mirror of
synced 2025-02-07 22:38:26 +00:00
This adds support for syncing extended attributes on supported filesystem on Linux, macOS, FreeBSD and NetBSD. Windows is currently excluded because the APIs seem onerous and annoying and frankly the uses cases seem few and far between. On Unixes this also covers ACLs as those are stored as extended attributes. Similar to ownership syncing this will optional & opt-in, which two settings controlling the main behavior: one to "sync" xattrs (read & write) and another one to "scan" xattrs (only read them so other devices can "sync" them, but not apply any locally). Co-authored-by: Tomasz Wilczyński <twilczynski@naver.com>
1471 lines
38 KiB
1471 lines
38 KiB
// Copyright (C) 2014 The Syncthing Authors.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
package config
import (
var device1, device2, device3, device4 protocol.DeviceID
func init() {
device1, _ = protocol.DeviceIDFromString("AIR6LPZ7K4PTTUXQSMUUCPQ5YWOEDFIIQJUG7772YQXXR5YD6AWQ")
device2, _ = protocol.DeviceIDFromString("GYRZZQB-IRNPV4Z-T7TC52W-EQYJ3TT-FDQW6MW-DFLMU42-SSSU6EM-FBK2VAY")
device3, _ = protocol.DeviceIDFromString("LGFPDIT-7SKNNJL-VJZA4FC-7QNCRKA-CE753K7-2BW5QDK-2FOZ7FR-FEP57QJ")
device4, _ = protocol.DeviceIDFromString("P56IOI7-MZJNU2Y-IQGDREY-DM2MGTI-MGL3BXN-PQ6W5BM-TBBZ4TJ-XZWICQ2")
func TestDefaultValues(t *testing.T) {
size, err := ParseSize("1%")
if err != nil {
expected := Configuration{
Version: CurrentVersion,
Folders: []FolderConfiguration{},
Options: OptionsConfiguration{
RawListenAddresses: []string{"default"},
RawGlobalAnnServers: []string{"default"},
GlobalAnnEnabled: true,
LocalAnnEnabled: true,
LocalAnnPort: 21027,
LocalAnnMCAddr: "[ff12::8384]:21027",
MaxSendKbps: 0,
MaxRecvKbps: 0,
ReconnectIntervalS: 60,
RelaysEnabled: true,
RelayReconnectIntervalM: 10,
StartBrowser: true,
NATEnabled: true,
NATLeaseM: 60,
NATRenewalM: 30,
NATTimeoutS: 10,
AutoUpgradeIntervalH: 12,
KeepTemporariesH: 24,
CacheIgnoredFiles: false,
ProgressUpdateIntervalS: 5,
LimitBandwidthInLan: false,
MinHomeDiskFree: Size{1, "%"},
URURL: "https://data.syncthing.net/newdata",
URInitialDelayS: 1800,
URPostInsecurely: false,
ReleasesURL: "https://upgrades.syncthing.net/meta.json",
AlwaysLocalNets: []string{},
OverwriteRemoteDevNames: false,
TempIndexMinBlocks: 10,
UnackedNotificationIDs: []string{"authenticationUserAndPassword"},
SetLowPriority: true,
CRURL: "https://crash.syncthing.net/newcrash",
CREnabled: true,
StunKeepaliveStartS: 180,
StunKeepaliveMinS: 20,
RawStunServers: []string{"default"},
AnnounceLANAddresses: true,
FeatureFlags: []string{},
Defaults: Defaults{
Folder: FolderConfiguration{
FilesystemType: fs.FilesystemTypeBasic,
Path: "~",
Type: FolderTypeSendReceive,
Devices: []FolderDeviceConfiguration{{DeviceID: device1}},
RescanIntervalS: 3600,
FSWatcherEnabled: true,
FSWatcherDelayS: 10,
IgnorePerms: false,
AutoNormalize: true,
MinDiskFree: size,
Versioning: VersioningConfiguration{
CleanupIntervalS: 3600,
Params: map[string]string{},
MaxConflicts: 10,
WeakHashThresholdPct: 25,
MarkerName: ".stfolder",
MaxConcurrentWrites: 2,
XattrFilter: XattrFilter{
Entries: []XattrFilterEntry{},
MaxSingleEntrySize: 1024,
MaxTotalSize: 4096,
Device: DeviceConfiguration{
Addresses: []string{"dynamic"},
AllowedNetworks: []string{},
Compression: protocol.CompressionMetadata,
IgnoredFolders: []ObservedFolder{},
Ignores: Ignores{
Lines: []string{},
IgnoredDevices: []ObservedDevice{},
expected.Devices = []DeviceConfiguration{expected.Defaults.Device.Copy()}
expected.Devices[0].DeviceID = device1
expected.Devices[0].Name, _ = os.Hostname()
cfg := New(device1)
cfg.GUI = GUIConfiguration{}
cfg.LDAP = LDAPConfiguration{}
if diff, equal := messagediff.PrettyDiff(expected, cfg); !equal {
t.Errorf("Default config differs. Diff:\n%s", diff)
func TestDeviceConfig(t *testing.T) {
for i := OldestHandledVersion; i <= CurrentVersion; i++ {
cfgFile := fmt.Sprintf("testdata/v%d.xml", i)
if _, err := os.Stat(cfgFile); os.IsNotExist(err) {
