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// Copyright (C) 2018 The Syncthing Authors.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
package main
import (
io "io"
// announcement is the format received from and sent to clients
type announcement struct {
Seen time.Time `json:"seen"`
Addresses []string `json:"addresses"`
type apiSrv struct {
addr string
cert tls.Certificate
db database
listener net.Listener
repl replicator // optional
useHTTP bool
compression bool
gzipWriters sync.Pool
seenTracker *retryAfterTracker
notSeenTracker *retryAfterTracker
type replicator interface {
send(key *protocol.DeviceID, addrs []DatabaseAddress, seen int64)
type requestID int64
func (i requestID) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%016x", int64(i))
type contextKey int
const idKey contextKey = iota
func newAPISrv(addr string, cert tls.Certificate, db database, repl replicator, useHTTP, compression bool) *apiSrv {
return &apiSrv{
addr: addr,
cert: cert,
db: db,
repl: repl,
useHTTP: useHTTP,
compression: compression,
seenTracker: &retryAfterTracker{
name: "seenTracker",
bucketStarts: time.Now(),
desiredRate: 250,
currentDelay: notFoundRetryUnknownMinSeconds,
notSeenTracker: &retryAfterTracker{
name: "notSeenTracker",
bucketStarts: time.Now(),
desiredRate: 250,
currentDelay: notFoundRetryUnknownMaxSeconds / 2,
func (s *apiSrv) Serve(ctx context.Context) error {
if s.useHTTP {
listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", s.addr)
if err != nil {
log.Println("Listen:", err)
return err
s.listener = listener
} else {
tlsCfg := &tls.Config{
Certificates: []tls.Certificate{s.cert},
ClientAuth: tls.RequestClientCert,
MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS12,
NextProtos: []string{"h2", "http/1.1"},
tlsListener, err := tls.Listen("tcp", s.addr, tlsCfg)
if err != nil {
log.Println("Listen:", err)
return err
s.listener = tlsListener
http.HandleFunc("/", s.handler)
http.HandleFunc("/ping", handlePing)
srv := &http.Server{
ReadTimeout: httpReadTimeout,
WriteTimeout: httpWriteTimeout,
MaxHeaderBytes: httpMaxHeaderBytes,
ErrorLog: log.New(io.Discard, "", 0),
go func() {
err := srv.Serve(s.listener)
if err != nil {
log.Println("Serve:", err)
return err
func (s *apiSrv) handler(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
t0 := time.Now()
lw := NewLoggingResponseWriter(w)
defer func() {
diff := time.Since(t0)
apiRequestsTotal.WithLabelValues(req.Method, strconv.Itoa(lw.statusCode)).Inc()
reqID := requestID(rand.Int63())
req = req.WithContext(context.WithValue(req.Context(), idKey, reqID))
if debug {
log.Println(reqID, req.Method, req.URL, req.Proto)
remoteAddr := &net.TCPAddr{
IP: nil,
Port: -1,
if s.useHTTP {
// X-Forwarded-For can have multiple client IPs; split using the comma separator
forwardIP, _, _ := strings.Cut(req.Header.Get("X-Forwarded-For"), ",")
// net.ParseIP will return nil if leading/trailing whitespace exists; use strings.TrimSpace()
remoteAddr.IP = net.ParseIP(strings.TrimSpace(forwardIP))
if parsedPort, err := strconv.ParseInt(req.Header.Get("X-Client-Port"), 10, 0); err == nil {
remoteAddr.Port = int(parsedPort)
} else {
var err error
remoteAddr, err = net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", req.RemoteAddr)
if err != nil {
log.Println("remoteAddr:", err)
lw.Header().Set("Retry-After", errorRetryAfterString())
http.Error(lw, "Internal Server Error", http.StatusInternalServerError)
switch req.Method {
case http.MethodGet:
s.handleGET(lw, req)
case http.MethodPost:
s.handlePOST(remoteAddr, lw, req)
http.Error(lw, "Method Not Allowed", http.StatusMethodNotAllowed)
func (s *apiSrv) handleGET(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
