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synced 2025-02-02 11:58:28 +00:00
556 lines
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556 lines
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"A device with that ID is already added.": "已添加过相同 ID 的设备。",
"A negative number of days doesn't make sense.": "天数不能为负。",
"A new major version may not be compatible with previous versions.": "新的主要版本可能与以前的版本不兼容。",
"API Key": "API 密钥",
"About": "关于",
"Action": "操作",
"Actions": "操作",
"Active filter rules": "活动的筛选规则",
"Add": "添加",
"Add Device": "添加设备",
"Add Folder": "添加文件夹",
"Add Remote Device": "添加远程设备",
"Add devices from the introducer to our device list, for mutually shared folders.": "将中介中的设备添加到我们的设备列表中,用于相互共享的文件夹。",
"Add filter entry": "添加筛选器条目",
"Add ignore patterns": "添加忽略模式",
"Add new folder?": "添加新文件夹?",
"Additionally the full rescan interval will be increased (times 60, i.e. new default of 1h). You can also configure it manually for every folder later after choosing No.": "另外,完全重新扫描的间隔将增加(乘以 60,例如默认值将变为 1 小时)。您也可以在选择“否”后手动配置每个文件夹。",
"Address": "地址",
"Addresses": "地址",
"Advanced": "高级",
"Advanced Configuration": "高级配置",
"All Data": "所有数据",
"All Time": "所有时间",
"All folders shared with this device must be protected by a password, such that all sent data is unreadable without the given password.": "与此设备共享的所有文件夹都必须有密码保护,这样所有发送的数据在没有密码的情况下是不可读的。",
"Allow Anonymous Usage Reporting?": "允许发送匿名使用报告吗?",
"Allowed Networks": "允许的网络",
"Alphabetic": "字母顺序",
"Altered by ignoring deletes.": "通过忽略删除进行更改。",
"An external command handles the versioning. It has to remove the file from the shared folder. If the path to the application contains spaces, it should be quoted.": "外部命令处理版本控制。必须从共享文件夹中移除文件。如果应用程序的路径包含空格,应用半角引号括起来。",
"Anonymous Usage Reporting": "匿名使用报告",
"Anonymous usage report format has changed. Would you like to move to the new format?": "匿名使用报告格式已更改。是否要切换到新格式?",
"Applied to LAN": "已应用到局域网",
"Apply": "应用",
"Are you sure you want to override all remote changes?": "是否确定要覆盖所有远程更改?",
"Are you sure you want to permanently delete all these files?": "是否确定要永久删除所有这些文件?",
"Are you sure you want to remove device {%name%}?": "是否确定要移除设备 {{name}}?",
"Are you sure you want to remove folder {%label%}?": "是否确定要移除文件夹 {{label}}?",
"Are you sure you want to restore {%count%} files?": "是否确定要恢复 {{count}} 个文件?",
"Are you sure you want to revert all local changes?": "是否确定要还原所有本地更改?",
"Are you sure you want to upgrade?": "是否确定要升级?",
"Authentication Required": "需要身份验证",
"Authors": "作者",
"Auto Accept": "自动接受",
"Automatic Crash Reporting": "自动发送崩溃报告",
"Automatic upgrade now offers the choice between stable releases and release candidates.": "自动升级现在提供了稳定版本和候选发布版的选项。",
"Automatic upgrades": "自动升级",
"Automatic upgrades are always enabled for candidate releases.": "候选版本始终启用自动升级。",
"Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "自动创建或共享此设备在默认路径上显示的文件夹。",
"Available debug logging facilities:": "可用的调试日志功能:",
"Be careful!": "小心!",
"Body:": "正文:",
"Bugs": "问题反馈",
"Cancel": "取消",
"Changelog": "更新日志",
"Clean out after": "在该时间后清除",
"Cleaning Versions": "清理版本中",
"Cleanup Interval": "清除间隔",
"Click to see full identification string and QR code.": "单击查看完整的标识字符串和二维码。",
"Close": "关闭",
"Command": "命令",
"Comment, when used at the start of a line": "注释,在行首使用",
"Compression": "压缩",
"Configuration Directory": "配置目录",
"Configuration File": "配置文件",
"Configured": "已配置",
"Connected (Unused)": "已连接(未使用)",
"Connection Error": "连接错误",
"Connection Management": "连接管理",
"Connection Type": "连接类型",
"Connections": "连接",
"Connections via relays might be rate limited by the relay": "通过中继的连接可能受中继的速率限制",
"Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "现在,Syncthing 中提供了持续监视更改的功能。这将检测磁盘上的更改,并仅对修改后的路径进行扫描。好处是更改传播得更快,所需的完全扫描更少。",
