2023-03-21 08:07:28 +01:00

1533 lines
39 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2016 The Syncthing Authors.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
// You can obtain one at
package model
import (
func TestRequestSimple(t *testing.T) {
// Verify that the model performs a request and creates a file based on
// an incoming index update.
m, fc, fcfg, wcfgCancel := setupModelWithConnection(t)
defer wcfgCancel()
tfs := fcfg.Filesystem(nil)
defer cleanupModelAndRemoveDir(m, tfs.URI())
// We listen for incoming index updates and trigger when we see one for
// the expected test file.
done := make(chan struct{})
fc.setIndexFn(func(_ context.Context, folder string, fs []protocol.FileInfo) error {
select {
case <-done:
t.Error("More than one index update sent")
for _, f := range fs {
if f.Name == "testfile" {
return nil
return nil
// Send an update for the test file, wait for it to sync and be reported back.
contents := []byte("test file contents\n")
fc.addFile("testfile", 0o644, protocol.FileInfoTypeFile, contents)
select {
case <-done:
case <-time.After(10 * time.Second):
t.Fatal("timed out")
// Verify the contents
if err := equalContents(filepath.Join(tfs.URI(), "testfile"), contents); err != nil {
t.Error("File did not sync correctly:", err)
func TestSymlinkTraversalRead(t *testing.T) {
// Verify that a symlink can not be traversed for reading.
if build.IsWindows {
t.Skip("no symlink support on CI")
m, fc, fcfg, wcfgCancel := setupModelWithConnection(t)
defer wcfgCancel()
defer cleanupModelAndRemoveDir(m, fcfg.Filesystem(nil).URI())
// We listen for incoming index updates and trigger when we see one for
// the expected test file.
done := make(chan struct{})
fc.setIndexFn(func(_ context.Context, folder string, fs []protocol.FileInfo) error {
select {
case <-done:
t.Error("More than one index update sent")
for _, f := range fs {
if f.Name == "symlink" {
return nil
return nil
// Send an update for the symlink, wait for it to sync and be reported back.
contents := []byte("..")
fc.addFile("symlink", 0o644, protocol.FileInfoTypeSymlink, contents)
// Request a file by traversing the symlink
res, err := m.Request(device1, "default", "symlink/requests_test.go", 0, 10, 0, nil, 0, false)
if err == nil || res != nil {
t.Error("Managed to traverse symlink")
func TestSymlinkTraversalWrite(t *testing.T) {
// Verify that a symlink can not be traversed for writing.
if build.IsWindows {
t.Skip("no symlink support on CI")
m, fc, fcfg, wcfgCancel := setupModelWithConnection(t)
defer wcfgCancel()
defer cleanupModelAndRemoveDir(m, fcfg.Filesystem(nil).URI())
// We listen for incoming index updates and trigger when we see one for
// the expected names.
done := make(chan struct{}, 1)
badReq := make(chan string, 1)
badIdx := make(chan string, 1)
fc.setIndexFn(func(_ context.Context, folder string, fs []protocol.FileInfo) error {
for _, f := range fs {
if f.Name == "symlink" {
done <- struct{}{}
return nil
if strings.HasPrefix(f.Name, "symlink") {
badIdx <- f.Name
return nil
return nil
fc.RequestCalls(func(ctx context.Context, folder, name string, blockNo int, offset int64, size int, hash []byte, weakHash uint32, fromTemporary bool) ([]byte, error) {
if name != "symlink" && strings.HasPrefix(name, "symlink") {
badReq <- name
return fc.fileData[name], nil
// Send an update for the symlink, wait for it to sync and be reported back.
contents := []byte("..")
fc.addFile("symlink", 0o644, protocol.FileInfoTypeSymlink, contents)
// Send an update for things behind the symlink, wait for requests for
// blocks for any of them to come back, or index entries. Hopefully none
// of that should happen.
contents = []byte("testdata testdata\n")
fc.addFile("symlink/testfile", 0o644, protocol.FileInfoTypeFile, contents)
fc.addFile("symlink/testdir", 0o644, protocol.FileInfoTypeDirectory, contents)
fc.addFile("symlink/testsyml", 0o644, protocol.FileInfoTypeSymlink, contents)
select {
case name := <-badReq:
t.Fatal("Should not have requested the data for", name)
case name := <-badIdx:
t.Fatal("Should not have sent the index entry for", name)
case <-time.After(3 * time.Second):
// Unfortunately not much else to trigger on here. The puller sleep
// interval is 1s so if we didn't get any requests within two
// iterations we should be fine.
func TestRequestCreateTmpSymlink(t *testing.T) {
// Test that an update for a temporary file is invalidated
m, fc, fcfg, wcfgCancel := setupModelWithConnection(t)
defer wcfgCancel()
defer cleanupModelAndRemoveDir(m, fcfg.Filesystem(nil).URI())
// We listen for incoming index updates and trigger when we see one for
// the expected test file.
