mirror of
synced 2025-02-14 01:30:20 +00:00
3294 lines
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3294 lines
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// Copyright (C) 2014 The Syncthing Authors.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
//go:generate -command counterfeiter go run github.com/maxbrunsfeld/counterfeiter/v6
//go:generate counterfeiter -o mocks/model.go --fake-name Model . Model
package model
import (
stdsync "sync"
type service interface {
DelayScan(d time.Duration)
SchedulePull() // something relevant changed, we should try a pull
Jobs(page, perpage int) ([]string, []string, int) // In progress, Queued, skipped
Scan(subs []string) error
Errors() []FileError
WatchError() error
ScheduleForceRescan(path string)
GetStatistics() (stats.FolderStatistics, error)
getState() (folderState, time.Time, error)
type Availability struct {
ID protocol.DeviceID `json:"id"`
FromTemporary bool `json:"fromTemporary"`
type Model interface {
ResetFolder(folder string)
DelayScan(folder string, next time.Duration)
ScanFolder(folder string) error
ScanFolders() map[string]error
ScanFolderSubdirs(folder string, subs []string) error
State(folder string) (string, time.Time, error)
FolderErrors(folder string) ([]FileError, error)
WatchError(folder string) error
Override(folder string)
Revert(folder string)
BringToFront(folder, file string)
LoadIgnores(folder string) ([]string, []string, error)
CurrentIgnores(folder string) ([]string, []string, error)
SetIgnores(folder string, content []string) error
GetFolderVersions(folder string) (map[string][]versioner.FileVersion, error)
RestoreFolderVersions(folder string, versions map[string]time.Time) (map[string]error, error)
DBSnapshot(folder string) (*db.Snapshot, error)
NeedFolderFiles(folder string, page, perpage int) ([]db.FileInfoTruncated, []db.FileInfoTruncated, []db.FileInfoTruncated, error)
RemoteNeedFolderFiles(folder string, device protocol.DeviceID, page, perpage int) ([]db.FileInfoTruncated, error)
LocalChangedFolderFiles(folder string, page, perpage int) ([]db.FileInfoTruncated, error)
FolderProgressBytesCompleted(folder string) int64
CurrentFolderFile(folder string, file string) (protocol.FileInfo, bool, error)
CurrentGlobalFile(folder string, file string) (protocol.FileInfo, bool, error)
GetMtimeMapping(folder string, file string) (fs.MtimeMapping, error)
Availability(folder string, file protocol.FileInfo, block protocol.BlockInfo) ([]Availability, error)
Completion(device protocol.DeviceID, folder string) (FolderCompletion, error)
ConnectionStats() map[string]interface{}
DeviceStatistics() (map[protocol.DeviceID]stats.DeviceStatistics, error)
FolderStatistics() (map[string]stats.FolderStatistics, error)
UsageReportingStats(report *contract.Report, version int, preview bool)
PendingDevices() (map[protocol.DeviceID]db.ObservedDevice, error)
PendingFolders(device protocol.DeviceID) (map[string]db.PendingFolder, error)
DismissPendingDevice(device protocol.DeviceID) error
DismissPendingFolder(device protocol.DeviceID, folder string) error
StartDeadlockDetector(timeout time.Duration)
GlobalDirectoryTree(folder, prefix string, levels int, dirsOnly bool) ([]*TreeEntry, error)
type model struct {
// constructor parameters
cfg config.Wrapper
id protocol.DeviceID
clientName string
clientVersion string
db *db.Lowlevel
protectedFiles []string
evLogger events.Logger
// constant or concurrency safe fields
finder *db.BlockFinder
progressEmitter *ProgressEmitter
shortID protocol.ShortID
// globalRequestLimiter limits the amount of data in concurrent incoming
// requests
globalRequestLimiter *util.Semaphore
// folderIOLimiter limits the number of concurrent I/O heavy operations,
// such as scans and pulls.
folderIOLimiter *util.Semaphore
fatalChan chan error
started chan struct{}
// fields protected by fmut
fmut sync.RWMutex
folderCfgs map[string]config.FolderConfiguration // folder -> cfg
folderFiles map[string]*db.FileSet // folder -> files
deviceStatRefs map[protocol.DeviceID]*stats.DeviceStatisticsReference // deviceID -> statsRef
folderIgnores map[string]*ignore.Matcher // folder -> matcher object
folderRunners map[string]service // folder -> puller or scanner
folderRunnerToken map[string]suture.ServiceToken // folder -> token for folder runner
folderRestartMuts syncMutexMap // folder -> restart mutex
folderVersioners map[string]versioner.Versioner // folder -> versioner (may be nil)
folderEncryptionPasswordTokens map[string][]byte // folder -> encryption token (may be missing, and only for encryption type folders)
folderEncryptionFailures map[string]map[protocol.DeviceID]error // folder -> device -> error regarding encryption consistency (may be missing)
// fields protected by pmut
pmut sync.RWMutex
conn map[protocol.DeviceID]protocol.Connection
connRequestLimiters map[protocol.DeviceID]*util.Semaphore
closed map[protocol.DeviceID]chan struct{}
helloMessages map[protocol.DeviceID]protocol.Hello
deviceDownloads map[protocol.DeviceID]*deviceDownloadState
remotePausedFolders map[protocol.DeviceID]map[string]struct{} // deviceID -> folders
indexHandlers map[protocol.DeviceID]*indexHandlerRegistry
// for testing only
foldersRunning int32
type folderFactory func(*model, *db.FileSet, *ignore.Matcher, config.FolderConfiguration, versioner.Versioner, events.Logger, *util.Semaphore) service
var (
folderFactories = make(map[config.FolderType]folderFactory)
var (
errDeviceUnknown = errors.New("unknown device")
errDevicePaused = errors.New("device is paused")
errDeviceIgnored = errors.New("device is ignored")
errDeviceRemoved = errors.New("device has been removed")
ErrFolderPaused = errors.New("folder is paused")
ErrFolderNotRunning = errors.New("folder is not running")
ErrFolderMissing = errors.New("no such folder")
errNetworkNotAllowed = errors.New("network not allowed")
errNoVersioner = errors.New("folder has no versioner")
// errors about why a connection is closed
errReplacingConnection = errors.New("replacing connection")
errStopped = errors.New("Syncthing is being stopped")
errEncryptionInvConfigLocal = errors.New("can't encrypt outgoing data because local data is encrypted (folder-type receive-encrypted)")
errEncryptionInvConfigRemote = errors.New("remote has encrypted data and encrypts that data for us - this is impossible")
errEncryptionNotEncryptedLocal = errors.New("remote expects to exchange encrypted data, but is configured for plain data")
errEncryptionPlainForReceiveEncrypted = errors.New("remote expects to exchange plain data, but is configured to be encrypted")
errEncryptionPlainForRemoteEncrypted = errors.New("remote expects to exchange plain data, but local data is encrypted (folder-type receive-encrypted)")
errEncryptionNotEncryptedUntrusted = errors.New("device is untrusted, but configured to receive plain data")
errEncryptionPassword = errors.New("different encryption passwords used")
errEncryptionTokenRead = errors.New("failed to read encryption token")
errEncryptionTokenWrite = errors.New("failed to write encryption token")
errMissingRemoteInClusterConfig = errors.New("remote device missing in cluster config")
errMissingLocalInClusterConfig = errors.New("local device missing in cluster config")
errConnLimitReached = errors.New("connection limit reached")
// NewModel creates and starts a new model. The model starts in read-only mode,
// where it sends index information to connected peers and responds to requests
// for file data without altering the local folder in any way.
func NewModel(cfg config.Wrapper, id protocol.DeviceID, clientName, clientVersion string, ldb *db.Lowlevel, protectedFiles []string, evLogger events.Logger) Model {
spec := svcutil.SpecWithDebugLogger(l)
m := &model{
Supervisor: suture.New("model", spec),
// constructor parameters
cfg: cfg,
id: id,
clientName: clientName,
clientVersion: clientVersion,
db: ldb,
protectedFiles: protectedFiles,
evLogger: evLogger,
// constant or concurrency safe fields
finder: db.NewBlockFinder(ldb),
progressEmitter: NewProgressEmitter(cfg, evLogger),
shortID: id.Short(),
globalRequestLimiter: util.NewSemaphore(1024 * cfg.Options().MaxConcurrentIncomingRequestKiB()),
folderIOLimiter: util.NewSemaphore(cfg.Options().MaxFolderConcurrency()),
fatalChan: make(chan error),
started: make(chan struct{}),
// fields protected by fmut
fmut: sync.NewRWMutex(),
folderCfgs: make(map[string]config.FolderConfiguration),
folderFiles: make(map[string]*db.FileSet),
deviceStatRefs: make(map[protocol.DeviceID]*stats.DeviceStatisticsReference),
folderIgnores: make(map[string]*ignore.Matcher),
folderRunners: make(map[string]service),
folderRunnerToken: make(map[string]suture.ServiceToken),
folderVersioners: make(map[string]versioner.Versioner),
folderEncryptionPasswordTokens: make(map[string][]byte),
folderEncryptionFailures: make(map[string]map[protocol.DeviceID]error),
// fields protected by pmut
pmut: sync.NewRWMutex(),
conn: make(map[protocol.DeviceID]protocol.Connection),
connRequestLimiters: make(map[protocol.DeviceID]*util.Semaphore),
closed: make(map[protocol.DeviceID]chan struct{}),
helloMessages: make(map[protocol.DeviceID]protocol.Hello),
deviceDownloads: make(map[protocol.DeviceID]*deviceDownloadState),
remotePausedFolders: make(map[protocol.DeviceID]map[string]struct{}),
indexHandlers: make(map[protocol.DeviceID]*indexHandlerRegistry),
for devID := range cfg.Devices() {
m.deviceStatRefs[devID] = stats.NewDeviceStatisticsReference(m.db, devID)
m.Add(svcutil.AsService(m.serve, m.String()))
return m
func (m *model) serve(ctx context.Context) error {
defer m.closeAllConnectionsAndWait()
cfg := m.cfg.Subscribe(m)
defer m.cfg.Unsubscribe(m)
if err := m.initFolders(cfg); err != nil {
return svcutil.AsFatalErr(err, svcutil.ExitError)
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
case err := <-m.fatalChan:
return svcutil.AsFatalErr(err, svcutil.ExitError)
func (m *model) initFolders(cfg config.Configuration) error {
clusterConfigDevices := make(deviceIDSet, len(cfg.Devices))
for _, folderCfg := range cfg.Folders {
if folderCfg.Paused {
err := m.newFolder(folderCfg, cfg.Options.CacheIgnoredFiles)
if err != nil {
return err
ignoredDevices := observedDeviceSet(m.cfg.IgnoredDevices())
m.cleanPending(cfg.DeviceMap(), cfg.FolderMap(), ignoredDevices, nil)
return nil
func (m *model) closeAllConnectionsAndWait() {
closed := make([]chan struct{}, 0, len(m.conn))
for id, conn := range m.conn {
closed = append(closed, m.closed[id])
go conn.Close(errStopped)
for _, c := range closed {
func (m *model) fatal(err error) {
select {
case m.fatalChan <- err:
// StartDeadlockDetector starts a deadlock detector on the models locks which
// causes panics in case the locks cannot be acquired in the given timeout
// period.
func (m *model) StartDeadlockDetector(timeout time.Duration) {
l.Infof("Starting deadlock detector with %v timeout", timeout)
detector := newDeadlockDetector(timeout)
detector.Watch("fmut", m.fmut)
detector.Watch("pmut", m.pmut)
// Need to hold lock on m.fmut when calling this.
func (m *model) addAndStartFolderLocked(cfg config.FolderConfiguration, fset *db.FileSet, cacheIgnoredFiles bool) {
ignores := ignore.New(cfg.Filesystem(), ignore.WithCache(cacheIgnoredFiles))
if cfg.Type != config.FolderTypeReceiveEncrypted {
if err := ignores.Load(".stignore"); err != nil && !fs.IsNotExist(err) {
l.Warnln("Loading ignores:", err)
m.addAndStartFolderLockedWithIgnores(cfg, fset, ignores)
// Only needed for testing, use addAndStartFolderLocked instead.
