angular.module('syncthing.core') .config(function ($locationProvider) { $locationProvider.html5Mode({ enabled: true, requireBase: false }).hashPrefix('!'); }) .controller('SyncthingController', function ($scope, $http, $location, LocaleService, Events, $filter, $q, $compile, $timeout, $rootScope, $translate) { 'use strict'; // private/helper definitions var prevDate = 0; var navigatingAway = false; var online = false; var restarting = false; function initController() { LocaleService.autoConfigLocale(); setInterval($scope.refresh, 10000); Events.start(); } // public/scope definitions $scope.completion = {}; $scope.config = {}; $scope.configInSync = true; $scope.connections = {}; $scope.errors = []; $scope.model = {}; $scope.myID = ''; $scope.devices = {}; $scope.discoveryCache = {}; $scope.protocolChanged = false; $scope.reportData = {}; $scope.reportDataPreview = ''; $scope.reportPreview = false; $scope.folders = {}; $scope.seenError = ''; $scope.upgradeInfo = null; $scope.deviceStats = {}; $scope.folderStats = {}; $scope.pendingDevices = {}; $scope.pendingFolders = {}; $scope.progress = {}; $scope.version = {}; $scope.needed = {}; $scope.neededFolder = ''; $scope.failed = {}; $scope.localChanged = {}; $scope.scanProgress = {}; $scope.themes = []; $scope.globalChangeEvents = {}; $scope.metricRates = false; $scope.folderPathErrors = {}; $scope.currentSharing = {}; $scope.currentFolder = {}; $scope.currentDevice = {}; $scope.ignores = { text: '', error: null, disabled: false, originalLines: [], defaultLines: [], saved: false, }; resetRemoteNeed(); try { $scope.metricRates = (window.localStorage["metricRates"] == "true"); } catch (exception) { } $scope.versioningDefaults = { selector: "none", trashcanClean: 0, cleanupIntervalS: 3600, simpleKeep: 5, staggeredMaxAge: 365, externalCommand: "", }; $scope.localStateTotal = { bytes: 0, directories: 0, files: 0 }; $(window).bind('beforeunload', function () { navigatingAway = true; }); $scope.$on("$locationChangeSuccess", function () { LocaleService.useLocale($; }); $scope.needActions = { 'rm': 'Del', 'rmdir': 'Del (dir)', 'sync': 'Sync', 'touch': 'Update' }; $scope.needIcons = { 'rm': 'far fa-fw fa-trash-alt', 'rmdir': 'far fa-fw fa-trash-alt', 'sync': 'far fa-fw fa-arrow-alt-circle-down', 'touch': 'fas fa-fw fa-asterisk' }; $scope.$on(Events.ONLINE, function () { if (online && !restarting) { return; } console.log('UIOnline'); refreshDeviceStats(); refreshFolderStats(); refreshGlobalChanges(); refreshThemes(); $q.all([ refreshSystem(), refreshDiscoveryCache(), refreshConfig(), refreshCluster(), refreshConnectionStats(), ]).then(function() { $http.get(urlbase + '/system/version').success(function (data) { console.log("version", data); if ($scope.version.version && $scope.version.version !== data.version) { // We already have a version response, but it differs from // the new one. Reload the full GUI in case it's changed. document.location.reload(true); } $scope.version = data; }).error($scope.emitHTTPError); $http.get(urlbase + '/svc/report').success(function (data) { $scope.reportData = data; if ($scope.system && $scope.config.options.urAccepted > -1 && $scope.config.options.urSeen < $scope.system.urVersionMax && $scope.config.options.urAccepted < $scope.system.urVersionMax) { // Usage reporting format has changed, prompt the user to re-accept. $('#ur').modal(); } }).error($scope.emitHTTPError); $http.get(urlbase + '/system/upgrade').success(function (data) { $scope.upgradeInfo = data; }).error(function () { $scope.upgradeInfo = null; }); online = true; restarting = false; $('#networkError').modal('hide'); $('#restarting').modal('hide'); $('#shutdown').modal('hide'); }).catch($scope.emitHTTPError); }); $scope.$on(Events.OFFLINE, function () { if (navigatingAway || !online) { return; } console.log('UIOffline'); online = false; if (!restarting) { $('#networkError').modal(); } }); $scope.$on('HTTPError', function (event, arg) { // Emitted when a HTTP call fails. We use the status code to try // to figure out what's wrong. if (navigatingAway || !online) { return; } console.log('HTTPError', arg); online = false; if (!restarting) { if (arg.status === 0) { // A network error, not an HTTP error $scope.$emit(Events.OFFLINE); } else if (arg.status >= 400 && arg.status <= 599) { // A genuine HTTP error $('#networkError').modal('hide'); $('#restarting').modal('hide'); $('#shutdown').modal('hide'); $('#httpError').modal(); } } }); $scope.$on(Events.STATE_CHANGED, function (event, arg) { var data =; if ($scope.model[data.folder]) { $scope.model[data.folder].state =; $scope.model[data.folder].error = data.error; // If a folder has started scanning, then any scan progress is // also obsolete. if ( === 'scanning') { delete $scope.scanProgress[data.folder]; } // If a folder finished scanning, then refresh folder stats // to update last scan time. if (data.from === 'scanning' && === 'idle') { refreshFolderStats(); } } }); $scope.$on(Events.LOCAL_INDEX_UPDATED, function (event, arg) { refreshFolderStats(); refreshGlobalChanges(); }); $scope.$on(Events.DEVICE_DISCONNECTED, function (event, arg) { if (!$scope.connections[]) { return; } $scope.connections[].connected = false; refreshDeviceStats(); }); $scope.$on(Events.DEVICE_CONNECTED, function (event, arg) { if (!$scope.connections[]) { $scope.connections[] = { inbps: 0, outbps: 0, inBytesTotal: 0, outBytesTotal: 0, type:, address: }; $scope.completion[] = { _total: 100, _needBytes: 0, _needItems: 0 }; } }); $scope.$on(Events.PENDING_DEVICES_CHANGED, function (event, arg) { if (!( || { // Not enough information to update in place, just refresh it completely refreshCluster(); return; } if ( { (rejected) { var pendingDevice = { time: arg.time, name:, address: rejected.address }; console.log("rejected device:", rejected.deviceID, pendingDevice); $scope.pendingDevices[rejected.deviceID] = pendingDevice; }); } if ( { (dev) { console.log("no longer pending device:", dev.deviceID); delete $scope.pendingDevices[dev.deviceID]; }); } }); $scope.$on(Events.PENDING_FOLDERS_CHANGED, function (event, arg) { if (!( || { // Not enough information to update in place, just refresh it completely refreshCluster(); return; } if ( { (rejected) { var offeringDevice = { time: arg.time, label: rejected.folderLabel, receiveEncrypted: rejected.receiveEncrypted, }; console.log("rejected folder", rejected.folderID, "from device:", rejected.deviceID, offeringDevice); var pendingFolder = $scope.pendingFolders[rejected.folderID]; if (pendingFolder === undefined) { pendingFolder = { offeredBy: {} }; } pendingFolder.offeredBy[rejected.deviceID] = offeringDevice; $scope.pendingFolders[rejected.folderID] = pendingFolder; }); } if ( { (folderDev) { console.log("no longer pending folder", folderDev.folderID, "from device:", folderDev.deviceID); if (folderDev.deviceID === undefined) { delete $scope.pendingFolders[folderDev.folderID]; } else if ($scope.pendingFolders[folderDev.folderID]) { delete $scope.pendingFolders[folderDev.folderID].offeredBy[folderDev.deviceID]; } }); } }); $scope.$on('ConfigLoaded', function () { if ($scope.config.options.urAccepted === 0) { // If usage reporting has been neither accepted nor declined, // we want to ask the user to make a choice. But we don't want // to bug them during initial setup, so we set a cookie with // the time of the first visit. When that cookie is present // and the time is more than four hours ago, we ask the // question. var firstVisit = document.cookie.replace(/(?:(?:^|.*;\s*)firstVisit\s*\=\s*([^;]*).*$)|^.*$/, "$1"); if (!firstVisit) { document.cookie = "firstVisit=" + + ";max-age=" + 30 * 24 * 3600; } else { if (+firstVisit < - 4 * 3600 * 1000) { $('#ur').modal(); } } } }); $scope.$on(Events.CONFIG_SAVED, function (event, arg) { updateLocalConfig(; $http.get(urlbase + '/config/insync').success(function (data) { $scope.configInSync = data.configInSync; }).error($scope.emitHTTPError); }); $scope.$on(Events.DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS, function (event, arg) { var stats =; var progress = {}; for (var folder in stats) { progress[folder] = {}; for (var file in stats[folder]) { var s = stats[folder][file]; var reused = 100 * s.reused /; var copiedFromOrigin = 100 * s.copiedFromOrigin /; var copiedFromElsewhere = 100 * s.copiedFromElsewhere /; var pulled = 100 * s.pulled /; var pulling = 100 * s.pulling /; // We try to round up pulling to at least a percent so that it would be at least a bit visible. if (pulling < 1 && pulled + copiedFromElsewhere + copiedFromOrigin + reused <= 99) { pulling = 1; } progress[folder][file] = { reused: reused, copiedFromOrigin: copiedFromOrigin, copiedFromElsewhere: copiedFromElsewhere, pulled: pulled, pulling: pulling, bytesTotal: s.bytesTotal, bytesDone: s.bytesDone, }; } } for (var folder in $scope.progress) { if (!(folder in progress)) { if ($scope.neededFolder === folder) { $scope.refreshNeed($, $scope.needed.perpage); } } else if ($scope.neededFolder === folder) { for (file in $scope.progress[folder]) { if (!(file in progress[folder])) { $scope.refreshNeed($, $scope.needed.perpage); break; } } } } $scope.progress = progress; console.log("DownloadProgress", $scope.progress); }); $scope.$on(Events.FOLDER_SUMMARY, function (event, arg) { var data =; $scope.model[data.folder] = data.summary; recalcLocalStateTotal(); }); $scope.$on(Events.FOLDER_COMPLETION, function (event, arg) { var data =; if (!$scope.completion[data.device]) { $scope.completion[data.device] = {}; } $scope.completion[data.device][data.folder] = data; recalcCompletion(data.device); }); $scope.$on(Events.FOLDER_ERRORS, function (event, arg) { if (!$scope.model[]) { console.log("Dropping folder errors event for unknown folder", return; } $scope.model[].errors =; }); $scope.$on(Events.FOLDER_SCAN_PROGRESS, function (event, arg) { var data =; $scope.scanProgress[data.folder] = { current: data.current, total:, rate: data.rate }; console.log("FolderScanProgress", data); }); // May be called through .error with the presented arguments, or through // .catch with the http response object containing the same arguments. $scope.emitHTTPError = function (data, status, headers, config) { var out = data; if (data && ! { out = { data: data, status: status, headers: headers, config: config }; } $scope.