goodIdx := make(chan struct{})
name := fs.TempName("testlink")
fc.setIndexFn(func(_ context.Context, folder string, fs []protocol.FileInfo) error {
for _, f := range fs {
if f.Name == name {
if f.IsInvalid() {
goodIdx <- struct{}{}
} else {
t.Error("Received index with non-invalid temporary file")
return nil
return nil
// Send an update for the test file, wait for it to sync and be reported back.
fc.addFile(name, 0o644, protocol.FileInfoTypeSymlink, []byte(".."))
select {
case <-goodIdx:
case <-time.After(3 * time.Second):
t.Fatal("Timed out without index entry being sent")
func TestRequestVersioningSymlinkAttack(t *testing.T) {
if build.IsWindows {
t.Skip("no symlink support on Windows")
// Sets up a folder with trashcan versioning and tries to use a
// deleted symlink to escape
w, fcfg, wCancel := tmpDefaultWrapper(t)
defer wCancel()
defer func() {
fcfg.Versioning = config.VersioningConfiguration{Type: "trashcan"}
setFolder(t, w, fcfg)
m, fc := setupModelWithConnectionFromWrapper(t, w)
defer cleanupModel(m)
// Create a temporary directory that we will use as target to see if
// we can escape to it
tmpdir := t.TempDir()
// We listen for incoming index updates and trigger when we see one for
// the expected test file.
idx := make(chan int)
fc.setIndexFn(func(_ context.Context, folder string, fs []protocol.FileInfo) error {
idx <- len(fs)
return nil
waitForIdx := func() {
select {
case c := <-idx:
if c == 0 {
t.Fatal("Got empty index update")
case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
t.Fatal("timed out before receiving index update")
// Send an update for the test file, wait for it to sync and be reported back.
fc.addFile("foo", 0o644, protocol.FileInfoTypeSymlink, []byte(tmpdir))
// Delete the symlink, hoping for it to get versioned
// Recreate foo and a file in it with some data
fc.updateFile("foo", 0o755, protocol.FileInfoTypeDirectory, nil)
fc.addFile("foo/test", 0o644, protocol.FileInfoTypeFile, []byte("testtesttest"))
// Remove the test file and see if it escaped
path := filepath.Join(tmpdir, "test")
if _, err := os.Lstat(path); !os.IsNotExist(err) {
t.Fatal("File escaped to", path)
func TestPullInvalidIgnoredSO(t *testing.T) {
pullInvalidIgnored(t, config.FolderTypeSendOnly)
func TestPullInvalidIgnoredSR(t *testing.T) {
pullInvalidIgnored(t, config.FolderTypeSendReceive)
// This test checks that (un-)ignored/invalid/deleted files are treated as expected.
func pullInvalidIgnored(t *testing.T, ft config.FolderType) {
w, wCancel := createTmpWrapper(defaultCfgWrapper.RawCopy())
defer wCancel()
fcfg := testFolderConfig(t.TempDir())
fss := fcfg.Filesystem(nil)
fcfg.Type = ft
setFolder(t, w, fcfg)
m := setupModel(t, w)
defer cleanupModelAndRemoveDir(m, fss.URI())
folderIgnoresAlwaysReload(t, m, fcfg)
fc := addFakeConn(m, device1, fcfg.ID)
fc.folder = "default"
if err := m.SetIgnores("default", []string{"*ignored*"}); err != nil {
contents := []byte("test file contents\n")
otherContents := []byte("other test file contents\n")
invIgn := "invalid:ignored"
invDel := "invalid:deleted"
ign := "ignoredNonExisting"
ignExisting := "ignoredExisting"
fc.addFile(invIgn, 0o644, protocol.FileInfoTypeFile, contents)
fc.addFile(invDel, 0o644, protocol.FileInfoTypeFile, contents)
fc.addFile(ign, 0o644, protocol.FileInfoTypeFile, contents)
fc.addFile(ignExisting, 0o644, protocol.FileInfoTypeFile, contents)
writeFile(t, fss, ignExisting, otherContents)
done := make(chan struct{})
fc.setIndexFn(func(_ context.Context, folder string, fs []protocol.FileInfo) error {
expected := map[string]struct{}{invIgn: {}, ign: {}, ignExisting: {}}
for _, f := range fs {
if _, ok := expected[f.Name]; !ok {
t.Errorf("Unexpected file %v was added to index", f.Name)
if !f.IsInvalid() {
t.Errorf("File %v wasn't marked as invalid", f.Name)
delete(expected, f.Name)
for name := range expected {
t.Errorf("File %v wasn't added to index", name)
return nil
sub := m.evLogger.Subscribe(events.FolderErrors)
defer sub.Unsubscribe()
select {
case ev := <-sub.C():
t.Fatalf("Errors while scanning/pulling: %v", ev)
case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
t.Fatalf("timed out before index was received")
case <-done:
done = make(chan struct{})
expected := map[string]struct{}{ign: {}, ignExisting: {}}
var expectedMut sync.Mutex
// The indexes will normally arrive in one update, but it is possible
// that they arrive in separate ones.
