartir este repositorio.",
"Select the folders to share with this device.": "Seleccione los repositorios para compartir con este dispositivo.",
"Settings": "Configuración",
"Share Folders With Device": "Compartir repositorios con dispositivo",
"Share With Devices": "Compartir con los dispositivos",
"Shared With": "Compartido con",
"Short identifier for the folder. Must be the same on all cluster devices.": "Identificador corto para el repositorio. Debe ser el mismo en todos los dispositivos del grupo.",
"Show ID": "Mostrar ID",
"Shown instead of Device ID in the cluster status. Will be advertised to other devices as an optional default name.": "Shown instead of Device ID in the cluster status. Will be advertised to other devices as an optional default name.",
"Shown instead of Device ID in the cluster status. Will be updated to the name the device advertises if left empty.": "Shown instead of Device ID in the cluster status. Will be updated to the name the device advertises if left empty.",
"Shown instead of Device ID in the cluster status. Will be updated to the name the device advertises if left empty.": "Mostrado en vez del ID del dispositivo en el estado del grupo. Si dejado en blanco, será usado el nombre sugerido por el dispositivo.",
"Shutdown": "Apagar",
"Simple File Versioning": "Versiones simple de archivos",
"Single level wildcard (matches within a directory only)": "Single level wildcard (matches within a directory only)",
@ -124,6 +133,8 @@
"The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.": "El intervalo de reescaneo debe ser un número no negativo de segundos.",
"The rescan interval must be at least 5 seconds.": "El intervalo de reescaneo debe ser al menos de 5 segundos.",
"Unknown": "Desconocido",
"Unshared": "No compartido",
"Unused": "Unused",
"Up to Date": "Actualizado",
"Upgrade To {%version%}": "Actualizar a {{version}}",
"Upgrading": "Actualizando",
@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
"Comment, when used at the start of a line": "Commentaire, lorsque utilisé en début de ligne",
"Compression is recommended in most setups.": "La compression est recommandée pour la plupart des configurations.",
"Connection Error": "Erreur de connexion",
"Copied from elsewhere": "Copié d'ailleurs",
"Copied from original": "Copié de l'original",
"Copyright © 2014 Jakob Borg and the following Contributors:": "Copyright © 2014 Jakob Borg et les contributeurs suivants :",
"Delete": "Supprimer",
"Device ID": "ID du périphérique",
@ -23,13 +25,15 @@
"Disconnected": "Déconnecté",
"Documentation": "Documentation",
"Download Rate": "Débit de réception",
"Downloaded": "Téléchargé",
"Downloading": "En cours de téléchargement",
"Edit": "Éditer",
"Edit Device": "Éditer le périphérique",
"Edit Folder": "Éditer le répertoire",
"Editing": "Édition",
"Enable UPnP": "Activer l'UPnP",
"Enter comma separated \"ip:port\" addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Entrer les adresses \"ip:port\" séparées par une virgule ou \"dynamic\" afin d'activer la recherche automatique de l'adresse.",
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Entrer les modèles à ignorer, un par ligne.",
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Entrer les masques de filtrage, un par ligne.",
"Error": "Erreur",
"File Versioning": "Versions de fichier",
"File permission bits are ignored when looking for changes. Use on FAT filesystems.": "Les permissions de fichier sont ignorées lors de la recherche de changements. À utiliser sur les systèmes de fichiers de type FAT.",
@ -38,6 +42,7 @@
"Folder ID": "ID du répertoire",
"Folder Master": "Répertoire maître",
"Folder Path": "Chemin du répertoire",
"Folders": "Dossiers",
"GUI Authentication Password": "Mot de passe d'authentification GUI",
"GUI Authentication User": "Utilistateur autorisé GUI",
"GUI Listen Addresses": "Adresse du GUI",
@ -52,6 +57,7 @@
"Introducer": "Initiateur",
"Inversion of the given condition (i.e. do not exclude)": "Inverser la condition donnée (i.e. ne pas exclure)",
"Keep Versions": "Conserver les versions",
"Last File Synced": "Dernier fichier synchronisé",
"Last seen": "Dernière apparition",
"Latest Release": "Dernière version",
"Local Discovery": "Recherche locale",
@ -73,25 +79,28 @@
"Please wait": "Merci de patienter",
"Preview": "Aperçu",
"Preview Usage Report": "Aperçu du rapport de statistiques d'utilisation",
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Guide rapide des modèles supportés",
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "Guide rapide des masques supportés",
"RAM Utilization": "Utilisation de la RAM",
"Rescan": "Rescanner",
"Rescan Interval": "Intervalle de scan",
"Restart": "Redémarrer",
"Restart Needed": "Redémarrage nécessaire",
"Restarting": "Redémarrage",
"Reused": "Réutilisé",
"Save": "Sauver",
"Scanning": "En cours de scan",
"Select the devices to share this folder with.": "Sélectionner les appareils avec qui partager ce répertoire.",
"Select the devices to share this folder with.": "Sélectionner les machines avec qui partager ce répertoire.",
"Select the folders to share with this device.": "Sélectionner les dossiers à partager avec cette machine.",