reqID := req.Context().Value(idKey).(requestID)
deviceID, err := protocol.DeviceIDFromString(req.URL.Query().Get("device"))
if err != nil {
if debug {
log.Println(reqID, "bad device param")
w.Header().Set("Retry-After", errorRetryAfterString())
http.Error(w, "Bad Request", http.StatusBadRequest)
rec, err := s.db.get(&deviceID)
if err != nil {
// some sort of internal error
w.Header().Set("Retry-After", errorRetryAfterString())
http.Error(w, "Internal Server Error", http.StatusInternalServerError)
if len(rec.Addresses) == 0 {
var afterS int
if rec.Seen == 0 {
afterS = s.notSeenTracker.retryAfterS()
} else {
afterS = s.seenTracker.retryAfterS()
w.Header().Set("Retry-After", strconv.Itoa(afterS))
http.Error(w, "Not Found", http.StatusNotFound)
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
var bw io.Writer = w
// Use compression if the client asks for it
if s.compression && strings.Contains(req.Header.Get("Accept-Encoding"), "gzip") {
gw, ok := s.gzipWriters.Get().(*gzip.Writer)
if ok {
} else {
gw = gzip.NewWriter(w)
w.Header().Set("Content-Encoding", "gzip")
defer gw.Close()
defer s.gzipWriters.Put(gw)
bw = gw
Seen: time.Unix(0, rec.Seen).Truncate(time.Second),
Addresses: addressStrs(rec.Addresses),
func (s *apiSrv) handlePOST(remoteAddr *net.TCPAddr, w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
reqID := req.Context().Value(idKey).(requestID)
rawCert, err := certificateBytes(req)
if err != nil {
if debug {
log.Println(reqID, "no certificates:", err)
w.Header().Set("Retry-After", errorRetryAfterString())
http.Error(w, "Forbidden", http.StatusForbidden)
var ann announcement
if err := json.NewDecoder(req.Body).Decode(&ann); err != nil {
if debug {
log.Println(reqID, "decode:", err)
w.Header().Set("Retry-After", errorRetryAfterString())
http.Error(w, "Bad Request", http.StatusBadRequest)
deviceID := protocol.NewDeviceID(rawCert)
addresses := fixupAddresses(remoteAddr, ann.Addresses)
if len(addresses) == 0 {
w.Header().Set("Retry-After", errorRetryAfterString())
http.Error(w, "Bad Request", http.StatusBadRequest)
if err := s.handleAnnounce(deviceID, addresses); err != nil {
w.Header().Set("Retry-After", errorRetryAfterString())
http.Error(w, "Internal Server Error", http.StatusInternalServerError)
w.Header().Set("Reannounce-After", reannounceAfterString())
func (s *apiSrv) Stop() {
func (s *apiSrv) handleAnnounce(deviceID protocol.DeviceID, addresses []string) error {
now := time.Now()
expire := now.Add(addressExpiryTime).UnixNano()
// The address slice must always be sorted for database merges to work
// properly.
addresses = slices.Compact(addresses)
dbAddrs := make([]DatabaseAddress, len(addresses))
for i := range addresses {
dbAddrs[i].Address = addresses[i]
dbAddrs[i].Expires = expire
seen := now.UnixNano()
if s.repl != nil {
s.repl.send(&deviceID, dbAddrs, seen)
return s.db.merge(&deviceID, dbAddrs, seen)
func handlePing(w http.ResponseWriter, _ *http.Request) {
func certificateBytes(req *http.Request) ([]byte, error) {
if req.TLS != nil && len(req.TLS.PeerCertificates) > 0 {
return req.TLS.PeerCertificates[0].Raw, nil
var bs []byte
if hdr := req.Header.Get("X-SSL-Cert"); hdr != "" {
if strings.Contains(hdr, "%") {
// Nginx using $ssl_client_escaped_cert
// The certificate is in PEM format with url encoding.
// We need to decode for the PEM decoder
hdr, err := url.QueryUnescape(hdr)
if err != nil {
// Decoding failed
return nil, err
bs = []byte(hdr)
} else {
// Nginx using $ssl_client_cert
// The certificate is in PEM format but with spaces for newlines. We
// need to reinstate the newlines for the PEM decoder. But we need to
// leave the spaces in the BEGIN and END lines - the first and last
// space - alone.