func (m *model) addAndStartFolderLockedWithIgnores(cfg config.FolderConfiguration, fset *db.FileSet, ignores *ignore.Matcher) {
m.folderCfgs[cfg.ID] = cfg
m.folderFiles[cfg.ID] = fset
m.folderIgnores[cfg.ID] = ignores
_, ok := m.folderRunners[cfg.ID]
if ok {
l.Warnln("Cannot start already running folder", cfg.Description())
panic("cannot start already running folder")
folderFactory, ok := folderFactories[cfg.Type]
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown folder type 0x%x", cfg.Type))
folder := cfg.ID
// Find any devices for which we hold the index in the db, but the folder
// is not shared, and drop it.
expected := mapDevices(cfg.DeviceIDs())
for _, available := range fset.ListDevices() {
if _, ok := expected[available]; !ok {
l.Debugln("dropping", folder, "state for", available)
v, ok := fset.Sequence(protocol.LocalDeviceID), true
indexHasFiles := ok && v > 0
if !indexHasFiles {
// It's a blank folder, so this may the first time we're looking at
// it. Attempt to create and tag with our marker as appropriate. We
// don't really do anything with errors at this point except warn -
// if these things don't work, we still want to start the folder and
// it'll show up as errored later.
if err := cfg.CreateRoot(); err != nil {
l.Warnln("Failed to create folder root directory", err)
} else if err = cfg.CreateMarker(); err != nil {
l.Warnln("Failed to create folder marker:", err)
if cfg.Type == config.FolderTypeReceiveEncrypted {
if encryptionToken, err := readEncryptionToken(cfg); err == nil {
m.folderEncryptionPasswordTokens[folder] = encryptionToken
} else if !fs.IsNotExist(err) {
l.Warnf("Failed to read encryption token: %v", err)
// These are our metadata files, and they should always be hidden.
ffs := cfg.Filesystem()
_ = ffs.Hide(config.DefaultMarkerName)
_ = ffs.Hide(".stversions")
_ = ffs.Hide(".stignore")
var ver versioner.Versioner
if cfg.Versioning.Type != "" {
var err error
ver, err = versioner.New(cfg)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("creating versioner: %w", err))
m.folderVersioners[folder] = ver
p := folderFactory(m, fset, ignores, cfg, ver, m.evLogger, m.folderIOLimiter)
m.folderRunners[folder] = p
m.warnAboutOverwritingProtectedFiles(cfg, ignores)
m.folderRunnerToken[folder] = m.Add(p)
l.Infof("Ready to synchronize %s (%s)", cfg.Description(), cfg.Type)
func (m *model) warnAboutOverwritingProtectedFiles(cfg config.FolderConfiguration, ignores *ignore.Matcher) {
if cfg.Type == config.FolderTypeSendOnly {
// This is a bit of a hack.
ffs := cfg.Filesystem()
if ffs.Type() != fs.FilesystemTypeBasic {
folderLocation := ffs.URI()
var filesAtRisk []string
for _, protectedFilePath := range m.protectedFiles {
// check if file is synced in this folder
if protectedFilePath != folderLocation && !fs.IsParent(protectedFilePath, folderLocation) {
// check if file is ignored
relPath, _ := filepath.Rel(folderLocation, protectedFilePath)
if ignores.Match(relPath).IsIgnored() {
filesAtRisk = append(filesAtRisk, protectedFilePath)
if len(filesAtRisk) > 0 {
l.Warnln("Some protected files may be overwritten and cause issues. See https://docs.syncthing.net/users/config.html#syncing-configuration-files for more information. The at risk files are:", strings.Join(filesAtRisk, ", "))
func (m *model) removeFolder(cfg config.FolderConfiguration) {
token, ok := m.folderRunnerToken[cfg.ID]
if ok {
m.RemoveAndWait(token, 0)
// We need to hold both fmut and pmut and must acquire locks in the same
// order always. (The locks can be *released* in any order.)
isPathUnique := true
for folderID, folderCfg := range m.folderCfgs {
if folderID != cfg.ID && folderCfg.Path == cfg.Path {
isPathUnique = false
if isPathUnique {
// Remove (if empty and removable) or move away (if non-empty or
// otherwise not removable) Syncthing-specific marker files.
fs := cfg.Filesystem()
if err := fs.Remove(config.DefaultMarkerName); err != nil {
moved := config.DefaultMarkerName + time.Now().Format(".removed-20060102-150405")
_ = fs.Rename(config.DefaultMarkerName, moved)
for _, r := range m.indexHandlers {
// Remove it from the database
db.DropFolder(m.db, cfg.ID)
// Need to hold lock on m.fmut when calling this.
func (m *model) cleanupFolderLocked(cfg config.FolderConfiguration) {
// clear up our config maps
delete(m.folderCfgs, cfg.ID)
delete(m.folderFiles, cfg.ID)
delete(m.folderIgnores, cfg.ID)
delete(m.folderRunners, cfg.ID)
delete(m.folderRunnerToken, cfg.ID)
delete(m.folderVersioners, cfg.ID)
func (m *model) restartFolder(from, to config.FolderConfiguration, cacheIgnoredFiles bool) error {
if len(to.ID) == 0 {
panic("bug: cannot restart empty folder ID")
if to.ID != from.ID {
l.Warnf("bug: folder restart cannot change ID %q -> %q", from.ID, to.ID)
panic("bug: folder restart cannot change ID")
folder := to.ID
// This mutex protects the entirety of the restart operation, preventing
// there from being more than one folder restart operation in progress
// at any given time. The usual fmut/pmut stuff doesn't cover this,
// because those locks are released while we are waiting for the folder
// to shut down (and must be so because the folder might need them as
// part of its operations before shutting down).
restartMut := m.folderRestartMuts.Get(folder)
defer restartMut.Unlock()
token, ok := m.folderRunnerToken[from.ID]
if ok {
m.RemoveAndWait(token, 0)
defer m.fmut.Unlock()
// Cache the (maybe) existing fset before it's removed by cleanupFolderLocked
fset := m.folderFiles[folder]
fsetNil := fset == nil
if !to.Paused {
if fsetNil {
// Create a new fset. Might take a while and we do it under
// locking, but it's unsafe to create fset:s concurrently so
// that's the price we pay.
var err error
fset, err = db.NewFileSet(folder, to.Filesystem(), m.db)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("restarting %v: %w", to.Description(), err)
m.addAndStartFolderLocked(to, fset, cacheIgnoredFiles)
// Care needs to be taken because we already hold fmut and the lock order
// must be the same everywhere. As fmut is acquired first, this is fine.
for _, indexRegistry := range m.indexHandlers {
indexRegistry.RegisterFolderState(to, fset, m.folderRunners[to.ID])
var infoMsg string
switch {
case to.Paused:
infoMsg = "Paused"
case from.Paused:
infoMsg = "Unpaused"
infoMsg = "Restarted"
l.Infof("%v folder %v (%v)", infoMsg, to.Description(), to.Type)
return nil
func (m *model) newFolder(cfg config.FolderConfiguration, cacheIgnoredFiles bool) error {
// Creating the fileset can take a long time (metadata calculation) so
// we do it outside of the lock.
fset, err := db.NewFileSet(cfg.ID, cfg.Filesystem(), m.db)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("adding %v: %w", cfg.Description(), err)
defer m.fmut.Unlock()
m.addAndStartFolderLocked(cfg, fset, cacheIgnoredFiles)
// Cluster configs might be received and processed before reaching this
// point, i.e. before the folder is started. If that's the case, start
// index senders here.
// Care needs to be taken because we already hold fmut and the lock order
// must be the same everywhere. As fmut is acquired first, this is fine.
for _, indexRegistry := range m.indexHandlers {
indexRegistry.RegisterFolderState(cfg, fset, m.folderRunners[cfg.ID])
return nil
func (m *model) UsageReportingStats(report *contract.Report, version int, preview bool) {
if version >= 3 {
// Block stats
for k, v := range blockStats {
switch k {
case "total":
report.BlockStats.Total = v
case "renamed":
report.BlockStats.Renamed = v
case "reused":
report.BlockStats.Reused = v
case "pulled":
report.BlockStats.Pulled = v
case "copyOrigin":
report.BlockStats.CopyOrigin = v
case "copyOriginShifted":
report.BlockStats.CopyOriginShifted = v
case "copyElsewhere":
report.BlockStats.CopyElsewhere = v
// Reset counts, as these are incremental
if !preview {
blockStats[k] = 0
// Transport stats
for _, conn := range m.conn {
// Ignore stats
var seenPrefix [3]bool
for folder := range m.cfg.Folders() {
lines, _, err := m.CurrentIgnores(folder)
if err != nil {
report.IgnoreStats.Lines += len(lines)
for _, line := range lines {
// Allow prefixes to be specified in any order, but only once.
for {
if strings.HasPrefix(line, "!") && !seenPrefix[0] {
seenPrefix[0] = true
line = line[1:]
} else if strings.HasPrefix(line, "(?i)") && !seenPrefix[1] {
seenPrefix[1] = true
line = line[4:]
} else if strings.HasPrefix(line, "(?d)") && !seenPrefix[2] {
seenPrefix[2] = true
line = line[4:]
} else {
seenPrefix[0] = false
seenPrefix[1] = false
seenPrefix[2] = false
// Noops, remove
line = strings.TrimSuffix(line, "**")
line = strings.TrimPrefix(line, "**/")
if strings.HasPrefix(line, "/") {
} else if strings.HasPrefix(line, "#include ") {
if strings.Contains(line, "..") {
if strings.Contains(line, "**") {
// Remove not to trip up star checks.
line = strings.ReplaceAll(line, "**", "")
if strings.Contains(line, "*") {
type ConnectionInfo struct {
Connected bool
Paused bool
Address string
ClientVersion string
Type string
Crypto string
func (info ConnectionInfo) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(map[string]interface{}{
"at": info.At,
"inBytesTotal": info.InBytesTotal,
"outBytesTotal": info.OutBytesTotal,
"connected": info.Connected,
"paused": info.Paused,
"address": info.Address,
"clientVersion": info.ClientVersion,
"type": info.Type,
"crypto": info.Crypto,
// NumConnections returns the current number of active connected devices.
func (m *model) NumConnections() int {
defer m.pmut.RUnlock()
return len(m.conn)
// ConnectionStats returns a map with connection statistics for each device.
func (m *model) ConnectionStats() map[string]interface{} {
defer m.pmut.RUnlock()
res := make(map[string]interface{})
devs := m.cfg.Devices()
conns := make(map[string]ConnectionInfo, len(devs))
for device, deviceCfg := range devs {
hello := m.helloMessages[device]
versionString := hello.ClientVersion
if hello.ClientName != "syncthing" {
versionString = hello.ClientName + " " + hello.ClientVersion
ci := ConnectionInfo{
ClientVersion: strings.TrimSpace(versionString),
Paused: deviceCfg.Paused,
if conn, ok := m.conn[device]; ok {
ci.Type = conn.Type()
ci.Crypto = conn.Crypto()
ci.Connected = ok
ci.Statistics = conn.Statistics()
if addr := conn.RemoteAddr(); addr != nil {
ci.Address = addr.String()
conns[device.String()] = ci
res["connections"] = conns
in, out := protocol.TotalInOut()
res["total"] = ConnectionInfo{
Statistics: protocol.Statistics{
At: time.Now().Truncate(time.Second),
InBytesTotal: in,
OutBytesTotal: out,
return res
// DeviceStatistics returns statistics about each device
func (m *model) DeviceStatistics() (map[protocol.DeviceID]stats.DeviceStatistics, error) {
defer m.fmut.RUnlock()
res := make(map[protocol.DeviceID]stats.DeviceStatistics, len(m.deviceStatRefs))
for id, sr := range m.deviceStatRefs {
stats, err := sr.GetStatistics()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
res[id] = stats
return res, nil
// FolderStatistics returns statistics about each folder
func (m *model) FolderStatistics() (map[string]stats.FolderStatistics, error) {
res := make(map[string]stats.FolderStatistics)
defer m.fmut.RUnlock()
for id, runner := range m.folderRunners {
stats, err := runner.GetStatistics()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
res[id] = stats
return res, nil
type FolderCompletion struct {
CompletionPct float64
GlobalBytes int64
NeedBytes int64
GlobalItems int
NeedItems int
NeedDeletes int
Sequence int64
func newFolderCompletion(global, need db.Counts, sequence int64) FolderCompletion {
comp := FolderCompletion{
GlobalBytes: global.Bytes,
NeedBytes: need.Bytes,
GlobalItems: global.Files + global.Directories + global.Symlinks,
NeedItems: need.Files + need.Directories + need.Symlinks,
NeedDeletes: need.Deleted,
Sequence: sequence,
return comp
func (comp *FolderCompletion) add(other FolderCompletion) {
comp.GlobalBytes += other.GlobalBytes
comp.NeedBytes += other.NeedBytes
comp.GlobalItems += other.GlobalItems
comp.NeedItems += other.NeedItems
comp.NeedDeletes += other.NeedDeletes
func (comp *FolderCompletion) setComplectionPct() {
if comp.GlobalBytes == 0 {
comp.CompletionPct = 100
} else {
needRatio := float64(comp.NeedBytes) / float64(comp.GlobalBytes)
comp.CompletionPct = 100 * (1 - needRatio)
// If the completion is 100% but there are deletes we need to handle,
// drop it down a notch. Hack for consumers that look only at the
// percentage (our own GUI does the same calculation as here on its own
// and needs the same fixup).
