// Copyright 2014 The lldb Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // Utilities to encode/decode and collate Go predeclared scalar types (and the // typeless nil and []byte). The encoding format is a variation of the one // used by the "encoding/gob" package. package lldb import ( "bytes" "fmt" "math" "github.com/cznic/mathutil" ) const ( gbNull = iota // 0x00 gbFalse // 0x01 gbTrue // 0x02 gbFloat0 // 0x03 gbFloat1 // 0x04 gbFloat2 // 0x05 gbFloat3 // 0x06 gbFloat4 // 0x07 gbFloat5 // 0x08 gbFloat6 // 0x09 gbFloat7 // 0x0a gbFloat8 // 0x0b gbComplex0 // 0x0c gbComplex1 // 0x0d gbComplex2 // 0x0e gbComplex3 // 0x0f gbComplex4 // 0x10 gbComplex5 // 0x11 gbComplex6 // 0x12 gbComplex7 // 0x13 gbComplex8 // 0x14 gbBytes00 // 0x15 gbBytes01 // 0x16 gbBytes02 // 0x17 gbBytes03 // 0x18 gbBytes04 // 0x19 gbBytes05 // 0x1a gbBytes06 // 0x1b gbBytes07 // 0x1c gbBytes08 // 0x1d gbBytes09 // 0x1e gbBytes10 // 0x1f gbBytes11 // 0x20 gbBytes12 // 0x21 gbBytes13 // 0x22 gbBytes14 // 0x23 gbBytes15 // 0x24 gbBytes16 // 0x25 gbBytes17 // Ox26 gbBytes1 // 0x27 gbBytes2 // 0x28: Offset by one to allow 64kB sized []byte. gbString00 // 0x29 gbString01 // 0x2a gbString02 // 0x2b gbString03 // 0x2c gbString04 // 0x2d gbString05 // 0x2e gbString06 // 0x2f gbString07 // 0x30 gbString08 // 0x31 gbString09 // 0x32 gbString10 // 0x33 gbString11 // 0x34 gbString12 // 0x35 gbString13 // 0x36 gbString14 // 0x37 gbString15 // 0x38 gbString16 // 0x39 gbString17 // 0x3a gbString1 // 0x3b gbString2 // 0x3c gbUintP1 // 0x3d gbUintP2 // 0x3e gbUintP3 // 0x3f gbUintP4 // 0x40 gbUintP5 // 0x41 gbUintP6 // 0x42 gbUintP7 // 0x43 gbUintP8 // 0x44 gbIntM8 // 0x45 gbIntM7 // 0x46 gbIntM6 // 0x47 gbIntM5 // 0x48 gbIntM4 // 0x49 gbIntM3 // 0x4a gbIntM2 // 0x4b gbIntM1 // 0x4c gbIntP1 // 0x4d gbIntP2 // 0x4e gbIntP3 // 0x4f gbIntP4 // 0x50 gbIntP5 // 0x51 gbIntP6 // 0x52 gbIntP7 // 0x53 gbIntP8 // 0x54 gbInt0 // 0x55 gbIntMax = 255 - gbInt0 // 0xff == 170 ) // EncodeScalars encodes a vector of predeclared scalar type values to a // []byte, making it suitable to store it as a "record" in a DB or to use it as // a key of a BTree. func EncodeScalars(scalars ...interface{}) (b []byte, err error) { for _, scalar := range scalars { switch x := scalar.(type) { default: return nil, &ErrINVAL{"EncodeScalars: unsupported type", fmt.Sprintf("%T in `%#v`", x, scalars)} case nil: b = append(b, gbNull) case bool: switch x { case false: b = append(b, gbFalse) case true: b = append(b, gbTrue) } case float32: encFloat(float64(x), &b) case float64: encFloat(x, &b) case complex64: encComplex(complex128(x), &b) case complex128: encComplex(x, &b) case string: n := len(x) if n <= 17 { b = append(b, byte(gbString00+n)) b = append(b, []byte(x)...) break } if n > 65535 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("EncodeScalars: cannot encode string of length %d (limit 65536)", n) } pref := byte(gbString1) if n > 255 { pref++ } b = append(b, pref) encUint0(uint64(n), &b) b = append(b, []byte(x)...) case int8: encInt(int64(x), &b) case int16: encInt(int64(x), &b) case int32: encInt(int64(x), &b) case int64: encInt(x, &b) case int: encInt(int64(x), &b) case uint8: encUint(uint64(x), &b) case uint16: encUint(uint64(x), &b) case