// Copyright (C) 2014 Jakob Borg and Contributors (see the CONTRIBUTORS file). // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it // under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free // Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) // any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT // ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for // more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with this program. If not, see . /*jslint browser: true, continue: true, plusplus: true */ /*global $: false, angular: false, console: false, validLangs: false */ 'use strict'; var syncthing = angular.module('syncthing', ['pascalprecht.translate']); var urlbase = 'rest'; var guiVersion = null; syncthing.config(function ($httpProvider, $translateProvider) { $httpProvider.defaults.xsrfHeaderName = 'X-CSRF-Token'; $httpProvider.defaults.xsrfCookieName = 'CSRF-Token'; $httpProvider.interceptors.push(function() { return { response: function(response) { var responseVersion = response.headers()['x-syncthing-version']; if (!guiVersion) { guiVersion = responseVersion; } else if (guiVersion != responseVersion) { document.location.reload(true); } return response; } }; }); $translateProvider.useStaticFilesLoader({ prefix: 'lang/lang-', suffix: '.json' }); }); syncthing.controller('EventCtrl', function ($scope, $http) { $scope.lastEvent = null; var lastID = 0; var successFn = function (data) { // When Syncthing restarts while the long polling connection is in // progress the browser on some platforms returns a 200 (since the // headers has been flushed with the return code 200), with no data. // This basically means that the connection has been reset, and the call // was not actually sucessful. if (!data) { errorFn(data); return; } $scope.$emit('UIOnline'); if (lastID > 0) { data.forEach(function (event) { console.log("event", event.id, event.type, event.data); $scope.$emit(event.type, event); }); } $scope.lastEvent = data[data.length - 1]; lastID = $scope.lastEvent.id; setTimeout(function () { $http.get(urlbase + '/events?since=' + lastID) .success(successFn) .error(errorFn); }, 500); }; var errorFn = function (data) { $scope.$emit('UIOffline'); setTimeout(function () { $http.get(urlbase + '/events?limit=1') .success(successFn) .error(errorFn); }, 1000); }; $http.get(urlbase + '/events?limit=1') .success(successFn) .error(errorFn); }); syncthing.controller('SyncthingCtrl', function ($scope, $http, $translate, $location) { var prevDate = 0; var getOK = true; var navigatingAway = false; var online = false; var restarting = false; $scope.completion = {}; $scope.config = {}; $scope.configInSync = true; $scope.connections = {}; $scope.errors = []; $scope.model = {}; $scope.myID = ''; $scope.devices = []; $scope.protocolChanged = false; $scope.reportData = {}; $scope.reportPreview = false; $scope.folders = {}; $scope.seenError = ''; $scope.upgradeInfo = null; $scope.stats = {}; $http.get(urlbase + "/lang").success(function (langs) { // Find the first language in the list provided by the user's browser // that is a prefix of a language we have available. That is, "en" // sent by the browser will match "en" or "en-US", while "zh-TW" will // match only "zh-TW" and not "zh-CN". var lang, matching; for (var i = 0; i < langs.length; i++) { lang = langs[i]; if (lang.length < 2) { continue; } matching = validLangs.filter(function (possibleLang) { // The langs returned by the /rest/langs call will be in lower // case. We compare to the lowercase version of the language // code we have as well. possibleLang = possibleLang.toLowerCase(); if (possibleLang.length > lang.length) { return possibleLang.indexOf(lang) === 0; } else { return lang.indexOf(possibleLang) === 0; } }); if (matching.length >= 1) { $translate.use(matching[0]); return; } } // Fallback if nothing matched $translate.use("en"); }); $(window).bind('beforeunload', function () { navigatingAway = true; }); $scope.