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// Copyright (C) 2014 The Syncthing Authors.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
//go:generate -command counterfeiter go run github.com/maxbrunsfeld/counterfeiter/v6
//go:generate counterfeiter -o mocks/mocked_wrapper.go --fake-name Wrapper . Wrapper
package config
import (
const (
maxModifications = 1000
minSaveInterval = 5 * time.Second
var errTooManyModifications = errors.New("too many concurrent config modifications")
// The Committer and Verifier interfaces are implemented by objects
// that need to know about or have a say in configuration changes.
// When the configuration is about to be changed, VerifyConfiguration() is
// called for each subscribing object that implements it, with copies of the
// old and new configuration. A nil error is returned if the new configuration
// is acceptable (i.e., does not contain any errors that would prevent it from
// being a valid config). Otherwise an error describing the problem is returned.
// If any subscriber returns an error from VerifyConfiguration(), the
// configuration change is not committed and an error is returned to whoever
// tried to commit the broken config.
// If all verification calls returns nil, CommitConfiguration() is called for
// each subscribing object. The callee returns true if the new configuration
// has been successfully applied, otherwise false. Any Commit() call returning
// false will result in a "restart needed" response to the API/user. Note that
// the new configuration will still have been applied by those who were
// capable of doing so.
// A Committer must take care not to hold any locks while changing the
// configuration (e.g. calling Wrapper.SetFolder), that are also acquired in any
// methods of the Committer interface.
type Committer interface {
CommitConfiguration(from, to Configuration) (handled bool)
String() string
// A Verifier can determine if a new configuration is acceptable.
// See the description for Committer, above.
type Verifier interface {
VerifyConfiguration(from, to Configuration) error
// Waiter allows to wait for the given config operation to complete.
type Waiter interface {
type noopWaiter struct{}
func (noopWaiter) Wait() {}
// ModifyFunction gets a pointer to a copy of the currently active configuration
// for modification.
type ModifyFunction func(*Configuration)
// Wrapper handles a Configuration, i.e. it provides methods to access, change
// and save the config, and notifies registered subscribers (Committer) of
// changes.
// Modify allows changing the currently active configuration through the given
// ModifyFunction. It can be called concurrently: All calls will be queued and
// called in order.
type Wrapper interface {
ConfigPath() string
MyID() protocol.DeviceID
RawCopy() Configuration
RequiresRestart() bool
Save() error
Modify(ModifyFunction) (Waiter, error)
RemoveFolder(id string) (Waiter, error)
RemoveDevice(id protocol.DeviceID) (Waiter, error)
GUI() GUIConfiguration
LDAP() LDAPConfiguration
Options() OptionsConfiguration
DefaultIgnores() Ignores
Folder(id string) (FolderConfiguration, bool)
Folders() map[string]FolderConfiguration
FolderList() []FolderConfiguration
FolderPasswords(device protocol.DeviceID) map[string]string
DefaultFolder() FolderConfiguration
Device(id protocol.DeviceID) (DeviceConfiguration, bool)
Devices() map[protocol.DeviceID]DeviceConfiguration
DeviceList() []DeviceConfiguration
DefaultDevice() DeviceConfiguration
IgnoredDevices() []ObservedDevice
IgnoredDevice(id protocol.DeviceID) bool
IgnoredFolder(device protocol.DeviceID, folder string) bool
Subscribe(c Committer) Configuration
Unsubscribe(c Committer)
type wrapper struct {
cfg Configuration
path string
evLogger events.Logger
myID protocol.DeviceID
queue chan modifyEntry
waiter Waiter // Latest ongoing config change
subs []Committer
mut sync.Mutex
requiresRestart uint32 // an atomic bool
// Wrap wraps an existing Configuration structure and ties it to a file on
// disk.
// The returned Wrapper is a suture.Service, thus needs to be started (added to
// a supervisor).
func Wrap(path string, cfg Configuration, myID protocol.DeviceID, evLogger events.Logger) Wrapper {
w := &wrapper{
cfg: cfg,
path: path,
evLogger: evLogger,
myID: myID,
queue: make(chan modifyEntry, maxModifications),
waiter: noopWaiter{}, // Noop until first config change
mut: sync.NewMutex(),
return w
// Load loads an existing file on disk and returns a new configuration
// wrapper.