$emit('HTTPError', out); }; var debouncedFuncs = {}; function refreshFolder(folder) { if ($scope.folders[folder].paused) { return; } var key = "refreshFolder" + folder; if (!debouncedFuncs[key]) { debouncedFuncs[key] = debounce(function () { $http.get(urlbase + '/db/status?folder=' + encodeURIComponent(folder)).success(function (data) { $scope.model[folder] = data; recalcLocalStateTotal(); console.log("refreshFolder", folder, data); }).error($scope.emitHTTPError); }, 1000); } debouncedFuncs[key](); } function updateLocalConfig(config) { var hasConfig = !isEmptyObject($scope.config); $scope.config = config; $scope.config.options._listenAddressesStr = $scope.config.options.listenAddresses.join(', '); $scope.config.options._globalAnnounceServersStr = $scope.config.options.globalAnnounceServers.join(', '); $scope.config.options._urAcceptedStr = "" + $scope.config.options.urAccepted; $scope.devices = deviceMap($scope.config.devices); for (var id in $scope.devices) { $scope.completion[id] = { _total: 100, _needBytes: 0, _needItems: 0 }; }; $scope.folders = folderMap($scope.config.folders); Object.keys($scope.folders).forEach(function (folder) { refreshFolder(folder); $scope.folders[folder].devices.forEach(function (deviceCfg) { refreshCompletion(deviceCfg.deviceID, folder); }); }); refreshNoAuthWarning(); setDefaultTheme(); if (!hasConfig) { $scope.$emit('ConfigLoaded'); } } function refreshSystem() { return $http.get(urlbase + '/system/status').success(function (data) { $scope.myID = data.myID; $scope.system = data; if ($scope.reportDataPreviewVersion === '') { $scope.reportDataPreviewVersion = $scope.system.urVersionMax; } var listenersFailed = []; var listenersRunning = []; for (var address in data.connectionServiceStatus) { if (data.connectionServiceStatus[address].error) { listenersFailed.push(address + ": " + data.connectionServiceStatus[address].error); } else { listenersRunning.push(address); } } $scope.listenersFailed = listenersFailed; $scope.listenersRunning = listenersRunning; $scope.listenersTotal = $scope.sizeOf(data.connectionServiceStatus); var discoveryFailed = []; var discoveryRunning = []; for (var disco in data.discoveryStatus) { if (data.discoveryStatus[disco] && data.discoveryStatus[disco].error) { discoveryFailed.push(disco + ": " + data.discoveryStatus[disco].error); } else { discoveryRunning.push(disco); } } $scope.discoveryFailed = discoveryFailed; $scope.discoveryRunning = discoveryRunning; $scope.discoveryTotal = $scope.sizeOf(data.discoveryStatus); refreshNoAuthWarning(); console.log("refreshSystem", data); }).error($scope.emitHTTPError); } function refreshNoAuthWarning() { if (!$scope.system || !$scope.config || !$scope.config.gui) { // We need all to be able to determine the state. return } // If we're not listening on localhost, and there is no // authentication configured, and the magic setting to silence the // warning isn't set, then yell at the user. var addr = $scope.system.guiAddressUsed; var guiCfg = $scope.config.gui; $scope.openNoAuth = addr.substr(0, 4) !== "127." && addr.substr(0, 6) !== "[::1]:" && addr.substr(0, 1) !== "/" && (!guiCfg.user || !guiCfg.password) && guiCfg.authMode !== 'ldap' && !guiCfg.insecureAdminAccess; if (guiCfg.user && guiCfg.password) { $scope.dismissNotification('authenticationUserAndPassword'); } } function refreshCluster() { return $q.all([ $http.get(urlbase + '/cluster/pending/devices').success(function (data) { $scope.pendingDevices = data; console.log("refreshCluster devices", data); }).error($scope.emitHTTPError), $http.get(urlbase + '/cluster/pending/folders').success(function (data) { $scope.pendingFolders = data; console.log("refreshCluster folders", data); }).error($scope.emitHTTPError), ]); } function refreshDiscoveryCache() { return $http.get(urlbase + '/system/discovery').success(function (data) { for (var device in data) { for (var i = 0; i < data[device].addresses.length; i++) { // Relay addresses are URLs with // .../?foo=barlongstuff that we strip away here. We // remove the final slash as well for symmetry with // tcp:// type addresses. data[device].addresses[i] = data[device].addresses[i].replace(/\/\?.*/, ''); } } $scope.discoveryCache = data; console.log("refreshDiscoveryCache", data); }).error($scope.emitHTTPError); } function recalcLocalStateTotal() { $scope.localStateTotal = { bytes: 0, directories: 0, files: 0 }; for (var f in $scope.model) { $scope.localStateTotal.bytes += $scope.model[f].localBytes; $scope.localStateTotal.files += $scope.model[f].localFiles; $scope.localStateTotal.directories += $scope.model[f].localDirectories; } } function recalcCompletion(device) { var total = 0, needed = 0, deletes = 0, items = 0; for (var folder in $scope.completion[device]) { if (folder === "_total" || folder === '_needBytes' || folder === '_needItems') { continue; } total += $scope.completion[device][folder].globalBytes; needed += $scope.completion[device][folder].needBytes; items += $scope.completion[device][folder].needItems; deletes += $scope.completion[device][folder].needDeletes; } if (total == 0) { $scope.completion[device]._total = 100; $scope.completion[device]._needBytes = 0; $scope.completion[device]._needItems = 0; } else { $scope.completion[device]._total = Math.floor(100 * (1 - needed / total)); $scope.completion[device]._needBytes = needed; $scope.completion[device]._needItems = items + deletes; } if (needed == 0 && deletes + items > 0 ) { // We don't need any data, but we have deletes or // dirs/links/empty files that we need to do. Drop down the // completion percentage to indicate that we have stuff to do. $scope.completion[device]._total = 95; } console.log("recalcCompletion", device, $scope.completion[device]); } function refreshCompletion(device, folder) { if (device === $scope.myID) { return; } $http.get(urlbase + '/db/completion?device=' + device + '&folder=' + encodeURIComponent(folder)).success(function (data) { if (!$scope.completion[device]) { $scope.completion[device] = {}; } $scope.completion[device][folder] = data; recalcCompletion(device); }).error(function(data, status, headers, config) { if (status === 404) { console.log("refreshCompletion:", data); } else { $scope.emitHTTPError(data, status, headers, config); } }); } function refreshConnectionStats() { return $http.get(urlbase + '/system/connections').success(function (data) { var now =, td = (now - prevDate) / 1000, id; prevDate = now; try { = Math.max(0, ( - $scope.connectionsTotal.inBytesTotal) / td); = Math.max(0, ( - $scope.connectionsTotal.outBytesTotal) / td); } catch (e) { = 0; = 0; } $scope.connectionsTotal =; data = data.connections; for (id in data) { if (!data.hasOwnProperty(id)) { continue; } try { data[id].inbps = Math.max(0, (data[id].inBytesTotal - $scope.connections[id].inBytesTotal) / td); data[id].outbps = Math.max(0, (data[id].outBytesTotal - $scope.connections[id].outBytesTotal) / td); } catch (e) { data[id].inbps = 0; data[id].outbps = 0; } } $scope.connections = data; console.log("refreshConnections", data); }).error($scope.emitHTTPError); } function refreshErrors() { $http.get(urlbase + '/system/error').success(function (data) { $scope.errors = data.errors; console.log("refreshErrors", data); }).error($scope.emitHTTPError); } function refreshConfig() { return $q.all([ $http.get(urlbase + '/config').success(function (data) { updateLocalConfig(data); console.log("refreshConfig", data); }), $http.get(urlbase + '/config/insync').success(function (data) { $scope.configInSync = data.configInSync; }), ]); } $scope.refreshNeed = function (page, perpage) { if (!$scope.neededFolder) { return; } var url = urlbase + "/db/need?folder=" + encodeURIComponent($scope.neededFolder); url += "&page=" + page; url += "&perpage=" + perpage; $http.get(url).success(function (data) { console.log("refreshNeed", $scope.neededFolder, data); parseNeeded(data); }).error($scope.emitHTTPError); }; function needAction(file) { var fDelete = 4096; var fDirectory = 16384; if ((file.flags & (fDelete + fDirectory)) === fDelete + fDirectory) { return 'rmdir'; } else if ((file.flags & fDelete) === fDelete) { return 'rm'; } else if ((file.flags & fDirectory) === fDirectory) { return 'touch'; } else { return 'sync'; } } function parseNeeded(data) { $scope.needed = data; var merged = []; data.progress.forEach(function (item) { item.type = "progress"; item.action = needAction(item); merged.push(item); }); data.queued.forEach(function (item) { item.type = "queued"; item.action = needAction(item); merged.push(item); }); (item) { item.type = "rest"; item.action = needAction(item); merged.push(item); }); $scope.needed.items = merged; } function pathJoin(base, name) { base = expandTilde(base); if (base[base.length - 1] !== $scope.system.pathSeparator) { return base + $scope.system.pathSeparator + name; } return base + name; } function expandTilde(path) { if (path && path.trim().charAt(0) === '~') { return $scope.system.tilde + path.trim().substring(1); } return path; } function shouldSetDefaultFolderPath() { return $scope.config.defaults.folder.path && $scope.folderEditor.folderPath.$pristine && $scope.editingFolderNew(); } function resetRemoteNeed() { $scope.remoteNeed = {}; $scope.remoteNeedFolders = []; $scope.remoteNeedDevice = undefined; } function setDefaultTheme() { if (!document.getElementById("fallback-theme-css")) { // check if no support for prefers-color-scheme var colorSchemeNotSupported = typeof window.matchMedia === "undefined" || window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').media === 'not all'; if ($scope.config.gui.theme === "default" && colorSchemeNotSupported) { = 'none'; document.head.insertAdjacentHTML( 'beforeend', '' ); } } } function saveIgnores(ignores) { return $ + '/db/ignores?folder=' + encodeURIComponent($, { ignore: ignores }); }; function initShareEditing(editing) { $scope.currentSharing = {}; $scope.currentSharing.editing = editing; $scope.currentSharing.shared = []; $scope.currentSharing.unrelated = []; $scope.currentSharing.selected = {}; $scope.currentSharing.encryptionPasswords = {}; if (editing === 'folder') { initShareEditingFolder(); } }; function initShareEditingFolder() { $scope.currentFolder.devices.forEach(function (n) { if (n.deviceID !== $scope.myID) { $scope.currentSharing.shared.push($scope.devices[n.deviceID]); } if (n.encryptionPassword !== '') { $scope.currentSharing.encryptionPasswords[n.deviceID] = n.encryptionPassword; } $scope.currentSharing.selected[n.deviceID] = true; }); $scope.currentSharing.shared.sort(deviceCompare); $scope.currentSharing.unrelated = $scope.deviceList().filter(function (n) { return n.deviceID !== $scope.myID && !$scope.currentSharing.selected[n.deviceID]; }); } $scope.pendingIsRemoteEncrypted = function(folderID, deviceID) { var pending = $scope.pendingFolders[folderID]; if (!pending || !pending.offeredBy || !pending.offeredBy[deviceID]) { return false; } return pending.offeredBy[deviceID].remoteEncrypted; }; $scope.refreshFailed = function (page, perpage) { if (!$scope.failed || !$scope.failed.folder) { return; } var url = urlbase + '/folder/errors?folder=' + encodeURIComponent($scope.failed.folder); url += "&page=" + page + "&perpage=" + perpage; $http.get(url).success(function (data) { $scope.failed = data; }).error($scope.emitHTTPError); }; $scope.refreshRemoteNeed = function (folder, page, perpage) { if (!$scope.remoteNeedDevice) { return; } var url = urlbase + '/db/remoteneed?device=' + $scope.remoteNeedDevice.deviceID; url += '&folder=' + encodeURIComponent(folder); url += "&page=" + page + "&perpage=" + perpage; $http.get(url).success(function (data) { $scope.remoteNeed[folder] = data; }).error(function (err) { $scope.remoteNeed[folder] = undefined; $scope.emitHTTPError(err); }); }; $scope.refreshLocalChanged = function (page, perpage) { if (!$scope.localChangedFolder) { return; } var url = urlbase + '/db/localchanged?folder='; url += encodeURIComponent($scope.localChangedFolder); url += "&page=" + page + "&perpage=" + perpage; $http.get(url).success(function (data) { $scope.localChanged = data; }).error($scope.emitHTTPError); }; var refreshDeviceStats = debounce(function () { $http.get(urlbase + "/stats/device").success(function (data) { $scope.deviceStats = data; for (var device in $scope.deviceStats) { $scope.deviceStats[device].lastSeen = new Date($scope.deviceStats[device].lastSeen); $scope.deviceStats[device].lastSeenDays = (new Date() - $scope.deviceStats[device].lastSeen) / 1000 / 86400; } console.log("refreshDeviceStats", data); }).error($scope.emitHTTPError); }, 2500); var refreshFolderStats = debounce(function () { $http.get(urlbase + "/stats/folder").success(function (data) { $scope.folderStats = data; for (var folder in $scope.folderStats) { if ($scope.folderStats[folder].lastFile) { $scope.folderStats[folder] = new Date($scope.folderStats[folder]; } $scope.folderStats[folder].lastScan = new Date($scope.folderStats[folder].lastScan); $scope.folderStats[folder].lastScanDays = (new Date() - $scope.folderStats[folder].lastScan) / 1000 / 86400; } console.log("refreshfolderStats", data); }).error($scope.emitHTTPError); }, 2500); var refreshThemes = debounce(function () { $http.get("themes.json").success(function (data) { // no urlbase here as this is served by the asset handler $scope.themes = data.themes; }).error($scope.emitHTTPError); }, 2500); var refreshGlobalChanges = debounce(function () { $http.get(urlbase + "/events/disk?limit=25").success(function (data) { if (!data) { // For reasons unknown this is called with data being the empty // string on shutdown, causing an error on .reverse(). return; } data = data.reverse(); $scope.globalChangeEvents = data; console.log("refreshGlobalChanges", data); }).error($scope.emitHTTPError); }, 2500); $scope.refresh = function () { refreshSystem(); refreshDiscoveryCache(); refreshConnectionStats(); refreshErrors(); }; $scope.folderStatus = function (folderCfg) { if (folderCfg.paused) { return 'paused'; } var folderInfo = $scope.model[]; // after restart syncthing process state may be empty if (typeof folderInfo === 'undefined' || !folderInfo.state) { return 'unknown'; } var state = '' + folderInfo.state; if (state === 'error') { return 'stopped'; // legacy, the state is called "stopped" in the GUI } if (state !== 'idle') { return state; } if (folderInfo.needTotalItems > 0) { return 'outofsync'; } if ($scope.hasFailedFiles( { return 'faileditems'; } if ($scope.hasReceiveOnlyChanged(folderCfg)) { if (folderCfg.type === "receiveonly") { return 'localadditions'; } return 'localunencrypted'; } if (folderCfg.devices.length <= 1) { return 'unshared'; } return state; }; $scope.folderClass = function (folderCfg) { var status = $scope.folderStatus(folderCfg); if (status === 'idle' || status === 'localadditions') { return 'success'; } if (status == 'paused') { return 'default'; } if (status === 'syncing' || status === 'sync-preparing' || status === 'scanning' || status === 'cleaning') { return 'primary'; } if (status === 'unknown') { return 'info'; } if (status === 'stopped' || status === 'outofsync' || status === 'error' || status === 'faileditems' || status === 'localunencrypted') { return 'danger'; } if (status === 'unshared' || status === 'scan-waiting' || status === 'sync-waiting' || status === 'clean-waiting') { return 'warning'; } return 'info'; }; $scope.syncPercentage = function (folder) { if (typeof $scope.model[folder] === 'undefined') { return 100; } if ($scope.model[folder].needTotalItems === 0) { return 100; } if (($scope.model[folder].needBytes == 0 && $scope.model[folder].needDeletes > 0) || $scope.model[folder].globalBytes == 0) { // We don't need any data, but we have deletes that we need // to do. Drop down the completion percentage to indicate // that we have stuff to do. // Do the same thing in case we only have zero byte files to sync. return 95; } var pct = 100 * $scope.model[folder].inSyncBytes / $scope.model[folder].globalBytes; return Math.floor(pct); }; $scope.scanPercentage = function (folder) { if (!$scope.scanProgress[folder]) { return undefined; } var pct = 100 * $scope.scanProgress[folder].current / $scope.scanProgress[folder].total; return Math.floor(pct); }; $scope.scanRate = function (folder) { if (!$scope.scanProgress[folder]) { return 0; } return $scope.scanProgress[folder].rate; }; $scope.scanRemaining = function (folder) { // Formats the remaining scan time as a string. Includes days and // hours only when relevant, resulting in time stamps like: // 00m 40s // 32m 40s // 2h 32m // 4d 2h // In case remaining scan time appears to be >31d, omit the // details, i.e.: // > 1 month if (!$scope.scanProgress[folder]) { return ""; } // Calculate remaining bytes and seconds based on our current // rate. var remainingBytes = $scope.scanProgress[folder].total - $scope.scanProgress[folder].current; var seconds = remainingBytes / $scope.scanProgress[folder].rate; // Round up to closest ten seconds to avoid flapping too much to // and fro. seconds = Math.ceil(seconds / 10) * 10; // Separate out the number of days. var days = 0; var res = []; if (seconds >= 86400) { days = Math.floor(seconds / 86400); if (days > 31) { return '> 1 month'; } res.push('' + days + 'd'); seconds = seconds % 86400; } // Separate out the number of hours. var hours = 0; if (seconds > 3600) { hours = Math.floor(seconds / 3600); res.push('' + hours + 'h'); seconds = seconds % 3600; } var d = new Date(1970, 0, 1).setSeconds(seconds); if (days === 0) { // Format minutes only if we're within a day of completion. var f = $filter('date')(d, "m'm'"); res.push(f); } if (days === 0 && hours === 0) { // Format seconds only when we're within an hour of completion. var f = $filter('date')(d, "ss's'"); res.push(f); } return res.join(' '); }; $scope.deviceStatus = function (deviceCfg) { var status = ''; if ($scope.deviceFolders(deviceCfg).length === 0) { status = 'unused-'; } if (typeof $scope.connections[deviceCfg.deviceID] === 'undefined') { return 'unknown'; } if (deviceCfg.paused) { return status + 'paused'; } if ($scope.connections[deviceCfg.deviceID].connected) { if ($scope.completion[deviceCfg.deviceID] && $scope.completion[deviceCfg.deviceID]._total === 100) { return status + 'insync'; } else { return 'syncing'; } } // Disconnected return status + 'disconnected'; }; $scope.deviceClass = function (deviceCfg) { if (typeof $scope.connections[deviceCfg.deviceID] === 'undefined') { return 'info'; } if (deviceCfg.paused) { return 'default'; } if ($scope.connections[deviceCfg.deviceID].connected) { if ($scope.completion[deviceCfg.deviceID] && $scope.completion[deviceCfg.deviceID]._total === 100) { return 'success'; } else { return 'primary'; } } // Disconnected return 'info'; }; $scope.syncthingStatus = function () { var syncCount = 0; var notifyCount = 0; var pauseCount = 0; // loop through all folders var folderListCache = $scope.folderList(); for (var i = 0; i < folderListCache.length; i++) { var status = $scope.folderStatus(folderListCache[i]); switch (status) { case 'sync-preparing': case 'syncing': syncCount++; break; case 'stopped': case 'unknown': case 'outofsync': case 'error': notifyCount++; break; } } // loop through all devices var deviceCount = 0; for (var id in $scope.devices) { var status = $scope.deviceStatus({ deviceID: id }); switch (status) { case 'unknown': notifyCount++; break; case 'paused': pauseCount++; break; case 'unused': deviceCount--; break; } deviceCount++; } // enumerate notifications if ($scope.openNoAuth || !