fc.setIndexFn(func(_ context.Context, folder string, fs []protocol.FileInfo) error {
for _, f := range fs {
_, ok := expected[f.Name]
if !ok {
t.Errorf("Unexpected file %v was updated in index", f.Name)
if f.IsInvalid() {
t.Errorf("File %v is still marked as invalid", f.Name)
if f.Name == ign {
// The unignored deleted file should have an
// empty version, to make it not override
// existing global files.
if !f.Deleted {
t.Errorf("File %v was not marked as deleted", f.Name)
if len(f.Version.Counters) != 0 {
t.Errorf("File %v has version %v, expected empty", f.Name, f.Version)
} else {
// The unignored existing file should have a
// version with only a local counter, to make
// it conflict changed global files.
if f.Deleted {
t.Errorf("File %v is marked as deleted", f.Name)
if len(f.Version.Counters) != 1 || f.Version.Counter(myID.Short()) == 0 {
t.Errorf("File %v has version %v, expected one entry for ourselves", f.Name, f.Version)
delete(expected, f.Name)
if len(expected) == 0 {
return nil
// Make sure pulling doesn't interfere, as index updates are racy and
// thus we cannot distinguish between scan and pull results.
fc.RequestCalls(func(ctx context.Context, folder, name string, blockNo int, offset int64, size int, hash []byte, weakHash uint32, fromTemporary bool) ([]byte, error) {
return nil, nil
if err := m.SetIgnores("default", []string{"*:ignored*"}); err != nil {
select {
case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
t.Fatal("timed out before receiving index updates for all existing files, missing", expected)
case <-done:
func TestIssue4841(t *testing.T) {
m, fc, fcfg, wcfgCancel := setupModelWithConnection(t)
defer wcfgCancel()
defer cleanupModelAndRemoveDir(m, fcfg.Filesystem(nil).URI())
received := make(chan []protocol.FileInfo)
fc.setIndexFn(func(_ context.Context, _ string, fs []protocol.FileInfo) error {
received <- fs
return nil
checkReceived := func(fs []protocol.FileInfo) protocol.FileInfo {
if len(fs) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("Sent index with %d files, should be 1", len(fs))
if fs[0].Name != "foo" {
t.Fatalf(`Sent index with file %v, should be "foo"`, fs[0].Name)
return fs[0]
// Setup file from remote that was ignored locally
folder := m.folderRunners[defaultFolderConfig.ID].(*sendReceiveFolder)
Name: "foo",
Type: protocol.FileInfoTypeFile,
LocalFlags: protocol.FlagLocalIgnored,
Version: protocol.Vector{}.Update(device1.Short()),
// Scan without ignore patterns with "foo" not existing locally
if err := m.ScanFolder("default"); err != nil {
t.Fatal("Failed scanning:", err)
select {
case <-time.After(10 * time.Second):
t.Fatal("timed out")
case r := <-received:
f := checkReceived(r)
if !f.Version.Equal(protocol.Vector{}) {
t.Errorf("Got Version == %v, expected empty version", f.Version)
func TestRescanIfHaveInvalidContent(t *testing.T) {
m, fc, fcfg, wcfgCancel := setupModelWithConnection(t)
defer wcfgCancel()
tfs := fcfg.Filesystem(nil)
defer cleanupModelAndRemoveDir(m, tfs.URI())
payload := []byte("hello")
writeFile(t, tfs, "foo", payload)
received := make(chan []protocol.FileInfo)
fc.setIndexFn(func(_ context.Context, _ string, fs []protocol.FileInfo) error {
received <- fs
return nil
checkReceived := func(fs []protocol.FileInfo) protocol.FileInfo {
if len(fs) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("Sent index with %d files, should be 1", len(fs))
if fs[0].Name != "foo" {
t.Fatalf(`Sent index with file %v, should be "foo"`, fs[0].Name)
return fs[0]
// Scan without ignore patterns with "foo" not existing locally
if err := m.ScanFolder("default"); err != nil {
t.Fatal("Failed scanning:", err)
f := checkReceived(<-received)
if f.Blocks[0].WeakHash != 103547413 {
t.Fatalf("unexpected weak hash: %d != 103547413", f.Blocks[0].WeakHash)
res, err := m.Request(device1, "default", "foo", 0, int32(len(payload)), 0, f.Blocks[0].Hash, f.Blocks[0].WeakHash, false)
if err != nil {
buf := res.Data()
if !bytes.Equal(buf, payload) {
t.Errorf("%s != %s", buf, payload)
payload = []byte("bye")
buf = make([]byte, len(payload))
writeFile(t, tfs, "foo", payload)
_, err = m.Request(device1, "default", "foo", 0, int32(len(payload)), 0, f.Blocks[0].Hash, f.Blocks[0].WeakHash, false)
if err == nil {
t.Fatalf("expected failure")
select {
case fs := <-received:
f := checkReceived(fs)
if f.Blocks[0].WeakHash != 41943361 {
t.Fatalf("unexpected weak hash: %d != 41943361", f.Blocks[0].WeakHash)
case <-time.After(time.Second):
t.Fatalf("timed out")
func TestParentDeletion(t *testing.T) {
m, fc, fcfg, wcfgCancel := setupModelWithConnection(t)
defer wcfgCancel()
testFs := fcfg.Filesystem(nil)
defer cleanupModelAndRemoveDir(m, testFs.URI())