$on("$locationChangeSuccess", function () { var lang = $location.search().lang; if (lang) { $translate.use(lang); } }); $scope.needActions = { 'rm': 'Del', 'rmdir': 'Del (dir)', 'sync': 'Sync', 'touch': 'Update', }; $scope.needIcons = { 'rm': 'remove', 'rmdir': 'remove', 'sync': 'download', 'touch': 'asterisk', }; $scope.$on('UIOnline', function (event, arg) { if (online && !restarting) { return; } console.log('UIOnline'); $scope.init(); online = true; restarting = false; $('#networkError').modal('hide'); $('#restarting').modal('hide'); $('#shutdown').modal('hide'); }); $scope.$on('UIOffline', function (event, arg) { if (navigatingAway || !online) { return; } console.log('UIOffline'); online = false; if (!restarting) { $('#networkError').modal(); } }); $scope.$on('StateChanged', function (event, arg) { var data = arg.data; if ($scope.model[data.folder]) { $scope.model[data.folder].state = data.to; } }); $scope.$on('LocalIndexUpdated', function (event, arg) { var data = arg.data; refreshFolder(data.folder); // Update completion status for all devices that we share this folder with. $scope.folders[data.folder].Devices.forEach(function (deviceCfg) { refreshCompletion(deviceCfg.DeviceID, data.folder); }); }); $scope.$on('RemoteIndexUpdated', function (event, arg) { var data = arg.data; refreshFolder(data.folder); refreshCompletion(data.device, data.folder); }); $scope.$on('DeviceDisconnected', function (event, arg) { delete $scope.connections[arg.data.id]; refreshDeviceStats(); }); $scope.$on('DeviceConnected', function (event, arg) { if (!$scope.connections[arg.data.id]) { $scope.connections[arg.data.id] = { inbps: 0, outbps: 0, InBytesTotal: 0, OutBytesTotal: 0, Address: arg.data.addr, }; $scope.completion[arg.data.id] = { _total: 100, }; } }); $scope.$on('ConfigLoaded', function (event) { if ($scope.config.Options.URAccepted === 0) { // If usage reporting has been neither accepted nor declined, // we want to ask the user to make a choice. But we don't want // to bug them during initial setup, so we set a cookie with // the time of the first visit. When that cookie is present // and the time is more than four hours ago, we ask the // question. var firstVisit = document.cookie.replace(/(?:(?:^|.*;\s*)firstVisit\s*\=\s*([^;]*).*$)|^.*$/, "$1"); if (!firstVisit) { document.cookie = "firstVisit=" + Date.now() + ";max-age=" + 30 * 24 * 3600; } else { if (+firstVisit < Date.now() - 4 * 3600 * 1000) { $('#ur').modal(); } } } }); $scope.$on('ConfigSaved', function (event, arg) { updateLocalConfig(arg.data); $http.get(urlbase + '/config/sync').success(function (data) { $scope.configInSync = data.configInSync; }); }); var debouncedFuncs = {}; function refreshFolder(folder) { var key = "refreshFolder" + folder; if (!debouncedFuncs[key]) { debouncedFuncs[key] = debounce(function () { $http.get(urlbase + '/model?folder=' + encodeURIComponent(folder)).success(function (data) { $scope.model[folder] = data; console.log("refreshFolder", folder, data); }); }, 1000, true); } debouncedFuncs[key](); } function updateLocalConfig(config) { var hasConfig = !isEmptyObject($scope.config); $scope.config = config; $scope.config.Options.ListenStr = $scope.config.Options.ListenAddress.join(', '); $scope.devices = $scope.config.Devices; $scope.devices.forEach(function (deviceCfg) { $scope.completion[deviceCfg.DeviceID] = { _total: 100, }; }); $scope.devices.sort(deviceCompare); $scope.folders = folderMap($scope.config.Folders); Object.keys($scope.folders).forEach(function (folder) { refreshFolder(folder); $scope.folders[folder].Devices.forEach(function (deviceCfg) { refreshCompletion(deviceCfg.DeviceID, folder); }); }); if (!hasConfig) { $scope.$emit('ConfigLoaded'); } } function refreshSystem() { $http.get(urlbase + '/system').success(function (data) { $scope.myID = data.myID; $scope.system = data; console.log("refreshSystem", data); }); } function refreshCompletion(device, folder) { if (device === $scope.myID) { return; } var key = "refreshCompletion" + device + folder; if (!debouncedFuncs[key]) { debouncedFuncs[key] = debounce(function () { $http.get(urlbase + '/completion?device=' + device + '&folder=' + encodeURIComponent(folder)).success(function (data) { if (!