// Copyright (C) 2019 The Syncthing Authors.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.

package stun

import (



const stunRetryInterval = 5 * time.Minute

type Host = stun.Host
type NATType = stun.NATType

// NAT types.

const (
	NATError                = stun.NATError
	NATUnknown              = stun.NATUnknown
	NATNone                 = stun.NATNone
	NATBlocked              = stun.NATBlocked
	NATFull                 = stun.NATFull
	NATSymmetric            = stun.NATSymmetric
	NATRestricted           = stun.NATRestricted
	NATPortRestricted       = stun.NATPortRestricted
	NATSymmetricUDPFirewall = stun.NATSymmetricUDPFirewall

type writeTrackingPacketConn struct {
	lastWrite int64 // atomic, must remain 64-bit aligned

func (c *writeTrackingPacketConn) WriteTo(p []byte, addr net.Addr) (n int, err error) {
	atomic.StoreInt64(&c.lastWrite, time.Now().Unix())
	return c.PacketConn.WriteTo(p, addr)

func (c *writeTrackingPacketConn) getLastWrite() time.Time {
	unix := atomic.LoadInt64(&c.lastWrite)
	return time.Unix(unix, 0)

type Subscriber interface {
	OnNATTypeChanged(natType NATType)
	OnExternalAddressChanged(address *Host, via string)

type Service struct {

	name       string
	cfg        config.Wrapper
	subscriber Subscriber
	stunConn   net.PacketConn
	client     *stun.Client

	writeTrackingPacketConn *writeTrackingPacketConn

	natType NATType
	addr    *Host

func New(cfg config.Wrapper, subscriber Subscriber, conn net.PacketConn) (*Service, net.PacketConn) {
	// Wrap the original connection to track writes on it
	writeTrackingPacketConn := &writeTrackingPacketConn{lastWrite: 0, PacketConn: conn}

	// Wrap it in a filter and split it up, so that stun packets arrive on stun conn, others arrive on the data conn
	filterConn := pfilter.NewPacketFilter(writeTrackingPacketConn)
	otherDataConn := filterConn.NewConn(otherDataPriority, nil)
	stunConn := filterConn.NewConn(stunFilterPriority, &stunFilter{
		ids: make(map[string]time.Time),


	// Construct the client to use the stun conn
	client := stun.NewClientWithConnection(stunConn)
	client.SetSoftwareName("") // Explicitly unset this, seems to freak some servers out.

	// Return the service and the other conn to the client
	s := &Service{
		name: "Stun@" + conn.LocalAddr().Network() + "://" + conn.LocalAddr().String(),

		cfg:        cfg,
		subscriber: subscriber,
		stunConn:   stunConn,
		client:     client,

		writeTrackingPacketConn: writeTrackingPacketConn,

		natType: NATUnknown,
		addr:    nil,
	s.Service = util.AsService(s.serve)
	return s, otherDataConn

func (s *Service) Stop() {
	_ = s.stunConn.Close()

func (s *Service) serve(stop chan struct{}) {
	for {
		s.setExternalAddress(nil, "")

		if s.cfg.Options().IsStunDisabled() {
			select {
			case <-stop:
			case <-time.After(time.Second):

		l.Debugf("Starting stun for %s", s)

		for _, addr := range s.cfg.StunServers() {
			// This blocks until we hit an exit condition or there are issues with the STUN server.
			// This returns a boolean signifying if a different STUN server should be tried (oppose to the whole thing
			// shutting down and this winding itself down.
			if !s.runStunForServer(addr, stop) {
				// Check exit conditions.

				// Have we been asked to stop?
				select {
				case <-stop:

				// Are we disabled?
				if s.cfg.Options().IsStunDisabled() {
					l.Infoln("STUN disabled")
					goto disabled

				// Unpunchable NAT? Chillout for some time.
				if !s.isCurrentNATTypePunchable() {

		// Failed all servers, sad.
		s.setExternalAddress(nil, "")

		// We failed to contact all provided stun servers or the nat is not punchable.
		// Chillout for a while.
		select {
		case <-time.After(stunRetryInterval):
		case <-stop:

func (s *Service) runStunForServer(addr string, stop chan struct{}) (tryNext bool) {
	l.Debugf("Running stun for %s via %s", s, addr)