// The returned Wrapper is a suture.Service, thus needs to be started (added to
// a supervisor).
func Load(path string, myID protocol.DeviceID, evLogger events.Logger) (Wrapper, int, error) {
fd, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
defer fd.Close()
cfg, originalVersion, err := ReadXML(fd, myID)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
return Wrap(path, cfg, myID, evLogger), originalVersion, nil
func (w *wrapper) ConfigPath() string {
return w.path
func (w *wrapper) MyID() protocol.DeviceID {
return w.myID
// Subscribe registers the given handler to be called on any future
// configuration changes. It returns the config that is in effect while
// subscribing, that can be used for initial setup.
func (w *wrapper) Subscribe(c Committer) Configuration {
defer w.mut.Unlock()
w.subs = append(w.subs, c)
return w.cfg.Copy()
// Unsubscribe de-registers the given handler from any future calls to
// configuration changes and only returns after a potential ongoing config
// change is done.
func (w *wrapper) Unsubscribe(c Committer) {
for i := range w.subs {
if w.subs[i] == c {
copy(w.subs[i:], w.subs[i+1:])
w.subs[len(w.subs)-1] = nil
w.subs = w.subs[:len(w.subs)-1]
waiter := w.waiter
// Waiting mustn't be done under lock, as the goroutines in notifyListener
// may dead-lock when trying to access lock on config read operations.
// RawCopy returns a copy of the currently wrapped Configuration object.
func (w *wrapper) RawCopy() Configuration {
defer w.mut.Unlock()
return w.cfg.Copy()
func (w *wrapper) Modify(fn ModifyFunction) (Waiter, error) {
return w.modifyQueued(fn)
func (w *wrapper) modifyQueued(modifyFunc ModifyFunction) (Waiter, error) {
e := modifyEntry{
modifyFunc: modifyFunc,
res: make(chan modifyResult),
select {
case w.queue <- e:
return noopWaiter{}, errTooManyModifications
res := <-e.res
return res.w, res.err
func (w *wrapper) Serve(ctx context.Context) error {
defer w.serveSave()
var e modifyEntry
saveTimer := time.NewTimer(0)
saveTimerRunning := false
for {
select {
case e = <-w.queue:
case <-saveTimer.C:
saveTimerRunning = false
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
var waiter Waiter = noopWaiter{}
var err error
// Let the caller modify the config.
to := w.RawCopy()
// Check if the config was actually changed at all.
if !reflect.DeepEqual(w.cfg, to) {
waiter, err = w.replaceLocked(to)
if !saveTimerRunning {
saveTimerRunning = true
e.res <- modifyResult{
w: waiter,
err: err,
// Wait for all subscriber to handle the config change before continuing
// to process the next change.
done := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
select {
case <-done:
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
func (w *wrapper) serveSave() {
if err := w.Save(); err != nil {
l.Warnln("Failed to save config:", err)
func (w *wrapper) replaceLocked(to Configuration) (Waiter, error) {
from := w.cfg
if err := to.prepare(w.myID); err != nil {
return noopWaiter{}, err
for _, sub := range w.subs {
sub, ok := sub.(Verifier)
if !ok {
l.Debugln(sub, "verifying configuration")
if err := sub.VerifyConfiguration(from.Copy(), to.Copy()); err != nil {
l.Debugln(sub, "rejected config:", err)
return noopWaiter{}, err
w.cfg = to
w.waiter = w.notifyListeners(from.Copy(), to.Copy())
return w.waiter, nil
func (w *wrapper) notifyListeners(from, to Configuration) Waiter {
wg := sync.NewWaitGroup()
for _, sub := range w.subs {
go func(commiter Committer) {
w.notifyListener(commiter, from, to)
return wg
func (w *wrapper) notifyListener(sub Committer, from, to Configuration) {
l.Debugln(sub, "committing configuration")
if !sub.CommitConfiguration(from, to) {
l.Debugln(sub, "requires restart")
// Devices returns a map of devices.
func (w *wrapper) Devices() map[protocol.DeviceID]DeviceConfiguration {
defer w.mut.Unlock()
deviceMap := make(map[protocol.DeviceID]DeviceConfiguration, len(w.cfg.Devices))
for _, dev := range w.cfg.Devices {
deviceMap[dev.DeviceID] = dev.Copy()
return deviceMap
// DeviceList returns a slice of devices.
func (w *wrapper) DeviceList() []DeviceConfiguration {
defer w.mut.Unlock()
return w.cfg.Copy().Devices
// RemoveDevice removes the device from the configuration
func (w *wrapper) RemoveDevice(id protocol.DeviceID) (Waiter, error) {
return w.modifyQueued(func(cfg *Configuration) {
if _, i, ok := cfg.Device(id); ok {
cfg.Devices = append(cfg.Devices[:i], cfg.Devices[i+1:]...)