$scope.configInSync || $scope.errorList().length > 0 || !online || Object.keys($scope.pendingDevices).length > 0 || Object.keys($scope.pendingFolders).length > 0) { notifyCount++; } // at least one folder is syncing if (syncCount > 0) { return 'sync'; } // a device is unknown or a folder is stopped/unknown/outofsync/error or some other notification is open or gui offline if (notifyCount > 0) { return 'notify'; } // all used devices are paused except (this) one if (pauseCount === deviceCount - 1) { return 'pause'; } return 'default'; }; $scope.deviceAddr = function (deviceCfg) { var conn = $scope.connections[deviceCfg.deviceID]; if (conn && conn.connected) { return conn.address; } return '?'; }; $scope.hasRemoteGUIAddress = function (deviceCfg) { if (!deviceCfg.remoteGUIPort) return false; var conn = $scope.connections[deviceCfg.deviceID]; return conn && conn.connected && conn.address && conn.type.indexOf('Relay') == -1; }; $scope.remoteGUIAddress = function (deviceCfg) { // Assume hasRemoteGUIAddress is true or we would not be here var conn = $scope.connections[deviceCfg.deviceID]; return 'http://' + replaceAddressPort(conn.address, deviceCfg.remoteGUIPort); }; function replaceAddressPort(address, newPort) { for (var index = address.length - 1; index >= 0; index--) { if (address[index] === ":") { return address.substr(0, index) + ":" + newPort.toString(); } } return address; } $scope.friendlyNameFromShort = function (shortID) { var matches = Object.keys($scope.devices).filter(function (id) { return id.substr(0, 7) === shortID; }); if (matches.length !== 1) { return shortID; } return $scope.friendlyNameFromID(matches[0]); }; $scope.friendlyNameFromID = function (deviceID) { var match = $scope.devices[deviceID]; if (match) { return $scope.deviceName(match); } return deviceID.substr(0, 6); }; $scope.deviceName = function (deviceCfg) { if (typeof deviceCfg === 'undefined') { return ""; } if ( { return; } return $scope.deviceShortID(deviceCfg.deviceID); }; $scope.deviceShortID = function (deviceID) { if (typeof deviceID === 'undefined') { return ""; } return deviceID.substr(0, 6); }; $scope.thisDeviceName = function () { var device = $scope.thisDevice(); if (typeof device === 'undefined') { return "(unknown device)"; } if ( { return; } return device.deviceID.substr(0, 6); }; $scope.showDeviceIdentification = function (deviceCfg) { $scope.currentDevice = deviceCfg; $('#idqr').modal(); }; $scope.setDevicePause = function (device, pause) { $scope.devices[device].paused = pause; $scope.config.devices = $scope.deviceList(); $scope.saveConfig(); }; $scope.setFolderPause = function (folder, pause) { var cfg = $scope.folders[folder]; if (cfg) { cfg.paused = pause; $scope.config.folders = folderList($scope.folders); return $scope.saveConfig(); } return $q.when(); }; $scope.showListenerStatus = function () { var params = { type: 'listeners', }; if ($scope.listenersFailed.length > 0) { params.status = 'danger'; params.heading = $translate.instant("Listener Failures"); } else { params.status = 'default'; params.heading = $translate.instant("Listener Status"); } $scope.connectivityStatusParams = params; $('#connectivity-status').modal(); }; $scope.showDiscoveryStatus = function () { var params = { type: 'discovery', }; if ($scope.discoveryFailed.length > 0) { params.status = 'danger'; params.heading = $translate.instant("Discovery Failures"); } else { params.status = 'default'; params.heading = $translate.instant("Discovery Status"); } $scope.connectivityStatusParams = params; $('#connectivity-status').modal(); }; $scope.logging = { facilities: {}, refreshFacilities: function () { $http.get(urlbase + '/system/debug').success(function (data) { var facilities = {}; data.enabled = data.enabled || []; $.each(data.facilities, function (key, value) { facilities[key] = { description: value, enabled: data.enabled.indexOf(key) > -1 } }) $scope.logging.facilities = facilities; }).error($scope.emitHTTPError); }, show: function () { $scope.logging.paused = false; $scope.logging.refreshFacilities(); $scope.logging.timer = $timeout($scope.logging.fetch); var textArea = $('#logViewerText'); textArea.on("scroll", $scope.logging.onScroll); $('#logViewer').modal().one('', function () { // Scroll to bottom. textArea.scrollTop(textArea[0].scrollHeight); }).one('', function () { $timeout.cancel($scope.logging.timer);"scroll", $scope.logging.onScroll); $scope.logging.timer = null; $scope.logging.entries = []; }); }, onFacilityChange: function (facility) { var enabled = $scope.logging.facilities[facility].enabled; // Disable checkboxes while we're in flight. $.each($scope.logging.facilities, function (key) { $scope.logging.facilities[key].enabled = null; }) $ + '/system/debug?' + (enabled ? 'enable=' : 'disable=') + facility) .success($scope.logging.refreshFacilities) .error($scope.emitHTTPError); }, onScroll: function () { var textArea = $('#logViewerText'); var scrollTop = textArea.prop('scrollTop'); var scrollHeight = textArea.prop('scrollHeight'); $scope.logging.paused = scrollHeight > (scrollTop + textArea.outerHeight()); // Browser events do not cause redraw, trigger manually. $scope.$apply(); }, timer: null, entries: [], paused: false, content: function () { var content = ""; $.each($scope.logging.entries, function (idx, entry) { content += entry.when.split('.')[0].replace('T', ' ') + ' ' + entry.message + "\n"; }); return content; }, fetch: function () { var textArea = $('#logViewerText'); if ($scope.logging.paused) { if (!$scope.logging.timer) return; $scope.logging.timer = $timeout($scope.logging.fetch, 500); return; } var last = null; if ($scope.logging.entries.length > 0) { last = $scope.logging.entries[$scope.logging.entries.length - 1].when; } $http.get(urlbase + '/system/log' + (last ? '?since=' + encodeURIComponent(last) : '')).success(function (data) { if (!$scope.logging.timer) return; $scope.logging.timer = $timeout($scope.logging.fetch, 2000); if (!$scope.logging.paused) { if (data.messages) { $scope.logging.entries.push.apply($scope.logging.entries, data.messages); // Wait for the text area to be redrawn, adding new lines, and then scroll to bottom. $timeout(function () { textArea.scrollTop(textArea[0].scrollHeight); }); } } }); } }; $scope.discardChangedSettings = function () { $("#discard-changes-confirmation").modal("hide"); $("#settings").off("").modal("hide"); }; $scope.showSettings = function () { // Make a working copy $scope.tmpOptions = angular.copy($scope.config.options); $scope.tmpOptions.deviceName = $scope.thisDevice().name; $scope.tmpOptions.upgrades = "none"; if ($scope.tmpOptions.autoUpgradeIntervalH > 0) { $scope.tmpOptions.upgrades = "stable"; } if ($scope.tmpOptions.upgradeToPreReleases) { $scope.tmpOptions.upgrades = "candidate"; } $scope.tmpGUI = angular.copy($scope.config.gui); $scope.tmpRemoteIgnoredDevices = angular.copy($scope.config.remoteIgnoredDevices); $scope.tmpDevices = angular.copy($scope.config.devices); $('#settings').modal("show"); $("#settings a[href='#settings-general']").tab("show"); $("#settings").on('', function (event) { if ($scope.settingsModified()) { event.preventDefault(); $("#discard-changes-confirmation").modal("show"); } else { $("#settings").off(""); } }); }; $scope.saveConfig = function () { var cfg = JSON.stringify($scope.config); var opts = { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } }; return $http.put(urlbase + '/config', cfg, opts).finally(refreshConfig).catch($scope.emitHTTPError); }; $scope.urVersions = function () { var result = []; if ($scope.system) { for (var i = $scope.system.urVersionMax; i >= 2; i--) { result.push("" + i); } } return result; }; $scope.settingsModified = function () { // Options has artificial properties injected into the temp config. // Need to recompute them before we can check equality var options = angular.copy($scope.config.options); options.deviceName = $scope.thisDevice().name; options.upgrades = "none"; if (options.autoUpgradeIntervalH > 0) { options.upgrades = "stable"; } if (options.upgradeToPreReleases) { options.upgrades = "candidate"; } var optionsEqual = angular.equals(options, $scope.tmpOptions); var guiEquals = angular.equals($scope.config.gui, $scope.tmpGUI); var ignoredDevicesEquals = angular.equals($scope.config.remoteIgnoredDevices, $scope.tmpRemoteIgnoredDevices); var ignoredFoldersEquals = angular.equals($scope.config.devices, $scope.tmpDevices); console.log("settings equals - options: " + optionsEqual + " gui: " + guiEquals + " ignDev: " + ignoredDevicesEquals + " ignFol: " + ignoredFoldersEquals); return !optionsEqual || !guiEquals || !ignoredDevicesEquals || !ignoredFoldersEquals; }; $scope.saveSettings = function () { // Make sure something changed if ($scope.settingsModified()) { var themeChanged = $scope.config.gui.theme !== $scope.tmpGUI.theme; // Angular has issues with selects with numeric values, so we handle strings here. $scope.tmpOptions.urAccepted = parseInt($scope.tmpOptions._urAcceptedStr); // Check if auto-upgrade has been enabled or disabled. This // also has an effect on usage reporting, so do the check // for that later. if ($scope.tmpOptions.upgrades == "candidate") { $scope.tmpOptions.autoUpgradeIntervalH = $scope.tmpOptions.autoUpgradeIntervalH || 12; $scope.tmpOptions.upgradeToPreReleases = true; $scope.tmpOptions.urAccepted = $scope.system.urVersionMax; $scope.tmpOptions.urSeen = $scope.system.urVersionMax; } else if ($scope.tmpOptions.upgrades == "stable") { $scope.tmpOptions.autoUpgradeIntervalH = $scope.tmpOptions.autoUpgradeIntervalH || 12; $scope.tmpOptions.upgradeToPreReleases = false; } else { $scope.tmpOptions.autoUpgradeIntervalH = 0; $scope.tmpOptions.upgradeToPreReleases = false; } // Check if protocol will need to be changed on restart if ($scope.config.gui.useTLS !