$scope.completion[device]) { $scope.completion[device] = {}; } $scope.completion[device][folder] = data.completion; var tot = 0, cnt = 0; for (var cmp in $scope.completion[device]) { if (cmp === "_total") { continue; } tot += $scope.completion[device][cmp]; cnt += 1; } $scope.completion[device]._total = tot / cnt; console.log("refreshCompletion", device, folder, $scope.completion[device]); }); }, 1000, true); } debouncedFuncs[key](); } function refreshConnectionStats() { $http.get(urlbase + '/connections').success(function (data) { var now = Date.now(), td = (now - prevDate) / 1000, id; prevDate = now; for (id in data) { if (!data.hasOwnProperty(id)) { continue; } try { data[id].inbps = Math.max(0, 8 * (data[id].InBytesTotal - $scope.connections[id].InBytesTotal) / td); data[id].outbps = Math.max(0, 8 * (data[id].OutBytesTotal - $scope.connections[id].OutBytesTotal) / td); } catch (e) { data[id].inbps = 0; data[id].outbps = 0; } } $scope.connections = data; console.log("refreshConnections", data); }); } function refreshErrors() { $http.get(urlbase + '/errors').success(function (data) { $scope.errors = data.errors; console.log("refreshErrors", data); }); } function refreshConfig() { $http.get(urlbase + '/config').success(function (data) { updateLocalConfig(data); console.log("refreshConfig", data); }); $http.get(urlbase + '/config/sync').success(function (data) { $scope.configInSync = data.configInSync; }); } var refreshDeviceStats = debounce(function () { $http.get(urlbase + "/stats/device").success(function (data) { $scope.stats = data; for (var device in $scope.stats) { $scope.stats[device].LastSeen = new Date($scope.stats[device].LastSeen); $scope.stats[device].LastSeenDays = (new Date() - $scope.stats[device].LastSeen) / 1000 / 86400; } console.log("refreshDeviceStats", data); }); }, 500); $scope.init = function () { refreshSystem(); refreshConfig(); refreshConnectionStats(); refreshDeviceStats(); $http.get(urlbase + '/version').success(function (data) { $scope.version = data.version; }); $http.get(urlbase + '/report').success(function (data) { $scope.reportData = data; }); $http.get(urlbase + '/upgrade').success(function (data) { $scope.upgradeInfo = data; }).error(function () { $scope.upgradeInfo = null; }); }; $scope.refresh = function () { refreshSystem(); refreshConnectionStats(); refreshErrors(); }; $scope.folderStatus = function (folder) { if (typeof $scope.model[folder] === 'undefined') { return 'unknown'; } if ($scope.model[folder].invalid !== '') { return 'stopped'; } return '' + $scope.model[folder].state; }; $scope.folderClass = function (folder) { if (typeof $scope.model[folder] === 'undefined') { return 'info'; } if ($scope.model[folder].invalid !== '') { return 'danger'; } var state = '' + $scope.model[folder].state; if (state == 'idle') { return 'success'; } if (state == 'syncing') { return 'primary'; } if (state == 'scanning') { return 'primary'; } return 'info'; }; $scope.syncPercentage = function (folder) { if (typeof $scope.model[folder] === 'undefined') { return 100; } if ($scope.model[folder].globalBytes === 0) { return 100; } var pct = 100 * $scope.model[folder].inSyncBytes / $scope.model[folder].globalBytes; return Math.floor(pct); }; $scope.deviceIcon = function (deviceCfg) { if ($scope.connections[deviceCfg.DeviceID]) { if ($scope.completion[deviceCfg.DeviceID] && $scope.completion[deviceCfg.DeviceID]._total === 100) { return 'ok'; } else { return 'refresh'; } } return 'minus'; }; $scope.deviceClass = function (deviceCfg) { if ($scope.connections[deviceCfg.DeviceID]) { if ($scope.completion[deviceCfg.DeviceID] && $scope.completion[deviceCfg.DeviceID]._total === 100) { return 'success'; } else { return 'primary'; } } return 'info'; }; $scope.deviceAddr = function (deviceCfg) { var conn = $scope.connections[deviceCfg.DeviceID]; if (conn) { return conn.Address; } return '?'; }; $scope.deviceCompletion = function (deviceCfg) { var conn = $scope.connections[deviceCfg.DeviceID]; if (conn) { return conn.Completion + '%'; } return ''; }; $scope.findDevice = function (deviceID) { var matches = $scope.devices.filter(function (n) { return n.DeviceID == deviceID; }); if (matches.length != 1) { return undefined; } return matches[0]; }; $scope.deviceName = function (deviceCfg) { if (typeof deviceCfg === 'undefined') { return ""; } if (deviceCfg.Name) { return deviceCfg.Name; } return deviceCfg.DeviceID.substr(0, 6); }; $scope.thisDeviceName = function () { var device = $scope.thisDevice(); if (typeof device === 'undefined') { return "(unknown device)"; } if (device.Name) { return device.Name; } return device.DeviceID.substr(0, 6); }; $scope.editSettings = function () { // Make a working copy $scope.tmpOptions = angular.copy($scope.config.Options); $scope.tmpOptions.UREnabled = ($scope.tmpOptions.URAccepted > 0); $scope.tmpOptions.DeviceName = $scope.thisDevice().Name; $scope.tmpOptions.AutoUpgradeEnabled = ($scope.tmpOptions.AutoUpgradeIntervalH > 0); $scope.tmpGUI = angular.copy($scope.config.GUI); $('#settings').modal(); }; $scope.saveConfig = function () { var cfg = JSON.stringify($scope.config); var opts = { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } }; $http.post(urlbase + '/config', cfg, opts).success(function () { $http.get(urlbase + '/config/sync').success(function (data) { $scope.configInSync = data.configInSync; }); }); }; $scope.saveSettings = function () { // Make sure something changed var changed = !angular.equals($scope.config.Options, $scope.tmpOptions) || !angular.equals($scope.config.GUI, $scope.tmpGUI); if (changed) { // Check if usage reporting has been enabled or disabled if ($scope.tmpOptions.UREnabled && $scope.tmpOptions.URAccepted <= 0) { $scope.tmpOptions.URAccepted = 1000; } else if (!$scope.tmpOptions.UREnabled && $scope.tmpOptions.URAccepted > 0) { $scope.tmpOptions.URAccepted = -1; } // Check if auto-upgrade has been enabled or disabled if ($scope.tmpOptions.AutoUpgradeEnabled) { $scope.tmpOptions.AutoUpgradeIntervalH = $scope.tmpOptions.AutoUpgradeIntervalH || 12; } else { $scope.tmpOptions.AutoUpgradeIntervalH = 0; } // Check if protocol will need to be changed on restart if ($scope.config.GUI.UseTLS !== $scope.tmpGUI.UseTLS) { $scope.protocolChanged = true; } // Apply new settings locally $scope.thisDevice().Name = $scope.tmpOptions.DeviceName; $scope.config.Options = angular.copy($scope.tmpOptions); $scope.config.GUI = angular.copy($scope.tmpGUI); $scope.config.Options.ListenAddress = $scope.config.Options.ListenStr.split(',').map(function (x) { return x.trim(); }); $scope.saveConfig(); } $('#settings').modal("hide"); }; $scope.restart = function () { restarting = true; $('#restarting').modal(); $http.post(urlbase + '/restart'); $scope.configInSync = true; // Switch webpage protocol if needed if ($scope.protocolChanged) { var protocol = 'http'; if ($scope.config.GUI.UseTLS) { protocol = 'https'; } setTimeout(function () { window.location.protocol = protocol; }, 2500); $scope.protocolChanged = false; } }; $scope.upgrade = function () { restarting = true; $('#upgrading').modal(); $http.post(urlbase + '/upgrade').success(function () { $('#restarting').modal(); $('#upgrading').modal('hide'); }).error(function () { $('#upgrading').modal('hide'); }); }; $scope.shutdown = function () { restarting = true; $http.post(urlbase + '/shutdown').success(function () { $('#shutdown').modal(); }); $scope.configInSync = true; }; $scope.editDevice = function (deviceCfg) { $scope.currentDevice = $.extend({}, deviceCfg); $scope.editingExisting = true; $scope.editingSelf = (deviceCfg.DeviceID == $scope.myID); $scope.currentDevice.AddressesStr = deviceCfg.Addresses.join(', '); $scope.deviceEditor.$setPristine(); $('#editDevice').modal(); }; $scope.idDevice = function () { $('#idqr').modal('show'); }; $scope.addDevice = function () { $scope.currentDevice = { AddressesStr: 'dynamic', Compression: true, Introducer: false }; $scope.editingExisting = false; $scope.editingSelf = false; $scope.deviceEditor.$setPristine(); $('#editDevice').modal(); }; $scope.deleteDevice = function () { $('#editDevice').modal('hide'); if (!$scope.editingExisting) { return; } $scope.devices = $scope.devices.filter(function (n) { return n.DeviceID !