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// Copyright (C) 2014 The Syncthing Authors.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
// Package config implements reading and writing of the syncthing configuration file.
package config
import (
const (
OldestHandledVersion = 10
CurrentVersion = 13
MaxRescanIntervalS = 365 * 24 * 60 * 60
var (
// DefaultDiscoveryServersV4 should be substituted when the configuration
// contains <globalAnnounceServer>default-v4</globalAnnounceServer>. This is
// done by the "consumer" of the configuration, as we don't want these
// saved to the config.
DefaultDiscoveryServersV4 = []string{
"https://discovery-v4-1.syncthing.net/?id=SR7AARM-TCBUZ5O-VFAXY4D-CECGSDE-3Q6IZ4G-XG7AH75-OBIXJQV-QJ6NLQA", //, Sweden
"https://discovery-v4-2.syncthing.net/?id=DVU36WY-H3LVZHW-E6LLFRE-YAFN5EL-HILWRYP-OC2M47J-Z4PE62Y-ADIBDQC", //, USA
"https://discovery-v4-3.syncthing.net/?id=VK6HNJ3-VVMM66S-HRVWSCR-IXEHL2H-U4AQ4MW-UCPQBWX-J2L2UBK-NVZRDQZ", //, Singapore
// DefaultDiscoveryServersV6 should be substituted when the configuration
// contains <globalAnnounceServer>default-v6</globalAnnounceServer>.
DefaultDiscoveryServersV6 = []string{
"https://discovery-v6-1.syncthing.net/?id=SR7AARM-TCBUZ5O-VFAXY4D-CECGSDE-3Q6IZ4G-XG7AH75-OBIXJQV-QJ6NLQA", // 2001:470:28:4d6::5, Sweden
"https://discovery-v6-2.syncthing.net/?id=DVU36WY-H3LVZHW-E6LLFRE-YAFN5EL-HILWRYP-OC2M47J-Z4PE62Y-ADIBDQC", // 2604:a880:800:10::182:a001, USA
"https://discovery-v6-3.syncthing.net/?id=VK6HNJ3-VVMM66S-HRVWSCR-IXEHL2H-U4AQ4MW-UCPQBWX-J2L2UBK-NVZRDQZ", // 2400:6180:0:d0::d9:d001, Singapore
// DefaultDiscoveryServers should be substituted when the configuration
// contains <globalAnnounceServer>default</globalAnnounceServer>.
DefaultDiscoveryServers = append(DefaultDiscoveryServersV4, DefaultDiscoveryServersV6...)
// DefaultTheme is the default and fallback theme for the web UI.
DefaultTheme = "default"
func New(myID protocol.DeviceID) Configuration {
var cfg Configuration
cfg.Version = CurrentVersion
cfg.OriginalVersion = CurrentVersion
return cfg
func ReadXML(r io.Reader, myID protocol.DeviceID) (Configuration, error) {
var cfg Configuration
err := xml.NewDecoder(r).Decode(&cfg)
cfg.OriginalVersion = cfg.Version
return cfg, err
func ReadJSON(r io.Reader, myID protocol.DeviceID) (Configuration, error) {
var cfg Configuration
err := json.NewDecoder(r).Decode(&cfg)
cfg.OriginalVersion = cfg.Version
return cfg, err
type Configuration struct {
Version int `xml:"version,attr" json:"version"`
Folders []FolderConfiguration `xml:"folder" json:"folders"`
Devices []DeviceConfiguration `xml:"device" json:"devices"`
GUI GUIConfiguration `xml:"gui" json:"gui"`
Options OptionsConfiguration `xml:"options" json:"options"`
IgnoredDevices []protocol.DeviceID `xml:"ignoredDevice" json:"ignoredDevices"`
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"configuration" json:"-"`
OriginalVersion int `xml:"-" json:"-"` // The version we read from disk, before any conversion
func (cfg Configuration) Copy() Configuration {
newCfg := cfg
// Deep copy FolderConfigurations
newCfg.Folders = make([]FolderConfiguration, len(cfg.Folders))
for i := range newCfg.Folders {
newCfg.Folders[i] = cfg.Folders[i].Copy()
// Deep copy DeviceConfigurations