os.RemoveAll(filepath.Join("testdata", DefaultMarkerName))
wr, wrCancel, err := copyAndLoad(cfgFile, device1)
defer wrCancel()
if err != nil {
_, err = os.Stat(filepath.Join("testdata", DefaultMarkerName))
if i < 6 && err != nil {
} else if i >= 6 && err == nil {
t.Fatal("Unexpected file")
cfg := wr.Wrapper.(*wrapper).cfg
expectedFolders := []FolderConfiguration{
ID: "test",
FilesystemType: fs.FilesystemTypeBasic,
Path: "testdata",
Devices: []FolderDeviceConfiguration{{DeviceID: device1}, {DeviceID: device4}},
Type: FolderTypeSendOnly,
RescanIntervalS: 600,
FSWatcherEnabled: false,
FSWatcherDelayS: 10,
Copiers: 0,
Hashers: 0,
AutoNormalize: true,
MinDiskFree: Size{1, "%"},
MaxConflicts: -1,
Versioning: VersioningConfiguration{
Params: map[string]string{},
WeakHashThresholdPct: 25,
MarkerName: DefaultMarkerName,
JunctionsAsDirs: true,
MaxConcurrentWrites: maxConcurrentWritesDefault,
XattrFilter: XattrFilter{
Entries: []XattrFilterEntry{},
expectedDevices := []DeviceConfiguration{
DeviceID: device1,
Name: "node one",
Addresses: []string{"tcp://a"},
Compression: protocol.CompressionMetadata,
AllowedNetworks: []string{},
IgnoredFolders: []ObservedFolder{},
DeviceID: device4,
Name: "node two",
Addresses: []string{"tcp://b"},
Compression: protocol.CompressionMetadata,
AllowedNetworks: []string{},
IgnoredFolders: []ObservedFolder{},
expectedDeviceIDs := []protocol.DeviceID{device1, device4}
if cfg.Version != CurrentVersion {
t.Errorf("%d: Incorrect version %d != %d", i, cfg.Version, CurrentVersion)
if diff, equal := messagediff.PrettyDiff(expectedFolders, cfg.Folders); !equal {
t.Errorf("%d: Incorrect Folders. Diff:\n%s", i, diff)
if diff, equal := messagediff.PrettyDiff(expectedDevices, cfg.Devices); !equal {
t.Errorf("%d: Incorrect Devices. Diff:\n%s", i, diff)
if diff, equal := messagediff.PrettyDiff(expectedDeviceIDs, cfg.Folders[0].DeviceIDs()); !equal {
t.Errorf("%d: Incorrect DeviceIDs. Diff:\n%s", i, diff)
func TestNoListenAddresses(t *testing.T) {
cfg, cfgCancel, err := copyAndLoad("testdata/nolistenaddress.xml", device1)
defer cfgCancel()
if err != nil {
expected := []string{""}
actual := cfg.Options().RawListenAddresses
if diff, equal := messagediff.PrettyDiff(expected, actual); !equal {
t.Errorf("Unexpected RawListenAddresses. Diff:\n%s", diff)
func TestOverriddenValues(t *testing.T) {
expected := OptionsConfiguration{
RawListenAddresses: []string{"tcp://:23000"},
RawGlobalAnnServers: []string{"udp4://syncthing.nym.se:22026"},
GlobalAnnEnabled: false,
LocalAnnEnabled: false,
LocalAnnPort: 42123,
LocalAnnMCAddr: "quux:3232",
MaxSendKbps: 1234,
MaxRecvKbps: 2341,
ReconnectIntervalS: 6000,
RelaysEnabled: false,
RelayReconnectIntervalM: 20,
StartBrowser: false,
NATEnabled: false,
NATLeaseM: 90,
NATRenewalM: 15,
NATTimeoutS: 15,
AutoUpgradeIntervalH: 24,
KeepTemporariesH: 48,
CacheIgnoredFiles: true,
ProgressUpdateIntervalS: 10,
LimitBandwidthInLan: true,
MinHomeDiskFree: Size{5.2, "%"},
URSeen: 8,
URAccepted: 4,
URURL: "https://localhost/newdata",
URInitialDelayS: 800,
URPostInsecurely: true,
ReleasesURL: "https://localhost/releases",
AlwaysLocalNets: []string{},
OverwriteRemoteDevNames: true,
TempIndexMinBlocks: 100,
UnackedNotificationIDs: []string{"asdfasdf"},
SetLowPriority: false,
CRURL: "https://localhost/newcrash",
CREnabled: false,
StunKeepaliveStartS: 9000,
StunKeepaliveMinS: 900,
RawStunServers: []string{"foo"},
FeatureFlags: []string{"feature"},
expectedPath := "/media/syncthing"
cfg, cfgCancel, err := copyAndLoad("testdata/overridenvalues.xml", device1)
defer cfgCancel()
if err != nil {
if diff, equal := messagediff.PrettyDiff(expected, cfg.Options()); !equal {
t.Errorf("Overridden config differs. Diff:\n%s", diff)
if path := cfg.DefaultFolder().Path; path != expectedPath {
t.Errorf("Default folder path is %v, expected %v", path, expectedPath)
func TestDeviceAddressesDynamic(t *testing.T) {
name, _ := os.Hostname()
expected := map[protocol.DeviceID]DeviceConfiguration{
device1: {
DeviceID: device1,
Addresses: []string{"dynamic"},
AllowedNetworks: []string{},