"Copied from elsewhere": "从其他设备复制",
"Copied from original": "从源复制",
"Copied!": "已复制!",
"Copy": "复制",
"Copy failed! Try to select and copy manually.": "复制失败!尝试手动选择和复制。",
"Currently Shared With Devices": "当前设备已共享",
"Custom Range": "自定义范围",
"Danger!": "危险!",
"Database Location": "数据库位置",
"Debugging Facilities": "调试功能",
"Default": "默认",
"Default Configuration": "默认配置",
"Default Device": "默认设备",
"Default Folder": "默认文件夹",
"Default Ignore Patterns": "默认忽略模式",
"Defaults": "默认",
"Delete": "删除",
"Delete Unexpected Items": "删除意外项目",
"Deleted {%file%}": "删除了 {{file}}",
"Deselect All": "取消全选",
"Deselect devices to stop sharing this folder with.": "取消选择要停止与之共享此文件夹的设备。",
"Deselect folders to stop sharing with this device.": "取消选择文件夹以停止与此设备共享。",
"Device": "设备",
"Device \"{%name%}\" ({%device%} at {%address%}) wants to connect. Add new device?": "设备“{{name}}”({{address}} 处的 {{device}})想要连接。添加新设备?",
"Device Certificate": "设备证书",
"Device ID": "设备 ID",
"Device Identification": "设备标识",
"Device Name": "设备名",
"Device Status": "设备状态",
"Device is untrusted, enter encryption password": "设备不受信任,请输入加密密码",
"Device rate limits": "设备速率限制",
"Device that last modified the item": "最近修改项目的设备",
"Devices": "设备",
"Disable Crash Reporting": "禁用崩溃报告",
"Disabled": "已禁用",
"Disabled periodic scanning and disabled watching for changes": "已禁用定期扫描和更改监视",
"Disabled periodic scanning and enabled watching for changes": "已禁用定期扫描并启用更改监视",
"Disabled periodic scanning and failed setting up watching for changes, retrying every 1m:": "已禁用定期扫描但设置更改监视失败,每分钟重试一次:",
"Disables comparing and syncing file permissions. Useful on systems with nonexistent or custom permissions (e.g. FAT, exFAT, Synology, Android).": "禁用比较和同步文件权限。 适用于不存在或自定义权限的系统(例如 FAT、exFAT、Synology、Android)。",
"Discard": "已丢弃",
"Disconnected": "已断开连接",
"Disconnected (Inactive)": "已断开连接(不活跃)",
"Disconnected (Unused)": "已断开连接(未使用)",
"Discovered": "已发现",
"Discovery": "设备发现",
"Discovery Failures": "设备发现失败",
"Discovery Status": "设备发现状态",
"Dismiss": "忽略",
"Do not add it to the ignore list, so this notification may recur.": "不要将其添加到忽略列表中,因此此通知可能会再次出现。",
"Do not restore": "不要恢复",
"Do not restore all": "不要全部恢复",
"Do you want to enable watching for changes for all your folders?": "是否要启用监视所有文件夹的更改?",
"Documentation": "文档",
"Download Rate": "下载速率",
"Downloaded": "已下载",
"Downloading": "下载中",
"Edit": "编辑",
"Edit Device": "编辑设备",
"Edit Device Defaults": "编辑设备默认值",
"Edit Folder": "编辑文件夹",
"Edit Folder Defaults": "编辑文件夹默认值",
"Editing {%path%}.": "正在编辑 {{path}}。",
"Enable Crash Reporting": "启用崩溃报告",
"Enable NAT traversal": "启用 NAT 穿透",
"Enable Relaying": "启用中继",
"Enabled": "已启用",
"Enables sending extended attributes to other devices, and applying incoming extended attributes. May require running with elevated privileges.": "启用发送扩展属性至其他设备,并应用传入的扩展属性。可能需要以更高的权限运行。",
"Enables sending extended attributes to other devices, but not applying incoming extended attributes. This can have a significant performance impact. Always enabled when \"Sync Extended Attributes\" is enabled.": "启用发送扩展属性至其他设备,但不应用传入的扩展属性。这可能会对性能产生重大影响。启用“同步扩展属性”时始终启用。",
"Enables sending ownership information to other devices, and applying incoming ownership information. Typically requires running with elevated privileges.": "启用发送所有权信息至其他设备,并应用传入的所有权信息。通常需要以更高的权限运行。",
"Enables sending ownership information to other devices, but not applying incoming ownership information. This can have a significant performance impact. Always enabled when \"Sync Ownership\" is enabled.": "启用发送所有权信息至其他设备,但不应用传入的所有权信息。这可能会对性能产生重大影响。启用“同步所有权”时始终启用。",
"Enter a non-negative number (e.g., \"2.35\") and select a unit. Percentages are as part of the total disk size.": "输入一个非负数(例如“2.35”)并选择单位。% 表示占磁盘总容量的百分比。",
"Enter a non-privileged port number (1024 - 65535).": "输入非特权端口号(1024 - 65535)。",