newCfg.Devices = make([]DeviceConfiguration, len(cfg.Devices))
for i := range newCfg.Devices {
newCfg.Devices[i] = cfg.Devices[i].Copy()
newCfg.Options = cfg.Options.Copy()
// DeviceIDs are values
newCfg.IgnoredDevices = make([]protocol.DeviceID, len(cfg.IgnoredDevices))
copy(newCfg.IgnoredDevices, cfg.IgnoredDevices)
return newCfg
func (cfg *Configuration) WriteXML(w io.Writer) error {
e := xml.NewEncoder(w)
e.Indent("", " ")
err := e.Encode(cfg)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = w.Write([]byte("\n"))
return err
func (cfg *Configuration) prepare(myID protocol.DeviceID) {
// Initialize any empty slices
if cfg.Folders == nil {
cfg.Folders = []FolderConfiguration{}
if cfg.IgnoredDevices == nil {
cfg.IgnoredDevices = []protocol.DeviceID{}
if cfg.Options.AlwaysLocalNets == nil {
cfg.Options.AlwaysLocalNets = []string{}
// Check for missing, bad or duplicate folder ID:s
var seenFolders = map[string]*FolderConfiguration{}
for i := range cfg.Folders {
folder := &cfg.Folders[i]
if seen, ok := seenFolders[folder.ID]; ok {
l.Warnf("Multiple folders with ID %q; disabling", folder.ID)
seen.Invalid = "duplicate folder ID"
folder.Invalid = "duplicate folder ID"
} else {
seenFolders[folder.ID] = folder
cfg.Options.ListenAddress = util.UniqueStrings(cfg.Options.ListenAddress)
cfg.Options.GlobalAnnServers = util.UniqueStrings(cfg.Options.GlobalAnnServers)
if cfg.Version > 0 && cfg.Version < OldestHandledVersion {
l.Warnf("Configuration version %d is deprecated. Attempting best effort conversion, but please verify manually.", cfg.Version)
// Upgrade configuration versions as appropriate
if cfg.Version <= 10 {
if cfg.Version == 11 {
if cfg.Version == 12 {
// Build a list of available devices
existingDevices := make(map[protocol.DeviceID]bool)
for _, device := range cfg.Devices {
existingDevices[device.DeviceID] = true
// Ensure this device is present in the config
if !existingDevices[myID] {
myName, _ := os.Hostname()
cfg.Devices = append(cfg.Devices, DeviceConfiguration{
DeviceID: myID,
Name: myName,
existingDevices[myID] = true
// Ensure that the device list is free from duplicates
cfg.Devices = ensureNoDuplicateDevices(cfg.Devices)
// Ensure that any loose devices are not present in the wrong places
// Ensure that there are no duplicate devices
// Ensure that puller settings are sane
// Ensure that the versioning configuration parameter map is not nil
for i := range cfg.Folders {
cfg.Folders[i].Devices = ensureDevicePresent(cfg.Folders[i].Devices, myID)
cfg.Folders[i].Devices = ensureExistingDevices(cfg.Folders[i].Devices, existingDevices)
cfg.Folders[i].Devices = ensureNoDuplicateFolderDevices(cfg.Folders[i].Devices)
if cfg.Folders[i].Versioning.Params == nil {
cfg.Folders[i].Versioning.Params = map[string]string{}
// An empty address list is equivalent to a single "dynamic" entry
for i := range cfg.Devices {
n := &cfg.Devices[i]
if len(n.Addresses) == 0 || len(n.Addresses) == 1 && n.Addresses[0] == "" {
n.Addresses = []string{"dynamic"}
// Very short reconnection intervals are annoying
if cfg.Options.ReconnectIntervalS < 5 {
cfg.Options.ReconnectIntervalS = 5
if cfg.GUI.APIKey == "" {
cfg.GUI.APIKey = util.RandomString(32)
func convertV12V13(cfg *Configuration) {
// Not using the ignore cache is the new default. Disable it on existing
// configurations.