"Settings": "Configuration",
"Share With Devices": "Partager avec les périphériques",
"Share Folders With Device": "Partage du dossier avec les machines",
"Share With Devices": "Partager avec les machines",
"Shared With": "Partagé avec",
"Short identifier for the folder. Must be the same on all cluster devices.": "Court identifiant du répertoire. Il doit être le même sur l'ensemble des appareils du groupe.",
"Short identifier for the folder. Must be the same on all cluster devices.": "Court identifiant du répertoire. Il doit être le même sur l'ensemble des machines du groupe.",
"Show ID": "Montrer l'ID",
"Shown instead of Device ID in the cluster status. Will be advertised to other devices as an optional default name.": "Affiché à la place de l'ID de l'appareil dans le statut du groupe. Sera proposé aux autres nœuds comme un nom par défaut optionnel.",
"Shown instead of Device ID in the cluster status. Will be updated to the name the device advertises if left empty.": "Affiché à la place de l'ID de l'appareil dans le statut du groupe. Si laissé vide, il sera changé par le nom proposé par l'appareil.",
"Shown instead of Device ID in the cluster status. Will be advertised to other devices as an optional default name.": "Affiché à la place de l'ID de la machine dans le groupe. Sera proposé aux autres machines comme nom optionnel par défaut.",
"Shown instead of Device ID in the cluster status. Will be updated to the name the device advertises if left empty.": "Affiché à la place de l'ID de la machine dans le groupe. Si laissé vide, il sera mis à jour par le nom proposé par la machine distante.",
"Shutdown": "Éteindre",
"Simple File Versioning": "Versions simples de fichier",
"Simple File Versioning": "Suivi simple des versions de fichier",
"Single level wildcard (matches within a directory only)": "Astérisque à un seul niveau (correspond uniquement à l’intérieur du répertoire)",
"Source Code": "Code source",
"Staggered File Versioning": "Versions échelonnées de fichier",
@ -120,10 +129,12 @@
"The maximum age must be a number and cannot be blank.": "L'ancienneté maximum doit être un nombre et ne peut être vide.",
"The maximum time to keep a version (in days, set to 0 to keep versions forever).": "Le temps maximum de conservation d'une version (en jours, mettre à 0 pour conserver les versions pour toujours)",
"The number of old versions to keep, per file.": "Le nombre d'anciennes versions à garder, par fichier.",
"The number of versions must be a number and cannot be blank.": "Le nombre de version doit être un nombre et ne peut pas être vide.",
"The number of versions must be a number and cannot be blank.": "Le nombre de versions doit être numérique, et ne peut pas être vide.",
"The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.": "L'intervalle de scan ne doit pas être un nombre négatif de secondes.",
"The rescan interval must be at least 5 seconds.": "L'intervalle de scan doit être d'au minimum 5 secondes.",
"Unknown": "Inconnu",
"Unshared": "Non partagé",
"Unused": "Non utilisé",
"Up to Date": "Synchronisation à jour",
"Upgrade To {%version%}": "Mettre à jour vers {{version}}",
"Upgrading": "Mise à jour de Syncthing",
@ -132,7 +143,7 @@
"Use HTTPS for GUI": "Utiliser l'HTTPS pour le GUI",
"Version": "Version",
"Versions Path": "Emplacement des versions",
"Versions are automatically deleted if they are older than the maximum age or exceed the number of files allowed in an interval.": "Les versions sont supprimées automatiquement si celles-ci sont plus anciennes que l'ancienneté maximum ou que leur nombre est supérieur au nombre autorisé dans une intervale.",
"Versions are automatically deleted if they are older than the maximum age or exceed the number of files allowed in an interval.": "Les versions seront supprimées automatiquement, si elles dépassent la durée maximum de conservation, ou si leur nombre est supérieur à la valeur autorisée dans l'intervalle.",
"When adding a new device, keep in mind that this device must be added on the other side too.": "Lorsqu'un appareil est ajouté, gardez à l'esprit que cet appareil doit aussi être ajouté de l'autre coté.",
"When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "Lorsqu'un nouveau répertoire est ajouté, gardez à l'esprit que son ID est utilisé pour lier les répertoires à travers les appareils. Les ID sont sensibles à la casse et doivent être identiques à travers tous les nœuds.",
"Yes": "Oui",
@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
"Comment, when used at the start of a line": "Megjegyzés, a sor elején használva",
"Compression is recommended in most setups.": "A tömörítés a a legtöbb esetben ajánlott",
"Connection Error": "Kapcsolódási hiba",
"Copied from elsewhere": "Másolva máshonnan",
"Copied from original": "Másolva az eredetiről",
"Copyright © 2014 Jakob Borg and the following Contributors:": "Copyright © 2014 Jakob Borg és az alábbi Közreműködők",
"Delete": "Törlés",
"Device ID": "Eszköz azonosító",
@ -23,6 +25,8 @@
"Disconnected": "Kapcsolat bontva",
"Documentation": "Dokumentáció",
"Download Rate": "Letöltési sebesség",