bs = []byte(hdr)
firstSpace := bytes.Index(bs, []byte(" "))
lastSpace := bytes.LastIndex(bs, []byte(" "))
for i := firstSpace + 1; i < lastSpace; i++ {
if bs[i] == ' ' {
bs[i] = '\n'
} else if hdr := req.Header.Get("X-Tls-Client-Cert-Der-Base64"); hdr != "" {
// Caddy {tls_client_certificate_der_base64}
hdr, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(hdr)
if err != nil {
// Decoding failed
return nil, err
bs = pem.EncodeToMemory(&pem.Block{Type: "CERTIFICATE", Bytes: hdr})
} else if cert := req.Header.Get("X-Forwarded-Tls-Client-Cert"); cert != "" {
// Traefik 2 passtlsclientcert
// The certificate is in PEM format, maybe with URL encoding
// (depends on Traefik version) but without newlines and start/end
// statements. We need to decode, reinstate the newlines every 64
// character and add statements for the PEM decoder
if strings.Contains(cert, "%") {
if unesc, err := url.QueryUnescape(cert); err == nil {
cert = unesc
const (
header = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----"
footer = "-----END CERTIFICATE-----"
var b bytes.Buffer
b.Grow(len(header) + 1 + len(cert) + len(cert)/64 + 1 + len(footer) + 1)
for i := 0; i < len(cert); i += 64 {
end := i + 64
if end > len(cert) {
end = len(cert)
bs = b.Bytes()
if bs == nil {
return nil, errors.New("empty certificate header")
block, _ := pem.Decode(bs)
if block == nil {
// Decoding failed
return nil, errors.New("certificate decode result is empty")
return block.Bytes, nil
// fixupAddresses checks the list of addresses, removing invalid ones and
// replacing unspecified IPs with the given remote IP.
func fixupAddresses(remote *net.TCPAddr, addresses []string) []string {
fixed := make([]string, 0, len(addresses))
for _, annAddr := range addresses {
uri, err := url.Parse(annAddr)
if err != nil {
host, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(uri.Host)
if err != nil {
ip := net.ParseIP(host)
// Some classes of IP are no-go.
if ip.IsLoopback() || ip.IsMulticast() {
if host == "" || ip.IsUnspecified() {
if remote != nil {
// Replace the unspecified IP with the request source.
// ... unless the request source is the loopback address or
// multicast/unspecified (can't happen, really).
if remote.IP == nil || remote.IP.IsLoopback() || remote.IP.IsMulticast() || remote.IP.IsUnspecified() {
// Do not use IPv6 remote address if requested scheme is ...4
// (i.e., tcp4, etc.)
if strings.HasSuffix(uri.Scheme, "4") && remote.IP.To4() == nil {
// Do not use IPv4 remote address if requested scheme is ...6
if strings.HasSuffix(uri.Scheme, "6") && remote.IP.To4() != nil {
host = remote.IP.String()
} else {
// remote is nil, unable to determine host IP
// If zero port was specified, use remote port.
if port == "0" {
if remote != nil && remote.Port > 0 {
// use remote port
port = strconv.Itoa(remote.Port)
} else {
// unable to determine remote port
uri.Host = net.JoinHostPort(host, port)
fixed = append(fixed, uri.String())
// Remove duplicate addresses
fixed = stringutil.UniqueTrimmedStrings(fixed)
return fixed
type loggingResponseWriter struct {
statusCode int
func NewLoggingResponseWriter(w http.ResponseWriter) *loggingResponseWriter {
return &loggingResponseWriter{w, http.StatusOK}
func (lrw *loggingResponseWriter) WriteHeader(code int) {
lrw.statusCode = code
func addressStrs(dbAddrs []DatabaseAddress) []string {
res := make([]string, len(dbAddrs))
for i, a := range dbAddrs {
res[i] = a.Address
return res
func errorRetryAfterString() string {
return strconv.Itoa(errorRetryAfterSeconds + rand.Intn(errorRetryFuzzSeconds))
func reannounceAfterString() string {
return strconv.Itoa(reannounceAfterSeconds + rand.Intn(reannounzeFuzzSeconds))
type retryAfterTracker struct {
name string
desiredRate float64 // requests per second
mut sync.Mutex
lastCount int // requests in the last bucket
curCount int // requests in the current bucket
bucketStarts time.Time // start of the current bucket
currentDelay int // current delay in seconds
func (t *retryAfterTracker) retryAfterS() int {
now := time.Now()
if durS := now.Sub(t.bucketStarts).Seconds(); durS > float64(t.currentDelay) {
t.bucketStarts = now
t.lastCount = t.curCount
lastRate := float64(t.lastCount) / durS
switch {
case t.currentDelay > notFoundRetryUnknownMinSeconds &&
lastRate < 0.75*t.desiredRate:
t.currentDelay = max(8*t.currentDelay/10, notFoundRetryUnknownMinSeconds)
case t.currentDelay < notFoundRetryUnknownMaxSeconds &&
lastRate > 1.25*t.desiredRate:
t.currentDelay = min(3*t.currentDelay/2, notFoundRetryUnknownMaxSeconds)
t.curCount = 0
if t.curCount == 0 {
return t.currentDelay + rand.Intn(t.currentDelay/4)