The configuration has been saved but not activated. Syncthing must restart to activate the new configuration.
{{ event.time | date:"H:mm:ss" }}: Device {%device%} ({%address%}) wants to connect. Add new device?
{{ event.time | date:"H:mm:ss" }}: {%device%} wants to share folder "{%folder%}". Share this folder? Add new folder?
{{err.time | date:"H:mm:ss"}}: {{friendlyDevices(err.error)}}
Folder Path | {{folder.path}} |
Error | {{model[].invalid}} |
Global State | {{model[].globalFiles | alwaysNumber}} items, ~{{model[].globalBytes | binary}}B |
Local State | {{model[].localFiles | alwaysNumber}} items, ~{{model[].localBytes | binary}}B |
Out Of Sync | {{model[].needFiles | alwaysNumber}} items, ~{{model[].needBytes | binary}}B |
Folder Master | Yes |
Ignore Patterns | Yes |
Ignore Permissions | Yes |
Rescan Interval | {{folder.rescanIntervalS}} s |
File Versioning | Staggered File Versioning Simple File Versioning External File Versioning |
Shared With | {{sharesFolder(folder)}} |
Last File Received | {{folderStats[].lastFile.filename | basename}} |
Download Rate | {{connections_total.inbps | binary}}B/s ({{connections_total.inBytesTotal | binary}}B) |
Upload Rate | {{connections_total.outbps | binary}}B/s ({{connections_total.outBytesTotal | binary}}B) |
RAM Utilization | {{system.sys | binary}}B |
CPU Utilization | {{system.cpuPercent | alwaysNumber | natural:1}}% |
Global Discovery | OK {{announceServersTotal-announceServersFailed.length}}/{{announceServersTotal}} |
Uptime | {{system.uptime | duration:"m"}} |
Version | {{versionString()}} |
Download Rate | {{connections[deviceCfg.deviceID].inbps | binary}}B/s ({{connections[deviceCfg.deviceID].inBytesTotal | binary}}B) | |
Upload Rate | {{connections[deviceCfg.deviceID].outbps | binary}}B/s ({{connections[deviceCfg.deviceID].outBytesTotal | binary}}B) | |
Address | {{deviceAddr(deviceCfg)}} | |
Compression | All Data Off | |
Introducer | Yes | |
Version | {{connections[deviceCfg.deviceID].clientVersion}} | |
Last seen | Never | {{deviceStats[deviceCfg.deviceID].lastSeen | date:"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"}} |
Folders | {{deviceFolders(deviceCfg).join(", ")}} |
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