"Downloaded": "Letöltve",
"Downloading": "Letöltés",
"Edit": "Szerkesztés",
"Edit Device": "Eszköz szerkesztése",
"Edit Folder": "Mappa szerkesztése",
@ -38,6 +42,7 @@
"Folder ID": "Mappa azonosító",
"Folder Master": "Központi mappa",
"Folder Path": "Mappa elérési útja",
"Folders": "Mappák",
"GUI Authentication Password": "Grafikus felület jelszava",
"GUI Authentication User": "Grafikus felület felhasználó neve ",
"GUI Listen Addresses": "Grafikus felület címe",
@ -52,6 +57,7 @@
"Introducer": "Bevezető",
"Inversion of the given condition (i.e. do not exclude)": "A feltétel ellentéte (pl. ki nem hagyás)",
"Keep Versions": "Megtartott verziók",
"Last File Synced": "Utolsó szinkronizált fájl",
"Last seen": "Utoljára látva",
"Latest Release": "Utolsó kiadás",
"Local Discovery": "Helyi felfedezés",
@ -80,10 +86,13 @@
"Restart": "Újraindítás",
"Restart Needed": "Újraindítás szükséges",
"Restarting": "Újraindulás",
"Reused": "Újrafelhasználva",
"Save": "Mentés",
"Scanning": "Átnézés",
"Select the devices to share this folder with.": "Válaszd ki az eszközöket amelyekkel meg szeretnéd osztani a mappát",
"Select the folders to share with this device.": "Válaszd ki a mappákat amiket meg szeretnél osztani ezzel az eszközzel",
"Settings": "Beállítások",
"Share Folders With Device": "Mappák megosztása az eszközzel",
"Share With Devices": "Megosztás más eszközzel",
"Shared With": "Megosztva ezekkel:",
"Short identifier for the folder. Must be the same on all cluster devices.": "Rövid azonosító. Minden megosztott eszközön azonosnak kell lennie.",
@ -124,6 +133,8 @@
"The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.": "Az átnézési intervallum nullánál nagyobb másodperc érték kell legyen",
"The rescan interval must be at least 5 seconds.": "Az átnézési intervallumnak legalább 5 másodpercnek kell lennie.",
"Unknown": "Ismeretlen",
"Unshared": "Nincs megosztva",
"Unused": "Nincs használatban",
"Up to Date": "Friss",
"Upgrade To {%version%}": "Frissítés a {{version}} verzióra",
"Upgrading": "Frissítés",
@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
"Comment, when used at the start of a line": "Per commentare, va inserito all'inizio di una riga",
"Compression is recommended in most setups.": "La compressione è raccomandata nella maggior parte delle configurazioni.",
"Connection Error": "Errore di Connessione",
"Copied from elsewhere": "Copied from elsewhere",
"Copied from original": "Copied from original",
"Copyright © 2014 Jakob Borg and the following Contributors:": "Copyright © 2014 Jakob Borg e i seguenti Collaboratori:",
"Delete": "Elimina",
"Device ID": "ID Dispositivo",
@ -23,6 +25,8 @@
"Disconnected": "Disconnesso",
"Documentation": "Documentazione",
"Download Rate": "Velocità Download",
"Downloaded": "Downloaded",
"Downloading": "Downloading",
"Edit": "Modifica",
"Edit Device": "Modifica Dispositivo",
"Edit Folder": "Modifica Cartella",
@ -38,6 +42,7 @@
"Folder ID": "ID Cartella",
"Folder Master": "Cartella Principale",
"Folder Path": "Percorso Cartella",
"Folders": "Folders",
"GUI Authentication Password": "Password di Autenticazione dell'Utente",
"GUI Authentication User": "Utente dell'Interfaccia Grafica",
"GUI Listen Addresses": "Indirizzi dell'Interfaccia Grafica",
@ -52,6 +57,7 @@
"Introducer": "Introduttore",
"Inversion of the given condition (i.e. do not exclude)": "Inversione della condizione indicata (ad es. non escludere)",
"Keep Versions": "Versioni Mantenute",
"Last File Synced": "Last File Synced",
"Last seen": "Ultima connessione",
"Latest Release": "Ultima Versione",
"Local Discovery": "Individuazione Locale",
@ -80,10 +86,13 @@
"Restart": "Riavvia",
"Restart Needed": "Riavvio Necessario",
"Restarting": "Riavvio",
"Reused": "Reused",
"Save": "Salva",
"Scanning": "Scansione in corso",
"Select the devices to share this folder with.": "Seleziona i dispositivi con i quali condividere questa cartella.",
"Select the folders to share with this device.": "Select the folders to share with this device.",
"Settings": "Impostazioni",
"Share Folders With Device": "Share Folders With Device",
"Share With Devices": "Condividi con i Dispositivi",
"Shared With": "Condiviso Con",
"Short identifier for the folder. Must be the same on all cluster devices.": "Breve identificatore della cartella. Deve essere lo stesso su tutti i dispositivi del cluster.",
@ -124,6 +133,8 @@
"The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.": "The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.",
"The rescan interval must be at least 5 seconds.": "L'intervallo di scansione non può essere inferiore a 5 secondi.",
"Unknown": "Sconosciuto",
"Unshared": "Unshared",
"Unused": "Unused",
"Up to Date": "Sincronizzato",
"Upgrade To {%version%}": "Aggiorna alla {{version}}",
"Upgrading": "Aggiornamento",
@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
"Comment, when used at the start of a line": "Komentaras naudojamas naujoje eilutėje",
"Compression is recommended in most setups.": "Daugumoje atvejų spaudimas rekomenduojamas.",
"Connection Error": "Susijungimo klaida",
"Copied from elsewhere": "Nukopijuota iš betkur",