parent := "foo"
child := filepath.Join(parent, "bar")
received := make(chan []protocol.FileInfo)
fc.addFile(parent, 0o777, protocol.FileInfoTypeDirectory, nil)
fc.addFile(child, 0o777, protocol.FileInfoTypeDirectory, nil)
fc.setIndexFn(func(_ context.Context, folder string, fs []protocol.FileInfo) error {
received <- fs
return nil
// Get back index from initial setup
select {
case fs := <-received:
if len(fs) != 2 {
t.Fatalf("Sent index with %d files, should be 2", len(fs))
case <-time.After(time.Second):
t.Fatalf("timed out")
// Delete parent dir
must(t, testFs.RemoveAll(parent))
// Scan only the child dir (not the parent)
if err := m.ScanFolderSubdirs("default", []string{child}); err != nil {
t.Fatal("Failed scanning:", err)
select {
case fs := <-received:
if len(fs) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("Sent index with %d files, should be 1", len(fs))
if fs[0].Name != child {
t.Fatalf(`Sent index with file "%v", should be "%v"`, fs[0].Name, child)
case <-time.After(time.Second):
t.Fatalf("timed out")
// Recreate the child dir on the remote
fc.updateFile(child, 0o777, protocol.FileInfoTypeDirectory, nil)
// Wait for the child dir to be recreated and sent to the remote
select {
case fs := <-received:
l.Debugln("sent:", fs)
found := false
for _, f := range fs {
if f.Name == child {
if f.Deleted {
t.Fatalf(`File "%v" is still deleted`, child)
found = true
if !found {
t.Fatalf(`File "%v" is missing in index`, child)
case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
t.Fatalf("timed out")
// TestRequestSymlinkWindows checks that symlinks aren't marked as deleted on windows
// Issue:
func TestRequestSymlinkWindows(t *testing.T) {
if !build.IsWindows {
t.Skip("windows specific test")
m, fc, fcfg, wcfgCancel := setupModelWithConnection(t)
defer wcfgCancel()
defer cleanupModelAndRemoveDir(m, fcfg.Filesystem(nil).URI())
received := make(chan []protocol.FileInfo)
fc.setIndexFn(func(_ context.Context, folder string, fs []protocol.FileInfo) error {
select {
case <-received:
t.Error("More than one index update sent")
received <- fs
return nil
fc.addFile("link", 0o644, protocol.FileInfoTypeSymlink, nil)
select {
case fs := <-received:
// expected first index
if len(fs) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("Expected just one file in index, got %v", fs)
f := fs[0]
if f.Name != "link" {
t.Fatalf(`Got file info with path "%v", expected "link"`, f.Name)
if !f.IsInvalid() {
t.Errorf(`File info was not marked as invalid`)
case <-time.After(time.Second):
t.Fatalf("timed out before pull was finished")
sub := m.evLogger.Subscribe(events.StateChanged | events.LocalIndexUpdated)
defer sub.Unsubscribe()
for {
select {
case ev := <-sub.C():
switch data := ev.Data.(map[string]interface{}); {
case ev.Type == events.LocalIndexUpdated:
t.Fatalf("Local index was updated unexpectedly: %v", data)
case ev.Type == events.StateChanged:
if data["from"] == "scanning" {
case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
t.Fatalf("Timed out before scan finished")
func equalContents(path string, contents []byte) error {
if bs, err := os.ReadFile(path); err != nil {
return err
} else if !bytes.Equal(bs, contents) {
return errors.New("incorrect data")
return nil
func TestRequestRemoteRenameChanged(t *testing.T) {
m, fc, fcfg, wcfgCancel := setupModelWithConnection(t)
defer wcfgCancel()
tfs := fcfg.Filesystem(nil)
tmpDir := tfs.URI()
defer cleanupModelAndRemoveDir(m, tfs.URI())
received := make(chan []protocol.FileInfo)
fc.setIndexFn(func(_ context.Context, folder string, fs []protocol.FileInfo) error {
select {
case <-received:
t.Error("More than one index update sent")
received <- fs
return nil
// setup
a := "a"
b := "b"
data := map[string][]byte{
a: []byte("aData"),
b: []byte("bData"),
for _, n := range [2]string{a, b} {
fc.addFile(n, 0o644, protocol.FileInfoTypeFile, data[n])
select {
case fs := <-received:
if len(fs) != 2 {
t.Fatalf("Received index with %v indexes instead of 2", len(fs))
case <-time.After(10 * time.Second):
t.Fatal("timed out")
for _, n := range [2]string{a, b} {
must(t, equalContents(filepath.Join(tmpDir, n), data[n]))
var gotA, gotB, gotConfl bool
done := make(chan struct{})
fc.setIndexFn(func(_ context.Context, folder string, fs []protocol.FileInfo) error {
select {
case <-done:
t.Error("Received more index updates than expected")
return nil
for _, f := range fs {
switch {
case f.Name == a:
if gotA {
t.Error("Got more than one index update for", f.Name)
gotA = true
case f.Name == b:
if gotB {
t.Error("Got more than one index update for", f.Name)
if f.Version.Counter( == 0 {
// This index entry might be superseded
// by the final one or sent before it separately.
