#!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail IFS=$'\n\t' export COPYFILE_DISABLE=true export GO386=387 # Don't use SSE on 32 bit builds distFiles=(README.md LICENSE CONTRIBUTORS) # apart from the binary itself # replace "...-12-g123abc" with "...+12-g123abc" to remain semver compatible-ish version=$(git describe --always --dirty) version=$(echo "$version" | sed 's/-\([0-9]\{1,3\}-g[0-9a-f]\{5,10\}\)/+\1/') date=$(git show -s --format=%ct) user=$(whoami) host=$(hostname) host=${host%%.*} bldenv=${ENVIRONMENT:-default} ldflags="-w -X main.Version $version -X main.BuildStamp $date -X main.BuildUser $user -X main.BuildHost $host -X main.BuildEnv $bldenv" check() { if ! command -v godep >/dev/null ; then echo "Error: no godep. Try \"$0 setup\"." exit 1 fi } build() { check godep go build $* -ldflags "$ldflags" ./cmd/syncthing } assets() { check godep go run cmd/genassets/main.go gui > auto/gui.files.go } test-cov() { echo "mode: set" > coverage.out fail=0 for dir in $(go list ./...) ; do godep go test -coverprofile=profile.out $dir || fail=1 if [ -f profile.out ] ; then grep -v "mode: set" profile.out >> coverage.out rm profile.out fi done exit $fail } test() { check go vet ./... godep go test -cpu=1,2,4 $* ./... } tarDist() { name="$1" rm -rf "$name" mkdir -p "$name" cp syncthing "${distFiles[@]}" "$name" tar zcvf "$name.tar.gz" "$name" rm -rf "$name" } zipDist() { name="$1" rm -rf "$name" mkdir -p "$name" for f in "${distFiles[@]}" ; do GOARCH="" GOOS="" go run cmd/todos/main.go < "$f" > "$name/$f.txt" done cp syncthing.exe "$name" zip -r "$name.zip" "$name" rm -rf "$name" } deps() { check godep save ./cmd/... } setup() { go get -v code.google.com/p/go.tools/cmd/cover go get -v code.google.com/p/go.tools/cmd/vet go get -v github.com/mattn/goveralls go get -v github.com/tools/godep } xdr() { for f in discover/packets files/leveldb protocol/message ; do go run "$(godep path)/src/github.com/calmh/xdr/cmd/genxdr/main.go" -- "${f}.go" > "${f}_xdr.go" done } translate() { pushd gui go run ../cmd/translate/main.go lang-en.json index.html > lang-en-new.json mv lang-en-new.json lang-en.json popd } transifex() { pushd gui go run ../cmd/transifexdl/main.go popd assets } build-all() { rm -f *.tar.gz *.zip test -short assets rm -rf bin Godeps/_workspace/pkg $GOPATH/pkg/*/github.com/syncthing for os in darwin-amd64 freebsd-amd64 freebsd-386 linux-amd64 linux-386 windows-amd64 windows-386 ; do export GOOS=${os%-*} export GOARCH=${os#*-} build $* name="syncthing-${os/darwin/macosx}-$version" case $GOOS in windows) zipDist "$name" rm -f syncthing.exe ;; *) tarDist "$name" rm -f syncthing ;; esac done export GOOS=linux export GOARCH=arm origldflags="$ldflags" export GOARM=7 ldflags="$origldflags -X main.GoArchExtra v7" build $* tarDist "syncthing-linux-armv7-$version" export GOARM=6 ldflags="$origldflags -X main.GoArchExtra v6" build $* tarDist "syncthing-linux-armv6-$version" export GOARM=5 ldflags="$origldflags -X main.GoArchExtra v5" build $* tarDist "syncthing-linux-armv5-$version" } case "${1:-default}" in default) if [[ $# -gt 1 ]] ; then shift fi export GOBIN=$(pwd)/bin godep go install $* -ldflags "$ldflags" ./cmd/... ;; clean) rm -rf bin Godeps/_workspace/pkg $GOPATH/pkg/*/github.com/syncthing ;; noupgrade) export GOBIN=$(pwd)/bin godep go install -tags noupgrade -ldflags "$ldflags" ./cmd/... ;; race) build -race ;; guidev) echo "Syncthing is already built for GUI developments. Try:" echo " STGUIASSETS=~/someDir/gui syncthing" ;; test) test -short ;; test-cov) test-cov ;; tar) rm -f *.tar.gz *.zip test -short assets build eval $(go env) name="syncthing-${GOOS/darwin/macosx}-$GOARCH-$version" tarDist "$name" ;; all) shift build-all ;; all-noupgrade) shift build-all -tags noupgrade ;; deps) deps ;; assets) assets ;; setup) setup ;; xdr) xdr ;; translate) translate ;; transifex) transifex ;; *) echo "Unknown build command $1" ;; esac