IgnoredFolders: []ObservedFolder{},
device2: {
DeviceID: device2,
Addresses: []string{"dynamic"},
AllowedNetworks: []string{},
IgnoredFolders: []ObservedFolder{},
device3: {
DeviceID: device3,
Addresses: []string{"dynamic"},
AllowedNetworks: []string{},
IgnoredFolders: []ObservedFolder{},
device4: {
DeviceID: device4,
Name: name, // Set when auto created
Addresses: []string{"dynamic"},
Compression: protocol.CompressionMetadata,
AllowedNetworks: []string{},
IgnoredFolders: []ObservedFolder{},
cfg, cfgCancel, err := copyAndLoad("testdata/deviceaddressesdynamic.xml", device4)
defer cfgCancel()
if err != nil {
actual := cfg.Devices()
if diff, equal := messagediff.PrettyDiff(expected, actual); !equal {
t.Errorf("Devices differ. Diff:\n%s", diff)
func TestDeviceCompression(t *testing.T) {
name, _ := os.Hostname()
expected := map[protocol.DeviceID]DeviceConfiguration{
device1: {
DeviceID: device1,
Addresses: []string{"dynamic"},
Compression: protocol.CompressionMetadata,
AllowedNetworks: []string{},
IgnoredFolders: []ObservedFolder{},
device2: {
DeviceID: device2,
Addresses: []string{"dynamic"},
Compression: protocol.CompressionMetadata,
AllowedNetworks: []string{},
IgnoredFolders: []ObservedFolder{},
device3: {
DeviceID: device3,
Addresses: []string{"dynamic"},
Compression: protocol.CompressionNever,
AllowedNetworks: []string{},
IgnoredFolders: []ObservedFolder{},
device4: {
DeviceID: device4,
Name: name, // Set when auto created
Addresses: []string{"dynamic"},
Compression: protocol.CompressionMetadata,
AllowedNetworks: []string{},
IgnoredFolders: []ObservedFolder{},
cfg, cfgCancel, err := copyAndLoad("testdata/devicecompression.xml", device4)
defer cfgCancel()
if err != nil {
actual := cfg.Devices()
if diff, equal := messagediff.PrettyDiff(expected, actual); !equal {
t.Errorf("Devices differ. Diff:\n%s", diff)
func TestDeviceAddressesStatic(t *testing.T) {
name, _ := os.Hostname()
expected := map[protocol.DeviceID]DeviceConfiguration{
device1: {
DeviceID: device1,
Addresses: []string{"tcp://", "tcp://"},
AllowedNetworks: []string{},
IgnoredFolders: []ObservedFolder{},
device2: {
DeviceID: device2,
Addresses: []string{"tcp://", "tcp://[2001:db8::42]:4242"},
AllowedNetworks: []string{},
IgnoredFolders: []ObservedFolder{},
device3: {
DeviceID: device3,
Addresses: []string{"tcp://[2001:db8::44]:4444", "tcp://"},
AllowedNetworks: []string{},
IgnoredFolders: []ObservedFolder{},
device4: {
DeviceID: device4,
Name: name, // Set when auto created
Addresses: []string{"dynamic"},
Compression: protocol.CompressionMetadata,
AllowedNetworks: []string{},
IgnoredFolders: []ObservedFolder{},
cfg, cfgCancel, err := copyAndLoad("testdata/deviceaddressesstatic.xml", device4)
defer cfgCancel()
if err != nil {
actual := cfg.Devices()
if diff, equal := messagediff.PrettyDiff(expected, actual); !equal {
t.Errorf("Devices differ. Diff:\n%s", diff)
func TestVersioningConfig(t *testing.T) {
cfg, cfgCancel, err := copyAndLoad("testdata/versioningconfig.xml", device4)
defer cfgCancel()
if err != nil {
vc := cfg.Folders()["test"].Versioning
if vc.Type != "simple" {
t.Errorf(`vc.Type %q != "simple"`, vc.Type)
if l := len(vc.Params); l != 2 {
t.Errorf("len(vc.Params) %d != 2", l)
expected := map[string]string{
"foo": "bar",
"baz": "quux",
if diff, equal := messagediff.PrettyDiff(expected, vc.Params); !equal {
t.Errorf("vc.Params differ. Diff:\n%s", diff)
func TestIssue1262(t *testing.T) {
if !build.IsWindows {
t.Skipf("path gets converted to absolute as part of the filesystem initialization on linux")
cfg, cfgCancel, err := copyAndLoad("testdata/issue-1262.xml", device4)
defer cfgCancel()
if err != nil {
actual := cfg.Folders()["test"].Filesystem(nil).URI()
expected := `e:\`
if actual != expected {
t.Errorf("%q != %q", actual, expected)
func TestIssue1750(t *testing.T) {
cfg, cfgCancel, err := copyAndLoad("testdata/issue-1750.xml", device4)
defer cfgCancel()
if err != nil {
if cfg.Options().RawListenAddresses[0] != "tcp://:23000" {
t.Errorf("%q != %q", cfg.Options().RawListenAddresses[0], "tcp://:23000")