func (w *wrapper) DefaultDevice() DeviceConfiguration {
defer w.mut.Unlock()
return w.cfg.Defaults.Device.Copy()
// Folders returns a map of folders.
func (w *wrapper) Folders() map[string]FolderConfiguration {
defer w.mut.Unlock()
folderMap := make(map[string]FolderConfiguration, len(w.cfg.Folders))
for _, fld := range w.cfg.Folders {
folderMap[fld.ID] = fld.Copy()
return folderMap
// FolderList returns a slice of folders.
func (w *wrapper) FolderList() []FolderConfiguration {
defer w.mut.Unlock()
return w.cfg.Copy().Folders
// RemoveFolder removes the folder from the configuration
func (w *wrapper) RemoveFolder(id string) (Waiter, error) {
return w.modifyQueued(func(cfg *Configuration) {
if _, i, ok := cfg.Folder(id); ok {
cfg.Folders = append(cfg.Folders[:i], cfg.Folders[i+1:]...)
// FolderPasswords returns the folder passwords set for this device, for
// folders that have an encryption password set.
func (w *wrapper) FolderPasswords(device protocol.DeviceID) map[string]string {
defer w.mut.Unlock()
return w.cfg.FolderPasswords(device)
func (w *wrapper) DefaultFolder() FolderConfiguration {
defer w.mut.Unlock()
return w.cfg.Defaults.Folder.Copy()
// Options returns the current options configuration object.
func (w *wrapper) Options() OptionsConfiguration {
defer w.mut.Unlock()
return w.cfg.Options.Copy()
func (w *wrapper) LDAP() LDAPConfiguration {
defer w.mut.Unlock()
return w.cfg.LDAP.Copy()
// GUI returns the current GUI configuration object.
func (w *wrapper) GUI() GUIConfiguration {
defer w.mut.Unlock()
return w.cfg.GUI.Copy()
// DefaultIgnores returns the list of ignore patterns to be used by default on folders.
func (w *wrapper) DefaultIgnores() Ignores {
defer w.mut.Unlock()
return w.cfg.Defaults.Ignores.Copy()
// IgnoredDevice returns whether or not connection attempts from the given
// device should be silently ignored.
func (w *wrapper) IgnoredDevice(id protocol.DeviceID) bool {
defer w.mut.Unlock()
for _, device := range w.cfg.IgnoredDevices {
if device.ID == id {
return true
return false
// IgnoredDevices returns a slice of ignored devices.
func (w *wrapper) IgnoredDevices() []ObservedDevice {
defer w.mut.Unlock()
res := make([]ObservedDevice, len(w.cfg.IgnoredDevices))
copy(res, w.cfg.IgnoredDevices)
return res
// IgnoredFolder returns whether or not share attempts for the given
// folder should be silently ignored.
func (w *wrapper) IgnoredFolder(device protocol.DeviceID, folder string) bool {
dev, ok := w.Device(device)
if !ok {
return false
return dev.IgnoredFolder(folder)
// Device returns the configuration for the given device and an "ok" bool.
func (w *wrapper) Device(id protocol.DeviceID) (DeviceConfiguration, bool) {
defer w.mut.Unlock()
device, _, ok := w.cfg.Device(id)
if !ok {
return DeviceConfiguration{}, false
return device.Copy(), ok
// Folder returns the configuration for the given folder and an "ok" bool.
func (w *wrapper) Folder(id string) (FolderConfiguration, bool) {
defer w.mut.Unlock()
fcfg, _, ok := w.cfg.Folder(id)
if !ok {
return FolderConfiguration{}, false
return fcfg.Copy(), ok
// Save writes the configuration to disk, and generates a ConfigSaved event.
func (w *wrapper) Save() error {
defer w.mut.Unlock()
fd, err := osutil.CreateAtomic(w.path)
if err != nil {
l.Debugln("CreateAtomic:", err)
return err
if err := w.cfg.WriteXML(osutil.LineEndingsWriter(fd)); err != nil {
l.Debugln("WriteXML:", err)
return err
if err := fd.Close(); err != nil {
l.Debugln("Close:", err)
return err
w.evLogger.Log(events.ConfigSaved, w.cfg)
return nil
func (w *wrapper) RequiresRestart() bool {
return atomic.LoadUint32(&w.requiresRestart) != 0
func (w *wrapper) setRequiresRestart() {
atomic.StoreUint32(&w.requiresRestart, 1)
type modifyEntry struct {
modifyFunc ModifyFunction
res chan modifyResult
type modifyResult struct {
w Waiter
err error