if comp.NeedBytes == 0 && comp.NeedDeletes > 0 {
comp.CompletionPct = 95 // chosen by fair dice roll
// Map returns the members as a map, e.g. used in api to serialize as Json.
func (comp FolderCompletion) Map() map[string]interface{} {
return map[string]interface{}{
"completion": comp.CompletionPct,
"globalBytes": comp.GlobalBytes,
"needBytes": comp.NeedBytes,
"globalItems": comp.GlobalItems,
"needItems": comp.NeedItems,
"needDeletes": comp.NeedDeletes,
"sequence": comp.Sequence,
// Completion returns the completion status, in percent with some counters,
// for the given device and folder. The device can be any known device ID
// (including the local device) or explicitly protocol.LocalDeviceID. An
// empty folder string means the aggregate of all folders shared with the
// given device.
func (m *model) Completion(device protocol.DeviceID, folder string) (FolderCompletion, error) {
// The user specifically asked for our own device ID. Internally that is
// known as protocol.LocalDeviceID so translate.
if device == m.id {
device = protocol.LocalDeviceID
if folder != "" {
// We want completion for a specific folder.
return m.folderCompletion(device, folder)
// We want completion for all (shared) folders as an aggregate.
var comp FolderCompletion
for _, fcfg := range m.cfg.FolderList() {
if device == protocol.LocalDeviceID || fcfg.SharedWith(device) {
folderComp, err := m.folderCompletion(device, fcfg.ID)
if err != nil {
return FolderCompletion{}, err
return comp, nil
func (m *model) folderCompletion(device protocol.DeviceID, folder string) (FolderCompletion, error) {
err := m.checkFolderRunningLocked(folder)
rf := m.folderFiles[folder]
if err != nil {
return FolderCompletion{}, err
snap, err := rf.Snapshot()
if err != nil {
return FolderCompletion{}, err
defer snap.Release()
downloaded := m.deviceDownloads[device].BytesDownloaded(folder)
need := snap.NeedSize(device)
need.Bytes -= downloaded
// This might might be more than it really is, because some blocks can be of a smaller size.
if need.Bytes < 0 {
need.Bytes = 0
comp := newFolderCompletion(snap.GlobalSize(), need, snap.Sequence(device))
l.Debugf("%v Completion(%s, %q): %v", m, device, folder, comp.Map())
return comp, nil
// DBSnapshot returns a snapshot of the database content relevant to the given folder.
func (m *model) DBSnapshot(folder string) (*db.Snapshot, error) {
err := m.checkFolderRunningLocked(folder)
rf := m.folderFiles[folder]
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return rf.Snapshot()
func (m *model) FolderProgressBytesCompleted(folder string) int64 {
return m.progressEmitter.BytesCompleted(folder)
// NeedFolderFiles returns paginated list of currently needed files in
// progress, queued, and to be queued on next puller iteration.
func (m *model) NeedFolderFiles(folder string, page, perpage int) ([]db.FileInfoTruncated, []db.FileInfoTruncated, []db.FileInfoTruncated, error) {
rf, rfOk := m.folderFiles[folder]
runner, runnerOk := m.folderRunners[folder]
cfg := m.folderCfgs[folder]
if !rfOk {
return nil, nil, nil, ErrFolderMissing
snap, err := rf.Snapshot()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
defer snap.Release()
var progress, queued, rest []db.FileInfoTruncated
var seen map[string]struct{}
p := newPager(page, perpage)
if runnerOk {
progressNames, queuedNames, skipped := runner.Jobs(page, perpage)
progress = make([]db.FileInfoTruncated, len(progressNames))
queued = make([]db.FileInfoTruncated, len(queuedNames))
seen = make(map[string]struct{}, len(progressNames)+len(queuedNames))
for i, name := range progressNames {
if f, ok := snap.GetGlobalTruncated(name); ok {
progress[i] = f
seen[name] = struct{}{}
for i, name := range queuedNames {
if f, ok := snap.GetGlobalTruncated(name); ok {
queued[i] = f
seen[name] = struct{}{}
p.get -= len(seen)
if p.get == 0 {
return progress, queued, nil, nil
p.toSkip -= skipped
rest = make([]db.FileInfoTruncated, 0, perpage)
snap.WithNeedTruncated(protocol.LocalDeviceID, func(f protocol.FileIntf) bool {
if cfg.IgnoreDelete && f.IsDeleted() {
return true
if p.skip() {
return true
ft := f.(db.FileInfoTruncated)
if _, ok := seen[ft.Name]; !ok {
rest = append(rest, ft)
return p.get > 0
return progress, queued, rest, nil
// RemoteNeedFolderFiles returns paginated list of currently needed files in
// progress, queued, and to be queued on next puller iteration, as well as the
// total number of files currently needed.
func (m *model) RemoteNeedFolderFiles(folder string, device protocol.DeviceID, page, perpage int) ([]db.FileInfoTruncated, error) {
rf, ok := m.folderFiles[folder]
if !ok {
return nil, ErrFolderMissing
snap, err := rf.Snapshot()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer snap.Release()
files := make([]db.FileInfoTruncated, 0, perpage)
p := newPager(page, perpage)
snap.WithNeedTruncated(device, func(f protocol.FileIntf) bool {
if p.skip() {
return true
files = append(files, f.(db.FileInfoTruncated))
return !p.done()
return files, nil
func (m *model) LocalChangedFolderFiles(folder string, page, perpage int) ([]db.FileInfoTruncated, error) {
rf, ok := m.folderFiles[folder]
cfg := m.folderCfgs[folder]
if !ok {
return nil, ErrFolderMissing
snap, err := rf.Snapshot()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer snap.Release()
if snap.ReceiveOnlyChangedSize().TotalItems() == 0 {
return nil, nil
p := newPager(page, perpage)
recvEnc := cfg.Type == config.FolderTypeReceiveEncrypted
files := make([]db.FileInfoTruncated, 0, perpage)
snap.WithHaveTruncated(protocol.LocalDeviceID, func(f protocol.FileIntf) bool {
if !f.IsReceiveOnlyChanged() || (recvEnc && f.IsDeleted()) {
return true
if p.skip() {
return true
ft := f.(db.FileInfoTruncated)
files = append(files, ft)
return !p.done()
return files, nil
type pager struct {
toSkip, get int
func newPager(page, perpage int) *pager {
return &pager{
toSkip: (page - 1) * perpage,
get: perpage,
func (p *pager) skip() bool {
if p.toSkip == 0 {
return false
return true
func (p *pager) done() bool {
if p.get > 0 {
return p.get == 0
// Index is called when a new device is connected and we receive their full index.
// Implements the protocol.Model interface.
func (m *model) Index(deviceID protocol.DeviceID, folder string, fs []protocol.FileInfo) error {
return m.handleIndex(deviceID, folder, fs, false)
// IndexUpdate is called for incremental updates to connected devices' indexes.
// Implements the protocol.Model interface.
func (m *model) IndexUpdate(deviceID protocol.DeviceID, folder string, fs []protocol.FileInfo) error {
return m.handleIndex(deviceID, folder, fs, true)
func (m *model) handleIndex(deviceID protocol.DeviceID, folder string, fs []protocol.FileInfo, update bool) error {
op := "Index"
if update {
op += " update"
l.Debugf("%v (in): %s / %q: %d files", op, deviceID, folder, len(fs))
if cfg, ok := m.cfg.Folder(folder); !ok || !cfg.SharedWith(deviceID) {
l.Infof("%v for unexpected folder ID %q sent from device %q; ensure that the folder exists and that this device is selected under \"Share With\" in the folder configuration.", op, folder, deviceID)
return errors.Wrap(ErrFolderMissing, folder)
} else if cfg.Paused {
l.Debugf("%v for paused folder (ID %q) sent from device %q.", op, folder, deviceID)
return errors.Wrap(ErrFolderPaused, folder)
indexHandler, ok := m.indexHandlers[deviceID]
if !ok {
// This should be impossible, as an index handler always exists for an
// open connection, and this method can't be called on a closed
// connection
m.evLogger.Log(events.Failure, "index sender does not exist for connection on which indexes were received")
l.Debugf("%v for folder (ID %q) sent from device %q: missing index handler", op, folder, deviceID)
return errors.Wrap(errors.New("index handler missing"), folder)
return indexHandler.ReceiveIndex(folder, fs, update, op)
type clusterConfigDeviceInfo struct {
local, remote protocol.Device
func (m *model) ClusterConfig(deviceID protocol.DeviceID, cm protocol.ClusterConfig) error {
// Check the peer device's announced folders against our own. Emits events
// for folders that we don't expect (unknown or not shared).
// Also, collect a list of folders we do share, and if he's interested in
// temporary indexes, subscribe the connection.
l.Debugf("Handling ClusterConfig from %v", deviceID.Short())
indexHandlerRegistry, ok := m.indexHandlers[deviceID]
if !ok {
panic("bug: ClusterConfig called on closed or nonexistent connection")
deviceCfg, ok := m.cfg.Device(deviceID)
if !ok {
l.Debugln("Device disappeared from config while processing cluster-config")
return errDeviceUnknown
// Assemble the device information from the connected device about
// themselves and us for all folders.
ccDeviceInfos := make(map[string]*clusterConfigDeviceInfo, len(cm.Folders))
for _, folder := range cm.Folders {
info := &clusterConfigDeviceInfo{}
for _, dev := range folder.Devices {
if dev.ID == m.id {
info.local = dev
} else if dev.ID == deviceID {
info.remote = dev
if info.local.ID != protocol.EmptyDeviceID && info.remote.ID != protocol.EmptyDeviceID {
if info.remote.ID == protocol.EmptyDeviceID {
l.Infof("Device %v sent cluster-config without the device info for the remote on folder %v", deviceID, folder.Description())
return errMissingRemoteInClusterConfig
if info.local.ID == protocol.EmptyDeviceID {
l.Infof("Device %v sent cluster-config without the device info for us locally on folder %v", deviceID, folder.Description())
return errMissingLocalInClusterConfig
ccDeviceInfos[folder.ID] = info
// Needs to happen outside of the fmut, as can cause CommitConfiguration
if deviceCfg.AutoAcceptFolders {
w, _ := m.cfg.Modify(func(cfg *config.Configuration) {
changedFcfg := make(map[string]config.FolderConfiguration)
haveFcfg := cfg.FolderMap()
for _, folder := range cm.Folders {
from, ok := haveFcfg[folder.ID]
if to, changed := m.handleAutoAccepts(deviceID, folder, ccDeviceInfos[folder.ID], from, ok, cfg.Defaults.Folder.Path); changed {
changedFcfg[folder.ID] = to
if len(changedFcfg) == 0 {
for i := range cfg.Folders {
if fcfg, ok := changedFcfg[cfg.Folders[i].ID]; ok {
cfg.Folders[i] = fcfg
delete(changedFcfg, cfg.Folders[i].ID)
for _, fcfg := range changedFcfg {
cfg.Folders = append(cfg.Folders, fcfg)
// Need to wait for the waiter, as this calls CommitConfiguration,
// which sets up the folder and as we return from this call,
// ClusterConfig starts poking at m.folderFiles and other things
// that might not exist until the config is committed.