gotB = true
case strings.HasPrefix(f.Name, "b.sync-conflict-"):
if gotConfl {
t.Error("Got more than one index update for conflicts of", f.Name)
gotConfl = true
t.Error("Got unexpected file in index update", f.Name)
if gotA && gotB && gotConfl {
return nil
fd, err := tfs.OpenFile(b, fs.OptReadWrite, 0o644)
if err != nil {
otherData := []byte("otherData")
if _, err = fd.Write(otherData); err != nil {
// rename
fc.updateFile(b, 0o644, protocol.FileInfoTypeFile, data[a])
// Make sure the remote file for b is newer and thus stays global -> local conflict
for i := range fc.files {
if fc.files[i].Name == b {
fc.files[i].ModifiedS += 100
select {
case <-done:
case <-time.After(10 * time.Second):
t.Errorf("timed out without receiving all expected index updates")
// Check outcome
tfs.Walk(".", func(path string, info fs.FileInfo, err error) error {
switch {
case path == a:
t.Errorf(`File "a" was not removed`)
case path == b:
if err := equalContents(filepath.Join(tmpDir, b), data[a]); err != nil {
t.Error(`File "b" has unexpected content (renamed from a on remote)`)
case strings.HasPrefix(path, b+".sync-conflict-"):
if err := equalContents(filepath.Join(tmpDir, path), otherData); err != nil {
t.Error(`Sync conflict of "b" has unexptected content`)
case path == "." || strings.HasPrefix(path, ".stfolder"):
t.Error("Found unexpected file", path)
return nil
func TestRequestRemoteRenameConflict(t *testing.T) {
m, fc, fcfg, wcfgCancel := setupModelWithConnection(t)
defer wcfgCancel()
tfs := fcfg.Filesystem(nil)
tmpDir := tfs.URI()
defer cleanupModelAndRemoveDir(m, tmpDir)
recv := make(chan int)
fc.setIndexFn(func(_ context.Context, folder string, fs []protocol.FileInfo) error {
recv <- len(fs)
return nil
// setup
a := "a"
b := "b"
data := map[string][]byte{
a: []byte("aData"),
b: []byte("bData"),
for _, n := range [2]string{a, b} {
fc.addFile(n, 0o644, protocol.FileInfoTypeFile, data[n])
select {
case i := <-recv:
if i != 2 {
t.Fatalf("received %v items in index, expected 1", i)
case <-time.After(10 * time.Second):
t.Fatal("timed out")
for _, n := range [2]string{a, b} {
must(t, equalContents(filepath.Join(tmpDir, n), data[n]))
fd, err := tfs.OpenFile(b, fs.OptReadWrite, 0o644)
if err != nil {
otherData := []byte("otherData")
if _, err = fd.Write(otherData); err != nil {
select {
case i := <-recv:
if i != 1 {
t.Fatalf("received %v items in index, expected 1", i)
case <-time.After(10 * time.Second):
t.Fatal("timed out")
// make sure the following rename is more recent (not concurrent)
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
// rename
fc.updateFile(b, 0o644, protocol.FileInfoTypeFile, data[a])
select {
case <-recv:
case <-time.After(10 * time.Second):
t.Fatal("timed out")
// Check outcome
foundB := false
foundBConfl := false
tfs.Walk(".", func(path string, info fs.FileInfo, err error) error {
switch {
case path == a:
t.Errorf(`File "a" was not removed`)
case path == b:
foundB = true
case strings.HasPrefix(path, b) && strings.Contains(path, ".sync-conflict-"):
foundBConfl = true
return nil
if !foundB {
t.Errorf(`File "b" was removed`)
if !foundBConfl {
t.Errorf(`No conflict file for "b" was created`)
func TestRequestDeleteChanged(t *testing.T) {
m, fc, fcfg, wcfgCancel := setupModelWithConnection(t)
defer wcfgCancel()
tfs := fcfg.Filesystem(nil)
defer cleanupModelAndRemoveDir(m, tfs.URI())
done := make(chan struct{})
fc.setIndexFn(func(_ context.Context, folder string, fs []protocol.FileInfo) error {
select {
case <-done:
t.Error("More than one index update sent")
return nil
// setup
a := "a"
data := []byte("aData")
fc.addFile(a, 0o644, protocol.FileInfoTypeFile, data)
select {
case <-done:
done = make(chan struct{})
case <-time.After(10 * time.Second):
t.Fatal("timed out")
fc.setIndexFn(func(_ context.Context, folder string, fs []protocol.FileInfo) error {
select {
case <-done:
t.Error("More than one index update sent")
return nil
fd, err := tfs.OpenFile(a, fs.OptReadWrite, 0o644)
if err != nil {
otherData := []byte("otherData")
if _, err = fd.Write(otherData); err != nil {
// rename
select {
case <-done:
case <-time.After(10 * time.Second):
t.Fatal("timed out")