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "输入以半角逗号分隔的(\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\")设备地址,或者输入“dynamic”以自动发现设备地址。",
"Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "请输入忽略模式,每行一条。",
"Enter up to three octal digits.": "输入最多三个八进制数字。",
"Error": "错误",
"Extended Attributes": "扩展属性",
"Extended Attributes Filter": "扩展属性筛选器",
"External": "外部",
"External File Versioning": "外部文件版本控制",
"Failed Items": "失败的项目",
"Failed to load file versions.": "加载文件版本失败。",
"Failed to load ignore patterns.": "加载忽略模式失败。",
"Failed to setup, retrying": "设置失败,正在重试",
"Failure to connect to IPv6 servers is expected if there is no IPv6 connectivity.": "如果本机没有配置 IPv6,则无法连接 IPv6 服务器是正常的。",
"File Pull Order": "文件拉取顺序",
"File Versioning": "文件版本控制",
"Files are moved to .stversions directory when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "当 Syncthing 替换或删除文件时,文件将移动到 .stversions 目录。",
"Files are moved to date stamped versions in a .stversions directory when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "当 Syncthing 替换或删除文件时,文件将移动到 .stversions 目录中,文件名带有日期戳版本。",
"Files are protected from changes made on other devices, but changes made on this device will be sent to the rest of the cluster.": "文件受到保护,不会在其他设备上进行更改,但在此设备上所做的更改将发送到集群的其他设备。",
"Files are synchronized from the cluster, but any changes made locally will not be sent to other devices.": "文件从集群同步,但本地所做的任何更改都不会发送到其他设备。",
"Filesystem Watcher Errors": "文件系统监视器错误",
"Filter by date": "按日期筛选",
"Filter by name": "按名称筛选",
"Folder": "文件夹",
"Folder ID": "文件夹 ID",
"Folder Label": "文件夹标签",
"Folder Path": "文件夹路径",
"Folder Status": "文件夹状态",
"Folder Type": "文件夹类型",
"Folder type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" can only be set when adding a new folder.": "只能在添加新文件夹时设置文件夹类型“{{receiveEncrypted}}”。",
"Folder type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" cannot be changed after adding the folder. You need to remove the folder, delete or decrypt the data on disk, and add the folder again.": "添加文件夹后,无法更改文件夹类型“{{receiveEncrypted}}”。您需要移除文件夹,删除或解密磁盘上的数据,然后重新添加文件夹。",
"Folders": "文件夹",
"For the following folders an error occurred while starting to watch for changes. It will be retried every minute, so the errors might go away soon. If they persist, try to fix the underlying issue and ask for help if you can't.": "对于以下文件夹,在开始监视更改时出错。它将每分钟重试一次,因此错误可能很快就会消失。如果它们持续存在,请尝试解决根本问题,如果不能,请寻求帮助。",
"Forever": "永远",
"Full Rescan Interval (s)": "完全重新扫描间隔(秒)",
"GUI": "GUI",
"GUI / API HTTPS Certificate": "GUI/API HTTPS 证书",
"GUI Authentication Password": "GUI 身份验证密码",
"GUI Authentication User": "GUI 身份验证用户",
"GUI Authentication: Set User and Password": "GUI 身份验证:设置用户和密码",
"GUI Listen Address": "GUI 监听地址",
"GUI Override Directory": "GUI 覆盖目录",
"GUI Theme": "GUI 主题",
"General": "常规",
"Generate": "生成",
"Global Discovery": "全局发现",
"Global Discovery Servers": "全局发现服务器",
"Global State": "全局状态",
"Help": "帮助",
"Hint: only deny-rules detected while the default is deny. Consider adding \"permit any\" as last rule.": "提示:默认拒绝时,仅检测拒绝规则。考虑添加“允许任何”为最后规则。",
"Home page": "主页",
"However, your current settings indicate you might not want it enabled. We have disabled automatic crash reporting for you.": "我们已经为您禁用了自动发送崩溃报告,因为您当前的设置表明您可能并不想启用该选项。",
"Identification": "标识",
"If untrusted, enter encryption password": "如果不受信任,请输入加密密码",
"If you want to prevent other users on this computer from accessing Syncthing and through it your files, consider setting up authentication.": "如果要阻止此计算机上的其他用户访问 Syncthing 并通过它访问文件,请考虑设置身份验证。",
"Ignore": "忽略",
"Ignore Patterns": "忽略模式",
"Ignore Permissions": "忽略权限",
"Ignore patterns can only be added after the folder is created. If checked, an input field to enter ignore patterns will be presented after saving.": "只有在创建文件夹后才能添加忽略模式。勾选后,在保存后将显示用于设置忽略模式的输入框。",