"Copied from original": "Nukopijuota iš originalo",
"Copyright © 2014 Jakob Borg and the following Contributors:": "Visos teisės saugomos © 2014 Jakob Borg ir šių bendraautorių:",
"Delete": "Trinti",
"Device ID": "Įrenginio ID",
@ -23,6 +25,8 @@
"Disconnected": "Atsijungęs",
"Documentation": "Aprašymas",
"Download Rate": "Parsisiuntimo greitis",
"Downloaded": "Parsisiųstas",
"Downloading": "Siunčiama",
"Edit": "Redaguoti",
"Edit Device": "Keisti įrenginį",
"Edit Folder": "Keisti aplanką",
@ -38,6 +42,7 @@
"Folder ID": "Aplanko ID",
"Folder Master": "Aplanko vadovas",
"Folder Path": "Kelias iki apkanko",
"Folders": "Aplankai",
"GUI Authentication Password": "Valdymo skydelio slaptažodis",
"GUI Authentication User": "Valdymo skydelio vartotojo vardas",
"GUI Listen Addresses": "Valdymo skydelio adresas",
@ -52,6 +57,7 @@
"Introducer": "Supažindintojas",
"Inversion of the given condition (i.e. do not exclude)": "Apversti sąlygas (pvz.: nenustoti naudoti)",
"Keep Versions": "Saugojamų versijų kiekis",
"Last File Synced": "Paskutinis failas sinchronizuotas",
"Last seen": "Paskutinį kartą matytas",
"Latest Release": "Paskutinė versija",
"Local Discovery": "Vietinis matomumas",
@ -80,10 +86,13 @@
"Restart": "Perleisti",
"Restart Needed": "Reikalingas perleidimas",
"Restarting": "Persileidžia",
"Reused": "Pakartotinas",
"Save": "Išsaugoti",
"Scanning": "Skenuojama",
"Select the devices to share this folder with.": "Pasirinkite įrenginius, su kuriais dalinsitės šį aplanką.",
"Select the folders to share with this device.": "Pasirinkite aplankus kuriais norite dalintis su šiuo įrenginiu.",
"Settings": "Nustatymai",
"Share Folders With Device": "Dalintis aplankalais su šiuo įrenginiu",
"Share With Devices": "Dalintis su įrenginiais",
"Shared With": "Dalinamasi su",
"Short identifier for the folder. Must be the same on all cluster devices.": "Trumpas aplanko identifikatorius. Privalo būti toks pat visuose įrenginiuose.",
@ -124,6 +133,8 @@
"The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.": "Nuskaitymo dažnis negali būti neigiamas skaičius.",
"The rescan interval must be at least 5 seconds.": "Nuskaityti galima nedažniau nei kas 5 sekundes.",
"Unknown": "Nežinoma",
"Unshared": "Nesidalinama",
"Unused": "Nenaudojamas",
"Up to Date": "Atnaujinta",
"Upgrade To {%version%}": "Atnaujinti į {{version}}",
"Upgrading": "Atnaujinama",
@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
"Comment, when used at the start of a line": "Kommentar, når det blir brukt i starten av en linje.",
"Compression is recommended in most setups.": "Komprimering er anbefalt i de fleste tilfeller.",
"Connection Error": "Tilkoblingsfeil",
"Copied from elsewhere": "Copied from elsewhere",
"Copied from original": "Copied from original",
"Copyright © 2014 Jakob Borg and the following Contributors:": "Copyright © 2014 Jakob Borg og følgende Bidragsytere:",
"Delete": "Slett",
"Device ID": "Enhet ID",
@ -23,6 +25,8 @@
"Disconnected": "Frakoblet",
"Documentation": "Dokumentasjon",
"Download Rate": "Nedlastingsrate",
"Downloaded": "Downloaded",
"Downloading": "Downloading",
"Edit": "Rediger",
"Edit Device": "Rediger Enhet",
"Edit Folder": "Rediger Mappe",
@ -38,6 +42,7 @@
"Folder ID": "Mappe ID",
"Folder Master": "Styrende Mappe",
"Folder Path": "Mappeplassering",
"Folders": "Folders",
"GUI Authentication Password": "GUI Passord",
"GUI Authentication User": "GUI Bruker",
"GUI Listen Addresses": "GUI Lytteadresse",
@ -52,6 +57,7 @@
"Introducer": "Introduktør",
"Inversion of the given condition (i.e. do not exclude)": "Invers av den gitte tilstanden (t.d. ikke ekskluder)",
"Keep Versions": "Behold Versjoner",
"Last File Synced": "Last File Synced",
"Last seen": "Sist sett",
"Latest Release": "Nyeste Versjon",
"Local Discovery": "Lokal Søking",
@ -80,10 +86,13 @@
"Restart": "Omstart",
"Restart Needed": "Omstart Kreves",
"Restarting": "Starter På Ny",
"Reused": "Reused",
"Save": "Lagre",
"Scanning": "Skanner",
"Select the devices to share this folder with.": "Velg enhetene du vil dele denne mappen med.",
"Select the folders to share with this device.": "Select the folders to share with this device.",
"Settings": "Innstillinger",
"Share Folders With Device": "Share Folders With Device",
"Share With Devices": "Del Med Enheter",
"Shared With": "Del Med",
"Short identifier for the folder. Must be the same on all cluster devices.": "Kort kjennemerke på mappen. Må være det samme på alle enheter i en gruppe.",
@ -124,6 +133,8 @@
"The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.": "Antall sekund i skanneintervallet kan ikke være negativt.",
"The rescan interval must be at least 5 seconds.": "Skanneintervallet må være minst 5 sekund.",
"Unknown": "Ukjent",
"Unshared": "Unshared",
"Unused": "Unused",
"Up to Date": "Oppdatert",
"Upgrade To {%version%}": "Oppgrader Til {{version}}",
"Upgrading": "Oppgraderer",
@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
"Comment, when used at the start of a line": "Commentaar, indien gebruikt aan het begin van de lijn",
"Compression is recommended in most setups.": "Gegevenscompressie is aan te raden in de meeste situaties.",