// Check outcome
if _, err := tfs.Lstat(a); err != nil {
if fs.IsNotExist(err) {
t.Error(`Modified file "a" was removed`)
} else {
t.Error(`Error stating file "a":`, err)
func TestNeedFolderFiles(t *testing.T) {
m, fc, fcfg, wcfgCancel := setupModelWithConnection(t)
defer wcfgCancel()
tfs := fcfg.Filesystem(nil)
tmpDir := tfs.URI()
defer cleanupModelAndRemoveDir(m, tmpDir)
sub := m.evLogger.Subscribe(events.RemoteIndexUpdated)
defer sub.Unsubscribe()
errPreventSync := errors.New("you aren't getting any of this")
fc.RequestCalls(func(ctx context.Context, folder, name string, blockNo int, offset int64, size int, hash []byte, weakHash uint32, fromTemporary bool) ([]byte, error) {
return nil, errPreventSync
data := []byte("foo")
num := 20
for i := 0; i < num; i++ {
fc.addFile(strconv.Itoa(i), 0o644, protocol.FileInfoTypeFile, data)
select {
case <-sub.C():
case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
t.Fatal("Timed out before receiving index")
progress, queued, rest, err := m.NeedFolderFiles(fcfg.ID, 1, 100)
must(t, err)
if got := len(progress) + len(queued) + len(rest); got != num {
t.Errorf("Got %v needed items, expected %v", got, num)
exp := 10
for page := 1; page < 3; page++ {
progress, queued, rest, err := m.NeedFolderFiles(fcfg.ID, page, exp)
must(t, err)
if got := len(progress) + len(queued) + len(rest); got != exp {
t.Errorf("Got %v needed items on page %v, expected %v", got, page, exp)
// TestIgnoreDeleteUnignore checks that the deletion of an ignored file is not
// propagated upon un-ignoring.
func TestIgnoreDeleteUnignore(t *testing.T) {
w, fcfg, wCancel := tmpDefaultWrapper(t)
defer wCancel()
m := setupModel(t, w)
fss := fcfg.Filesystem(nil)
tmpDir := fss.URI()
defer cleanupModelAndRemoveDir(m, tmpDir)
folderIgnoresAlwaysReload(t, m, fcfg)
fc := addFakeConn(m, device1, fcfg.ID)
fc.folder = "default"
file := "foobar"
contents := []byte("test file contents\n")
basicCheck := func(fs []protocol.FileInfo) {
if len(fs) != 1 {
t.Fatal("expected a single index entry, got", len(fs))
} else if fs[0].Name != file {
t.Fatalf("expected a index entry for %v, got one for %v", file, fs[0].Name)
done := make(chan struct{})
fc.setIndexFn(func(_ context.Context, folder string, fs []protocol.FileInfo) error {
return nil
writeFile(t, fss, file, contents)
select {
case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
t.Fatalf("timed out before index was received")
case <-done:
done = make(chan struct{})
fc.setIndexFn(func(_ context.Context, folder string, fs []protocol.FileInfo) error {
f := fs[0]
if !f.IsInvalid() {
t.Errorf("Received non-invalid index update")
return nil
if err := m.SetIgnores("default", []string{"foobar"}); err != nil {
select {
case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
t.Fatal("timed out before receiving index update")
case <-done:
done = make(chan struct{})
fc.setIndexFn(func(_ context.Context, folder string, fs []protocol.FileInfo) error {
f := fs[0]
if f.IsInvalid() {
t.Errorf("Received invalid index update")
if !f.Version.Equal(protocol.Vector{}) && f.Deleted {
t.Error("Received deleted index entry with non-empty version")
return nil
if err := fss.Remove(file); err != nil {
if err := m.SetIgnores("default", []string{}); err != nil {
select {
case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
t.Fatalf("timed out before index was received")
case <-done:
// TestRequestLastFileProgress checks that the last pulled file (here only) is registered
// as in progress.
func TestRequestLastFileProgress(t *testing.T) {
m, fc, fcfg, wcfgCancel := setupModelWithConnection(t)
defer wcfgCancel()
tfs := fcfg.Filesystem(nil)
defer cleanupModelAndRemoveDir(m, tfs.URI())
done := make(chan struct{})
fc.RequestCalls(func(ctx context.Context, folder, name string, blockNo int, offset int64, size int, hash []byte, weakHash uint32, fromTemporary bool) ([]byte, error) {
defer close(done)
progress, queued, rest, err := m.NeedFolderFiles(folder, 1, 10)
must(t, err)
if len(queued)+len(rest) != 0 {
t.Error(`There should not be any queued or "rest" items`)
if len(progress) != 1 {
t.Error("Expected exactly one item in progress.")
