Integers are for numbers, enabling arithmetic like subtractions and for
loops without getting shot in the foot. Unsigneds are for bitfields.
- "int" for numbers that will always be laughably smaller than four
billion, and where we don't care about the serialization format.
- "int32" for numbers that will always be laughably smaller than four
billion, and will be serialized to four bytes.
- "int64" for numbers that may approach four billion or will be
serialized to eight bytes.
- "uint32" and "uint64" for bitfields, depending on required number of
bits and serialization format. Likewise "uint8" and "uint16", although
rare in this project since they don't exist in XDR.
- "int8", "int16" and plain "uint" are almost never useful.
Request to terminate currently ongoing downloads and jump to the bumped file
incoming in 3, 2, 1.
Also, has a slightly strange effect where we pop a job off the queue, but
the copyChannel is still busy and blocks, though it gets moved to the
progress slice in the jobqueue, and looks like it's in progress which it isn't
as it's waiting to be picked up from the copyChan.
As a result, the progress emitter doesn't register on the task, and hence the file
doesn't have a progress bar, but cannot be replaced by a bump.
I guess I can fix progress bar issue by moving the progressEmiter.Register just
before passing the file to the copyChan, but then we are back to the initial
problem of a file with a progress bar, but no progress happening as it's stuck
on write to copyChan
I checked if there is a way to check for channel writeability (before popping)
but got struck by lightning just for bringing the idea up in #go-nuts.
My ideal scenario would be to check if copyChan is writeable, pop job from the
queue and shove it down handleFile. This way jobs would stay in the queue while
they cannot be handled, meaning that the `Bump` could bring your file up higher.
Make sure we have a good random seed on the default RNG, that the
predictable RNG is clearly marked as such, that random strings are
actually the length requested, and that they contain a restricted set of
characters only.
The reason for ShowWindow opose to your FreeConsole is because if you start up
cmd.exe and do syncthing.exe -no-output it actually hides the existing cmd.exe
window oppose to opening a separate window and then hiding it, which keeps the
existing console hanging on syncthing.exe running.
I tried playing around with compiling as GUI, then given the option is not present
allocating a console, and redirecting the std streams to the new console, but that
seems ugly as I'd have to make quite a few calls. But that does get of the initial
This commit addresses most of the issues identified in #432:
* Support UPnP IGDs with both WANIPConnection and WANPPPConnection services
IGDs that offer both WANIPConnection and WANPPPConnection services should
now have port forwarding correctly configured for all services.
* Support multiple UPnP WANDevice and WANConnection descriptions
Per Figure 1 of the InternetGatewayDevice specification
an IGD may have multiple WAN devices, each with multiple WANConnection
* Support for discovery of UPnP InternetGatewayDevice version 2 devices
* Support for discovery of multiple UPnP IGDs
Consumers that cannot yet properly process multiple IGDs can simply use
the first IGD listed in the discovery results
* Logging refinements such as friendly UPnP IGD identifiers in log messages.