tempIndexFolders, paused, err := m.ccHandleFolders(cm.Folders, deviceCfg, ccDeviceInfos, indexHandlerRegistry)
if err != nil {
return err
m.remotePausedFolders[deviceID] = paused
if len(tempIndexFolders) > 0 {
conn, ok := m.conn[deviceID]
// In case we've got ClusterConfig, and the connection disappeared
// from infront of our nose.
if ok {
m.progressEmitter.temporaryIndexSubscribe(conn, tempIndexFolders)
if deviceCfg.Introducer {
m.cfg.Modify(func(cfg *config.Configuration) {
folders, devices, foldersDevices, introduced := m.handleIntroductions(deviceCfg, cm, cfg.FolderMap(), cfg.DeviceMap())
folders, devices, deintroduced := m.handleDeintroductions(deviceCfg, foldersDevices, folders, devices)
if !introduced && !deintroduced {
cfg.Folders = make([]config.FolderConfiguration, 0, len(folders))
for _, fcfg := range folders {
cfg.Folders = append(cfg.Folders, fcfg)
cfg.Devices = make([]config.DeviceConfiguration, len(devices))
for _, dcfg := range devices {
cfg.Devices = append(cfg.Devices, dcfg)
return nil
func (m *model) ccHandleFolders(folders []protocol.Folder, deviceCfg config.DeviceConfiguration, ccDeviceInfos map[string]*clusterConfigDeviceInfo, indexHandlers *indexHandlerRegistry) ([]string, map[string]struct{}, error) {
var folderDevice config.FolderDeviceConfiguration
tempIndexFolders := make([]string, 0, len(folders))
paused := make(map[string]struct{}, len(folders))
seenFolders := make(map[string]struct{}, len(folders))
updatedPending := make([]updatedPendingFolder, 0, len(folders))
deviceID := deviceCfg.DeviceID
expiredPending, err := m.db.PendingFoldersForDevice(deviceID)
if err != nil {
l.Infof("Could not get pending folders for cleanup: %v", err)
of := db.ObservedFolder{Time: time.Now().Truncate(time.Second)}
for _, folder := range folders {
seenFolders[folder.ID] = struct{}{}
cfg, ok := m.cfg.Folder(folder.ID)
if ok {
folderDevice, ok = cfg.Device(deviceID)
if !ok {
if deviceCfg.IgnoredFolder(folder.ID) {
l.Infof("Ignoring folder %s from device %s since we are configured to", folder.Description(), deviceID)
delete(expiredPending, folder.ID)
of.Label = folder.Label
of.ReceiveEncrypted = len(ccDeviceInfos[folder.ID].local.EncryptionPasswordToken) > 0
of.RemoteEncrypted = len(ccDeviceInfos[folder.ID].remote.EncryptionPasswordToken) > 0
if err := m.db.AddOrUpdatePendingFolder(folder.ID, of, deviceID); err != nil {
l.Warnf("Failed to persist pending folder entry to database: %v", err)
if !folder.Paused {
indexHandlers.AddIndexInfo(folder.ID, ccDeviceInfos[folder.ID])
updatedPending = append(updatedPending, updatedPendingFolder{
FolderID: folder.ID,
FolderLabel: folder.Label,
DeviceID: deviceID,
ReceiveEncrypted: of.ReceiveEncrypted,
RemoteEncrypted: of.RemoteEncrypted,
// DEPRECATED: Only for backwards compatibility, should be removed.
m.evLogger.Log(events.FolderRejected, map[string]string{
"folder": folder.ID,
"folderLabel": folder.Label,
"device": deviceID.String(),
l.Infof("Unexpected folder %s sent from device %q; ensure that the folder exists and that this device is selected under \"Share With\" in the folder configuration.", folder.Description(), deviceID)
if folder.Paused {
paused[cfg.ID] = struct{}{}
if cfg.Paused {
indexHandlers.AddIndexInfo(folder.ID, ccDeviceInfos[folder.ID])
if err := m.ccCheckEncryption(cfg, folderDevice, ccDeviceInfos[folder.ID], deviceCfg.Untrusted); err != nil {
sameError := false
if devs, ok := m.folderEncryptionFailures[folder.ID]; ok {
sameError = devs[deviceID] == err
} else {
m.folderEncryptionFailures[folder.ID] = make(map[protocol.DeviceID]error)
m.folderEncryptionFailures[folder.ID][deviceID] = err
msg := fmt.Sprintf("Failure checking encryption consistency with device %v for folder %v: %v", deviceID, cfg.Description(), err)
if sameError {
} else {
if rerr, ok := err.(*redactedError); ok {
err = rerr.redacted
m.evLogger.Log(events.Failure, err.Error())
return tempIndexFolders, paused, err
if devErrs, ok := m.folderEncryptionFailures[folder.ID]; ok {
if len(devErrs) == 1 {
delete(m.folderEncryptionFailures, folder.ID)
} else {
delete(m.folderEncryptionFailures[folder.ID], deviceID)
// Handle indexes
if !folder.DisableTempIndexes {
tempIndexFolders = append(tempIndexFolders, folder.ID)
indexHandlers.AddIndexInfo(folder.ID, ccDeviceInfos[folder.ID])
expiredPendingList := make([]map[string]string, 0, len(expiredPending))
for folder := range expiredPending {
if err = m.db.RemovePendingFolderForDevice(folder, deviceID); err != nil {
msg := "Failed to remove pending folder-device entry"
l.Warnf("%v (%v, %v): %v", msg, folder, deviceID, err)
m.evLogger.Log(events.Failure, msg)
expiredPendingList = append(expiredPendingList, map[string]string{
"folderID": folder,
"deviceID": deviceID.String(),
if len(updatedPending) > 0 || len(expiredPendingList) > 0 {
m.evLogger.Log(events.PendingFoldersChanged, map[string]interface{}{
"added": updatedPending,
"removed": expiredPendingList,
return tempIndexFolders, paused, nil
func (m *model) ccCheckEncryption(fcfg config.FolderConfiguration, folderDevice config.FolderDeviceConfiguration, ccDeviceInfos *clusterConfigDeviceInfo, deviceUntrusted bool) error {
hasTokenRemote := len(ccDeviceInfos.remote.EncryptionPasswordToken) > 0
hasTokenLocal := len(ccDeviceInfos.local.EncryptionPasswordToken) > 0
isEncryptedRemote := folderDevice.EncryptionPassword != ""
isEncryptedLocal := fcfg.Type == config.FolderTypeReceiveEncrypted
if !isEncryptedRemote && !isEncryptedLocal && deviceUntrusted {
return errEncryptionNotEncryptedUntrusted
if !(hasTokenRemote || hasTokenLocal || isEncryptedRemote || isEncryptedLocal) {
// Noone cares about encryption here
return nil
if isEncryptedRemote && isEncryptedLocal {
// Should never happen, but config racyness and be safe.
return errEncryptionInvConfigLocal
if hasTokenRemote && hasTokenLocal {
return errEncryptionInvConfigRemote
if !(hasTokenRemote || hasTokenLocal) {
if isEncryptedRemote {
return errEncryptionPlainForRemoteEncrypted
} else {
return errEncryptionPlainForReceiveEncrypted
if !(isEncryptedRemote || isEncryptedLocal) {
return errEncryptionNotEncryptedLocal
if isEncryptedRemote {
passwordToken := protocol.PasswordToken(fcfg.ID, folderDevice.EncryptionPassword)
match := false
if hasTokenLocal {
match = bytes.Equal(passwordToken, ccDeviceInfos.local.EncryptionPasswordToken)
} else {
// hasTokenRemote == true
match = bytes.Equal(passwordToken, ccDeviceInfos.remote.EncryptionPasswordToken)
if !match {
return errEncryptionPassword
return nil
// isEncryptedLocal == true
var ccToken []byte
if hasTokenLocal {
ccToken = ccDeviceInfos.local.EncryptionPasswordToken
} else {
// hasTokenRemote == true
ccToken = ccDeviceInfos.remote.EncryptionPasswordToken
token, ok := m.folderEncryptionPasswordTokens[fcfg.ID]
if !ok {
var err error
token, err = readEncryptionToken(fcfg)
if err != nil && !fs.IsNotExist(err) {
if rerr, ok := redactPathError(err); ok {
return rerr
return &redactedError{
error: err,
redacted: errEncryptionTokenRead,
if err == nil {
m.folderEncryptionPasswordTokens[fcfg.ID] = token
} else {
if err := writeEncryptionToken(ccToken, fcfg); err != nil {
if rerr, ok := redactPathError(err); ok {
return rerr
} else {
return &redactedError{
error: err,
redacted: errEncryptionTokenWrite,
m.folderEncryptionPasswordTokens[fcfg.ID] = ccToken
// We can only announce ourselfs once we have the token,
// thus we need to resend CCs now that we have it.
return nil
if !bytes.Equal(token, ccToken) {
return errEncryptionPassword
return nil
func (m *model) sendClusterConfig(ids []protocol.DeviceID) {
if len(ids) == 0 {
ccConns := make([]protocol.Connection, 0, len(ids))
for _, id := range ids {
if conn, ok := m.conn[id]; ok {
ccConns = append(ccConns, conn)
// Generating cluster-configs acquires fmut -> must happen outside of pmut.
for _, conn := range ccConns {
cm, passwords := m.generateClusterConfig(conn.ID())
go conn.ClusterConfig(cm)
// handleIntroductions handles adding devices/folders that are shared by an introducer device
func (m *model) handleIntroductions(introducerCfg config.DeviceConfiguration, cm protocol.ClusterConfig, folders map[string]config.FolderConfiguration, devices map[protocol.DeviceID]config.DeviceConfiguration) (map[string]config.FolderConfiguration, map[protocol.DeviceID]config.DeviceConfiguration, folderDeviceSet, bool) {
changed := false
foldersDevices := make(folderDeviceSet)
for _, folder := range cm.Folders {
// Adds devices which we do not have, but the introducer has
// for the folders that we have in common. Also, shares folders
// with devices that we have in common, yet are currently not sharing
// the folder.
fcfg, ok := folders[folder.ID]
if !ok {
// Don't have this folder, carry on.
folderChanged := false
for _, device := range folder.Devices {
// No need to share with self.
if device.ID == m.id {
foldersDevices.set(device.ID, folder.ID)
if _, ok := devices[device.ID]; !ok {
// The device is currently unknown. Add it to the config.
devices[device.ID] = m.introduceDevice(device, introducerCfg)
} else if fcfg.SharedWith(device.ID) {
// We already share the folder with this device, so
// nothing to do.
if fcfg.Type != config.FolderTypeReceiveEncrypted && device.EncryptionPasswordToken != nil {
l.Infof("Cannot share folder %s with %v because the introducer %v encrypts data, which requires a password", folder.Description(), device.ID, introducerCfg.DeviceID)
// We don't yet share this folder with this device. Add the device
// to sharing list of the folder.
l.Infof("Sharing folder %s with %v (vouched for by introducer %v)", folder.Description(), device.ID, introducerCfg.DeviceID)
fcfg.Devices = append(fcfg.Devices, config.FolderDeviceConfiguration{
DeviceID: device.ID,
IntroducedBy: introducerCfg.DeviceID,
folderChanged = true
if folderChanged {
folders[fcfg.ID] = fcfg
changed = true
return folders, devices, foldersDevices, changed
// handleDeintroductions handles removals of devices/shares that are removed by an introducer device
func (m *model) handleDeintroductions(introducerCfg config.DeviceConfiguration, foldersDevices folderDeviceSet, folders map[string]config.FolderConfiguration, devices map[protocol.DeviceID]config.DeviceConfiguration) (map[string]config.FolderConfiguration, map[protocol.DeviceID]config.DeviceConfiguration, bool) {
if introducerCfg.SkipIntroductionRemovals {
return folders, devices, false
changed := false
devicesNotIntroduced := make(map[protocol.DeviceID]struct{})
// Check if we should unshare some folders, if the introducer has unshared them.
for folderID, folderCfg := range folders {
for k := 0; k < len(folderCfg.Devices); k++ {
if folderCfg.Devices[k].IntroducedBy != introducerCfg.DeviceID {
devicesNotIntroduced[folderCfg.Devices[k].DeviceID] = struct{}{}
if !foldersDevices.has(folderCfg.Devices[k].DeviceID, folderCfg.ID) {
// We could not find that folder shared on the
// introducer with the device that was introduced to us.