"Ignored Devices": "忽略的设备",
"Ignored Folders": "忽略的文件夹",
"Ignored at": "已忽略于",
"Included Software": "包含的软件",
"Incoming Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "传入速率限制(KiB/s)",
"Incorrect configuration may damage your folder contents and render Syncthing inoperable.": "不正确的配置可能会损坏您的文件夹内容,并导致 Syncthing 无法运行。",
"Incorrect user name or password.": "用户名或密码不正确。",
"Internally used paths:": "内部使用的路径:",
"Introduced By": "介绍自",
"Introducer": "作为中介",
"Introduction": "介绍",
"Inversion of the given condition (i.e. do not exclude)": "给定条件的反转(即不排除)",
"Keep Versions": "保留版本数量",
"Largest First": "最大优先",
"Last 30 Days": "最近 30 天",
"Last 7 Days": "最近 7 天",
"Last Month": "上个月",
"Last Scan": "最后扫描",
"Last seen": "最后可见",
"Latest Change": "最后更改",
"Learn more": "了解更多",
"Learn more at {%url%}": "了解更多请访问 {{url}}",
"Limit": "限制",
"Listener Failures": "监听程序失败",
"Listener Status": "监听程序状态",
"Listeners": "监听程序",
"Loading data...": "正在载入数据…",
"Loading...": "正在载入…",
"Local Additions": "本地添加",
"Local Discovery": "本地发现",
"Local State": "本地状态",
"Local State (Total)": "本地状态汇总",
"Locally Changed Items": "本地更改的项目",
"Log": "日志",
"Log File": "日志文件",
"Log In": "登录",
"Log Out": "登出",
"Log in to see paths information.": "登录查看路径信息。",
"Log in to see version information.": "登录查看版本信息。",
"Log tailing paused. Scroll to the bottom to continue.": "日志跟踪已暂停。滚动到底部继续。",
"Login failed, see Syncthing logs for details.": "登录失败,有关详细信息,请参阅 Syncthing 日志。",
"Logs": "日志",
"Major Upgrade": "重大更新",
"Mass actions": "批量操作",
"Maximum Age": "最长保留时间",
"Maximum single entry size": "最大单一条目大小",
"Maximum total size": "最大总大小",
"Metadata Only": "仅元数据",
"Minimum Free Disk Space": "最低空闲磁盘空间",
"Mod. Device": "修改设备",
"Mod. Time": "修改时间",
"More than a month ago": "一个月前",
"More than a week ago": "一周前",
"More than a year ago": "一年前",
"Move to top of queue": "移至队列顶部",
"Multi level wildcard (matches multiple directory levels)": "多级通配符(用以匹配多层文件夹)",
"Never": "从未",
"New Device": "新设备",
"New Folder": "新文件夹",
"Newest First": "最新优先",
"No": "否",
"No File Versioning": "不启用文件版本控制",
"No files will be deleted as a result of this operation.": "此操作结果不会删除任何文件。",
"No rules set": "未设置规则",
"No upgrades": "无更新",
"Not shared": "不共享",
"Notice": "提示",
"Number of Connections": "连接数",
"OK": "确定",
"Off": "关闭",
"Oldest First": "最旧优先",
"Optional descriptive label for the folder. Can be different on each device.": "文件夹的可选描述性标签。每个设备上可能不同。",
"Options": "选项",
"Out of Sync": "未同步",
"Out of Sync Items": "未同步的项目",
"Outgoing Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "传出速率限制(KiB/s)",
"Override": "覆盖",
"Override Changes": "覆盖更改",
"Ownership": "所有权",
"Password": "密码",
"Path": "路径",
"Path to the folder on the local computer. Will be created if it does not exist. The tilde character (~) can be used as a shortcut for": "本地计算机上文件夹的路径。如果不存在,会创建它。波浪线符号(~)可用作下列项目的缩略符",
"Path where versions should be stored (leave empty for the default .stversions directory in the shared folder).": "历史版本储存路径(留空则会默认存储在共享文件夹中的 .stversions 目录)。",
"Paths": "路径",
"Pause": "暂停",
"Pause All": "暂停全部",
"Paused": "已暂停",
"Paused (Unused)": "已暂停(未使用)",
"Pending changes": "待处理的更改",
"Periodic scanning at given interval and disabled watching for changes": "正在以给定的间隔进行定期扫描,并禁用了更改监视",
"Periodic scanning at given interval and enabled watching for changes": "正在以给定的间隔进行定期扫描,并启用了更改监视",
"Periodic scanning at given interval and failed setting up watching for changes, retrying every 1m:": "正在以给定间隔进行定期扫描,但设置更改监视失败,正在每分钟重试一次:",
"Permanently add it to the ignore list, suppressing further notifications.": "将其永久添加到忽略列表中,以抑制进一步的通知。",
"Please consult the release notes before performing a major upgrade.": "请在进行重大更新前查看发布说明。",
"Please set a GUI Authentication User and Password in the Settings dialog.": "请在设置对话框中设置 GUI 身份验证用户和密码。",