if cfg.Options().RawListenAddresses[1] != "tcp://:23001" {
t.Errorf("%q != %q", cfg.Options().RawListenAddresses[1], "tcp://:23001")
if cfg.Options().RawGlobalAnnServers[0] != "udp4://syncthing.nym.se:22026" {
t.Errorf("%q != %q", cfg.Options().RawGlobalAnnServers[0], "udp4://syncthing.nym.se:22026")
if cfg.Options().RawGlobalAnnServers[1] != "udp4://syncthing.nym.se:22027" {
t.Errorf("%q != %q", cfg.Options().RawGlobalAnnServers[1], "udp4://syncthing.nym.se:22027")
func TestFolderPath(t *testing.T) {
folder := FolderConfiguration{
Path: "~/tmp",
realPath := folder.Filesystem(nil).URI()
if !filepath.IsAbs(realPath) {
t.Error(realPath, "should be absolute")
if strings.Contains(realPath, "~") {
t.Error(realPath, "should not contain ~")
func TestFolderCheckPath(t *testing.T) {
n := t.TempDir()
testFs := fs.NewFilesystem(fs.FilesystemTypeBasic, n)
err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(n, "dir", ".stfolder"), os.FileMode(0777))
if err != nil {
testcases := []struct {
path string
err error
path: "",
err: ErrMarkerMissing,
path: "does not exist",
err: ErrPathMissing,
path: "dir",
err: nil,
err = fs.DebugSymlinkForTestsOnly(testFs, testFs, "dir", "link")
if err == nil {
t.Log("running with symlink check")
testcases = append(testcases, struct {
path string
err error
path: "link",
err: nil,
} else if !build.IsWindows {
t.Log("running without symlink check")
for _, testcase := range testcases {
cfg := FolderConfiguration{
Path: filepath.Join(n, testcase.path),
MarkerName: DefaultMarkerName,
if err := cfg.CheckPath(); testcase.err != err {
t.Errorf("unexpected error in case %s: %s != %v", testcase.path, err, testcase.err)
func TestNewSaveLoad(t *testing.T) {
path := "testdata/temp.xml"
defer os.Remove(path)
exists := func(path string) bool {
_, err := os.Stat(path)
return err == nil
intCfg := New(device1)
cfg := wrap(path, intCfg, device1)
defer cfg.stop()
if exists(path) {
t.Error(path, "exists")
err := cfg.Save()
if err != nil {
if !exists(path) {
t.Error(path, "does not exist")
cfg2, err := load(path, device1)
defer cfg2.stop()
if err != nil {
if diff, equal := messagediff.PrettyDiff(cfg.RawCopy(), cfg2.RawCopy()); !equal {
t.Errorf("Configs are not equal. Diff:\n%s", diff)
func TestWindowsLineEndings(t *testing.T) {
if !build.IsWindows {
t.Skip("Windows specific")
dir := t.TempDir()
path := filepath.Join(dir, "config.xml")
defer os.Remove(path)
intCfg := New(device1)
cfg := wrap(path, intCfg, device1)
defer cfg.stop()
if err := cfg.Save(); err != nil {
bs, err := os.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
unixLineEndings := bytes.Count(bs, []byte("\n"))
windowsLineEndings := bytes.Count(bs, []byte("\r\n"))
if unixLineEndings == 0 || windowsLineEndings != unixLineEndings {
t.Error("expected there to be a non-zero number of Windows line endings")
func TestPrepare(t *testing.T) {
var cfg Configuration
if cfg.Folders != nil || cfg.Devices != nil || cfg.Options.RawListenAddresses != nil {
t.Error("Expected nil")
if cfg.Folders == nil || cfg.Devices == nil || cfg.Options.RawListenAddresses == nil {
t.Error("Unexpected nil")
func TestCopy(t *testing.T) {
wrapper, wrapperCancel, err := copyAndLoad("testdata/example.xml", device1)
defer wrapperCancel()
if err != nil {
cfg := wrapper.RawCopy()
bsOrig, err := json.MarshalIndent(cfg, "", " ")
if err != nil {
copy := cfg.Copy()
cfg.Devices[0].Addresses[0] = "wrong"
cfg.Folders[0].Devices[0].DeviceID = protocol.DeviceID{0, 1, 2, 3}
cfg.Options.RawListenAddresses[0] = "wrong"
cfg.GUI.APIKey = "wrong"
bsChanged, err := json.MarshalIndent(cfg, "", " ")
if err != nil {
bsCopy, err := json.MarshalIndent(copy, "", " ")
if err != nil {
if bytes.Equal(bsOrig, bsChanged) {
t.Error("Config should have changed")
if !bytes.Equal(bsOrig, bsCopy) {
// os.WriteFile("a", bsOrig, 0644)
// os.WriteFile("b", bsCopy, 0644)
t.Error("Copy should be unchanged")
func TestPullOrder(t *testing.T) {
wrapper, wrapperCleanup, err := copyAndLoad("testdata/pullorder.xml", device1)
