// Copyright (c) 2014 ql Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package ql import ( "fmt" "io" "net/http" "os" "path" "path/filepath" "strings" "time" "github.com/cznic/mathutil" ) var ( _ http.FileSystem = (*HTTPFS)(nil) _ http.File = (*HTTPFile)(nil) _ os.FileInfo = (*HTTPFile)(nil) _ os.FileInfo = (*dirEntry)(nil) ) type dirEntry string func (d dirEntry) Name() string { return string(d) } func (d dirEntry) Size() int64 { return -1 } func (d dirEntry) Mode() os.FileMode { return os.ModeDir } func (d dirEntry) ModTime() time.Time { return time.Time{} } func (d dirEntry) IsDir() bool { return true } func (d dirEntry) Sys() interface{} { return interface{}(nil) } // A HTTPFile is returned by the HTTPFS's Open method and can be served by the // http.FileServer implementation. type HTTPFile struct { closed bool content []byte dirEntries []os.FileInfo isFile bool name string off int sz int } // Close implements http.File. func (f *HTTPFile) Close() error { if f.closed { return os.ErrInvalid } f.closed = true return nil } // IsDir implements os.FileInfo func (f *HTTPFile) IsDir() bool { return !f.isFile } // Mode implements os.FileInfo func (f *HTTPFile) Mode() os.FileMode { switch f.isFile { case false: return os.FileMode(0444) default: return os.ModeDir } } // ModTime implements os.FileInfo func (f *HTTPFile) ModTime() time.Time { return time.Time{} } // Name implements os.FileInfo func (f *HTTPFile) Name() string { return path.Base(f.name) } // Size implements os.FileInfo func (f *HTTPFile) Size() int64 { switch f.isFile { case false: return -1 default: return int64(len(f.content)) } } // Stat implements http.File. func (f *HTTPFile) Stat() (os.FileInfo, error) { return f, nil } // Sys implements os.FileInfo func (f *HTTPFile) Sys() interface{} { return interface{}(nil) } // Readdir implements http.File. func (f *HTTPFile) Readdir(count int) ([]os.FileInfo, error) { if f.isFile { return nil, fmt.Errorf("not a directory: %s", f.name) } if count <= 0 { r := f.dirEntries f.dirEntries = f.dirEntries[:0] return r, nil } rq := mathutil.Min(count, len(f.dirEntries)) r := f.dirEntries[:rq] f.dirEntries = f.dirEntries[rq:] if len(r) != 0 { return r, nil } return nil, io.EOF } // Read implements http.File. func (f *HTTPFile) Read(b []byte) (int, error) { if f.closed { return 0, os.ErrInvalid } n := copy(b, f.content[f.off:]) f.off += n if n != 0 { return n, nil } return 0, io.EOF } // Seek implements http.File. func (f *HTTPFile) Seek(offset int64, whence int) (int64, error) { if f.closed { return 0, os.ErrInvalid } if offset < 0 { return int64(f.off), fmt.Errorf("cannot seek before start of file") } switch whence { case 0: noff := int64(f.off) + offset if noff > mathutil.MaxInt { return int64(f.off), fmt.Errorf("seek target overflows int: %d", noff) } f.off = mathutil.Min(int(offset), len(f.content)) if f.off == int(offset) { return offset, nil } return int64(f.off), io.EOF case 1: noff := int64(f.off) + offset if noff > mathutil.MaxInt { return int64(f.off), fmt.Errorf("seek target overflows int: %d", noff) } off := mathutil.Min(f.off+int(offset), len(f.content)) if off == f.off+int(offset) { f.off = off return int64(off), nil } f.off = off return int64(off), io.EOF case 2: noff := int64(f.off) - offset if noff < 0 { return int64(f.off), fmt.Errorf("cannot seek before start of file") } f.off = len(f.content) - int(offset) return int64(f.off), nil default: return int64(f.off), fmt.Errorf("seek: invalid whence %d", whence) } } // HTTPFS implements a http.FileSystem backed by data in a DB. type HTTPFS struct { db *DB dir, get List } // NewHTTPFS returns a http.FileSystem backed by a result record set of query. // The record set provides two mandatory fields: path and content (the field // names are case sensitive). Type of name must be string and type of content // must be blob (ie. []byte). Field 'path' value is the "file" pathname, which // must be rooted; and field 'content' value is its "data". func (db *DB) NewHTTPFS(query string) (*HTTPFS, error) { if _, err := Compile(query); err != nil { return nil, err } dir, err := Compile(fmt.Sprintf("SELECT path FROM (%s) WHERE hasPrefix(path, $1)", query)) if err != nil { return nil, err } get, err := Compile(fmt.Sprintf("SELECT content FROM (%s) WHERE path == $1", query)) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &HTTPFS{db: db, dir: dir, get: get}, nil } // Open implements http.FileSystem. The name parameter represents a file path. // The elements in a file path are separated by slash ('/', U+002F) characters, // regardless of host operating system convention. func (f *HTTPFS) Open(name string) (http.File, error) { if filepath.Separator != '/' && strings.IndexRune(name, filepath.Separator) >= 0 || strings.Contains(name, "\x00") { return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid character in file path: %q", name) } name = path.Clean("/" + name) rs, _, err := f.db.Execute(nil, f.get, name) if err != nil { return nil, err } n := 0 var fdata []byte if err = rs[0].Do(false, func(data []interface{}) (more bool, err error) { switch n { case 0: var ok bool fdata, ok = data[0].([]byte) if !ok { return false, fmt.Errorf("open: expected blob, got %T", data[0]) } n++ return true, nil default: return false, fmt.Errorf("open: more than one result was returned for %s", name) } }); err != nil { return nil, err } if n == 1 { // file found return &HTTPFile{name: name, isFile: true, content: fdata}, nil } dirName := name if dirName[len(dirName)-1] != filepath.Separator { dirName += string(filepath.Separator) } // Open("/a/b"): {/a/b/c.x,/a/b/d.x,/a/e.x,/a/b/f/g.x} -> {c.x,d.x,f} rs, _, err = f.db.Execute(nil, f.dir, dirName) if err != nil { return nil, err } n = 0 r := &HTTPFile{name: dirName} m := map[string]bool{} x := len(dirName) if err = rs[0].Do(false, func(data []interface{}) (more bool, err error) { n++ switch name := data[0].(type) { case string: if filepath.Separator != '/' && strings.IndexRune(name, filepath.Separator) >= 0 || strings.Contains(name, "\x00") { return false, fmt.Errorf("invalid character in file path: %q", name) } name = path.Clean("/" + name) rest := name[x:] parts := strings.Split(rest, "/") if len(parts) == 0 { return true, nil } nm := parts[0] switch len(parts) { case 1: // file r.dirEntries = append(r.dirEntries, &HTTPFile{isFile: true, name: nm}) default: // directory if !m[nm] { r.dirEntries = append(r.dirEntries, dirEntry(nm)) } m[nm] = true } return true, nil default: return false, fmt.Errorf("expected string path, got %T(%v)", name, name) } }); err != nil { return nil, err } if n != 0 { return r, nil } return nil, os.ErrNotExist }