"Please wait": "请稍候",
"Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal": "此前缀表示,如果文件阻止删除目录则文件可被删除",
"Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity": "此前缀表示,后面的模式在匹配时不区分大小写",
"Preparing to Sync": "正在准备同步",
"Preview": "预览",
"Preview Usage Report": "预览使用报告",
"QR code": "二维码",
"QUIC LAN": "QUIC 局域网",
"QUIC WAN": "QUIC 广域网",
"Quick guide to supported patterns": "支持模式的快速指南",
"Random": "随机",
"Receive Encrypted": "加密接收",
"Receive Only": "仅接收",
"Received data is already encrypted": "接收到的数据已加密",
"Recent Changes": "最近更改",
"Reduced by ignore patterns": "通过忽略模式减少",
"Relay LAN": "中继局域网",
"Relay WAN": "中继广域网",
"Release Notes": "发布说明",
"Release candidates contain the latest features and fixes. They are similar to the traditional bi-weekly Syncthing releases.": "候选版本包含最新功能和修复程序。它们类似于传统的每两周一次的 Syncthing 发布。",
"Remote Devices": "远程设备",
"Remote GUI": "远程 GUI",
"Remove": "移除",
"Remove Device": "移除设备",
"Remove Folder": "移除文件夹",
"Required identifier for the folder. Must be the same on all cluster devices.": "文件夹所需的标识符。所有集群设备上必须相同。",
"Rescan": "重新扫描",
"Rescan All": "全部重新扫描",
"Rescans": "重新扫描",
"Restart": "重启",
"Restart Needed": "需要重启",
"Restarting": "正在重启",
"Restore": "恢复",
"Restore Versions": "恢复历史版本",
"Resume": "恢复",
"Resume All": "全部恢复",
"Reused": "复用",
"Revert": "还原",
"Revert Local Changes": "还原本地更改",
"Save": "保存",
"Saving changes": "保存更改中",
"Scan Time Remaining": "剩余扫描时间",
"Scanning": "扫描中",
"See external versioning help for supported templated command line parameters.": "有关受支持的模板命令行参数,请参阅外部版本控制帮助。",
"Select All": "全选",
"Select a version": "选择版本",
"Select additional devices to share this folder with.": "选择要与之共享此文件夹的其他设备。",
"Select additional folders to share with this device.": "选择要与此设备共享的其他文件夹。",
"Select latest version": "选择最新的版本",
"Select oldest version": "选择最旧的版本",
"Send & Receive": "发送和接收",
"Send Extended Attributes": "发送扩展属性",
"Send Only": "仅发送",
"Send Ownership": "发送所有权",
"Set Ignores on Added Folder": "在添加的文件夹中设置忽略",
"Settings": "设置",
"Share": "共享",
"Share Folder": "共享文件夹",
"Share by Email": "通过电子邮件分享",
"Share by SMS": "通过短信分享",
"Share this folder?": "共享此文件夹?",
"Shared Folders": "共享文件夹",
"Shared With": "共享给",
"Sharing": "共享",
"Show ID": "显示 ID",
"Show QR": "显示二维码",
"Show detailed discovery status": "显示详细的发现状态",
"Show detailed listener status": "显示详细的监听程序状态",
"Show diff with previous version": "显示与以前版本的差异",
"Shown instead of Device ID in the cluster status. Will be advertised to other devices as an optional default name.": "在集群状态中显示该名称,而不是设备 ID。将作为可选的默认名称向其他设备通告。",
"Shown instead of Device ID in the cluster status. Will be updated to the name the device advertises if left empty.": "在集群状态中显示该名称,而不是设备 ID。如果留空,将更新为设备通告的名称。",
"Shutdown": "关闭",
"Shutdown Complete": "关闭完成",
"Simple": "简单",
"Simple File Versioning": "简单文件版本控制",
"Single level wildcard (matches within a directory only)": "单级通配符(仅匹配单层文件夹)",
"Size": "大小",
"Smallest First": "最小优先",
"Some discovery methods could not be established for finding other devices or announcing this device:": "无法建立某些发现方法来查找其他设备或宣布此设备:",
"Some items could not be restored:": "某些项目无法恢复:",
"Some listening addresses could not be enabled to accept connections:": "无法启用某些监听地址以接受连接:",
"Source Code": "源代码",
"Stable releases and release candidates": "稳定版本和发布候选版",
"Stable releases are delayed by about two weeks. During this time they go through testing as release candidates.": "稳定版本推迟了大约两周。在此期间,它们作为发布候选版进行测试。",
"Stable releases only": "仅稳定版本",
"Staggered": "阶段",
"Staggered File Versioning": "阶段文件版本控制",
"Start Browser": "启动浏览器",
"Statistics": "统计",
"Stay logged in": "保持登录",
"Stopped": "已停止",
"Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "仅存储和同步加密数据。所有连接设备上的文件夹都需要使用相同的密码设置,或者也需要设置为“{{receiveEncrypted}}”类型。",