uint32: encUint(uint64(x), &b) case uint64: encUint(x, &b) case uint: encUint(uint64(x), &b) case []byte: n := len(x) if n <= 17 { b = append(b, byte(gbBytes00+n)) b = append(b, x...) break } if n > 655356 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("EncodeScalars: cannot encode []byte of length %d (limit 65536)", n) } pref := byte(gbBytes1) if n > 255 { pref++ } b = append(b, pref) if n <= 255 { b = append(b, byte(n)) } else { n-- b = append(b, byte(n>>8), byte(n)) } b = append(b, x...) } } return } func encComplex(f complex128, b *[]byte) { encFloatPrefix(gbComplex0, real(f), b) encFloatPrefix(gbComplex0, imag(f), b) } func encFloatPrefix(prefix byte, f float64, b *[]byte) { u := math.Float64bits(f) var n uint64 for i := 0; i < 8; i++ { n <<= 8 n |= u & 0xFF u >>= 8 } bits := mathutil.BitLenUint64(n) if bits == 0 { *b = append(*b, prefix) return } // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 // . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 encUintPrefix(prefix+1+byte((bits-1)>>3), n, b) } func encFloat(f float64, b *[]byte) { encFloatPrefix(gbFloat0, f, b) } func encUint0(n uint64, b *[]byte) { switch { case n <= 0xff: *b = append(*b, byte(n)) case n <= 0xffff: *b = append(*b, byte(n>>8), byte(n)) case n <= 0xffffff: *b = append(*b, byte(n>>16), byte(n>>8), byte(n)) case n <= 0xffffffff: *b = append(*b, byte(n>>24), byte(n>>16), byte(n>>8), byte(n)) case n <= 0xffffffffff: *b = append(*b, byte(n>>32), byte(n>>24), byte(n>>16), byte(n>>8), byte(n)) case n <= 0xffffffffffff: *b = append(*b, byte(n>>40), byte(n>>32), byte(n>>24), byte(n>>16), byte(n>>8), byte(n)) case n <= 0xffffffffffffff: *b = append(*b, byte(n>>48), byte(n>>40), byte(n>>32), byte(n>>24), byte(n>>16), byte(n>>8), byte(n)) case n <= math.MaxUint64: *b = append(*b, byte(n>>56), byte(n>>48), byte(n>>40), byte(n>>32), byte(n>>24), byte(n>>16), byte(n>>8), byte(n)) } } func encUintPrefix(prefix byte, n uint64, b *[]byte) { *b = append(*b, prefix) encUint0(n, b) } func encUint(n uint64, b *[]byte) { bits := mathutil.Max(1, mathutil.BitLenUint64(n)) encUintPrefix(gbUintP1+byte((bits-1)>>3), n, b) } func encInt(n int64, b *[]byte) { switch { case n < -0x100000000000000: *b = append(*b, byte(gbIntM8), byte(n>>56), byte(n>>48), byte(n>>40), byte(n>>32), byte(n>>24), byte(n>>16), byte(n>>8), byte(n)) case n < -0x1000000000000: *b = append(*b, byte(gbIntM7), byte(n>>48), byte(n>>40), byte(n>>32), byte(n>>24), byte(n>>16), byte(n>>8), byte(n)) case n < -0x10000000000: *b = append(*b, byte(gbIntM6), byte(n>>40), byte(n>>32), byte(n>>24), byte(n>>16), byte(n>>8), byte(n)) case n < -0x100000000: *b = append(*b, byte(gbIntM5), byte(n>>32), byte(n>>24), byte(n>>16), byte(n>>8), byte(n)) case n < -0x1000000: *b = append(*b, byte(gbIntM4), byte(n>>24), byte(n>>16), byte(n>>8), byte(n)) case n < -0x10000: *b = append(*b, byte(gbIntM3), byte(n>>16), byte(n>>8), byte(n)) case n < -0x100: *b = append(*b, byte(gbIntM2), byte(n>>8), byte(n)) case n < 0: *b = append(*b, byte(gbIntM1), byte(n)) case n <= gbIntMax: *b = append(*b, byte(gbInt0+n)) case n <= 0xff: *b = append(*b, gbIntP1, byte(n)) case n <= 0xffff: *b = append(*b, gbIntP2, byte(n>>8), byte(n)) case n <= 0xffffff: *b = append(*b, gbIntP3, byte(n>>16), byte(n>>8), byte(n)) case n <= 0xffffffff: *b = append(*b, gbIntP4, byte(n>>24), byte(n>>16), byte(n>>8), byte(n)) case n <= 0xffffffffff: *b = append(*b, gbIntP5, byte(n>>32), byte(n>>24), byte(n>>16), byte(n>>8), byte(n)) case n <= 0xffffffffffff: *b = append(*b, gbIntP6, byte(n>>40), byte(n>>32), byte(n>>24), byte(n>>16), byte(n>>8), byte(n)) case n <= 0xffffffffffffff: *b = append(*b, gbIntP7, byte(n>>48), byte(n>>40), byte(n>>32), byte(n>>24), byte(n>>16), byte(n>>8), byte(n)) case n <= 0x7fffffffffffffff: *b = append(*b, gbIntP8, byte(n>>56), byte(n>>48), byte(n>>40), byte(n>>32), byte(n>>24), byte(n>>16), byte(n>>8), byte(n)) } } func decodeFloat(b []byte) float64 { var u uint64 for i, v := range b { u |= uint64(v) << uint((i+8-len(b))*8) } return math.Float64frombits(u) } // DecodeScalars decodes a []byte produced by EncodeScalars. func DecodeScalars(b []byte) (scalars []interface{}, err error) { b0 := b for len(b) != 0 { switch tag := b[0]; tag { //default: //return nil, fmt.Errorf("tag %d(%#x) not supported", b[0], b[0]) case gbNull: scalars = append(scalars, nil) b = b[1:] case gbFalse: scalars = append(scalars, false) b = b[1:] case gbTrue: scalars = append(scalars, true) b = b[1:] case gbFloat0: scalars = append(scalars, 0.0) b = b[1:] case gbFloat1, gbFloat2, gbFloat3, gbFloat4, gbFloat5, gbFloat6, gbFloat7, gbFloat8: n := 1 + int(tag) - gbFloat0 if len(b) < n-1 { goto corrupted } scalars = append(scalars, decodeFloat(b[1:n])) b = b[n:] case gbComplex0, gbComplex1, gbComplex2, gbComplex3, gbComplex4, gbComplex5, gbComplex6, gbComplex7, gbComplex8: n := 1 + int(tag) - gbComplex0 if len(b) < n-1 { goto corrupted } re := decodeFloat(b[1:n]) b = b[n:] if len(b) == 0 { goto corrupted } tag = b[0] if tag < gbComplex0 || tag > gbComplex8 { goto corrupted } n = 1 + int(tag) - gbComplex0 if len(b) < n-1 { goto corrupted } scalars = append(scalars, complex(re, decodeFloat(b[1:n]))) b = b[n:] case gbBytes00, gbBytes01, gbBytes02, gbBytes03, gbBytes04, gbBytes05, gbBytes06, gbBytes07, gbBytes08, gbBytes09, gbBytes10, gbBytes11, gbBytes12, gbBytes13, gbBytes14, gbBytes15, gbBytes16, gbBytes17: n := int(tag - gbBytes00) if len(b) < n+1 { goto corrupted } scalars = append(scalars, append([]byte(nil), b[1:n+1]...)) b = b[n+1:] case gbBytes1: if len(b) < 2 { goto corrupted } n := int(b[1]) b = b[2:] if len(b) < n { goto corrupted } scalars = append(scalars, append([]byte(nil), b[:n]...)) b = b[n:] case gbBytes2: if len(b) < 3 { goto corrupted } n := int(b[1])<<8 | int(b[2]) + 1 b = b[3:] if len(b) < n { goto corrupted } scalars = append(scalars, append([]byte(nil), b[:n]...)) b = b[n:] case gbString00, gbString01, gbString02, gbString03, gbString04, gbString05, gbString06, gbString07, gbString08, gbString09, gbString10, gbString11, gbString12, gbString13, gbString14, gbString15, gbString16, gbString17: n := int(tag - gbString00) if len(b) < n+1 { goto corrupted } scalars = append(scalars, string(b[1:n+1])) b = b[n+1:] case gbString1: if len(b) < 2 { goto corrupted } n := int(b[1]) b = b[2:] if len(b) < n { goto corrupted } scalars = append(scalars, string(b[:n])) b = b[n:] case gbString2: if len(b) < 3 { goto corrupted } n := int(b[1])<<8 | int(b[2]) b = b[3:] if