defer wrapperCleanup()
if err != nil {
folders := wrapper.Folders()
expected := []struct {
name string
order PullOrder
{"f1", PullOrderRandom}, // empty value, default
{"f2", PullOrderRandom}, // explicit
{"f3", PullOrderAlphabetic}, // explicit
{"f4", PullOrderRandom}, // unknown value, default
{"f5", PullOrderSmallestFirst}, // explicit
{"f6", PullOrderLargestFirst}, // explicit
{"f7", PullOrderOldestFirst}, // explicit
{"f8", PullOrderNewestFirst}, // explicit
// Verify values are deserialized correctly
for _, tc := range expected {
if actual := folders[tc.name].Order; actual != tc.order {
t.Errorf("Incorrect pull order for %q: %v != %v", tc.name, actual, tc.order)
// Serialize and deserialize again to verify it survives the transformation
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
cfg := wrapper.RawCopy()
t.Logf("%s", buf.Bytes())
cfg, _, err = ReadXML(buf, device1)
if err != nil {
wrapper2 := wrap(wrapper.ConfigPath(), cfg, device1)
defer wrapper2.stop()
folders = wrapper2.Folders()
for _, tc := range expected {
if actual := folders[tc.name].Order; actual != tc.order {
t.Errorf("Incorrect pull order for %q: %v != %v", tc.name, actual, tc.order)
func TestLargeRescanInterval(t *testing.T) {
wrapper, wrapperCancel, err := copyAndLoad("testdata/largeinterval.xml", device1)
defer wrapperCancel()
if err != nil {
if wrapper.Folders()["l1"].RescanIntervalS != MaxRescanIntervalS {
t.Error("too large rescan interval should be maxed out")
if wrapper.Folders()["l2"].RescanIntervalS != 0 {
t.Error("negative rescan interval should become zero")
func TestGUIConfigURL(t *testing.T) {
testcases := [][2]string{
{"", ""},
{":8080", ""},
{"", ""},
{"", ""},
{"", ""},
{"[::]:8080", "http://[::1]:8080/"},
{"[2001::42]:8080", "http://[2001::42]:8080/"},
for _, tc := range testcases {
c := GUIConfiguration{
RawAddress: tc[0],
u := c.URL()
if u != tc[1] {
t.Errorf("Incorrect URL %s != %s for addr %s", u, tc[1], tc[0])
func TestGUIPasswordHash(t *testing.T) {
var c GUIConfiguration
testPass := "pass"
if err := c.HashAndSetPassword(testPass); err != nil {
if c.Password == testPass {
t.Error("Password hashing resulted in plaintext")
if err := c.CompareHashedPassword(testPass); err != nil {
t.Errorf("No match on same password: %v", err)
failPass := "different"
if err := c.CompareHashedPassword(failPass); err == nil {
t.Errorf("Match on different password: %v", err)
func TestDuplicateDevices(t *testing.T) {
// Duplicate devices should be removed
wrapper, wrapperCancel, err := copyAndLoad("testdata/dupdevices.xml", device1)
defer wrapperCancel()
if err != nil {
if l := len(wrapper.RawCopy().Devices); l != 3 {
t.Errorf("Incorrect number of devices, %d != 3", l)
f := wrapper.Folders()["f2"]
if l := len(f.Devices); l != 2 {
t.Errorf("Incorrect number of folder devices, %d != 2", l)
func TestDuplicateFolders(t *testing.T) {
// Duplicate folders are a loading error
_, _Cancel, err := copyAndLoad("testdata/dupfolders.xml", device1)
defer _Cancel()
if err == nil || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), errFolderIDDuplicate.Error()) {
t.Fatal(`Expected error to mention "duplicate folder ID":`, err)
func TestEmptyFolderPaths(t *testing.T) {
// Empty folder paths are not allowed at the loading stage, and should not
// get messed up by the prepare steps (e.g., become the current dir or
// get a slash added so that it becomes the root directory or similar).
_, _Cancel, err := copyAndLoad("testdata/nopath.xml", device1)
defer _Cancel()
if err == nil || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), errFolderPathEmpty.Error()) {
t.Fatal("Expected error due to empty folder path, got", err)
func TestV14ListenAddressesMigration(t *testing.T) {
tcs := [][3][]string{
// Default listen plus default relays is now "default"
// Default listen address without any relay addresses gets converted
// to just the listen address. It's easier this way, and frankly the
// user has gone to some trouble to get the empty string in the
// config to start with...
{"tcp://"}, // old listen addrs
{""}, // old relay addrs
{"tcp://"}, // new listen addrs
// Default listen plus non-default relays gets copied verbatim
{"tcp://", "dynamic+https://other.example.com"},
// Non-default listen plus default relays gets copied verbatim
{"tcp://", "dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint"},
// Default stuff gets sucked into "default", the rest gets copied
{"tcp://", "tcp://"},
{"dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint", "relay://other.example.com"},
{"default", "tcp://", "relay://other.example.com"},
m := migration{14, migrateToConfigV14}
for _, tc := range tcs {
cfg := Configuration{
Version: 13,
Options: OptionsConfiguration{
RawListenAddresses: tc[0],
DeprecatedRelayServers: tc[1],
if cfg.Version != 14 {
t.Error("Configuration was not converted")
if !reflect.DeepEqual(cfg.Options.RawListenAddresses, tc[2]) {
t.Errorf("Migration error; actual %#v != expected %#v", cfg.Options.RawListenAddresses, tc[2])
func TestIgnoredDevices(t *testing.T) {
// Verify that ignored devices that are also present in the
// configuration are not in fact ignored.
wrapper, wrapperCancel, err := copyAndLoad("testdata/ignoreddevices.xml", device1)
defer wrapperCancel()
if err != nil {
if wrapper.IgnoredDevice(device1) {
t.Errorf("Device %v should not be ignored", device1)
if !wrapper.IgnoredDevice(device3) {
t.Errorf("Device %v should be ignored", device3)
func TestIgnoredFolders(t *testing.T) {
// Verify that ignored folder that are also present in the
// configuration are not in fact ignored.
// Also, verify that folders that are shared with a device are not ignored.
wrapper, wrapperCancel, err := copyAndLoad("testdata/ignoredfolders.xml", device1)
defer wrapperCancel()
if err != nil {
if wrapper.IgnoredFolder(device2, "folder1") {
t.Errorf("Device %v should not be ignored", device2)
if !wrapper.IgnoredFolder(device3, "folder1") {
t.Errorf("Device %v should be ignored", device3)
// Should be removed, hence not ignored.
if wrapper.IgnoredFolder(device4, "folder1") {
t.Errorf("Device %v should not be ignored", device4)
if !wrapper.IgnoredFolder(device2, "folder2") {
t.Errorf("Device %v should not be ignored", device2)
if !wrapper.IgnoredFolder(device3, "folder2") {
t.Errorf("Device %v should be ignored", device3)
// 2 for folder2, 1 for folder1, as non-existing device and device the folder is shared with is removed.
expectedIgnoredFolders := 3
for _, dev := range wrapper.Devices() {
expectedIgnoredFolders -= len(dev.IgnoredFolders)
if expectedIgnoredFolders != 0 {
t.Errorf("Left with %d ignored folders", expectedIgnoredFolders)
func TestGetDevice(t *testing.T) {
// Verify that the Device() call does the right thing
wrapper, wrapperCancel, err := copyAndLoad("testdata/ignoreddevices.xml", device1)
defer wrapperCancel()
if err != nil {
// device1 is mentioned in the config
device, ok := wrapper.Device(device1)
if !ok {
t.Error(device1, "should exist")
if device.DeviceID != device1 {
t.Error("Should have returned", device1, "not", device.DeviceID)
// device3 is not
device, ok = wrapper.Device(device3)
if ok {
t.Error(device3, "should not exist")
if device.DeviceID == device3 {
t.Error("Should not returned ID", device3)
func TestSharesRemovedOnDeviceRemoval(t *testing.T) {
wrapper, wrapperCancel, err := copyAndLoad("testdata/example.xml", device1)
defer wrapperCancel()
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Failed: %s", err)
raw := wrapper.RawCopy()
raw.Devices = raw.Devices[:len(raw.Devices)-1]
if len(raw.Folders[0].Devices) <= len(raw.Devices) {
t.Error("Should have less devices")
replace(t, wrapper, raw)
raw = wrapper.RawCopy()
if len(raw.Folders[0].Devices) > len(raw.Devices) {
t.Error("Unexpected extra device")
func TestIssue4219(t *testing.T) {
// Adding a folder that was previously ignored should make it unignored.
r := bytes.NewReader([]byte(`{
"devices": [
"ignoredFolders": [
"id": "t1"
"id": "abcd123"
"ignoredFolders": [
"id": "t1"
"id": "abcd123"
"folders": [
"id": "abcd123",
"path": "testdata",
"remoteIgnoredDevices": [
myID := protocol.LocalDeviceID
cfg, err := ReadJSON(r, myID)
if err != nil {
if len(cfg.IgnoredDevices) != 0 { // 1 gets removed
t.Errorf("There should be zero ignored devices, not %d", len(cfg.IgnoredDevices))
ignoredFolders := 0
for _, dev := range cfg.Devices {
ignoredFolders += len(dev.IgnoredFolders)
if ignoredFolders != 3 { // 1 gets removed
t.Errorf("There should be three ignored folders, not %d", ignoredFolders)
w := wrap("/tmp/cfg", cfg, myID)
defer w.stop()
if !w.IgnoredFolder(device2, "t1") {
t.Error("Folder device2 t1 should be ignored")
if !w.IgnoredFolder(device3, "t1") {
t.Error("Folder device3 t1 should be ignored")
if w.IgnoredFolder(device2, "abcd123") {
t.Error("Folder device2 abcd123 should not be ignored")
if !w.IgnoredFolder(device3, "abcd123") {
t.Error("Folder device3 abcd123 should be ignored")
func TestInvalidDeviceIDRejected(t *testing.T) {
// This test verifies that we properly reject invalid device IDs when
// deserializing a JSON config.
cases := []struct {
id string
ok bool
// a genuine device ID
// incorrect check digit
// missing digit
// clearly broken
{"invalid", false},
// accepted as the empty device ID for historical reasons...
{"", true},
for _, tc := range cases {
cfg := defaultConfigAsMap()
// Change the device ID of the first device to "invalid". Fast and loose
// with the type assertions as we know what the JSON decoder returns.
devs := cfg["devices"].([]interface{})
dev0 := devs[0].(map[string]interface{})
dev0["deviceID"] = tc.id
devs[0] = dev0
invalidJSON, err := json.Marshal(cfg)
if err != nil {
_, err = ReadJSON(bytes.NewReader(invalidJSON), device1)
if tc.ok && err != nil {
t.Errorf("unexpected error for device ID %q: %v", tc.id, err)
} else if !tc.ok && err == nil {
t.Errorf("device ID %q, expected error but got nil", tc.id)
func TestInvalidFolderIDRejected(t *testing.T) {
// This test verifies that we properly reject invalid folder IDs when
// deserializing a JSON config.
cases := []struct {
id string
ok bool
// a reasonable folder ID
{"foo", true},
// empty is not OK
{"", false},
for _, tc := range cases {
cfg := defaultConfigAsMap()
// Change the folder ID of the first folder to the empty string.
// Fast and loose with the type assertions as we know what the JSON
// decoder returns.
devs := cfg["folders"].([]interface{})
dev0 := devs[0].(map[string]interface{})
dev0["id"] = tc.id
devs[0] = dev0
invalidJSON, err := json.Marshal(cfg)
if err != nil {
_, err = ReadJSON(bytes.NewReader(invalidJSON), device1)
if tc.ok && err != nil {
t.Errorf("unexpected error for folder ID %q: %v", tc.id, err)
} else if !tc.ok && err == nil {
t.Errorf("folder ID %q, expected error but got nil", tc.id)
func TestFilterURLSchemePrefix(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
before []string
prefix string
after []string
{[]string{}, "kcp", []string{}},
{[]string{"tcp://foo"}, "kcp", []string{"tcp://foo"}},
{[]string{"kcp://foo"}, "kcp", []string{}},
{[]string{"tcp6://foo", "kcp6://foo"}, "kcp", []string{"tcp6://foo"}},
{[]string{"kcp6://foo", "tcp6://foo"}, "kcp", []string{"tcp6://foo"}},
[]string{"tcp://foo", "tcp4://foo", "kcp://foo", "kcp4://foo", "banana://foo", "banana4://foo", "banananas!"},
[]string{"tcp://foo", "tcp4://foo", "banana://foo", "banana4://foo", "banananas!"},
for _, tc := range cases {
res := filterURLSchemePrefix(tc.before, tc.prefix)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(res, tc.after) {
t.Errorf("filterURLSchemePrefix => %q, expected %q", res, tc.after)
func TestDeviceConfigObservedNotNil(t *testing.T) {
cfg := Configuration{
Devices: []DeviceConfiguration{
for _, dev := range cfg.Devices {
if dev.IgnoredFolders == nil {
t.Errorf("Ignored folders nil")
func TestRemoveDeviceWithEmptyID(t *testing.T) {
cfg := Configuration{
Devices: []DeviceConfiguration{
Name: "foo",
Folders: []FolderConfiguration{
ID: "foo",
Path: "testdata",
Devices: []FolderDeviceConfiguration{{}},
if len(cfg.Devices) != 1 {
t.Error("Expected one device")
} else if cfg.Devices[0].DeviceID != device1 {
t.Error("Expected device with empty ID to be removed from config:", cfg.Devices)
if len(cfg.Folders[0].Devices) != 1 {
t.Error("Expected one device in folder")
} else if cfg.Folders[0].Devices[0].DeviceID != device1 {
t.Error("Expected device with empty ID to be removed from folder")
func TestMaxConcurrentFolders(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
input int
output int
{input: -42, output: 0},
{input: -1, output: 0},
{input: 0, output: runtime.GOMAXPROCS(-1)},
{input: 1, output: 1},
{input: 42, output: 42},
for _, tc := range cases {
opts := OptionsConfiguration{RawMaxFolderConcurrency: tc.input}
res := opts.MaxFolderConcurrency()
if res != tc.output {
t.Errorf("Wrong MaxFolderConcurrency, %d => %d, expected %d", tc.input, res, tc.output)
func adjustDeviceConfiguration(cfg *DeviceConfiguration, id protocol.DeviceID, name string) {
cfg.DeviceID = id
cfg.Name = name
func adjustFolderConfiguration(cfg *FolderConfiguration, id, label string, fsType fs.FilesystemType, path string) {
cfg.ID = id
cfg.Label = label
cfg.FilesystemType = fsType
cfg.Path = path
// defaultConfigAsMap returns a valid default config as a JSON-decoded
// map[string]interface{}. This is useful to override random elements and
// re-encode into JSON.