return fc.fileData[name], nil
contents := []byte("test file contents\n")
fc.addFile("testfile", 0o644, protocol.FileInfoTypeFile, contents)
select {
case <-done:
case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
t.Fatal("Timed out before file was requested")
func TestRequestIndexSenderPause(t *testing.T) {
done := make(chan struct{})
defer close(done)
m, fc, fcfg, wcfgCancel := setupModelWithConnection(t)
defer wcfgCancel()
tfs := fcfg.Filesystem(nil)
defer cleanupModelAndRemoveDir(m, tfs.URI())
indexChan := make(chan []protocol.FileInfo)
fc.setIndexFn(func(ctx context.Context, folder string, fs []protocol.FileInfo) error {
select {
case indexChan <- fs:
case <-done:
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil
var seq int64 = 1
files := []protocol.FileInfo{{Name: "foo", Size: 10, Version: protocol.Vector{}.Update(myID.Short()), Sequence: seq}}
// Both devices connected, none paused
localIndexUpdate(m, fcfg.ID, files)
select {
case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
t.Fatal("timed out before receiving index")
case <-indexChan:
// Remote paused
cc := basicClusterConfig(device1, myID, fcfg.ID)
cc.Folders[0].Paused = true
m.ClusterConfig(device1, cc)
files[0].Sequence = seq
files[0].Version = files[0].Version.Update(myID.Short())
localIndexUpdate(m, fcfg.ID, files)
// I don't see what to hook into to ensure an index update is not sent.
dur := 50 * time.Millisecond
if !testing.Short() {
dur = 2 * time.Second
select {
case <-time.After(dur):
case <-indexChan:
t.Error("Received index despite remote being paused")
// Remote unpaused
cc.Folders[0].Paused = false
m.ClusterConfig(device1, cc)
select {
case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
t.Fatal("timed out before receiving index")
case <-indexChan:
// Local paused and resume
pauseFolder(t, m.cfg, fcfg.ID, true)
pauseFolder(t, m.cfg, fcfg.ID, false)
files[0].Sequence = seq
files[0].Version = files[0].Version.Update(myID.Short())
localIndexUpdate(m, fcfg.ID, files)
select {
case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
t.Fatal("timed out before receiving index")
case <-indexChan:
// Local and remote paused, then first resume remote, then local
cc.Folders[0].Paused = true
m.ClusterConfig(device1, cc)
pauseFolder(t, m.cfg, fcfg.ID, true)
cc.Folders[0].Paused = false
m.ClusterConfig(device1, cc)
pauseFolder(t, m.cfg, fcfg.ID, false)
files[0].Sequence = seq
files[0].Version = files[0].Version.Update(myID.Short())
localIndexUpdate(m, fcfg.ID, files)
select {
case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
t.Fatal("timed out before receiving index")
case <-indexChan:
// Folder removed on remote
cc = protocol.ClusterConfig{}
m.ClusterConfig(device1, cc)
files[0].Sequence = seq
files[0].Version = files[0].Version.Update(myID.Short())
localIndexUpdate(m, fcfg.ID, files)
select {
case <-time.After(dur):
case <-indexChan:
t.Error("Received index despite remote not having the folder")
func TestRequestIndexSenderClusterConfigBeforeStart(t *testing.T) {
w, fcfg, wCancel := tmpDefaultWrapper(t)
defer wCancel()
tfs := fcfg.Filesystem(nil)
dir1 := "foo"
dir2 := "bar"
// Initialise db with an entry and then stop everything again
must(t, tfs.Mkdir(dir1, 0o777))
m := newModel(t, w, myID, "syncthing", "dev", nil)
defer cleanupModelAndRemoveDir(m, tfs.URI())
// Add connection (sends incoming cluster config) before starting the new model
m = &testModel{
model: NewModel(m.cfg,, m.clientName, m.clientVersion, m.db, m.protectedFiles, m.evLogger, protocol.NewKeyGenerator()).(*model),
evCancel: m.evCancel,
stopped: make(chan struct{}),
defer cleanupModel(m)
fc := addFakeConn(m, device1, fcfg.ID)
done := make(chan struct{})
defer close(done) // Must be the last thing to be deferred, thus first to run.
indexChan := make(chan []protocol.FileInfo, 1)
ccChan := make(chan protocol.ClusterConfig, 1)
fc.setIndexFn(func(_ context.Context, folder string, fs []protocol.FileInfo) error {
select {
case indexChan <- fs:
case <-done:
return nil
fc.ClusterConfigCalls(func(cc protocol.ClusterConfig) {
select {
case ccChan <- cc:
case <-done:
timeout := time.After(5 * time.Second)
// Check that cluster-config is resent after adding folders when starting model
select {
case <-timeout:
t.Fatal("timed out before receiving cluster-config")
case <-ccChan:
// Check that an index is sent for the newly added item
must(t, tfs.Mkdir(dir2, 0o777))
select {
case <-timeout:
t.Fatal("timed out before receiving index")
case <-indexChan:
func TestRequestReceiveEncrypted(t *testing.T) {
if testing.Short() {
t.Skip("skipping on short testing - scrypt is too slow")
w, fcfg, wCancel := tmpDefaultWrapper(t)
defer wCancel()
tfs := fcfg.Filesystem(nil)
fcfg.Type = config.FolderTypeReceiveEncrypted
setFolder(t, w, fcfg)
keyGen := protocol.NewKeyGenerator()
encToken := protocol.PasswordToken(keyGen, fcfg.ID, "pw")
must(t, tfs.Mkdir(config.DefaultMarkerName, 0o777))
must(t, writeEncryptionToken(encToken, fcfg))
m := setupModel(t, w)
defer cleanupModelAndRemoveDir(m, tfs.URI())
files := genFiles(2)
files[1].LocalFlags = protocol.FlagLocalReceiveOnly
fset := m.folderFiles[fcfg.ID]
fset.Update(protocol.LocalDeviceID, files)
indexChan := make(chan []protocol.FileInfo, 10)
done := make(chan struct{})
defer close(done)
fc := newFakeConnection(device1, m)
fc.folder = fcfg.ID
fc.setIndexFn(func(_ context.Context, _ string, fs []protocol.FileInfo) error {
select {
case indexChan <- fs:
case <-done:
return nil
m.AddConnection(fc, protocol.Hello{})
m.ClusterConfig(device1, protocol.ClusterConfig{
Folders: []protocol.Folder{
ID: "default",
Devices: []protocol.Device{
ID: myID,
EncryptionPasswordToken: encToken,
{ID: device1},
select {
case fs := <-indexChan:
if len(fs) != 1 {
t.Error("Expected index with one file, got", fs)
if got := fs[0].Name; got != files[0].Name {
t.Errorf("Expected file %v, got %v", got, files[0].Name)
case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
t.Fatal("timed out before receiving index")
// Detects deletion, as we never really created the file on disk
// Shouldn't send anything because receive-encrypted
must(t, m.ScanFolder(fcfg.ID))
// One real file to be sent
name := "foo"
data := make([]byte, 2000)
fc.addFile(name, 0o664, protocol.FileInfoTypeFile, data)
select {
case fs := <-indexChan:
if len(fs) != 1 {
t.Error("Expected index with one file, got", fs)
if got := fs[0].Name; got != name {
t.Errorf("Expected file %v, got %v", got, files[0].Name)
case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
t.Fatal("timed out before receiving index")
// Simulate request from device that is untrusted too, i.e. with non-empty, but garbage hash
_, err := m.Request(device1, fcfg.ID, name, 0, 1064, 0, []byte("garbage"), 0, false)
must(t, err)
changed, err := m.LocalChangedFolderFiles(fcfg.ID, 1, 10)
must(t, err)
if l := len(changed); l != 1 {
t.Errorf("Expected one locally changed file, got %v", l)
} else if changed[0].Name != files[0].Name {
t.Errorf("Expected %v, got %v", files[0].Name, changed[0].Name)
func TestRequestGlobalInvalidToValid(t *testing.T) {
done := make(chan struct{})
defer close(done)
m, fc, fcfg, wcfgCancel := setupModelWithConnection(t)
defer wcfgCancel()
fcfg.Devices = append(fcfg.Devices, config.FolderDeviceConfiguration{DeviceID: device2})
waiter, err := m.cfg.Modify(func(cfg *config.Configuration) {
cfg.SetDevice(newDeviceConfiguration(cfg.Defaults.Device, device2, "device2"))
fcfg.Devices = append(fcfg.Devices, config.FolderDeviceConfiguration{DeviceID: device2})
must(t, err)
addFakeConn(m, device2, fcfg.ID)
tfs := fcfg.Filesystem(nil)
defer cleanupModelAndRemoveDir(m, tfs.URI())
indexChan := make(chan []protocol.FileInfo, 1)
fc.setIndexFn(func(ctx context.Context, folder string, fs []protocol.FileInfo) error {
select {
case indexChan <- fs:
case <-done:
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil
name := "foo"
// Setup device with valid file, do not send index yet
contents := []byte("test file contents\n")
fc.addFile(name, 0o644, protocol.FileInfoTypeFile, contents)
// Third device ignoring the same file
file := fc.files[0]
m.IndexUpdate(device2, fcfg.ID, []protocol.FileInfo{prepareFileInfoForIndex(file)})
// Wait for the ignored file to be received and possible pulled
timeout := time.After(10 * time.Second)
globalUpdated := false
for {
select {
case <-timeout:
t.Fatalf("timed out (globalUpdated == %v)", globalUpdated)
time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
if !globalUpdated {
_, ok, err := m.CurrentGlobalFile(fcfg.ID, name)
if err != nil {
if !ok {
globalUpdated = true
snap, err := m.DBSnapshot(fcfg.ID)
if err != nil {
need := snap.NeedSize(protocol.LocalDeviceID)
if need.Files == 0 {
// Send the valid file
gotInvalid := false
for {
select {
case <-timeout:
t.Fatal("timed out before receiving index")
case fs := <-indexChan:
if len(fs) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("Expected one file in index, got %v", len(fs))
if !fs[0].IsInvalid() {
if gotInvalid {
t.Fatal("Received two invalid index updates")
t.Log("got index with invalid file")
gotInvalid = true