len(b) < n { goto corrupted } scalars = append(scalars, string(b[:n])) b = b[n:] case gbUintP1, gbUintP2, gbUintP3, gbUintP4, gbUintP5, gbUintP6, gbUintP7, gbUintP8: b = b[1:] n := 1 + int(tag) - gbUintP1 if len(b) < n { goto corrupted } var u uint64 for _, v := range b[:n] { u = u<<8 | uint64(v) } scalars = append(scalars, u) b = b[n:] case gbIntM8, gbIntM7, gbIntM6, gbIntM5, gbIntM4, gbIntM3, gbIntM2, gbIntM1: b = b[1:] n := 8 - (int(tag) - gbIntM8) if len(b) < n { goto corrupted } u := uint64(math.MaxUint64) for _, v := range b[:n] { u = u<<8 | uint64(v) } scalars = append(scalars, int64(u)) b = b[n:] case gbIntP1, gbIntP2, gbIntP3, gbIntP4, gbIntP5, gbIntP6, gbIntP7, gbIntP8: b = b[1:] n := 1 + int(tag) - gbIntP1 if len(b) < n { goto corrupted } i := int64(0) for _, v := range b[:n] { i = i<<8 | int64(v) } scalars = append(scalars, i) b = b[n:] default: scalars = append(scalars, int64(b[0])-gbInt0) b = b[1:] } } return append([]interface{}(nil), scalars...), nil corrupted: return nil, &ErrDecodeScalars{append([]byte(nil), b0...), len(b0) - len(b)} } func collateComplex(x, y complex128) int { switch rx, ry := real(x), real(y); { case rx < ry: return -1 case rx == ry: switch ix, iy := imag(x), imag(y); { case ix < iy: return -1 case ix == iy: return 0 case ix > iy: return 1 } } //case rx > ry: return 1 } func collateFloat(x, y float64) int { switch { case x < y: return -1 case x == y: return 0 } //case x > y: return 1 } func collateInt(x, y int64) int { switch { case x < y: return -1 case x == y: return 0 } //case x > y: return 1 } func collateUint(x, y uint64) int { switch { case x < y: return -1 case x == y: return 0 } //case x > y: return 1 } func collateIntUint(x int64, y uint64) int { if y > math.MaxInt64 { return -1 } return collateInt(x, int64(y)) } func collateUintInt(x uint64, y int64) int { return -collateIntUint(y, x) } func collateType(i interface{}) (r interface{}, err error) { switch x := i.(type) { default: return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid collate type %T", x) case nil: return i, nil case bool: return i, nil case int8: return int64(x), nil case int16: return int64(x), nil case int32: return int64(x), nil case int64: return i, nil case int: return int64(x), nil case uint8: return uint64(x), nil case uint16: return uint64(x), nil case uint32: return uint64(x), nil case uint64: return i, nil case uint: return uint64(x), nil case float32: return float64(x), nil case float64: return i, nil case complex64: return complex128(x), nil case complex128: return i, nil case []byte: return i, nil case string: return i, nil } } // Collate collates two arrays of Go predeclared scalar types (and the typeless // nil or []byte). If any other type appears in x or y, Collate will return a // non nil error. String items are collated using strCollate or lexically // byte-wise (as when using Go comparison operators) when strCollate is nil. // []byte items are collated using bytes.Compare. // // Collate returns: // // -1 if x < y // 0 if x == y // +1 if x > y // // The same value as defined above must be returned from strCollate. // // The "outer" ordering is: nil, bool, number, []byte, string. IOW, nil is // "smaller" than anything else except other