"Connection Error": "Verbindingsfout",
"Copied from elsewhere": "Copied from elsewhere",
"Copied from original": "Copied from original",
"Copyright © 2014 Jakob Borg and the following Contributors:": "Copyright © 2014 Jakob Borg en de onderstaande bijdragers:",
"Delete": "Verwijderen",
"Device ID": "Toestel ID",
@ -23,6 +25,8 @@
"Disconnected": "Niet Verbonden",
"Documentation": "Documentatie",
"Download Rate": "Downloadsnelheid",
"Downloaded": "Downloaded",
"Downloading": "Downloading",
"Edit": "Bewerk",
"Edit Device": "Toestel aanpassen",
"Edit Folder": "Folder aanpassen",
@ -38,6 +42,7 @@
"Folder ID": "Folder ID",
"Folder Master": "Hoofdfolder",
"Folder Path": "Locatie folder",
"Folders": "Folders",
"GUI Authentication Password": "GUI Authentificatie Wachtwoord",
"GUI Authentication User": "GUI Authentificatie Gebruikersnaam",
"GUI Listen Addresses": "GUI Inkomend adres",
@ -52,6 +57,7 @@
"Introducer": "Introductietoestel",
"Inversion of the given condition (i.e. do not exclude)": "Inversie van de gegeven voorwaarde (bv. niet uitsluiten)",
"Keep Versions": "Versies behouden",
"Last File Synced": "Last File Synced",
"Last seen": "Laatst gezien op",
"Latest Release": "Laatste uitgave",
"Local Discovery": "Lokaal zoeken",
@ -80,10 +86,13 @@
"Restart": "Herstart",
"Restart Needed": "Herstart nodig",
"Restarting": "Herstarten",
"Reused": "Reused",
"Save": "Bewaar",
"Scanning": "Aan het zoeken",
"Select the devices to share this folder with.": "Selecteer de toestellen om deze folder mee te delen.",
"Select the folders to share with this device.": "Select the folders to share with this device.",
"Settings": "Instellingen",
"Share Folders With Device": "Share Folders With Device",
"Share With Devices": "Delen met toestellen",
"Shared With": "Gedeeld met",
"Short identifier for the folder. Must be the same on all cluster devices.": "Korte aanduiding voor deze folder. Moet dezelfde zijn op alle toestellen in de cluster.",
@ -124,6 +133,8 @@
"The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.": "De scanfrequentie moet een positief getal in seconden zijn.",
"The rescan interval must be at least 5 seconds.": "De scanfrequentie moet minimaal 5 seconden zijn.",
"Unknown": "Onbekend",
"Unshared": "Unshared",
"Unused": "Unused",
"Up to Date": "Gesynchroniseerd",
"Upgrade To {%version%}": "Upgrade naar {{version}}",
"Upgrading": "Bezig met upgrade",
@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
"Comment, when used at the start of a line": "Kommentar, når det vert brukt i starten av ei linje.",
"Compression is recommended in most setups.": "Komprimering er tilrådd i dei fleste høve.",
"Connection Error": "Tilkoplingsfeil",
"Copied from elsewhere": "Copied from elsewhere",
"Copied from original": "Copied from original",
"Copyright © 2014 Jakob Borg and the following Contributors:": "Copyright © 2014 Jakob Borg og følgjande Bidragsytarar:",
"Delete": "Slett",
"Device ID": "Eining ID",
@ -23,6 +25,8 @@
"Disconnected": "Fråkopla",
"Documentation": "Dokumentasjon",
"Download Rate": "Nedlastingsrate",
"Downloaded": "Downloaded",
"Downloading": "Downloading",
"Edit": "Rediger",
"Edit Device": "Rediger Eining",
"Edit Folder": "Rediger Mappe",
@ -38,6 +42,7 @@
"Folder ID": "Mappe ID",
"Folder Master": "Styrande Mappe",
"Folder Path": "Mappeplassering",
"Folders": "Folders",
"GUI Authentication Password": "GUI Passord",
"GUI Authentication User": "GUI Brukar",
"GUI Listen Addresses": "GUI Lytteadresse",
@ -52,6 +57,7 @@
"Introducer": "Introduktør",
"Inversion of the given condition (i.e. do not exclude)": "Invers av den gitte tilstanden (t.d. ikkje ekskluder)",
"Keep Versions": "Behald Versjonar",
"Last File Synced": "Last File Synced",
"Last seen": "Sist sett",
"Latest Release": "Nyaste Versjon",
"Local Discovery": "Lokal Søking",
@ -80,10 +86,13 @@
"Restart": "Omstart",
"Restart Needed": "Omstart Trengs",
"Restarting": "Startar På Ny",
"Reused": "Reused",
"Save": "Lagre",
"Scanning": "Skannar",
"Select the devices to share this folder with.": "Vel einingane du vil dela denne mappa med.",
"Select the folders to share with this device.": "Select the folders to share with this device.",
"Settings": "Innstillingar",
"Share Folders With Device": "Share Folders With Device",
"Share With Devices": "Del Med Einingar",
"Shared With": "Delt Med",
"Short identifier for the folder. Must be the same on all cluster devices.": "Kort kjennemerke på mappa. Må vera det same på alle einingar i ei gruppe.",
@ -124,6 +133,8 @@
"The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.": "Talet på sekund i skanneintervallet kan ikkje vera negativt.",
"The rescan interval must be at least 5 seconds.": "Skanneintervallet må vera minst 5 sekund.",
"Unknown": "Ukjent",
"Unshared": "Unshared",
"Unused": "Unused",
"Up to Date": "Oppdatert",
"Upgrade To {%version%}": "Oppgrader Til {{version}}",
"Upgrading": "Oppgraderer",
@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
"Comment, when used at the start of a line": "Komentarz, jeżeli użyty na początku linii",
"Compression is recommended in most setups.": "Kompresja jest zalecana w większości przypadków",
"Connection Error": "Błąd połączenia",