"Subject:": "主题:",
"Support": "支持",
"Support Bundle": "支持捆绑包",
"Sync Extended Attributes": "同步扩展属性",
"Sync Ownership": "同步所有权",
"Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "同步协议监听地址",
"Sync Status": "同步状态",
"Syncing": "同步中",
"Syncthing device ID for \"{%devicename%}\"": "“{{devicename}}”的 Syncthing 设备 ID",
"Syncthing has been shut down.": "Syncthing 已关闭。",
"Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Syncthing 使用了下列软件或其中的一部分:",
"Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Syncthing 是自由开源软件,许可证为 MPL v2.0。",
"Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, whether it is shared with some third party, and how it's transmitted over the internet.": "Syncthing 是连续的文件同步程序。它在两台或多台计算机之间实时同步文件,安全地保护它们防止窥视。您的数据是私有的,您有权选择其存储位置、是否与第三方共享以及如何通过互联网传输。",
"Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "Syncthing 正在以下网络地址监听来自其他设备的连接尝试:",
"Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "Syncthing 不监听任何地址上其他设备的连接尝试。只有来自此设备的传出连接才能工作。",
"Syncthing is restarting.": "Syncthing 正在重启。",
"Syncthing is saving changes.": "Syncthing 正保存更改。",
"Syncthing is upgrading.": "Syncthing 正在升级。",
"Syncthing now supports automatically reporting crashes to the developers. This feature is enabled by default.": "Syncthing 现在支持自动向开发人员发送崩溃报告。默认情况下启用此功能。",
"Syncthing seems to be down, or there is a problem with your Internet connection. Retrying…": "Syncthing 似乎已关闭,或者您的互联网连接有问题。正在重试…",
"Syncthing seems to be experiencing a problem processing your request. Please refresh the page or restart Syncthing if the problem persists.": "Syncthing 在处理您的请求时似乎遇到问题。如果问题仍然存在,请刷新页面或重启 Syncthing。",
"TCP LAN": "TCP 局域网",
"TCP WAN": "TCP 广域网",
"Take me back": "返回",
"The GUI address is overridden by startup options. Changes here will not take effect while the override is in place.": "GUI 地址已被启动选项覆盖。当覆盖存在时,此处的更改就不会生效。",
"The Syncthing Authors": "Syncthing 作者",
"The Syncthing admin interface is configured to allow remote access without a password.": "Syncthing 管理界面配置为允许无密码远程访问。",
"The aggregated statistics are publicly available at the URL below.": "汇总统计可在以下 URL 公开获取。",
"The cleanup interval cannot be blank.": "清除间隔不能为空。",
"The configuration has been saved but not activated. Syncthing must restart to activate the new configuration.": "配置已保存但未激活。Syncthing 必须重启才能激活新配置。",
"The device ID cannot be blank.": "设备 ID 不能为空。",
"The device ID to enter here can be found in the \"Actions > Show ID\" dialog on the other device. Spaces and dashes are optional (ignored).": "在此处输入的设备 ID 可以在另一台设备的“操作 > 显示 ID”对话框中找到。空格和破折号是可选的(忽略)。",
"The encrypted usage report is sent daily. It is used to track common platforms, folder sizes, and app versions. If the reported data set is changed you will be prompted with this dialog again.": "加密的使用情况报告每天发送一次。它用于跟踪常见平台、文件夹大小和应用版本。如果报告的数据集发生更改,系统将再次弹出此对话框提示您。",
"The entered device ID does not look valid. It should be a 52 or 56 character string consisting of letters and numbers, with spaces and dashes being optional.": "输入的设备 ID 似乎无效。设备 ID 包含字母和数字,长度为 52 或 56,空格和破折号是可选的。",
"The folder ID cannot be blank.": "文件夹 ID 不能为空。",
"The folder ID must be unique.": "文件夹 ID 不得重复。",
"The folder content on other devices will be overwritten to become identical with this device. Files not present here will be deleted on other devices.": "其他设备上的文件夹内容将会覆盖,与此设备完全相同。此处不存在的文件将在其他设备上删除。",
"The folder content on this device will be overwritten to become identical with other devices. Files newly added here will be deleted.": "此设备上的文件夹内容将会覆盖,与其他设备相同。此处新添加的文件将会删除。",
"The folder path cannot be blank.": "文件夹路径不能为空。",
"The following intervals are used: for the first hour a version is kept every 30 seconds, for the first day a version is kept every hour, for the first 30 days a version is kept every day, until the maximum age a version is kept every week.": "使用以下间隔:最近一小时内的历史版本,更新间隔小于三十秒的仅保留一份。最近一天内的历史版本,更新间隔小于一小时的仅保留一份。最近一个月内的历史版本,更新间隔小于一天的仅保留一份。距离现在超过一个月且小于最长保留时间的,更新间隔小于一周的仅保留一份。",