== $scope.currentDevice.DeviceID; }); $scope.config.Devices = $scope.devices; for (var id in $scope.folders) { $scope.folders[id].Devices = $scope.folders[id].Devices.filter(function (n) { return n.DeviceID !== $scope.currentDevice.DeviceID; }); } $scope.saveConfig(); }; $scope.saveDevice = function () { var deviceCfg, done, i; $('#editDevice').modal('hide'); deviceCfg = $scope.currentDevice; deviceCfg.Addresses = deviceCfg.AddressesStr.split(',').map(function (x) { return x.trim(); }); done = false; for (i = 0; i < $scope.devices.length; i++) { if ($scope.devices[i].DeviceID === deviceCfg.DeviceID) { $scope.devices[i] = deviceCfg; done = true; break; } } if (!done) { $scope.devices.push(deviceCfg); } $scope.devices.sort(deviceCompare); $scope.config.Devices = $scope.devices; $scope.saveConfig(); }; $scope.otherDevices = function () { return $scope.devices.filter(function (n) { return n.DeviceID !== $scope.myID; }); }; $scope.thisDevice = function () { var i, n; for (i = 0; i < $scope.devices.length; i++) { n = $scope.devices[i]; if (n.DeviceID === $scope.myID) { return n; } } }; $scope.allDevices = function () { var devices = $scope.otherDevices(); devices.push($scope.thisDevice()); return devices; }; $scope.errorList = function () { return $scope.errors.filter(function (e) { return e.Time > $scope.seenError; }); }; $scope.clearErrors = function () { $scope.seenError = $scope.errors[$scope.errors.length - 1].Time; $http.post(urlbase + '/error/clear'); }; $scope.friendlyDevices = function (str) { for (var i = 0; i < $scope.devices.length; i++) { var cfg = $scope.devices[i]; str = str.replace(cfg.DeviceID, $scope.deviceName(cfg)); } return str; }; $scope.folderList = function () { return folderList($scope.folders); }; $scope.editFolder = function (deviceCfg) { $scope.currentFolder = angular.copy(deviceCfg); $scope.currentFolder.selectedDevices = {}; $scope.currentFolder.Devices.forEach(function (n) { $scope.currentFolder.selectedDevices[n.DeviceID] = true; }); if ($scope.currentFolder.Versioning && $scope.currentFolder.Versioning.Type === "simple") { $scope.currentFolder.simpleFileVersioning = true; $scope.currentFolder.FileVersioningSelector = "simple"; $scope.currentFolder.simpleKeep = +$scope.currentFolder.Versioning.Params.keep; } else if ($scope.currentFolder.Versioning && $scope.currentFolder.Versioning.Type === "staggered") { $scope.currentFolder.staggeredFileVersioning = true; $scope.currentFolder.FileVersioningSelector = "staggered"; $scope.currentFolder.staggeredMaxAge = Math.floor(+$scope.currentFolder.Versioning.Params.maxAge / 86400); $scope.currentFolder.staggeredCleanInterval = +$scope.currentFolder.Versioning.Params.cleanInterval; $scope.currentFolder.staggeredVersionsPath = $scope.currentFolder.Versioning.Params.versionsPath; } else { $scope.currentFolder.FileVersioningSelector = "none"; } $scope.currentFolder.simpleKeep = $scope.currentFolder.simpleKeep || 5; $scope.currentFolder.staggeredCleanInterval = $scope.currentFolder.staggeredCleanInterval || 3600; $scope.currentFolder.staggeredVersionsPath = $scope.currentFolder.staggeredVersionsPath || ""; // staggeredMaxAge can validly be zero, which we should not replace // with the default value of 365. So only set the default if it's // actually undefined. if (typeof $scope.currentFolder.staggeredMaxAge === 'undefined') { $scope.currentFolder.staggeredMaxAge = 365; } $scope.editingExisting = true; $scope.folderEditor.$setPristine(); $('#editFolder').modal(); }; $scope.addFolder = function () { $scope.currentFolder = { selectedDevices: {} }; $scope.currentFolder.RescanIntervalS = 60; $scope.currentFolder.FileVersioningSelector = "none"; $scope.currentFolder.simpleKeep = 5; $scope.currentFolder.staggeredMaxAge = 365; $scope.currentFolder.staggeredCleanInterval = 3600; $scope.currentFolder.staggeredVersionsPath = ""; $scope.editingExisting = false; $scope.folderEditor.