"Copied from elsewhere": "Copied from elsewhere",
"Copied from original": "Copied from original",
"Copyright © 2014 Jakob Borg and the following Contributors:": "Copyright © 2014 Jakob Borg i następujący współautorzy:",
"Delete": "Usuń",
"Device ID": "ID urządzenia",
@ -23,6 +25,8 @@
"Disconnected": "Rozłączony",
"Documentation": "Dokumentacja",
"Download Rate": "Prędkość pobierania",
"Downloaded": "Downloaded",
"Downloading": "Downloading",
"Edit": "Edytuj",
"Edit Device": "Edytuj urządzenie",
"Edit Folder": "Edytuj folder",
@ -38,6 +42,7 @@
"Folder ID": "ID folderu",
"Folder Master": "Główny folder",
"Folder Path": "Ścieżka folderu",
"Folders": "Folders",
"GUI Authentication Password": "Hasło",
"GUI Authentication User": "Użytkownik",
"GUI Listen Addresses": "Adres nasłuchiwania",
@ -52,6 +57,7 @@
"Introducer": "Wprowadzający",
"Inversion of the given condition (i.e. do not exclude)": "Odwrócenie podanego wzorca (np. nie wykluczaj)",
"Keep Versions": "Zachowuj wersje",
"Last File Synced": "Last File Synced",
"Last seen": "Ostatnio widziany",
"Latest Release": "Najnowsza wersja",
"Local Discovery": "Lokalne odnajdywanie",
@ -80,10 +86,13 @@
"Restart": "Uruchom ponownie",
"Restart Needed": "Wymagane ponowne uruchomienie",
"Restarting": "Uruchamianie ponowne",
"Reused": "Reused",
"Save": "Zapisz",
"Scanning": "Skanowanie",
"Select the devices to share this folder with.": "Wybierz urządzenie, któremu udostępnić folder.",
"Select the folders to share with this device.": "Select the folders to share with this device.",
"Settings": "Ustawienia",
"Share Folders With Device": "Share Folders With Device",
"Share With Devices": "Udostępnij dla urządzenia",
"Shared With": "Współdzielony z",
"Short identifier for the folder. Must be the same on all cluster devices.": "Krótki identyfikator folderu. Musi być taki sam na wszystkich urządzeniach.",
@ -124,6 +133,8 @@
"The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.": "The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.",
"The rescan interval must be at least 5 seconds.": "Interwał skanowania musi wynosić co najmniej 5 sekund.",
"Unknown": "Nieznany",
"Unshared": "Unshared",
"Unused": "Unused",
"Up to Date": "Aktualny",
"Upgrade To {%version%}": "Aktualizuj do {{version}}",
"Upgrading": "Aktualizowanie",
@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
"Comment, when used at the start of a line": "Comentário, quando usado no início de uma linha",
"Compression is recommended in most setups.": "A compressão é recomendada na maior parte dos casos.",
"Connection Error": "Erro de ligação",
"Copied from elsewhere": "Copiado doutro sítio",
"Copied from original": "Copiado do original",
"Copyright © 2014 Jakob Borg and the following Contributors:": "Direitos reservados © 2014 Jakob Borg e os seguintes contribuidores:",
"Delete": "Eliminar",
"Device ID": "ID do dispositivo",
@ -23,6 +25,8 @@
"Disconnected": "Desconectado",
"Documentation": "Documentação",
"Download Rate": "Velocidade de recepção",
"Downloaded": "Recebido",
"Downloading": "Recebendo",
"Edit": "Editar",
"Edit Device": "Editar dispositivo",
"Edit Folder": "Editar pasta",
@ -38,6 +42,7 @@
"Folder ID": "ID da pasta",
"Folder Master": "Pasta mestre",
"Folder Path": "Caminho da pasta",
"Folders": "Pastas",
"GUI Authentication Password": "Senha da autenticação na interface gráfica",
"GUI Authentication User": "Utilizador da autenticação na interface gráfica",
"GUI Listen Addresses": "Endereço de escuta da interface gráfica",
@ -52,6 +57,7 @@
"Introducer": "Apresentador",
"Inversion of the given condition (i.e. do not exclude)": "Inversão de uma dada condição (ou seja, não excluir)",
"Keep Versions": "Manter versões",
"Last File Synced": "Último ficheiro sincronizado",
"Last seen": "Última vez que foi verificado",
"Latest Release": "Última versão",
"Local Discovery": "Busca local",
@ -80,10 +86,13 @@
"Restart": "Reiniciar",
"Restart Needed": "É preciso reiniciar",
"Restarting": "Reiniciando",
"Reused": "Reutilizado",
"Save": "Gravar",
"Scanning": "Verificando",
"Select the devices to share this folder with.": "Seleccione os dispositivos com os quais vai partilhar esta pasta.",
"Select the folders to share with this device.": "Seleccione as pastas a partilhar com este dispositivo.",
"Settings": "Configurações",
"Share Folders With Device": "Partilhar pastas com dispositivo",
"Share With Devices": "Partilhar com os dispositivos",
"Shared With": "Partilhado com",
"Short identifier for the folder. Must be the same on all cluster devices.": "Identificador curto para a pasta. Tem que ser igual em todos os dispositivos do grupo.",
@ -124,7 +133,9 @@
"The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.": "O intervalo entre verificações tem que ser um valor não negativo de segundos.",
"The rescan interval must be at least 5 seconds.": "O intervalo entre verificações tem que ser pelo menos de 5 segundos.",
"Unknown": "Desconhecido",
"Up to Date": "Actualizado",
"Unshared": "Não partilhada",
"Unused": "Não utilizada",
"Up to Date": "Actualizada",
"Upgrade To {%version%}": "Actualizar para {{version}}",