"The following items could not be synchronized.": "以下项目无法同步。",
"The following items were changed locally.": "以下项目已在本地更改。",
"The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "以下方法用于发现网络上的其他设备,并通知其他人发现此设备:",
"The following text will automatically be inserted into a new message.": "以下文本将自动插入到新消息中。",
"The following unexpected items were found.": "发现以下意外项目。",
"The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "间隔必须为正数秒。",
"The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "在版本目录中运行清理的间隔(秒)。0 表示禁用定期清理。",
"The maximum age must be a number and cannot be blank.": "最长保留时间必须为数字,且不能为空。",
"The maximum time to keep a version (in days, set to 0 to keep versions forever).": "历史版本保留的最长天数,0 为永久保存。",
"The number of connections must be a non-negative number.": "连接数必须是非负数。",
"The number of days must be a number and cannot be blank.": "天数必须为数字,且不能为空。",
"The number of days to keep files in the trash can. Zero means forever.": "文件保存在回收站的天数。0 表示永久。",
"The number of old versions to keep, per file.": "每个文件要保留的旧版本数。",
"The number of versions must be a number and cannot be blank.": "保留版本数量必须为数字,且不能为空。",
"The path cannot be blank.": "路径不能为空。",
"The rate limit is applied to the accumulated traffic of all connections to this device.": "速率限制适用于到此设备的所有连接的累积流量。",
"The rate limit must be a non-negative number (0: no limit)": "速率限制必须是非负数(0:无限制)",
"The remote device has not accepted sharing this folder.": "远程设备尚未接受共享此文件夹。",
"The remote device has paused this folder.": "远程设备已暂停此文件夹。",
"The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.": "重新扫描间隔必须为非负数秒。",
"There are no devices to share this folder with.": "没有可与之共享此文件夹的设备。",
"There are no file versions to restore.": "没有可供恢复的文件版本。",
"There are no folders to share with this device.": "没有可与此设备共享的文件夹。",
"They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.": "系统将会自动重试,并在错误解决后同步。",
"This Device": "此设备",
"This Month": "本月",
"This can easily give hackers access to read and change any files on your computer.": "这会让骇客能够轻而易举地访问及修改您的文件。",
"This device cannot automatically discover other devices or announce its own address to be found by others. Only devices with statically configured addresses can connect.": "此设备无法自动发现其他设备,也无法向其他人宣布自己的地址。只有具有静态配置地址的设备才能连接。",
"This is a major version upgrade.": "这是一次重大版本升级。",
"This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "此设置控制主磁盘(即索引数据库)上所需的可用空间。",
"Time": "时间",
"Time the item was last modified": "最近修改项目的时间",
"To connect with the Syncthing device named \"{%devicename%}\", add a new remote device on your end with this ID:": "要连接名为“{{devicename}}”的 Syncthing 设备,请在您的终端添加具有此 ID 的新远程设备:",
"To permit a rule, have the checkbox checked. To deny a rule, leave it unchecked.": "要允许某条规则,请选中复选框。要拒绝某条规则,请将其保留为未选中状态。",
"Today": "今天",
"Trash Can": "回收站",
"Trash Can File Versioning": "回收站文件版本控制",
"Type": "类型",
"UNIX Permissions": "UNIX 权限",
"Unavailable": "无效",
"Unavailable/Disabled by administrator or maintainer": "无效/禁用(由管理员或维护者)",
"Undecided (will prompt)": "未决定(将提示)",
"Unexpected Items": "意外项目",
"Unexpected items have been found in this folder.": "在此文件夹中发现了意外项目。",
"Unignore": "取消忽略",
"Unknown": "未知",
"Unshared": "非共享",
"Unshared Devices": "非共享设备",
"Unshared Folders": "非共享文件夹",
"Untrusted": "不受信任",
"Up to Date": "最新",
"Updated {%file%}": "已更新 {{file}}",
"Upgrade": "更新",
"Upgrade To {%version%}": "升级至版本 {{version}}",
"Upgrading": "升级中",
"Upload Rate": "上传速率",
"Uptime": "启动时间",
"Usage reporting is always enabled for candidate releases.": "发布候选版始终启用使用报告。",
"Use HTTPS for GUI": "使用 HTTPS 连接到 GUI",
"Use notifications from the filesystem to detect changed items.": "使用来自文件系统的通知来检测更改的项目。",