== $scope.tmpGUI.useTLS) { $scope.protocolChanged = true; } // Parse strings to arrays before copying over ['listenAddresses', 'globalAnnounceServers'].forEach(function (key) { $scope.tmpOptions[key] = $scope.tmpOptions["_" + key + "Str"].split(/[ ,]+/).map(function (x) { return x.trim(); }); }); // Apply new settings locally $scope.thisDeviceIn($scope.tmpDevices).name = $scope.tmpOptions.deviceName; $scope.config.options = angular.copy($scope.tmpOptions); $scope.config.gui = angular.copy($scope.tmpGUI); $scope.config.remoteIgnoredDevices = angular.copy($scope.tmpRemoteIgnoredDevices); $scope.config.devices = angular.copy($scope.tmpDevices); // $scope.devices is updated by updateLocalConfig based on // the config changed event, but settingsModified will look // at it before that and conclude that the settings are // modified (even though we just saved) unless we update // here as well... $scope.devices = deviceMap($scope.config.devices); $scope.saveConfig().then(function () { if (themeChanged) { document.location.reload(true); } }); } $("#settings").off("").modal("hide"); }; $scope.saveAdvanced = function () { $scope.config = $scope.advancedConfig; $scope.saveConfig(); $('#advanced').modal("hide"); }; $scope.restart = function () { restarting = true; $('#restarting').modal(); $ + '/system/restart'); $scope.configInSync = true; // Switch webpage protocol if needed if ($scope.protocolChanged) { var protocol = 'http'; if ($scope.config.gui.useTLS) { protocol = 'https'; } setTimeout(function () { window.location.protocol = protocol; }, 2500); $scope.protocolChanged = false; } }; $scope.upgrade = function () { restarting = true; $('#upgrade').modal('hide'); $('#majorUpgrade').modal('hide'); $('#upgrading').modal(); $ + '/system/upgrade').success(function () { $('#restarting').modal(); $('#upgrading').modal('hide'); }).error(function () { $('#upgrading').modal('hide'); }); }; $scope.shutdown = function () { restarting = true; $ + '/system/shutdown').success(function () { $('#shutdown').modal(); }).error($scope.emitHTTPError); $scope.configInSync = true; }; function editDeviceModal() { $scope.currentDevice._addressesStr = $scope.currentDevice.addresses.join(', '); $scope.deviceEditor.$setPristine(); $('#editDevice').modal(); } $scope.editDeviceModalTitle = function() { if ($scope.editingDeviceDefaults()) { return $translate.instant("Edit Device Defaults"); } var title = ''; if ($scope.editingDeviceExisting()) { title += $translate.instant("Edit Device"); } else { title += $translate.instant("Add Device"); } var name = $scope.deviceName($scope.currentDevice); if (name !== '') { title += ' (' + name + ')'; } return title; }; $scope.editDeviceModalIcon = function() { if ($scope.has(["existing", "defaults"], $scope.currentDevice._editing)) { return 'fas fa-pencil-alt'; } return 'fas fa-desktop'; }; $scope.editingDeviceDefaults = function() { return $scope.currentDevice._editing == 'defaults'; } $scope.editingDeviceExisting = function() { return $scope.currentDevice._editing == 'existing'; } $scope.editingDeviceNew = function() { // The "new-pending" value is intentionally disregarded here. return $scope.currentDevice._editing == 'new'; } $scope.editDeviceExisting = function (deviceCfg) { $scope.currentDevice = $.extend({}, deviceCfg); $scope.currentDevice._editing = "existing"; $scope.willBeReintroducedBy = undefined; if (deviceCfg.introducedBy) { var introducerDevice = $scope.devices[deviceCfg.introducedBy]; if (introducerDevice && introducerDevice.introducer) { $scope.willBeReintroducedBy = $scope.deviceName(introducerDevice); } } initShareEditing('device'); $scope.deviceFolders($scope.currentDevice).forEach(function (folderID) { $scope.currentSharing.shared.push($scope.folders[folderID]); $scope.currentSharing.selected[folderID] = true; var folderdevices = $scope.folders[folderID].devices; for (var i = 0; i < folderdevices.length; i++) { if (folderdevices[i].deviceID === deviceCfg.deviceID) { $scope.currentSharing.encryptionPasswords[folderID] = folderdevices[i].encryptionPassword; break; } } }); $scope.currentSharing.unrelated = $scope.folderList().filter(function (n) { return !$scope.currentSharing.selected[]; }); editDeviceModal(); }; $scope.editDeviceDefaults = function () { $http.get(urlbase + '/config/defaults/device').then(function (p) { $scope.currentDevice =; $scope.currentDevice._editing = "defaults"; editDeviceModal(); }, $scope.emitHTTPError); }; $scope.selectAllSharedFolders = function (state) { var folders = $scope.currentSharing.shared; for (var i = 0; i < folders.length; i++) { $scope.currentSharing.selected[folders[i].id] = !!state; } }; $scope.selectAllUnrelatedFolders = function (state) { var folders = $scope.currentSharing.unrelated; for (var i = 0; i < folders.length; i++) { $scope.currentSharing.selected[folders[i].id] = !!state; } }; $scope.addDevice = function (deviceID, name) { return $http.get(urlbase + '/system/discovery') .success(function (registry) { $scope.discovery = []; for (var id in registry) { if ($scope.discovery.length === 5) { break; } if (id in $scope.devices) { continue } $scope.discovery.push(id); } }) .then(function () { $http.get(urlbase + '/config/defaults/device').then(function (p) { $scope.currentDevice =; $ = name; $scope.currentDevice.deviceID = deviceID; if (deviceID) { $scope.currentDevice._editing = "new-pending"; } else { $scope.currentDevice._editing = "new"; } initShareEditing('device'); $scope.currentSharing.unrelated = $scope.folderList(); editDeviceModal(); }, $scope.emitHTTPError); }); }; $scope.deleteDevice = function () { $('#editDevice').modal('hide'); if ($scope.currentDevice._editing != "existing") { return; } var id = $scope.currentDevice.deviceID delete $scope.devices[id]; $scope.config.devices = $scope.deviceList(); for (var id in $scope.folders) { $scope.folders[id].devices = $scope.folders[id].devices.filter(function (n) { return n.deviceID !== $scope.currentDevice.deviceID; }); } $scope.saveConfig(); }; $scope.saveDevice = function () { $('#editDevice').modal('hide'); $scope.currentDevice.addresses = $scope.currentDevice._addressesStr.split(',').map(function (x) { return x.trim(); }); delete $scope.currentDevice._addressesStr; if ($scope.currentDevice._editing == "defaults") { $scope.config.defaults.device = $scope.currentDevice; } else { setDeviceConfig(); } delete $scope.currentSharing; $scope.currentDevice = {}; $scope.saveConfig(); }; function setDeviceConfig() { var currentID = $scope.currentDevice.deviceID; $scope.devices[currentID] = $scope.currentDevice; $scope.config.devices = deviceList($scope.devices); for (var id in $scope.currentSharing.selected) { if ($scope.currentSharing.selected[id]) { var found = false; for (i = 0; i < $scope.folders[id].devices.length; i++) { if ($scope.folders[id].devices[i].deviceID === currentID) { found = true; // Update encryption pw $scope.folders[id].devices[i].encryptionPassword = $scope.currentSharing.encryptionPasswords[id]; break; } } if (!found) { // Add device to folder $scope.folders[id].devices.push({ deviceID: currentID, encryptionPassword: $scope.currentSharing.encryptionPasswords[id], }); } } else { // Remove device from folder $scope.folders[id].devices = $scope.folders[id].devices.filter(function (n) { return n.deviceID !== currentID; }); } } $scope.config.folders = folderList($scope.folders); }; $scope.ignoreDevice = function (deviceID, pendingDevice) { var ignoredDevice = angular.copy(pendingDevice); ignoredDevice.deviceID = deviceID; // Bump time ignoredDevice.time = (new Date()).toISOString(); $scope.config.remoteIgnoredDevices.push(ignoredDevice); $scope.saveConfig(); }; $scope.dismissPendingDevice = function (deviceID) { $http.delete(urlbase + '/cluster/pending/devices?device=' + encodeURIComponent(deviceID)); }; $scope.unignoreDeviceFromTemporaryConfig = function (ignoredDevice) { $scope.tmpRemoteIgnoredDevices = $scope.tmpRemoteIgnoredDevices.filter(function (existingIgnoredDevice) { return ignoredDevice.deviceID !== existingIgnoredDevice.deviceID; }); }; $scope.ignoredFoldersCountTmpConfig = function () { var count = 0; ($scope.tmpDevices || []).forEach(function (deviceCfg) { count += deviceCfg.ignoredFolders.length; }); return count; }; $scope.unignoreFolderFromTemporaryConfig = function (device, ignoredFolderID) { for (var i = 0; i < $scope.tmpDevices.length; i++) { if ($scope.tmpDevices[i].deviceID == device) { $scope.tmpDevices[i].ignoredFolders = $scope.tmpDevices[i].ignoredFolders.filter(function (existingIgnoredFolder) { return !== ignoredFolderID; }); return; } } }; $scope.otherDevices = function () { return $scope.deviceList().filter(function (n) { return n.deviceID !== $scope.myID; }); }; $scope.thisDevice = function () { return $scope.devices[$scope.myID]; }; $scope.thisDeviceIn = function (l) { for (var i = 0; i < l.length; i++) { var n = l[i]; if (n.deviceID === $scope.myID) { return n; } } }; $scope.allDevices = function () { var devices = $scope.otherDevices(); devices.push($scope.thisDevice()); return devices; }; $scope.setAllDevicesPause = function (pause) { for (var id in $scope.devices) { $scope.devices[id].paused = pause; }; $scope.config.devices = deviceList($scope.devices); $scope.saveConfig(); }; $scope.isAtleastOneDevicePausedStateSetTo = function (pause) { for (var id in $scope.devices) { if ($scope.devices[id].paused == pause) { return true; } } return false; }; $scope.errorList = function () { if (!$scope.errors) { return []; } return $scope.errors.filter(function (e) { return e.when > $scope.seenError; }); }; $scope.clearErrors = function () { $scope.seenError = $scope.errors[$scope.errors.length - 1].when; $ + '/system/error/clear'); }; $scope.fsWatcherErrorMap = function () { var errs = {} $.each($scope.folders, function (id, cfg) { if (cfg.fsWatcherEnabled && $scope.model[] && $scope.model[id].watchError && !cfg.paused && $scope.folderStatus(cfg) !== 'stopped') { errs[id] = $scope.model[id].watchError; } }); return errs; }; $scope.friendlyDevices = function (str) { for (var id in $scope.devices) { str = str.replace(id, $scope.deviceName($scope.devices[id])); } return str; }; $scope.folderList = function () { return folderList($scope.folders); }; $scope.deviceList = function () { return deviceList($scope.devices); }; $scope.directoryList = []; $scope.$watch('currentFolder.path', function (newvalue) { if (!newvalue) { return; } $scope.currentFolder.path = expandTilde(newvalue); $http.get(urlbase + '/system/browse', { params: { current: newvalue } }).success(function (data) { $scope.directoryList = data; }).error($scope.emitHTTPError); }); $scope.$watch('currentFolder.label', function (newvalue) { if (!newvalue || !shouldSetDefaultFolderPath()) { return; } $scope.currentFolder.path = pathJoin($scope.config.defaults.folder.path, newvalue); }); $scope.