Restart Needed

The configuration has been saved but not activated. Syncthing must restart to activate the new configuration.

New Device

{{ event.time | date:"H:mm:ss" }}: Device {%device%} ({%address%}) wants to connect. Add new device?

New Folder Share Folder

{{ event.time | date:"H:mm:ss" }}: {%device%} wants to share folder "{%folder%}". Share this folder? Add new folder?


{{err.time | date:"H:mm:ss"}}: {{friendlyDevices(err.error)}}


{{}} ({{syncPercentage(}}%)

Folder Path {{folder.path}}
Error {{model[].invalid || model[].error}}
Global State {{model[].globalFiles | alwaysNumber}} items, ~{{model[].globalBytes | binary}}B
Local State {{model[].localFiles | alwaysNumber}} items, ~{{model[].localBytes | binary}}B
Out Of Sync {{model[].needFiles | alwaysNumber}} items, ~{{model[].needBytes | binary}}B
Folder Master Yes
Ignore Patterns Yes
Ignore Permissions Yes
Rescan Interval {{folder.rescanIntervalS}} s
File Versioning Staggered File Versioning Simple File Versioning External File Versioning
Shared With {{sharesFolder(folder)}}
Last File Received {{folderStats[].lastFile.filename | basename}}



Download Rate {{connectionsTotal.inbps | binary}}B/s ({{connectionsTotal.inBytesTotal | binary}}B)
Upload Rate {{connectionsTotal.outbps | binary}}B/s ({{connectionsTotal.outBytesTotal | binary}}B)
RAM Utilization {{system.sys | binary}}B
CPU Utilization {{system.cpuPercent | alwaysNumber | natural:1}}%
Global Discovery OK {{announceServersTotal-announceServersFailed.length}}/{{announceServersTotal}}
Uptime {{system.uptime | duration:"m"}}
Version {{versionString()}}

 {{deviceName(deviceCfg)}} ({{completion[deviceCfg.deviceID]._total | number:0}}%)

Download Rate {{connections[deviceCfg.deviceID].inbps | binary}}B/s ({{connections[deviceCfg.deviceID].inBytesTotal | binary}}B)
Upload Rate {{connections[deviceCfg.deviceID].outbps | binary}}B/s ({{connections[deviceCfg.deviceID].outBytesTotal | binary}}B)
Address {{deviceAddr(deviceCfg)}}
Compression All Data Off
Introducer Yes
Version {{connections[deviceCfg.deviceID].clientVersion}}
Last seen Never {{deviceStats[deviceCfg.deviceID].lastSeen | date:"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"}}
Folders {{deviceFolders(deviceCfg).join(", ")}}

Syncthing seems to be down, or there is a problem with your Internet connection. Retrying…

Syncthing seems to be experiencing a problem processing your request. Please refresh the page or restart Syncthing if the problem persists.

Syncthing is restarting. Please wait...

Syncthing is upgrading. Please wait...

Syncthing has been shut down.

Copied from original
Copied from elsewhere

{{needActions[a]}} {{ | basename}}
{{progress[neededFolder][].bytesDone | binary}}B / {{progress[neededFolder][].bytesTotal | binary}}B
{{f.size | binary}}B
{{needActions[a]}} {{ | basename}} {{f.size | binary}}B
{{needActions[a]}} {{ | basename}} {{f.size | binary}}B


Copyright © 2015 the following Contributors:

  • Aaron Bieber
  • Alexander Graf
  • Andrew Dunham
  • Arthur Axel fREW Schmidt
  • Audrius Butkevicius
  • Ben Curthoys
  • Ben Schulz
  • Ben Sidhom
  • Brandon Philips
  • Brendan Long
  • Caleb Callaway
  • Carsten Hagemann
  • Cathryne Linenweaver
  • Chris Joel
  • Colin Kennedy
  • Daniel Martí
  • Dennis Wilson
  • Dominik Heidler
  • Emil Hessman
  • Federico Castagnini
  • Felix Ableitner
  • Felix Unterpaintner
  • Francois-Xavier Gsell
  • Gilli Sigurdsson
  • Jakob Borg
  • James Patterson
  • Jaroslav Malec
  • Jens Diemer
  • Jochen Voss
  • Johan Vromans
  • Karol Różycki
  • Ken'ichi Kamada
  • Lode Hoste
  • Marc Laporte
  • Marc Pujol
  • Marcin Dziadus
  • Michael Jephcote
  • Michael Tilli
  • Pascal Jungblut
  • Peter Hoeg
  • Philippe Schommers
  • Phill Luby
  • Piotr Bejda
  • Ryan Sullivan
  • Sergey Mishin
  • Stefan Tatschner
  • Tim Abell
  • Tobias Nygren
  • Tomas Cerveny
  • Tully Robinson
  • Veeti Paananen
  • Vil Brekin

Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof: