Audrius Butkevicius 674fc566bb lib/connections: Refactor
1. Removes separate relay lists and relay clients/services, just makes it a listen address
2. Easier plugging-in of other transports
3. Allows "hot" disabling and enabling NAT services
4. Allows "hot" listen address changes
5. Changes listen address list with a preferable "default" value just like for discovery
6. Debounces global discovery announcements as external addresses change (which it might alot upon starting)
7. Stops this whole "pick other peers relay by latency". This information is no longer available,
   but I don't think it matters as most of the time other peer only has one relay.
8. Rename ListenAddress to ListenAddresses, as well as in javascript land.
9. Stop serializing deprecated values to JSON

2016-05-04 19:38:12 +00:00

258 lines
6.9 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2015 The Syncthing Authors.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at
package discover
import (
stdsync "sync"
// The CachingMux aggregates results from multiple Finders. Each Finder has
// an associated cache time and negative cache time. The cache time sets how
// long we cache and return successfull lookup results, the negative cache
// time sets how long we refrain from asking about the same device ID after
// receiving a negative answer. The value of zero disables caching (positive
// or negative).
type CachingMux interface {
Add(finder Finder, cacheTime, negCacheTime time.Duration, priority int)
ChildErrors() map[string]error
type cachingMux struct {
finders []cachedFinder
caches []*cache
mut sync.RWMutex
// A cachedFinder is a Finder with associated cache timeouts.
type cachedFinder struct {
cacheTime time.Duration
negCacheTime time.Duration
priority int
// A prioritizedAddress is what we use to sort addresses returned from
// different sources with different priorities.
type prioritizedAddress struct {
priority int
addr string
// An error may implement cachedError, in which case it will be interrogated
// to see how long we should cache the error. This overrides the default
// negative cache time.
type cachedError interface {
CacheFor() time.Duration
func NewCachingMux() CachingMux {
return &cachingMux{
Supervisor: suture.NewSimple("discover.cachingMux"),
mut: sync.NewRWMutex(),
// Add registers a new Finder, with associated cache timeouts.
func (m *cachingMux) Add(finder Finder, cacheTime, negCacheTime time.Duration, priority int) {
m.finders = append(m.finders, cachedFinder{finder, cacheTime, negCacheTime, priority})
m.caches = append(m.caches, newCache())
if service, ok := finder.(suture.Service); ok {
// Lookup attempts to resolve the device ID using any of the added Finders,
// while obeying the cache settings.
func (m *cachingMux) Lookup(deviceID protocol.DeviceID) (addresses []string, err error) {
var paddresses []prioritizedAddress
for i, finder := range m.finders {
if cacheEntry, ok := m.caches[i].Get(deviceID); ok {
// We have a cache entry. Lets see what it says.
if cacheEntry.found && time.Since(cacheEntry.when) < finder.cacheTime {
// It's a positive, valid entry. Use it.
l.Debugln("cached discovery entry for", deviceID, "at", finder)
l.Debugln(" cache:", cacheEntry)
for _, addr := range cacheEntry.Addresses {
paddresses = append(paddresses, prioritizedAddress{finder.priority, addr})
valid := time.Now().Before(cacheEntry.validUntil) || time.Since(cacheEntry.when) < finder.negCacheTime
if !cacheEntry.found && valid {
// It's a negative, valid entry. We should not make another
// attempt right now.
l.Debugln("negative cache entry for", deviceID, "at", finder, "valid until", cacheEntry.when.Add(finder.negCacheTime), "or", cacheEntry.validUntil)
// It's expired. Ignore and continue.
// Perform the actual lookup and cache the result.
if addrs, err := finder.Lookup(deviceID); err == nil {
l.Debugln("lookup for", deviceID, "at", finder)
l.Debugln(" addresses:", addrs)
for _, addr := range addrs {
paddresses = append(paddresses, prioritizedAddress{finder.priority, addr})
m.caches[i].Set(deviceID, CacheEntry{
Addresses: addrs,
when: time.Now(),
found: len(addrs) > 0,
} else {
// Lookup returned error, add a negative cache entry.
entry := CacheEntry{
when: time.Now(),
found: false,
if err, ok := err.(cachedError); ok {
entry.validUntil = time.Now().Add(err.CacheFor())
m.caches[i].Set(deviceID, entry)
addresses = uniqueSortedAddrs(paddresses)
l.Debugln("lookup results for", deviceID)
l.Debugln(" addresses: ", addresses)
return addresses, nil
func (m *cachingMux) String() string {
return "discovery cache"
func (m *cachingMux) Error() error {
return nil
func (m *cachingMux) ChildErrors() map[string]error {
children := make(map[string]error, len(m.finders))
for _, f := range m.finders {
children[f.String()] = f.Error()
return children
func (m *cachingMux) Cache() map[protocol.DeviceID]CacheEntry {
// Res will be the "total" cache, i.e. the union of our cache and all our
// children's caches.
res := make(map[protocol.DeviceID]CacheEntry)
for i := range m.finders {
// Each finder[i] has a corresponding cache at cache[i]. Go through it
// and populate the total, if it's newer than what's already in there.
// We skip any negative cache entries.
for k, v := range m.caches[i].Cache() {
if v.found && v.when.After(res[k].when) {
res[k] = v
// Then ask the finder itself for it's cache and do the same. If this
// finder is a global discovery client, it will have no cache. If it's
// a local discovery client, this will be it's current state.
for k, v := range m.finders[i].Cache() {
if v.found && v.when.After(res[k].when) {
res[k] = v
return res
// A cache can be embedded wherever useful
type cache struct {
entries map[protocol.DeviceID]CacheEntry
mut stdsync.Mutex
func newCache() *cache {
return &cache{
entries: make(map[protocol.DeviceID]CacheEntry),
func (c *cache) Set(id protocol.DeviceID, ce CacheEntry) {
c.entries[id] = ce
func (c *cache) Get(id protocol.DeviceID) (CacheEntry, bool) {
ce, ok := c.entries[id]
return ce, ok
func (c *cache) Cache() map[protocol.DeviceID]CacheEntry {
m := make(map[protocol.DeviceID]CacheEntry, len(c.entries))
for k, v := range c.entries {
m[k] = v
return m
func uniqueSortedAddrs(ss []prioritizedAddress) []string {
// We sort the addresses by priority, then filter them based on seen
// (first time seen is the on kept, so we retain priority).
filtered := make([]string, 0, len(ss))
seen := make(map[string]struct{}, len(ss))
for _, s := range ss {
if _, ok := seen[s.addr]; !ok {
filtered = append(filtered, s.addr)
seen[s.addr] = struct{}{}
return filtered
type prioritizedAddressList []prioritizedAddress
func (l prioritizedAddressList) Len() int {
return len(l)
func (l prioritizedAddressList) Swap(a, b int) {
l[a], l[b] = l[b], l[a]
func (l prioritizedAddressList) Less(a, b int) bool {
if l[a].priority != l[b].priority {
return l[a].priority < l[b].priority
return l[a].addr < l[b].addr