$watch('', function (newvalue) { if (!newvalue || !shouldSetDefaultFolderPath() || $scope.currentFolder.label) { return; } $scope.currentFolder.path = pathJoin($scope.config.defaults.folder.path, newvalue); }); $scope.setFSWatcherIntervalDefault = function () { var defaultRescanIntervals = [60, 3600, 3600*24]; if (defaultRescanIntervals.indexOf($scope.currentFolder.rescanIntervalS) === -1) { return; } var idx; if ($scope.currentFolder.fsWatcherEnabled) { idx = 1; } else if ($scope.currentFolder.type === 'receiveencrypted') { idx = 2; } else { idx = 0; } $scope.currentFolder.rescanIntervalS = defaultRescanIntervals[idx]; }; $scope.setDefaultsForFolderType = function () { if ($scope.currentFolder.type === 'receiveencrypted') { $scope.currentFolder.fsWatcherEnabled = false; $scope.currentFolder.ignorePerms = true; delete $scope.currentFolder.versioning; } else { $scope.currentFolder.fsWatcherEnabled = true; } $scope.setFSWatcherIntervalDefault(); }; $scope.loadFormIntoScope = function (form) { console.log('loadFormIntoScope', form.$name); switch (form.$name) { case 'deviceEditor': $scope.deviceEditor = form; break; case 'folderEditor': $scope.folderEditor = form; break; } }; $scope.globalChanges = function () { $('#globalChanges').modal(); }; function editFolderModal(initialTab) { initVersioningEditing(); $scope.currentFolder._recvEnc = $scope.currentFolder.type === 'receiveencrypted'; $scope.folderPathErrors = {}; $scope.folderEditor.$setPristine(); if (!initialTab) { initialTab = "#folder-general"; } $('.nav-tabs a[href="' + initialTab + '"]').tab('show'); $('#editFolder').modal().one('', function (e) { if ( === "#folder-ignores") { $('#folder-ignores textarea').focus(); } }).one('', function () { var p = $q.when(); // If the modal was closed default patterns should still apply if ($scope.currentFolder._editing == "new-ignores" && !$scope.ignores.saved && $scope.ignores.defaultLines) { p = saveFolderAddIgnores($, true); } p.then(function () { window.location.hash = ""; $scope.currentFolder = {}; $scope.ignores = {}; }); }); }; $scope.editFolderModalTitle = function() { if ($scope.editingFolderDefaults()) { return $translate.instant("Edit Folder Defaults"); } var title = ''; switch ($scope.currentFolder._editing) { case "existing": title = $translate.instant("Edit Folder"); break; case "new": case "new-pending": title = $translate.instant("Add Folder"); break; case "new-ignores": title = $translate.instant("Set Ignores on Added Folder"); break; } if ($ !== '') { title += ' (' + $scope.folderLabel($ + ')'; } return title; }; $scope.editFolderModalIcon = function() { if ($scope.has(["existing", "defaults"], $scope.currentFolder._editing)) { return 'fas fa-pencil-alt'; } return 'fas fa-folder'; }; $scope.editingFolderDefaults = function() { return $scope.currentFolder._editing == 'defaults'; } $scope.editingFolderExisting = function() { return $scope.currentFolder._editing == 'existing'; } $scope.editingFolderNew = function() { return $scope.has(['new', 'new-pending'], $scope.currentFolder._editing); } function editFolder(initialTab) { if ($scope.currentFolder.path.length > 1 && $scope.currentFolder.path.slice(-1) === $scope.system.pathSeparator) { $scope.currentFolder.path = $scope.currentFolder.path.slice(0, -1); } else if (!$scope.currentFolder.path) { // undefined path leads to invalid input field $scope.currentFolder.path = ''; } initShareEditing('folder'); editFolderModal(initialTab); } $scope.internalVersioningEnabled = function(guiVersioning) { if (!$scope.currentFolder._guiVersioning) { return false; } return ['none', 'external'].indexOf($scope.currentFolder._guiVersioning.selector) === -1; }; function initVersioningEditing() { $scope.currentFolder._guiVersioning = angular.copy($scope.versioningDefaults); var currentVersioning = $scope.currentFolder.versioning; if (!currentVersioning || !currentVersioning.type || currentVersioning.type === 'none') { return; } $scope.currentFolder._guiVersioning.cleanupIntervalS = +currentVersioning.cleanupIntervalS; $scope.currentFolder._guiVersioning.selector = currentVersioning.type; // Apply parameters currently in use switch (currentVersioning.type) { case "trashcan": $scope.currentFolder._guiVersioning.trashcanClean = +currentVersioning.params.cleanoutDays; break; case "simple": $scope.currentFolder._guiVersioning.simpleKeep = +currentVersioning.params.keep; $scope.currentFolder._guiVersioning.trashcanClean = +currentVersioning.params.cleanoutDays; break; case "staggered": $scope.currentFolder._guiVersioning.staggeredMaxAge = Math.floor(+currentVersioning.params.maxAge / 86400); break; case "external": $scope.currentFolder._guiVersioning.externalCommand = currentVersioning.params.command; break; } }; $scope.editFolderExisting = function(folderCfg, initialTab) { $scope.currentFolder = angular.copy(folderCfg); $scope.currentFolder._editing = "existing"; editFolderLoadIgnores(); editFolder(initialTab); }; function editFolderLoadingIgnores() { $scope.ignores.text = 'Loading...'; $scope.ignores.error = null; $scope.ignores.disabled = true; } function editFolderGetIgnores() { return $http.get(urlbase + '/db/ignores?folder=' + encodeURIComponent($ .then(function(r) { return; }, function (response) { $scope.ignores.text = $translate.instant("Failed to load ignore patterns."); return $q.reject(response); }); }; function editFolderLoadIgnores() { editFolderLoadingIgnores(); return editFolderGetIgnores().then(function(data) { if (!data) { return; } editFolderInitIgnores(data.ignore, data.error); }, $scope.emitHTTPError); } $scope.editFolderDefaults = function() { $q.all([ $http.get(urlbase + '/config/defaults/folder').then(function (response) { $scope.currentFolder =; $scope.currentFolder._editing = "defaults"; }), getDefaultIgnores().then(editFolderInitIgnores), ]).then(editFolder, $scope.emitHTTPError); }; function getDefaultIgnores() { return $http.get(urlbase + '/config/defaults/ignores').then(function (r) { return; }); } function editFolderInitIgnores(lines, error) { $scope.ignores.originalLines = lines || []; setIgnoresText(lines); $scope.ignores.error = error; $scope.ignores.disabled = false; } function setIgnoresText(lines) { $scope.ignores.text = lines ? lines.join('\n') : ""; } $scope.selectAllSharedDevices = function (state) { var devices = $scope.currentSharing.shared; for (var i = 0; i < devices.length; i++) { $scope.currentSharing.selected[devices[i].deviceID] = !!state; } }; $scope.selectAllUnrelatedDevices = function (state) { var devices = $scope.currentSharing.unrelated; for (var i = 0; i < devices.length; i++) { $scope.currentSharing.selected[devices[i].deviceID] = !!state; } }; $scope.addFolder = function () { $http.get(urlbase + '/svc/random/string?length=10').success(function (data) { var folderID = (data.random.substr(0, 5) + '-' + data.random.substr(5, 5)).toLowerCase(); addFolderInit(folderID).then(function() { // Triggers the watch that sets the path $scope.currentFolder._editing = "new"; $scope.currentFolder.label = $scope.currentFolder.label; editFolderModal(); }); }); }; $scope.addFolderAndShare = function (folderID, pendingFolder, device) { addFolderInit(folderID).then(function() { $scope.currentSharing.selected[device] = true; $scope.currentFolder.label = pendingFolder.offeredBy[device].label; for (var k in pendingFolder.offeredBy) { if (pendingFolder.offeredBy[k].receiveEncrypted) { $scope.currentFolder.type = "receiveencrypted"; $scope.setDefaultsForFolderType(); break; } } $scope.currentFolder._editing = "new-pending"; editFolderModal(); }); }; function addFolderInit(folderID) { return $http.get(urlbase + '/config/defaults/folder').then(function (response) { $scope.currentFolder =; $ = folderID; initShareEditing('folder'); $scope.currentSharing.unrelated = $scope.currentSharing.unrelated.concat($scope.currentSharing.shared); $scope.currentSharing.shared = []; // Ignores don't need to be initialized here, as that happens in // a second step if the user indicates in the creation modal // that they want to set ignores }, $scope.emitHTTPError); } $scope.shareFolderWithDevice = function (folder, device) { var folderCfg = $scope.folders[folder]; if (folderCfg.type == "receiveencrypted" || !$scope.pendingIsRemoteEncrypted(folder, device)) { $scope.folders[folder].devices.push({ deviceID: device }); $scope.config.folders = folderList($scope.folders); $scope.saveConfig(); } else { // Open edit folder dialog to enter encryption password $scope.editFolderExisting(folderCfg, "#folder-sharing"); $scope.currentSharing.selected[device] = true; } }; $scope.saveFolder = function () { if ($scope.currentFolder._editing == "new-ignores") { // On modal being hidden without clicking save, the defaults will be saved. $scope.ignores.saved = true; saveFolderAddIgnores($; hideFolderModal(); return; } var folderCfg = angular.copy($scope.currentFolder); $scope.currentSharing.selected[$scope.myID] = true; var newDevices = []; folderCfg.devices.forEach(function (dev) { if ($scope.currentSharing.selected[dev.deviceID] === true) { dev.encryptionPassword = $scope.currentSharing.encryptionPasswords[dev.deviceID]; newDevices.push(dev); delete $scope.currentSharing.selected[dev.deviceID]; }; }); for (var deviceID in $scope.currentSharing.selected) { if ($scope.currentSharing.selected[deviceID] === true) { newDevices.push({ deviceID: deviceID, encryptionPassword: $scope.currentSharing.encryptionPasswords[deviceID], }); } } folderCfg.devices = newDevices; delete $scope.currentSharing; if (!folderCfg.versioning) { folderCfg.versioning = {params: {}}; } folderCfg.versioning.type = folderCfg._guiVersioning.selector; if ($scope.internalVersioningEnabled()) { folderCfg.versioning.cleanupIntervalS = folderCfg._guiVersioning.cleanupIntervalS; } switch (folderCfg._guiVersioning.selector) { case "trashcan": folderCfg.versioning.params.cleanoutDays = '' + folderCfg._guiVersioning.trashcanClean; break; case "simple": folderCfg.versioning.params.keep = '' + folderCfg._guiVersioning.simpleKeep, folderCfg.versioning.params.cleanoutDays = '' + folderCfg._guiVersioning.trashcanClean; break; case "staggered": folderCfg.versioning.params.maxAge = '' + (folderCfg._guiVersioning.staggeredMaxAge * 86400); break; case "external": folderCfg.versioning.params.command = '' + folderCfg._guiVersioning.externalCommand; break; default: folderCfg.versioning = {type: ''}; } delete folderCfg._guiVersioning; if ($scope.currentFolder._editing == "defaults") { hideFolderModal(); $scope.config.defaults.ignores.lines = ignoresArray(); $scope.config.defaults.folder = folderCfg; $scope.saveConfig(); return; } // This is a new folder where ignores should apply before it first starts. if ($scope.currentFolder._addIgnores) { folderCfg.paused = true; } $scope.folders[] = folderCfg; $scope.config.folders = folderList($scope.folders); if ($scope.currentFolder._editing == "existing") { hideFolderModal(); saveFolderIgnoresExisting(); $scope.saveConfig(); return; } // No ignores to be set on the new folder, save directly. if (!