// We should follow and unshare as well.
l.Infof("Unsharing folder %s with %v as introducer %v no longer shares the folder with that device", folderCfg.Description(), folderCfg.Devices[k].DeviceID, folderCfg.Devices[k].IntroducedBy)
folderCfg.Devices = append(folderCfg.Devices[:k], folderCfg.Devices[k+1:]...)
folders[folderID] = folderCfg
changed = true
// Check if we should remove some devices, if the introducer no longer
// shares any folder with them. Yet do not remove if we share other
// folders that haven't been introduced by the introducer.
for deviceID, device := range devices {
if device.IntroducedBy == introducerCfg.DeviceID {
if !foldersDevices.hasDevice(deviceID) {
if _, ok := devicesNotIntroduced[deviceID]; !ok {
// The introducer no longer shares any folder with the
// device, remove the device.
l.Infof("Removing device %v as introducer %v no longer shares any folders with that device", deviceID, device.IntroducedBy)
changed = true
delete(devices, deviceID)
l.Infof("Would have removed %v as %v no longer shares any folders, yet there are other folders that are shared with this device that haven't been introduced by this introducer.", deviceID, device.IntroducedBy)
return folders, devices, changed
// handleAutoAccepts handles adding and sharing folders for devices that have
// AutoAcceptFolders set to true.
func (m *model) handleAutoAccepts(deviceID protocol.DeviceID, folder protocol.Folder, ccDeviceInfos *clusterConfigDeviceInfo, cfg config.FolderConfiguration, haveCfg bool, defaultPath string) (config.FolderConfiguration, bool) {
if !haveCfg {
defaultPathFs := fs.NewFilesystem(fs.FilesystemTypeBasic, defaultPath)
pathAlternatives := []string{
for _, path := range pathAlternatives {
if _, err := defaultPathFs.Lstat(path); !fs.IsNotExist(err) {
fcfg := newFolderConfiguration(m.cfg, folder.ID, folder.Label, fs.FilesystemTypeBasic, filepath.Join(defaultPath, path))
fcfg.Devices = append(fcfg.Devices, config.FolderDeviceConfiguration{
DeviceID: deviceID,
if len(ccDeviceInfos.remote.EncryptionPasswordToken) > 0 || len(ccDeviceInfos.local.EncryptionPasswordToken) > 0 {
fcfg.Type = config.FolderTypeReceiveEncrypted
l.Infof("Auto-accepted %s folder %s at path %s", deviceID, folder.Description(), fcfg.Path)
return fcfg, true
l.Infof("Failed to auto-accept folder %s from %s due to path conflict", folder.Description(), deviceID)
return config.FolderConfiguration{}, false
} else {
for _, device := range cfg.DeviceIDs() {
if device == deviceID {
// Already shared nothing todo.
return config.FolderConfiguration{}, false
if cfg.Type == config.FolderTypeReceiveEncrypted {
if len(ccDeviceInfos.remote.EncryptionPasswordToken) == 0 && len(ccDeviceInfos.local.EncryptionPasswordToken) == 0 {
l.Infof("Failed to auto-accept device %s on existing folder %s as the remote wants to send us unencrypted data, but the folder type is receive-encrypted", folder.Description(), deviceID)
return config.FolderConfiguration{}, false
} else {
if len(ccDeviceInfos.remote.EncryptionPasswordToken) > 0 || len(ccDeviceInfos.local.EncryptionPasswordToken) > 0 {
l.Infof("Failed to auto-accept device %s on existing folder %s as the remote wants to send us encrypted data, but the folder type is not receive-encrypted", folder.Description(), deviceID)
return config.FolderConfiguration{}, false
cfg.Devices = append(cfg.Devices, config.FolderDeviceConfiguration{
DeviceID: deviceID,
l.Infof("Shared %s with %s due to auto-accept", folder.ID, deviceID)
return cfg, true
func (m *model) introduceDevice(device protocol.Device, introducerCfg config.DeviceConfiguration) config.DeviceConfiguration {
addresses := []string{"dynamic"}
for _, addr := range device.Addresses {
if addr != "dynamic" {
addresses = append(addresses, addr)
l.Infof("Adding device %v to config (vouched for by introducer %v)", device.ID, introducerCfg.DeviceID)
newDeviceCfg := m.cfg.DefaultDevice()
newDeviceCfg.DeviceID = device.ID
newDeviceCfg.Name = device.Name
newDeviceCfg.Compression = introducerCfg.Compression
newDeviceCfg.Addresses = addresses
newDeviceCfg.CertName = device.CertName
newDeviceCfg.IntroducedBy = introducerCfg.DeviceID
// The introducers' introducers are also our introducers.
if device.Introducer {
l.Infof("Device %v is now also an introducer", device.ID)
newDeviceCfg.Introducer = true
newDeviceCfg.SkipIntroductionRemovals = device.SkipIntroductionRemovals
return newDeviceCfg
// Closed is called when a connection has been closed
func (m *model) Closed(device protocol.DeviceID, err error) {
conn, ok := m.conn[device]
if !ok {
delete(m.conn, device)
delete(m.connRequestLimiters, device)
delete(m.helloMessages, device)
delete(m.deviceDownloads, device)
delete(m.remotePausedFolders, device)
closed := m.closed[device]
delete(m.closed, device)
delete(m.indexHandlers, device)
m.deviceDidClose(device, time.Since(conn.EstablishedAt()))
l.Infof("Connection to %s at %s closed: %v", device, conn, err)
m.evLogger.Log(events.DeviceDisconnected, map[string]string{
"id": device.String(),
"error": err.Error(),
// Implements protocol.RequestResponse
type requestResponse struct {
data []byte
closed chan struct{}
once stdsync.Once
func newRequestResponse(size int) *requestResponse {
return &requestResponse{
data: protocol.BufferPool.Get(size),
closed: make(chan struct{}),
func (r *requestResponse) Data() []byte {
return r.data
func (r *requestResponse) Close() {
r.once.Do(func() {
func (r *requestResponse) Wait() {
// Request returns the specified data segment by reading it from local disk.
// Implements the protocol.Model interface.
func (m *model) Request(deviceID protocol.DeviceID, folder, name string, blockNo, size int32, offset int64, hash []byte, weakHash uint32, fromTemporary bool) (out protocol.RequestResponse, err error) {
if size < 0 || offset < 0 {
return nil, protocol.ErrInvalid
folderCfg, ok := m.folderCfgs[folder]
folderIgnores := m.folderIgnores[folder]
if !ok {
// The folder might be already unpaused in the config, but not yet
// in the model.
l.Debugf("Request from %s for file %s in unstarted folder %q", deviceID, name, folder)
return nil, protocol.ErrGeneric
if !folderCfg.SharedWith(deviceID) {
l.Warnf("Request from %s for file %s in unshared folder %q", deviceID, name, folder)
return nil, protocol.ErrGeneric
if folderCfg.Paused {
l.Debugf("Request from %s for file %s in paused folder %q", deviceID, name, folder)
return nil, protocol.ErrGeneric
// Make sure the path is valid and in canonical form
if name, err = fs.Canonicalize(name); err != nil {
l.Debugf("Request from %s in folder %q for invalid filename %s", deviceID, folder, name)
return nil, protocol.ErrGeneric
if deviceID != protocol.LocalDeviceID {
l.Debugf("%v REQ(in): %s: %q / %q o=%d s=%d t=%v", m, deviceID, folder, name, offset, size, fromTemporary)
if fs.IsInternal(name) {
l.Debugf("%v REQ(in) for internal file: %s: %q / %q o=%d s=%d", m, deviceID, folder, name, offset, size)
return nil, protocol.ErrInvalid
if folderIgnores.Match(name).IsIgnored() {
l.Debugf("%v REQ(in) for ignored file: %s: %q / %q o=%d s=%d", m, deviceID, folder, name, offset, size)
return nil, protocol.ErrInvalid
// Restrict parallel requests by connection/device
limiter := m.connRequestLimiters[deviceID]
// The requestResponse releases the bytes to the buffer pool and the
// limiters when its Close method is called.
res := newLimitedRequestResponse(int(size), limiter, m.globalRequestLimiter)
defer func() {
// Close it ourselves if it isn't returned due to an error
if err != nil {
// Grab the FS after limiting, as it causes I/O and we want to minimize
// the race time between the symlink check and the read.
folderFs := folderCfg.Filesystem()
if err := osutil.TraversesSymlink(folderFs, filepath.Dir(name)); err != nil {
l.Debugf("%v REQ(in) traversal check: %s - %s: %q / %q o=%d s=%d", m, err, deviceID, folder, name, offset, size)
return nil, protocol.ErrNoSuchFile
// Only check temp files if the flag is set, and if we are set to advertise
// the temp indexes.
if fromTemporary && !folderCfg.DisableTempIndexes {
tempFn := fs.TempName(name)
if info, err := folderFs.Lstat(tempFn); err != nil || !info.IsRegular() {
// Reject reads for anything that doesn't exist or is something
// other than a regular file.
l.Debugf("%v REQ(in) failed stating temp file (%v): %s: %q / %q o=%d s=%d", m, err, deviceID, folder, name, offset, size)
return nil, protocol.ErrNoSuchFile
_, err := readOffsetIntoBuf(folderFs, tempFn, offset, res.data)
if err == nil && scanner.Validate(res.data, hash, weakHash) {
return res, nil
// Fall through to reading from a non-temp file, just incase the temp
// file has finished downloading.
if info, err := folderFs.Lstat(name); err != nil || !info.IsRegular() {
// Reject reads for anything that doesn't exist or is something
// other than a regular file.
l.Debugf("%v REQ(in) failed stating file (%v): %s: %q / %q o=%d s=%d", m, err, deviceID, folder, name, offset, size)
return nil, protocol.ErrNoSuchFile
n, err := readOffsetIntoBuf(folderFs, name, offset, res.data)
if fs.IsNotExist(err) {
l.Debugf("%v REQ(in) file doesn't exist: %s: %q / %q o=%d s=%d", m, deviceID, folder, name, offset, size)
return nil, protocol.ErrNoSuchFile
} else if err == io.EOF {
// Read beyond end of file. This might indicate a problem, or it
// might be a short block that gets padded when read for encrypted
// folders. We ignore the error and let the hash validation in the
// next step take care of it, by only hashing the part we actually
// managed to read.
} else if err != nil {
l.Debugf("%v REQ(in) failed reading file (%v): %s: %q / %q o=%d s=%d", m, err, deviceID, folder, name, offset, size)
return nil, protocol.ErrGeneric
if folderCfg.Type != config.FolderTypeReceiveEncrypted && len(hash) > 0 && !scanner.Validate(res.data[:n], hash, weakHash) {
m.recheckFile(deviceID, folder, name, offset, hash, weakHash)
l.Debugf("%v REQ(in) failed validating data: %s: %q / %q o=%d s=%d", m, deviceID, folder, name, offset, size)
return nil, protocol.ErrNoSuchFile
return res, nil
// newLimitedRequestResponse takes size bytes from the limiters in order,
// skipping nil limiters, then returns a requestResponse of the given size.
// When the requestResponse is closed the limiters are given back the bytes,
// in reverse order.
func newLimitedRequestResponse(size int, limiters ...*util.Semaphore) *requestResponse {
multi := util.MultiSemaphore(limiters)
res := newRequestResponse(size)
go func() {
return res
func (m *model) recheckFile(deviceID protocol.DeviceID, folder, name string, offset int64, hash []byte, weakHash uint32) {
cf, ok, err := m.CurrentFolderFile(folder, name)
if err != nil {
l.Debugf("%v recheckFile: %s: %q / %q: current file error: %v", m, deviceID, folder, name, err)
if !ok {
l.Debugf("%v recheckFile: %s: %q / %q: no current file", m, deviceID, folder, name)
if cf.IsDeleted() || cf.IsInvalid() || cf.IsSymlink() || cf.IsDirectory() {
l.Debugf("%v recheckFile: %s: %q / %q: not a regular file", m, deviceID, folder, name)
blockIndex := int(offset / int64(cf.BlockSize()))
if blockIndex >= len(cf.Blocks) {
l.Debugf("%v recheckFile: %s: %q / %q i=%d: block index too far", m, deviceID, folder, name, blockIndex)
block := cf.Blocks[blockIndex]
// Seems to want a different version of the file, whatever.
if !bytes.Equal(block.Hash, hash) {
l.Debugf("%v recheckFile: %s: %q / %q i=%d: hash mismatch %x != %x", m, deviceID, folder, name, blockIndex, block.Hash, hash)
if weakHash != 0 && block.WeakHash != weakHash {
l.Debugf("%v recheckFile: %s: %q / %q i=%d: weak hash mismatch %v != %v", m, deviceID, folder, name, blockIndex, block.WeakHash, weakHash)
// The hashes provided part of the request match what we expect to find according
// to what we have in the database, yet the content we've read off the filesystem doesn't
// Something is fishy, invalidate the file and rescan it.
