Syncthing Usage Data

Active Users per Day and Version

This is the total number of unique users with reporting enabled, per day. Area color represents the major version.

Users Joining and Leaving per Day

This is the total number of unique users joining and leaving per day. A user is counted as "joined" on first the day their unique ID is seen, and as "left" on the last day the unique ID was seen before a two weeks or longer absence.

Reappearance of users cause the "left" data to shrink retroactively. Spikes in December 2014 were due to the unique ID format changing and have been partly removed to avoid skewing the graph scale.

Usage Metrics

This is the aggregated usage report data for the last 24 hours. Data based on {{.nodes}} devices that have reported in.

{{range .categories}} {{end}}
{{.Descr}} {{index .Values 0 | number .Binary | commatize " "}}{{.Unit}} {{index .Values 1 | number .Binary | commatize " "}}{{.Unit}} {{index .Values 2 | number .Binary | commatize " "}}{{.Unit}} {{index .Values 3 | number .Binary | commatize " "}}{{.Unit}}
{{range .versions}} {{end}}
{{.Key}} {{.Count}} {{.Percentage | printf "%.01f"}}%
{{range .platforms}} {{end}}
{{.Key}} {{.Count}} {{.Percentage | printf "%.01f"}}%
{{range .os}} {{end}}
{{.Key}} {{.Count}} {{.Percentage | printf "%.01f"}}%
{{range .compilers}} {{end}}
{{.Key}} {{.Count}} {{.Percentage | printf "%.01f"}}%
{{range .builders}} {{end}}
{{.Key}} {{.Count}} {{.Percentage | printf "%.01f"}}%