$setPristine(); $('#editFolder').modal(); }; $scope.saveFolder = function () { var folderCfg, done, i; $('#editFolder').modal('hide'); folderCfg = $scope.currentFolder; folderCfg.Devices = []; folderCfg.selectedDevices[$scope.myID] = true; for (var deviceID in folderCfg.selectedDevices) { if (folderCfg.selectedDevices[deviceID] === true) { folderCfg.Devices.push({ DeviceID: deviceID }); } } delete folderCfg.selectedDevices; if (folderCfg.FileVersioningSelector === "simple") { folderCfg.Versioning = { 'Type': 'simple', 'Params': { 'keep': '' + folderCfg.simpleKeep, } }; delete folderCfg.simpleFileVersioning; delete folderCfg.simpleKeep; } else if (folderCfg.FileVersioningSelector === "staggered") { folderCfg.Versioning = { 'Type': 'staggered', 'Params': { 'maxAge': '' + (folderCfg.staggeredMaxAge * 86400), 'cleanInterval': '' + folderCfg.staggeredCleanInterval, 'versionsPath': '' + folderCfg.staggeredVersionsPath, } }; delete folderCfg.staggeredFileVersioning; delete folderCfg.staggeredMaxAge; delete folderCfg.staggeredCleanInterval; delete folderCfg.staggeredVersionsPath; } else { delete folderCfg.Versioning; } $scope.folders[folderCfg.ID] = folderCfg; $scope.config.Folders = folderList($scope.folders); $scope.saveConfig(); }; $scope.sharesFolder = function (folderCfg) { var names = []; folderCfg.Devices.forEach(function (device) { names.push($scope.deviceName($scope.findDevice(device.DeviceID))); }); names.sort(); return names.join(", "); }; $scope.deleteFolder = function () { $('#editFolder').modal('hide'); if (!$scope.editingExisting) { return; } delete $scope.folders[$scope.currentFolder.ID]; $scope.config.Folders = folderList($scope.folders); $scope.saveConfig(); }; $scope.editIgnores = function () { if (!$scope.editingExisting) { return; } $('#editIgnoresButton').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); $http.get(urlbase + '/ignores?folder=' + encodeURIComponent($scope.currentFolder.ID)) .success(function (data) { data.ignore = data.ignore || []; $('#editFolder').modal('hide'); var textArea = $('#editIgnores textarea'); textArea.val(data.ignore.join('\n')); $('#editIgnores').modal() .on('hidden.bs.modal', function () { $('#editFolder').modal(); }) .on('shown.bs.modal', function () { textArea.focus(); }); }) .then(function () { $('#editIgnoresButton').removeAttr('disabled'); }); }; $scope.saveIgnores = function () { if (!$scope.editingExisting) { return; } $http.post(urlbase + '/ignores?folder=' + encodeURIComponent($scope.currentFolder.ID), { ignore: $('#editIgnores textarea').val().split('\n') }); }; $scope.setAPIKey = function (cfg) { cfg.APIKey = randomString(30, 32); }; $scope.showURPreview = function () { $('#settings').modal('hide'); $('#urPreview').modal().on('hidden.bs.modal', function () { $('#settings').modal(); }); }; $scope.acceptUR = function () { $scope.config.Options.URAccepted = 1000; // Larger than the largest existing report version $scope.saveConfig(); $('#ur').modal('hide'); }; $scope.declineUR = function () { $scope.config.Options.URAccepted = -1; $scope.saveConfig(); $('#ur').modal('hide'); }; $scope.showNeed = function (folder) { $scope.neededLoaded = false; $('#needed').modal(); $http.get(urlbase + "/need?folder=" + encodeURIComponent(folder)).success(function (data) { $scope.needed = data; $scope.neededLoaded = true; }); }; $scope.needAction = function (file) { var fDelete = 4096; var fDirectory = 16384; if ((file.Flags & (fDelete + fDirectory)) === fDelete + fDirectory) { return 'rmdir'; } else if ((file.Flags & fDelete) === fDelete) { return 'rm'; } else if ((file.Flags & fDirectory) === fDirectory) { return 'touch'; } else { return 'sync'; } }; $scope.override = function (folder) { $http.post(urlbase + "/model/override?folder=" + encodeURIComponent(folder)); }; $scope.about = function () { $('#about').modal('show'); }; $scope.showReportPreview = function () { $scope.reportPreview = true; }; $scope.rescanFolder = function (folder) { $http.post(urlbase + "/scan?folder=" + encodeURIComponent(folder)); }; $scope.init(); setInterval($scope.refresh, 10000); }); function deviceCompare(a, b) { if (typeof a.Name !== 'undefined' && typeof b.Name !