"Upgrading": "Actualizando",
"Upload Rate": "Velocidade de envio",
@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
"Comment, when used at the start of a line": "Комментарий, если используется в начале строки",
"Compression is recommended in most setups.": "Сжатие рекомендуется в большинстве случаев.",
"Connection Error": "Ошибка подключения",
"Copied from elsewhere": "Скопировано из другого места",
"Copied from original": "Скопировано с оригинала",
"Copyright © 2014 Jakob Borg and the following Contributors:": "Все права защищены © 2014 Jakob Borg и следующие участники:",
"Delete": "Удалить",
"Device ID": "ID устройства",
@ -23,6 +25,8 @@
"Disconnected": "Нет соединения",
"Documentation": "Документация",
"Download Rate": "Скорость загрузки",
"Downloaded": "Загружено",
"Downloading": "Загрузка",
"Edit": "Изменить",
"Edit Device": "Изменить устройство",
"Edit Folder": "Изменение папки",
@ -38,6 +42,7 @@
"Folder ID": "ID папки",
"Folder Master": "Папка-оригинал",
"Folder Path": "Путь к папке",
"Folders": "Папки",
"GUI Authentication Password": "Пароль для доступа к панели управления",
"GUI Authentication User": "Имя пользователя для доступа к панели управления",
"GUI Listen Addresses": "Адрес панели управления",
@ -52,6 +57,7 @@
"Introducer": "Рекомендатель",
"Inversion of the given condition (i.e. do not exclude)": "Инвертировать текущее условие (например, исключить)",
"Keep Versions": "Количество хранимых версий",
"Last File Synced": "Последний синхронизированный файл",
"Last seen": "Был доступен",
"Latest Release": "Последняя версия",
"Local Discovery": "Локальное обнаружение",
@ -80,10 +86,13 @@
"Restart": "Перезапуск",
"Restart Needed": "Требуется перезапуск",
"Restarting": "Перезапуск",
"Reused": "Повторно использовано",
"Save": "Сохранить",
"Scanning": "Сканирование",
"Select the devices to share this folder with.": "Выберите устройства, для которых будет доступна эта папка.",
"Select the folders to share with this device.": "Выберите папку для предоставления доступа данному устройству",
"Settings": "Настройки",
"Share Folders With Device": "Предоставить доступ устройству к папкам",
"Share With Devices": "Предоставить доступ устройствам",
"Shared With": "Доступ предоставлен",
"Short identifier for the folder. Must be the same on all cluster devices.": "Короткий идентификатор папки. Должен быть одинаковым на всех устройствах кластера.",
@ -124,6 +133,8 @@
"The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.": "Интервал пересканирования должен быть неотрицательным количеством секунд.",
"The rescan interval must be at least 5 seconds.": "Интервал пересканирования должен быть хотя бы 5 секунд.",
"Unknown": "Неизвестно",
"Unshared": "Необщедоступно",
"Unused": "Не используется",
"Up to Date": "Обновлено",
"Upgrade To {%version%}": "Обновить до {{version}}",
"Upgrading": "Обновление",
@ -8,13 +8,15 @@
"Allow Anonymous Usage Reporting?": "Tillåt anonym användarstatistik?",
"Anonymous Usage Reporting": "Anonym användarstatistik",
"Any devices configured on an introducer device will be added to this device as well.": "Any devices configured on an introducer device will be added to this device as well.",
"Automatic upgrades": "Automatic upgrades",
"Automatic upgrades": "Automatisk uppgradering",
"Bugs": "Buggar",
"CPU Utilization": "CPU-användning",
"Close": "Stäng",
"Comment, when used at the start of a line": "Kommentar, vid början av en rad.",
"Compression is recommended in most setups.": "Komprimering är rekommenderat för de flesta.",
"Connection Error": "Anslutningsproblem",
"Copied from elsewhere": "Kopierat utifrån",
"Copied from original": "Oförändrat",
"Copyright © 2014 Jakob Borg and the following Contributors:": "Copyright © 2014 Jakob Borg och de följande medarbetarna:",
"Delete": "Radera",
"Device ID": "Enhets-ID",
@ -23,6 +25,8 @@
"Disconnected": "Ej ansluten",
"Documentation": "Dokumentation",
"Download Rate": "Nedladdningshastighet",
"Downloaded": "Nerladdat",
"Downloading": "Laddar ner",
"Edit": "Redigera",
"Edit Device": "Redigera enhet",
"Edit Folder": "Redigera katalog",
@ -38,6 +42,7 @@
"Folder ID": "Katalog-ID",
"Folder Master": "Huvudlagring",
"Folder Path": "Sökväg",
"Folders": "Kataloger",
"GUI Authentication Password": "GUI-lösenord",
"GUI Authentication User": "GUI-användare",
"GUI Listen Addresses": "GUI-adress",
@ -52,6 +57,7 @@
"Introducer": "Introducer",
"Inversion of the given condition (i.e. do not exclude)": "Vänder på villkoret, d.v.s. exkluderar inte.",
"Keep Versions": "Behåll versioner",
"Last File Synced": "Senast uppdaterad fil",
"Last seen": "Senast online",
"Latest Release": "Senaste version",
"Local Discovery": "Lokal uppslagning",
@ -80,10 +86,13 @@
"Restart": "Starta om",
"Restart Needed": "Omstart behövs",
"Restarting": "Startar om",
"Reused": "Återanvänt",
"Save": "Spara",
"Scanning": "Uppdaterar",
"Select the devices to share this folder with.": "Ange enheterna att dela den här katalogen med.",
"Select the folders to share with this device.": "Välja kataloger att dela med den här enheten",
"Settings": "Inställningar",
"Share Folders With Device": "Dela kataloger med enhet",