"User": "用户",
"User Home": "用户主目录",
"Username/Password has not been set for the GUI authentication. Please consider setting it up.": "尚未为 GUI 身份验证设置用户名/密码。请考虑设置。",
"Using a QUIC connection over LAN": "正在通过局域网使用 QUIC 连接",
"Using a QUIC connection over WAN": "正在通过广域网使用 QUIC 连接",
"Using a direct TCP connection over LAN": "正在通过局域网使用直接 TCP 连接",
"Using a direct TCP connection over WAN": "正在通过广域网使用直接 TCP 连接",
"Version": "版本",
"Versions": "历史版本",
"Versions Path": "历史版本路径",
"Versions are automatically deleted if they are older than the maximum age or exceed the number of files allowed in an interval.": "超过最长保留时间,或者不满足下列条件的历史版本,则会自动删除。",
"Waiting to Clean": "正在等待清理",
"Waiting to Scan": "正在等待扫描",
"Waiting to Sync": "正在等待同步",
"Warning": "警告",
"Warning, this path is a parent directory of an existing folder \"{%otherFolder%}\".": "警告,此路径是现有文件夹“{{otherFolder}}”的上级目录。",
"Warning, this path is a parent directory of an existing folder \"{%otherFolderLabel%}\" ({%otherFolder%}).": "警告,此路径是现有文件夹“{{otherFolderLabel}}”({{otherFolder}})的上级目录。",
"Warning, this path is a subdirectory of an existing folder \"{%otherFolder%}\".": "警告,此路径是现有文件夹“{{otherFolder}}”的下级目录。",
"Warning, this path is a subdirectory of an existing folder \"{%otherFolderLabel%}\" ({%otherFolder%}).": "警告,此路径是现有文件夹“{{otherFolderLabel}}”({{otherFolder}})的下级目录。",
"Warning: If you are using an external watcher like {%syncthingInotify%}, you should make sure it is deactivated.": "警告:如果您使用的是 {{syncthingInotify}} 等外部监视程序,则应确保其已停用。",
"Watch for Changes": "监视更改",
"Watching for Changes": "正在监视更改",
"Watching for changes discovers most changes without periodic scanning.": "监视更改无需定期扫描即可发现大多数更改。",
"When adding a new device, keep in mind that this device must be added on the other side too.": "若您在本机添加新设备,记住您也必须在这个新设备上添加本机。",
"When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "添加新文件夹时,请记住文件夹 ID 用于在不同设备之间建立联系。它们区分大小写,必须在所有设备之间完全匹配。",
"When set to more than one on both devices, Syncthing will attempt to establish multiple concurrent connections. If the values differ, the highest will be used. Set to zero to let Syncthing decide.": "当两台设备上的连接数均被设为大于 1 时,Syncthing 会尝试建立多个并行连接。如果两台设备上的设置的连接数不同,则会使用最大的连接数。设为 0 表示让 Syncthing 自行决定。",
"Yes": "是",
"Yesterday": "昨天",
"You can also copy and paste the text into a new message manually.": "您还可以手动将文本复制并粘贴到新消息中。",
"You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "您还可以选择以下附近的设备之一:",
"You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "您可以在设置对话框中随时更改您的选择。",
"You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "您可以在下面的链接中阅读有关这两个发布渠道的更多信息。",
"You have no ignored devices.": "您没有忽略的设备。",
"You have no ignored folders.": "您没有忽略的文件夹。",
"You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "您有未保存的更改。是否确定要丢弃它们?",
"You must keep at least one version.": "您必须保留至少一个版本。",
"You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "您永远不应该在本地添加或更改“{{receiveEncrypted}}”文件夹中的任何内容。",
"Your SMS app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own number.": "您的短信应用应该打开,让您选择接收者并从自己的号码发送。",
"Your email app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own address.": "您的电子邮件应用应该打开,让您选择收件人并从自己的地址发送。",
"days": "天",
"deleted": "已删除",
"deny": "拒绝",
"directories": "目录",
"file": "文件",
"files": "文件",
"folder": "文件夹",
"full documentation": "完整文档",
"items": "条目",
"modified": "已修改",
"permit": "允许",
"seconds": "秒",
"theme": {
"name": {
"black": "黑色",
"dark": "深色",
"default": "默认",
"light": "浅色"
"unknown device": "未知设备",
"{%device%} wants to share folder \"{%folder%}\".": "{{device}} 想要共享文件夹“{{folder}}”。",
"{%device%} wants to share folder \"{%folderlabel%}\" ({%folder%}).": "{{device}} 想要共享文件夹“{{folderlabel}}”({{folder}})。",
"{%reintroducer%} might reintroduce this device.": "{{reintroducer}} 可能会重新引入此设备。"