== 'undefined') { if (a.Name < b.Name) return -1; return a.Name > b.Name; } if (a.DeviceID < b.DeviceID) { return -1; } return a.DeviceID > b.DeviceID; } function folderCompare(a, b) { if (a.ID < b.ID) { return -1; } return a.ID > b.ID; } function folderMap(l) { var m = {}; l.forEach(function (r) { m[r.ID] = r; }); return m; } function folderList(m) { var l = []; for (var id in m) { l.push(m[id]); } l.sort(folderCompare); return l; } function decimals(val, num) { var digits, decs; if (val === 0) { return 0; } digits = Math.floor(Math.log(Math.abs(val)) / Math.log(10)); decs = Math.max(0, num - digits); return decs; } function randomString(len, bits) { bits = bits || 36; var outStr = "", newStr; while (outStr.length < len) { newStr = Math.random().toString(bits).slice(2); outStr += newStr.slice(0, Math.min(newStr.length, (len - outStr.length))); } return outStr.toLowerCase(); } function isEmptyObject(obj) { var name; for (name in obj) { return false; } return true; } function debounce(func, wait) { var timeout, args, context, timestamp, result, again; var later = function () { var last = Date.now() - timestamp; if (last < wait) { timeout = setTimeout(later, wait - last); } else { timeout = null; if (again) { again = false; result = func.apply(context, args); context = args = null; } } }; return function () { context = this; args = arguments; timestamp = Date.now(); var callNow = !timeout; if (!timeout) { timeout = setTimeout(later, wait); result = func.apply(context, args); context = args = null; } else { again = true; } return result; }; } syncthing.filter('natural', function () { return function (input, valid) { return input.toFixed(decimals(input, valid)); }; }); syncthing.filter('binary', function () { return function (input) { if (input === undefined) { return '0 '; } if (input > 1024 * 1024 * 1024) { input /= 1024 * 1024 * 1024; return input.toFixed(decimals(input, 2)) + ' Gi'; } if (input > 1024 * 1024) { input /= 1024 * 1024; return input.toFixed(decimals(input, 2)) + ' Mi'; } if (input > 1024) { input /= 1024; return input.toFixed(decimals(input, 2)) + ' Ki'; } return Math.round(input) + ' '; }; }); syncthing.filter('metric', function () { return function (input) { if (input === undefined) { return '0 '; } if (input > 1000 * 1000 * 1000) { input /= 1000 * 1000 * 1000; return input.toFixed(decimals(input, 2)) + ' G'; } if (input > 1000 * 1000) { input /= 1000 * 1000; return input.toFixed(decimals(input, 2)) + ' M'; } if (input > 1000) { input /= 1000; return input.toFixed(decimals(input, 2)) + ' k'; } return Math.round(input) + ' '; }; }); syncthing.filter('alwaysNumber', function () { return function (input) { if (input === undefined) { return 0; } return input; }; }); syncthing.filter('basename', function () { return function (input) { if (input === undefined) return ""; var parts = input.split(/[\/\\]/); if (!parts || parts.length < 1) { return input; } return parts[parts.length - 1]; }; }); syncthing.directive('uniqueFolder', function () { return { require: 'ngModel', link: function (scope, elm, attrs, ctrl) { ctrl.$parsers.unshift(function (viewValue) { if (scope.editingExisting) { // we shouldn't validate ctrl.$setValidity('uniqueFolder', true); } else if (scope.folders[viewValue]) { // the folder exists already ctrl.$setValidity('uniqueFolder', false); } else { // the folder is unique ctrl.$setValidity('uniqueFolder', true); } return viewValue; }); } }; }); syncthing.directive('validDeviceid', function ($http) { return { require: 'ngModel', link: function (scope, elm, attrs, ctrl) { ctrl.$parsers.unshift(function (viewValue) { if (scope.editingExisting) { // we shouldn't validate ctrl.$setValidity('validDeviceid', true); } else { $http.get(urlbase + '/deviceid?id=' + viewValue).success(function (resp) { if (resp.error) { ctrl.$setValidity('validDeviceid', false); } else { ctrl.$setValidity('validDeviceid', true); } }); } return viewValue; }); } }; }); syncthing.directive('modal', function () { return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: 'modal.html', replace: true, transclude: true, scope: { title: '@', status: '@', icon: '@', close: '@', large: '@', }, }; });