$scope.currentFolder._addIgnores) { hideFolderModal(); $scope.saveConfig(); return; } // Add folder (paused), load existing ignores and if there are none, // load default ignores, then let the user edit them. $scope.saveConfig().then(function() { editFolderLoadingIgnores(); $scope.currentFolder._editing = "new-ignores"; $('.nav-tabs a[href="#folder-ignores"]').tab('show'); return editFolderGetIgnores(); }).then(function(data) { // Error getting ignores -> leave error message. if (!data) { return; } if ((data.ignore && data.ignore.length > 0) || data.error) { editFolderInitIgnores(data.ignore, data.error); } else { getDefaultIgnores().then(function(lines) { setIgnoresText(lines); $scope.ignores.defaultLines = lines; $scope.ignores.disabled = false; }); } }, $scope.emitHTTPError); }; function saveFolderIgnoresExisting() { if ($scope.ignores.disabled) { return; } var ignores = ignoresArray(); function arrayDiffers(a, b) { return !a !== !b || a.length !== b.length || a.some(function(v, i) { return v !== b[i]; }); } if (arrayDiffers(ignores, $scope.ignores.originalLines)) { return saveIgnores(ignores); }; } function saveFolderAddIgnores(folderID, useDefault) { var ignores = useDefault ? $scope.ignores.defaultLines : ignoresArray(); return saveIgnores(ignores).then(function () { return $scope.setFolderPause(folderID, $scope.currentFolder.paused); }); }; function ignoresArray() { var ignores = $scope.ignores.text.split('\n'); // Split always returns a minimum 1-length array even for no patterns if (ignores.length === 1 && ignores[0] === "") { ignores = []; } return ignores; } $scope.ignoreFolder = function (device, folderID, offeringDevice) { var ignoredFolder = { id: folderID, label: offeringDevice.label, // Bump time time: (new Date()).toISOString() } if (device in $scope.devices) { $scope.devices[device].ignoredFolders.push(ignoredFolder); $scope.saveConfig(); } }; $scope.dismissPendingFolder = function (folderID, deviceID) { $http.delete(urlbase + '/cluster/pending/folders?folder=' + encodeURIComponent(folderID) + '&device=' + encodeURIComponent(deviceID)); }; $scope.sharesFolder = function (folderCfg) { var names = []; folderCfg.devices.forEach(function (device) { if (device.deviceID !== $scope.myID) { names.push($scope.deviceName($scope.devices[device.deviceID])); } }); names.sort(); return names.join(", "); }; $scope.deviceFolders = function (deviceCfg) { var folders = []; $scope.folderList().forEach(function (folder) { for (var i = 0; i < folder.devices.length; i++) { if (folder.devices[i].deviceID === deviceCfg.deviceID) { folders.push(; break; } } }); return folders; }; $scope.folderLabel = function (folderID) { if (!$scope.folders[folderID]) { return folderID; } var label = $scope.folders[folderID].label; return label && label.length > 0 ? label : folderID; }; $scope.deleteFolder = function (id) { hideFolderModal(); if ($scope.currentFolder._editing != "existing") { return; } delete $scope.folders[id]; delete $scope.model[id]; $scope.config.folders = folderList($scope.folders); recalcLocalStateTotal(); $scope.saveConfig(); }; function hideFolderModal() { $('#editFolder').modal('hide'); } function resetRestoreVersions() { $scope.restoreVersions = { folder: null, selections: {}, versions: null, tree: null, errors: null, filters: {}, massAction: function (name, action) { $.each($scope.restoreVersions.versions, function (key) { if (key.indexOf(name + '/') == 0 && (!$scope.restoreVersions.filters.text || key.indexOf($scope.restoreVersions.filters.text) > -1)) { if (action == 'unset') { delete $scope.restoreVersions.selections[key]; return; } var availableVersions = []; $.each($scope.restoreVersions.filterVersions($scope.restoreVersions.versions[key]), function (idx, version) { availableVersions.push(version.versionTime); }) if (availableVersions.length) { availableVersions.sort(function (a, b) { return a - b; }); if (action == 'latest') { $scope.restoreVersions.selections[key] = availableVersions.pop(); } else if (action == 'oldest') { $scope.restoreVersions.selections[key] = availableVersions.shift(); } } } }); }, filterVersions: function (versions) { var filteredVersions = []; $.each(versions, function (idx, version) { if (moment(version.versionTime).isBetween($scope.restoreVersions.filters['start'], $scope.restoreVersions.filters['end'], null, '[]')) { filteredVersions.push(version); } }); return filteredVersions; }, selectionCount: function () { var count = 0; $.each($scope.restoreVersions.selections, function (key, value) { if (value) { count++; } }); return count; }, restore: function () { $scope.restoreVersions.tree.clear(); $scope.restoreVersions.tree = null; $scope.restoreVersions.versions = null; var selections = {}; $.each($scope.restoreVersions.selections, function (key, value) { if (value) { selections[key] = value; } }); $scope.restoreVersions.selections = {}; $ + '/folder/versions?folder=' + encodeURIComponent($scope.restoreVersions.folder), selections).success(function (data) { if (Object.keys(data).length == 0) { $('#restoreVersions').modal('hide'); } else { $scope.restoreVersions.errors = data; } }); }, show: function (folder) { $scope.restoreVersions.folder = folder; var closed = false; var modalShown = $q.defer(); $('#restoreVersions').modal().one('', function () { closed = true; resetRestoreVersions(); }).one('', function () { modalShown.resolve(); }); var dataReceived = $http.get(urlbase + '/folder/versions?folder=' + encodeURIComponent($scope.restoreVersions.folder)) .success(function (data) { $.each(data, function (key, values) { $.each(values, function (idx, value) { value.modTime = new Date(value.modTime); value.versionTime = new Date(value.versionTime); }); values.sort(function (a, b) { return b.versionTime - a.versionTime; }); }); if (closed) return; $scope.restoreVersions.versions = data; }); $q.all([dataReceived, modalShown.promise]).then(function () { $timeout(function () { if (closed) { resetRestoreVersions(); return; } $scope.restoreVersions.tree = $("#restoreTree").fancytree({ extensions: ["table", "filter", "glyph"], quicksearch: true, filter: { hideExpanders: true, mode: "hide" }, glyph: { preset: "awesome5", }, table: { indentation: 24, }, strings: { loading: $translate.instant("Loading..."), loadError: $translate.instant("Failed to load file versions."), noData: $translate.instant("There are no file versions to restore.") }, // Set to '1' to silence errors after pressing arrow keys on file nodes. // Happens on the official option cofiguration from the developer's site // too, so probably a bug? debugLevel: 1, source: buildTree($scope.restoreVersions.versions), renderColumns: function (event, data) { // Case insensitive sort with folders on top. var cmp = function(a, b) { var x = (a.isFolder() ? "0" : "1") + a.title.toLowerCase(), y = (b.isFolder() ? "0" : "1") + b.title.toLowerCase(); return x === y ? 0 : x > y ? 1 : -1; }; data.tree.getRootNode().sortChildren(cmp, true); var node = data.node, $tdList = $(">td"), template; if (node.folder) { template = '
'; } else { template = '
'; } var scope = $rootScope.$new(true); scope.key = node.key; scope.restoreVersions = $scope.restoreVersions; $tdList.eq(1).html( $compile(template)(scope) ); // Force angular to redraw. $timeout(function () { $scope.$apply(); }); } }).fancytree("getTree"); var minDate = moment(), maxDate = moment(0, 'X'), date; // Find version window. $.each($scope.restoreVersions.versions, function (key) { $.each($scope.restoreVersions.versions[key], function (idx, version) { date = moment(version.versionTime); if (date.isBefore(minDate)) { minDate = date; } if (date.isAfter(maxDate)) { maxDate = date; } }); }); $scope.restoreVersions.filters['start'] = minDate; $scope.restoreVersions.filters['end'] = maxDate; var ranges = {}; ranges[$translate.instant("All Time")] = [minDate, maxDate]; ranges[$translate.instant("Today")] = [moment().startOf('day'), moment()]; ranges[$translate.instant("Yesterday")] = [moment().subtract(1, 'days').startOf('day'), moment().startOf('day')]; ranges[$translate.instant("Last 7 Days")] = [moment().subtract(6, 'days').startOf('day'), moment()]; ranges[$translate.instant("Last 30 Days")] = [moment().subtract(29, 'days').startOf('day'), moment()]; ranges[$translate.instant("This Month")] = [moment().startOf('month'), moment()]; ranges[$translate.instant("Last Month")] = [moment().subtract(1, 'month').startOf('month'), moment().startOf('month')]; // Filter out invalid ranges. $.each(ranges, function (key, range) { if (!range[0].isBetween(minDate, maxDate, null, '[]') && !range[1].isBetween(minDate, maxDate, null, '[]')) { delete ranges[key]; } }); $("#restoreVersionDateRange").daterangepicker({ timePicker: true, timePicker24Hour: true, timePickerSeconds: true, opens: "left", drops: "up", startDate: minDate, endDate: maxDate, minDate: minDate, maxDate: maxDate, ranges: ranges, locale: { applyLabel: $translate.instant("Apply"), cancelLabel: $translate.instant("Cancel"), customRangeLabel: $translate.instant("Custom Range"), format: 'YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm:ss', } }).on('apply.daterangepicker', function (ev, picker) { $scope.restoreVersions.filters['start'] = picker.startDate; $scope.restoreVersions.filters['end'] = picker.endDate; // Events for this UI element are not managed by angular. // Force angular to wake up. $timeout(function () { $scope.