cfg.Options.CacheIgnoredFiles = false
cfg.Options.NATEnabled = cfg.Options.DeprecatedUPnPEnabled
cfg.Options.NATLeaseM = cfg.Options.DeprecatedUPnPLeaseM
cfg.Options.NATRenewalM = cfg.Options.DeprecatedUPnPRenewalM
cfg.Options.NATTimeoutS = cfg.Options.DeprecatedUPnPTimeoutS
cfg.Version = 13
func convertV11V12(cfg *Configuration) {
// Change listen address schema
for i, addr := range cfg.Options.ListenAddress {
if len(addr) > 0 && !strings.HasPrefix(addr, "tcp://") {
cfg.Options.ListenAddress[i] = util.Address("tcp", addr)
for i, device := range cfg.Devices {
for j, addr := range device.Addresses {
if addr != "dynamic" && addr != "" {
cfg.Devices[i].Addresses[j] = util.Address("tcp", addr)
// Use new discovery server
var newDiscoServers []string
var useDefault bool
for _, addr := range cfg.Options.GlobalAnnServers {
if addr == "udp4://announce.syncthing.net:22026" {
useDefault = true
} else if addr == "udp6://announce-v6.syncthing.net:22026" {
useDefault = true
} else {
newDiscoServers = append(newDiscoServers, addr)
if useDefault {
newDiscoServers = append(newDiscoServers, "default")
cfg.Options.GlobalAnnServers = newDiscoServers
// Use new multicast group
if cfg.Options.LocalAnnMCAddr == "[ff32::5222]:21026" {
cfg.Options.LocalAnnMCAddr = "[ff12::8384]:21027"
// Use new local discovery port
if cfg.Options.LocalAnnPort == 21025 {
cfg.Options.LocalAnnPort = 21027
// Set MaxConflicts to unlimited
for i := range cfg.Folders {
cfg.Folders[i].MaxConflicts = -1
cfg.Version = 12
func convertV10V11(cfg *Configuration) {
// Set minimum disk free of existing folders to 1%
for i := range cfg.Folders {
cfg.Folders[i].MinDiskFreePct = 1
cfg.Version = 11
func ensureDevicePresent(devices []FolderDeviceConfiguration, myID protocol.DeviceID) []FolderDeviceConfiguration {
for _, device := range devices {
if device.DeviceID.Equals(myID) {
return devices
devices = append(devices, FolderDeviceConfiguration{
DeviceID: myID,
return devices
func ensureExistingDevices(devices []FolderDeviceConfiguration, existingDevices map[protocol.DeviceID]bool) []FolderDeviceConfiguration {
count := len(devices)
i := 0
for i < count {
if _, ok := existingDevices[devices[i].DeviceID]; !ok {
devices[i] = devices[count-1]
continue loop
return devices[0:count]
func ensureNoDuplicateFolderDevices(devices []FolderDeviceConfiguration) []FolderDeviceConfiguration {
count := len(devices)
i := 0
seenDevices := make(map[protocol.DeviceID]bool)
for i < count {
id := devices[i].DeviceID
if _, ok := seenDevices[id]; ok {
devices[i] = devices[count-1]
continue loop
seenDevices[id] = true
return devices[0:count]
func ensureNoDuplicateDevices(devices []DeviceConfiguration) []DeviceConfiguration {
count := len(devices)
i := 0
seenDevices := make(map[protocol.DeviceID]bool)
for i < count {
id := devices[i].DeviceID
if _, ok := seenDevices[id]; ok {
devices[i] = devices[count-1]
continue loop
seenDevices[id] = true
return devices[0:count]