nil, numbers collate before // []byte, []byte collate before strings, etc. // // Integers and real numbers collate as expected in math. However, complex // numbers are not ordered in Go. Here the ordering is defined: Complex numbers // are in comparison considered first only by their real part. Iff the result // is equality then the imaginary part is used to determine the ordering. In // this "second order" comparing, integers and real numbers are considered as // complex numbers with a zero imaginary part. func Collate(x, y []interface{}, strCollate func(string, string) int) (r int, err error) { nx, ny := len(x), len(y) switch { case nx == 0 && ny != 0: return -1, nil case nx == 0 && ny == 0: return 0, nil case nx != 0 && ny == 0: return 1, nil } r = 1 if nx > ny { x, y, r = y, x, -r } var c int for i, xi0 := range x { yi0 := y[i] xi, err := collateType(xi0) if err != nil { return 0, err } yi, err := collateType(yi0) if err != nil { return 0, err } switch x := xi.(type) { default: panic(fmt.Errorf("internal error: %T", x)) case nil: switch yi.(type) { case nil: // nop default: return -r, nil } case bool: switch y := yi.(type) { case nil: return r, nil case bool: switch { case !x && y: return -r, nil case x == y: // nop case x && !y: return r, nil } default: return -r, nil } case int64: switch y := yi.(type) { case nil, bool: return r, nil case int64: c = collateInt(x, y) case uint64: c = collateIntUint(x, y) case float64: c = collateFloat(float64(x), y) case complex128: c = collateComplex(complex(float64(x), 0), y) case []byte: return -r, nil case string: return -r, nil } if c != 0 { return c * r, nil } case uint64: switch y := yi.(type) { case nil, bool: return r, nil case int64: c = collateUintInt(x, y) case uint64: c = collateUint(x, y) case float64: c = collateFloat(float64(x), y) case complex128: c = collateComplex(complex(float64(x), 0), y) case []byte: return -r, nil case string: return -r, nil } if c != 0 { return c * r, nil } case float64: switch y := yi.(type) { case nil, bool: return r, nil case int64: c = collateFloat(x, float64(y)) case uint64: c = collateFloat(x, float64(y)) case float64: c = collateFloat(x, y) case complex128: c = collateComplex(complex(x, 0), y) case []byte: return -r, nil case string: return -r, nil } if c != 0 { return c * r, nil } case complex128: switch y := yi.(type) { case nil, bool: return r, nil case int64: c = collateComplex(x, complex(float64(y), 0)) case uint64: c = collateComplex(x, complex(float64(y), 0)) case float64: c = collateComplex(x, complex(y, 0)) case complex128: c = collateComplex(x, y) case []byte: return -r, nil case string: return -r, nil } if c != 0 { return c * r, nil } case []byte: switch y := yi.(type) { case nil, bool, int64, uint64, float64, complex128: return r, nil case []byte: c = bytes.Compare(x, y) case string: return -r, nil } if c != 0 { return c * r, nil } case string: switch y := yi.(type) { case nil, bool, int64, uint64, float64, complex128: return r, nil case []byte: return r, nil case string: switch { case strCollate != nil: c = strCollate(x, y) case x < y: return -r, nil case x == y: c = 0 case x > y: return r, nil } } if c != 0 { return c * r, nil } } } if nx == ny { return 0, nil } return -r, nil }