	// Resolve the address, so that in case the server advertises two
	// IPs, we always hit the same one, as otherwise, the mapping might
	// expire as we hit the other address, and cause us to flip flop
	// between servers/external addresses, as a result flooding discovery
	// servers.
	udpAddr, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", addr)
	if err != nil {
		l.Debugf("%s stun addr resolution on %s: %s", s, addr, err)
		return true

	natType, extAddr, err := s.client.Discover()
	if err != nil || extAddr == nil {
		l.Debugf("%s stun discovery on %s: %s", s, addr, err)
		return true

	// The stun server is most likely borked, try another one.
	if natType == NATError || natType == NATUnknown || natType == NATBlocked {
		l.Debugf("%s stun discovery on %s resolved to %s", s, addr, natType)
		return true

	s.setExternalAddress(extAddr, addr)
	l.Debugf("%s detected NAT type: %s via %s", s, natType, addr)

	// We can't punch through this one, so no point doing keepalives
	// and such, just let the caller check the nat type and work it out themselves.
	if !s.isCurrentNATTypePunchable() {
		l.Debugf("%s cannot punch %s, skipping", s, natType)
		return false

	return s.stunKeepAlive(addr, extAddr, stop)

func (s *Service) stunKeepAlive(addr string, extAddr *Host, stop chan struct{}) (tryNext bool) {
	var err error
	nextSleep := time.Duration(s.cfg.Options().StunKeepaliveStartS) * time.Second

	l.Debugf("%s starting stun keepalive via %s, next sleep %s", s, addr, nextSleep)

	for {
		if areDifferent(s.addr, extAddr) {
			// If the port has changed (addresses are not equal but the hosts are equal),
			// we're probably spending too much time between keepalives, reduce the sleep.
			if s.addr != nil && extAddr != nil && s.addr.IP() == extAddr.IP() {
				nextSleep /= 2
				l.Debugf("%s stun port change (%s to %s), next sleep %s", s, s.addr.TransportAddr(), extAddr.TransportAddr(), nextSleep)

			s.setExternalAddress(extAddr, addr)

			// The stun server is probably stuffed, we've gone beyond min timeout, yet the address keeps changing.
			minSleep := time.Duration(s.cfg.Options().StunKeepaliveMinS) * time.Second
			if nextSleep < minSleep {
				l.Debugf("%s keepalive aborting, sleep below min: %s < %s", s, nextSleep, minSleep)
				return true

		// Adjust the keepalives to fire only nextSleep after last write.
		lastWrite := s.writeTrackingPacketConn.getLastWrite()
		minSleep := time.Duration(s.cfg.Options().StunKeepaliveMinS) * time.Second
		if nextSleep < minSleep {
			nextSleep = minSleep
		sleepFor := nextSleep

		timeUntilNextKeepalive := time.Until(lastWrite.Add(sleepFor))
		if timeUntilNextKeepalive > 0 {
			sleepFor = timeUntilNextKeepalive

		l.Debugf("%s stun sleeping for %s", s, sleepFor)

		select {
		case <-time.After(sleepFor):
		case <-stop:
			l.Debugf("%s stopping, aborting stun", s)
			return false

		if s.cfg.Options().IsStunDisabled() {
			// Disabled, give up
			l.Debugf("%s disabled, aborting stun ", s)
			return false

		// Check if any writes happened while we were sleeping, if they did, sleep again
		lastWrite = s.writeTrackingPacketConn.getLastWrite()
		if gap := time.Since(lastWrite); gap < nextSleep {
			l.Debugf("%s stun last write gap less than next sleep: %s < %s. Will try later", s, gap, nextSleep)
			goto tryLater

		l.Debugf("%s stun keepalive", s)

		extAddr, err = s.client.Keepalive()
		if err != nil {
			l.Debugf("%s stun keepalive on %s: %s (%v)", s, addr, err, extAddr)
			return true

func (s *Service) setNATType(natType NATType) {
	if natType != s.natType {
		l.Debugf("Notifying %s of NAT type change: %s", s.subscriber, natType)
	s.natType = natType

func (s *Service) setExternalAddress(addr *Host, via string) {
	if areDifferent(s.addr, addr) {
		l.Debugf("Notifying %s of address change: %s via %s", s.subscriber, addr, via)
		s.subscriber.OnExternalAddressChanged(addr, via)
	s.addr = addr

func (s *Service) String() string {
	return s.name

func (s *Service) isCurrentNATTypePunchable() bool {
	return s.natType == NATNone || s.natType == NATPortRestricted || s.natType == NATRestricted || s.natType == NATFull || s.natType == NATSymmetricUDPFirewall

func areDifferent(first, second *Host) bool {
	if (first == nil) != (second == nil) {
		return true
	if first != nil {
		return first.TransportAddr() != second.TransportAddr()
	return false