"Share With Devices": "Dela med enheter",
"Shared With": "Delat med",
"Short identifier for the folder. Must be the same on all cluster devices.": "Kort identifieringssträng för katalogen. Måste vara samma på alla enheter i klustern.",
@ -121,9 +130,11 @@
"The maximum time to keep a version (in days, set to 0 to keep versions forever).": "Den längsta tid att behålla en version (i dagar, sätt till 0 för att behålla versioner för evigt).",
"The number of old versions to keep, per file.": "Antalet gamla versioner som ska behållas, per fil.",
"The number of versions must be a number and cannot be blank.": "Antalet versioner måste vara ett nummer och kan inte lämnas blankt.",
"The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.": "The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.",
"The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.": "Förnyelseintervallet måste vara ett positivt antal sekunder",
"The rescan interval must be at least 5 seconds.": "Uppdateringsintervallet måste vara minst 5 sekunder.",
"Unknown": "Okänt",
"Unshared": "Odelat",
"Unused": "Oanvänd",
"Up to Date": "Helt uppdaterad",
"Upgrade To {%version%}": "Uppgradera till {{version}}",
"Upgrading": "Uppgraderar",
@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
"Comment, when used at the start of a line": "注释,在行首使用",
"Compression is recommended in most setups.": "在大多数场合,建议开启压缩",
"Connection Error": "连接出错",
"Copied from elsewhere": "从其他地点复制",
"Copied from original": "从源复制",
"Copyright © 2014 Jakob Borg and the following Contributors:": "版权© 2014 Jakob Borg 及以下贡献者:",
"Delete": "删除",
"Device ID": "设备ID",
@ -23,6 +25,8 @@
"Disconnected": "连接已断开",
"Documentation": "文档",
"Download Rate": "下载速度",
"Downloaded": "已下载",
"Downloading": "下载中",
"Edit": "选项",
"Edit Device": "修改设备选项",
"Edit Folder": "修改文件夹选项",
@ -38,6 +42,7 @@
"Folder ID": "文件夹ID",
"Folder Master": "母文件夹",
"Folder Path": "文件夹路径",
"Folders": "文件夹",
"GUI Authentication Password": "登陆web管理页面的密码",
"GUI Authentication User": "登陆web管理页面的用户名",
"GUI Listen Addresses": "web管理页面监听地址",
@ -52,6 +57,7 @@
"Introducer": "介绍人节点",
"Inversion of the given condition (i.e. do not exclude)": "对本条件取反(例如:不要排除某项)",
"Keep Versions": "保留历史版本数量",
"Last File Synced": "最近同步的文件",
"Last seen": "最后可见",
"Latest Release": "最新版本",
"Local Discovery": "在局域网上寻找节点",
@ -80,10 +86,13 @@
"Restart": "重启syncthing",
"Restart Needed": "需要重启Syncthing",
"Restarting": "重启中",
"Reused": "复用",
"Save": "保存",
"Scanning": "扫描中",
"Select the devices to share this folder with.": "选择将本文件夹共享给哪些设备",
"Select the folders to share with this device.": "选择与该设备共享的文件夹。",
"Settings": "设置",
"Share Folders With Device": "将指定文件夹共享给设备",
"Share With Devices": "共享给",
"Shared With": "共享给",
"Short identifier for the folder. Must be the same on all cluster devices.": "文件夹的别名。必须在所有设备上保持一致。",
@ -124,6 +133,8 @@
"The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.": "扫描间隔单位为秒,且不能为负数。",
"The rescan interval must be at least 5 seconds.": "扫描间隔必须至少为5秒。",
"Unknown": "未知",
"Unshared": "未共享",
"Unused": "已共享",
"Up to Date": "同步完成",
"Upgrade To {%version%}": "升级至版本{{version}}",
"Upgrading": "升级中",
@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
"Comment, when used at the start of a line": "註解,當輸入在一行的開頭時",
"Compression is recommended in most setups.": "建議在大多數的設置中使用壓縮。",
"Connection Error": "連線錯誤",
"Copied from elsewhere": "Copied from elsewhere",
"Copied from original": "Copied from original",
"Copyright © 2014 Jakob Borg and the following Contributors:": "版權所有 © 2014 Jakob Borg 及以下貢獻者:",
"Delete": "刪除",
"Device ID": "裝置識別碼",
@ -23,6 +25,8 @@
"Disconnected": "斷線",
"Documentation": "說明文件",
"Download Rate": "下載速率",
"Downloaded": "已下載",
"Downloading": "正在下載",
"Edit": "編輯",
"Edit Device": "編輯裝置",
"Edit Folder": "編輯資料夾",
@ -38,6 +42,7 @@
"Folder ID": "資料夾識別碼",
"Folder Master": "主資料夾",
"Folder Path": "資料夾路徑",
"Folders": "資料夾",
"GUI Authentication Password": "GUI 認證密碼",
"GUI Authentication User": "GUI 認證使用者名稱",
"GUI Listen Addresses": "GUI 監聽位址",
@ -52,6 +57,7 @@
"Introducer": "引入者",
"Inversion of the given condition (i.e. do not exclude)": "反轉給定條件 (即:不要排除)",
"Keep Versions": "保留歷史版本數",
"Last File Synced": "最後同步檔案",
"Last seen": "最後發現時間",
"Latest Release": "最新發佈",
"Local Discovery": "本地探索",
@ -80,10 +86,13 @@
"Restart": "重新啟動",
"Restart Needed": "需要重新啟動",
"Restarting": "正在重新啟動",
"Reused": "Reused",
"Save": "儲存",
"Scanning": "正在掃描",
"Select the devices to share this folder with.": "選擇要共享這個資料夾的裝置。",
"Select the folders to share with this device.": "選擇要共享這個資料夾的裝置。",
"Settings": "設定",
"Share Folders With Device": "與裝置共享資料夾",
"Share With Devices": "與這些裝置共享",
"Shared With": "與誰共享",
"Short identifier for the folder. Must be the same on all cluster devices.": "資料夾的簡短識別字。必須在叢集內所有的裝置上皆相同。",
@ -124,6 +133,8 @@
"The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.": "重新掃描間隔必須為一個非負數的秒數。",
"The rescan interval must be at least 5 seconds.": "重新掃描間隔至少須為 5 秒。",
"Unknown": "未知",
"Unshared": "未共享",
"Unused": "未使用",
"Up to Date": "最新",
"Upgrade To {%version%}": "升級至 {{version}}",
"Upgrading": "正在升級",
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
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