// The file will temporarily become invalid, which is ok as the content is messed up.
runner, ok := m.folderRunners[folder]
if !ok {
l.Debugf("%v recheckFile: %s: %q / %q: Folder stopped before rescan could be scheduled", m, deviceID, folder, name)
l.Debugf("%v recheckFile: %s: %q / %q", m, deviceID, folder, name)
func (m *model) CurrentFolderFile(folder string, file string) (protocol.FileInfo, bool, error) {
fs, ok := m.folderFiles[folder]
if !ok {
return protocol.FileInfo{}, false, ErrFolderMissing
snap, err := fs.Snapshot()
if err != nil {
return protocol.FileInfo{}, false, err
f, ok := snap.Get(protocol.LocalDeviceID, file)
return f, ok, nil
func (m *model) CurrentGlobalFile(folder string, file string) (protocol.FileInfo, bool, error) {
ffs, ok := m.folderFiles[folder]
if !ok {
return protocol.FileInfo{}, false, ErrFolderMissing
snap, err := ffs.Snapshot()
if err != nil {
return protocol.FileInfo{}, false, err
f, ok := snap.GetGlobal(file)
return f, ok, nil
func (m *model) GetMtimeMapping(folder string, file string) (fs.MtimeMapping, error) {
ffs, ok := m.folderFiles[folder]
if !ok {
return fs.MtimeMapping{}, ErrFolderMissing
return fs.GetMtimeMapping(ffs.MtimeFS(), file)
// Connection returns the current connection for device, and a boolean whether a connection was found.
func (m *model) Connection(deviceID protocol.DeviceID) (protocol.Connection, bool) {
cn, ok := m.conn[deviceID]
if ok {
return cn, ok
// LoadIgnores loads or refreshes the ignore patterns from disk, if the
// folder is healthy, and returns the refreshed lines and patterns.
func (m *model) LoadIgnores(folder string) ([]string, []string, error) {
cfg, cfgOk := m.folderCfgs[folder]
ignores, ignoresOk := m.folderIgnores[folder]
if !cfgOk {
cfg, cfgOk = m.cfg.Folder(folder)
if !cfgOk {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("folder %s does not exist", folder)
if cfg.Type == config.FolderTypeReceiveEncrypted {
return nil, nil, nil
// On creation a new folder with ignore patterns validly has no marker yet.
if err := cfg.CheckPath(); err != nil && err != config.ErrMarkerMissing {
return nil, nil, err
if !ignoresOk {
ignores = ignore.New(cfg.Filesystem())
err := ignores.Load(".stignore")
if fs.IsNotExist(err) {
// Having no ignores is not an error.
return nil, nil, nil
// Return lines and patterns, which may have some meaning even when err
// != nil, depending on the specific error.
return ignores.Lines(), ignores.Patterns(), err
// CurrentIgnores returns the currently loaded set of ignore patterns,
// whichever it may be. No attempt is made to load or refresh ignore
// patterns from disk.
func (m *model) CurrentIgnores(folder string) ([]string, []string, error) {
_, cfgOk := m.folderCfgs[folder]
ignores, ignoresOk := m.folderIgnores[folder]
if !cfgOk {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("folder %s does not exist", folder)
if !ignoresOk {
// Empty ignore patterns
return []string{}, []string{}, nil
return ignores.Lines(), ignores.Patterns(), nil
func (m *model) SetIgnores(folder string, content []string) error {
cfg, ok := m.cfg.Folder(folder)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("folder %s does not exist", cfg.Description())
err := cfg.CheckPath()
if err == config.ErrPathMissing {
if err = cfg.CreateRoot(); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create folder root")
err = cfg.CheckPath()
if err != nil && err != config.ErrMarkerMissing {
return err
if err := ignore.WriteIgnores(cfg.Filesystem(), ".stignore", content); err != nil {
l.Warnln("Saving .stignore:", err)
return err
runner, ok := m.folderRunners[folder]
if ok {
return runner.Scan(nil)
return nil
// OnHello is called when an device connects to us.
// This allows us to extract some information from the Hello message
// and add it to a list of known devices ahead of any checks.
func (m *model) OnHello(remoteID protocol.DeviceID, addr net.Addr, hello protocol.Hello) error {
if m.cfg.IgnoredDevice(remoteID) {
return errDeviceIgnored
cfg, ok := m.cfg.Device(remoteID)
if !ok {
if err := m.db.AddOrUpdatePendingDevice(remoteID, hello.DeviceName, addr.String()); err != nil {
l.Warnf("Failed to persist pending device entry to database: %v", err)
m.evLogger.Log(events.PendingDevicesChanged, map[string][]interface{}{
"added": {map[string]string{
"deviceID": remoteID.String(),
"name": hello.DeviceName,
"address": addr.String(),
// DEPRECATED: Only for backwards compatibility, should be removed.
m.evLogger.Log(events.DeviceRejected, map[string]string{
"name": hello.DeviceName,
"device": remoteID.String(),
"address": addr.String(),
return errDeviceUnknown
if cfg.Paused {
return errDevicePaused
if len(cfg.AllowedNetworks) > 0 && !connections.IsAllowedNetwork(addr.String(), cfg.AllowedNetworks) {
// The connection is not from an allowed network.
return errNetworkNotAllowed
if max := m.cfg.Options().ConnectionLimitMax; max > 0 && m.NumConnections() >= max {
// We're not allowed to accept any more connections.
return errConnLimitReached
return nil
// GetHello is called when we are about to connect to some remote device.
func (m *model) GetHello(id protocol.DeviceID) protocol.HelloIntf {
name := ""
if _, ok := m.cfg.Device(id); ok {
// Set our name (from the config of our device ID) only if we already know about the other side device ID.
if myCfg, ok := m.cfg.Device(m.id); ok {
name = myCfg.Name
return &protocol.Hello{
DeviceName: name,
ClientName: m.clientName,
ClientVersion: m.clientVersion,
// AddConnection adds a new peer connection to the model. An initial index will
// be sent to the connected peer, thereafter index updates whenever the local
// folder changes.
func (m *model) AddConnection(conn protocol.Connection, hello protocol.Hello) {
deviceID := conn.ID()
device, ok := m.cfg.Device(deviceID)
if !ok {
l.Infoln("Trying to add connection to unknown device")
// The slightly unusual locking sequence here is because we must acquire
// fmut before pmut. (The locks can be *released* in any order.)
if oldConn, ok := m.conn[deviceID]; ok {
l.Infoln("Replacing old connection", oldConn, "with", conn, "for", deviceID)
// There is an existing connection to this device that we are
// replacing. We must close the existing connection and wait for the
// close to complete before adding the new connection. We do the
// actual close without holding pmut as the connection will call
// back into Closed() for the cleanup.
closed := m.closed[deviceID]
// Again, lock fmut before pmut.
m.conn[deviceID] = conn
closed := make(chan struct{})
m.closed[deviceID] = closed
m.deviceDownloads[deviceID] = newDeviceDownloadState()
indexRegistry := newIndexHandlerRegistry(conn, m.deviceDownloads[deviceID], closed, m.Supervisor, m.evLogger)
for id, fcfg := range m.folderCfgs {
indexRegistry.RegisterFolderState(fcfg, m.folderFiles[id], m.folderRunners[id])
m.indexHandlers[deviceID] = indexRegistry
// 0: default, <0: no limiting
switch {
case device.MaxRequestKiB > 0:
m.connRequestLimiters[deviceID] = util.NewSemaphore(1024 * device.MaxRequestKiB)
case device.MaxRequestKiB == 0:
m.connRequestLimiters[deviceID] = util.NewSemaphore(1024 * defaultPullerPendingKiB)
m.helloMessages[deviceID] = hello
event := map[string]string{
"id": deviceID.String(),
"deviceName": hello.DeviceName,
"clientName": hello.ClientName,
"clientVersion": hello.ClientVersion,
"type": conn.Type(),
addr := conn.RemoteAddr()
if addr != nil {
event["addr"] = addr.String()
m.evLogger.Log(events.DeviceConnected, event)
l.Infof(`Device %s client is "%s %s" named "%s" at %s`, deviceID, hello.ClientName, hello.ClientVersion, hello.DeviceName, conn)
// Acquires fmut, so has to be done outside of pmut.
cm, passwords := m.generateClusterConfig(deviceID)
if (device.Name == "" || m.cfg.Options().OverwriteRemoteDevNames) && hello.DeviceName != "" {
m.cfg.Modify(func(cfg *config.Configuration) {
for i := range cfg.Devices {
if cfg.Devices[i].DeviceID == deviceID {
if cfg.Devices[i].Name == "" || cfg.Options.OverwriteRemoteDevNames {
cfg.Devices[i].Name = hello.DeviceName
func (m *model) DownloadProgress(device protocol.DeviceID, folder string, updates []protocol.FileDownloadProgressUpdate) error {
cfg, ok := m.folderCfgs[folder]
if !ok || cfg.DisableTempIndexes || !cfg.SharedWith(device) {
return nil
downloads := m.deviceDownloads[device]
downloads.Update(folder, updates)
state := downloads.GetBlockCounts(folder)
m.evLogger.Log(events.RemoteDownloadProgress, map[string]interface{}{
"device": device.String(),
"folder": folder,
"state": state,
return nil
func (m *model) deviceWasSeen(deviceID protocol.DeviceID) {
sr, ok := m.deviceStatRefs[deviceID]
if ok {
_ = sr.WasSeen()
func (m *model) deviceDidClose(deviceID protocol.DeviceID, duration time.Duration) {
sr, ok := m.deviceStatRefs[deviceID]
if ok {
_ = sr.LastConnectionDuration(duration)
func (m *model) requestGlobal(ctx context.Context, deviceID protocol.DeviceID, folder, name string, blockNo int, offset int64, size int, hash []byte, weakHash uint32, fromTemporary bool) ([]byte, error) {
nc, ok := m.conn[deviceID]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("requestGlobal: no such device: %s", deviceID)
l.Debugf("%v REQ(out): %s: %q / %q b=%d o=%d s=%d h=%x wh=%x ft=%t", m, deviceID, folder, name, blockNo, offset, size, hash, weakHash, fromTemporary)
return nc.Request(ctx, folder, name, blockNo, offset, size, hash, weakHash, fromTemporary)
func (m *model) ScanFolders() map[string]error {
folders := make([]string, 0, len(m.folderCfgs))
for folder := range m.folderCfgs {
folders = append(folders, folder)
errors := make(map[string]error, len(m.folderCfgs))
errorsMut := sync.NewMutex()
wg := sync.NewWaitGroup()
for _, folder := range folders {
folder := folder
go func() {
err := m.ScanFolder(folder)
if err != nil {
errors[folder] = err
return errors
func (m *model) ScanFolder(folder string) error {
return m.ScanFolderSubdirs(folder, nil)
func (m *model) ScanFolderSubdirs(folder string, subs []string) error {
err := m.checkFolderRunningLocked(folder)
runner := m.folderRunners[folder]
if err != nil {
return err
return runner.Scan(subs)
func (m *model) DelayScan(folder string, next time.Duration) {
runner, ok := m.folderRunners[folder]
if !ok {
// numHashers returns the number of hasher routines to use for a given folder,
// taking into account configuration and available CPU cores.
func (m *model) numHashers(folder string) int {
folderCfg := m.folderCfgs[folder]
numFolders := len(m.folderCfgs)
if folderCfg.Hashers > 0 {
// Specific value set in the config, use that.
return folderCfg.Hashers
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" || runtime.GOOS == "darwin" {
// Interactive operating systems; don't load the system too heavily by
// default.
return 1
// For other operating systems and architectures, lets try to get some
// work done... Divide the available CPU cores among the configured
// folders.