func defaultConfigAsMap() map[string]interface{} {
cfg := New(device1)
dev := cfg.Defaults.Device.Copy()
adjustDeviceConfiguration(&dev, device2, "name")
cfg.Devices = append(cfg.Devices, dev)
folder := cfg.Defaults.Folder.Copy()
adjustFolderConfiguration(&folder, "default", "default", fs.FilesystemTypeBasic, "/tmp")
cfg.Folders = append(cfg.Folders, folder)
bs, err := json.Marshal(cfg)
if err != nil {
// can't happen
var tmp map[string]interface{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(bs, &tmp); err != nil {
// can't happen
return tmp
func copyToTmp(path string) (string, error) {
orig, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
return "", err
defer orig.Close()
temp, err := os.CreateTemp("", "syncthing-configTest-")
if err != nil {
return "", err
defer temp.Close()
if _, err := io.Copy(temp, orig); err != nil {
return "", err
return temp.Name(), nil
func copyAndLoad(path string, myID protocol.DeviceID) (*testWrapper, func(), error) {
temp, err := copyToTmp(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, func() {}, err
wrapper, err := load(temp, myID)
if err != nil {
return nil, func() {}, err
return wrapper, func() {
}, nil
func load(path string, myID protocol.DeviceID) (*testWrapper, error) {
cfg, _, err := Load(path, myID, events.NoopLogger)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return startWrapper(cfg), nil
func wrap(path string, cfg Configuration, myID protocol.DeviceID) *testWrapper {
wrapper := Wrap(path, cfg, myID, events.NoopLogger)
return startWrapper(wrapper)
type testWrapper struct {
cancel context.CancelFunc
done chan struct{}
func (w *testWrapper) stop() {
func startWrapper(wrapper Wrapper) *testWrapper {
tw := &testWrapper{
Wrapper: wrapper,
done: make(chan struct{}),
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
tw.cancel = cancel
go func() {
return tw
func TestInternalVersioningConfiguration(t *testing.T) {
// Verify that the versioning configuration XML seralizes to something
// reasonable.
cfg := New(device1)
folder := cfg.Defaults.Folder.Copy()
adjustFolderConfiguration(&folder, "default", "default", fs.FilesystemTypeBasic, "/tmp")
cfg.Folders = append(cfg.Folders, folder)
cfg.Folders[0].Versioning = VersioningConfiguration{
Type: "foo",
Params: map[string]string{"bar": "baz"},
CleanupIntervalS: 42,
// These things should all be present in the serialized version.
expected := []string{
`<versioning type="foo">`,
`<param key="bar" val="baz"`,
bs, err := xml.MarshalIndent(cfg, "", " ")
if err != nil {
for _, exp := range expected {
if !strings.Contains(string(bs), exp) {
t.Logf("%s", bs)
t.Fatal("bad serializion of versioning parameters")
func TestReceiveEncryptedFolderFixed(t *testing.T) {
cfg := Configuration{
Folders: []FolderConfiguration{
ID: "foo",
Path: "testdata",
Type: FolderTypeReceiveEncrypted,
DisableTempIndexes: false,
IgnorePerms: false,
if len(cfg.Folders) != 1 {
t.Fatal("Expected one folder")
f := cfg.Folders[0]
if !f.DisableTempIndexes {
t.Error("DisableTempIndexes should be true")
if !f.IgnorePerms {
t.Error("IgnorePerms should be true")
func TestXattrFilter(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
in []string
filter []XattrFilterEntry
out []string
{in: nil, filter: nil, out: nil},
{in: []string{"foo", "bar", "baz"}, filter: nil, out: []string{"foo", "bar", "baz"}},
in: []string{"foo", "bar", "baz"},
filter: []XattrFilterEntry{{Match: "b*", Permit: true}},
out: []string{"bar", "baz"},
in: []string{"foo", "bar", "baz"},
filter: []XattrFilterEntry{{Match: "b*", Permit: false}, {Match: "*", Permit: true}},
out: []string{"foo"},
in: []string{"foo", "bar", "baz"},
filter: []XattrFilterEntry{{Match: "yoink", Permit: true}},
out: []string{},
for _, tc := range cases {
f := XattrFilter{Entries: tc.filter}
var out []string
for _, s := range tc.in {
if f.Permit(s) {
out = append(out, s)
if fmt.Sprint(out) != fmt.Sprint(tc.out) {
t.Errorf("Filter.Apply(%v, %v) == %v, expected %v", tc.in, tc.filter, out, tc.out)