$apply(); }); }); }); }); } }; } resetRestoreVersions(); $scope.$watchCollection('restoreVersions.filters', function () { if (!$scope.restoreVersions.tree) return; $scope.restoreVersions.tree.filterNodes(function (node) { if (node.folder) return false; if ($scope.restoreVersions.filters.text && node.key.indexOf($scope.restoreVersions.filters.text) < 0) { return false; } if ($scope.restoreVersions.filterVersions( == 0) { return false; } return true; }); }); $scope.setAPIKey = function (cfg) { $http.get(urlbase + '/svc/random/string?length=32').success(function (data) { cfg.apiKey = data.random; }); }; $scope.acceptUR = function () { $scope.config.options.urAccepted = $scope.system.urVersionMax; $scope.config.options.urSeen = $scope.system.urVersionMax; $scope.saveConfig(); $('#ur').modal('hide'); }; $scope.declineUR = function () { if ($scope.config.options.urAccepted === 0) { $scope.config.options.urAccepted = -1; } $scope.config.options.urSeen = $scope.system.urVersionMax; $scope.saveConfig(); $('#ur').modal('hide'); }; $scope.showNeed = function (folder) { $scope.neededFolder = folder; $scope.refreshNeed(1, 10); $('#needed').modal().one('', function () { $scope.needed = undefined; $scope.neededFolder = ''; }); }; $scope.showRemoteNeed = function (device) { resetRemoteNeed(); $scope.remoteNeedDevice = device; $scope.deviceFolders(device).forEach(function (folder) { var comp = $scope.completion[device.deviceID][folder]; if (comp !== undefined && comp.needItems + comp.needDeletes === 0) { return; } $scope.remoteNeedFolders.push(folder); $scope.refreshRemoteNeed(folder, 1, 10); }); $('#remoteNeed').modal().one('', function () { resetRemoteNeed(); }); }; $scope.showFailed = function (folder) { $scope.failed.folder = folder; $scope.failed = $scope.refreshFailed(1, 10); $('#failed').modal().one('', function () { $scope.failed = {}; }); }; $scope.hasFailedFiles = function (folder) { if (!$scope.model[folder]) { return false; } return $scope.model[folder].errors !== 0; }; $scope.showLocalChanged = function (folder, folderType) { $scope.localChangedFolder = folder; $scope.localChangedType = folderType; $scope.localChanged = $scope.refreshLocalChanged(1, 10); $('#localChanged').modal().one('', function () { $scope.localChanged = {}; $scope.localChangedFolder = undefined; $scope.localChangedType = undefined; }); }; $scope.hasReceiveOnlyChanged = function (folderCfg) { if (!folderCfg || folderCfg.type !== ["receiveonly", "receiveencrypted"].indexOf(folderCfg.type) === -1) { return false; } var counts = $scope.model[]; return counts && counts.receiveOnlyTotalItems > 0; }; $scope.revertOverride = function () { $ urlbase + "/db/" + $scope.revertOverrideParams.operation +"?folder=" +encodeURIComponent($scope.revertOverrideParams.folderID)); }; $scope.revertOverrideConfirmationModal = function (type, folderID) { var params = { type: type, folderID: folderID, }; switch (type) { case "override": params.heading = $translate.instant("Override Changes"); params.icon = "fas fa-arrow-circle-up" params.operation = "override"; break; case "revert": params.heading = $translate.instant("Revert Local Changes"); params.icon = "fas fa-arrow-circle-down" params.operation = "revert"; break; case "deleteEnc": params.heading = $translate.instant("Delete Unexpected Items"); params.icon = "fas fa-minus-circle" params.operation = "revert"; break; } $scope.revertOverrideParams = params; $('#revert-override-confirmation').modal('show'); }; $scope.advanced = function () { $scope.advancedConfig = angular.copy($scope.config); $scope.advancedConfig.devices.sort(deviceCompare); $scope.advancedConfig.folders.sort(folderCompare); $('#advanced').modal('show'); }; $scope.showReportPreview = function () { $scope.reportPreview = true; }; $scope.refreshReportDataPreview = function (ver, diff) { $scope.reportDataPreview = ''; if (!ver) { return; } var version = parseInt(ver); if (diff && version > 2) { $q.all([ $http.get(urlbase + '/svc/report?version=' + version), $http.get(urlbase + '/svc/report?version=' + (version - 1)), ]).then(function (responses) { var newReport = responses[0].data; var oldReport = responses[1].data; angular.forEach(oldReport, function (_, key) { delete newReport[key]; }); $scope.reportDataPreview = newReport; }); } else { $http.get(urlbase + '/svc/report?version=' + version).success(function (data) { $scope.reportDataPreview = data; }).error($scope.emitHTTPError); } }; $scope.rescanAllFolders = function () { $ + "/db/scan"); }; $scope.rescanFolder = function (folder) { $ + "/db/scan?folder=" + encodeURIComponent(folder)); }; $scope.setAllFoldersPause = function (pause) { var folderListCache = $scope.folderList(); for (var i = 0; i < folderListCache.length; i++) { folderListCache[i].paused = pause; } $scope.config.folders = folderList(folderListCache); $scope.saveConfig(); }; $scope.isAtleastOneFolderPausedStateSetTo = function (pause) { var folderListCache = $scope.folderList(); for (var i = 0; i < folderListCache.length; i++) { if (folderListCache[i].paused == pause) { return true; } } return false; }; $scope.activateAllFsWatchers = function () { var folders = $scope.folderList(); $.each(folders, function (i) { if (folders[i].fsWatcherEnabled) { return; } folders[i].fsWatcherEnabled = true; if (folders[i].rescanIntervalS === 0) { return; } // Delay full scans, but scan at least once per day folders[i].rescanIntervalS *= 60; if (folders[i].rescanIntervalS > 86400) { folders[i].rescanIntervalS = 86400; } }); $scope.config.folders = folders; $scope.saveConfig(); }; $scope.bumpFile = function (folder, file) { var url = urlbase + "/db/prio?folder=" + encodeURIComponent(folder) + "&file=" + encodeURIComponent(file); // In order to get the right view of data in the response. url += "&page=" + $; url += "&perpage=" + $scope.needed.perpage; $ (data) { if ($scope.neededFolder === folder) { console.log("bumpFile", folder, data); parseNeeded(data); } }).error($scope.emitHTTPError); }; $scope.versionString = function () { if (!$scope.version.version) { return ''; } var os = { 'darwin': 'macOS', 'dragonfly': 'DragonFly BSD', 'freebsd': 'FreeBSD', 'openbsd': 'OpenBSD', 'netbsd': 'NetBSD', 'linux': 'Linux', 'windows': 'Windows', 'solaris': 'Solaris' }[$scope.version.os] || $scope.version.os; var arch = { '386': '32-bit Intel/AMD', 'amd64': '64-bit Intel/AMD', 'arm': '32-bit ARM', 'arm64': '64-bit ARM', 'ppc64': '64-bit PowerPC', 'ppc64le': '64-bit PowerPC (LE)', 'mips': '32-bit MIPS', 'mipsle': '32-bit MIPS (LE)', 'mips64': '64-bit MIPS', 'mips64le': '64-bit MIPS (LE)', 'riscv64': '64-bit RISC-V', 's390x': '64-bit z/Architecture', }[$scope.version.arch] || $scope.version.arch; return $scope.version.version + ', ' + os + ' (' + arch + ')'; }; $scope.versionBase = function () { if (!$scope.version.version) { return ''; } var version = $scope.version.version; var pos = version.indexOf('-'); if (pos > 0) { version = version.slice(0, pos); } return version; }; $scope.docsURL = function (path) { var url = ''; if (!path) { // Undefined or null should become a valid string. path = ''; } var hash = path.indexOf('#'); if (hash != -1) { url += '/' + path.slice(0, hash); url += '?version=' + $scope.versionBase(); url += path.slice(hash); } else { url += '/' + path; url += '?version=' + $scope.versionBase(); } return url; }; $scope.inputTypeFor = function (key, value) { if (key.substr(0, 1) === '_') { return 'skip'; } if (value === null) { return 'null'; } if (typeof value === 'number') { return 'number'; } if (typeof value === 'boolean') { return 'checkbox'; } if (value instanceof Array) { return 'list'; } if (typeof value === 'object') { return 'skip'; } return 'text'; }; $scope.themeName = function (theme) { var translation = $translate.instant("theme-name-" + theme); if (translation.indexOf("theme-name-") == 0) { // Fall back to simple Title Casing on missing translation translation = theme.toLowerCase().replace(/(?:^|\s)\S/g, function (a) { return a.toUpperCase(); }); } return translation; }; $scope.modalLoaded = function () { // once all modal elements have been processed if ($('modal').length === 0) { // pseudo main. called on all definitions assigned initController(); } }; $scope.toggleUnits = function () { $scope.metricRates = !$scope.metricRates; try { window.localStorage["metricRates"] = $scope.metricRates; } catch (exception) { } }; $scope.sizeOf = function (dict) { if (dict === undefined) { return 0; } return Object.keys(dict).length; }; $scope.has = function (array, element) { return array.indexOf(element) >= 0; }; $scope.dismissNotification = function (id) { var idx = $scope.config.options.unackedNotificationIDs.indexOf(id); if (idx > -1) { $scope.config.options.unackedNotificationIDs.splice(idx, 1); $scope.saveConfig(); } }; $scope.abbreviatedError = function (addr) { var status = $scope.system.lastDialStatus[addr]; if (!status || !status.error) { return null; } var time = $filter('date')(status.when, "HH:mm:ss") var err = status.error.replace(/.+: /, ''); return err + " (" + time + ")"; }; $scope.setCrashReportingEnabled = function (enabled) { $scope.config.options.crashReportingEnabled = enabled; $scope.saveConfig(); }; $scope.isUnixAddress = function (address) { return address != null && (address.indexOf('/') == 0 || address.indexOf('unix://') == 0 || address.indexOf('unixs://') == 0); }; }) .directive('shareTemplate', function () { return { templateUrl: 'syncthing/core/editShareTemplate.html', scope: { selected: '=', encryptionPasswords: '=', id: '@', label: '@', folderType: '@', untrusted: '=', }, link: function(scope, elem, attrs) { var plain = false; scope.togglePasswordVisibility = function() { scope.plain = !scope.plain; }; }, } });