if perFolder := runtime.GOMAXPROCS(-1) / numFolders; perFolder > 0 {
return perFolder
return 1
// generateClusterConfig returns a ClusterConfigMessage that is correct and the
// set of folder passwords for the given peer device
func (m *model) generateClusterConfig(device protocol.DeviceID) (protocol.ClusterConfig, map[string]string) {
var message protocol.ClusterConfig
defer m.fmut.RUnlock()
folders := m.cfg.FolderList()
passwords := make(map[string]string, len(folders))
for _, folderCfg := range folders {
if !folderCfg.SharedWith(device) {
encryptionToken, hasEncryptionToken := m.folderEncryptionPasswordTokens[folderCfg.ID]
if folderCfg.Type == config.FolderTypeReceiveEncrypted && !hasEncryptionToken {
// We haven't gotten a token for us yet and without one the other
// side can't validate us - pretend we don't have the folder yet.
protocolFolder := protocol.Folder{
ID: folderCfg.ID,
Label: folderCfg.Label,
ReadOnly: folderCfg.Type == config.FolderTypeSendOnly,
IgnorePermissions: folderCfg.IgnorePerms,
IgnoreDelete: folderCfg.IgnoreDelete,
DisableTempIndexes: folderCfg.DisableTempIndexes,
fs := m.folderFiles[folderCfg.ID]
// Even if we aren't paused, if we haven't started the folder yet
// pretend we are. Otherwise the remote might get confused about
// the missing index info (and drop all the info). We will send
// another cluster config once the folder is started.
protocolFolder.Paused = folderCfg.Paused || fs == nil
for _, folderDevice := range folderCfg.Devices {
deviceCfg, _ := m.cfg.Device(folderDevice.DeviceID)
protocolDevice := protocol.Device{
ID: deviceCfg.DeviceID,
Name: deviceCfg.Name,
Addresses: deviceCfg.Addresses,
Compression: deviceCfg.Compression,
CertName: deviceCfg.CertName,
Introducer: deviceCfg.Introducer,
if deviceCfg.DeviceID == m.id && hasEncryptionToken {
protocolDevice.EncryptionPasswordToken = encryptionToken
} else if folderDevice.EncryptionPassword != "" {
protocolDevice.EncryptionPasswordToken = protocol.PasswordToken(folderCfg.ID, folderDevice.EncryptionPassword)
if folderDevice.DeviceID == device {
passwords[folderCfg.ID] = folderDevice.EncryptionPassword
if fs != nil {
if deviceCfg.DeviceID == m.id {
protocolDevice.IndexID = fs.IndexID(protocol.LocalDeviceID)
protocolDevice.MaxSequence = fs.Sequence(protocol.LocalDeviceID)
} else {
protocolDevice.IndexID = fs.IndexID(deviceCfg.DeviceID)
protocolDevice.MaxSequence = fs.Sequence(deviceCfg.DeviceID)
protocolFolder.Devices = append(protocolFolder.Devices, protocolDevice)
message.Folders = append(message.Folders, protocolFolder)
return message, passwords
func (m *model) State(folder string) (string, time.Time, error) {
runner, ok := m.folderRunners[folder]
if !ok {
// The returned error should be an actual folder error, so returning
// errors.New("does not exist") or similar here would be
// inappropriate.
return "", time.Time{}, nil
state, changed, err := runner.getState()
return state.String(), changed, err
func (m *model) FolderErrors(folder string) ([]FileError, error) {
err := m.checkFolderRunningLocked(folder)
runner := m.folderRunners[folder]
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return runner.Errors(), nil
func (m *model) WatchError(folder string) error {
err := m.checkFolderRunningLocked(folder)
runner := m.folderRunners[folder]
if err != nil {
return nil // If the folder isn't running, there's no error to report.
return runner.WatchError()
func (m *model) Override(folder string) {
// Grab the runner and the file set.
runner, ok := m.folderRunners[folder]
if !ok {
// Run the override, taking updates as if they came from scanning.
func (m *model) Revert(folder string) {
// Grab the runner and the file set.
runner, ok := m.folderRunners[folder]
if !ok {
// Run the revert, taking updates as if they came from scanning.
type TreeEntry struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
ModTime time.Time `json:"modTime"`
Size int64 `json:"size"`
Type protocol.FileInfoType `json:"type"`
Children []*TreeEntry `json:"children,omitempty"`
func findByName(slice []*TreeEntry, name string) *TreeEntry {
for _, child := range slice {
if child.Name == name {
return child
return nil
func (m *model) GlobalDirectoryTree(folder, prefix string, levels int, dirsOnly bool) ([]*TreeEntry, error) {
files, ok := m.folderFiles[folder]
if !ok {
return nil, ErrFolderMissing
root := &TreeEntry{
Children: make([]*TreeEntry, 0),
sep := string(filepath.Separator)
prefix = osutil.NativeFilename(prefix)
if prefix != "" && !strings.HasSuffix(prefix, sep) {
prefix = prefix + sep
snap, err := files.Snapshot()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer snap.Release()
snap.WithPrefixedGlobalTruncated(prefix, func(fi protocol.FileIntf) bool {
f := fi.(db.FileInfoTruncated)
// Don't include the prefix itself.
if f.IsInvalid() || f.IsDeleted() || strings.HasPrefix(prefix, f.Name) {
return true
f.Name = strings.Replace(f.Name, prefix, "", 1)
dir := filepath.Dir(f.Name)
base := filepath.Base(f.Name)
if levels > -1 && strings.Count(f.Name, sep) > levels {
return true
parent := root
if dir != "." {
for _, path := range strings.Split(dir, sep) {
child := findByName(parent.Children, path)
if child == nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("could not find child '%s' for path '%s' in parent '%s'", path, f.Name, parent.Name)
return false
parent = child
if dirsOnly && !f.IsDirectory() {
return true
parent.Children = append(parent.Children, &TreeEntry{
Name: base,
Type: f.Type,
ModTime: f.ModTime(),
Size: f.FileSize(),
return true
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return root.Children, nil
func (m *model) GetFolderVersions(folder string) (map[string][]versioner.FileVersion, error) {
err := m.checkFolderRunningLocked(folder)
ver := m.folderVersioners[folder]
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if ver == nil {
return nil, errNoVersioner
return ver.GetVersions()
func (m *model) RestoreFolderVersions(folder string, versions map[string]time.Time) (map[string]error, error) {
err := m.checkFolderRunningLocked(folder)
fcfg := m.folderCfgs[folder]
ver := m.folderVersioners[folder]
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if ver == nil {
return nil, errNoVersioner
restoreErrors := make(map[string]error)
for file, version := range versions {
if err := ver.Restore(file, version); err != nil {
restoreErrors[file] = err
// Trigger scan
if !fcfg.FSWatcherEnabled {
go func() { _ = m.ScanFolder(folder) }()
return restoreErrors, nil
func (m *model) Availability(folder string, file protocol.FileInfo, block protocol.BlockInfo) ([]Availability, error) {
// The slightly unusual locking sequence here is because we need to hold
// pmut for the duration (as the value returned from foldersFiles can
// get heavily modified on Close()), but also must acquire fmut before
// pmut. (The locks can be *released* in any order.)
defer m.pmut.RUnlock()
fs, ok := m.folderFiles[folder]
cfg := m.folderCfgs[folder]
if !ok {
return nil, ErrFolderMissing
snap, err := fs.Snapshot()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer snap.Release()
return m.availabilityInSnapshotPRlocked(cfg, snap, file, block), nil
func (m *model) availabilityInSnapshot(cfg config.FolderConfiguration, snap *db.Snapshot, file protocol.FileInfo, block protocol.BlockInfo) []Availability {
defer m.pmut.RUnlock()
return m.availabilityInSnapshotPRlocked(cfg, snap, file, block)
func (m *model) availabilityInSnapshotPRlocked(cfg config.FolderConfiguration, snap *db.Snapshot, file protocol.FileInfo, block protocol.BlockInfo) []Availability {
var availabilities []Availability
for _, device := range snap.Availability(file.Name) {
if _, ok := m.remotePausedFolders[device]; !ok {
if _, ok := m.remotePausedFolders[device][cfg.ID]; ok {
_, ok := m.conn[device]
if ok {
availabilities = append(availabilities, Availability{ID: device, FromTemporary: false})
for _, device := range cfg.Devices {
if m.deviceDownloads[device.DeviceID].Has(cfg.ID, file.Name, file.Version, int(block.Offset/int64(file.BlockSize()))) {
availabilities = append(availabilities, Availability{ID: device.DeviceID, FromTemporary: true})
return availabilities
// BringToFront bumps the given files priority in the job queue.
func (m *model) BringToFront(folder, file string) {
runner, ok := m.folderRunners[folder]
if ok {
func (m *model) ResetFolder(folder string) {
l.Infof("Cleaning data for folder %q", folder)
db.DropFolder(m.db, folder)
func (m *model) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("model@%p", m)
func (m *model) VerifyConfiguration(from, to config.Configuration) error {
toFolders := to.FolderMap()
for _, from := range from.Folders {
to, ok := toFolders[from.ID]
if ok && from.Type != to.Type && (from.Type == config.FolderTypeReceiveEncrypted || to.Type == config.FolderTypeReceiveEncrypted) {
return errors.New("folder type must not be changed from/to receive-encrypted")
return nil
func (m *model) CommitConfiguration(from, to config.Configuration) bool {
// TODO: This should not use reflect, and should take more care to try to handle stuff without restart.
// Delay processing config changes until after the initial setup
// Go through the folder configs and figure out if we need to restart or not.
// Tracks devices affected by any configuration change to resend ClusterConfig.
clusterConfigDevices := make(deviceIDSet, len(from.Devices)+len(to.Devices))
closeDevices := make([]protocol.DeviceID, 0, len(to.Devices))
fromFolders := mapFolders(from.Folders)
toFolders := mapFolders(to.Folders)
for folderID, cfg := range toFolders {
if _, ok := fromFolders[folderID]; !ok {
// A folder was added.
if cfg.Paused {
l.Infoln("Paused folder", cfg.Description())
} else {
l.Infoln("Adding folder", cfg.Description())
if err := m.newFolder(cfg, to.Options.CacheIgnoredFiles); err != nil {
return true
removedFolders := make(map[string]struct{})
for folderID, fromCfg := range fromFolders {
toCfg, ok := toFolders[folderID]
if !ok {
// The folder was removed.
removedFolders[fromCfg.ID] = struct{}{}
if fromCfg.Paused && toCfg.Paused {
// This folder exists on both sides. Settings might have changed.
// Check if anything differs that requires a restart.
if !reflect.DeepEqual(fromCfg.RequiresRestartOnly(), toCfg.RequiresRestartOnly()) || from.Options.CacheIgnoredFiles != to.Options.CacheIgnoredFiles {
if err := m.restartFolder(fromCfg, toCfg, to.Options.CacheIgnoredFiles); err != nil {
return true
if toCfg.Type != config.FolderTypeReceiveEncrypted {
} else {
// If we don't have the encryption token yet, we need to drop
// the connection to make the remote re-send the cluster-config
// and with it the token.
_, ok := m.folderEncryptionPasswordTokens[toCfg.ID]
if !ok {
for _, id := range toCfg.DeviceIDs() {
closeDevices = append(closeDevices, id)
} else {
// Emit the folder pause/resume event
if fromCfg.Paused != toCfg.Paused {
eventType := events.FolderResumed
if toCfg.Paused {
eventType = events.FolderPaused
m.evLogger.Log(eventType, map[string]string{"id": toCfg.ID, "label": toCfg.Label})
// Removing a device. We actually don't need to do anything.
// Because folder config has changed (since the device lists do not match)
// Folders for that had device got "restarted", which involves killing
// connections to all devices that we were sharing the folder with.
// At some point model.Close() will get called for that device which will
// clean residue device state that is not part of any folder.
// Pausing a device, unpausing is handled by the connection service.
fromDevices := from.DeviceMap()
toDevices := to.DeviceMap()
for deviceID, toCfg := range toDevices {
fromCfg, ok := fromDevices[deviceID]
if !ok {
sr := stats.NewDeviceStatisticsReference(m.db, deviceID)
m.deviceStatRefs[deviceID] = sr
delete(fromDevices, deviceID)
if fromCfg.Paused == toCfg.Paused {
if toCfg.Paused {
l.Infoln("Pausing", deviceID)
closeDevices = append(closeDevices, deviceID)
m.evLogger.Log(events.DevicePaused, map[string]string{"device": deviceID.String()})
} else {
// Ignored folder was removed, reconnect to retrigger the prompt.
if len(fromCfg.IgnoredFolders) > len(toCfg.IgnoredFolders) {
closeDevices = append(closeDevices, deviceID)
l.Infoln("Resuming", deviceID)
m.evLogger.Log(events.DeviceResumed, map[string]string{"device": deviceID.String()})
// Clean up after removed devices
removedDevices := make([]protocol.DeviceID, 0, len(fromDevices))
for deviceID := range fromDevices {
delete(m.deviceStatRefs, deviceID)
removedDevices = append(removedDevices, deviceID)
delete(clusterConfigDevices, deviceID)
for _, id := range closeDevices {
delete(clusterConfigDevices, id)
if conn, ok := m.conn[id]; ok {
go conn.Close(errDevicePaused)
for _, id := range removedDevices {
delete(clusterConfigDevices, id)
if conn, ok := m.conn[id]; ok {
go conn.Close(errDeviceRemoved)
// Generating cluster-configs acquires fmut -> must happen outside of pmut.
ignoredDevices := observedDeviceSet(to.IgnoredDevices)
m.cleanPending(toDevices, toFolders, ignoredDevices, removedFolders)
m.globalRequestLimiter.SetCapacity(1024 * to.Options.MaxConcurrentIncomingRequestKiB())
// Some options don't require restart as those components handle it fine
// by themselves. Compare the options structs containing only the
// attributes that require restart and act apprioriately.
if !reflect.DeepEqual(from.Options.RequiresRestartOnly(), to.Options.RequiresRestartOnly()) {
l.Debugln(m, "requires restart, options differ")
return false
return true
func (m *model) cleanPending(existingDevices map[protocol.DeviceID]config.DeviceConfiguration, existingFolders map[string]config.FolderConfiguration, ignoredDevices deviceIDSet, removedFolders map[string]struct{}) {
var removedPendingFolders []map[string]string
pendingFolders, err := m.db.PendingFolders()
if err != nil {
msg := "Could not iterate through pending folder entries for cleanup"
l.Warnf("%v: %v", msg, err)
m.evLogger.Log(events.Failure, msg)
// Continue with pending devices below, loop is skipped.
for folderID, pf := range pendingFolders {
if _, ok := removedFolders[folderID]; ok {
// Forget pending folder device associations for recently removed
// folders as well, assuming the folder is no longer of interest
// at all (but might become pending again).
l.Debugf("Discarding pending removed folder %v from all devices", folderID)
if err := m.db.RemovePendingFolder(folderID); err != nil {
msg := "Failed to remove pending folder entry"
l.Warnf("%v (%v): %v", msg, folderID, err)
m.evLogger.Log(events.Failure, msg)
} else {
removedPendingFolders = append(removedPendingFolders, map[string]string{
"folderID": folderID,
for deviceID := range pf.OfferedBy {
if dev, ok := existingDevices[deviceID]; !ok {
l.Debugf("Discarding pending folder %v from unknown device %v", folderID, deviceID)
goto removeFolderForDevice
} else if dev.IgnoredFolder(folderID) {
l.Debugf("Discarding now ignored pending folder %v for device %v", folderID, deviceID)
goto removeFolderForDevice
if folderCfg, ok := existingFolders[folderID]; ok {
if folderCfg.SharedWith(deviceID) {
l.Debugf("Discarding now shared pending folder %v for device %v", folderID, deviceID)
goto removeFolderForDevice
if err := m.db.RemovePendingFolderForDevice(folderID, deviceID); err != nil {
msg := "Failed to remove pending folder-device entry"
l.Warnf("%v (%v, %v): %v", msg, folderID, deviceID, err)
m.evLogger.Log(events.Failure, msg)
removedPendingFolders = append(removedPendingFolders, map[string]string{
"folderID": folderID,
"deviceID": deviceID.String(),
if len(removedPendingFolders) > 0 {
m.evLogger.Log(events.PendingFoldersChanged, map[string]interface{}{
"removed": removedPendingFolders,
var removedPendingDevices []map[string]string
pendingDevices, err := m.db.PendingDevices()
if err != nil {
msg := "Could not iterate through pending device entries for cleanup"
l.Warnf("%v: %v", msg, err)
m.evLogger.Log(events.Failure, msg)
for deviceID := range pendingDevices {
if _, ok := ignoredDevices[deviceID]; ok {
l.Debugf("Discarding now ignored pending device %v", deviceID)
goto removeDevice
if _, ok := existingDevices[deviceID]; ok {
l.Debugf("Discarding now added pending device %v", deviceID)
goto removeDevice
if err := m.db.RemovePendingDevice(deviceID); err != nil {
msg := "Failed to remove pending device entry"
l.Warnf("%v: %v", msg, err)
m.evLogger.Log(events.Failure, msg)
removedPendingDevices = append(removedPendingDevices, map[string]string{
"deviceID": deviceID.String(),
if len(removedPendingDevices) > 0 {
m.evLogger.Log(events.PendingDevicesChanged, map[string]interface{}{
"removed": removedPendingDevices,
// checkFolderRunningLocked returns nil if the folder is up and running and a
// descriptive error if not.
// Need to hold (read) lock on m.fmut when calling this.
func (m *model) checkFolderRunningLocked(folder string) error {
_, ok := m.folderRunners[folder]
if ok {
return nil
if cfg, ok := m.cfg.Folder(folder); !ok {
return ErrFolderMissing
} else if cfg.Paused {
return ErrFolderPaused
return ErrFolderNotRunning
// PendingDevices lists unknown devices that tried to connect.
func (m *model) PendingDevices() (map[protocol.DeviceID]db.ObservedDevice, error) {
return m.db.PendingDevices()
// PendingFolders lists folders that we don't yet share with the offering devices. It
// returns the entries grouped by folder and filters for a given device unless the
// argument is specified as EmptyDeviceID.
func (m *model) PendingFolders(device protocol.DeviceID) (map[string]db.PendingFolder, error) {
return m.db.PendingFoldersForDevice(device)
// DismissPendingDevices removes the record of a specific pending device.
func (m *model) DismissPendingDevice(device protocol.DeviceID) error {
l.Debugf("Discarding pending device %v", device)
err := m.db.RemovePendingDevice(device)
if err != nil {
return err
removedPendingDevices := []map[string]string{
{"deviceID": device.String()},
m.evLogger.Log(events.PendingDevicesChanged, map[string]interface{}{
"removed": removedPendingDevices,
return nil
// DismissPendingFolders removes records of pending folders. Either a specific folder /
// device combination, or all matching a specific folder ID if the device argument is
// specified as EmptyDeviceID.
func (m *model) DismissPendingFolder(device protocol.DeviceID, folder string) error {
var removedPendingFolders []map[string]string
if device == protocol.EmptyDeviceID {
l.Debugf("Discarding pending removed folder %s from all devices", folder)
err := m.db.RemovePendingFolder(folder)
if err != nil {
return err
removedPendingFolders = []map[string]string{
{"folderID": folder},
} else {
l.Debugf("Discarding pending folder %s from device %v", folder, device)
err := m.db.RemovePendingFolderForDevice(folder, device)
if err != nil {
return err
removedPendingFolders = []map[string]string{
"folderID": folder,
"deviceID": device.String(),
if len(removedPendingFolders) > 0 {
m.evLogger.Log(events.PendingFoldersChanged, map[string]interface{}{
"removed": removedPendingFolders,
return nil
// mapFolders returns a map of folder ID to folder configuration for the given
// slice of folder configurations.
func mapFolders(folders []config.FolderConfiguration) map[string]config.FolderConfiguration {
m := make(map[string]config.FolderConfiguration, len(folders))
for _, cfg := range folders {
m[cfg.ID] = cfg
return m
// mapDevices returns a map of device ID to nothing for the given slice of
// device IDs.
func mapDevices(devices []protocol.DeviceID) map[protocol.DeviceID]struct{} {
m := make(map[protocol.DeviceID]struct{}, len(devices))
for _, dev := range devices {
m[dev] = struct{}{}
return m
func observedDeviceSet(devices []config.ObservedDevice) deviceIDSet {
res := make(deviceIDSet, len(devices))
for _, dev := range devices {
res[dev.ID] = struct{}{}
return res
func readOffsetIntoBuf(fs fs.Filesystem, file string, offset int64, buf []byte) (int, error) {
fd, err := fs.Open(file)
if err != nil {
l.Debugln("readOffsetIntoBuf.Open", file, err)
return 0, err
defer fd.Close()
n, err := fd.ReadAt(buf, offset)
if err != nil {
l.Debugln("readOffsetIntoBuf.ReadAt", file, err)
return n, err
// folderDeviceSet is a set of (folder, deviceID) pairs
type folderDeviceSet map[string]map[protocol.DeviceID]struct{}
// set adds the (dev, folder) pair to the set
func (s folderDeviceSet) set(dev protocol.DeviceID, folder string) {
devs, ok := s[folder]
if !ok {
devs = make(map[protocol.DeviceID]struct{})
s[folder] = devs
devs[dev] = struct{}{}
// has returns true if the (dev, folder) pair is in the set
func (s folderDeviceSet) has(dev protocol.DeviceID, folder string) bool {
_, ok := s[folder][dev]
return ok
// hasDevice returns true if the device is set on any folder
func (s folderDeviceSet) hasDevice(dev protocol.DeviceID) bool {
for _, devices := range s {
if _, ok := devices[dev]; ok {
return true
return false
// syncMutexMap is a type safe wrapper for a sync.Map that holds mutexes
type syncMutexMap struct {
inner stdsync.Map
func (m *syncMutexMap) Get(key string) sync.Mutex {
v, _ := m.inner.LoadOrStore(key, sync.NewMutex())
return v.(sync.Mutex)
type deviceIDSet map[protocol.DeviceID]struct{}
func (s deviceIDSet) add(ids []protocol.DeviceID) {
for _, id := range ids {
if _, ok := s[id]; !ok {
s[id] = struct{}{}
func (s deviceIDSet) AsSlice() []protocol.DeviceID {
ids := make([]protocol.DeviceID, 0, len(s))
for id := range s {
ids = append(ids, id)
return ids
func encryptionTokenPath(cfg config.FolderConfiguration) string {
return filepath.Join(cfg.MarkerName, config.EncryptionTokenName)
type storedEncryptionToken struct {
FolderID string
Token []byte
func readEncryptionToken(cfg config.FolderConfiguration) ([]byte, error) {
fd, err := cfg.Filesystem().Open(encryptionTokenPath(cfg))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer fd.Close()
var stored storedEncryptionToken
if err := json.NewDecoder(fd).Decode(&stored); err != nil {
return nil, err
return stored.Token, nil
func writeEncryptionToken(token []byte, cfg config.FolderConfiguration) error {
tokenName := encryptionTokenPath(cfg)
fd, err := cfg.Filesystem().OpenFile(tokenName, fs.OptReadWrite|fs.OptCreate, 0666)
if err != nil {
return err
defer fd.Close()
return json.NewEncoder(fd).Encode(storedEncryptionToken{
FolderID: cfg.ID,
Token: token,
func newFolderConfiguration(w config.Wrapper, id, label string, fsType fs.FilesystemType, path string) config.FolderConfiguration {
fcfg := w.DefaultFolder()
fcfg.ID = id
fcfg.Label = label
fcfg.FilesystemType = fsType
fcfg.Path = path
return fcfg
type updatedPendingFolder struct {
FolderID string `json:"folderID"`
FolderLabel string `json:"folderLabel"`
DeviceID protocol.DeviceID `json:"deviceID"`
ReceiveEncrypted bool `json:"receiveEncrypted"`
RemoteEncrypted bool `json:"remoteEncrypted"`
// redactPathError checks if the error is actually a os.PathError, and if yes
// returns a redactedError with the path removed.
func redactPathError(err error) (error, bool) {
perr, ok := err.(*os.PathError)
if !ok {
return nil, false
return &redactedError{
error: err,
redacted: fmt.Errorf("%v: %w", perr.Op, perr.Err),
}, true
type redactedError struct {
redacted error